y- 27 EVENING PUBLIC XEDGER-PHILABELPlIlA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1921 ' I .. WTMIMII ggMi HOPE SUPPLANTS GLOOM YEAR AGO Wonderful Accomplishments In Reconstruction Program of Business and Finance In honor of tlie unknown here ttlie J be laid te rent nt Arlington thin Ifternoen, nil the busy mnrket tlckerx ire silent today. This is the wcenn UUAay Wall street ami the who'e miir wt world has taken this week, leaving l a tue-Iimir FcsMen tomorrow te Jd up a badly broken up week In buslne-" nnil finance. ll LoeMMt I'fiCK inrrc jrat , "' i'- tttnlnic of the nrminuce. ninnirj- na Utn mndp fnet in the fliinnelal realm. TTie unknown feldler honored by tilt ntlre Natien pnlil the price for hi tmfsltcrlnc patriotism. In the Inst three jenre. the stock market world nlne iltl a Miff price for the wl'd orgy of the war period. The penalty was net inly exacted of the security market w wan n'se paid by almost every Wirh of business and Industry. The World Wnr is no wn tmnj of the Mit, and (-e are the mistakes, tnls tnls ("icidatlens. over-cxtensleni and bad kdirment of biislnesH nnd finance. Th Viire fe- Hie deflation ha been taken ml al' ImndR new are In the cenvn es cine stage, poorer nnd wner. nnd time Van i enli -tell whether there will be real crefits from the experience. This much is certain, at least, most everybody is in a much mere comfort, able position than n year nce. It In reasonably certain the worn! of our trouble-" are new behind us. It is n'x. nasenablT certain the corner hm been turned. 'Ne lenRcr nrc measurements Mnc made en the mlstekea of the Prtft. bnlil upon the brighter prospects of the I fnture. ...n..,innt eh. After reaenms uuii" ........, -norrenm low level, by remfn of the "e-l and ext nslje liquidation, se. curltr values nre pointed upward with automatic adjustment of Income basis with the lowering earning power of nenev This can sifcly '.e accented ns a reliable barometer of the Improved economic situation, whleii. nf er nil. must be the solid foundation of the re turn of the country's prosperity. The ear's experlen"C. or since the last anniversary of Armistice Day. has hn harrowing nnd trying te the Ms rent in e-ests of the ceuntr. The rolld relld ity of the country nnd Its (treat re source' have been proven a fict rather than n fancy thnery. Almest lnur meunlabl" ebstaelcN were ove-cem-Prob'eins that seemed without solution ntre met and conquered. The seriously ererMralncd credit situation has been brought hack te almost a normal equi librium. Of ceu-se there nic still some adji'itmcntb remaining, but, en the etblr hand, the situation is se coin cein pletelv wll In hand that thcc remain Ins disturbances can be regarded mere In matter of lncld nta than In re a a tlenshlp with the fundamental position of the country nt large. Confidence and hope hns supplanted gloom nnd doubt of a year age. As nsual. this found first reflection In the M-urltv markets tint It is n'tecef'er rtavinnb'e te suppose, with its usual alertness, the sensitive little muchine, ceram nly called n "ticker," has stn-tctl te (lleeuiit still greitcr chances in con cen dltinns that arc new invisible te the naM eye or the vision of the unexperi enced luyman of the street. Fair Demand for Weel nofteu. Nev. 11. The Commercial Bulle tin tomorrow wll. snvs. 