?.-' , i'J. ' .".fr'j"" ;,i, -p . V . vV ' ' " ,1 ' ., f - if " k ; . EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1921 2e UNBEATEN ELEVENS CLASH IHUtfflW k V Conshehooken-Frankford Oame r One of Big Contests , en Schedule RIVERSIDE TACKLES EWJNG Bevcrnl blp games nrc en the hide hide wndentn' crirt HcIiediuV in tMs locality far tomorrow. One will bring together Conshohocken nnrt l-'rankfercl. two elevens thnt te dntc have yet te meet defeat- Beth teams, by the wny. nre eperl ncinc ee of their bext wnNens nnd iVe niwleun te win the frny. en tney Ire contenders nleiiR with UeliiiesbiirK ,nd the Phllndelphlu (Junkers for the Independent chninplenshlp of Phlladcl- phCo'nshelioe1en lnct Hatunlny held Cnftldnle te n 14-M tie. nnd the tip Staters eiilv mnniiged te even tin K-ort In the eteiinc minutes of the Rnme. Manncrr KRnn. of the Ironworkers. huts he will start the same team ns last Piturduy. nnd (Vmshnlieeken fans nre eemlne en n speelnl train te whoop It 'ut, for their Rrent bnekfield. eompeseil of Iteker. Petteljfer, Itesctsky, Mnckert ind I.ukenx. Only one ehntiRe has ns yet lieen nn tieiinred in tlie Yellewjnekcls' line-up Al I'erettl, former WashlnRten nnd Tee etar, will take Armstrong plnee tl center, nltheusli anetlicr new player Hi nronilnence will he en hand, but will Set start. He is "Hullet Jee" Silver etcln. All-Feiithern fiillbnek. MnnnRer W.vntt, of tlie Kwinp A. A.. has made n last-minute arrangement with the blR Green eleven of Hlversld" for these teams te clash nt the Straw bridge & Clothier Rreunds at Sixty -third ami 'Walnut streets. Ileth teams have line records for the acanen. and Ewing held Ilnlmcsbuj-g. Condhehookcn nnd Union A. A., of Phnenlxville, te low scores. Lerhii A. A. opposes one of its iitrengest opponents tomorrow in meet ing All-riifladelphla at Eighteenth nnd Itecklnnd streets. The Marines and 01cnilde come tepetiier nt .lenklntewn, Beth A. ('. is nt Delce, of Darby; Jee CiinnlnRham tnkes his Krvein Club te Colllnssweod. and Huntingdon opposes Darby Fire Company at the Hllldule pounds In Darby. TIGER ELEVEN LEAVES Departs Early Thle Morning te Bat tle Ella Tomorrow rrlnceten. N. .1.. Nev. 11. The Princeton Tigers yesterday completed preparation for the contest with Yule Saturday and departed early this morn ing for the invasion of the home of the Ells. The prnctlce was the la-t of the ' ftflinn nnd a thousand undergraduates, accompanied by the band nnd yell lend ers, visited I'nlverslty Field te give the team a reusing send-off ns the gridiron leaten's curtain rolled down. Coach 1U11 Itepcr put the finishing touches en the tenm by sending his warriors through nil the phases of play and practice, including punting, pass ing, blocking, kicking and scrimmage. Practice began when the varsity lined up against the second team nnd Lnuric and Van Ocrblg engaged in n punting ' duel, I.eurle. averaging from 40 te .10 yard', bested the second-team man both In distance nnd height. I I.eurle. (Inirlty. (Slimy ni.i! Cleaves wtie then sent In te break up forward pauses and get ndditlimnl practice ajaliwt the menace used te such a geed advantage by the Harvard team Iut week. A (.nappy Mgnal drill ended the activities of tlii" varsity en the home grounds this season. Coach Reper Is planning te start the same ("am nzninst Yale that over whelmed the Crimson Saturday CRIMSON TRIO HERE Harvard Ice Stars Jein Up With LecalE Three of last year's Harvard ice leckcy start have joined the St. Nich olas team in New