'f ' T ''-"ntv "v WFSFr sr - W$;H W"f$ftw i , V.O Euentng public ffie&get PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEJIBER 11, 1921 ;. .-sw. .? i ' "ew;M3MiHT fsf5 iSC "rmJBrVi ..met 7 ' Til 68 $3 Y lB B 9Hf flHR IrjVrf-tt B IBj BB Hh Bb Bx. ivf4 tKvatf tE. z Eflt Vf?. rFT BBB BB2 fllBff BBSl nfnMl BBS iBBH BBH BJBKs BBBJ ltT BjfvBj HF7 Bfi t"-i 1 i-m j VjtKKKmjF f xjffiinLJETflR c!bbbbL yMr1 y ' a8y C1 nJBHBBBra&nif' 4' JBBBBBBBlKBwEiSBywWJBfg3BBlv ? lMBBBaBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB?3BBBH isBBBBBBBHBttlJ'''-",& BBBBbKhBbBbBBW Jp SIJHbMw I " BBBFBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBfBBBBBBBBBBiBBllfWBBBBl NiBMBBBBBBBbV mHbI HttMBMHIflift ll jBLH BBBBB I ' HJrrBBr1' WBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtb1mBBBBBBBb1 IJlv3BrBBBBBflBBBBB? ' MPT ItnBBBynrBBrewVlMwSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBB Lbb9bwbbbbbb?i IK fii'iihSdriftf "statfsmkv A vn ;n! niKRS HONOR HERO Distincuished croup pnys heinaRc te Amcr- 'FLOWERS ARRIVING AT CAPITOL. Soldiers and marines of the British army and navy, with their officers, ,n 5ffiNI$?e W M- unloading floral tributes. They XJT b'rA " "' " " 12 ice Hanley. Genninl Pcrshinjr, Lord Cven, Arthur J. Balfour, Secretary HurIips i . efflcml heads of Great Britain international THKY MO EP IN ENDLESS PROCESSION. The great and the low! tvalked threuRh the rotunda of the Capitel te pay tribute te the unknown dead, Ktnp in stnte The roped path and cuards arc shown in etching f BBI wKP Km bbK SH&"' .BSuBBBfllk z BlPvs Sk BBBBkt VBtk. MM w BbbmbbbW ?.-...."" a$& MRS OBENCHAIN TAINTS. She collapsed as she appealed before the Grand Juiy at Les Angeles, charged with the murder of .1. Belten Kennedy. Her former husband, Ralph Dheneham, is at the right Sheriff Treeger, at left t'ndrw.y.4 a i'ntir.,i ON WAY TO CAPITOL. Arthur J Ralfeui. chief of tne Bnts.li nn. patien in Washington, seated wnth Sci-retary Hughes, hearted a long lin lin ef automobiles in a precession f em the British Emha i bbW. . w ', BBBfet vk0i-''i-lA HHtft?yjf jf" S &JSrfiyF B I xcwtfflittAtfWWiJPlv" dBHfaK .HflBBVJBBfJBBl lj 0NBVtlr kslBBBBBElzaBSBBBBBH PlWSRBfiaiI' BbhiIbbKjPTkuSbbbbbI BbKbbIbbhLbbE-' JbIIbbbbH "HHRHHSbBbbbbi .iRlBBTBrflBlaBs r: TixSaBBBBBBBBBBHBflBm bbkSbSbbSSbV v''' " .BAfBnlBflHRBm .. fteJjBlBBBBHBBBffiBBBBrjStFfllPJABBft tjgBBJBBjBBJBJPSMBB EifrJK5'lBM111MOTgSfflKH I BJBMfeBPfwy)BjBJ I BBEiftPQMnESSH I AHBHSbII I """"'bmRSSI BJBJBJBJPMBBBflBBBMHMBBBBiKKI iilfc bbTbBBIII HIbIVPw ''JLl?JlJfHiyi8HJIIIil1lMBBCZig flilM : BMOTwHSBBMEBaBMM', 1 '?. -';J?; WwJRVBISBSBSBBBFBJBfBBJFfi?' w.- 3 3 -"y (- a5 - KHBRBJBJBBBBfBirv svt if' ?