Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 11, 1921, Night Extra, Page 26, Image 26

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    ' !
' $
VFTJjWt' ' .F TWpfe'
-(., -,
Wittmer May Start at Halfback for Perm in the Fray With Dartmouth en Pole Grounds, N. Y;j
Coaches W ill Meet Teniuht Dartmouth Has the Edge
te Decide Make-Up -ej. JllZ-FJ'tJ'0"".
Team That
I) ill tSuttlC Dartmouth Inn ii-nreil fie uiloiies
evnr the University of lVntiylriinlii In
'tin1 vories liftu-vi tlif two rellHijii that
tnrtr.l hark In lfi'17. Thru' ii tei-ii-i
have iipcn wnn In tlie Itnl mi'l I'lue
ITII n Kcml-eff tl.nt un only nnd one game r"uitfil in a ti''.
in- ti;t .".par. iMii, I'l-nn-jlvanm
"ere! mi py vi.'t.ir".. ti "li. inc flu
Muiintaiti'Pi St te 0 l',v viTt.-i-ii
eav iiftvi- tlnil 8.1111'' tli" two tennn
lid imt iin'ct. In l'.iJSS, wln'n (ipoive
, HriHiikC "tartcil i-nuiliing at I'din. JJart-
Coach Stewart's Pupils Will
Tackle Haverford in League
Game Tomorrow
Intercollegiate Soccer
League Standing
v.'. i,. I- r
Princeton a . l.Oti.i Tal
IVnn t 0 1 e.) II ir.i-1 i
Cernell.. 1 1 .300 H.ivorfet.l 0
w. t p.r.
.mm I
.000 i
rivaled by tlif clipciins nurerded
the Fenn teuni whui u h'ti (i MiciiiKii.i
back In lOlll. the m-1 edition i.f the
Ked and Bin di'parleil tli! 11101 nini; lot let
's. !- -i m . I....T. ;...., !. !.... .1.
V n , ,,1,,,Ifl' w' " ' wmp. !M te ill.'
In TermliiRl amid t tie plaudit-, or -W0 vh(. uexl tw ,rnr r(,suj,Pj ln rM-ei.e.s ,
TWE'l 1 WA t: play,' iic-'- "i
ihe vanity iijued iein; icith
lijuad of phiyCi iW'e i'nn tit tl
light te the ' i 1J thv,, be .
pliiuhig aijninil tA ! r' '
addition te tit playn a ..'
reaches, a half ilir.'.i m."'if. t
Managers ami 'he '" ' '!".
Mike Dtr ami ."" !.,, . leu
en the riein.
for tlif Itcd and Itluc.
In li'Hi. tic tir-t ,'i-ar of Kelw ell's,
I'-Xini". 1'iiin In M tiie Urei-n te n i-te-i
'ii. In 1!U7 and I!Hn I'enn wen. Urrt
Hell's rli-ven wiw "h-fi-ated hj one jirtjnt
In tli.-U ini'ineiiiMi' game i,T I'" I'rtle
fiienniN l'i IPIP. I.ut M'Hi IVnn wii
'iiirlcd unili'i n ll-tn-0 eie
'I'he eiii fvil'tm'
tMIT I'enn. 4 , D.ii-lmeiili . Ii
101--Dniliiiunh. .'!1 . IVnn. -I
1!HI- Dnrtiiiifiith. U : IVnn ".
Il'l.'i Dartmouth. 7: IVnn.
1!H;- IVnn. 7. Daitniiiiith. 7
I'll 71'' nn. 7. D.-iitiniiiitli. (
Mils 1'. mi. Jl : Duitinnuth. '
l!t'.'- Dartmouth, 1'tl : I'-liii. 1!'
IPJtj D.'iitiiieuth. -i-i: 1'i-iin. 'I
i i- alt
M i. -i
Th Viivn m (iii-d tollew--Centers
Deru. Day and It-us''
Guards Ce. limn S itherlitnd
Humes. Kei-kuw nnil tluif
Taclle lientlmei-. 'ri.jiniiui. IV-ti -
dlften. Folvi and I
Ends (ttiivn. Ki
hnd (Jieni-a1l
Quait ill i1!;- - M-
nnd McAnallv.
IIalfhak -Wil'u.
den. Whitihill anil Kmi'I.
Kiilllia'l--' - II.iiii- r..bpiiniiil l.n'.-i-.