'Tli ileni.ttid fir wwl has continued of fair iropertlons and tn txn well dHers'flert ,vi fur us uraiiei nj clasilllmtlnns nre runctrned. oerytiin from tin.' suiile neul te tre uv urude for fer tlrn wools liavlnir thnnvd hand and at prices ihleh lire fullv firm. If net even a bit itrenircr "" certnln crudes. Heme nrwo nrwe ulat've Milling la reported en tli market Is low Seuth American wool. The price Cild for Hid fall Texas wee a tins i-ienn n upward tendency th' week, clearr landed costs Hoten lielriK about STe te 58c for the wool Mirch.ised In Pel Itle. The soeds market demand has Blackened." Liverpool Cotten tlrrrroel, Nev. It Cotten spot dull: pries ateadv oed nrddllnic. 11 ORd. f u y mlddll ir 11 L8d mlddlln'. lOSSd; lnW mid allnir D.IHd, weed ordinary. 7 Sid, erdlnnry, 7 Uii. Hales. IO0O balus Inrludlnz :IS0 American Tterelptk. StOO ba c. nil Am r lean futures cloned nte-d", N"eem er 10 nnd, 11. .ember. 10.RV1. January, 10.4-d Marc, 10 H8d May. 10 . lid. July, lO.aid September, U.PSd. Londen Metal Market tendon, Nev. 11. Standard repwr, spot CM l-.'H fld futureH, 07 7a Cd Klectre 1ilc, niet, 74 , futures. C7tl. T n, spot 168 IN M, futurts. ilUO Jb Hd. l.eud. pet. '.'1 ."i ii,i, futures, 2.1 15c Zinc. ret, 15 llli (Id Paris Bourse Heavy Tarla, Nev. 11 Prices were heay cu the Jcurie ted iv. Three per cent rentes. 53f We. Exchanie en Londen. 64f 50c. VI c Per cent lean fi'if I'Oc. The dollar wi etd at I3f B3He. Outlast the Factory iz th & -rT' ---.Jt-- -;- - Attend te Your Floers New Yeu can get a new fleer that will per manently settle your fleer problems, if you get Kreelite Blocks. Old, worn floors can be made water-tight and wear-tight with these Blocks, without interfering with production. New is the time te de it. Let our Kreo Kree lite Factory Fleer Engineers give you their advice and suggestions without cost or obliga tion te you. Call our Philadelphia Office, Locust 6469. THE JENNISON-WRIGHT COMPANY 1420 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Phene Locust 6469 jrh$ Jennison-Wright OPPOSE AVERTING STRIKE Garment Workers' Union Head De clares Manufacturer Must Yield New Yerk, Nev. ll.(By A. P.) Mfferls of twelve United States Senater te prevent the strike next Monday of "0,000 garment workers In New Yerk -vers looked upon wth disfavor tedny by licnjnmln Sehlesingcr, president of the nternntienai Ladles' Garment Werk- i-rs' Union, who dcclhrcd the strike etild be nvcrtcd only by capitulation of he Cleak, Suit nnd Skirt Manufacture rs' Association. The Senators had telegraphed the manufacturers' association, urging It te mid up for two weeks the nc working conditions scheduled te go Inte effect Memlii) , "The strike will begin Monday tin tin less the operators have given up by that time their poiltien en piecework nnd the forty-nine-hour week," Schlcslnger declared. $943,000FOR N. J. ROADS State Gets Share of Federal Appro priation for Unemployment Tmiten, Nev. 11. (By A. P.) New Jersey wl'l receive $042,870.05 of the $7C,000,000 just appropriated by Cengrea for the relief of unemploy ment by building new State highways. Out of this allotment $314,200.32 is new available nnd S028.580.05 will be obtainable January 1, 1022. These amounts arc In addition te the unex pended balunce of $1,518,480 from allotments te the State under the pro pre visions of former Federal aid acts. TAKAHASJelTpilMIER Japanese Finance Minister Expected te Ferm New Cabinet Washington, Nev. 11. (Hy A. P.) Advices received here from Tokie today said that Koretlye