ln AH v. . H'f, rfA";'-V T'Vi-T :7' :v7i ""..; frMJ )t i" tftt: tvCtiii ' - A , e."iJ. "' n y V IV y -f fwe Big Independent PENN STATE .HERE Isnellr Madeira and MbCellum ..i!ii H!4- Ctnrt AiYfimct Will m-"- ,"" &"-- Navy Tomorrow MIDDIES DUE THIS EVENING Ua$e lttvtlrk nntl lilt I'enn State Col Cel 1, football tenm nrrived here this mernlni? for tliclr Kmc with Heb Pol Pel 11' Nnvy eleven en Franklin Field tomorrow. The siund nrrived early tills morning ind went te the Hetel Walten for break fait After thnt they metered te the Philadelphia Cricket Club ns giintd of - jt poter'en. of the rctcrsen MoterB Cempanv. In Jerdan raw. Seme of the ,lhletfs" plnyed coif, but " ninjevltj nt te their rooms nnd rested until Inn.c' e'i1.6" M. the vqund leperted for Brictlee en th" praeUoe field of Chest SSt n Acuilenij. Onl signals ww mlnkecl in. KUltnucr running the team. The Sd looked geed, ran through It.c nlivf In n snappy manner ami uvery Ln seemed fentidenl of vielnrj. ' Coach Huge Hratlcl;. hewevei. did net f'linre their optimism. 'With the exception el tluoe men. thebquad I In geed si.nne. Mini i entii PBdel: "We wi-re forced te leave ('nntflln Snell at home due te nn opera- , T n his ttiient. Snrll is the beM iilunglng fullback in football and Iiih ibsfnee will hint a let. "McCelluni nnd Madera aic the ether nlaycn wh wW net ec nl,,c t0 start. Madera broke his leg In the Ilnrvntti tame nnd HilK will be In his place nt tickle. Fiunk will stnrt for MtCullum tt end." Coach Helek Mild his hnekfield weuhl U rnmneseil of KUlinger. iiuartcrbnek : Wilsen nnd Llghtiier. hulves, nnd Knnbb. fullback. Knnbb is the young man who Is substituting for CuntuJn Snell. .. , . Uuffenl will tnu nt one pihi. .uc JIahan nml Hills l be the tnckles; Bpr nnd Itendenk. the guards, nnd Bent, the center. Clyde King, the Xnvv tackle, is tin only Aunnpelli regular who is net sure cf sterting. Hr hns been bothered with a bad leg. but mny be able te hobble en the gridiron if permitted Kavy Outweighed The Middles will be outweighed en in average of five pounds te the man. Btate has n line thai average IBS pounds. agninKt 18.1 for the Annapolis forwards. The IJczdck backfield is 100. aialnst 102, and the Center County team 1S1, against 170. Carnej. the left gunrd, is the biggest man en the Felwcll eleven. He is six feet three inches tall nnd weighs 212 pounds. "Tiny" McMnhnn. the State tackle, however, will be the ginnt of the two teams. "Tiny" Is six feet seven inches nnd moves the beam at 21.". Btrchett, the Middle right hnlf. will be the midget of the contest. He weigh. only 160 pounds, but mekes up in speed what he locks in i.voirdupels. Oonrev, Keehler, Bnrcliett and Ham ilton will form the Navy buckfield ; the ends will l Parr and Tayler : the tickle;. Helies und either King or Wicdern ; the guards, Carney nnd Franley nnd Captain I.nrsen will be the renter. Beiler, Carney, Fiauley and King all were members of the Xnvy's cham pionship cirlit-earrcl crew. They should be at home if the gridiron is nuy way wet. Their Third Meeting Rebert C. Felwcll and Hirge Hezdelc, two of the greatest coaches in feet -ball, meet for the third time when the Nary nnd Stnte elevens ram Inte each ether en the rrnnklin Field gridiron. If histerj lepeats, it will mean an other conquest for the State conch, ter be has defeated Folwell in their two previous engagement. A unique featuic of the Folwell Felwell Beidrlc fend Is thnt the three in opt. Jlngs have net brought together the same tfia.nb t.I... 11 ,1 .1 .'N ijeNip. rum ii was j'cnn nnu wrcgen, then nun nml Stale and new Stnte nd the 'im. . In the fnsspi. between these two mon men auhs innenn