1 l fit-H v,i' .,,-, rtC-OT ".v; l77H7, ' ' 1j'jtW' '"'t'vv "X VPtV TfWI W1 '& k . " '. 1 ; 2& JEVlCaXG PCBLIC LEJDGEK PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, "NOVEMBER 11, 1921 P SMS 11 nil & i !;r i' 77 t Letters te the Editor Children Ter Christmas Taiht Sdl'er of the Evening l'ubltc Lrdgtr: lr -As I nm a fend reader e: your nM I'futTfi T.iness. alie a lever of children, havltg five little ones of my own imrtn. m aiikn. I reed of Father's Day -i.iv,.,.'. nv holidays nnd blrthdaya, but why net an Orphans' Dy". "JVe paee children en the street day after day with hardly u shoe 011 their feet, seem Intly happy, but when 'nighttime reme.s nd no fend mother or daddy te whisper Jtind word? tr them or te tuck the nn oevtra around their china, that's tit- time they long for thnt geed-night caress and Ut levlnj kiss Just the lint' as the tleers In aprlne open their petals In the morning longing for the dew. IlaeH In the days of our Ierd dldn t " tar "Children come unto .Me that you mav int aheltered and fed"? Why net eeme or MB who are net bleesed with the aeurre 0' hppln children lake eeme peer orphan ever thi Chrltmas hnlllays and let th.ni sea. perhaps something they have never enjoyed In their little lives b-ferc. a mew Christmas and a happy New Ttar. Think, brothers, hew happy ou would feel te see their eyas glutting with the very Are of aomiratlen and happiness tcuna only through a daddy and mother l"ie. I ha found through pergenal experience that tif Jtt te "mother's love that a child tan love HUd admire Its lever only as a mother loves her baby Se Oed leve the-n all. 1 r 'in one who haa been an srdnt levef of thorn all. geerge w. tetter. Prankford, Thlla , November 3. 1021. Directions In Astronomy !r the Editor of the Evening Public Lrdarr- Blr Answering "Constant Reader" wlinta questions appeared tn vesterdny's Forum. I would think a geed treatise en phyetcal astronomy combined with practical observu ebservu observu tlen of the heavens en a few clear r.lgl.ts would remove Ms difficulties This old earth of ours telt f-eiti wen, te east, nit from forth te seutn. nor uw It go wabbling through srnc" 111. a drunken man, The North or Pe'ar star ncr sats. It Is about 10 degrees nle the hcrlaen In Uds latitude, but e.ily about HO 'n lh State of Flerida. At the equator It sinks te the horlren. whlle farth-r teuth It la telev. thv. earth and thercfnre ImVelb'e. Conversed, this prees the contention of "cueslng ci"n- !( crwl iilrnnnmara" that th" world If a nhir. ,,0,1. tth.inndlncr the pleai udsar.Cvdi recently bv the Zionists. Tn rftirar.t tn th, seeend O lSt On. A Coin down (" by ment.F of a ladder te the center of the earth weu'd. presided the hole was tee small te tum round. b,i ebllg-d te n un f" te the Antloedes feet first, ufln he rungs ht? tees Instead of Ills fingers en of the ladder In th.i Mar-:' realms of apace there are no such terms as and "up." All directions ar "up' "down ' te the man at the center of gravity These two words are used 'n a relative ens only when applied te planets by thilr Tartlcular Inhabitants. In ethe- -rerds, thsra Is no ibelutr "down or "up ' eer.- aldered astronomically Philadelphia. Neember 0. 10 IJ M 5t. Flag Etiquette T the Editor of the livening Public LfAecr' Sir The American Ialeit of Massachu setts deserves commendation fe- the ea-n-jalcn It has Instituted te spread !h knowl knewl knowl edge of fiac ctlaueitp a-d It is u thing that the Legien In t'lU city we'iM de well te fellow. Ter ne.i.1' a citur and a hiiif th American peple rae been leiy preu.l of the emblem of tlilr country, bu1 durti.g the laat flve years the display of the Star and Stripes has Increased te Jin as'en'slilric darree. There Is probably no country if talnly no mrge country 111 which a nu nu tlenal nag Is mere freely usd than In the United States. It Is strange hea-ever. !!. a people which uses Its flag te free;;- should se often U It Improperly r officer of th army or navy shudders an ha walks' along tlie streets at the Igr.eran-e se freijuentlj dls- nlsyed w Ith the (tag. m en- build ng he will 1 aee a flag se hung that it Is technical.) a hurry call fe- lulp. Cm another a tailored piece of bunting p".vea that no one In au thority has eer heard that the Hag miuuM b hauled down at suis-t When the flag la at half-staff i sreuld indie: meurnt-.g. but the real reason thit 't is net unusual te flags at half-slaff I un excessive death rate, bu rxeessii body had beei tee lasj t 'i.,i iic r.ce. Seme, yuh !- te the top of its starr. In the pamplle- "Our Iag." which Is being distributed free by the .Massachusetts Xfften. the proper uee of the fl.'g Is lear'v set forth. A.y ene who gees In for flag flying should be sure that he knows exact, v hew te de It p-eTxrly ! veuld he V-tter net te show a Sag at al. than te display It carelessly. H r. w Philadelphia, October 31. lft'-l A "Brothere"' Fair "e the Editor of the vntiii7 Pub.lc Ltia'r Sir With rtference te tli nai.es ieu ro re cjusst for the fair of 1020. I Mould lik.i te micrest that we call It "The World's Brethers' Exposition " It will show that n are net using ths Ysnke bluff when we say "brother" te our neighbors acresa the water. Every me will ItneT it is te he a "world e jposltlen." Olve the world te understand U Is te be a get-together m.-etlng fe- all nations te demonstrate the fu.l t..eantng of h term 'brother." CHARLES VAN' r-E VEl.DE. j Chester. P.. October 31. 3021. , What's Ambitious Girl te De? ?" the Editor 0 the Eveninj Publir Ledger: Sir There has teen se mu-h criticism about young girls working after they have been married I wish te give ni opinion WTUle I ain net married ..t present, I plan the step shertlj. ,ird It m my intention te remain In my prene i' position, as my em ployer asserts hlir.aslf hlf.hly pleased with my services and I ftl confident that If the Question were put te 1.1m he would say. "By all means remain wl'h us" nut I am net relng te apprlfe l.em te I will net h obliged te answer 'he numerous questions et the whys and wl.