Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 12, 1921, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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ftr-is zwml
r -a. 3Tc '.J"' '"'
be jnndc Inter for ictulls of scrapping
l!ic whips fulling muxide the pinpeH-d
Mint Infill m Others
Knch of the l'ewieri part.v m the
scrccmcnt would bind HheIi te inform
ail the ether pnrtlrs ceneerninft :
Firnt. The nnnie or number of tire
iiiri te be replaced by new eeintnicti.iii.
Breem. The date of authorization of
leplecement tonnage.
Third. The dntCH of laying the KceK
of replacement tetnifue.
Fourth. The dlplnccment tennnsc
of each new ship te be lnid down.
Tilth. The netiiiil date of completion
of each new ship. ,
Sixth. The fad and dftte of the
crapping of ship replaced.
A mimmiirv el tne reiim hi ui"
,enr litnlluuen nbeve fixed nnd the
iiiimminii Miimliml. mpltiil Mill's niu
he rcplueul when tl.ej me twenty enn
old h.v nr ts rnpitnl ship construction.
Tmirth. Tlmt no . iipllul liip tmi'
le built In vephii infill willi n leiiiiugi'
dlsplui'i'UH'iit nf inure I hnn ."."i.Olld Ien-
"I hnve sketelied tin- proposal only tn
outline." said Secretnry lliiKhe. "leuv
iiiR tlw ti'.'htili'Hl di'lnilK (e be supplied
by the fm mill preposition, which is
ready for submission te tin' ilcliqnte.
f,imlt Auvlllarlcs
"The plan includes prevision ter tli
limitation et mixllmy Mirfiici: com cem
Intnnt er.if'. Thip term embraces three
classes, h.i' ii :
"ill Ainillnrj sin fac nmhiitant
crnft. Hiirh n erniseis itv lu!ve of
ImtMe crulili. tletlllu b.idir-. ilc-
Eloper Apparently Unable te
Raise Bail After Arrest en
Desertion Charge
" f .. t. - N
- Ai
- ' . . . .... i '..... I . .. i .. .' M
ncreement se far u e an en i.i.nm , n-".vei, mm niniuiMir, ...
HhlpR ' lnclu!ed in the Amevlean 'ulanarin and r"i aiit.inne .itriei-s
proposal in the following leriiw ' "1 "hull net attempt t.. lev lew the
''jf the terms of thin nijreciiient nre proposals fn- these vnrleus rl.issei n
uprecd te, then the United .State, (treat i they bear a definite n-lnilim ti. thi pru
JJritnln and Japan asree that their uli'tm fur npii.il tlslitfns ships
'inviee, three months utter the lunkinu j "With the acceptance of' tlili plan
of this agreement, snail i enlnf of the I the burden of tner-rlng t'ii deiminds of
following capital hhips : jiemj etltien in mivul armament vull n
"1'ulted SUtes Maryland, Cnli- i lifted. Dnermnii.i suint. will be rclcHcl
fernln. Tennessee. Idaho, Mississippi. , te nld tlie precm-is of i iiillr.ntlun. At
the same time 'he proper demand.s of
national d'feie will be adequately met
and the T.atfenn will have ample oppor
tunity diirlfiK tl e nnvnl holiday of fen
jfar te consider their tuture reure.
Preparation ter tuture naval war shull
mop new. I shall net attempt at thin
tiine te take up the ether tept. h which
iave been lisfd eti the tentative ncendn
t the (Confer-
New Mexico. Arizona. rcnnn.vlvanm.
Oklnhemu, Nevada. 'Lexas, .ew lern,
Arkansas. Wvemitif; Utah. Flerida.
North Dakota. Delaware ciuhteen.
Total fennuRe, eOO.RSO.
"Great llritnln Ueyal Serereisn.
Ileynl Oak. Hcwdutien. Ilnmlllle..
nrenpe. Oueen Klizabetli. Wnrsplf.
A'nllnni. V.irhmn. Malaj.l. Jlent".!
FJmperer of India. Iren Duke. Marl- proposed in antltiputien
boreueh. Vriu. KlnK (JeerRe . en-! rll, ,,
urlen, Ajax. 11000. uciievm, in-pMii.-,
Tiger twentj-te. Total tonnage.
"Japan Nnsate. Il.usa. Ie. am.i am.i
liire, Ku -Se, Sisttsu. Klnhln.ii. H
rnna. Tll-Yel, KenRO 1. 'I'euil ten
imc, 2W 700."
UeRardine the nivv.il nriManien'.- of
France md Italy, the AneOKnti pio pie pio
pesul -ays
"In vie of leitiun itnerdumrv
ondltlens. due fi the Weild War. af-
feetlnc tin- minting stmnztn in tl
Ililk-'ifs 'e'd t' e l'e'if nce tliat 111
f .iivilmlt'g il nnt.il I .lidav plan the
l..!".lntf reneral, piln.-ip'.es I .id be-n
.ipplled :
Ths- Unit all .epitel s!,ip. build
mc pri-ifium. Mfber retit.il or pr-Jeetd,
-1 1 1 1 1 1 I he ibHIldeliitd.
,.. i,(i Thai turfinr ieli't!"ti
,..uld be nude threiiKh the i .ipi-'r -i
01 . "till n "f the elder ships.
"Third. 'II. .it in rf-nern n s.u '
-l.-.l.l 1" had te tin . is ritr nivn,
icetine tne ciimuiik nijiii , ,. , ., .,,, rt ,.
italic of France and lt.I,. the r.,te,l , Mr- u . . 1 1. I. "-, ,, ten
Ktates deei net consider necessary tee ' ,,', , , ' . , "' .',. it'iMr-
difcnsMen at thi- mur. et tie proved -'"";; 7" ',';, "f" nu !.-! im
,nKs of the ,nnus allowance of f'.ese n ' of sU, , r nun .-' " ' I
nations, but propose, it be reserved for lertnm.. "' '. ''m""" '
the later consideration of the Tenfer
l.aun' 'raft pir-cril'
t lives I'Lin in Dcl.iil
C. W.McCracken
The 'esr et the proposal n if" Je- )
aih concern the three l.-adlu nival
Peweri is as f' Ibm .
"The United State? n new uiiiw i"'R
its program of li'10 calling ter ten n"
battleships and nix buttle cruiser-. On
lftttleship hrt- been completed. 'lh'
' thers are in iarleuri (-tapes et construc
tion ; In some . nes from iH) te Ml per
cent of the onstruetien has been done.
