v, -m 20 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1C, 192.1 , "i 4 ' V s PENN MAY MEET NAVY I ON GRIDIRON IN 1922 CHANG E OCCURS IN Informal Negotiations Have Been Going On for Seme Time, 'Tis Said. Te Held December Prac-t tice Twenty-six Games en Penn Quintet's List ER LE ADERSH1P Private Scheel Standing I in Soccer Competition DRILL v FOR CORNELL Tin' t'nlvprlt of lVtitijlvniiiii hn !itbnH li'Hiii, llitirrnllc!l(i cliiimpieim for tin- liii tlirie iivt. will pla inf iit -f l KiiiiKH thi "I'usen. ei'n of tlietn en fitri'lKii fleer. All the nlil fiiMX'llps me en tin .elirrtiilp ami erv 01 n I lien mien. S.vnii'iiHe. uliitli wn filieni lni -emmhi. will h.' nln.veil en llie tVimsr (( urt . tlili mumhi mill (ln Army fit NV-t'lMlnl. Defeat of Wilmington Friends by Gcrmantewn Friends' Puts Penn Charter en Tep SCORE IS 5 GOALS TO 0, I'enn ( hitrlrr . . Mllmlnclmi rrlrnda (rininlnirn rrlrnnN I'rlrnnV Sflrvl .... Iliurrfnnl Scheel w. :i :i :i i e T. I II I 1) I'Im. 8 7 II a e I'lic ethor brunch of ihe t MiMn'liT. I IP A'lt. t III Olll'ei.n IVmfrilti .1171T1I the news that IViiiisylvniiln ,....,. ,... ,,.,' ,i. tt.ii,i,,,n n..n SHhm-I VV haw Invite I t'ontre 1'elliec lu 001110 1 0(11. ,nnmir 'Js. 'j.t Virginia 1 te thin 0 tv next soii-eii ler it woman ; lh imntlier new tenm en ln iirliilr. Rnirtf and Hint (he oenti'-f I" (1 l'e-"i- li nl-e IImieiI te plu herc. hlllty, oenips (lie word (hilt liifermnl yw ,.iiiMilrte m-IiocIiiIe lollewi; gAthrritiR- lme horn liehl of ln'n ' n ' Uscmii- a M. n.nnp c,ieS m h.m effort te brine the Nnvnl Arnilrin.v t ' Ttti n wi in iwit im m ihirniwc m thl."lt for .. came. l' ",'.. !,,7"' ,",',h. Hrat," It h'lH I'oen unefi'l, i'llv MfltPil Ihllt J'lntn; T M"j.i u tn hoi, . nth. I'Jlfn- .1..' 1 1 I. ..I. I f.. u.iiilii flllll- 1 ' 'lis .i' "J" ! '" 1 " I '1 '' mceiin' nine 01 n-i'i ...,-... - i 1 ,Pi, , t, , ,. .m i',,iiimi., ,t P With the Oll'l in view "I inn "ik "" Middle mid Iho H"! ""'I W'l S"1 '" Ketli'r for n foelhnll Rntm T he pro pre pro Jtemit U khM te lie tin- Mi'iie (n Unit en which Iho i'l"iii iiinl I'rlni'efnu tvnrlted il-irlm the lrn-1 two jrnv. 11 home ftml nuiiy enme. Olie nfll-lnl en the riiiier.tv who rehUPMe,l that hi- ame he wlthhel.l 8tatfd thnt the mcrtliis. mny (online nnd Hint thc-e U n pei-lblUM t mt t. COtttrnOt Mill l" (eiiMliiiinnt'vl l'Otwoen thn two ln-lltutliii' -turtiiiB no-a -en-son. Hew tle n.v nn-l Ontre are mtli te be tahen -. the ,.-l.M..I' W -;.-' ' ' ' ,t tm ,., 1 roil nnrnii r -.,,..... uut i.,n!i Str.te is wiintel A unitil Aoeiation ert n place iltirlns uilvnntace ever the AVihiiliiRten PrleniK' Scheel, mid lioniinntewii I'rle'ids Is rl(,'ht en the hitter's lieeli. with sit points te Its creillt. A Great Itcrenl (lerniniilev. 11 I-'rlenili hii' onpttired the prisnte schools' Iciigup chiiiiipleiiKlilp for the last three hoaceti'i. llnr- lug this lime It has played twen- I ty'evpii pni;iie cenfpsts nnil has nel A elenn-slnte fever oidentl. hn lie-I droppeil 11 sIiirIp Kami". This is n jjrrat M'leed the tennis tnrneil out hv f'one'n record. Smltii. of the "torni'ditewn rrUnds' , hi inis the team first wen Hip till Miis'in. I'irst the foeljiall 1 Irnsiip chfiiiinieiisliip mid get possrsslen eleven wnded llirimuh 11 illflicult Kenseit of one le; en Iho cup olTered by Ila without 11 'ItiK'e remorse, mid new the , erferd (.'ellese te the winner 'of the soccer team, which is maiie up of tlve IcnKiie. The following etir the temn nieiiibi'rs of the iindefented football rciieiileil and. therefore, c.inie in nes. M'sell et the eceilil lejj I I. 