The Fricassee for Sunday Din ner Is Tempting Dy MRS. M. A. WILSON OwrlaM. ""f,a.- wl"en- A" TUB winter period is new upon us nnd the days commence te be qulte short Then, tee, the weather mny be expected te be 'luile old and stormy. Market prices of the green, succulent feeds nrc ndvnndnR. nnd te the house wife who finds Hint she must live within a budget this ndvnnce in price means n serious problem. Quite frequently she fa inclined te drop these feeds from her menus. Hcccntly in n city quite n dlstnncc from the busy murta of life, I decided te de some- ctirly marketing, nnd 1 found Hint lettuce was fifteen nnd twenty cents per hend. After shopping nretind I found n dealer who bed the hearts of lettuce, two bends for fifteen This week the market basket will feature three meals from a live-pound twlng chicken. SUGGESTIVE SUNDAY MENU Bttt'AKPAST I Sliced Bananas . ! Cereal nnd Cream ' JVafflcs Heney Coffce i- DINNER Cheese Canape Celery Yeunff Onions Frlcassee of Chicken JMflte Dumplings Mashed Turnips Coleslaw Cranberry Tie Coffce SUPPER Heme-made Uellsh Radishes Bated Macaroni with Smoked IJcef Scalloped Tomatoes Coleslaw flpple Sauce ' Gingerbread Tea MONDAY DINNER Yeung Onions Rndlsbcs Chicken Patties Boiled Rice Stewed Tomatoes Celery Hulad Cup Custards Coffee TUESDAY DINNER Celery Heme-mado Relish Chicken Leaf Brown Gravy Baked Potatoes Peas Lettuce Brown Betty Vanilla Sauce Coffce The market basket will require Bacen. One-fourth pound of smoked beef. One five-pound stewing chicken. One and one-half pounds of stewing tef. Bananas. Oranges. Apples. Cranberries. Celery. . Yeung garden onions. Turnips. Cabbage. Ilicc. Canned tomatoes. Macaroni. Potatoes. Lettuce. Canned peas. Coffee. And usual weekly sundiics. Chicken Fricassee Singe and drnw chicken and cut for stewing nnd leave the breast whole. Add the stewing veal In one piece nnd Slice in n deepsaucepan. Cever with oiling water nnd add One carrot, cut in dice. Twe onions, sliced. Fagget of soup herb. Cever and cook slowly until the chicken is tender and then lift the wings nnd legs and thighs te n separate ;ir.n. Place in a bowl One-half cup of flour. One cup of cold teatcr. Twe level teaspoons of salt. One-half teaspoon of pepper. One-half teaspoon of poultry sca nning. Stir with, a fork until free from lumps nnd then odd three cups of chicken stock and pour ever the chicken in the saucepan. Bring te a boil nnd stir. Cook slowly for ten iiiuutes. Lift the balance of the chicken te n'bewl and strain the stock left in the saucepan, in nhleh the whole chicken was cooked; edd the vcgetnbfts te the legs, wings and thighs. Lift te a het dish n.v! garnish with points of toast. Sprinkle wim lincly minced parsley. Petate Dumplings Rub four cold boiled potatoes tlireugl; n sieve into a bowl and add 1 we cups of flour, A Wonderful Array of Beautiful New Dresses and Coats at Lew Prices Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere I J B $1S Irk One-half cun of bread crumbs. petedcr. Twe lever' teaspoons of baking One level tcasnoen of sail. One-half level teaspoon of pepper. One-fourth level teaspoon of thyme. One egg. Werk te form n smooth mixture ami then form Inte balls the sic of a Miiall tt. Plnce two quarto of water in a forge saucepan and add Twe onions, sliced thin. One teaspoon of salt. Mien boiling drop In th dumplings and cever closely and de net open for fifteen minutes. Chicken Patties Butter custaid cups liberally and line with mashed and nicely benMiwd nee about half an inch thick. Fill the center with creamed chicken, made a. follews: Plncc in a saucepan Ue cups of thick crenm sauce made witli equal Parts of chicken stock nnd milk, Twe green peppers, minced fine. One cup of celery, chopped fine. Twe hard-boiled eggs, chopped fine. And meat from breast of chicken cut la inch pieces. Sprinkle ever the tup n little grnted cheese and a tablespoon f