KP riv A W "-v- f. i-jrsy; T 77T;7!7 rv r , vi i 4 BACHELOR HUSBAND joy XVUXJJt u. uiuie lufier et "Richard Chatterton," Etc. CevvriaM. J. & 1". . Mill A Ce. ... .. LkUt tlllft injOMDVwi " --. - .M ..1.1 "I UlitlK "' '"- EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEB-PHILADELPHIA, FJRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1921 . ,i BMietTnilrtKl, and Marie led the way Z I he library, which had been turned sort of smoking room for Chris i. a. enrt iniu - Mrs Hcrlet shut the deer carefully, ti,n, turning, he nsked with drnmntlc tet'ijrg. Lawless, who Is this Miss tfebber?" Marie stared nt hen "Dorethy Webber? She is my friend; i-nwerc at school together." "My Pet chlld ' lf J'eu th,nk she '" jenr friend you arc being dreadfully de ctlTed lrcndtully.' "I don't knew what you menu." Mrs. Herlet dabbed her eyes te wipe wv Imaginary tears. i hate te sec people deceived," she mm "I hate people who make scan dal and mischief. I am only telling Z for your own snke and because &J and I have always been friends; tat jefterday down en the golf Unk" ; '..,.. ... .i,t, i iin- Mnrle Drene m "i i""- . !.,. Heriet. I would much rather u n T Is nf nn interest veu tain nu uiviiv. . w. ..- .- te me-r beg of you, please But Mrs. Heriet was enjoying herself loe much te step. She had a ways dls Iked Mnrle, nnd she hated Dorethy because she had appeared te be en mere friendly terms with Chris than she her self. She wc,lt en' "',8 te be ' "Yeu ought te turn her out of the 1......1 Kim U n false friend! Why. I saw her and my sister saw her ... . t U.H.I... .H..4U M..I...1 lis... f TUtft yOUr I1UWUUUU M UWMO l"Mll 'HI Crying in his arms! I linte having te tCU VOU, OUl 1 lUUUKUl, liliu my rister thought, that It was only right veu should Knew."' one eretic en, iook ieok ioek 'log at Marie's stony face with faintly malicious eje. "Men nrc se weak, peer dears; hew can ene blame them?" she went en. "It's the women, with their subtle cleverness." She did net add that she had tried nil her own wiles en Chris with humiliating failure. "I am se sorry for you." she pursued softly, "but you should reully insist that she leave the house." u Marie walked past her njyl opened the deer. "Please go," she said. "But, Mrs. Lawless " ""lease go," Marie said again. "Oh. well, of course, if you wish it!" Mrs. Heriet passed her jauntily and went out Inte the hall, just as Chrfs opened the front deer nnd came la. Mrs. Heriet smiled and held out her hand. "I was se afraid I should have te run away without bcclng yeir," she said. "Wa'havc had such u delightful after noon. Where have you been, you bad man?" Chris made seme vague answer. His M.i riflrl fnnn nilcf hai ,n ,t'fiain lilu UV. .UU MU..U l'..Ub ..... .V. ........ .lit! wife etoed nt the study deer. She wns vry paie, mit quite sen-pessessed, and she even smiled faintly as she met his ejes. "Mrs. Heriet is just going," sbe said elesrlv. 'I'crhnns veu will see lier nut Chris." ( She went back te the, library, and steed staring befere her with blank fits. She had always hated Sirs. Heriet nnd distrusted her, but some- fMnt, Inl.l linti .tin, .tilci lmn n t- ntl "UQ Vl, till lUUb 11. .O ,tlli . .It. (,1 Wats, the widow had spoken the truth. Th ffletfi kneilier! in fit tin ...tnttlnfeW. Inte the chain of last night's events Dorethy's tear". Chris' preoccupation, and her own instinctive feeling that all vras net right. She heard Chris dose the front deer find come into the room behind her, and fcbe forced herself te turn. "Dorethy nnd Aunt Mndgn are . in thp (IrAU'lnp.fMnm " elm rniM L.lfll. --. ... .uw.i., ntiu n.flll .