-eforee Conditions are sueh at the pr'ert li e it la almost tmpess Me 'or u man te secure sufflclen Iner me te rrsitritaiu u 1 eme In he way a girl wishes !n these days of h'irh prlcer, then why should a girl who Is ful. of pep. ambltleu.. t get ahead and mve k few dellarj eadi we, It for "old age ' te "censured? Hheuld she net be engratulated for the flue pregreasha eplrlt displayed.' Te tny mind It Is tlie "slrls uttheut a ahance." or the married women who have net sufficient brains te he.d a posltle: . who find fault with the glr' who rles te de h-r bit when she Is married te a lis) pir cent man, who la real pa' Why sit hema and count the pennies as eonie of the lazy enes dot MISS E. O. P. Philadelphia, October 31 lt.'l Soldiers' Compeneatlen Te the Fdtter et the t'vening PuMlu Ledger Blr Just a word about the bonus or soldiers' comtnsatlen. If ue de ret get something the ex-servlre men v 111 rtrtalnly be Justified tn bellevlng that we are net getting a sauara da. The railroads get compensated and se did many ether concerns, and new I we that the Government Is con. side ring the refunding of tan millions of war debts of our uU'eu I thlnl: that If the United States can de all et these things It ean de something for the soldiers KX-SOLDIER Philadelphia, Nevember i. 1021 SurjQests Title for Fair fe the Editor of the E' enina Public Latgrr: Blr Fer the forthrem.ng Philadelphia ex blbltlen In 1026 I wish ie submit the fol lowing title: The Stupendous Inhibition. TJ The whole weild te be welcomed Penn Standing with outstretched hands at the very heart of the city. N'Vs Every Plit!ad!jhWn welcoming the world te the City of llrethrl I.ve. Teu, Term and l"s , surely i omprehen emprehen llve enough, und slui.tideus In surely big enough. Foreigners m'aht rather enl'.v the Jeke of the name A M. lTillttdelphla, Nevembtr 3. 11'21 Lettern te the Kdlter should be as I brief and te the point an possible. uvuimii)": ttuyiiiuig; vimvv wimm uiien ft denominational or gccturlau dis cussion. Ne attention will be paid te anony mous letters. Namcfi and addresses must be slpied as an evidence of geed faith, although names will net a nrlntnd If reaurat is made that ' they be emitted. The publication or a letter is net te be taken as an Indersement of Its views by this paper. Communications will net be re re tu,rned unless acccrmpanled iy poat-e-je nor. will manuarlpt be saved. PEOPLE'S FORUM Various Suggestions te Give Preference te Ex-Service Men Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Tomorrow an unknown nt-eervlr.j man will bi laid te rest In Arlington Ceme tery and will be accorded the greatest honor ever paid 11 leldler In this country. Today hi body lies en the rntafatnue In thn M- tunda uf the National Capitel at Washington, , D C. a. place heretofore reserved only for the Kreat men of our country. Hut who rati 1 be mero great than this unknown here whS I Bavu Ms lfe for our freedom, shattered , beyond recognlt.en? It Is well nn honor our hereee who hove clld. The honor Is te show the np- preclatlen of the country te thus., who arm Htlnir. Hut hew muut ei-eertlra men feel about this pert of outward illsplaj, when In I the heart? of th great masnts of our ptepli , tl rrc Is shown r.e uvldt-nce of upprecutlen. 1 There are Just nx great living heroes, and 111 an v of these nre Handing around tedu ! wondering where tlie- will cet their next1 meiil. or when, they will sleep tonight. Thli deHd hdre Is m conk-d all honors, but thoie . iing neree, , ,U1 KO N.(5KnK 0r etare be .11 Hi,. 1,. iJ th f.: ?'!!S ,U1 flymen .1 one sfeins te ex-serlcn man u II vine nau about the serkei at Arlington . imni-iy lumorrew would ask themselves, 'JUe I deni wlmt t could te help thesn "orvlce m"n. -vhe huve dot e ee much fe' me. te bette- their condition' JIa I shown the proper appreciation for the aerl-, flceH (hey made for me? I ewo all I urn and have for th 1 protection they han liven me." If ou feel thlj way and even tru.' American should then leek uriiml and : uu will net hae much truuble finding a man with a Bervlce button mi hi? reat rlandlnit I or, seme comer waiting for H.,mthtng te I happen. Waiting for Americans te wke up I and de him Justice. Ule him first a ujimre meal, then Inquire as te Mi needs. Dees ne njie clothing te ktep him wurm" Then me next ih'nt? tit tin lu .. ifI? .. I.lm ti ..elf If ou can't le tha.1. help him te find It. I lelplng hand new Kxee - tie reeds ii, bel oeii mill empleimcnt at their disposal srieuiu elnle out th it scrvke man first. ' H. )1. Neicmbe- je ll,-l Philadelphia Rich Spendthrifts Je tl'i tdtler 0 the h rfiHO Public I rnO' S r U Is Inceiu-eliabl" te me whj se man;' people Krat,) th rich b-raute thy am pemlthllfts. ItiVMrlahlv whenexnr thn sill,. IJect la dls'usied alxiu: capital and labor. mnn,5eu hear some urn. br'ng un the e ubJet t. ' Mr. Se nnd ,Se has Just built a iimnsleil . that has cost senil million dollars". "Mrs. 0 and Be has git en a bell Introducing her ' daughter which test hr in.ni)0." etc. They I "m te think It dreadful th' way thsse rich ' people gpun tnclr money. Te my mind nothing Is mere ridiculous. Let the rich spendthrifts go ahead and go 1 Questieris Answered i- j Te Tell Direction by Watch I Te the Kditvr u' th' I'elne i'tidlie I edaer I Mr- He can :ou tell dir. ctlens b a j water," ji. v. Philadelphia, Necniber ' h2l , I Let the wateh lie flat In .our hand w th ' tre hour hand pointing toward lse ei '1 he I ImiiiI en the circle half via.' b, tweii -he hour hand and 12 vlll be directly scuthl j in the Northern 11 'nlsphre and dlr,.iil ne-tl :- tiu Southern HeinUphen. Words In English Language Te th rdlter of the Uvenlng public I.eieer. SI- -Hii" man word ure tliere In t1 e English language? Were many added dur ing the j ear? H. J, J!. l'hlladelphla. -Neenib.