bread crumbs. links in n moderate even for twei ty minutes. nAIRS' HIDDEN BEAUTY i lirnuclit te Utht with a Oolilen Ullnt .Shampoo. adv. plllllIfflllllllllllllill!IIIlllllllllIIM I 1 j Taste it today! Butter 1 de0'" a I At all our Stores 1 R I a aToncecoTTl n 1 J nmliacmV g j $6 $6 $10 $5 $15 Afternoon Frecks, Dinner Gowns, Evening Dresses and Tailored Cleth Frecks Dresses in 20 Different Styles at $5 Less Than Half Price Dresses in 8 Different Styles at $6 Half Price Dresses in 25 Different Styles at $10 A Third Less Dresses in 32 Different Styles at $15 Third te a Half Less Undoubtedly the most astonishing dress values that we have had this season and that is saying a great deal, for Wanamaker's Down Stairs Dress Stere is famous for incomparable dress values. Market conditions in the garment world are decidedly upset, and tomorrow our customers can profit by this. Never have we had such variety of fresh and beautiful frocks. Never have prices been se low. Opp en the Centra Half the Regular Price for Brassieres, $1.50; handsome combinations of net and lace; mercerized brocade and heavy satin. Sizes 34 te 46, though per haps net in every style. 2000 Corsets, $1; very special girdles, topless corsets and heavily boned long ones. Coutil and brocade; all sizes. Women's hats; $3.50 for duvetyn hats and $3.85 for velvet and satin ones with fascinating novelties. Women's Slip-en Sweat ers, $1.85; new block weave ones in jade, to mato, honeydew, black, while, brown, peacock, navy blue. Women's Silk Petti coats, $3.85; silk jersey with contrasting embroid ery or messaline and taf feta with tucked flounces. Silk Underclothes, $1 and $2.50; $1 for satin or crepe de chine camisoles daintily trimmed ; $2.50 for crepe de chine envel ope chemises and tub satin step-in bloomers with lace or hemstitching. Pin Seal Handbags, $3 and $3.50; envelope shape with silver-finished metal frames, nicely lined. Hairnets, 50c dozen; .cap or fringe style in b 1 a c k, auburn, blonde, light, medium and dark brown. Novelty Ribbons, 12c yard; half price and less for narrow ribbons for making or tying up Chr'ist mas gifts. Twe toned, embroidered with dots or with tinsel woven in. Cretonne - Covered Bexes, 50c less than half last year's price for long or square boxes for hand kerchiefs, gloves or needle work. Linen Handkerchiefs, 12 Vic te 35c; wide assort ment of white and colored handkerchiefs for men and women. Women's Part - Weel Sports Hese, $1.25; brown heather mixtures. Pongee Blouses, $3.50; Peter Pan and rolled col cel lars with pleating and but toned back. Many Samples, $16.75, $18.75, $25 ' $16.75 for exquisite black radium lace dresses combined with charmeuse and Canten crepe. Many with the new rather high neck and lace sleeves. $18.75 for a big collection of cloth dresses of Peiret twill, serge and tricetine. They are braided and embroidered and have interesting sashes. $25 for dancing frocks of soiree taffeta, dinner gowns and evening dresses of Georgette, radium lace or chiffon velvet. In Nile, orchid, flame, American Beauty, brown, black, turquoise and maize. Twe Special Groups of Fashionable Skirts at $5 and $6.75 Pleated skirts of fine prunella show plain brown, blue or black en the tops of the pleats and many gay stripes or plaids when the skirt is in motion. All sizes in the let, but net in each Style. (M.rkrt) 3 Serge Frecks, $5 Scree frocks nrc in navy blue, trimmed with very deep black, green or blue. Tn bands or medallions done in wool or silk embroidery in gray, Jersey and Serge Dresses, $6 Jersey dresses arc in one-piece style with pleated skirts and surplice bodices. In black, navy and reindeer. Sergo dresses are in navy and brown, beautifully cut, with wide sleeves of self-material or Georgette, trimmed with many rows of red, King's blue or tan stitching. Anether serge frock, with a pleated skirt, has an elabo rately embroidered