Manas!- Meu': T'-ud nnd Asii-tnni
Graduate Manaqi-r iliirman leit Tester
ay nfteriuii'ii fm ! hum '" make
final nnans'':""i" -i fin p.i"
Worlteut at l'ole ifmfitl
According le ' h ll'i-n.an '
ttam will l.el I a l.-'it wmkeiit m ili ili ili
Pole Ground-i tins utti'i ii'ien DaM-
raenth )s nod i-d in ue tiie ne'ii i i
shortly aftPr P-'H" fini--he up i,s drill. , I'.ihi-u i-. Till xufleriu;: tinui h.s in-
The renn umiii plan" te held a jni-d vheirldi r. hut Dr. Arthur I.lghr j
Unal drill and t- t tee ahil.ti of tin-, p -t - hue him in shupe te -t.trt '
nnTPTR iii iiitmin' diiwii i;)i,1it forward ' tomeriow if tl i'ln' select him
nasses and nuiii-- A fur t veik-nl! Hamer h.iu h"cn in hut urn- put
lest we'k wii.lii en I two niPnihei'n of
tlir bai-kli'!d aii- eitniutl,s
tJi-iup nil! Kuii-xiias will l.n'd down
tli-- wii'1 with Ui'erRe Suliitan and
iiip'-iiiiwuii in i-e-i rve D-in will stalt
in ciiti-i with 'I'i.uriniiii and i nfliiu-i-.
the t:n kh-. and ' hriim- .ni-l llidf nini
Sutli'-rland. tip- ginmlx
7 ; hach-fifld H'mi. ii ..
ItVii Id iifll the nigral, ctth 't
Ifi'ci nt . e; the' Lnlrn. w;i .
i tr. irhit tut hern sheieinft it i ah
i miiill" ii i i humapr, mni art "e
e'i'i L'tlfhael: peit, icith ci'hr.
llihfn m thliiitr at fulllmel
en the tilantx let iw i-nni ww ii-i.-.in
te the I'enn-Nlvanin Metel, uher" ti
Haekbeard talk wi'l I- h'ld
In the fvenlni it .nin idan a
final blackboard alk ' e.iilin-' tin
ttictlcs te h" ih'u nnftiiiM i Ui'-'-n
Saturday mennm; i. 'I'ti' -'i wi'l b"
taken for en automebil-- n-iii nnd a
nhert hike. Thev will len'- tin lntl
at 12:15 for tin ti-ld 'I '. sain i1"
eheduled te -tart ai '.' n'ole-k
TOMORHOn uiereiiin HO -i,f
.rial tramr trill luirt H e'
J'ltitadclphiil Ii" tin name aitU tie
Penn ehenny ileeeatnn unl tin
hand. .UeerViin; ' l-,' .i; tlrad tlrad
nete Wanaii'r llui'.iieU mu t tae
fifteen htindnd -.tudriiti lace p-
rhaaed tirl.et' Je.- the pa mf. the
largett number en te fnlleir ihi
team out nf teini
With tliiu number ami li.iinl r-l-
Mudcntfl who left tin-' . .ty psfp.-d.i
afternoon for their home" in and ureun'
Xrw Yerk, the 'ln-eiinc -etmn should
number close te '20lfl at tin- Ub-kefT
Today Is a Imlidix at the l"nivi'rit
nd a larse number of th- students ex
pect te go OVr fe Ihi, i.iii) till" after
noon. Llne-np Js I'm-ertJiin
The I'enn line -up f-. ' ,nn '
morreTs1 afternoon is sr-'l i bn-rna i a
and prehahlv will no' ' dfi .u -n '
until ten! si t ii- 'he ea ! p n; e .us
The line w-id probae' bp - hanged e'Pr
llamer h.is iipcn in hut ni- luailnr
this uevk and the loaehes are net at all
ei-tain that be has leartiul Mi" sipiuiN'
well enough te start the lentt-st l.a'
i'lases and evaiuiuutiens in the Whar Whar
eon Si-li.Kil Ii,ih played Imie" with prnr
t'n the last week, niakinir it iniixe-sihli
te ;et the sun i- eleren werkin; tesi'lnr
at tl.p a:m time.