- U. JOt. The -var has auded -eme ne werdb te the English languag'-. The llngliseh language cutalns apprexlnmtel: "(Hl.enti lords Of llile total nearl; e:ie-ru,f consists of scien ttfic terminology aeldem met outside of text- Meks, and of archaic, obsolescent or obio ebio obie leto terms. About Rebert Mantel! Tetl-i TTnVer of the Kenina l"u'(c r edeer ' Hlr llnw ,,ld ta Kutyrt MantiU. the , rter., lIe.(. lp,1(r hai) ti, ,, ,hl. stige" Is ha rnftrr,sa7 riease till me a few fac's ulsiut him H. M . W Phllndelphla. N. member l. t021 Rebert P Manlell aeter, ua born n .c:.un! in 1s5t. At tor.ti-te he ina e his profess. enal debut li Ile, hf ale I r,g laud, c. t'i ajrgeant In "Arrah-na Pogu Pegu S en afterward he r.ime te the lr ted ti.tes and played Juventle ro.ee ivlth alms, M-dJeaca for a jear or be Then he re turned te r.ngland for a th-er-var -ta tn-ppertlng Miss WallU 'neA Mrs t.ani.a'. ti rl as leading man. Ills next appearance in New Tork v at as Uerls Ipanetf "Federa" with Kanrle Davunpert. A fe v years later, aft'r he has be'enw a star, h formed hle e,.n oempat In e'..iisle a e" r 'mantle plays. Including "llin ! "Othelle," "Richard III." ' Maebeih "Romoe ard Juliet, ' "nichelleu " ' The Merchant of Venice." "As Yeu I !Ue It an ' "Julius 'aesar." He is in.irrld te Uei . vleve Hamper, hln leading lad. Religious Denominations In U s. Te & Editor of the E enlnp Pub.'i' 1 edger Sir Is It possible for you te g've me tVe nemee of all thn different religious se-te t the Vnlted fttutes and the r.aine ard i'- drew of the head of inch ALBERT T. HOPhtv-. Phllade.phla, Vevembtr S. 101 Te answ- tills quefitlen pn,periy - i ' require rriere space thur. Is ut our disposal ...... --. . ii-. - fc.. , . i en rt. -i... Wltl l.liu IV imi w. input vi, . - w . .v ...,,.- XII of the New Sch iff-llerl s- RellgleiiH Ti cyclopedia, as 'veil h fie nun ner or i'n bers of each denomination. l"ndr ft e head lngs of these denomlratlens "n thli -an i en cyclopedia v,,u fan secure be liea''jua-t' rs of each. This enc: c.epedla will be feu'id ' . all large publtc libraries. "E. r. c Is ths sugar Thn official fteTe- , mapl. ' aiid.i "Jlre. I O. H." President Jlardl-c 's a Baptlat Vice l'resldent roeihlge ane; ds the Congregational churUi. llugl.es 'e a i Baptist. Denby Is an Eplgcepa'ta- "f, r C ""Dived" ts ''ie p-fr-s.l form In the past tense, trttead of "dove' as "He dived Inte the lue , -t "Ke de e Inte the laJ e." T II V " -r- tstmen '- u- a-fl i tnarlne cerpa was reer-r,-1'1 fieteTiber If, j and .nl'stinsnt 'n the anry -raa rfKpsned shortly before that dis Poems and Songs Desired A Patriotic Peem Te tlv EVflter et f'i i.'i minj "ufc'i Sir Who vae th merlcuu f.edaer peit BTOte tJm lines "Hew sleap th4 brK Mho s'lr tv rest. I)y all tlialr count-) s wlnUes blesa'dl ' HAMl'KL T CUIIKV rhllidelphta. November .'. IP.' I. Tlies llnea vvre riot written b an mer. lean poet, but by un I'-nnllch pout. v lillinn Celllnii They are nuete.i fr. in n nl he uiute In 140 Wants Location of Lines Te tin Editor of the i.'teiiliij Pub'le Ledge Slr-Wtll you kindly uhk bum reader te The Teepte's Forum will pper dally In the Krenlni l'ubllc Inciter, und nls In the Hundiiy Pnhlle I.e1er. letters dlaciisalnr timely topics will be printed, as well a requested poems, and cities cities tlens of uenrral lntrreat will be anawnred. JCTilT AT 1 0 SJL Heth Heiew GREGG SHORTHAND TUB WtlltLD'H CHAM ION SVSTHJI Ira i n.,i in rvit-ni nhea n The Tayler Scheel Philadelphia's rirst OreeB Hherthand Scheel Insures your success f lusae for llerlnneru, Advanced Students and Ileperters Call, write eK 'phone Walnut 831. Till: TAVI.OK SCHOOL, lixn MtvrUet Ht. F LING A Paying Vocation Day and Evening CUstes. lieaaehabl Tuition. .Telephone Hell, Walnut BB60 OBBli Keystone, flaln 7431, Call or write Director, Baas 1). Martin. Htimdard Prhenl of Filing and Indeilnc Olebe-Wenilcke Ce., 1012.1014 Cheatnut St. Plillarielphla. Pa. STRAYFU"! Tl' " U"neaa Hehoel t'oalllen inaranl'il. Kntr new. I)ny er nliui. Ilrevi Kloe' ivaril Hrlioel. 1RU CbrfJfiut bti, Ic. 0380 a'f'a. I'M I'red't'n. Jre, Era?. Lltera're Help the Unemployed the limit. I li far better for them te dis tribute their money than te heard It. If the rich man builds a palace where dees the meny go? Inte the pickets of the laborer, the carpenter, stene nissen. decorator, the furnisher, thn upholsterer, etc. In this plnce a great many empleyes are necessary end It given work te many te keep the estab lishment In condition. If the women spend) a mall fortune en a. ball, let her de It. It gives the florists work, the caterers and decorators, th dress makers, etc I cannot e the argument that the rich Mieuld l.e irltlilzcd for their spendthrift habits. There may be anetbr side te the uuestlen. and I would llke tn b'ar It from ether of ettr renders, for 1 may be wrong In my opinion and am wl.llne te be convinced W. I T Philadelphia, November 7. 1021. The Unfairness of Greed Te the i.Mller nl the Kvcid'e PiiWfc l.tAe'f: Kir The city gmernment trrquenlly ex preses concern as te the large number of uncniDteed In this iltv. nnd appelnth com nilltees te leek after their wants and seure V "" ''" .. ."