On these fifteen rnpitnl ships im he
ing built, mere than .."m".i,0h).ixmi have
t .. U.lll ,hn ln!.i.,l S..fu ' -
.il-. ' ..'.I.. .. .. ,,,.' fnm.h f.-ud. largely conducted .n
diate"limitfltien et naval armaments 'te! l'-tir -f Dmrles alone, for wme enrs.
tcrap mi these ships i finds Lighted ("undies
Dever Del.. Nev. 12 Appanntlj ,
jaded In mind and body, llejer I.. Tet- ,
ten. former (statistician of lJelawnre'c
S'ate lie'ird of Education, who was;
i brought here Inst night by State Detcc !
tive Dotiew i.v, of Suse County, nfter (
he Imd been apprehended with Mls
Murcniet IT ill in Wilmington yesterday,
a in no hurry te get up in his cell in
Kent reunn jail here today. ,
Inquiry il the jail at 0 o'e'ecl; dls-
rJes(d thut Totten had net ct arisen1
and neither had he broil disturbed b '
the Slierlft. ' I
Alter n talk with n Dever represcnta- I
live of a hend'iiR renwrn but evening !
in an effort te obtain bull nnd failing te
make satisfactory nrrniiRi-mviit. it Is '
apparent that Totten deci net knm j
what te de I
lie lnih ii" uvallnble fundx himself te'
indemnify a bendl.ig ceinpniij, and
neither has he any friends who h.ive
or nppnrentlj will come te hi rescue
With this state of affairs e:-!lt.g, it i
leeks as if 'I'etten will hav. t" remain
In jai! Indrtiultnly, The time i.f tl"
lu.irlng 1 'i net as j ct been fixed
Had Ne Children
'I'i. report that the Teiten- li.il
ceiprril i I.Ildrtn is untrue. tlu hir ;njt ,
no hihlren nf nil. The charge against j
Totten as filed by the Attorney fteu. rnl
before .MegiFtrnte Wee, are these f
tleseitien and nun-support.
Tetfn rleii.-d with Miss JTiIl, nie.ty
i !ilnetecn-our-eM school teacher ..f
. Ilridgevillc. IM , en November.".
'lYitfin no. I Afike Tfllt ..... tnlfAn ...t
ahhti1 fnr Arsen ' 'Ptl"Iv !,f",i"',y wiiminften. whie
iXIfJttfl UI .11 ?Ull rn re,tP ,, Seaford, wheie ,e rx-efrl
C nntoieil from Taue n
rieerge. i- a nrnfess. r ,il .u' imeie I
'"lleg" ' j
Ci irb-s M.-Criv ken. who s ,ni no ne no
"eiltilalit. s tift-siniii vi'ata old. He
lives ,it the Adelphlil. The detctive
who iiirc-sted blm cxpiessnl the licli'f
that McCraekeu Is eitlier net In hj '
n '. t mind or I-i n u r of drugs. Ne
- . . . . . . , . ., i " w t..-.
r-'Hl motive for Pis Imtrnl ler l.ls nremer Tettl.n'M mfj,r ni Urtxikllri
n:i be t.iiini. tieugn mere na ee.-n .1 ; w!l drumati'. di.inatc h
te deliver Mts Mill te her pn-ents un'
then ntnrn here t "fare 1 1. ! i
and ifuke a clean brennf of nfl'mi
Tl elr firn.-t followed a in-rti H
"flivver" te tlie home of Tetter s
mother m Ilroekline. Mass . inng
which tl.eli n.ite turned turtle, sevurl
injuring the girl, who dropped laintng
into the arms et her wfethe.ir s
Riether at the end of the trip.
ire meeting between .Miss Hi 1 anil
Mfc- .
was ijrjnnitli . di.ipati lies tiem fiar
j.j.i. s;nte,
, i -, -"'-"-t' "irws 'i' A' '.T''SW7W.Wfs
Di: KIBX ' !i; ?
' la I HI; B
Rojection of Britain's
Eloping Heiress Figured Recently a
Cafe Entertainer and Waitress
Chicago. Nev. 12. Mm. Edna
Cudnliy lirewn, daughter of the lnte
Jehn P. ("Hnndseme Jnck") Cudnby,
wlm ended his life In Hollywood early
tlilH year, lins become CKtrnnRed from
I her hunbnnd, Percy II. Hrewn, cnHhier
Londen Prens Net Downcast at of the First National Bank of Pima-
uenn, ncceraing te rcperis rcceirvu m
Edna Cudahy, granddaughter of the
Chicago packer, eloped with young
IJrewn, con of a pioneer Chicago mtft
nzlnc editor, 1c.b than two yearn nge.
Mrs. Hrewn, it Is said, line returned te
the home of her mother, Mrs. Edna
Cewtn Citdahy. in Hollywood, lifter n
(diert career as n enfe entcrtnlncr In
Hnn Prnnclfice, nnd n term in bread -winning
ns a waitress.
Chicago relatives numiiieii tnat an
ha-H net been well with the couple, but
cxprcsBcd surprldc te leurn that she ever
wan u waitreNH or a cafe entertainer
in Sen Frnuclhce.
lly tlic jsseelatciI Press
Ixnden, Nev. 12. Although one or
two newspapern exprees grave disap
pointment at the IMstcr Cabinet's
rejection of the Government's plan for
n cettlement of the Irish cpiestlen, the
Londen press this morning generally
t-ees no reason te regard the hituatlen
as mere serious or hope for a settle
ment ns being leadened.
It Is pointed out that while the Ul
steriles rejected the projiesals en the
ground that they contained fundamental
principles which were "impossible of
attainment" under existing conditions,
they hnd nUe signified their intention of
making counter-proposals which netild
"Indicate ether Httd mere jiraetlcablc
means of securing peace without in
fringing upon the rights of Ulfter."
Heme of the correspondents say the
I'lster reply was exactly what hnd been
expected nnd that it newitc implies that
Premier Sir .lumen Craig nnd his col
leagues mean te slam tne deer te fur
ther negotiations.
Slim I'elners Were Stubborn
They recall that it took a long time
if thi-"'
I On re
"The I'nited Srafes proposes
plan is accepted :
"First. Te scrap nil capital ship?
new under construction. 'IV.i Includes
sja uilli ' ' Jiii3--; en' I -..!.-. j j..'... ... . . .,
i, - .u- j i .i... ... .. She went te th
-Hips en in.' wi r- line iii ti;.- euu-u 01 , . .. . . . ,M
bui dltig. and two battleships launched. l'-8l'ted candle- burning ne.ir he hay-
"The total number nf new capit.il ' "'" no- .-. ..-.s. . .
night of October Ifi the lure i ,
rjuu en tne -u i racKeii iarni ar .vsiueji
aw a lUhl In the barn and rejeried
the matter te Mrs. James Md 'rat ken
nnrn nnd teund two
shins thus te be scrapped is fifteen. The
total tonnage of the new capital ships
when completed would be Olh.OOO tens.
"Second. Te t rap all of the elder
battleships up te. but net including the
Delaware nnd North Dakota. The
number of these old battleships te be
scrapped Is fifteen. Their total ten
nage is ''.! Hi tens
elluleid hair case, the annarrnt in
tent'.eti being for them te burn down
Ulitl! file cll'llel'l exploded, thu s, t
tin; fire te the barn.