The Twe Mar Cripples
Vejelin. flip ''eimer Centinl IIic-i
Si-hitel lud. is still linipnift from tne e'
, feets of Hie injury he r'-eeied in the
l.afavitte muni, while Wbitehi'l is suf
l feritis from a bruised shoulder and a
I bud uee Yesterdiry nfternoen bet'u
, ri'ai i wer! ei out in the signal drills
and iimv H"t in'e tin- came tomorrow
i afternoon
I In use tin- iii.i, he- decide net te start
p'ther Iiilieti ei- llaiuer. 'Iiuhiiit I.anit I.anit
den. tin- Si-raiiten euth wlie played se
. n-ell aKiiin-' l.a''nM'tiP, will et the cal'.
' l'illr Mali'-r ha been shewinB well in
iiu'uitiii for the Ins' wet-k and it would
- nut lie at ail -urtirisin;: te find hira n
flip b.n ktie'id siime lime dl-.rinn 1 e
.Irhnn l.ikns. tbe Shainekin 1ml.
net in tli- best of sliane nnd the eeache
de net etpeet te stmt him. lie wi'l
preb.-ib'v be saved for the Cernell came
en T'-nnksRuiiiR Dav with Cernell
The I nive-M "f IVniilvnniil
sei-i-er team, inleii i-Il-ciHte champion",
lai'p the sipieiiie test iii llit-tr efterts te
(entlnuu their titk-winniliu' "'f,;H '.'"
morrow afternoon 'em in
llaerterd. ,, . ,
The Main l-ip ' elleKlatiM have
. i -......!. n'r.nn xxliieh bebl the
klrenK I'liiK-etcii aFaicRnlien te a tn
I score last week The Ihuerferd team
l-as net defeated I'enn ln the last two
'.raen-. and is mere tliun anxious te
cnirt Ceuli Stewart s eleven. I
Pinnsii'.aniu has one league vietirv
10 ;t .redlt. s.-eied ever Ilanard s - I
,-il welts use Last week the team
ui.le HHiuh-he.l .hit Syracuse, dis
I'avintr the best attaik e far this seii.
in Since tl it Mire Conche r-tenntt
em! Gould have be-n pti'liliip the team
p its iiti.ir.xt. and tomntrew- the elexeu
should ener the came In bettn sln. ,
than an' tine this seanni J
Tlire Wins I'm' Ticers
defeat totneirow will .uti.al
mean th- e'in.inntien of the lied an
I'.lue iin'.e Stewaifs- eleven defea--I'l-iii'-teii
in tbelt annual k'"1" !""1
wins ei en oil er i entet en ' '
schedule. The 'I'itteisi haie a thiliK
stall en the ) mninder of the league
- itli tlnee '.teries nnd ti" defe. .
I'enr. stands second with one win aud
l'nn n defeat.
l'nul l'-itteu. this veai s cai;n n
tic lied and Hl.ie. who hn lin-n nn '
tr p'ar se fur this eaen h" nusi '
an injury te his knee Mistain"t 't.
'c.isen. etpects te stnrt tiKrtinst II":
'ard tomorrow. Th" I'enn skipi u- "
been pructlciiiB for MiC last two '
and thinks he is ln shape te -iiiras ' '
nwielv minutes of play.
Conch Stewart has only one ie'eini
i,u;,!.. Tftrm fee his team He i ,
Irt Aiieli.i. the former (!eergp Scheel
i"cot. who pla.ed the poItfen last year.
II'1 is quick and a Icllluint defensive
plajer as well ns in kitkitis; Reals-.
Temnweil; Improves
r.iitriilRC. the inside left, and Mini),
Ihe center ferwatd. have le hern
allowing Rl-eal fni in in the last two
weel.n and should cause no end of
tienble for the ojniesins team.
A-veidli.R te Captain l'ntten, 'lie
lenin has brand in the last two weeks
fn Mich a way ns te revive "hnmpion "hnmpien
hhip hopes. The stntt of (he feusen.
betamc of tiie sneiine" of the tun
terial. was anithiiiff but a success.
The teaniweik. -vhb li wis msgeu ,u
the start, nas become machine-like new,
with the lesitlt that the forwards nini
backs work together ,,,. u i,,, wR.tl,
pierieiislj the pla vas individual.
The defenser work nl Jim Mucin Mucin
tesii has been fipectiK'thir and a con
tinuance of his line pi.tj will tive
I'enn tin oppeitimitv te continue its,
cluitiipiuntdiip aspirations.