bodice. , What a Choice at $10! Fawn-color imported broadcloth with a self-plaid and geld embroidery. Brown velour frocks with scalloped overskirts ever satin. Peiret twill embroidered in braid or with beads. Navy serge with gray silk braid in rows. Navy serge with wide embroidered band of satin across the shoulders. Every dress in this collection is of most unusual value. And at $15! Dresses of navy blue tricetine, Peiret twill and "Canten crepe made in mere than a dozen delectable ways. Extra-size dresses, 40,, te 524, in four styles of serge, satin or crepe de chine in navy blue and black. The materials in these dresses are unusually fine, and in a number of instances $15 would hardly cover the cost of the fabric alone. All sizes from 14 te 524 in the group. Of silvertip velour nnd plain topped with a fur cellar and lined $47.50 i;ls h and brown, IWffiimWn mmml vli $37.50 $37.50 Fur-Trimmed Coats, $20 velour in navy blue from neck te hem. Almest Every Kind of Ceat at $25 Loese-back coats of cut belivia, soft and warm. Coats with tasscled straps or pleated backs, smartly belted. Braided velour coats in navy nnd brown. And many, many coats with fur cellars. Every coat in this collection is of fine Winter-weight material, lined throughout with figured silk. At $29, $37.50 and $39 Silvertip belivia, plain belivia, uncut belivia and kindred weaves make up these coats in navy, reindeer and brown. Seme have cellars and cuffs of beaverette. Seme are trimmed with tabs of fur. One model at $39, which is sketched, has long Tuxedo rovers of beaverette fur reaching te the hem. Conservative models in navy, black or brown broadcloth have cellars of skunk opossum. $39. At $42.50, $47.50 and $58.50 A beautiful plain belivia coat, without fur, is $42.50. Navy blue belivia coats with big fluffy cellars and cuffs of taupe wolf arc most unusual nt $47.50. (Sketched.) At $58.50 there is wide cheesing among handsome Winter coats with cellars of taupe wolf, beaver, nutria, mole and Australian opossum. At $65 and $69 Materials in this group are of a luxurious softness. Coats and wrap-coats are trimmed with beautiful furs and finely lined. Other very lovely coats at $75, $85, $95 and upward. $39 Sports Coats $15, $16.50 te $25 Mostly in the becoming tan shade that all young women like. These coats arc lined with silk or aie of double-faced ma terials that require lining only through the shoulders. They are in great variety and all sizes. Clearaway of Levely Silk Nightgowns and Chemises, $6.50 Because there are but few of a kind prices have been lowered an average third te half en these de lightful gowns and envelope chemises. . Most of them are gleaming pink satin, elaberate with lace, em broidered Goergetto crepe, ribbons and rosebuds. Christmas is net far away, se this is an opportunity for women and girls te select delightful gifts. (Central) Beautiful Fur Coats $65 te $90 Every point about these coats marks them as far above the average low priced furs. They are of well-selected skins, soft and luxurious, and are cut full enough te be graceful. Lining3 are of geed silks. It's geed te knew that trustworthy fur coats of Wana maker quality can new be had at very moderate prices. Nearseal (sheared ceney) coats, 36 inches, $75. . Peny coats, 36 inches, $65. Peny coats, 36 inches, raccoon cellars and cuffs, $90. One is pictured. Animal Scarfs Begin at $8.50 "Oa $90 Natural opossum, $8.50 te $17.50. Kit fox, $13.50. Natural raccoon, $10 and $22.50. Squirrel, $13.50. Mink, $15 te $30. Fitch, $12.50 and $20. Australian opossum, $10. Stene marten, $16.50 te $35. Children's Furs, $3 te $50 Charming little scarf and muff sets te delight little girls. White ceney, kit ceney, squirrel, nutria, Summer ermine and beaver. (Market) Delightful $5 Hats for Debutantes and Matrons What a collection from which te cheese a new hat te wear Thanks giving