Takahushl, Minister of Finance, probably would be Intrusted w'th the formation of the new Japanese Cabinet. Marquis Saie.iil, who hiw been spo ken of ns the likely successor te the late Premier Hira, has eeided t' advices state, that his age precludes his acceptance of the Premiership at the lrchent juncture becutise of the henvj responsibilities involved in the office. Autelsts at Gatekeeper's Funeral There was a large uttendance of the motorists who have used the Chester pike for years nt the funeral today of Jehn S. Callnslmn, of Folsom, who was one of the best known gntekeepers en tln pike. He was familiar y known u "Dad," und it Is wld that he had friends in every state In the Union nnd Canada, who hud his affectionate greet ing in his long term of service. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS rhlcnne, Nev. 11. CATTI.tC Receipt!. Soen litad y'ew and eteady; quality pliln; lockers and feeders dull and lower. HOGS llrcelpts. 21,000 h'ad. Valrly ac tive; lnC-Jc lower than yesterday's aer. ase; her packers buylne eparlnxly. Vlrtua t"p. '7 i5 for 150 te ISO pound averages and one Imd medium weight butchers! bulk, U SW7 15, 1 steady ta Htreri;: bulk ilc Hlnihlp 100 te 120 pound pics, (H. SHriEP Receipts flOOO h ad Kllllns ilasneH strong te S5c higher. Tep fat lambs, te shippers, ID.40 picker, ten, $0.35: bulk V'MO .'1 boe.I handy fed 'Western ewen, !4."B, hu'U. $39 4 30. no frean feeder lambs bere, toy yesterday. $s.23. I'lllfe1inpL.h. Vm- 11 TTnrcG n.AAiK.. S.'.OO head. .Steady. Ileavlei $7.B0a7 r, heavy yerkiry.J8 2sars.35: llfht yerkerv nnd idg" Js 1S5ts..'iO HIinHr AND I..A.MIIS It-i-ints, S00 head. T fin nheen. IS: ten la th. fn V. CALVUS Hecelpla. Ce head. Steady. Tep, Knst ntiffale, Nev. 11. CATTM3 Re. flints. 450 heid. eteiity. C'nUes receipts . $1200 head. Steady. J.'.fpia HOaS Receipts, n-no head Slew. 2nc nirtijr. ii iiij . u"i.(i; niiTPii a V.(C ; ynrkeri. $8: light erkcri. JstiH.2ri, v'en '" iJC8.50j reutths. JU.2r)n SO, stags HHEKP AND LAMRR Itecelpta. 89110 head. Lambs. J1W8 (25c hluher): mixed heep, J4.I0W4 50, ethers urrcrnnsed. Enikt St. I,nuU, 111., Nev. IX CATTI.K RecelptH 2000 head. Market ftfadv: a f-w s)i)ers Rild J5.7S te Jd 31 common te go d cow, $3 25 te tl. renners $2 25 te J2 no, tteckT calvet, 81,75 te J5 60, veal caves t'n 50. Iin.u n...n.a nnnn t....i . ., .,.. 1','uti ,tuivite uui. ,iv,iii rttiive, IIKIll UshtM nnd pIks generally hlsner: light weight firnng; meuium mucnera Mcjiuy. 'jep $S; 'llht lights praet cal top. J7 50, bulk lights and medium weights. J7 257 50, bulk llBhtH J7 C0W7.85: packer rows stendv, 5 75lffl25. pigs strong 130 pounds uu te js 25 quality geed. SHEEP Recilpts. 300 head Market nom nem 'nal y steady en y two dtcki en sale: one eck BO"d tn choir- natl hrnught J 8. 50; a slnclu of lommen Jri, feiv licht cnes at 34. t ' ' German Dank Statement Ilerlln, Nev. 11 The statement of the injuria! Itenl, of i.e.-inany us of November 7. nfeuH the fel e.ving changes In markii Total coin nnd bullleu Increased 1 02.',U0i told Increased hOO'l: treasury t.-etes do de treumd 2U,7'I4,000. notes of ether banks In creased t MS.UOd, bills discounted decnusc.l 'l,3it.",105,ll0U: advances Increased 2 SUt.OOO. netments decreased. 7 058.000. ether se curities Increased. 33.H33.oeO; notes In c r - ulallen Increased LOd'.", 31(1.000; deposits decreat-ed. 4. 