'iiw r. it hni I'sth Nh ni henn ' 1 1, ui' . .s ni- ,t ilium- I'l'teti'ii l hen.' "i'i vfc! '"li 1 '., I. I till I llltll'll (ll lIllHOI. I..'!-!.' I" il h"in" tsil, . ftl 111th II" 1 fr. '.'.' 1 '" I h 11 "(M im .1). (n emhiB ut lie -. JtHfrh 1. Vi,r at N". ll,. 1 ' N.mi fl'.h, s .ir'Vr r I'l'inu h iv! tin ic i:ii, Ihiitii. ..Hi Id. 1 at I .(!'. H11 11-'-Mh. '-n. II 1.. ,p 1 lili rihKVt'n t ( l'V til if Penn nrd nm lliV!'.'. Ww. inn li'" v 11. . ... .....,, tl, . li eprtnln te -tn nel " "re " ' Lafayette aim "i ." " Pltts'.nnp'' the l!cl "i tight law one nl '''.' hu 1' ' '"' Ven; mill t'rntrr ..' MlT icniM nice ..!....,,' fi'lll' ICO"' .(...,. ...rtt nri-"ti';'''l - tnetbiU f" i" Irlft en Id hr I I'icnii, en April 'J'.', te he PMict. llnr Ivnrl liim been Invited love for 11 dual lf !,! neet In I lie sprlny. Last je.ir the I'liiiM'in met I'eiin mi I'r.'ink'iii Kieb' .a- par! of It- Seiitlicrii trip, a ml the are expected te accept the pro-ent In- Ivlfjlllilll. ; After Mnrsliiii! lirh hml nep.it , oil ! from Hie I'nhersiiy yixterihi:. afternnen , after rcceft tnic his decree Ileisinau 'in' , Ids vnrsitj squad threiiRli a st ff drill ili.ii lusted until utter dnrl.. TI,e - oetid jviii-ltj eleven rlmtuuccil nRHlnt die ,-ii-uhs for eer an hour v Ith M'-Nn- n urn'"' ee(. cnnjini: the ball (.11 all oee.i sslens eleven. Is en Its wn te 11111K0 the M"l s mi 1111 ti'idefoiifeil one. Yesterdij aflevnoeu, phi; Int; en its home ll"id. the sneer leitm iniitcliril Its wll with Wilmington Krl"tiiN, wlilch tt mn has In hi the lead in the priva'e school'.' li'HRiie su,.e die i-t'irt of tic fenseii. Wheu the snieKe of the battle hud elenreil nwnj. or, in ether words, after the hour's p'liv. the l".im from Delu ware had been ousted from the leucu lead, and Iho third sirnlsht tleterv et the season was hunt; up hj Ceac.i Smith's lievv, l,i n "i 0 score IVnn Charter h ih f-ni'tir Pie l'riend-' S ! t in 'Me iliiai mPiufe of the.r jraiue b. one geiil, new is rest lll in lir-' 1 !n , . IiemIIus a one pem' l.nst yenr the nie-t dlllicult which ti. I', encoiinterod In its prciit playlnj; for tlie cup. Ilnvorferd Se'ioel put up a hard battle, but iisain the (erniaii town placers came (IiieiikIi mid wen the cup periiianeiitlj . if new reside lit the Krlends' eninaslutu This .tear the llnverferd College at!Rin Iwh offered n cup In the champion for three consecutive pciisehh. Wilmington Ki'IeikIh cninoite this elt, with a eleaii late yesterday nfternein. At half'tline the Kterc was 0(l. However, with the start of the second half 11 change cntne ever the Krlends' feam and lifter two mlntitei Mellrlde. the Inside right, retrieved the ball from n serlnini.ije In the Wilmington terri tory nnil. tliitin? his shot, hooted the ball se