eenclii".. Felwcll has been tee fnrnriti bofeio tlie game and the eser nfter the battle The eume scenerj 1 ft for the game bete tomorrow. The ary, due te the victerv ever Prince ton nnd State's tic with Harvard, which is fellow ul b u Crimson teverbe at J'gertewn uiles n nllght favorite. The steij of the Carninl of Heseh in 1SI17 nnd of Franklin Field in 1H11I mn it retold. Met First In 1017 Be7ipk nnd Folwell wne introduced en the t'u-t dnj of 11117 when Pcnnsjl tanln took en Oregon at Pasadena, allf The (Junker, niter a successful mseii brie in the Fast, weie the ruling funnies, and although the Westerners wire fleeted te give the lied and Illue ' tetiKli battle, n I'enn vie tot y was prc dittMl b. aliinisi ever one. Oregon's grldders wen. 12-0, showed wine plnjiis that weie a little better "'in Heine. Miller. I.mi Little. Lud rn. Nell Mnlhews nnd the rest of tb'ni, und surprhed nil the world ex fit theni'-ehcs and Huge P.ezdek. lllf kfllm ki tfitw Lin'mitliilnil t lift Pcnn and Jjtiite Kinne in 11110. With itunll the whole 11)17 eleven back ftcr the war, the (Junkers, according tu thp dope, should lunu hud no trou ble with the Hlue anil White. Once Win form was slapped In both eyes na Rtnte triumphed. 10-0. However, jjiia proved anything but a fluke, ns the wnter County athletes weie pieclalmed '"0 clinnipiens at the end of the sea son, New the same dope is nt hand. Fol Fel fll is the favoiite emc mere and llez p. Willi a team that tied Harvard nnd Wat (lenrglu Tech and Lehigh, is very Pt te imihs up things. Nevel Football Field Meet for Weslvyan Mlildlctewii, Conn.. Nev. 11 call in eierj ntudeiit te put en a feillmll uniform en Ne ember 21 for "n intramural football Held meet en AntlriiN Field hns been issued by r. Hdgnr Ftiuver, head of the YVos YVes 'jnn I'nieieity athletic depart ment CnntctniiiH will leprcscnt e fruii inities. Scrimmaging will w eniltte,! nml plaj wjll take In Placement nnd diep-kicklng, punts "ml feiwntd passes, combined with fiimiiug. Feiwnnl passing will be for ne ciirney umi distance, punting and kick. riffs f,,r distance, with place "I'd chop kicking from tlie twenty, "jlri and forty jard lines. There "ill be numerous variations of piny and mine novelties, the scoring te b. ' points and five places te be Wintcd, FOR NAVY BATTLE Line-Up and Statistics of Quaker Helmcsburg Clash ritllI)KI,rilIA QUAKF.HH Ne. 0 14 in 3 7 lf 1 .1 10 fl 4 17 II 111 H H 1UI. Witt, ljewr. Ipft rnd . . A.tl Snacnn, Irft tnchle . U'nrd. left Bimrd . VVray, renter . YeiiiiKfttrtim, rlntit nmrd l.lttlr. rkht tnckle . .. Mlllr. rlitlit r.nd .... Hrett. ntuirtfrbntk .... Andersen, left Imlfliack. Cefnll, rlElit hnltbntk. Umltli. fullbnfk .. , Snbrtltetes ltck . . Webb (Inult Mnmilre . ,,,. Drake O 00 n.oe 6.00 n.et fl. oe n.u n.u 5.U7 41.00 o.eo iioi.MKsnime Ne, 21 Mu.vfB Irft fnd . Iav, l ft tnckle .. 2.1 Unffney, left Eiiard 7 I.tncli. renter 4 Kiittl. rleht Ktinrd 3d I'etts, right tnckle . II Kmaniicl, rlclit end . . . 5 NrUle, qiurterbiick . . 17 IritT, left lmltl)(k . H Mrllui kin. rUht halfbiick 30 ( nnkcy. fnllbAck . Substitute OlUer llprntleiiMn .. 0.0 J n.in 210 1110 18.1 IHl 1 00 1(11 101) 111.1 I Kit 100 1 rout .01 (luITiie) iiillh- . . ( nnn iy ... Miller . . Dewnry 1 . . n.in n.oe r.imi .1.0") .1.10 a.ie .1.00 37 liixkner . :i Wilt ItcfcVcr H. . .Mnxwcll Hnurtlinierei t'mnlrr "H" lllrksen, Inn nine or xrieilh 1 minuter. Manager Gerker Makes Last Minute Announcement of Additions te Team OPPOSES QUAKERS TODAY Manager Tred ("Pep") (ierker. of the llelmcbtitg football vleven. will nprlng a big surprise en the Philadelphia Quakers when they take tiie field (n their nnnnal gridiron game this after noon nt the PhilUc' Hall P.itk. The u'lcian muniiger this morning announced Hint he w'll net be Miert of wirplns tnlent, for he has n-cured a het of itnr plajer" te augment IiIh reg ular team. 