442.2HA. 000; ether liabilities de. c-eaned 120,588,000; total cold holdings 003,030,000, Ce., Teledo, Ofrie tiil-HKy. iiAyi9miMli.W:rUJ Vutcnttd i Slav H, 113 I Wins Nebel Prlie In Chemistry Stockholm, Nev. 11 (By A. I) Professer Wnlther Ncrn&t, of the Uni versity of Berlin, Is awarded the Nebel prlze for 1020 in chemistry by the .Swedish Arndcmy. The prizes In chem istry and phyelcs for 1021 nre being re served. Dr. Ncrnst, in addition te be ing director of the Institute of Physics and Chemistry at. the University of Berlin, is a fellow t the Berlin Acad emy of Science. Seek Solicitors for Fake Fund Complaints were received nt the Nineteenth and Oxford streets station this morning that two women wcic so liciting in the neighborhood for sub scriptions te a fund which they de scribed us "The Lankcnnu Hospital Fund." The hospital authorities de clare the "fund" Is a fraud. The po lice have been given descriptions of the women, and arrests tire expected. rVTEAMHHir QTIf-K.S WHITE STAR Nfr Yerk Chtrheurff Heufhnmptatl llIU XIIU t.,. . fit, ii OIAMP10 Dec. 10 Dec. 31 Feb, IS New letk i.itrrimul Jl-D"! ev u .id il sr only iV.V'.i.v rse. iu nee. in CEDRIC ,. n 2(1 Drr. S.I rKI"l' Dei a Dec. 31 Feb. 1 IIAVKItreltn Dee. 10 -L 1 . rieu urn,, .Iteres, i,ii.i t.r, Nuples und CANnnic ?r?e. 22 . rilKTIO . Dec. 4 '!U',l'.'i.- tDec. 0 Man. 21 'Slur. 4 ADRIATIC ., ..'Jan. 7 Feb. 18 JCpeelnl Teagesl. Alse rail tit M idelra, Algiers, Menure, Athens nnd AleTsmlrla. tAlse II nt M delrn ind Jloniee. -.,.... rii'Hdelnhl i N.iilrs, (irnna C0TI1IM) f3d rlie p len'urs only) Nev. 17 I'htladelphbi l.lr roeul .. (Freight Only) nAVERFORD ,. Dee, S re STiiR lim 3&a r''""'tlit Clierlmurg, Antwerp 1-NI.AND .' .WjS D5 Frb:"S l,APID .. lr .Tr" 7 Feb 11 ,UiSftN?'NP .! Vc- " 1nn- "l Feb! S3 .,..h.ll;,!!'.,i,l! .a. "mhurs-.i.iiiiiii Dniuu tJAJH.AND (.fd el ihn pas gers only) Dee. I .... J'hileilelpbin Antwerp MAIllUVMI Ver. ?n MAIIOl'AO Nev. 24 MERsraw Line ('orrfert Tab.n Tl iss, Kiimbure. S1J0 NEW ORK IIAMIIL'IIII MACIIt,'Itl.V ... Nev. 2J Dee. 20 M A . . Dee. 1 JIlNNliKAHDA t8d iIjm)...,.., . Drc. i0 Alse cads lit l'ljinnulli nnd riicrbeurc. I'blladelpbiu llnmburu MIHSIBSIlH'l " ..Ne, e, MAIIOl'Ar ! "., Ne! 24 ATMNTIC TKAVHPOnT LIN I, I'lillud IpblJ Ixinden MACKINAW Net. IS SIAItYLAVn Nu 30 lin.l.AND-AMKTCA LINK - ... ..'.''""'''hl.i netterdum Rnitni'DYK Net. 14 HOKbTlUK Dee I International Mercantile Murine Ce. 120 STf.AMi:ilS 1, .100.000 TONS Pnseiurer Itmce. 1S1 iVilnii Ht.. Phlla. F re tlit Offlre. 405-114 IleurM Hide.. Phils. Sslllnji from Pier 74. 34th St.. N. R.. es ttpt S. S. GeO.Wsihlnjten end Ametlct, which sail from fieri 3 tnd 1, Hcbekea. te Plymouth Cherbourg brtitu America, Ner. 29, Jan. 3 Geerje Waihinilen, Dec. 8, Jen, 17 Te Phmealh Boulogne .Wen Centennial Stale . . .Nev. 14 Dec. 14 Panhandle Slate . .Nev 25 Dei.. . Te Bremen Damig HoJien Dec. 3 . rinceis Mateiba .Dec. 10 Potomac Nev. 12 Dec "' Unekd States Lines MOORE & McCORMACK CO.. lac. ROOSEVELT STEAMSHIP CO., tee. UNITED AMERICAN LINES, lac. Manatini Operalmi for U. S. Shipping Baatd 1'ur uoekui AJJrjji u. 5. Unci 45 Oreadway, New Yurie QntL&QevtrnmentShips Fattest Tims te U.iJ de June ru. Montevideo uric U'nes Aires, Finrt snips Amerli-un ervlce Arnc.rlfHtt feed Amsrlrnn ram- rts. Snlllnars from Pier 3 'e'-ol(,-n S.S. Aeelui Dec. 7 S.S. Huren Dec. 22 I S.S. American Legien. .Jan. 5 B ; .a. Southern (.ran, . . . Jan. 19 Fer d'i"i"tive booklet, address L!NES 7EGULAK FRFIOHt SFKVICF TO ROTTERDAM, ANTWERP, AMSTERDAM S "New Britain" Sailing Nev. 17 STEAMER (USSB) Seilins Dec. 2 S ' S "WhSr INSKU'" (USSB) .Sailing l)?c. 17 Oi Halts and I'ai 'iculam apply GEYELIN & Cu Inc. I'hl'uili'llihi l 1ellti. 