Day! Here are smart little turbans just right for fur coats. Hats with wide brims for tall girls. Hats with enough dignity te please women in their middle years. Satin, Duvetyn, Velvet and Felt are charmingly used in hats for all types of women. A rainbow of colors all the warm glowing reds, browns, tans and glistening black. Many have turn-up brims of fur, ethers curling ostrich,, in fact almost every conceivable kind of trimming te make them attractive. '$5 will buy any one of them. ' (Market) (Market), Most Fashionable Are Women's Strap-Wrist Gloves We are particularly proud of the leathers and workmanship in these gloves because they represent even mere than the usual geed value. All the capeskin gloves are washable. Lambskin or Capeskin at $1.90 White glace lambskin strap-wrist gloves are pique sewn and have 6-inch cuffs. Strap-wrist capeskin gloves are in tan and two shades of brown, eutseam sewn, with embroidered backs. Skins are second selection, though very serviceable and delightfully soft. $2.65 for first quality Seuth African capeskin strap-wrist gloves, in brown or mouse color. Light-Weight Capeskin Gloves, $2.85 Splendid for dress wear with pretty wraps or suits, these strap-wrist gloves are in tan, brown, beaver and black and have embroidered spearpeint backs. S3 for sturdy sports gloves of tan capeskin with strap wrists and 6-inch cuffs. Strap-Wrist Mecha and Suede Gloves $3.75 for gray mocha gloves, with 4-inch cuffs. $3.85 for very soft-finish suede gloves, known as moleskin. In lovely tones of gray, beaver, brown and mouse, with six rows of two-tone embroidery en the backs. $4.50 for heavy mocha gloves in taupe shades. (Ccntrul) Indestructible Pearl Beads, $5 It is because they are made of mother-of-pearl with fish scale coating thut they are se like real pearls in deep luster and weight. They come in white, cream and palest pink, in lengths 18, 20, 24, 27 and 30 inches, with 10-kt. geld clasps. They make acceptable gifts and are equally lovely for per sonal use. (Central) By All Means a New Overcoat for Thanksgiving $25 te $38,50 and All-Weel All-wool overcoats are the only kind te buy, for every fraction of an ounce of their weight counts for warmth. There is no surplus weight for a man te carry en his shoulders. Every one of these overcoats is tailored, and that is why they'll give se much satisfaction throughout their long period of wear. There are ulsters and ulsterettes, all double breasted, some with belts in back and ethers with belts all around. Plaid-back materials are very popular, also these with contrasting or plain backs. Fine coats that men can be proud of! (Oullerj, Murkct) 1200 Pair of Men's Part-Weel Half Hese at 50c a Pair Just what men want te wear with oxford! They're in tan or preen heather mixtures, in drop-stitch style. All sues. Men's Heavy Underwear, Special, 75c Leng-sleeve shirts and ankle-length drawers are of heavy, clesclv .w..v... iiuute lunuu, uimiciitiii'd ami warmiy neeecd inside, second ijuuuiy, out me imperiectiens are (Cinllrrj mostly unneticeab'.e. Murkct) EXQUISITE French veilings in two-tone effects are 65c yai Fine mesh with tiny chenille dots in many combinations, well as plain navy, black and taupe. (Central) yard. as Weel Jersey Overbleuses $3.50 The type of blouse that women want te wear with new Winter suitsa blouse that is comfortably warm as well as fashionable. This model is a youthful ene with white linen Peter Pan cellar and cuffs. Henna, brown, beaver, black, navy and Belgian blue. All sizes, 36 te 46. Overbleuses in Dark Shades, $5.90 Georgette crepe or crepe de chine, often combined, in navy, brown, taupe, henna, etc. (Market) Beys' Weel Mackinaws at $12 Surely every imaginable plaid is represented in these warm coats of full 32-ounce mackinaw cloth, well known throughout the Canadian Northwest for its warmth and wearing qualities. Sizes 8 te 18 years. They have patch and muff pockets, both. All-Weel Chinchilla Reefers at $9.75 They are in blue and brown, sizes 3 te 8 years. All-Weel Chinchilla Three-Quarter Coats at $1275 te $18.75 . Three-quarter or junior coats of plaid-back chinchilla arc in blue, gray and brown, sizes 5 te 10 years. b ' (Oellerr. Market) Twe Dezen Styles in Women s Shoes Under $7 3 Exceptional Groups of High Shoes $4.10 y $5.25 and $6. 