The mutter was tepnrted te District
Attorney Tayler, who assigned the m"
te Count Detective .Tehn O'Toele.
n'Toele hire,! C. (Silbert Crawford, of
Philadelphia, te investigate further
(tirl Talks te Itcjiertrr
Tl... e'.ejirrs nrrived it the heus... '7
j press street, late Thunday uftr
neon. Uundlin tne lobes tenderij
around the woman for whom h had
dHs..rte.l his wife, Totten let her nnd
(limbed te the third fleer te plead
with hi mother for ferjlvcness aad
Suffering from an injured bnck, a
sprained ankle and n lacerated linger,
which he sustained In the accident en
route, the girl crouched and shivered in
the raw ,ur. She had been waiting
for a half-hour when she wui discov
ered bj n retierter. who w-ns attracted
b the Delaware license number en thf
"Are you Mies Hill?'' he asked hrr
"I nin," she nnswered, smiling. "Art
Harris k l.n c
I President Wilsen, snapped while leaving Ills home In Washington
te rlde In the Xrmlstlre I My funeral precession. Mr. Wilsen, broken
in health, wns the enl llgure cheered by the spectators. loiter lie con
fessed the iheers uerv "embarrassing" te blm en account of the
Milrmnlt of the occasion
1 In te.if.tr flit. sll.,.. I. ...Hn... 1...
ence with the Government, nnd thnt
i they also raised objections and took nn
it reconcilable' attitude, but that the
tliiiiculties In their case had been over
come, nnd the same might be hoped lu
I Isfr's case.
The Times loekb upon the I'lster de
cision te name counter-proposals bb a
step forward, nnd the Westminster
Gazette says it is proof thut the Ulster
itfs are willing te continue the nego
tiations. Political interest ia Kngland centers
upon the nnnual conference of the
I nlenist Party, te be held at hivcrpoel.
next week, under the chairmanship of
Lord Derby. Political correspondents
have hinted at a split in the party, with
the formation of nn independent con
servative party under tin- leadslilp et
Andrew Uenar Law. former Govern
ment leader in the Heuse of Commens.
Much of the situation hinges en Mr.
lienar I.iiw'h attitude toward the Irish
peace negotiations, In which be is rep
resented as espousing Ulster's cause.
An nrtlelc In the Yorkshire Pest, as
cribed te Mr. lienar Law, urges that
Would Embarrass Any Party te
Deny Request, Mrs. Lund
Tells Women's Council
British War Mether Will Be
Philadelphia Twe Days
Twe days of honors nre planned for
Sirs. Amelia Kmmu McCudden, the
Iiritlsh war mother, In this city Monday
and Tuesday. Chief n,meng these who
will greet her Is the Philadelphia Chap
ter of the American War Mothers.
Mrs. McCudden will arrive in this
city tomorrow evening nt 8:40 o'clock
nt the Ilread Street Htatlen.
In the party besides her daughter,
Kathleen, and Miss lllanchc Phillips,
will be the three llritish wounded offi
cers selected by the English people te
lie iier escort, and airs. it. a. uigncy,
national head of the American War
Mothers, nnd her daughter. Mrs. no
land Perter.
Mrs. .McCudden and her party ns well
as Mrs. Dlgney nnd her daughter will
be the guests of Mrs. Blanche A. llcl
Ink at the Walten Hetel during their
stay in the city. The round of honors
begins early Monday.
Ministers Pay Last Tribute te Meth
odist Clergyman
Funeral services were held at 11
o'clock this morning for the ricv. Dr.
.1. Henry Smythe. prominent Methodist
mij.lstrr, who died Wednesday at his
home, 04?, North Twenty -second street.
After the services nt lfiiN) Chestnut
itreet, interment was made in Mount
Merlah Cemetery. The services were In
ehnrge of the Kev. Linn llewmun, pas
tor of the Spring Garden Street Metho
dist Episcopal Church,
Dr. Hmjthe. who was eighty-three
years old. Is survived by his widow. He
wns prominent as a religious leader.
the Unionists, by all their pledges in humorist, publisher and lecturer. Min-
the past, are bound te support Ulster isters who helped pay tribute te Ids
if she refuses te make any mere con- memory today Included Dr. Charles C.
cessions. ' Albertsen. pastor of Lafayette Avenue
Doubt lienar Law's Influence Fresh terian Church llroeklyn ; Dr.
In the event of Union st split it is edist Episcopal Church; Dr Frank P.
The contemplated Department i
'Mic Welfare, the, chief of wbl
wll held n sent In the Cabinet et Z
United Stales, should have u wem,
nt lis head, in the opinion or Mrs H?,V
land II. Lund, who addressed the hi
ennia meeting of the National Council
of Women in the Helleviic-Stratfe?
thin afternoon. '
".SutipoHe that erganised women .,i
that this one Cabinet nesiti i.. " .
nerved for an appointee of er-.mlli '
women?" she sad. "ThlL i ,?"nj??1 "'
snnnble n demand that it would em
bur.r,aJ"'.,!nj' Political party te deny It '
If this new department Is erganliM
along political lines. It will 5 dlS.
cult te extricate It. as it would be dlffi.
cult te extricate any ether of our Tax'
departmental sub-divisions. Might it
net be possible te persude our Presi
dent te appoint some woman rccem.
mended by this body of women?
"Should this appointment be made
let it be understood that there should
be nnmed by this woman Cabinet officer
n Cebinet auxiliary te be composed of
the p.csldcnts or their appointees et
the several great women's organic erganic organic
tiens. It would be both proper and
uvMrnuiu nun jour uisunguistied presi
dent -ilieuld be chiilrman of that Cabinet
council. It would then be possible for
this great educational and welfare di
vision te be operated by women chan
for their special knowledge and ability,
and net because of party alliance."
ir. nnrn nise nuvecaieu tne found
ing of nn institute of government t
Washington, under the direction of
vemen, as a means of giving some
adequate instruction te the Natien in
the actunl workings nnd methods of the k
National Government, rather than lere
this vital knowledge te be picked up In
the bchoel of organization politics.
She advocated also the calling for '
February of n women' constitutional
convention nt Washington for the mir.
pese of considering the Disarmament ' '
Conference, "the present condition of
constitutional government in the United
States, and the constitutional means bj
which the cost of government can be
reduced and its ctlielcncy increased.
ni nui i iuiii i hi ! i i il nwii i iuii un ii n i...
Ill IVlll) mrt I IJL lll 1 IUUI1UU IIIUIIUUIl -,V i, ;,, .i l ,.: ' u "M I'nrkin. secretary of the American 11 he
UJI VJJ llll I I wu - wiivi iiivKvfc.il t (nc njfjy WeuId still fellow Premier i c.t,.. ...i i. n i,.-
--.. AiriiiiiAnirmn ..ATllir nrtMITTrn Lloyd Geerge. Even the Pnienists them- .Win. "of the Pennsylvania Seamen's
L U ' V n UKWV M- UK IMI railS5S ilcte end Society.