-7tilll,l . IIP llflrrPil ihn it'lmn elm ...mill Ihaye passed him. "Well, there is no hurry te join them, is there? Hew did you get en at the baiaar this afternoon?" u eniy stayed n uitie Willie. We had our fortunes told." "Silly child! What did they tell you?" . ."Oh lets of things! Nothing that I believe, thnmrii " She steed apathetically with his arm """" "T' one lencea te tear nerseir ..m nun, uut Niie was atratd that ence she rnvp wnv in ihn t. t anger that was rending her she would r "wii- uu uuie ie control Herself. Who Knows Him? thCAnuu!ornefUrOU8' Utd0r8 man ,S "Daughter of the Sun" He cnlls himself, mysteriously, Quien Sabe? . The mystery of his story Is na eamlnK as the mystery of his Identity. Loek out for It In the Euenine public Ee&eci "I was serrv afterward tJin't I .11,1 x cn"10 ',ci!,'c. ul't 5 ou were sleeping t eeme '"dth veu " CM nW. &A k" te wnke you' Itliai Tikh. ilk. I net come with you." Chris said teathcrs wouldn't ceme out. He's packing he's off tlm finv nfti. . morrow." The dny after tomorrow?" 1 P4..,n.a,liliM 1.... 1 1 . wake him change Ills mind, I suppose. He s going, unyivay." the K,iC"rt 'c,f. ..,'". ...ri.i ' ." in nr oeay was tbrebbing and burning at fever point, leathers was celnc ! Aftpr tnmnrm. e w;l,rt net be able te get te him. Je aS v l,asslenatcly she longed This man wlie.e nuns were ubetit her is I riL'i'K f' J.; .: ".'"' iiij i ' I.. l..'ll,ra Ill,,i 'p jved her. Hhc felt that she hated rM,'1"",'" th" n''iter. Marie Celeste?" .nriH MwLfii ..I .,.. ... .. npiit v ,"ul"il"y. -Aren t jeu i ill " le,)k be white." veil" ui """""Si i iiuiic inahn. 10VC(1 l,ast nlni. and he that M? Sffert t0 step her' l)llt fil' k"'w i TJ. t. Sff.we" rlg her as she ,: xfeiitiis, t knr 8fe "JJ? tJV She did 'a., if,. , "iuiu unu impossieio fche thi,V; nreURn.?cr mlml- "t sh lOT.Bh W01(J. tell Chris that thenth.V I n" .u,c nbeut Dorethy DM S, t0 let ,lra thi,,k she carpl. Her whole r-rc? Sl,c, ,,iI ,10t knew, lern. SC .l!c-,n,c Wfts '!' the threes of lh.n rir""se passion. made ln Ve,V,p '." actinnU he had "by he l?, (norety. nnjl that wa '"had known ?W ?0 l0MR 1'7,,aIH Londen .2JS- 'at &lie wns coming te Clf?lh,a,I7cn sk(!'l her te the Hh . ""I her face. Wiu .."'" "et flwy with him. She With P.ii.1.; lway s''e would go away 8h ullt"!' If he wel'l tnke her. h Meii0"K!(l ( him us n homesick kind i te rt rT,e Ja vr- ,He weul1 b0 Dorethv" he u'eu,(1 understand. nand. ,:u leicgram in her laSliV1' set te go home." She another Vem lacsia t0 rea' without erdV'danH ! m"nlceUy, but U.e eyes: USncefl fneaninglessly before her en2?nn,e '1'e, thls morning. Come nt M5.nBlBh.w?2.,Det,y, br,'t''. "he '" and ni,ii;r " i ,l ll,,e B'rl s wl,lt0 pity for hi"! r s ips, but she fclt no tll'1idrwp7.S0 Rerr.y.' she sa'd. hut Shi i?.l4Wer.8. mennlnglcss. ""d helneVi h "n "'""ethy te her room fn, .Crpc'' her pne . Sin plenl.n,l w ' Car Ulld told MIk ri.ev.tnr Muine one. m,,i. ...:.. ...:." , ought net In . ,m'st ,Bf with her; she "i don't v w'P only And 8UW,5r C',rl3 w,n yeu-nndlm 1 MarW. mJL. ,na - - n lni u.hnm