In t' list ten iciir, m s me soccer
was st- ltd at I'enn, four intei collegiate
i lmiiinli'ii-liip" hi'ie be. n wen b Deug,
las Stewait'd elexe) N'e ethtjr college
in tli" 'eaRiie i an no i.i of such n meat
Winter zephyrs nip the lingcia.
.Sticks have been tucked away In
mothballs. This Is the sensen of the
year te study up en the ways te im
prove your game.
Jesse P. Guilferd
I". S. Amateur t'li.l melon
will wiite a seiics of ai tides for the
iaienin $JubUc 5Ce&gec
Mouda) , eeiulier 1 1
'I'.ie. Am. rlcan cliampinn -will an
nlyze fur livenliiR . Public Ledger
reiulir.s all the cbetf Ills articles
wi'l present tips nnil teclinliiue In a
way e.is te understand. What
helped bin) will help you.
W lip. leiifttic lenpri pem
weight icith your itcertt
GOLV'K ItS stall iiexl Aleudiiy
iiilI digest eery one of these articles.
Meadowbrook Athlete First in
Big Armistice Day Marathon
of American Legien
Stewart Electric Ce. Wants Games
Tim 1 i in!, II .stiwu t i:ictrlc Cem-
pany b ' Old Sim'
clans team uej'tl
with nil tuami of
nine .nan.
lln -e cHr
Cem pa n
tiaelliu flie. a firm.
' .e le Ntlipdulii BHines
In en iiirr. nalncr hull.
mi-ii'i" Vil-lre.iH William De
if rn.n JI Htewnrt Klectric
NV til in in Mjern, wearing the color
of the Meadowbrook Club, captured the
big niniallien inn held urlder the
nuspiees of the Ameilrnn Legien at
Centc.svllie this meriiins in eelinectiiii!
with the Arniistlip Day telebiatien
He fin Hied but eight secendi nliwid
of .lames Dunlap, of Shannhan, but
Dunlap's actual time was almost u
j minute bettrr than that of flip winner.
It was te Johnny Gray, representing
the Ilnterpilsp p p (f Gcrinnntewn,
l'i cntiliiie the netual prize. The Mid
dle Atlantic champion covered the s-i-
miles in a. trllle ever fln minutes, n fini'
performance, ns the course wns n most
difficult one.
Meadowbrook was, ns usual, te .Jh"
front with the team prize. The store
boys finished with ti 25, the ethers be
ing: Enterprise, 45; Nativity C. C.
IKJ, nnd l and JI. College. 77.
Thousands of persons lined the ceurp.
nnd s-e great was the throng that It wnn
neccMnry for six members of the Stnie
pollce te keep the crowd in order.
Mn n j" vnlunblc prlzeirwcre nwnrded the
centcstnntH by the business men of
Coalcsvllle. The summaries;
I;Ibpkpi1 Attunl
Ildcp. Tlmn Tlma
William Mrn, Jteadew-
brook . . 1 '30 M:Ti 34 :T,T,
.Tnmes Dunlan. HhanHhan 1!:3I 30-3S 31.03
l. Van Bth. itcadeu-
brenlc :ili nn.r.S 3(1:28
Themas Kelly, Unterprlsa 1:31)
Irank cmnev. suiamiiBn i-e
37 l'J
37 :IS
4:30 37:3.-.
.Telin Ornv. Ilnternrlne
.1 Itrrw'n. fhitniiliall . .. U:30
W. mttir. M'aaonbrneic a .'. as.L-i un.ie
JeufPh VaRelln. Unu-r-
lirlne :l 3S.23 37:4.1
O. Wiidlev, .Mpadow-breolt 2-43 3S.LT. .13:11)
Kdward Jiieksen, NatlMiv :i ,is:3B
V. H. Obeld. I', and M.
C'ellfiP 11 3 ..-.
l'red I.en. .Meadowbrook 2.40 3S.42
T. Jl.illancy. .iieaiie-
brook 1.3d 3S.4S 37 13
It T. Mii!r F. nnd M.
Coiieie :ie as i.
:i7:n7 33:27
J. .McOenegal. Nativity.
20 31 IS 38. 21
North rnth Hfreet
Titular High Scheel Game
Teledo. Nev tl Th champion hteh
clioel football team of Johnstown. Ph., wilt
mft the team representing Scott Hlirh
Hchoel hre riaturdny, November III. according-
te an announcement bv officials of
the local eelioel.