Yerk. As St. Nlelielas will combine with (Junker City this seaiui it means thnt this trio will represent l'lillndelphin en the ice. Helmes, all intercollegiate goal; Bunnln, forward, and a third wIiom wIiem name is withheld for the present, will if In uniform. In addition there will be Smart, goal ; llierwirth and llurgess, forwards; Kills and Henrique, ecu-, ters, nnd Ven Ilernut nnd Iliiutingten, defense. ' Quaker City will contribute lCddic Hill, defense; Wnnninakcr nnd Sclinarr, forwards, and Harte, goal, as uell as .Tee Dexter, defense; Seudnr and Clarke, wings. Coach Dien, last year's Quaker City tutor, expects te take charge of the team immediately after Thanksgiving. He new is In New Yerk. The I'enn team practiced last night nnd fol'ewlng their workout the Qunker City can didates swarmed en the ice. DOBIE ORDERS CHANGES Independent Grid Gamc9 TODAY "trrrfi k Ilreni1 Bn1 II"ntlnder Helmrl n. rlr.:. S,n"lK"l,er...B?nyS'i'. ? Ttrqnjr A. A ,.." ".. . mm r.Hiic roan lintl I en rn. nruh Hlrpc blienundenh nt Cenlilnle. NATUntlAV 1 lVf'i,,,,eri1 nlkr nMr the lllili Hrlinnl IS U V'i'K fl'nrW" Hre -'""". Hill- KJSi.!1;..1.'-,?,' I P'-Ti . n-te AM-rhUiMTi.tnttl', .., i.. i n.ki..: j ----... .. i.ucHiunn PirrfiH. Ifctrby. eunn. Ktditernth and All-l'lillnilrln seklund Urn mwyn nt Xonrned. iiiVTSlur.nl Klnir A. A.. Hlr,.,.l,rr.l.. . lirld. Hlxty-thtrd nnd Wnlnut rietlitrr strrrts. Sl'Ml.W (IAJIHS VIMriV'' 7.' "J "'yrsldr. n.;Jt,i . V'S- " ''nersnii, nroekliiwn, N. J, of t'amdrn, at Bates-R. I. I.rwlstnti, sir.. Game Poateoned Vm. ...- .. . nhi. T.-."-J:i.."i".-.L .'.!--"" imtee- Urr J'"'11"0" till" nftrrnoen. has bern cance.nl brcaurr of mew CAGE CHAMPIONS TO OPPOSE PHILS Frank Bruggy and His Scran- ten Miners Here Tonight for First Time Eastern League bnskctball fans will hnvc n chance te lamp the basketball champions of the F.i.t for the first time tills Bensen. Mr, Frank Hruggy, catcher of the Phils, will be here with his Scran Scran ten five. After the game at the National A. C, Eleventh and Catharine streets, Hruggy nnd ills pals may haw sole possession of first place, nnd then again they may net. It all dependg en whether they win the game in question. Anyway, the visitors will enter the cage n decided fnvoritcnltheiigh Mnn ngcr Myers hopes the lecnis will nt Inst show some life and come through with a win by way of diversion. Scrnnten has besides Hruggy in its llne-itp Garry Schmcely nt forward, nnd It will be rccnllcd thnt the rotund Garry swings a menn nrm occasionally, as was evident en Tuesday at Scranton, when he dropped In thirteen baskets en his former Ceatcsvllle pals.' Garry has shown Ills ability before, One titiie he were n suit lnbclcd with Jewels und drew a weekly pay envelope from Mnnnger William Kennedy. Onrry lias chnsx'd some geed guards nlmest cr.'izy, untl once he gets sets it takes n mighty geed man te step him. . At center Is Ocnr Grlmstead. an other veteran, who for years has been known te be very geed wiien he is right. The gunrds hrc Harvey nnd Illpley, n pair of defenscmen who Inbered for Dave Hennls nnd his Germnntewn gnng last year nnd who helped bring the Eastern League championship te Germnntewn. Basketball Statistics HASTKltN i.r.Aein w. t,. v.c. w. i.. r.c- Csmdrn . ' 7 1 .Mli rhllllei... . 3 ft .? Hcrnntnn ' 7 I .S7.1 CeiUrsitllr. .1 f, .JjJ Trrnten .. 0 1 .SS7 llnullne... 3 7 ,2 Wllkru-ll . . 