Thus the number of capital ships 1 Crawford has been Miailewmg i nnries
A u Mnnr.n...i i.. ,,a T'ni.a.i s:,..r,.u Alt ritckcii ever since.
JU li- c. I n CI.' 'I ' .,iv ,.t.v. i-mi' r, .......... - - ....... . .....-. .-. ......... ...n, ....
If thW plan is nceepted, is thirty, with Yesterday he felt that he tmil enough ye't the Government detective thev saj
AK nHHMr. ........ iinAi,ii.,n ,i,n, nr i evidence, t,, c.insc ici racKcu s arrrsi. u rniinwincr its'
L. ships in eousiructien. if completed' of i nnd get permission from the insurani e Assurcl of the reporter's identity.
""-4,'J,7IO tens. Icrinpanj which Is prosecuting tiie case j she readily talked.
" .r t,t- .. r.i.,-n. , - ! sweur out a warrant f'-r Mcf'racken . i "I i,a,,. nnthftig te regret, neither
UIH..VJ imn.ii.i i j. jllH served last night ami .Md rncken i has Mr. rotten. I Jove him. In; loved
'The plan contemplates that frehvM,,'',!n(r ''fid for a hearing befer" Mag- me. and he did net love his wite. AVe
Hrltnln 1111,1 .Tnimn shall take action , iMrati Williamson. In .Media n it .Meil- fi,i thnt e have broken no law. Hie
which Is fairh commensurate MUi thin dn morning at 10 e clock,
action en the part of tl.e I'nited States. T:ilk Ieely te IK-tectivr
"It i- propose,) that Great Itiitain: wiien the nnlr were en tliflr wav "'it
moral cnrle is higher than the Ugnl
' cede. It would have been criminal for
1 Mr. Tett'ii te have gene en living with
hl.s wife when he loved me. I ae
Twenty Per Cent te Remain en ' Haddonfield Police Chief Denies
Smaller Salaries Better , He Told Defendant of Gar
Paid Men te Suffer ! weed's Attentions te Wife
When found! meets te consider the
budget Monday It is expected the bonus
en the salaries of the "little fellows"
among the cltr impleyes will be te
tnlneil. '
This renerr has irfvcn n tremendous
sense of relief te these smnll-salniied
. T. .... hh. ... ...CI.... ....nu.p.... '. ,. .1 . .. I... .. it l-. i, .,..,.. I L.i 1. 1 , H.., . ... . ,. . ...
j. ir-i .-iraic -,..' iui lii.-i ..niisiur- im .i-um m-i. ins"' .. ."..., -.... i.....,.,,, rcifrets. Wi w II. in it our Imttles ' . , , . i -....
Our love will """ " v , . ., .
the new I Mel 'rncken tnlkei) freely and tinnlly gnvii nr jippjuesn together.
jinn i ii-- MKiu'i """"'""' ...... cna " us town
rrd the Milng- i Kiit re had previous, t
te'd f!,c lete. uv in .Mrs. ieiicii s .inns
He .ils.. confessed. I rawterd said, te, ..i ,,,,,. rmt i.., Totten wi.l -re
iittempi te burn the burn in u. t.-'xr. ti(. .nnttPr n thc richt 1'ght. I hope."
she added wistully. She will let mi
I.. !, ..,.1,1 "
'in... .n..A,dP .c.u..l !... ,v .l.n in eisniri"''!. '
I II," J.-JI'mri ,i--,-.., 1,, .."HI i.iv .
.,., .....Ml.. sIIim !i.,,,.m1 -ilili .!. .,.! 1 has net gene (low i
l. ., i',l.,. i . . .....t ..u -..i., ui.'. '.. ,
wj.iknesH. 1 he teporter pressed the
I. n ..f ,1,, 'l'..tt.n tint.
ready been scrapped would amount te hie ii tv occasions, hoping 'tint tlie jrs x,,, n wh.ti -laired wen. an
nineteen capital ships nnd a tonnage j n sultan Mevents would overturn tr-' f,', .j t1P ,',. What de you wan't':'''
.reduction of til,"" tens. i .'ar and kill his brother and his wite. sn(, m,.,.,,!, celd.y.
"The tet.il t'.rnage of ships thus t"'IIe said flint another time he pijt l.'O I 'j".e two xseiicii -fired at carh ether
' be scrnppii) hy (Jrcat IlritJin Mnclud- i shir. ni7et hltnies in the mine Inn" I Tl ' Miunget- 'vmn.'iii swuyed. Mrs
ing tne leinngi or nie imir ne"u. u .Mil rii'-Keti .us.- xej.i is-i-ni . i r it - , Totters i'n soft.. mil. "Is this Mar-
l ford tha "ti one ec-nsmn he s ati. re i : r( ., ,,, nr,. "Yes," said the
p.iris ;r.'en n'.l r.ver en of his frnthfr's ,",,, uemun. her face crimsoning. Sin
! p.i-fiiP's In h-.pi-s that l.e w.uld p"S"ii . ,UT,,i r-,jrur,l. Mrs. Totten open's.!
Ill' Ie K. Ill llllplieneil, nmi'iM, ili-'I
tiOll of the four m" Heed
capital ships net laid down, but upon
which tnenej has been spent. 'Che four
ships, if completed, v euld have a ton
nage displacement of IT". 000 tens.
"eenm! Shall, m addition. scra
cr pre-drendnenghts. second - line
battleship-, and first-line battleships,
up te h it net including the King
Geerge. V clasi.
"These, with certain pre-dread-
neughts which it Is understood hae al
and added that h" hnd ale tried te burn
it en two pre'-ie'is oicnsieiiB.
MeCrack-u told Crawford, the Inf. i
k.is, fiat he had also attempted te;
wreck hi brother's automobile by.
putting tiul.s in the lam hading te tic
completed i would be .1M..I1 1 ten
"It is proposed that Japan
'Tlrit. hall abandon her program
of ships net jet laid down, vir. : the
IC-11. Onari. Ne 7 and Ne. S, battle
hips, nnd Nes. ". il, 7 and S. battle
cruisers "It sheubl be observed that thi does
net invehe the stepping of constric
tion, us trie construction of nei.e of
these uii) lias begun
"Second Shall scrap three -npii- il l Foreign
snips ith" MutMi, launched; the 'I.a:
the Knge. in course of building 1 nic'
four hntMecrulserB Mho magi nnd
kagl, in ' eiirsi- of building, nnd the
top;a and Tnkae, net yi t laid down,
but for ulii'.h certain material tjnsK'en
"Th" total numbr of new cni"tal
shipn te be scrapped under this para
graph iJ "i'ii. Tlie total tnnridge of
these new capital ships when con;.
plcted neuld be jyi.100 tenn.
"Thud. Shall Mitip all pre. oread eread oread
neughts and bnttk-ships 01 the second
line. This would include the scrapping
of all ships up te but net Including the
SettMl . that is. the scrapping of t"n
old ships, with n tut.i! tonnage -ii
I0O.82S tens.