Requests Fans te
Be in Seats Early
Sew Haven, Conn., Nev 1
notice Issued by Chief of l'nit!,.
Smith and Acting Mayer MVirnh.
renuests holders of tickets for Z
lnle.Princcten gamp Saturday tel.
In their scats nt 1 :4." P. m f0r
that time Marshal Kech will rre.I
the playing field from the Princeton
te the Ynle side. ""ceten
, This notice is given se that fields
holders will net linger at th" in'
trances eMIie Bowl te e Marrtai
loch nnd his escort arrive, thereby
bringing about great congestion
Trnfllc orders Issued sweep ' nir
virtunlly nil vehicle traffic en down
town streets during the afternoon"
Kremhc Central Green, through th,
college section nnd out te the Hewl
the streets will be given ever entire
ly te pedestrians, that all may har
opportunity te see Marshal Foeh en
bis way te and from the game.
Interleague Soccer Exhibition
An Inter-leanue soccer match win s
played this afternoon when Kardtrlck A it
gee, the Hehlfcld Challenge Cup charmiie
and Ascenpien. of the Allied Flrit Dlv,i
meet in an exhlb'tlen at Bread atre.t !!"'.
a great game 'ust
star, wlie pliieil
Nnltf. i e eitsiiie light of the team,
i f..ti.i Hienkhn schoelbo- luiiilnarv,
is p'aiing b-.i'lirit .nnrr af'er woik weik
ing 1 n) ii , from the third eleven
IP : . tl " "liter forward of tl e l'eni'
team I" rin'ing Spencer, the brilliant
Thrift Week
Thoroughly Cheaply
Play While Yeu Pay
Ye sir. a whole ienr n fun before lt'i
ImIJ fur .lux a mnll first tnymenti
br.lanre In ii ie,ir: mid Ihe price- In new
J& t5QC:
A CE4-cyi. Motorcycle
Your old nioterc.tle Mken In eirlianie.
Write for l'J 1 1 lutnleiur new ready.
Haverford Cycle Ce.
merlra' Ijirnest (cte Heuse
503 Market St.
m i
Blanket SA.85
Daily epecia'se'l this tcek
1235 Market St.
1 S. 13th Street
Men's and
Yeung Men's
at Our New Location
302 North Bread St.
We have moved from M08 Vine Street tc
larger quarters at 302 North Bread Street. Oiu
great increase in business has made this move
necessary. And nething1 has been responsible
for this growth in sales except' the fact that we
offer unusual tire values for the money. We sell
only tires of PROVEN HIGH QUALITY made by
reliable companies. An investigation will reveal
our prices te be the lowest consistent with the
quality of tires offered.
Plymouth Tires
Six Thousand Miles
icpiaceil free of charge if de ccti'-e
vithin rive hundicd mile-
Nu-Cord Tires
a. ' j" . r Mr us n (.M i
n. t A!r hHif nirri n-il rm n t
f i f thetnatut ill. ' r?i r' .i ett h
in m n if. i-I'm f 'i i 'V'i i r .'
Ii e .', 1(. ti. vplrin en 'UuJ. j ii ps
icpJii A fr'-e 1 1 iat it
IWxVi SI 1.7.")
.'!2vl 21.30
33x I 22.7.")
:i2x-Pi 24.7.")
These Are Introductory Prices and for -a Limited
Time Only
:j,0.' .s7.-i."i
30x:ji2 8.7.")
:jix-t 11.7")
32l l.'I.fil)
Other Sizes in Stock
:i2x t
:i:sx l
l-ihk X. S. Cord
l-'irehtone N'. S. k
Firestone N. S
Vjai N. S. Cord
32 and 33x1 Kisk Tubes
and see our 16
Peter Meran& Ce.
Merchant Tailors
S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sts.