75 Black or tan calfskin and black patent leather high lace shoes with durable welted soles and medium or low heels are in almost all sizes at $4.10. Alse about 300 pumps and oxfords in various styles. Women's and girls' high lace shoes have geed thick soles and well rounded tees and low heels. In tan and black at $5.25. Three excellent new styles of high shoes at $G.75. One of medium tan leather with straight tips, simulated saddle straps and low heels. Anether of black leather with straight tips and low heels. A third of medium tan leather with simulated wing tips, narrower tees and medium heels. Women's Strap Pumps at $5.50 Thoroughly piactical as well as geed-looking 'low shoes in black or tan. They can be worn all Winter with spats or wool stockings. Savings amount te ever n third. Moccasin Pumps at $3.25 Attractive moccasin pumps reach as high as an oxford because their three-buckled straps fasten ever n wide tongue. They are of patent leather with welted soles and low heels. Quilted Satin Boudoir Slippers at $2.25 Delightful gifts te take home with you for Thanksgiving or te get new for Christmas! Veiy satisfactory for personal use, tee! They hae quilted satin insoles, soft leather soles and padded heels, and full pompons. In pink, orchid, rose, black, Copenhagen and burgundy. Children's Scheel Shoes Special, $2.90 Shoes en the right lasts for growing feet, with wide tees and serviceable soles, are in tan leather m sizes 6 te 11 and black dull leather in sizes 8V2 te 2, (ClieMit) 80-Count Percale Shirts, S1.50 That means fine serviceable peicale, doselv wemmi material that nil stand up well under laundering and hard wear Wcll-cut, comfort able shirts in neat pin and cluster stripes, lilue, green, tan. laven der, etc. Special Pajamas, $1.50 Tan, pink, blue and white cotton, nicely made and finished with silken frogs. Kniller.1, low nnd white Black Perte Rican seeds. Girls' Jersey Dresses $5 and $8,50 w.thffifeffttv.ncft $8.50 for one-piece jeisnj dresses with pleated skirts and surplice bodices; in henna and navy. ' Sizes 14 and 16 in both style. Serce Dresses. $15 Pretty serge frocks m navy blue have pleated skiith and lines. Ihey are embroidered in wool and have led belts pique cellars. Sizes 12 te 16 years. Delightful Velveteen Frecks flecks with underskirts m- nl,,,,.,.! .., ,.e n .,.. g. -- , -- -- '- ,. -....,-. iuiji-i ta ui name-color Georgette ciepe. Seme have girdles of eres-irrain liblmn. nti,,.,- f ,..i Smu 1.1 nn.l Ifi ... SO- I m.w. u .v . ,... i ,,L ,,,, jln(, p;,, A Geed Ceat at $16.50 it is SKetciied'en the left and js of blue or brown velour, with a fur col cel lar. Lined throughout. Sizes 14 te 16. The ether coat sketched is of belivia with an Australian opes.-uin cellar and is silk lined, $2:!.ri0. Pole coats in the same model also $2.'.50. 8 te 14 year sizes in the group. Girls' Coats at $15 Of thick, warm i outings in brown and Sorrento blue, lined tluougheut and intei lined, and topped with soft cellars of beaveiette. Geed school coats for girls of 6 te 10 years. Other coats for girls of fi tn m years are of eleur, broadcloth and chinchilla at $16.50 te $25. Geed Junier Coats at $20 .Small women find these coats te their liking, tee. They are of velour in brown or blue, with raglan should ers and inverted plenta in the back. Lined throughout and very snug and warm. .Sizes 15 and 17. Other cents for junior girls at $23.50, $25, $32.50 te ?C2.C0. (Market) $16.50 $23.50 i' i- N. ,i. i.