"The total reduction of tennnge m
vessels existing, laid down, or for which
material has been assembled Making
'be tonnage of the new ships when com.
Dieted) would be dlSS tens.
the stei k did net wiimbi info i.iat- in ;
until the cleniejrs had disstp.it, .' ti.
Minister, Who Provided
Funds for Russian War, Chesen
Teh le, '" .15 A. I'. 1 1
Iliiren Korekl-e Tnk.1.1 ishi. M'n.ste'
of P'nanee in t'i llnrn .hinet. 'iii
natic d 1'rcmlrr today.
T.ikubaii.i is ree,ijriii.i. ni .r.u.an 1 j
ler foremost financier. At th" itset
01 the KuHHU-.Tnpnnc' war le ,.- ,i-,,if
rill et his great irwnldun' cut rnris. s
for tl." mc'vI. e of Lis lei.titry.
A the I'm jii'-.a! ( "ii missnniir of tl.e
Japanese Government he was
' hT arms te support th" fulling body.
1 ' I hiee nothing te ray." Mr Tot Tet
I fen told tl." report' r as she bathed the
'gir1' iiijurle- ' It's nobody's business
i h. ther or net I have ferghen my -en
e'.d tld- cirl
I I 'en, a- Margaret revive.
1 ' I'en't worn, dial. Yeu can sta
'hrr. .
! Deaths 0 n Day
Fermer Treasurer
ing, In tne era 01 economy, uiui ue-u
lienusi s worth be cut off.
Only the larger salaries. It is said,
will l.e affected, a man who i in n
position te knew said today :
"1 de net think th" little fellow will
high et et living
nnd it would net be
fail te tak" off tl." "0 per cent bonus
en small salaries that went en in wnr
tlni's. I de feel, however. Hint tlieie
should be 11 reduction 111 the bonus upon
the higher salaries. Mm n-'eiving ."OiOii
nnd SIUIIU ll 'ar should be able te get
alone 011 that. I think the higher sal
nHeil men are ".ettin:: enough."
At present th police and tin men. the
rmplejiii of the Water Hureau, High
way bureau, Suive Itiircau and the
i-eurt attaches de net receiic any bonus.
The court attaches recently receded n
tin' salary increase.
Tax Ilate May He Itedured
Anether encouraging report for the
iit a large is that the tax rate may !
ixiuicl. At present the rut" is Is'J.lf,
01. nui estate, with an additional n hoel
ta of iighty 1 cuts, making n total of
' i'J P.. The proposed ni -'ini'iil Is about
I J 1 . s,,-, ,i real estate, with light t"
j 11 i ni t .liii' cents school tax. or a re-
1 de. ti.'ni of ribetit tiltecn (cuts.
I Miner Moere and Councilman Hull I ,.
and linftney lire in aecerd en this mat- , ;
The pica of triiilfen! Yeung, con
fessed murderer, nn trial In Camden,
that he hud killed Harry Garwood,
'rippled jitney driver, beiiiise the lat
ter was attentive te Yeung's wife, was
rebutted today by witnesp.s for the
In his confession, tead this morning.
Yeung admitted the murder, but snid
he imd killed Garwood because he be
lieved him Intimate with Mrs. Yeung.
The defendant named Geerge Pierce,
-pedal officer employed by the Pennsyl
vania Ituilrend, and William licnnln.
chief of police of Haddentiehl, ns men
who had told him the had seen Gar
wood at his house during his absence.
Pierce was one or the first witnesses
today nfter the conclusion of Yeung's
I lonl'essier.. He stiid he had known
1 etitis: ter mnny ents.
"Hid you ever tell him that you had
"ecu Garwood in his home.'
Prosecutor olverten.
I "I never told him thnt I hnd seen
Miaiwoeil or any one che In his home,"
said Pierce positive .
Chief of lvdice Dennis then was called
te the sfnnd, nnd testified in the same
vein. Hi- said he hnd never told Yeung
an thing te make him suspicious of Ills
u conservative seiesien against the
whole of the Influence of his former col
leagues In the Cabinet.
It Is admitted albe In Unionist quar
ters that opinion concerning the resolu
tions te be submitted at the Idvcrpoel
conference In regard te the Irish posi
tion is sharply divided.
Talk of 11 general election has been
revlvd In several quarters, but nobody
speaks boldly in favor of tt, and it is
generally conceded that whether it is
railed depends solely en the Irish developments.
The I.aberltes have openly voiced an
t iiwIllluzni'Ks te consult the country nt
precnt. The Free Liberals, despite
the recent nsrtlen of former Premier
siUlth thnt the coalition was breaking
tin. have been counseled by ether influ
ential advisers te be content jet u while
te preach th" "pure gospel of the old
faith," which means going en quietly
ler the time ucinfr.
Policeman Admits Uelng Indecent
Language te Autelst
Magistrate Carsen reproved Traffic
Policeman Stevens In Central Station
today for using abusive language in
the performance of his duty.
Stevens had arrested Murray Dutkln,
of llXlii Seuth Sixth street, for run
ning past his signal at Market and Fif
teenth streets. Durkin said he was un
familiar with truffle and that Stevens
had used indecent language in reproving
him. 'When Dutkln remonstrated, be
cause of the presence of his wife in
the car, he snid Stevens retorted with
additional Invective.
Stevens admitted the accusation in
part, whereupon Magistrate Carsen
discharged the prisoner and imposed
the reprimand.
"Yeu ought tn be ashamed of your-
seir, lie snid. rer disgracing your
uniform In this way. Such Innguage is
itself n violation of the law, which you
as a public sen ant should be the lirst
te observe."
Coup-Stick and W.ar Bennet Placed
en Grave of Soldier
Washington. Nev. 12. Chief Plenty
Coups' address, delivered In the Crew
"I! V1", 1SP' ":'!?. ' ?..ZTJn:S. Mney City Man Believed te Have
JllV-l Oil tl 1 111,1 'lvmiV'"l- ll.llUUI.n -r-
the entire unknown dead ceremony. The B"n Shet by Anether
asked address, which wns specially translated Mahaney City. l'.i.,. Nev. 12. Iy
bj Dr. Jeseph K. Dixen, of Philadel- ing in his own bleed and suffering from
?liia, leader et tlie Hedman wanamnKcr gunshot wounds in tne hack, Antheny
Iisteric.il Kxpiditlens te the North , Thuieway, forty-two vears old, a
American Indian, wns ns follews: bridegroom of three weeks, wns found
"I feel it nn honor te the Ilcil maa iim-'onwieuH in 11 clump or bushes near
thnt he takes part in this great event, the mining vilage of lluek Mountain
because It shows that the thousands of, ere today by hunters. He died shortly
Indians who fought in the great war,hftr being admitted te the leuiitaln
are appreciated bv the white men. t,f,rin'?s S,,nt' ""M"tnl. without being
"I am glad te represent nil the In- ab,lc e make n statement,
dlans et the I'nited States In placing I . Thureway left his home early today
en the grave of this noble wnrrier this' te bunt. It Is believed that he was
coup-stick and war bonnet, every eagle &et b" ,ilIletf"'r ' " accidentally,
feather of which represents n deed of, "J" l bounds were lying nt his side
valor my nice. w' fl,uml- Th? police arv investi-
"I hope that the Great Spirit will sratin.
grant that these noelc warriors nave net
IIOWERS. Suddenly. Nev. IX. OSCAR D.
non et Jehn II. and Chrletlim llewen '
runernl services Monday, 2 1 M , Irem hl
parents' retldv'nre, Hunnemede, jf, j
friend may call Sunday afler 7 r M.