- "' ' H tru iiMiimiui'i , i.'iitiu ,,., it,., , 01, v.,, v I tin suppeB, d te help" I .lare say none In stead of Cltj Hull trying te help out the ' uni ttiple.ved It 'iiiiall the de. when thv have Jobs te distribute? Is te further assist thnre who tan be of uduniage te thr m ' politically. I will 1 Ite n cajs ad an Instaina P,oral doers from my home lles a politician II 1 has i gyed-pay'ng position at Mt Hull, making. I am euro, sufficient niene t" sup port his family. Wheii his son (.nine tu of sihoel recently he placed him In 11 geed fosltlen also at City Hall, and then- i,r also two of his daughters employed by th city Heerumcnt In clerical positions. I knew what salary the husband gets, ler 1 hae seen It print d In th papers, ard tlii four working In ene fumlb, I am sur must niaae irem ,.,,. ,0 j. l """"ast this wfl. m 00i a n$r tu own fani,, husband retntly lest his pesttli, ' of the larg" sten-s In till Its 1.1 two rens, both uf whom en 1 s V'rantv. lime had little work 1 , d,, their return, and at prerent th employed The enl ene in ih fe 1, p,ecd H a steiiegtariher. ou i an ,p the Htriln that Is being fflt at horn., see what little money we had t ivtd 1 dw Hilling aw a. I 1h this condition fair? Te I .in I there nre many ether grecd fnmtll s I a, I named above, and It Is th,' dutj fast I sur. Mien 1 , cltj gu eminent te Piny fair In their .11 - ' p.isltleu of work, nnd I feel that there hheuld . ' br; a ttrl'.t rule that enh olio pujltiun te I e.ieh fumlly should be sleu out bj i"lty ' Hall l.istead of making the wliel' thing a fnmllv affair, for which the 'lt has te 1 pay dearly. MJIS. W, w. c. Philadelphia. November 10, 111 :l help me locate the following lln-s. whi-h I auete from memory "Here le the true test of t. en. e stunted. unbellelng callousness surrender t,. Wind for' e hut ihe harmonious udjustmf nt ,,f what is unchangeable tn life the 14 ,m supreinaci of tl e rplrlt evet its r um utances the dim alrrt of eMiy hun an ieul 1 1.. r. rhl;adlph's, Ne ember ". 1011 rrrMN iir.sniiTs ATI.ANTIP CITY. N. J iAyii:v.u'!;aJ!f''ijS' Hetel Brighten and Casine Atlantic City N.J. itfSTfTyirffy?? tranT) ATLANTIC CITV Jss On the Peach Frent PRK WAR RATES Imrlcis flin tsllrtlj. AlwiyiOsia isl I Rusnlnc Tiur - lltpimk Ihb 1 Pnxts bull tUtelta Doeil. j Rsnsiai TTiUr - - IM " Rm Prim. B. IB t"l. I - " Dnnble Reen, Prlvtls BitSi Oen err, $96 per week Ownership Minigttntnt Phena 1455 )et ATLANTIC CrTY. N.J. I Directlv en the OceanFrmt i AnAiiimcanPkliotclefDiSviixdktvj vwisi.n t sjuw ... . -, . a oaraee tzzrer.yjuzqra sajirsj 11iTlsB l-tl Is MuUe nu Peel ul Heme In the "Clt of ltehust Heallli" Clloiriterft 'Keail J. nil irgiuU le. lultililty 30U , flvilter IZR . ate tlaths, eti . Alwii) tipen. .1. A. I'AI I M. Ol'i:. I'reus. Virginia Ave,, uf nd heuse 'reu Heard-l and 8tetl Pier. Every appel trnent. lltxbsat Pandard In cuisine and strvlce. Ulkt. Spee. all and Winter Ham. J. Hethwell rep. HZarlboreuaTi-lSlcnTieim Jlh Wnllsj Si Oan Company S2WllTaS'HlttlS Virginia av.. 3d h :v. f e i 'a i private baths run. wuter el.. Red e' Tall rates. 6AM ELLI3, e er N. J rer LIN8 Mgr !"" r i i I Hetel KOlelgh c t'lut-U f'ta r. I T f'll -i.e 'le--,r ,ii ducen 'i ' r r ,i HOTEL CONTINENTAL Arwy etn, a.lwya reaflv termn meiltrmts. Write or thens. M. WAI.BII DIWCAS THF WATKINS Se"' Crnnn Av. pk Llft.tl ' rtaa. Amar. plsn. Linten B. Arnn.i. Owner SHOREHAM trunln Ave. iienr Ileneh I ?pe, ia' t l nr. in'e rmea Alela I, ruber. i Westminster XVS t:-,-?.'! rwtrm KOPH. runntriK vvnter Opn all year. C A. Hetel Boscobel lir"'-i' y. A' J'r- V," J ra.tts. ftea u heat ' i 111 A MAItU M N .1. i.tKnwnnn, m Eh TVXlSLJcv m a i il LAMCWOODiNiJ letranrent. Newlv built and nevvlv furnlRhft.v I All eutalrte roe-ne. slnsle or n suit. Prlvnu Hlhi, Het aim cold running water and telephere In nil rooms. Cicsllent Ilnnirarlaa eulslr.s Muelc at tnaal times and for danclns. Grill and billiard rooms. Uncial rates until Nev. 1A. Alse speclal commercial rates. Boeklst. Telephone' I.al'e-roed S31 or New Ter Office, Schuyler c:20. i.AKi:wner. N -'y n i i,i:iik i'i j wiuttj 'i en nudivi.t i .mount roreNo. I'A. The Ontwoed Open all year, elecanl loehllen. MOAilnl fall t winter rates. .... . -.. -i v c:-'.. . .. uiKt i.. L,, a i,.v. Artmi '. Artuwi. ritKHCO. I'A, Old Orchard In the 1'era Open All lear, iioeaiet. CRKSCO. TA. SWAVSAII. 0.. HotelDeSelo I 1 i ItUfUAN PLAN SWANNAH Crr 250 rooms -m) with bath, IS-ho.e golf rourae prlvlleue of irueHts teni la euriH artesian well vater Tamed for ruletne Hie t en reeueat II I.arzalere. Mifr AIKKN. scv AIKEN lueen of Mnler ltenrs Highland Park Hetel eprn DBOKMnnn te mat "ressessee a charm ull Its own" CJ.WATK llKCHEATION 11NVIUONMENT Addresa f. J. flWKKNl'.V, Mjmiger Suuuaer UiKetnce Jetii Uiko I'lucld, -, y; j M STKAIHOATS nKaertTB tttU ERICSSON LINE Fer Ilaltlmere A Washington, D, P., Norfolk nnri the Penth Ilnlly Hen Ire except Hundny. freight and l'assenger. 0 o'clock I M.t Hatnrtlay, 3 n'tlerk l". M., from Tier 3, H. Delaware lire.) t'hlladelphla. PARCEL POST Army Werk Coats While They Lnst S3.95 Value JG.OO Brund New and Perfect These coats are made of heavy Khaki Ducking, wool llnd, corduroy cellar and waterproof. Have -' pockets and are ex cellent for hunting, farming and driving. Send size new as supply l limited rircel r'est ITepald 2000 A W 1 i tvmy it ui Dieuses reclaimed $1.25 lust (Internment no. an The are In won derful condition and excellent for driving nnd all e n c h work. Herlnlmrd Moel llrrerhes $1.15 New Spiral Tgglngs fiflc Vew Army Hells. JJg Mureinr ',mtezmJjtr 131MABKET 9X IPHIIaA.. J?J.. 1000 Overcoats $6-50 400 MEN'S SUITS $7-50 er.r M'ghllj I sed NOTE: Fer women und misses we also carry a full line of Coats. Wraps and DrchseH for all occasions at prices from $3 up. Men's nnd Women' Eve ning Clethes for hire or aule reasonable. Seligsehn's N. E. Cor. 10th & Market, Phila Ot'tn T'tc". Ilnler 3 V intli t. THE EASIWAY Scrubber Mop Cleaner & Polisher I'tist nni tt' u cfu i ! In of 'i .-it tlif . s f n . t i1(t nbs. lu' i -'jar Dtep.J tu tJe-J j 1-lll-t i I.KAIH. Kasliinj Mops, self wring. 1.1,. ..k. evjvn. SI. 25 u" ." .,- .,..,, lumpifsi llnisli niiii Mop) remplrlr I'nlnirlte llrusli with Mnni lemplele llrltle llrush vilth )ln (snnelele Frank B. Henry, Distributor .152 S. THIRD ST., PHILA.- -BRAND-NEW TAN ARMY WORK PARCEL POST. 10c MAIL ORDERS FILLED II. Meney refunded If net ARMY6 NAVY STORE 304 MARKET ST. NYDERS Mail Order Heuse 808 (W) SOUTH ST. Deuble-Barreled Gun. Hammer MI'NTION Till. r.KIKil'.H ttlll'.N ill MN(i AM) our Mil M'.MIl lltl.K TV Blue Hnrrcl Price, $18.00 T.,.d Mlth nttrr powerr mn"' tfiMl, i ttb. iJkM burr, 1 iiiclitl-l-arrel. full Uiekefl lin.nnier, t,ip I. ft 1..V.I due u i t,e,' in one j)ie,e r.n pr nt, l.Hirieniil frriine half lout,,, khp i hep k ei I rul.ber hJtl platt l'J or 1H Kaupe Mfd, bv Meen Anns I e. 12-GniiKf. UO-inch Uarrcl Jlamintrlcss. $23.00 l'urrel Pest, 11.1c Kitru Parker ileuble-biirrrl liuiiiiiierlc, l'i '30 . .. SW,V l'e II. II. Imniinerless. l! 110 . . 