cleverly thn( llonlkceper War War (lelibuig. of the Helawnie trilm. Jusf missed the pigskin tind It hounded Inte the net. After two mine minutes of piny, Me llrlde, receiving a perfect pas' from Atherton, nguiii booted the Imll Inte the net. The bull fiem then en was mostly In the Delawareans' torrlterj, althoiighne sceie was inaile until about llfteen mill ules of t lie hulf had been ovei . when Atherton headed the hall Inte the net en a corner Itith. Atherton iiqaln ennic Inte play and teglHleretl the fourth goal from a corner klelt. With but two inltiute left. Ath ci ten get the bail nt niidlleld nnd enr fled It down te within Ti jnrds nf the net and then, timing his shot, once mere booted the fifth and final goal. Shevlln Regains Title ltiiMnn, N" 111 'id'1!, Shevlln nf ih' IliM'UM iliiil(t ri'unlncl ih" New Rub Isml iseIith Iglil tttl" when It wen ten rimnil il"' islftn lxiut from Mike Mertfi of llariferrt. Conn Shdvlln Is texica leili-u, ler nt tlHriineuili tnlleii KAYOULAPLAYS FLEISHER Downtewners Seek New Start After . Leslnfl Twe Straight Manager Petey Kllpatrlek, et lut Knyettln C'nthelle Club, will make a new start thl.t evening after losing two hard games last week, one te Iho Orlg IiihI Celtlei and the ether te Hook Hoek Heek wood, Tonight Klelsher's YnrnerH make their Initial appearance. In St. Antheny's Au ditorium, Twenty-third and f'nrpenler M roots. The YnrnerM will line up with O'Connell and (!a11ngher, forwards; Keswett, tvnter; Atherlielt nnd O'Con nell. guards. The home team will depend en ltny Livingston ind Stevenson, forwards; Keagan, center; Kllpatrlek nnd Diet lick, guard'!. The tllnliif V. r , n flftocn-ii(v!itcii.jfnr-eJd tre Itm tfnnt. weulil like tn hour from ten in. nf t ' "unie r Mbrr Ktnten Lovli. L'Oia North Thlrty-neeend Htrcet. fTr.AM"HII' NOTICI'.s anBeri Mr Christmas Presents te Kiddies Ne nrescnl ran ion Inn In iile.ise mere thsu n clioel bajr. limit canvas with adjustable nheuldcr strap. New Parcel Pest 5c Extra &"' -ff Hfflim 75c W. Stokes Kirk 1(527 N. 10th St. gLs Sjt Steatnthb Tickets for All Lines it ReguIarTarid Rilei. Fettip railroad and ilecpingcartidcttl direct te destination. 1 yk itinerinei preptrta special ITi ..:.. :. :.. i 'A CJTH.O III ClUIfUg kViW pmperti ANB, n. id is in if ti" plan. out en , 'I'hrrr fl .. . rt,, rilT, O'I.IC IC "" list end '.,.,'.( m.fre 'I ' "" '"' JViir. fe hr,r nee nl ti-r fii Wrrfi (it the im.'em 0 thr wititut"- The fol'ewers of Pi ml epe"t fir U" ! nnd IV'.e te have a jw.it , ''7, year wit!, rids , car's tre.-lunati .! " and three-foe.ths of the l; ' ' , Mty Mpiad beck in the n7 "" "' this rpiad es n ivi.'.e.i- and at le s a hundred ..th.- cnudldates 'W' ; eenehes U."'; for '' h ' ' , i . than Penn has had fr the pan " years. Te Held Hrllls In December Couch lIeMtvtn iinn.-mn-ed this ntein- int: th. t ' e w. .u'd "el'l leeMicr .... tiee ilrl.1" en 1'raiiiJll'i voiitlier1 t erinits. "It .nlrl (he lend (siae'i. "te gd Franklin lT.-M when the prevent . is ever, all the -tud.-nts who have pl;ted , football oefere coming te the iilvrrMM p but who for one rpn-011 "r another lime , net come out for the different teams. 