OKAY. Nev. 10. MAUV GIL.VT (dm
Weet). wife of Joceph Gray Relatives and
Irl-ndH, also Jus. K. Armstrenic Council
Ne. at, H. nnd V. of ., Invited te funtrtl
services Monday, 2 I', M.. at the parleri of !
Jehn i:. Miles & Hen. 1417 K Hufjuehiwu 1
ae Interment l)rlate. North Cedar 1IU)
Cmnetfr. I'i lends may call Sunday atur
H V. M.
STI.WAr.T. Nev. 12. MARTHA .1.. itUm
of William . Htewart runfial nri.
Monday. 10:36 A. M.. nt hrr late resl '
uence, 2U1 Mifflin st Interment lit
Merlah ueinetcrj'. 1 rlends mas cad hundu
WAL.ENTA.-Xev. 10. EDML'MJ .1 . hill
hand of ih late Anna Ktlzabeth Uulnta int
father of the Ituv. lleerse J. Waltnta. Rel.
lues and Iridium, also I'hllates I.udje M
e27. r. and A. M. ; Corinthian Hurler N
2CU. 11. A. E. D. : Jlakrr Pest Ne d. 0 A.
It., milted te funeral Monday. 1 V M from
his late residence, 2IIS0 N Oth et SVrilcM
at 2 I". M. at ht. Slmeen'a V V. Church, SIS t
and Ixhlsli .Me. Iiucrnunt -trlc'u prhate,
Mt Peace Cemetery.
SIIUPAHD I1KARD. widow of te!. llllaiu
K. Keaid. C. M. A., of Tallaha.Sbtr Da, at
the home of her daughter, Mm Jeseph C
Karnshaw, 40e Hehoei Heue lane. (.tn.. fti
her fi4tn year. Interment Ta'lal,i".e. n
Virirlnla. North Carolina and I'I ji Ida nun
rleaite copy. ..
WII.TSIimn Nev. 11 .MAROAnEl'"'
riXJItENCE (nee TherneV wlfa et Ilan7 1
Wiltshire, accrt 11. Relatle and frlendi
Invited te funeral nerUceti Tuetday, 1 P il.
rem ;U4 Friends i.c., Camden. Interment '
Femwned OnietTy..
land nt MaiKaret Nicholas den lexi, ictd
'.'8 Relatives and fritnds are InvltM 10 at- '
tend funeral, Men.tiy. 8.S0 A I ltr reil
dnc, 11 te U8l llewten elnln reeul'ni
mass at the Imm.ieulute C onceetlon Church
10 A. M Ilntermcnt prhaf. Hely CrCH
Ceneterv. 1
M'CaS'N. Nev. M Mill IAUT A, '
daUKhter of late Jehn and Mai- Mi-ftr.n
ReliitliC3 and frlet d ure InMe-1 10 atunt
funernl. Monday, 7. SO A. M . from h'riif
reHldence. I74S S. HIiiRXOld st Solemn
re'julem tnas.s at. Kdward's f'hureh OA, S
l.i.a.man, Il.il,. , p.ib Cinnl.ri'
conacAiiunN-Nev tt. wiuiamh..
viu.ri ten nf William and Sarah il Cen.
cartden (nei Ky.e). In hU 2'Jd e.ir JlelatliM
ai d friends Whits Htiir 1ilm Ne SJ.
of II., Phlladelyhla Indite Ne. ', A O. U,
v., and Harry uwiuem , 1 i;
lted tft services. Tuesday. 2 P. M turenlf
rcaidenre. 2H.10 Emerald ct lnlcrin-nt Ml
v.it. Vlewlnif Monday nienlnK
MURRAY in" Mel'eakl - un 0.Y,IP
mat. MAIWARUT. wife of 'he le'e VV II in,
Murray RelatHes and friend i;re n Ited U t
funeial. en Mendiy. at 3; AM., ttm
East CleaineM ;t Koleinn inanii of requtiB
at 10 A. M. Church of the Ascenflei W
tennent Ht. E-einlnlc's, UelmesburK
of Gloucester ; ' l , .
. . . . Art ter inn siti.u ., ju tim
"-...., tvi 1 tn 1 s AM&kTa.Y . .
v-euiii, 11. -., u.c i "0c ui ei tun., all up te anil iiiclmlilig .vjki n
iienrg" 1' I'ursiin ishti -fmir enrs ,ar receive 11 "0 jut cent bonus, Treiii
111, et U'oeilhiir, N .1. died carl te- , .il'iiui) t .s.'IODO the linimx is 1." per cent.
, .- ,.... 1: . . , 11.. .. i.t.. ' ;... . . ... .,-.. . ... ..ii-nui . 1 .. 1 1.. in
UI v i-i ifi'lirr ijisiii 1 if v.us i'iiii 1 roil! ,.iijini in ei"i"i ii" i".iur. js in, , n
1...' 1. i-i.. 1 1 ... ..... 1 i. .1.1. t.i.. in . 1 1 can
J.Illl It 111 I "I. IH '-S.fi 1 17'IHl.. IIU . IIIH I ,Or I I III II is llll l.ll I' I l' J"T I I'll'
Ihe'l there iill hi hie bonus that U expected te go
Mr I'lersiiii Mas 1,1111. in eijeslmre :
Mrs. Yeung .May Testily
I Mi-p. Yeung later may be permuted
1 te take the stand te Indicate hoi-
honor as a wife -jihI iiiottier.
Otlier tcstiiiien etleii'd today con
cerned Yeung's attempts ui break jail,
.tfiliii Williams, of I, lout ester, was
called te 11... stand and t.stilied he KVi,u llp' tlH.lr ive;) in vain, and that! TREE FOR UNKNOWN HERO
nan women vnn 1 enng rer a year iiiim
a half at the tribbsteu pewdei jilnnt.
i.arly in Uoteher I nvelveil 11 let
" the witness testlllfd. "nigned by
i,est, asking tne te call at the
I'liiinleti Ceuntv hill. I uir (Jelut
1'iescnt ... i,,.m 1 ,li,l ,,et knew, anil hr ht-eiiL-hl
Y'eimg. The defendant offered me .fpeft
if I would get lilr.i MX hacksaw blades.