& KSJi''Mi"l'3BmF' 'l?ji 'L-rftXl&l 8bbbbbbWP!j -H- -v- 1j! : Ibbb; ?C .i im '&Jbbbbb1 r - - '-"c'f ? , - MbbbS " Wxjli L'vj- 'H 7xB9BBBBBr ",iJ ,f BMMMJwr. ? Xhbbbbbta' "--'IbIW ?? -;-' : ShSBBBBBBBBBBI .-sT ' ?,'-li&BBBBriil ! - x S HBBBBBTPn 1 fc'"' sSMbbbbI 4EfKi . ' -bbbbbL . .BBBBBWVTBsTBBBBBBk nX .BBBBBBBBBkEVBBBBBBBBBBBl x bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! bbbT bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ' bbbI bbbbbbbbbt BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi BBBj iBBfl ' GALLI-CURCI, en her arrival in New 'lerk from Cleveland, was given a rous reus ing reception wiir w i 1 1 V &tZ8&3tSil822 FRENCH EXPERTS. Admiral Deben and General Buat are with the French dclcga dclcga tien te the Arms Conference t ft i im AMBASSADOR JUSSE RAND, of France, host te many French folk n k, ELECTED. Mi-- Vnnie.Mattrw the new Reg,-tf i of New rw HhNR ( MORRIS, head 'tv fuel division of the Dcpaitment f iinmci-r M IRiriON rKUM A BM TLE Baby seal in Ixmden 1 1 mg ti i 1 kccjui TO AID BOY' SCOLTS. Barbara Barnard will be at the Kennel Club of Philadelphia .hew en November 23 and 21. Hemlock Hill Patch l- the degV name "" Br f HARRY MUSSLE, SOHG Emerald street, operating a press that embosses HAD A BUSY SEASON. Football coaches at Penn- fK' photo, mounts, In the factory of A. M. Cellins Manufacturing Company, ingtpn Seminary put a let of confidence in Sanguily, BBBBBV; 826. Columbia avenue. The Dress makes 6500 impressions a day when the time comes for the ball te get in action Bi -.- . i t Hi'. , 'f ' . iSBBk KKBIKBKEKBEIKIBa.z- gmmjmiiv BattiiMBBBBBBBBBBBB MADAME KARINA. The world-famous Danish dancer is seen te visit this ceuntrj. iip is new- in v innce i ntr.il Nf ,i v h j, & ","",- "-- ttifciifei3 nilJ YOU EVER HEAR ITS CRY? It has a neon-day whistle of i Kensington factory beaten for shrillness. This Pacific yull, u-sident of the Philadelphia Zoe, is registering hunger BUSY PH1LADELPHIANS r BSBBBWBBB1B?WWBg71By;M!J:aiiilBB "Trsrmm1M ITrriirlliflBmBM T IFiinfnTnMBMMff I BBBBMBBBBBBMIPlfliiBlBlBPJHSwL f m BMBBBBBBBBBiEJBlBBBBBWPak 1 BBBlBBBfBBEWBtlSSlP rf 1 bMbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI'MAB? ' BBBflBBBKBBK S lBMBBBBBBSBwRBBBBBBBnBCmXl9Bv BBBBBBBBBBK'W BbI BBBB9rB9WBBBBBsBBBB?S3HHB9 'SP3BBff BbI ilSSi;illlll!iSLr ) .bI BBkBBBmShSbW 'ilSlsii -BwBBBB " B fattJBByPiirPSBx mBBjBSbBBBBb , .,v.(V 'P4PMiiB3BwBHWBBBl -? f MiflBwHilraBBH "ftte&mnmBammv .- -i ,jfjwiyi'i am. - .. ,:.".' MR AND MRS. HANS BOLUM, step-parcnts or Harry Garwood, murdered man, ut trial of Guil Guil eord Yeung, In Camden MRS. B. HOMER LE IiOL 111, LIER, of Paoli, a devotee of out door life TRANSIT MANAGER. W. A. Watsen, of the Girard National punk, j 11G Seuth Third Htrect. !ln 5 mnrrleil nm! Hvns in North CanlUC"' Mr. Wutsen hus been in-the banking business thirty jcar . v