ft?!,"? .WTb7 fflS?,ffi' 2hS! r te 8e. Hh heard "m feEitE make, the umrirecttnn f 1.1... n...l 1..1.I her breath while she waited for him te answer. If he agreed she would knew thnt he was guilty. If he Mused there would ;c just n hepe that Mrs. Hcrlet hart led. Hut Chris turned te her. "Would you like me te go. Murle?" bhc hated him. because he left it for her te settle. She could net trust her self te leek nt him. "Aunt Madge thinks some one should go, nnd I can't," she said. He agreed hastily. "Of course, you enn't; I will go, if .veu wish it. I shan't be nble te get back till tomorrow," he said. "It will be tee late te catch n train back to night." Marie did net answer, nnd lie went nwny. She guve him no chance te say Keed-by te her. He kissed her cheek liurrleJIy befere he followed Iorethy te the waltitix car, nnd he looked back uu'ieiiNly as lie closed tlie deer. 'I 11 be bnck as seen ns possible to te to rierrow." he Knirl. Marie went buck te Miss Chester niiuuiu answering. "Thnt nnni- rtil,1 " ihn l.l ln. I.. c.i.i sadly. "What a trouble for her! Did J en knew the brother, Mnrie?" "I unu' lilm rtfir.1, Tfn ... .. Mt.. - H .. .... viiin iiv itn il Jll, V boy, Marie said upathetlcally. She could remember Rennie Webber well. He had had a bnub, freckled nose nnd twinkly eyes. It beenied impossible that he could be dead. She wished she cnnlil feel mnre sorry. ..? cvc,lln8 seemed Interminable. nit flllU 11 n.wt rn.1.1 n !...!. ..1.1U (1 -- . ..m .villi u uuun, l-iiiiu, Miss Chester said once. "Don't wan der about the house like that! I knew you must be upset, but it'n no use taking trouble tee much te heart." i.iaiiu loeKiMi ut ncr. nanny listening. I think I'M rlnc Ir nnl., .." she said. Miss Chester's eyes grew anxious. I Mimtlr! nn m .1... M .1.- ...IJ ,-,- ..wv, u.j Htm, 6I1C MUU. Chris told me thnt he was very busy packing. He is going away the day alter tomorrow." ''J low; but I should like te see him before he gees." sac rang leathers up, but he was out and net exneeteH ,111 !... r-... seemed against her at every turn. . ,, ,mu,t.s,:e hlm ngnl"; I must!" she tOlll lierHplf fnvnrlelil al.n ...Au. . 11 Ci "- -v.ii.i.ij B eiiu wrin iu bed. bhe sat nt the open window for a long time looking into the dnrkness. Anether forty-eight hours and he would he miles away. She thought of ull the Pictures she had seen of Florence and cnlce, nnd wondered what It would be Ike te visit them with the man ene le'cd. i 9hris ,'!nd """cfert te take her there, but she did net want te go with Chris he did net care for her! He had lied te her and deceived her. She lny awake ler hours, staring through the open window at a single star thnt shone like n diamond In the dark sky. Where was Chris new. and wlmt wns he doing! She tried te beliee that hi did net care; tried te keep her thoughts focused en IVatliei-s, but they strayed hark ngnln nnd ngnin te her husband. l.lttle (nrpnitni li.f.l.ln.... . .1... . danced before her ees terturlngly V.l.Ll-1 1.1 I. IN I.FS1 .Tlln Ltl , . f'l..!. ...I. 1 , " - ' '-nil 1 11111 WlK'll ' lie was riintniti nf tin. i.Ant i . , --- "- ..... nti nii.i i-irvt'll, I -."iiKsiTiiig uoeut en the green; Chris, coming home for Christmas, a little shy ...i nuiierier; unris uuuying her, and inally buying his complete forgiveness by n kiss snatched under the mistletoe hhe