3 4 . lliirrlBljiirie 17 .125 HCIIRDt'I.H TOB TIIK XVliVAl Tonight Srrnnten nt Philadelphia. WIIUr Hiirrr nt Trenten. , Tnmirrew IMilliwtflphl nt Kendlnr, rnntrhilllc nt Wllkre-lliirrf, Trrnten nt llsr- T"bUt" OTHi:U (I.OIEM Iloeknood nt Knreuln, Nt. llllmbrlh's Hull, Twrntj-tlilril nnd Cnrprnler Btrrrtn. Last Night's Results i. it. n. eiiius evrwr. i.kagii: Trrnmiry. Ifti l?l'r Wrltrrj, 0. Amllter of ITrlsrlit .Truffle. if; Amrrlean Itnilwpir Kerr."A,'10. , , Motive I'mvrr. i Andlter of Ilrvrnur. a Htiprrlntrndrnt of Cnr rrlcr, 10s Tlilln. Trrmlnnl, H, nertii piiii. ciirnni i,nnri: St. Mlrhnrl. 40i rimt rhrletlnn. 10. Ht. I'nnl. 2.1t I.nttrr llnv Hnlnts, 21. OUKMANTOWN HUIIURIt.N H. H. I.KAOt'K (irrinnntewn llrrthrrn, S3) Mnrkrt Hqunrr. "i'lrnt M. r... 48t Tlrrtt 1'rri.liytrrl.in. SI. ROCAP WILL REFEREE IN LEONAPERIEDMAN BOUT All Details Competed for Special Match at Ice Palace Willlum H. Iteenp. sports editor of the Vvni.W LEt)Oi:n, has been seleeted ns referee for the special eight-round match between llenny Leenard, of New Yerk, nnd Sailor Friedman, of Chicago, nt the lie Fnlace. en the night of No vember 22. All nrrnngements for this contest were completed nt n conference held In the office of Director Cortclyeu late yesterday afternoon. David L. Phillips, a local attorney, was derided upon ns holder of forfeit, $1!.00 each from tne mixers. Hilly liiuseii, ninniiRi'r of the light weight champion, attended the meeting, .i nrnmnilv neHieil LpennruK forfeit with Phillips. Friedman's financial guarantee for appearance will be for fer wnrdrd te the stakeholder from iew Yerk. ...... Leenard will come into the ring at cntchweights, while Friedmuu Is re quired te make 135 pounds. m -ini n MuSSnep en a CJhiarg'eS Fay in January Saturday We Launch the Greatest n's Overcoat Sale Ever Held in Philadelphia! Men, Take EXPRESS ELEVATOR Direct Frem Lebby te the Men's Shep, Third Fleer. Ne Waiting Ne Less of Time. 15th and Chestnut- Open Dally Till 6 . Satur days Till 10 P. M. ft H Will Hardly Use All of Regulars Against Springfield Ithaca. N. Y.. Nev, II. --Yesterday worked Cernell's tinal extended prac tice of the week, a long nignal drill anil a fpeclal test of the forward pass do de fke. Coach Dehie kept the Ithm-iiu- outside for an hour, though the Held Jus In peer shape, nnd then closed the "ays work with a half hour's forward Pawing drill i the baseball .'age. Although all of the regulars reported in first-rate condition. Doble made a number of shifts in the line-up during fie course of the practice, giving the impression that he would net use nil or Ills regulars against Springfield en , uiiiruuj-. M Lutvyers as Harvard Football Detectives Cambridge. Nev. 1 1. Harvard's Sherlock Helmeses" are getting ready for l)MjnrHN. Annually the athletic Ubsoelatieu bus a band of men tenrchint: out nooks and cran nies where football speculators ply their trade m, that it i-nii be learned JuH which II n rui rd men have "bold their birthright for u mess of .,l lnrs." The Hnrvard detective force for the next ten days will lie composed I'lilefly of lawyers who are Harvard firaduates. lly devious ways they learn the location of ench ticket thus ettered them, and report te the II. A. A., where a record Is kept of every Harvard purchaser of tickets. Men disobeying the rules of the ath letic .vsoclntien, which states that the holder must use his tickets per per eeniilly, nre thus discovered and Placed en the blacklist, 1 ',..'' ",, , i, . '. j ' ii , i ) t ii,..' .!.. ' ' i-THI'vafrS. t5erere 1 h an&smvmg VEM Sale! Purchased Frem One of the Country's Leading Makers te sell at the amazing prices quoted here for this Saturday. Nothing finer has been pro duced by clothing makers. These Over Coats Cost Mere te Manufacture than the prices we are selling them for. Yeu will find their duplicates in the best clothing stores at double these prices. 