1 I refused, and he snid: 'You're what
a tine man ' "
lehn I'learv, YmingV attorney, tried
there will be peace te all men hcic-
Geed Omen for Armlttlce Day Cele
bration In Maine
1'ertland, Me,. Nev. 12. As a pa
rane of war veteran- halted in front of
f'llv 1 lull nt neon yestenlay and wtiile
War Mothers te Have Charge of
Planting Exercises
The Philadelphia Chapter of the Na
tional American AVer Mothers will plant
n tree in l,egan Snuare this afternoon
at 3 o'clock in honor of the unknown
who waH burled yesterday In Arlington
National Cemetery.
The ceremony will be attended hi
nlvnit .'100 war mothers, many of them
ai l,e u'limlliini eiti Ci.iincll and was at i,ne f. im i.-,ii sn i.tiT
ill of the icrenT war learmitime a member i thr illeueester llunul ' ,.s,s n'n.eunted te .siH.!M."i.4.."7,
ml he lived for nearly two 0f r,-,.he.dri. iCeiin-ll only veiled Sr.I.:it t..:i i ,Mj
Destroy rlt -six lllg Ships
"Thus, under this plan there w,.jld
lie immediately distrejed, of the navies,
of tbe three peweru, Hiity-slv eaplt.il
lighting ships, built and building, but
11 total tonnage of l,H78,4a.
"It l proposed that it should be
agreed by the United Htates, Ureal Itrit
aln and Japan thut their navies, with
reepect te capital ehipn, witliin thrre
months after the making of th" agree.
tnrnt, Bhnll consist of certain ships
designated In the propefal and number
of the I'nited States, eighteen, for ilreat
Britain, twentj-twe; for Japan, ten.
"The tonnage of these Hhips would be
ai follews: Of the I'nited States, .100,
650; of Oreat Britain, COl.ir.O; of Ja
pan, 00,700. In rcuching this renult
the age factor in the case of the reHpre
five navies has received appropriate
Iteplacement Proposals
"With reRpeet te replacement the
United StatPH propeses:
Flint, That it be agree, that the
first replacement tennuge shull net be
laid down until ten years from the
date of tbu iigreemeiit
'Second. That replacements be lim
ited by an agreed maximum of capital
hip tonnage us fullewsr
'Fer the. United States fiOO.000 ten.i.
"Fer Great. Urllaln 600,000 tens.
"rer Jaran aoe.000 ,ten.
leih.-.i ami wii- tin
with ali.iest as m if h tHwer ,.s the Km- ,""r-' .'
1 1.11 ri- 1 li-
perer "f .lap 11 himself. It
who tleated nil "f the ifrenr
nnd te rlinf
ynirs iti Londen. j
nnren j niwimiMll is reierreri 10 ey nis
ji.. .ju" s -i lie'ii -ii ade man. havi'.p
.1 -ipi.r.d rru.it of his eperitn'ti and nl
i' ai 'ii i Japan. ' 1 am 11 leu n sel--
ci. 1 ." said Mr Tnkahusl.l with
P 1
tirM 1 11 clrrk of Wood Weed
lie lived for iiiui.- than til ty
.rieii several ternm 111 tne
I'ntil a u.enih age. when he resigned
Intending te go te ri.nnfield te live -vth
1 Mm, lie v .is Tn usurer of filoiicestei
County find secretarj of the Woedhmy
Hell lWrii'e nnd Mutual ilulldlng nnn
l.i.uti AvmhIi lien. 11" had held befn
"'i n I "va n ii" -ar- old I ! i.nsii.ivis ff.r tiftv imi
i'i 1 in in earn my njn Iniig .tr-i lMring Iss.s and 1 S!l lie was sine,
weilied 11 y wnv n, rough si In,,, I ' 1 ,, ,, l.mid I, Wiitklns. speaker of
tin V' 1 , lei si AhMMubh. and 111 1SPU
he WUtl sii'is.l.il t.i Ilt'Zirj Neitln. pres-
ideni "f th" New Jersey Si'iiuti Mr.
I'll ri-en nad I'M many yenrt been active
Sem" of the Inpiinese gnvi linnet 1 .!
niiiheritles, who admlnsl the young fel
low's plur-i: ,md earneKtin s in his work,
wi;rn inetruineiiinl in grantinc .u wish
of coming te America te study tne
IJnglish lnnuunge.
lie remilned in C.ilifern'.a ter nlmit
a year studjlng, r"turnirg te Japan
nheut the time of the mil igurntie'i of
the new linperlnl rejj.ini. S,,,,,, after
Ins etlicinl caieer In g.m as iutru''ier
in tiie scliuel of I!!ngllsli language,
established after the wai of the n
storatleu hi the linnerial tJnvernn.etit.
Ills elficial scrlie wen. ii-iireM-i.tnl m '
various departments Kdueatien, Agri
culture and Commerce, the 1'airiit
Hureau, llurfnu of Agticultun' ami
Forestry and later he wan nppeln'is
te the, efliie of Viee (,oernor of the
Government bank at Teklo.
Dr. Landls Urges Secial Service
The importance of social service in
the priii'tiie et medicine win eniphasUnl
tediiv l Hr. II- K. M. Laudl." of
l'hipp- Institute, in nn ,-.ildris in
Ilign-ne Hall of the l'nirjt of I'enn
minima. The dii of the tiueil phs
clan I- pus-ling, he said, and tle
specialist, with no knowledge of family
circumstances, must obtain threiiirh
social ecrvice nid the data which will
lllg Cut Is KspvWed
In tin budget lequi-sts for l'.iJ of,
, the vniieus city nud unt j offices are,
1, ast wnr tne re
is ii,jieci,.ii n large Mini win de pared
irem thin ymr's I'stimnti' also.
When Council meets Monday at 1
V M. If v ill til -t 1 enslder the budget
isiiei.t. of the Cm Cernrnller, the
Sinkmir l'und Commissioners, the Cor
ener's ntlicc and the Cli 1 1, ui" the Cyui't
of Quarter S.ssk.n. Later in llie (a
the District Attirney. I'rothenotary,
Sheriff and I'aii'ineiitit I'nrk Coinmls Ceinmls Coinmls
hlenesr will piesent iheir budget i-.il.
iieiiu iiearv, nuingh attorney, tried "' -, -; .,,,,.,. .,,.,, :". , '," nimiu '"' war huhie-jd, many , mem
te ke..,. Williams' testimony out. but theu-uud of snecoters steed Mletit ter . Inttll.rh 0f sons who have never been
it was admitted after 11 sd,. ,ar confer- te """""J' " ? " ""''S' ''rr .Identified.
ri),.f the throng trem cast te west.
in fiiiternal ilreles, and ter littj .eari
wa- seiieiury of ili. Florence Ledge, I".
mid A. M . of Woodbury.
Ills wife died two yearn age. He is
survived bv two ions, Geerge Jr., of
I'lnli.lleld. and August C.. of Woodbury.