'In iii'illtieii I nlt-e hope te hae the present freshman nqimd work out for a couple of weeks se that I will have an opportunity te oe wliu' the base, in this wa I can start ne.t season with a Tmi'eh better Idea of the caliber of the . men T sha'l l'ne te work with than any , previous lime. j "I have filieady sent nut eer a hun dred letter.- te men in the different ' school of the Cnlverslty requesting ; them te come at.d -ee 1110 s,, that I uin find out what ',s keenng them off Prank -Un Kleld. It -'s tee bad thnt ever a hundred mci who nduiitte.il Inn" plntfil football hefo-e should be unable te report for their college team. I am going te lind out tin- reason mid reiued 1 It If It N nt al1 pesMc." llel-iiinn was ns'sed what his hcilule would Ik during Deee.nber and he stiiid with einnhtisis thet he niennt te run th" (quad thre.igh the whole catmint 'f football. lTl'lt te hare scrimmayn nflrr thr firit irerk, for 1 M mi; tlnn'nj'i nttutii irnrh thnt n j plnvcr leni"i tnnthnll. 'I hr funiln HtrntnU ii'if. nf cewrie, he tnutjht tn thr (jic-11 ifrtj"!'. cijiret tn harr n oe'iilicr nf n'rf-ffMC yrHlrnn or cmltt tnr '.1 thti fni'k. irhirh I th'iih trill fin n Un 0 urn in anltinj vs wit urn son. The l'e.i.l eo'ieh nte aiin.Mini cd that he wen'.' res'ime spring practice which wns net h'M lat season The fact that the different sports overlap make, it hard te held nrnetlce in the -priiiR ae ae cerrllnc te lleisman. but for al' the men who desire It he will be avai'ahle for six weeks In the spring te tench them anything they mny want te knew about the game. Navy St row flat Dav. Attention In Hue with the Nnvy-I'enn football talk it was iinueiitii-ed Ihl- morning that the nniiunl straw hi ( dav game en Franklin Kie'd would find thr Mcldlo Mcldle and net Princeton us the parte of fie riCfend part The Veeal A.-adeur au thorities have given permission t" 1 1 . diamond stars for tl e t pi . Princeton vm'I he pip veil eir . r ,n f yiUJJiLSyZC l,,: 1 ;, ii.m1; n,, i,, i, i.n ulUubi "if,"!, 1 ", , ', r jiuiul,tumji.uuui.JlL - 'i '-'- " ""' 'i ' ", , ISlZuSLu MEm S; STi "I w Men and Women' Jfk Gelf Ceat and Knick ers. Made te Measure JACK L. LIPSHUTZ nn VI ..lout t nn yr nyiGS-fASKS d& TO HIRE T m u r MILLER- COSTUMIER& y 236 5e.l J St. Plieiiu Wal. 1S92 1 r t II U L1 m 9. ll MMiHiirajiiiiiii:.!., alll.Tl .mill il'iii.n 1 ,r 1 11 Big. Mcatj. Selected .Q de, . p Fer your Thanksgiving baking, use eggs you can of. At all our Stores 1 be sure 1 1 BMMIflMHflttllHBM,1fllflanniMltKQBra j PW..ilWlllBIBnirflllJUHlUUBmUJWIWBWIWIiW -:- ' '' y 1 x A J.' T . . Open Evenings N Open Evenings 217 .ti S3 pi f Entire Stock & Fixtures te Be Sold Out at Once Through Credito Si in t1 aie begins I A omesrow at Thousands and Thousands of Dollars' Werth of Men's High-Grade Famous-Made SUITS, OVERCOATS, HATS and FURNISHINGS Te Be Sold Out Regardless of Cost or Value e Tours and Cruises Seuth America Third annual Cruiie-Tcur via S.S. EBRO tailing from New Yerlc Feb. 1 Ith reluming April I Oth 159 dart) riiiting Havana, Panama, Lima, Mollendo, Val Val paraiie, Santiage, Duenei Aires, Mon tevideo, Santei, Sae Paule tad Rie de Janeiro. Honolulu via Weit Indies, Panama Canal and Cal ifornia. CruiseindudeiHileandKihuea. S. BUCKEYE STATE, January 7th The Mediterranean A cruiie of 61 dart tailing S.S.aRMANIAFeb.llth China-Japan Sailingijan. 