$Mn Wee. & Sat. Etc.. Till 0 o'clock
t ,
W- I , a sei'n! let at tuliec 30 ' '13x1' . Ilxl'j and u'lxu 1'irnl J'uie Ouni
and K' na it.ei wlmb v.i- aie leslnff out at 51 00 (nil) wlille thev last
Man ether iluen qtntl te the abee en bund
ntei i " e obl.ifatlen te bti
I'l mouth Tire
' (
We i I dciivel .11 '
i US te JDUI- deer free
. f i hat go within 'lie
i- h limits
lul-ef-tOW'II or (lei K
i pped nnniedla-e
itijett tO OUt lH'e
I eMiininatlen befeie
jlU ll.elit
Jobbers, lnc-
302 N. Bread St.
Phene: Spruce 2019
i.itne in and leek ever our
Nu -Cord Tire
New at &rE 13th & Arch Sts. fl',
Oh ! Bey ! Think of it
A Beautiful
With Extra Pair
of Trousers
That will make the wise men
jump! Just consider cheesing
from ?45K)0 and $55.00 Woolens,
hundreds of pntterna te select
from made te your individual
measure in the famous Stan
dard way with an extra pair
of trousers all for $3-.50. It"
time te act!
OVERCOATS Ready te Slip en
Made by our tailors during the dull season $25 $27.50 $35
STANDARD TAILORING CO., N. E. Cor. 13th & Arch SU.
ride in a
Eat Frea Harvey meals, at Santa Fe
station dining rooms lunch counters,
when preferred.
Spend the money thus saved for a little
longer stay in the land of no winter.
Tourist sleepers are 'carried en three of
Santa Fe's four trains te California the
Navajo, Scout and Missionary.
Berth rate about half that charged in stand
ard Pullman. And you travel comfortably.
Yeu will enjoy stepping a couple of days
at Grand Canyon, en route.
May I have the pleasure of helping plan
your trip? Just, drop me a line, or phqne,
or call. Only toeglad terenderany assistance
possible. Yeu will enjoy looking ever our
new California Picture Boek" ask for it.
n C Smith, den. Agent
O C Dlllrd, Dlt. Paa. At
A. T . H P. Ily.
60 Finance Dldar., Philadelphia, Pa.
Phene I Locust 8424
Get burNeW
i 'M f- InThisfBiq5ale! I
1) wsJSK OTI And en Our - Sk z S
1 -Ri 5asy Credit MwmM)
S piffA Terms-: (CHH JDM
I a 3L.. i --7jjUm l here in fnll evi- 1 Mi KLM (jJ Ya
tt V, VWjmM dence you need (f WM MS fp 1 ,
B Am rjfJ&fflmtkH that new warm ever- ISH sHy
H ' & ' f"M$N& coat well, get It H rOv Va
i yHaA special puTchnT1;, g '
V7v(Wl5Sv of about 300 OTcr-iriTmhWmM R
K ' AmSvSSS levf P"cc thy a' the finest, -SstiiVjja W
4 ' if ' yvaXi'A smartest garmentn imaginable and every one isnl
' VVli offered at a big saving. I
i SJ Xft-AX' JU13? ur Convenient Credit Term Jj
I Kfc WffF-i tt8$i enables you te share we will arrange the pay- Ik
H IBlBiKal A. ments te meet TOlir rntirn rnnvenienci. IH
I 5 ssJ I ' . ".gLfflmtu -' "
i II
Sa 'Nw ,.a2P5: Kt'llW
Twe Records Broken!
j ttKJltlymMMt aaaaaaaH
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRte.T'(Vl,' TsP?9aaaBaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV
aaaaaaaaHfaaaaaaaalBaaaaaaaaaBaaaaSaa9 )'-. ''' 'r-a'"IIBaaaaaSaBBataD9aBtaiaaaaaBaaaaaaaB
iUKKRtw3EtZEwrPtf'- "'' 'ftanBHWlMJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai
m"" Z&HpZr, ,,.?,., (.,. ,., ,.i.M
"" 1MtaTS-WTrisT1T.-r.-TtrTr.. .,....
Largest Trainload of the Year
$500,000 Shipment
In solid train of 86 cars Teledo te.lk)s Angeles
New railroad record sevenidayse PacificXeast
f. e. b. Teledo
Business is geed' with Willys-Overland
f. e b. Teledo
Willys-Overland Inc. of Phik
c"n"l ReUll Stere, 1629 Arch St.
SMVirp'J.i1!!, Sm Ce'-""wn A"'J Bm" St. RtUil Star., 250 N. Br... 5.
SERVICE & GLNERAL OFFICES, 41t te d,CW.tnut te San.em SU.
MPttl-IM UulO'lujil
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ft- 11