1118 SOt Tit tMI s. nnih-rd SMt I'll 1 1. . M n 11151) Ins STEAMSHIP LINES PHILADELPHIA te CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST LONDONDERRY, SLIGO S 'S "Eastern Klnj,'" Nev. Ii) S S "Ohhliesh" . . . .. . . Dec. ,r) SCANDINAVIAN & BALTIC PORTS S S "Miimiu City," I.ust half Ne. Moere & McCormack Ce., Inc. E. W. STRCF1"' D, .1 Mir. 423 nOURSH DLDC, THILA. Lemli. 0S8S. Mam 7 I - iiKi.inint seriri:s rrfxlivlrrl in .1mi1siT(V, n .shimt k Ar "llUIIU'.Ith- S1,IU MI.MUItlAL iiti:sVTi:i.N niiiK'H Htead si, blew HpruC' S A M. "icuchlnif by Winter U Oreemyay Muslu ' Quartet Clelr. Kmlly Blekcit J fata r, IHorpnee Dnt Ilutter, J'aul Velkman, llebert I.. Uoed, A, cerdla Invllnlen te all. I fNEW YORK"! li-Q EUROPE I onU.S.QevtrtimentSliip$ iNewlfiifik tel u (icntr" Onicr., Miinken H lie. H I v 'I Terente (Ontario) Geld 67e Bends Maturlne 1033 te 1043 lnd. Direct general obliga tion of the second largest city in Canada. Price 100 and interest Yielding & ' (Fer payment In V. S, funds) CfrrtiMr en requett for I'E-iti , The National City Company rhllnd.lphfa 1421 Chestnut St. Atlantic City Chnlfente Dleck 1295 Boardwalk An Unusual Recerd of Earnings 1 Since its organization in 1912 as a New Jersey corporation, the Havana Electric Railway, Light & Power Company has never failed in any one year te earn well ever 24 times its total interest charges. In 1920, earnings were 5.24 times interest charges, and for the first six months of 1921 they were at the rate of 5.47 times interest charges. We offer the 7 Secured Geld Notes of this com pany, due September 1. 1926, at a price te yield 7.35. These notes are convert ible at an attractive price into 'eng - term mortgage bends. Write for descriptive circular Hemphill, Noyes (3), Ce. Membark New Yerk Stock Exchane Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New Yerk Doiten Sernnten Buffalo Albany Syrscuie Daltimere $77,052,570 New Issues of Railroad, Public Utility and Industrial obligations were offered during the past month, as compared with $340,519,390 in Oc teber, 1920. Decreased demand for money by corporations, and lowering interest ratrs, should prompt in vestors te consider securi ties of the best type at present prices. We have selected several examples and invite re quests for our List Ne. 7345. 3enbright & Company 437 Chcttnut Street Philadelphia New Yerk Chicago Bosten Detroit If There Is a Market We Can Find It We held sales of htecks und bends every Wednes day, charging $1.50 en trance fee for each item. Our weekly catalogues and postal card service reach iery mar ket. Wc take pleasure in furnishing quotations. Barnes & Lefland Stock Urekers unit Aiutlimrrrs 147 S. 4th St. Yeu can protect your property new. Hew will it be protected when you die? THE PROVIDENT . Lire and Trt'HT C"irNT or PintADiaruu Fourth and Chestnut His. Ucmbcr uj ttilfiut .'istne Histem foreign Lxchange Explained Ash for Free titxklet F-2 Wm. B M-Kenna&Ce. 221 Seutli iStli St., Phila., Pa. Ilrll I'Iiuiisi Locust I77H New Yerk Patariea INVFSTMF.NT SECURITIES ??mupl I'cCrpprv & Ce. Uembcrv Phila Utevl: rxrhnnga Franklin Hank Hiiildin T1MMIII' NOTirrs Sailings from Philadelphia FOR HAMBURG S. S. "Chickasaw" (U.S.S.B.) SaiiincNev. 