860 SUITS INCLUDED One and live pants Suits. All new Winter models; each care fulljl tailored. Tweeds, cheviets and worsteds. All sizes. &; i mm 1 I 1 THE REASON FOR THIS SALE Manufacturers were desperate for business, desperate te turn stocks into cash. Ready money did the trick; that's all there is te it. We have the coats and any man who has eyes can see for himself.' All the coats are in the most popular models of the season; the materials, the patterns, the colors are the winter's very newest. Come prove it te yourself. See window displays. EVERY NEW OVERCOAT Ulsters and Ulster el les, Smart Raglans, Chesterfields, Smart Plaid Backs; Kerseys, Herring bones, Oxfords and Fatten Over coatings. All sizes. Buys an Extra $7.95 UIT or evs r INAW Read Every Werd of This Important Sale THIRD FLOOR In case you don't want 2 g a rments bring a friend and split the price be tween you. W", First select any Beys .$7.95 Suit, Overcoat or Mackinaw, for ST which YOU PAY $7.95. Then ynu have the privilege of 0F fcelectinr another $7.95 Suit, Over coat or Mackinaw, for which YOl' PAY ONLY SI. 00 Sizes II te IS. Sale! MEN S Ud shirts High - erode shirts taken from our ret?" lnr stocks. Special at 93c, Saturday. Finest repps, corded madras and percales in a wend.rful assortment of colors and patterns. Men's $5 Mecha $rj QK eves at Genuine KraN myelin r, r. Eleventh "and Market. Streets -- tti. 7 ...- IV , . . . ........ J . t. gloves; line fitting with black e m- breidcred stiched backs. Te 7.50 Men's $1 Weel Hese Heather mixtures in wool sport Ci hose. Extraordinary values... . OuC $3 Heavy Union Suits Heavy ribbed, warm, fleece lined union suits. 3d K'ir 1 $1.59 B JPmlmJJ .flB r Again we prove with telling effect hew we have brought old-time prices back at last' It's all ever but the selection of your size. Ne mere paying extravagant prices! Through out our entire stock of ever 15,000 all - wool garments, the old-time figures are back en the tickets! Today and tomorrow will be bigger days at GEORGES than ever by the addition of 1800 mere Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters A spot cash purchase from four nationally famous Rochester, New Yerk and Baltimore makers splendidly tailored garments that were made te sell and ARE selling every where at 30, 35 & ?40 e t zm yimn m I wfmSlfmtlMOSmix .dW' Z if ffwl wl WcWHSffilKiBi W HHfll f JBB ' 1 immamm , 1 1 in iti nmamiiwmtJUAW?iii w i ' m wmmmmx ' 1H1 A wmmmA 1 . An opportunity for every thrifty man and young man te buy a handsome Suit, Overcoat or Ul ster at a big saving. All sizes. At Each Price - In Our Huge Stock at . W35,40 s vtw & "aw W A T.- .... t v- unci uu IMC same proportionate savings and tremen deus values. And for veur choice you have two score brands the biggest ,m s c t e ctten under one reef in this city. Suits and Overcoats Special at The Equal of the Best $50 Values 3P A big. finely chosen stock of them, repre-l senting every conceivable model, fabric and, pattern the products cf a number of Amer ica's best known makeis and positively un equaled anywhere under $50. All sizes. 15th and Chestnut Open Daily Till 0 J. M. Saturday 10 P. ML fljfe"? Yrk Headquarters, IS W.SithSL. ) T: - .1 rl ..IT