hnd loved him se much had alwnvs heen se ready te forgive and forget. I OnrS InV City hnv rlmnl.u l - i l. i . "'" ii-i:minu Mie knew she was no longer ready te de se ; tears of self-pity shed in mourning AVer (lie flllVU tlinf ivnr.. ..., k31. ? .. i Mr V ...V t,uiiv. one wns u child no longer; she was a grown woman looking back en her childhood. It tfln petHnr ll.).t ..!.. ..!.. ;,, asleep, and it was late when the maid uu-vu ncr. I canie before, but 5eu were sleeping THE GUMPS The Gibraltar of Finance By Sidney Smith e IH A.U'.'Ytr A.LIA. RUt YMERP IMUN&MJNC IN UHUe-BlfA'S PINK GNVELO&fr Rer TM5 &YAsYBe 1 frii rsKi,- Lie! D my CONNECT- JTNIYH YOOR LIFE INOUSYY AMP CO'AAAERCE- "Js, iuncni"w iet; -. PIWA.NCE ON WHICH TWfi WA.VtS OP CONNpSTlYfON AND ArABITOfV VUNOSViEPT AND M.A.D STRIKE ONLY TO Ot SeATEN OAtK. InYe BUBBLES A.MO CO AAA AND THEN WOrVbEfc 1 you ARE SlC.fc - DO YCO REMfcrVVBeF Vwe NlCrHY AT rC BJ.A.CK.CAT- AT 8IU.DEWEV6 PAQT4' VMMM YOU DREW MV PICTURE Q MV pAM? ane inacRiaeD ir - rv hpAwVEn trYE ? WO MAY.Tfcfc vwmatyhc- rut uifur AILI ALWAV BE ONtS OP. TUB TENbfcfceaY NlSMOMc Ot KY ehPfr AN0 DO YOU RErAPrABSR ? - B YOU DON'T UDED M5- 0 DANCNG VS'YH VHeN TOU e --" "' . CHArilEY TMOrAPSON ? YOU RNteW ' MAD5 atUbVt i WNNURr-BOT IREAWUY UIKED TH& rNOUCwHT YOU GREAT Bit WONDER FOC MAN OP DEST'NY- AND ANWAONDf'N- " WY DbWN D&P hi VOUR. HEART XOU AKfc iw.ercc- OR VJHtTHfaK it e viuei fAMervs r-.- Ann' HOvw- ans (OiNr TO SlCrN Wzif ets- YOUR H&ANtr- r-i- A JTHOUGfHY OP YOU A I a.ay nctwT OfAR- l I AIEKIT Trt CBB. A ,KQW I 1 ceNd5uie ( . .s AVri' 'v ' ' SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Bess Inspects It Closely J c-e,tiBii. mai rume ib comply By Hay ward i J SV TT " I I Bess, leek y fT MORi, MORMH y ' HOW AJtCE MAG6IE Uoed Jv) -duchess' J x f WAXED THE y--7 A -E-t-lkVWARD -" ne Yeung Lady Acress the Way i NElGUIiORHOOD NEWS r . . " Tlie jeung lady across the way sajs biiNehall and football aren't tlie only popular sports In this country nnd she notices thnt thou sands of pcople go te the l'ole Oiemids In New Yerk whenever theic's a gJime. By FONTAINE FOX try, f) jl v. ITT &7 $ v li j,-18 ci m -7 L'" s 1 1 Lnv t 1 fck - m-j -w 1 -- un 1 j 1 li -sJ kVM 11 !.' t " VMl" 0 . .iSf if SCHOOL DAYS U-t?3Sft- ' IWWii" c-v ,tw, , 3 Cl "KicHTJN Tle MIOOJ.& OF Ytffi eAMt THAT WeW FokeieK StKVArJT GiKt- of TMe 5miTHS CAMe eOX AHO 5TAUTCD Te BEAT a Kug evek THe Geal Pest's 3SsfcS. -. .:., v-j. ..,. -. -..k..irjirj.'i .ivwl ILV. Kt H'y "T ;'t fVB" piirit"W tntwifcm."w"-, rLL NtVt 5Wtt HW J)MLUH6 UlTIC riK Mirwcjr 1 - ,vr. . . ,.. t Ml' VfUCRC 'J JWinn - r-'i k 1 n '" ' 9 Lv Bf DWIG ll 'n.4r A r ;77s-r-3PZ 1 TTiKfSa. flnK I VAaeTUt. mffl SVlOQi-i HIH007 I UHEO pm.-j VWUN . MhU TiCM (yppueseee enb Ecrt e'eue HO 4, cw no W mp -we v-KiI Te F"- "V OHt VOWG GOHMA MMPN- rn -. V ' IT I I gU 1 J TUfcT SKf i .5? --r--TjmEjmm ,.-' yji jyi 1 1 - frftrimf if rn 1 ' 1 '1 r;if uvvfZMnr '.. . i I. iMwwmm mm me? 'I I MWM I lllllllHII tZSATlnll r. II -!. JS& FaT dcteK she apologized. Mnrle get up and dressed nun u turiuus leeniig et ilnalltv. livery, thing was nt nn end new; she would benr no mere. In the middle, of the morning n wire came from Chris te say he would be at home te dinner that evening. Miss Chester was dining out. and Marie knew she would have te meet Mm alone, but she did net enre. She wel comed nnvtliiiif th.., 1, ,.