12 S.S. "Westbroelc" (U.S.S.B.) Sailing Nev. 24 Hudsen Shipping Ce., Inc. A vents LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. Hell Trlrimune l.emburil 3 '.'HI Ktjslunc Irlcphnnr iuin Biua D xie Steamship Line; PHILADELPHIA te Brictel, Manchester, Glasgow U. S. S. B. S ' S "OPELIK A" KXI'KCTKI) TO SAIL IIOl'T e. 10 U.S.S.n.S S "WPOIMIANSIE" KM'KCTKIl TO C.UI, I.ATI. Ml , t ceNncr.r.Mi; ktiw Harrus, Megill & Ce., Inc. 25 LafaycttQ Uldg,, Philadelphia Lembard e21rl Main 70?" KERR LINES 9 tfI Spruce 8201 fHHUlSV Particularly LIBERTY DONDS VICTORY NOTES TREASURY CERTIFICATES WE arc able te give an immediate net price en any amount. BOUGHT-SOLD-QUOTED SECURITIES DEPARTMENT Commercial Trust Company MVr Fadenl nre Syittse City Hall Square Wtit IT'S FREE "The Dividend Payer" The magazine of tlte Stock Mnrket, published by uh werldy nnd contnln centnln i:i t tip lnten Infornintlen en tei'kH nnd tlninclnl conditions It will come tn ou regularly. Just for tin tmkltitr . Send for 5 our copy today. Edwin E.Kehn & Ce. Members Contelidaled Sleck Exchange of New Yerk 1522 Walnut St, Phila. New Yerk Irriilen ljlen i'i" r n !tn ii -.l Pntlllllr. H'lfletnn (F - WANTED Additional Capital (FOK EXPANSION) Manufacturing company de sires hervices of reliable financial institution as Fiscal I Representative. B 622, Ledgei Offlce s - WHY lias no Invester tur lest it ilnlUir of prliu'lunl ir InteiYxt en nny hem. rltv liencht of . V. -trm. i. Cn Writ,, ir iur lioeUlet 2-l ami Irurn (lie re.isnn S. W. STUM'S & CO. htnek llreli nsr Itlile . rhlliiilellil i BONDS BfocFget&Ce. Real Estate Trust Bldg., Phila. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE I.lltri'.TY .MITIAt. INsl'ltANCi: cn. Vhriiplnrust HflTil 2(-Si s0 Iflth ,st Certified Public Accountants Drcxcl Building, Philadelphia Steckwcll, Wilsen & L.nvill Lcruueu rubuc Accountant. Land Titfe Bldg., Philadelphia riNwrixt, I l), ..,.., ...i LiiS,'u,.,llW.U COL 1.1KUII KMIiAM. i.StiMCi llltlltu i iii-i.u mi. ri.it i i..m uui.ti IIOMI Dl'K ll'l.V I, 11137. Net Ire is liertb i,Kri Imisu.int te lb. ,rnn if lif rretiBiim ilateil Jj 10(1 , that tht umlurslemd tts 1 rutt m recslv rm el iiruiesa a uvtn '2 I', M . en ths Dili de uf Drrrmbrr, 1031, far thn ! ta It it bends ns Kl.ove !fH-rlln,i. ru.1l tut te u. t v sum of 4 10 i0,r, ti7. i i n uuders cn rtterves the rlnht te trjsct uny or all tsu,' rs. In whole or In pnrt. 111U NEW YORK THUST COMPANY Trusts By A. C DOWNING Jr Ai-i.'int fserstarf Vw Yirh Oftnr ?7 JD31 fur. ncKi:iiTe"nii itilir ct)Mi' e Nm"n i i 1 HIi Mi.'l nctnlvcil Ti.it the liearl f Dlnr-urf r ' Tie Tutkprten llnliuiil Cnipr.inv Ikthin ill c!. ire out of thf ii 'iniu Mr xurniriKu uf I tif reniimn ,x spu-,il ills- iji0m if mir , ili'lur pr -luirr. ii.eul)l" mi Dnrmlirr Int. '011, Hi th Oftlfi uf tin In i-uif- , Ureii"! Il'i'Ul'n ' I'hlln Ifli i i 1' i , te Pre ierrtil HlerK'in'ili th uf m wi 1 ah t.r 'n I MmUr ldtli I'i'JI , ! Krar tUinal hI ari lit iuhtIH Inie full I "llirfB en or Ii'ipri- mer ' r T 'If lllJl i f te pnifr1n.tli" In n h Ht'-lrlK Itlen Tliriipnn'n l j'ltTpi n.utan Mi.'. 1 lUil TO lllll.lll It or vnsl ' i vam.v nn.iTii:. tn. Ftini'MKNT tiu'st f i'UTirifTi:s si:kii-s - ' , Nevlie In li'rab) Bli-n f t hn Company I will rfrt.em all of the out-' u line I a Sin I nitit Truit Certlfli-iien htif ', B ii, anJ accrueil dulilcnl en IIiti-mIht 1. ift'i I utter Wlllt'n iiuir in iiini if uren halt rerilftemih w II iva l'Hymnl will he msill ucn presenistlen nnd surrender rf tlie cr. Iilrates at thn effl"i- of ihn nnderslsi id iY. PKS'N YIVAWIA niMI'tXv fun : IN. I AVNUITIKf- ' "ftu M7 Chennnt '. Plil'a . r. I Mtlnr., ! I'liH'llnnw 2 fun neiti or iiitr.cTmts ok !'