14th, Feb. 7th, 2 1 at, March 4th,25lh Around the World Groups limited te 12 member. Sailing from Sen Francisce Dec. 17th; (rem New Yeik December 3 1 it. . " - 1 California Small Groups under escort leaving at frequent interrali. Flerida-Cuba Tours in January, February and March Forcempletedetaila, call, write or 'phone AMERICAN EXPRESS! kTRAVEL. DEEARTMENTJ 143 145 Seuth Bread St. Phila. (Bell) Walnut 4691 iTttVusmp NOTtrr.3 HTWAMttll' SOTICKS i:imxziX! ;iJXM.3xtm. , , . X Sggtegm- -' r 12 Davs te r Ixjpxtt JL XJJL.'UP IIS cinici HHHE U. S. GOVERNMENT Ship Sllter State haK broken fill records across the Pacific making the run from Yokohama te Seattle In less than 10 days. Her sister ships arc just as fast. With these new GoTcmmcnt-ewned ships ply-raff eyer the short northern route between Seattle, Yokohama, Kebe, Shanghai, Heng Keng and Manila, a new era in Pacific travel has begun. New you may have all the comforts of the finest American Hetel while you cress the Pacific. All 'rooms arc en the outside; ever half have private baths; modern beds have taken the place of old fashioned bunks. Yeu may cat American feed and have the environment of home te the very gates 0 the Orient. The next sailings are: R.S.SILrSR STATJS-'nwmber pUK S.S. PISB TRKR STATE-It6mher 1Hh Send This Coupon New r Send the coupon new and rcvid of the service yetr ships offer te the Orient. Booklets nnd complete Information will be sent without charge. Dut If you cannot ,?e ask a friend who may be a traveler te fill out the coupon -nd send it immediately. THE ADMIRAL LINE Vtsh, 153 I It. 17 State Street, New Ycrk City Oraddreaientf Teunat Jycncy I , I THE ADMIRAL LINK iH'k, ma i n. 17 Suit St., Nw Ynrk City rieaie lend no boeklsU drtcrlblne tht enlee of (lovemment-ewned h!p te th Orient. XaMt JddrtH 1 I ZTZTJ 1. W VaW T W - HsV V -n-nar I oiiUS.QevernmentShips THIS 7M Early WmterSailing w me dwmtermnean Season efgayety at resorts alenfiMediterranean just beginning. The popular White Star Liner Arabic, largest ship regularly in this service and built specially for it, sailing en December 6 from New Yerk te Madeira, Gibraltar, Monace, Naples and Genea. White Star Service utmost in ocean comfort bookings new being made excellent accommodations available. . . WHilfc -.TAK LINg rhilatteli'liln. l'nwsnser Office. T810 Walnut fieet WS,'WAWWMMWS Every Pair Pants S2S One ana iwe SUITS new Bl'alW I OMnmSSta B , j em J3L I 01 i $hk 75 I P" E- fl --1 u r H fi fl m B F3 fl Erf I H P TyfeatrafflitMr. ! ! I SSteasMf Lines O I driifriil OlliH, Miin.nM lllilx. D k. J-; 67 " li (.. N-.v Vnrk S ' fe L- V ''liI'mWnM.i OTirp, T p1 WiIk. Jf , Cellars H """ ammmna All O.Ctr. Avrnw 1 On K- t'" ' ' -V ! &Ide Cellars B R AH 35c Seft 17c f: j Cellars, new W j All the Famous 8 fj j Van Hcusen 9c i pj 3 50c Cellars. . B t i X-WKtE- iiiiiM f-l .W wis r n r F i - p fl s- J p S if i Seniu Nl lllllllllllllllliiilillllllllllllliMlMMMMM m Every $30 & $35 SUIT & OVERCOAT, new