-,..., .1 .1. ' ....1 . ...... ,.... v...... ..I,,., v., mv riiu- ing toward which she was drifting. Kuch HiuuiKiii M-i-uivu iie tlie snapping of another link in the chain of her l.nml. age. Chris arrived earlier than lie ovpected It yas only ,ri o'cleek wlieu she henni his kev in flin fl.mi. n...l Ki. .... 1.. .1.. hall. She W.'IQ in linr l'nn.ii n.i.l l. 1 l . ., T , , " ' ""' "'" llllllll llllll call te her. lnif u ... ,11.1 ..... i i . ' v . . '" ,IMI u"l IIIIIWIT, and she heard him question the maid, """'" "v viijiic running up the stairs. Her deer wns open and he saw her at once. f.tmwl(ri K. i ,...1 . I i. i -...a ,. nit niuiiuw, out she did net leek round, even when he eiiui uie itoei- nun went ever te her. ".Mnrin Peletn " rri.n. eager note in his voice, and he would iiiive uuen ner in his arms, hut she turned, holding him uway. "Ne please, we don't want te pre tend njiy mere." iciicd?"1 l'U yU mea"? Wlult hns lxav' Nothing except that I knew about you and Dorethy1' Hhe put her handM behind her, gripping the window sill te steady herself as she went en : "I'm net going te make n scene. I knew hew je i aaie mem. and I don't blame you. I don't think either of us Is te bame; but I've flnUhcd, and that's IJ If you won't go nwny from the house, I will, and I don't ever want ie hec you again." She felt ns If she were listening te the words of seme ene else listening with cool eritlelRm. hut ..I... .,..,. ., steadily : , 'J0 trietl. us you wished, and it's failed. I can go away quietly, and no body need knew much about it." She raised her eyes te his stunned face for the llrst time. "It's no use arguing about It. My mind h made up. Oh, if only you would go uway nnd leave me!" Fer a moment there wns profound silence, then Chris' tall llgiire swayed n little toward her. and he caught net arms In a grip that hurt. "Who told you? And what de you knew? " She hurdly recognized his veice In Its choked passion. "It's damned lies, whatever It Is ! I swear te you If 1 nover speak ugalu " She turned her face awuy with n little disdainful gesture. I den t want te hear its all se e said that I don't blame ihaaii II- Vaii 'a illll tn 4wn.f jum turn A Itlltlll tl -AVI iW nmw 4WW te leve whom yen like." iic oreKo xnie reuBn muEiuur. PETEYAn Expensive Game MY LAST NEAR OWE IS A SIOtY.EAUY, ) UUCLE. -PeTe. MO NE Fer coat fe-e. 70U TPi, Neaj?, mabel- TUAY 5TttES T.' 's 1 CiveTme old ewe a SWANE i'm Made op T Neme 7 V GASOLINE ALLEY Anether Horrible Blunder l AU. Uf)j.i jg. j UmclePeTeV Jj&S&k 1 "TiHEY'-RB I rLM3lHIS fL "NEA-R-trr J UoReTwy Duuh's FaThe-r (TOTHE A MEW ()We- V u jfc VfMADDA CARE. VMAt HE .DOES 7-All 1 CAM 5AV 15 t CAliV AFPOt?DT6 CHtXKHeWEY ) AWAV OU rbOLlHIWGS Picks up imeucv iuTuf GUTTER Ter? AU. I ViO W ' $&A ..&; ffiGLp -v. M'-ai c ui M mw --"- Ne, he. Bought it with The MemeV He K AT ?eke-c The. OTmet? wicmt DctkeTvY lOLD ME- AUklTlELL JUST DIE WHEU I ELL HERD'S jji By C. A. Voight 5AV,MA5H. I Come. ( M 1 HEE a )( MiuuTe:- ' P fr' x - r s- ' CONTIiNUED TOMOUnO7 'There He is, " cTee nePP-7A S n JMIWA WALT, ALL (p!? ) A StAEST UTTLE W DOLLGO UP IN THE U LL SAVf I BABV Gr , WH.T,S ) H PONNET MISS ClARiSSft J V ' Mp V- Upp maI? r I j! SBNT CV6R. AiNy 2) Ol C& NAME?y i a ! wwjme&. i- t ti - . V .'.1 By King J I ' fc1 e w I It