( I Hurt! Tlllr iinil rnit Cemnum 'iil II 1 ll-mnn i hair n i of n,,rri i. n V l"irt I- Prelili'f ",.r ', h"!.u" V1'" ' "ni1 H airman , . I In m r, minlifr ( .in I .u ic. I -. i anl iltU Mr i in' M ulirUKCrr Tr-i-iire-I '.n r i l'!(m rt rre' ' 'illli'H V P tl'l'l'v A.m Ir- f Offlen, niTldrnile Miitrii riuiai'i.i-iu n:i-r umi-! rhUi.lilptllj X i r In 0 if, . Th lleii.l of Dire I if h- t'lj u i" 1 . ifirfil a rni.flnl il v ,1 n 1 hi i,. m, 'hl NmemlM-r IS te hl.uk ,.r r ri v.,?,,1 1 IIUI i h.,kr nil I in , 4c"r H Uf V i-rillll' I ) rr tnt- frniies iN l'"TMIt Kt.ll. Mlt MisletiN v inAlll I IIMIIinxi) )MI', f.pal (1 iiiopemis, will I ,e u, j' , effli-e of tha rirniiri. I., hji u j-, . ., "' ,My. 1.I.SJ! Wllllm .' I N-v v,uLti V. up te 13 e'rlmk nimn en Nefinlii r 1021 for al' te 'In' 'Im-i,-,, of thP VIT ,'Z' IIAIIKOA1J ITJMI'ANV r,r,t Cone (u d JMijUr n i'er Cnt H .n.ls te tl. . ,ort of li;.'.-0 for thi sli.'tiiB fim.i um"r the terms of Utl.lc Third uf the Mertpiui t th.it rempaiiv te 'I ha rarnmiv I , j ,',K,i TniKt Culiuuitl . iluted Neieinljtr J lh,T t I ' llrlH I'll 1 I r) I I .1.1... ..... iaHL l null for Hi" .ink nit iui v at i net te iv 1 l1"' J"d mtiri l Diir- piii.ii Jill- lAHM'll-- l"N Wl) rill'ST Hv .TAMF-i II I'l TCKIN- prt. noent patfd Nen VerU Nev I 1021 Jehn T. Dyer Quarry Ce. Iliilnr IX ilill.lird IK'ji BIRDSBORO TRAPPE ROCK Harrison Bldtj., Philadelphfa, Pa! Vttnblltlicd 180 lletb fhenet ti Bseeaqii 111 Invest Your Future Surplus At Present Interest Rates r SIX MONTHS' TIME the rediscount rate of some of the Federal Reserve Banks has de clined as much as 2SA points. There is every indi cation of a continuation of the present downward tendency in interest rates. New bend issues are being quickly absorbed at a lower interest yield than has prevailed recently. The market value of old, seasoned issues which declined during the period ef'high interest rates is steadily reviving. The Halseyr Stuart 8C Ce. Investment Plan Enables Yeu te Buy NOW Investors who would like te buy mere near future, we advise you that NOW 13 bends today than their present available the time te make your commitments. We funds permit, need net wait te purchase shall be glad te submit a list of our bends in a less favorable market. Through the for investment of the amount you may use of the Halsey, Stuart & Ce. Invest- indicate if you will fill out the blaiik form ment Plan, bends may be bought NOW below. te be paid for during the next ten months. , rjsc This Coupon - AninitialpaymentofenlylOparvalue f halsey stuahtbce.. is required the balance in 10 monthly ' Land timc uidS. rwiatiemhia. ipa-se. vn.nt. Please send me li and descriptions el bends from which I pdyjiK-ms. 1 mamakeMeaionserti,e investment cl$ - iTiT An additional merit of this plan is that 1 umlcr Halstyi Sluart a Ce. investment Plan teTieid an it promotes the habit of systematic invest- J dveragcei about.-- .--... ' ment and Steady accumulation. Many of I Check below the tpra of bends in which you are meat our customers use it regularly whether 'dvnment Clndrui DM., they are buying small or large amounts 01 1 jiiaiireid Q Public Uniuy bends. J . I uiame .............. ... ............ If you expect te invest $500, $1000, 1 S(rttf $5000, $10,000 or mere in bends in the '" I Cily HALSEY, STUART & CO Land Title Bldg., CHICAGO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA BOSTON - DETROIT MILWAUKEB - ST. LOUIS - MINNEAPOLIS THE DIRECTORS CCORGE BURNHAM. Ir. WILLIAM WOOD CHARLES WHEELER. CHARLES E. INCERSOLL A. A. JACKSON SAMUEL M. CURWEN CLARENCE: M. BROWN STEVtNS UECKSCHER Central National Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth Capital 3i,coe,oco Surplus and Undtuded Profits Earned $4,4co,eco UIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi: EQUIPMENT BONDS We have iirepii'cd for distribution a circular dis cussing Equipment Hends from the .standpoint of safety, marketability and rate of income, the three element necessary te un ideal investment. Cepiie aciu upon rcqucat EST l.-ill ttulnut Mrcet n; linimiwv 1'lill.iilrlphlit MrmbfTH vr,( t,rh ( tj New Yerk Mni'U Vidians: rlilliulrlplila Murk i:chiitiKC niiiiiiiliilliiiilliliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'p Sales Manager lllsli-crudn nredurrr who tut or In tnniililr of drrleilntr '"iilfs I errc for un Issue of tnrrlt iillh u Ian liar miIiie en rut-J terms, Appl ''J lr ltli full lift ilU of inlet connrr'lent. be'rfte coiillilrnie u.hiiri-cl. I'. O. tVev MHI. HENDERSON & ICEb Member a New Yerk and '"' Philadelphia Stecl; Uxchang 1410 Chestnut St. Competent organization Cern Exchange Nat. Bank LEE, MlGGINSON & CO. ' t.tubli.U.d 1UI3 BOHTUN NEW JUrtli CHICAOO 1306 I'Mnnnce Dlds, Philadelphia INCORPORATED Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone Locust 4820 It OF THIS BANK ARE AVERY D. ANPREWb J. BARTON TOWNSEND C. rRED'K C. STOLT BENJAMIN RL'bH WILLIAM POST CLEMENT B NEWBOLD CHARLrS E. MATHER HARRY F. BAKER & CO. Edwaud B. Smith & Ce 1411 Chestuut Street ll-niLxri, .s 4u,n iJia I'ejiudsipliu Investment Securities I'hilndelphta 'Cw YerL GEO. A. HUHN & SONS Mrmhrr of ti,,. I-l,i d-l,,!,,, NVlv .L"-uratri feecuted In .u A." e p"nPi" Mhrkets Liberty Bends Bought nnd Sold lltllryu.. Court II ,1B UIH W Inu? H?. V . Ill HreiuliMi), Alliinlli' C'llv ii,h .tlnr 11,,"" ' "' C. S. PATTON & COr .11) l (I1VSIMT Slv BANKERS ... hurirn,ur In ii a HA,,l'It HTi;VI'-N60N tlpuibtrsJHilin. stetk Klnf' State of fvlicitigan Twenty-Year S2 Bends Exempt afrem Federal Income Tax Legal Investment for Savings Banks in New Yerk, Massachusetts, Connec ticut and ether States Price te yield 4.85 Complete circular en request Harris, Ferbes & Ge Pine St., Cor. William NfcW YOrtA PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widcncr Eldg. Telephone Spruce 7010 The Public Utility Situation iV annlvzed and dis cussed in a special cir cular whi'-h vp have i u s t prepared and which also sets forth t h p. latest develop ments in Columbia Gas & Electric This circular will be sent upon request. Ask for C-J9 William W. Cehen & Ce. - ' . "v ,Ye k Jiterti Exchange )" r, Cotten Kxchanet " " .T,',J f Trnil 67 Exchange Place, New Yerk fcipecial Service in Ohie Securities Members New Yerk Bosten Cleveland Detroit Chicago Stock Exchanges N. Y. Cotten Exchange Chicago Beard of Trade Extensive Private Wire System OTIS & CO. Cleveland New Yerk, Hosten, Detroit Cincinnati, Columbus, Teledo! Akren, Youngstewrt, Daytea Denver, Colerado Sprlnga ' . ' . . rrr --JX. l ,', Y m (J 1 i JUC tt' is ta. ? st W r h n ' f - a j