40,7,1 I., f . f-mllli I). II. hnuinierless , 4(1.7.1 Illiucii I). It, linmmerlena, l'JSV 37.311 Mlevriis I). II. Iiiimmerless, 11 III Eunice, llll . . 25.IW1 teietiN liiimmerleni. ptimti riiii. 13 .in iin.iie ttlnrlirkier rrneatlnic kltetiriiii HH07) 10.0(1 Keinlnateti litiininerlea! r-giiui;e reiH-ntluic slietKiHi . Ifi.nn Slnxle-lmrrel elietrnn, l.'-IO miiiite K.cHl lluinlltnii lii-ril. rllle . Il.eii .teten repenting !J-ciil. rifle . li.CNi Mlmlirster reiieiillnir '4i-rnl. rllle Si.SO Parrel Pent en nil iilieie, 'i!le eitm Kh'ikl lltinllng CiiiiIn, i-vtrii-lieiuv dttrk, rnriliirey roll ir. full lined, any slre fl.HH Lighter ilurk half llmil a.'.'.l Pureel Pest 10, liitra Snyder's Mail Order Heuse 808 W. Seuth St. Philadelphia, Pu. .f.u etdera promptly attended te If nccempanled by cheek or moAey order, atainps or vusli, ' n I I Je I I jD3CIw 1 p j . 1 1 re) . I GlsaiftaVaUJ.' Sf fSsfttl -'" em . I C Kn Jsfc-S- 7 aBjMf"Liatk1ii VV Mm ty!l,TJL?33:I::Jl V muiix '11.11 . VW?5 shoes pm y wala A V Mre 0 te aifMled. fel IBERTY m PARCEL POST Master Ceal-Saving Device SAVES ONE-THIRD OF YOUR COAL Gives One-Third Mere Heat $ Hell Ilcilee nil AKnclicd THI INSTRUHtNT Of QUALITY lUJJggj JLJ s OnOtTalPHONOGRAPH CLKAn AS A BILL PLAYS ALL DISC RECORDS TONE RICH AND BEAUTIFUL PRICES $50 TO $750 fffllM 1129 CHESTNUT fMEsass' Hw n VmHJLim W ?fi"7 iJWri ' OU1 CUVKR.'S lir..MOl,l Write or phone for sample and price C. SCHMITT, Mfr. ,8l'A,v'crnSlfferd EVENING CLOTHES te itntr. and reu M.r. I"nll Kress nnd Tuxedo Units f utnw.iAs for Morning Weddings l.ntest MedrlN of Highest Uufility SAMUEL COOPER Pep,K!5&, 1010 GIRARD AVE. Kv-B, TALKING MACHINES REPAIRED Feri00 .,000 NKW ICTOIl AND COI.VM- AQ I In 1111 iti;cent)s . ts'i uh KEEN, 109 N. 10th St. SPECIAL WOMEN'S FINE Comfy Slippers atf""A fOKlJ 9Sc sp :i te k Parcel Pest, Be Kitri. Celers, blue, lireuii und C epe n Women's Felt Juliets I'l It TltIMMi:i WITH I.I.ATMUt Mll,l AMI lll.ia.s r.. -vft.i'n t A. --..-' liLTm. ' ( elitrn hlue iiiitl ulil ruse. u-riM nil in ireun nm Iiip. Men's Fine Black Felt EVERETTS Mill Leather Sele mid Heels Very Comfortable n.oe Parcel Pest, 5c Extra Menc.1 relundeil If mil eiulhlled NOVELTY BOOT SHOP Gl .Market Strct'l, Phila., Pa. 1! Government Supply Ce. 611 Market St. fiftm U. S. Armv O. D. Weel Breeches I er. I I'ej Jit ' f t, jn. tlevt.rtiiiieiit lies All aires, I.lin- SUpp Uerlh S3...U r r r .' ter rmra Worsted Pullover Sweaters wnrnt ! ki Vt nil 1 (lurk taewn tircat f is rm anJ irf a nt. TVrrth 12 -0 Army 0. D. Weel Blankets M..-HI -- in, I,, r.. irnuln urnis u,l ivoei Ul'aii.1 1 lanHets I . rfe i ion tltlen I ieuii'Ih CT 'Ti Jm K? SpeeW, $45.4-3 GOV'T SUPPLY CO. 611 Market St., jphUa., Pa. i?KSMRa hf "V , . CsSV'B'V! Vvwii "VVN'"'SgiJT J. s5fe ;.' Comfert V X i : W n 'ill Mre -w Wright Oier L'M!LrrefT!g&2fim&'i Pennils I ffv'iir,',p'V.gi:'V,l.S',jprsaTr! i&!Li-",-, ' 'Sf&iyir;sfe,',i) Hi . " .V.ssi ivjjqii m-tiiiiijii.. PARCEL POST 6 li urns tlie gae nnd imeke. Eliminates clinkers. Can cosily be attached te any style furnace het air, steam, het water or plpcless at small additional cost. Held by nil Dealers SWARTZ MFG. CO. 234 - 236 Cherry St., Phila., Pa. I'henrs, Market 1207, Woodland 07-M GLASSES Lew as $1 A I I FVI ' KxamliieU Fret I'rrai rlptlens Filled. Artlflrlnl Eyes Inserted. IMPROVE YOUR PLACE OF BUSINESS wltti l'AIJIH, nlWKRS or VALANCES h si 1 111 tea Qlvcn en TIULMili:., HALLS or WLNUOW DKCOIIATIMI rail Mil. IIIIIASON. Hprnee T87B DOOR CHECKS ."'Ui'lreil tn work und leek like new. .nd them In te tie mill e nlll nut them In geed rondlllen. Alse 11 complete line of new Doer C'hecks. JOMJ'II ttSTKKIIAN US N. llltli Htreet. riillnileJpliln, l'u. Telephones -- U. S. ARMY OFFICERS' GAS MASK RAINCOATS Our Price 3.75 $ Flies 3$-4i. 1 a el Test. 10c Ultra These coats are inade of a eenulne heavy drill cloth with a real pas mask lining. They are absolutely waterproof, stiar anteed 100-lb. pres Htire. V'c .iIhe rIvc ou belt te match. They are very ilresay. Value 31". U. S. Marine Underwear Itreliilmril. I'rrfrct t'nndlllen CC,, SHIRTS, 36 te II DOC DRAWERS, !M te 10 ARMY & HAVY STORE 211 Market St., Phila. He Sure You're in the Right Stere Military Equip. Ce. New 0. S. Army Field or Trench Shoes (With nr uithmit ImlnmlUr Malrt i't th t.'uc. e tther (.htaint.hl'. ttru 'ic ' hu1 .j. 'Hit Mt-al i" for ,M I ii i' r n L u in b i !pi rittin- r U r e a ii e r n Huntnr i Contt'erf.ililM U. S. Army Heavy Duck and Moleskin Trousers Suitable for Hunting Made of erlr.i Urenc ri ,n rlppabia utitert.,1 nnd wni nrt bhrlnlt. Alan vvuterprtef Pat. ented utaj en Imttena Cuff uiie G p Jilins .v.,j Misen Special 1.95 $ "5ld for 51..10. t'urcel Pest. 10c l.xtni Woolen Blankets Brand-New Full Size Gray Wliue Mixed Parcel Pest 10c Extra ntenleii for ll.ihpltaiu m ivtmu of r,v nnx.