Every $40 & $45 SUIT & OVERCOAT, new $6 & $7 Trousers, new $2.95 $m !m .75 Every $50 & $55 SUIT & OVERCOAT, new Every $60 & $65 SUIT & OVERCOAT, new $8 & $10 Trousers, new $3.95 Sailing from Tier 74, 34th St.. N. R e cept S. S. Cee. Washington and America, which tall from Pieri 3 and 1, HobeVan. Te Plymouth Cherbourg Bremtn America, Nev. 29, Jan. 3. Ceerje Waibingten, Dec. 8, Jan. 17. Te PljmeBth Boulogne LonJen Panhandle State ..Nev. 26 Dec. 27 Centennial Slate ....Dec. 14 Te Bremtn Danzig Hudsen Dec. 3 Princesj Moteika ..Dec. 10 Potomac ..'. . Dec. 31 United States Lines MOOSE & KcCORMACK CO.. lac. HUUSLVtLTSItAMSIlll' CO., Inc. UNITED AMERICAN LINK. I.e. Manama: Oferateri for U S Shipping Beard J-or Uoeklel tdJrfll U 5 Lmei 45 DreaJtviy, New Yerk FLORIDA, CALIFORNIA, BERMUDA and the WEST INDIES Personally Conducted and Independent Tours CALIFORNIA a ( nniliK'tnl TmirN te D.ijh Jnn. in, fell. It, March 14 Tin.: New Orlnin", Sun Antnnle. Aimrlie Trell, lmtirrl.it llr.i. Seiiihcrii liitlfnrnlit, returuliiK iln: Orunil C'un.ven. FLORIDA .1 C, inducted Tour, 'Jl l)a. .Inn. 14, I'eh, .'a, Mnrrli 4 I'nlni Itrnrli. .M uiul, D.ijtnnn. OrlniKle. Tiniira. ht. retrrtniri:. (IrLIiiunlia Anximtlnp. Ithfr, I'.ilitku, i-1 BERMUDA 5, 8, 9 and 12 DAY TOURS M.t. i:rKNstVTerfis. kikim $90.00 rpwAttn Sfi: I l. TMPS mil tllRIMMAS AMI 1UMI.lt WEST INDIES 10 Cruiae., $275 Up MEDITERRANEAN 10 Crimes, $000 nnd Upward Send for Free Copy of "TRAVEL TOURS" GILLESPIE, KINP0RTS & BEARD 1 ?imWW,.VW.VWMWM.,. 1115 Walnut Philatdelphii St. 77777l777777ZmVmWmWMWMWWMW.'ffMK' $12 & $13 Trousers, new $4.95 Shirts All $1.50 & $2 QCjc Grades Neckwear tirades. All $2.50 & $3 Grades . All $3.50 & S4 Grr.des $6.50 & $7.50 $4g5 Silk Shirts. . n.35 n.95 All SI new Ml $l.."i0 Grades, new All SU (irades, new All $2..'.0 SI 1 C Grudfs. mew S;i..riO Knittetl frrcnitdint'i-, Si QC new 1,0 45c 65c 85c Hosiery tiradeh. 19c 3,'c & 10c including Inter-Woven 7."ic & ?1 tirades, in cluding Int"r-Wetn, I'heenix and AQc Onx GARTERS iic Paris & ISriKhleii (iarters . . .'15c Grades, 15l 19c Underwear $1 Cotten-Ribbed Shirts & CQc Drawers $2 Cooper Union QCc Suits new. . . . $3.50 Natural Weel and Worsted Coepsr Union $1 QC Suits l'D 3000 $3 Seft & STIFF HATS, new Latest styles, all the wanted shade niRKCtt values shown since Retnl old das- 'HM& 5000 $5 Seft & STIFF HATS, new Quulit; lint. ,wth capital Q. and most fafhiunabk- t.tjle-, in all shupch and shad"1 . 2500 CAPS, Values te $1.50 All styles, natural shades, medium and Winter weight. Seme with car lugs. Hll GENUINE VELOURS , , The rich, silky kind. Style and ' quality. All shades. Thce formerly Held for e, SG and $7. m ff SeesAaAsrisal Fnetcat Time t - U . 'i'1 Jii vire, Tvletit? Mee ana H J' 1 1 Vnii I mehl klilpH--American a 1 in toeij Arnerli-an nam- n tli Jrt vire. 3lenti?lden Vnii I mehl klilpH- -American V 1 in reed American rniu- n I lira fr. m I'lep It. ItnhrtkMn. S.S. Southern Croaa. . . .Nev. 23 5.5. Aeolus Dec. 7 F S.S. Huren Dec. 22 0.0. American Legien.. Jan. 5U rnr aeirrmtive boekltt, aatlrn; NAWSCO LINES Pier 19 North Feet of Vine Street S. S. Brush Sailing Nev. 21 at Direct te SAN DIEGO. LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO. OAKLAND, SEATTLE. TACOMA. PORTLAND, ASTORIA AND VANCOUVER, II. C. Fer Rates and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. lOfiits I. & Slifnifne Heard 130 S. Fourth St.. Phila. Phene Lembard 579l-"J-3; Main 7781-2 sjffirsSr&s , W'!?