I lurry 'Ihornten, forty-nine yci-a
old. hmiee sergeant of the I'ertietli
I'lili'e Ilislriet and twenty years a
I'hilndelphin ledicemnn, died at tl
n'cleik tills morning at his home, 1isi-j
Tuiny street He liad been ill with
nneiiinelila nince 1iif.t Tucsdny. e
leave-. .1 wife and tour children. Thorn Thorn
eon wii made patrolman In January,
1'jiMi. in the 'IVentUth District, and In
JPHI heeame house sergeant of the
Fortieth District. He was a graduate
of (,irard College.
J. B. singleton's Funeral
Je'in II Singleton, eighty-one ,vearH
old. for Huty-one yeard 11 member of
Tvpegraphic.il Cninn, Ne. 'i, and one
of the union's old -age. pensioners, died
at a relative's home in Huntington.
W Ya iiml was burled yesterdav iu
J. n. V. f'li'.vrv 3V'l V P,l' hvi, anj
Teres A M' b" 2HI0 X. O'h t
Mu.tln 8. tuiilne. l IS'.' I M ijiinii niltiR
iw . iinl Mlve M "OT ".I i-reBi .
C'tte J Itlun'.i. ru-i V shinirnii. Pn , unit
AI1 . r 1 e'llnii W'liiu'i iir',-e, P.i
F.nil K Ka'.e IHM M st.. ,.rj );ilu Pav
. i-.rt llsltlRim . M.I.
jUiiiii-1 tl. 1'srlter. K.aJ tH.i nr.n'l f . ml
II M.e:l- I'll . ".Tl." v.'. He wird bt
f. l'i in.'. I'urhh' .. N', C. and I ..
Viiuithn I..'.".i N '-'J '
"iiuli. Muriln tll II n'it'nhnur n. ami
Cslelle Ke- lift H I. Ill) .iliruse fl
.Ml.ert ll Tinner la'nent.r, IM , unci Ituln
lfrmen. PltiNhurtjIi I'
J. mini T M.'l.'urlil. 172 W. (unrj- avc. an 1
ilTtr'ia' .'i. i,ou' . . '.' " ii)iir ii,
Vli'irnse Chmpi'lleiie Slll.v N IO1I1 t,t., end
l.euUa Vl. n, Sl'j W Vn.vru-u st
ITe.l VV VVsnrr, 1MI1 I'mUr si . ami Anna
t TMiel, 4710 Wlnilsnr eve
Jehn K HeAtheiee i.gfi V SC. h ji , h.n.1
sura n v iiueii, -us v nnii ,.
Jfert-er' 11 Them", ef.'i Mnl.'elni s . nl
h'ltirn Wsmir jr.as l'e'nl-r rt
I-miik 11 I.'l" im. 101 An, 11 si . dt.ilIi!i
t. Kirnlmrt. IH2 Prisiut ,
i"hiul" rpi.l i' .'.',i'l f Vti at anJ
1hr(.l ' lAtll '.',1iJ4 .s Walt H
M.eluel J .t lyic r 17 .'1 l.H,-t'in ,nl e' , ar. I
Kkth.inrt M.hen 12 S ."'"h n
Jehn V WtP'l t24 - llih si . unrl r.era
J. nrry 110 s smli it
Jehn nil lnrl" Ventnilniitsr. Md , nn1
T.'raiieM s Ki a -1 Ilrrxtl Hill
An eri r 11 v 1 n hi nnd C 'en
Lewis Shaw, of Haddonfield. also an
acqualntcnee of Veung's of many years
standing, testified he had teen Yeung
in Jail in llcteher.
"Yeung said: 'I'm In n of a
fix.' I snid. 'Why did you kill that
man, then':' He answered, M was drink
ing hnd whisky when I did it.' Then
he nskiil me tn get him four back"aw
blades, and I refused."
Other witness,!, today are, expected
te tell of attempts the defendant made
te escape.
Mrs,, Yeung Knits in Courtroom
.Mi-", .-sariui lining sat Knitting a
sweater for one jif her children today
while her husband's confession was be.
Ing rend ill the Camden County Court
house. Mr. Yeung has been at the trial nince
It begun, but never in the courtroom.
She vi ,ia taken the tint day te Projc Prejc Projc
tuter Wolverton's private etlice, nnd
there she has set ever since. She was!1
there thin morning while the story of
the crime wan being icclted, in Yeung's
own words, though net by his llpi, te
the jury which Is trying him for bib
011ng, glowering In h's- nhice in the
courtroom while bin confession wnu
hi ing rrad, maintained bin usual milieu
demeanor. He has never asked for his
wife. He Is being guarded by big Bert
Schrllltiger, who Is six feet four Inches
tall and carries, with him 'JIO peunda
of lunie nud miiBclc.
l're'peets of 11 Sunday dinner at
home for the jurors went glimmering
tedav . Ji. slice Kat7.enbach iinneutieis
there would 1k no night ffdfden this
The jurors will be allowed te go
tn church tomorrow, but munt go in
a body. They nrpbably will be taken
nit together tomtjrresv afternoon for an
ltrevinMllle. Tev., Nev. 12. A Te Build Tractor Plant
snow white pigeon flew Inte Sacred I IndianapellM, I nil., Nev. 12. The
He.iri Church here yesterdny at n werv Alenn Steam Products Company, of thiH
jrp celebrating Armistice Dav and city, has purchased n slxiwrn factory
perched ever 11 memorial window. It site en which te erect n plant te build
remained there throughout the service, Mtv.im trucks and tractors.
- nevh'i: is ltKKi.nv tsirp' tiit
..... .- .1. ..mivil nt r.nrtlfCHtr 0. svji
ran i". " '". Tl.rr -. .1.. Tl.lrt.nl
Z ' ' nireB of Bleck of th- Tlilrtnth .
I-Mfw'fiit HlrfSu riMn-r Illlay rm;
j?nviary2Htti. ISO?, thi am hevlnf fciw
'""'""jesKpi?' A.'iMen.:Li.E.
Adrntnl-tniter d h. n. 01 mu ia"i v
..-- rv; vnVKVIHi:il 10. ItWI. ". llOSfS-
ivi7 " " -t --:.-. : . ... . .,.,t.-r
1.1 1 ,
t,f.,re trfc.Pn us cr-iiarlners un.' ' l1)n,
of S. ItO'rnth'l i te. at .4. , X Vn ni,
SnlliM vlll cenfnue the bu-.rfa .r I u.uns
nil tlie ebll8tttlenn increei
" maY.kkh Tjrini..VLijju,n 1
Tiir. hut net'SK in Tun eruu.
'VlON AT A SAY1MC Ol" $1H"
room, and bath. u'r' "'" ,mh'
ill .iml garaBt. li med-' 1?'
N, w. cur. Mb nnd PI" "
lsltj. Amt ut preir.lt.!!i
1 nmt-ard
. undv.
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r.t vnntWunA
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fully executed upon the
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Chestnut axd Juniper Streets
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it, read the
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tising columns
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West Laurel Hill Cemetery
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l (
tliat, subject: te the ten-