-il, M'lnte un.l pliilil e) ltian- Jimi recelv. ,1 fi,,n, 1 , uevern- 111 n' i fre '1 let of .Minn . iimwi, 1'OrflTIMiI.Y VAI.II IT 'le J7.00 ilitary Equip. Ce. 511, Market St., PhUa. OPISN KVUNINflB rOTi'-tlr, 1lI rni-if iii'-rrK'n kvssfflSvtvQ 111 ( fl0 1 we M'H 1 1. t i ' m i W A Only J 11 $6.65 m-jjl Parrel Povl, ImA luV l.xtri J Jt A e e e 6 e7 &KcTedM e O e e e oe Joe5oJi All Si ESP! h.i 'I 'aai1 l laiviBsiiHLaiTCe. jtnd Light 'jifi Plaids 2.95 EACH ,'PAROEI. POST COIN MACHINES Dell, Krult and ethers. Card Heels (HU7 Medels), Jaoltpel l'olter Card IJeweyai 100 new and rebuilt. All bargains. Knstern Office . HI.OAN NIIVKLTY HVO. CO. . DOS N. nth St. ,, I'henet nell I'eplnr 472 Complete Rep t 2 We make any natch re pair needed regardless of what It Is for 'i. We sDeclallza en rail. toad watches. All work guar- nuieeu. CI for it new mainspring nnd Me gunr mitre It one year. SAMUEL RATNERS ''Jn.nnt0r 128 S 8th St ''''""w"'"1. The Greatest Umbrella Offerings of the Year! 1-JL Ladles, hend no rfleney. Just send me our name and addreas and I will send veu en nppreinl any one of these um brellas. Genuine superior taffeta-, guar nnteeed waterproef: steel frames; up-te. d-itn durable handles; made of Imitation white Ivery with ring or cord", llent and round shnpe handles for men. ray postman 12.00 en arrival. If you denjt think umbrella Is worth t3.B0 eend It back at our expense und money returned In full. Order by number. Parcel Pest, 10c Ilxtra Arthur Rrlrtimnit, 220 S. 4th Ht.. Phila. N0N Hardware 816 Chestnut St. The Savcele Device Prevents Waste ATTACH AT THB POINT ON STEAM OR. HOT WATER. HtATtRO AT THIS POINT ON HOT AIR. HEATERS InvcstlEivte the Sacel Devlca prier te maUlne a llnal decision oil the Installation of a ceal-pavlnc dvlce en your lieater, 3 tie S.ivcole is built for this particular punxiae. Tlie Saveole la fclentltlcally tjiaile for the partli-ular ptiriwar for whlcli It la nelil aiifl ittvea the vary best rcaults. Investigation will preve this te veur satisfaction. The Bavcole has external und Internal flanfteH for nupcr-hentlnrf th,, air lfere It reaehes the (tare, te be limited. These danum are se constructed that they will net In nny venv Intorfere nor retard the proper flew of HOT AIR. which Is neces sary for lilnclnir the (raw In the 'furnace In a poEltlen te ucccpt Immediate com cem com bustlen When enlerinr; ajnte If for Tint Air, Het Wilier or r-tenm llent. Uring your heater deer and ten trill attach the HAVCOLH at SOe extra. $3.00 rARCEL TOST. 10; nxTn.v Shannen "" ?,,.e,I,l.nut rhiladelphia fficatfjj .,A!'1 f!?N Un Nev- " 121. JAMES II. M.t (Jit v husl'and r,f the late Anna R. Al- 1 IteiT v.' nnd friends of the family, ule An tui-ui lidde Ne. 3S. I. O. u. 1" . and 1 rescent Cai-tP Ne US. K. G. E Invited te nttend fun. ml en Prlday. at 2 P M 1 r. elsnlj from tli. 'nalilenc of Mrs Martha le'ien, 2ir, ,s i,.-,rh .1 int.Ttnetit Keni Keni Keni voeil euiterv. Inr Iiih may be viewed lliurMla.v evenlni;. fieui s te It). ALIUICD.-Oii Nev. J021. IIURB1IRT vi'i.-".eni.f ..1'r"lnt J"" . ,,,u ll11 James .Mdred llalatlvea and friends are Invited te thn fervlre, en Haturdny nfternoen, at i: oile'K, nt his Ute rosldence, 600U Catharlne t. Intenient nrlvate. -"i"rine ALUXANDKlt. On Nev. 8, 1921. SARAH M.KXANDKIl tnee McCulKni. ivlfe of Jehn W. Alexunder aued 71 eare. Ilelallvea and friends are Invited te the H-rvlce. en Friday afternoon nt L' o'eloclc. at her late resl cemv, 'Jim IlalnbrldEn et Interment at Mt Mnrlah Cemetery. 1'rlends may call Thurs day evnlinr, HAKlllt. Suddenlv. Nev. 0 WIM.TASI hunliand of Annie M. IJ iker. aired til). Itela Itela tlvei and frltuln and oruanUatfens of which he nan a member, are Invited te funeral strvlce. sm.. li :ie I'. M.. 16u3 N. 07th bt. Int. Ar Itiiiten 1 'in HE.NNirrr. -Nev. n. idbi. oneRaw m leloied huelMiid of i:ther Jane Dennett (nee Poetlil. Ttel.itlti'H anil friends, also WasrlnK en I.edke. Ne ,-,'i. r. and A. M., and all ther erf.il7iH"n with which he was ren lujcted. are Invited te attend funeial eervlcea fiat . II P M.. at his late naldeiu'e, 0303 Cutharlne nt. Int private. HOWI.KY. Ne. P. 1021, r.OUERT I,, 11011 of Hleti and the late Jam's I. Hewlei' Jt'datives anl irlends are Invllad te nttenl funeral. Hal . 7.3fi A. M from the rosl resl rosl ilenc. of l,tn brother In-law. 1743 N. fid st HUli r'iuiem maw al St. Mlchaei'a t hurch 9 A .tl preclHOlj. int. Neiv C'athe drul Cem. ( AFKIIEY. -Nev. N, KATE, wife of Levi ijaffr-y. 1'uneral Sat . S:3ll A. M.. residence. IslO Memplila st. .solemn leeulem hlh mass nt the Church of the Hely Nume UillO A. .M, Int prlvate. N' vv Cathedral Cm. OAI.l.AUHA.V. On Nev. 7. JOHN j. PAT,. r,AOHN. HKd 7'J. U. latlves and friends. air remwned 1 edp. Ne. ,M3, Jt. A If JJMversltv It A c Ve. 2.-.(l. and Heinent V.l'a lieltef AHHoelatlen. Invited le funeral t1 1 Ma) . 2 lJ .M from residence, First and J.ln, eln av, I'Vlsem Del. Ce., Pa. Inter Intnt Ivrnwoed f'i tnetery t'AI.f.MlAN Nev 1021. MR1ERT, Ife of .lelin 1 nlluliutt and dhuqhter of lat Jn i"H and lfrlili,-tt l'jltl, of County Poiie Peiie Wi.1 Ireiaud. Ueiatlvcs and f rlen In are I Mtid te attend funeral, Sat , b .10 A V . ioiilence. fiilOB Pairlsh sV R( lemn requiem nurs at Methir of t-otrews' i hurch lu A. M Int Hely Cress Cem. CAMPBELL. Nev. fj, CATHERINE, wife of Itlehard Campbell dnuBliler of late Jehn Uennhue and Mary e'srnv-. Itelathia and friends are Invlted te funeral. Hat . 7.110 A M . resldence of her bretlier-ln-law. Kcrdl nand Ii.alfonse, 2tl.'l ft 2th t. High re 'tulein mass Church of the Uplphuny 1) A. JI Int Ne'v Cathedral. CAHtiKRI.Y.- On Nev 7. 1P21 PATRICK J , eun f th;. lain Patrick nnd Hildnjct Cas "rlv. Relathci and friends Invited te fu '.ral en rrl.lay. ut 7 30 A. M. from the nsldei.ee at Mrt. Annie lJevur, 2H11 1;. i,n. blBh live Sel nm r-quleni tniins at st Ann's ''hunli ut li o'clock. Intermeift Hely benul ihre I'emetin, , " I'VTUi'AP.P. On Thurtdty, Nev. 10 V'?' J.ln- ANNIU CATHCARP. of Plan' III- d N. .L VI l.l.iiv nf Vi.rlln r-.. .1. - . -. , her Sltliviar. Nervlcn from the family rev wr,i, r. in, iruui mf.. i-ininneiii t Saturday afternoon Nev. 12. Plcaie emit it, m r i AVANAI'OH -Suddenlv. Nev. In m"1 nriWAHl) J. I'AVANU-OH llri.mi. ,. TtV liter nept.. City of Phi a. will lg i,ur(.,'i Meu . Nev. 14. at fiiiiihelini.ki.il. Pa i LAltKlJ. Nev. K. HAMUKI, A.' ren f late Jehn tnd Snriti flurl.e (ne, llrennani Relatlves and friends an. Invited te f neral. Hat. h lln A M . nilitf.-. ,,f i..,i... In-law 2510 8 11th u Se'emn reiu. in innsa ChurUi of the L'plphany 10 A. ?,1. In" Old Cathedral Cem. I'dl.I.INS, Nev. H, 1020. r FltANK husband of hi Miiiv Cellins. lte'atVe and f.lends are luvlt.il te intend selimn renulern '$n!Sl!y .;H illhVetiUn COI.I.INM i Hi Nev in'JA'.M'ESW ct.r.. l.ISH us. I s. Hi'liillie nu friends In vlted te Miri,s. en S'aturdav at 7S0 P M Sema u "l' lllt)rmi!"t Tucsduv' ut ", ON villi- hJIMA I,, wlfe of Win. B Cen .id ate of 411U Cber st.. PlllaV'TtelS: tlv.i and friends int lie.) te funiral. ttetn i resldemeef Trank Hal'. Frent st yakertev n Pa Sat.. Nm I" t V'. 