&S(:&. WIPPON YUSEN fA SHAUrr.y -Shbrt Reiite between SeattleJJapan.Chir.a & Manila vSaSi tm n m-jr tntk Kw a THE ? Ywa' . tii . - ., . .. - 8L . 'jl - i-" iar2iSff'5i N-iOa& w&n THE IDEAL TOUBIST LAtJO Susies BHixie eamship PHILADELPHIA le Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow S "OPELIKA" AH. ,IIOI T .Sin. 1 . S. S. H. S I M'l'.l II II II) l.S.K.H.S S "WpOD.MANSIE" I.M'I.C II l TO Nll. ITI! NOV i (iisnitrvt ic 11 vj'i:s Harriis, Maill & Ce., Inc. 12.". Lafujfttc Hltlg., I'hiladeliiliia l.iimti.ini i'JO.l Muln 75'ju Slmte com fort alilj and delljtlitf etlr actmlbla bj the ?. V. K. fiuit palatial 21,000 tan l.KMWia'f'r mmmahlpa SUWA MARU KATORI MARU FUSHIMA MARU KASHIMA MARU Fer 6Ulxf 1.UU iiid Fall rrlen!re Apply te NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA. Maritime Building, 8-10 Bridfte St., New Verl KUI.Vt X'V I'AtllAM.r. (IIK'AflO cm MAN III II.niMl. SKATri.l.. NEW YORK HAVRE PARIS Latest wanted BLACK BIAMORdI 2000 CAPS, Values te ?i2 Yeu ncer tuv such value . All wanted materials. Latent style with ear lugs. C Ml " cunta KW.l LAK FUKKJlir SKRMCE TO ROTTERDAM, ANTWERP, AMSTERDAM ! S "New Hntain" Sailinrj Nev. 17 A STEAJIKR lUSSBl Sailing Dec. 2 S ' S "WEST IN SKIP" (I'SSIl) Sailing Dec. 17 "or It'itrn anil Particulars annlu Gk.YtL.iM ik C;., inc. I'liiliulclplilt ArcuU till inn umiTii Iimburd SMI IsT.. rilJLA. Ill Mi ale 1020 I s Willi', I'XUIS t'llll Af.O I. A M1 U'M". l.l'.dl'III.IUNA lllllsll I.ON I A I.OUII MM', iiiiciiAMiii:.r .Nev. Ill T)r. 23 Ffli, It Nev. i.". lire. It .lun. ir Nev. 2U lift'. 3 Jnn. 7 Her. K Use. 1.1 . lfi'. St Jan. 17 1 New Yerk Vige (Spain) Havre 1, lllll ItllONNAIS Jan. fl Mllltrr rutin ntnv III rfTfit. TOURS IN ALGERIA & MOROCCO S.illliiKM from llnrilriiuv nr Miimrlllra luttr nnil lour Week Mul or 'I run., Wiltr 0r liilrirhtlnit rii'" rliitlm I ttr.uurr. L.vtll.l. . ill'.) M.I.N, I. riici.il Atmi JJ3-27 UHIIIIII '., I'liM (If h, In, riienc uiiinut n?::i 1: CARDIFF Ni:-"- v h a than rw-m t ,, i;,nit.iaii i-uitr Uerlful (llitrlbullnr L-ntar for ipm m III i! 7ine. I'.ei'b' nmrUet fur foediiurfu Klim Itea for lacterlee lloeklota treni lierltibd. U E. lOlh at.. N Trk or U.velepruent Asent, Cardiff, Seuth Walei. 1 STEAMSHIP LINES PHILADELPHIA te CORK. DUBLIN, BELFAST LONDONDERRY, SLIGO SS "Eastern Kin". . . .Nev. 26 SS "Oshkesdi" Dec Gothenburg, CoperAagen, Malrae. Helsinifera, Riga, Dantie & KW,. S S "Remus" Dec. V Moere & McCormack Ce., Inc. C. W. STRICf'lfJU. "' Msr' 428 DUUnSE BLDC. PHILA. V Leinb. 0585 Main 7el3 - CAUTION ITOTICES Al.l, I'I'.ltMI.NS Altl. Illllllll t'.JJ; Honed ii0-nliijt lmrm line n taiml.naC "JK of llie rrev. et Hie Hi.. H H. a ' ''"'JSkm. fiem JUIla Smith. MKHler. u , j'fFJJ or their centructlns will he pild W "S llaater, Cenalni, or py , i SimJ.i.iMK u u. ret.. Xttait ..'. S2 Bullitt Bld J80 8, 4th St., ? J V'i 1 1