12 .'10 ii.'.,'n''" ",4NCS '' "!"" lernilnuf'a't "iDNVrin. Nev. II. MARV. wloevt of Wll Mai. lonnei. ll.datlveH ,-nl frlemlh nr, li VI .1 te uttenit ftii.Mr., vl..n b .,. . V. vi. javy wR w SQUAUTY M I1.IUU1JIJI . L if iildine lfifni ralrinuiiiit avr, seletini ih iiih in muss fulhedial ( huri'li 10 A. M Ini llnh f ri an DNRAli Nev. 0 1H21, HMHIISON. hiis I'.'iid of Ada I.. Cenrad, In his I.Stli viet It. lathes nnd frlfnils ;ilee liebcrt A l.i.tn-U.-IIOU I.edne. N. 1ST. V and A M.. Jeru i. th in 11. A t'liuptir. Ne. S. Ht Jditi't CemniaiKlery. Ne 4. K. T Phila fun fun Mbtery, A A M Jl , and I.u I.u Temple, A O N M S., Invited t" attend funeral mtv ices, nt parlera of Hamuli W. Kenr ,t Hen. N V. cer. '.'1st ..ml Diamond hi.,, S..t , 1 SO P M. precisely. Int. Ht Themis' ( fin Whllemarfli. Pa. 'a fiiPUa I Nev S, 1IISI. KLIZAb'rfni F nc- Ilnshlns). wife gf Jehn H. Cupe.n, ttda. JIveh and friends are Invited te servlees. 7 e P Ji PTiTftB' rrlemJa c Frj t DEATHS 5y,.99JlAt'S:'!r-.. imi. CATiTTtsI daughter of lata Geerge and Iaffin 'Mfl cannon. Itelatlves and frln.i. ff ren-ij runernl, Jlen.. S;30 A. M V,. "Ived i j of her sister. Mrs. D. C. iioeS 'rtif'jM'nert M. Helernn requiem mess kt at Kr.?',M Rales' Church 10 A. M. Inf.1, iKM ! L CUItnAN Suddenly. Nev R a. ' husband of Ernestine rrrin fnnJiM,RB A,; pan). Relatives and friends, also fan "fam 1 , N. 8l Knights of St" O?erge,?i 'r?-,?-M ' Ne 206, are Inv ted te attend riVS' . M.I- o.e" j. ji., irem ni into resident. Vi'l-i' Cedar st. Solemn rmi.m V..J.C'. 82j4 t.. K'h.L.I... n . -. nan (n..U "- Chun': Cem. . "" 8iWJch 5110 .nn.,ij au , ,n, ln. J0 -u-'tii or - """uicare , BEA.V, Nev. 10. MAIir rr ilnUKhter ..f H. Hnr,,- '".t. NAXTOM K. Vtvi. ngfl 23, lMneral servlcet i" ' 2-30 P. L. lole resldence. ,040 '' V.'n-'l, at . Olncy Prienda fcay call Sun J" private. " . Int. DUUTSCII. NOV. 10. IlKmeein. ' ' wlfe of Jaeb Deulech nih7'J W friends also Covenant Chanter it?' "i O. n. 9.; Ladles of the SyWati AuxlltLr'. " Invited te attend funeral .ervlei. ryi ar 1,30 P. M precis ly. ut her late ,!'.,u . 4110 N. llread st. Int. Adath Jeshurni11' , UnVEHF.UX Nev. 8. 11)21 '"Aft" daughter of the late James and aVa ?&?. Uevereux Helatlves and friends nr? SSJ'l te nttend funeral services, Pr 1. . 5 1? V5VI,M St. I'eter's P K. Church Od ind Plni".'.' Int. In church ground r,n t. DOWNS, Nev. 0, AIJSXANDr.rt h.. i of Sarah Haines Downs, aged 71 'bSIJ" and frluvls. also Hiram Ldge. v0 ,"& BTilSVItlli1.8 K,nB "- a"ran'ewJ!",nV DREW. On Nev. 8 1021. TMorfie husband of Pannle M. Drew, aied ai l..E- llelntlves and frl.n.l. . .l'. K'S.B tl. Relatives, and friends. also " H.".ri. Ledge. Ne. 021). F. und A. J! Idine -r;.V" Ne. 70. I. O. Jl. M.: Alfred tff TfJ??i Ltn I.tKlSft. .HOtl Of Ht. nnrc?n nn,i -.."l.rBM Qeern P PUIInp A Benn, are Tnvitft M?! -T--..r U..-w ,.4---.--" "7'l at his late residence, neil Sansom at la ment at Woodlands Cemetery, viewer s'H" uruy ovenoiK - -- EASTIlUItN. Nev. 8, 1021. ANnnn. KAIIIAJIDT. widow of Pr.si, fJ.-lK0" RelatlvCH and friend Invited te JuSt. .ervlces. ,Frl.. S V. JI.. at the reeVe?."?? wiuiatn ii. i.minirat, B2 W. HarvVv . Qertunntewn. Int. private " KDWAHD8. At Denver. Cel., en Wv s 1P21 JOSEPH WARNER, son of th. i.Ji, Edward H. nnd Lydla Ferd Edwards itiu' tlves nnd friends are Invited te the ?' en Monday afternoon, at 2 o'cleek i vf; Oliver II. Pair Illdg.. 1820 Chestnut ii" Phila. Interment private. -nui ,t FAHT.--Nev. 8. JULIA. bee,-.d .. .. . Patrick l''aiy ttiee. lflanagan) form..?' fUuirntlen ie A.M. Int. New Cathedral tw KAHC13TT. At Woodbury. N, j 7 v-v "5' MARQAHUTTA II.. widow of J. Frank 1.5' cutt. aitcd 70. Relatives nnd friends ar. iS' viten te uttena runerai services, at her 1.7. residence. 44 Hepltlns at., Sat, 1.30 t 'W Int. I.ahe Park Cem., bwedesbore. v. j " I'vaii'.u. tjn iev. li. lirr.v T r.... llalley). wife of Hiram 1 Fester nif..l??' ..a. .. ;. -i.--:' ... a. nnd frlendH and all ledires of whlih she ill a member Invited te services, en .Monday t 2 P. f.. at her late residence, 1030 v ate? nt. Frlende call Sunday evenlhg. 8 te u 111 lu i iiit-iii - - imwu viviia-ivrj FRITZ.- On Nev. V. 1D21. SARAH Ai widow of William Fritz. Funeral aervte. en Saturday, nt 2 P. JI.. at Jato residence 251 Preston ave., Preston, Delaware Couetr Pa. Interment private. " FRITSCH. Nev. 8. FERDINAND C. husband of Hannah Frltsch (nee O'Neill ir his 42d year. Relatives and frlenda. ! Industry Ledge, Ne. 131. F, nd A, M Z i fflclals and emplejes of Taunt-iHmyth-Fli Ce., ure Invited te attend funeral eerrleM Hat.. 2 P. JI.. at hie Inte residence, O30II fj' Park VJ. Int. private. Hllltlde Cm, Frlende may call Frl.. 7 te 0 P. M. FURUY Nev. S. KHTHER O, kATX daughter of the late William H. and Cathal rlne II. Kale Relatives and friends Invited te funeral services. Sat . 2 P. Jt , at her late residence. 172(5 Qayuire st. Int. prlii Seuth Laurel Hill. Friends may call I rl. eve" OILL. At 344 W. Duval st., aVnaiv tevn. en Nev. 10 1021. SAMUEL 11.. bus. band of Marv Olll. Relatives and frlendc also Cavalry Pest, Ne. 115, G. A. It., are In. vlted te the eorvlce. en Jlenday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, nt the Oliver II. Ilalr Bids., 150 Chestnut st. Interment private. Plem emit A'owers. C1IVEN In France, 1018. ItATJIONT) !f.. son of Jehn W. and the late Dertha 0.!tei (nee Newlln). Relatives and friends, alie Hnttnl-Tayler Pest. V. of V. W.: Amerlcin leitlen and War .Mothers. Invited te funeral, Sat., 2 P. JI., from the residence ef hit uncle. William S. Predlger 4311 JlltchelJ St.. HoxberouKh. Int. I.voHngten Cem. ORADY. Nev. 7, at Detroit. Jllch., JOHN, son of Antheny and Hrldget Orady, of i Leulsburch County Jtaye. Ireland. Relatrni and frlenda Invited te funeral. Sat.. 8 A. It, from residence of his aunt, Jfrs. J. Qeldlts, 341 Durfer at. Solemn high mass of re quiem at Church of Our Lady of JIt. Carme). 0:30 A. Jt. precisely. Int. Hely Cress Cam. ORAU. Nev. 10. EDNA, daunhter of Wll. Ham and Pauline Qrnu (nee Class), ata 12 Relatives and friends Invited te funeral, Sat., 2 P. M., from resldence. 3510 Hewell at., Vyisstneintug. Int. Magnelia Cem. Vlewlif GUJIJIERB. N'ev. 0. HENRT M. OTO JIERH, uifed 73. Relatives and friends, tlie employee of Henry Dlasten & Sens, and HI organizations of which he was a member. In. vlted te funeral. Sat.. 7 A. JI.. at David H, Schuyler DIdr., Bread and Diamond ets. Man at Church of Our Lady of Jterey, 8 A. 11. Int. private. New Cathedral Cm HKIDT.MAN. On November R, 1KI. HENRY HEIDTJIAN. Relatives and frlenda nre Inv'ted te funeral, en Friday, at 834 A. JI.. from his late resldenee. 1718 N. BStli st. Hlarh mass St. Gregery's Church, le A, M. Interment Hely Cress Cemtry. He mains may be' viewed Thursdav evenlnr. HEJIINC.WAT. Nev. 7. JOHN, huiemil of Jlarle Hemlnrway (nee Jtanus), ared 53, RelatlveH and friends, members et Leral Seuthwark Ledge. Ne. 7732.-1 O. O. F. II. U.. and empleyea nt the Vlacese Ce., art In vited te funeral services- Frl.. 1 SO P. II. at his fnther'a resldence. 28C1 ?'. Manlca it, Int HlllRlde Cem HENTZ. Nev. 0. JOHN J HENTZ, 83, eon of Jehn J. and Jtarv A Ilcnu (n O'llrlen). Relatives nnd friends are invlnl te n'tend funeral. Hat., 1 I' M.. from Ma grandparents' residence. 117 IVie.vn st. Int. Hely Cress Cem. HESS. On Nev. 0, 1021. HILDA HRT ANT, widow of the late Jeseph Heffrais Hess, of Virginia, and daughter of the ltt Rev. James Jl. Haines, at the realdenca of her son-in-law. In Ardmere. Funeral eervlcta nt 110 Illeddvu read. Ardmore, Sunday, 4 F, M. Interment at EaMen. .Md HTLLEHRECHT. Nev 0 1M1. TY1I, 1,1AM O . eon of Dorethv nnd late Oferal Hlllebrerhr Relatives and friends l'hllan-threpli- Ledge, Ne. 15. I. O O. V t Liberty Council, Ne. 35 Jr. O I" A. M ! Cake Ilakera und Confectlenero" Yearlv Hec . hv. vincible Yearly Soe.: members of St. Paul'a Evan. Lutheran Church, are Invite! te if tend funeral servlcet. Sat;, 2 P M . at nil late residence, 3341 N Palethern at. Trt. Greenmount, Itemalna may be viewed TO. CV1 PlNES Suddenly. Nev. 8 THOMAS, lus band of JIary A. Hlnes,. Relatives and friend! .ire invited te attend funeral. Sat., P-30 A, Jt.. from his late residence. 727 S. bill ft. Solemn high masB of requiem. St. Phllls Nerl Cliurclr. 10 A. JI. Int. Hely Creat Cm HITCHCOCK. Nev. 8. 1021. MAIWJARL'T A., beloved wife of Frank B. Hitchcock (net Oarr)7 Relatives and friends Invited te at tend funeral. Sat.. 8:30 A. M.. from lata residence. 805 N. 21st st. Solemn, ramiltt" mans at Cliurch of Ht. Francis Xavler 10 A Jl Int JIt. Vernen Cem. HOOVEN- Nev. 0. LOUISA E widow ef William Hoeven. Funeral services Frl., 2 F. M., at G. A. It. Heme. 00th und Vine at. Int. nt JIt. Vernen Cem. . lilTGHEW. - Nev. H. 1031. MAnOABET JANE, wife of Charles J. Hughes and daujS ter et the late Jlanua and Jane O Dennill. Relatives and friends are Imjyd te attend Mineral. Sat . 7 30 A. M . resldence. 718 -.rstti st. Solemn renulem niaas at Of Church of the Transtiguratlen 5 A. JI. int. ""i're'i'aTdev. 0. A,NNIE B. -IfjjJ Edward S Irelund Relatlvie and frIWi nre Invited te attend funeral from the ; dence of her husband, .Mulllca Hill. N. Ji iat.. Nev 12. 10-30 A. M. Senlces at l.imse Int. Wllllumstewn JI 13 Cent. ICEELER. At Atlantic On N J.. JWJ 9, CORDELIA, widow of Isaac Hosier, ttw 81. Services nnd Interment i.rlvate. , kNOTT. Nev. 8, WILI.IA.JI A, below! hubbnnd of F.theln C Knett (nee Ceato). 1 lila 33th cnr. I"Mneral aenlrea I rl.. ' P Jt , ut his lute rmldence, 121 .MercMW bt.. Audubjti. N. J. Int. Harlflsh Cen KOKHI.EH -Nnv. tl. JtARtV O.. wWs I of C. Emll KeahliT, Relatives and frlenm are Invited tu attind funeral 'ervlces. .. 2 P. JI.. nt li.r lute reBldtncc, B1B0 Ceear ave. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem. Wendi may rill Iffl. eve. ., KRUGER. Nev. 10. ISABLI, P.. wife fj David II. Kruger. Relatlvea and frlendj ar Invited te attend fuu.iral Jlen . 8:30 A. from her late renldence. 1311 U.lth ave.. w Lane. Solemn requiem mass Hely Ani Cliurih 10 A- SI. Int. private. ,,,, - LAW. On Njv. 8, 1U21. MART E. widow of E.'gar A. Law. Relatives anl frit nds Invited te funeral ervlcs. nn I ut 11 A. M In Church of Incarnation, Erei ... V-.. . lu Tr nrliterr td'i J "It SI It" it Bin. I li I, a Pin - ,,. LE1X. Nev 7. I-Ol'IS JI ren of lew nnd the lale Jt,iy L. Lelx (nee Merr.a). rj. I oral Hervlces Frl. 2 P. M. "''ft?,' grandfather. William IJ. SlerrU. 6119 i Uiiaid av Int rernwoed fern, .... . LEVY -- Nev. U lt.VRUARA. .jr Vbraliatn Charles Levy. Relatives M friends are Itivltud te attend funeral lr li es. Men., 2 V Jr precisely, i;t the t re. ib nee of her brether-ln-la, ' bar Wlerler. 2131 N. 15th at Int. priiate. - lilPMAN.-Nev. 10. SOPHIE IK ;! C.nhtlei l.lpuian aged 50. n''l" i.",, friends Invited te nttend funeral fj" Hun.. 2 P JI.. residence of her br"10,',;' Jeseph Kelm IMrt N. 10th nt !" '' Mn'it Cem. Omtt flowers. 9 MART, Ll I.E. -HudUeiilj, en Nev ..1,1,..., nl V'.wlnn f f.vte. Relatlie" aja frlnnds Invited tn funeral, Sat , 1 reiililciii'e. 2123 H Calllue si .. Int NertH- I'-rniviiivi .. - -- .- wiiiul feni. Frlendi ni.il call Ir 'rvsrn, MAlltlN. Nei. 8. 1021. , ' I,';Vi iij Lfe of Wlllliiin Jlahen. Rflat $ nl nds alaii Kadlea' Auxiliary. rheTOia'.B nv Pest Ne. 220. A. L. are Intlien v tend funeral. Hat S fte A M tnmM ut r. Kllencn 143(1 Dexter t l'' ff'ie A, ellin r-UUI .in mildS Ol jeun a -"- Jl Wejtniinster Cem into of 20 in imwertii et. Helatlves and fr .nd also Ulv. Ne. 7, I.. A. A. O. H invfiJ .' funeral, tint.. 8:30 A. Jl.. from har 1.R residence. BM17 Addison st. (btlew pS' If Solemn reaulem mam Church u- L"1-'. nt t J NHJiKT ALTERS - : f" ji"- .SM