'Hie some line-up thai held Frankford te a .'1-2 Kcerc will stnrt, but there will be many changes made. a he has plenty of men. Among these already announced was Downey, the Hlue Stnr fullback from Fethlehem. who last "ensen was a mem ber of Helmcfibure and who has been plejlni; with P.iielsleyV New Yerk Giants. This morning tterker i-pmng tlie big wirprlc with the naming of four etherw. They uie Al Mnglnnis, who was lierc Inst week with ("bailie P.ii(kle and who pln.Ns one of the halfback positiens: Alexander, (enter, and I'urdy. gunid. both from Syracuse nnd nil-Americans, and Myers, ar- end. from leun. These who attended the contest last venr between uns nftel neon's rivals witnessed one e' the greatest independ ent games ever played in this city, nnd both elevens have been working hard for this afu moon's game. Helmcsburg has been coming along slowly and from an eleven thnt was considered bj many as out of the run ning, the champions upheld their repu tation lust Saturday by holding Frank -ford te n 3-II score, only being benten out in the lesln minutes bv a field gcul from the tee of Hank Peel, the former P. M. C. player. On the same afternoon the Quakers were beaten by Charlie llrleklcy'h New New Yerk Giants, n field goal also beating ., ,-T-t. Tt-.l. .1...... .. ..t.. n he lncnls. Ileth elevens enter the fray with one defeat and by n Held goal. Manager le Conway has made n number of changes in the personnel of the Quakers and the way tlicy take the field this afternoon is In all prebnhi'lty the menner in which they will line-up in the future games with the Canten Htilldegs. Conshohocken. Frnnkferd, Akren and Jim Thorpe's Cleveland Pnnlinntlles. Hill Ward, last ear with Penn. will I ly found in the line and in the bnckficld will be Put Smith at fullback and Oscar Aiidei-sen. the former All-Ameiican I plnjer nt Colgate. The, with Johnn Scott and Stan Cefull round out one i of the best bnckfields in the game. AH with the exception of Cefull hnve played i en tlie Buffalo Pnnhnndles for two jenis und should work together well. Hobart at Lancaster , Han Sp-mulT's Iluhiri eleven Wi-st , rhlladetehla chnnmlens. .ifier hnldinu AI.H ini. ii' t nntt Cits te a ii-n tin en Sun dsy, will be Rlcn a bard t-'t this afiii afiii imen In a Hpecl.il ArnitHIce Dm ,itamn with A'1-l.anrannT ji V. t M Held at Ijnu.istcr With the eveptlen of t.ulietir Hamuels and Hunt, 'he niuad la In ceed ahipe Lehigh Five Retains Murphy llethlehem. Pn.. Nev. 11. -Jimmy Mur-' r.lu will acaln coach the linsKoteall aquad at LehlKli lTnlerellv, neeerdlnu te an iin nnuncement here. Murnhj realnert fame us nn nthkte at Tirnwn L'nlve-Hltv and later iik one nf the menihtrH of thu famous llcih luhein Steel soccer team Wesleyan Shows Improvement Mlddlrlenn, I enn.. Nev 11 i e.ich ..'I... I- ..!! iiIm.iniI Hill tie Hhe iniS made "by the Welll.n team this week In J l preparation ter union i ' MAN NEW Wl FOR HOLMESBURG TALKING THINGS OVER Condi IJedch, of Slate, and Charlie Killlnger, tlie Hlue and White star mi ar erhncli. nt Hie Philadelphia Crlclict Club, iliariuslnc Hirli' plan of bii tic for tlie Nut)- Bnv4e en FraiikllinFIcltl tomorrow nricrnoeii EVENING PUBLIC Football Teams Observe UK MiaaMiHHaaaiHBMBnHsnaaaaMsnHBaMiiiiaBiaaaananBiBr7atiaaaBrraatflM o.eo 17.1 iWWr fcJHIPili iWBHHlrlnHlfflffrt i ' tMHW iMflBHlrT WfBBnnfTlrilraPHMfc ! am&f&pQL uti. Witt. HkVIHiBHIwPSIwlKV.KeViMnBfSBP' HHXr4 n.oe 2ie iflHHHIHljBlHHIHHr&iKilRraSKnKV 'sHKli i.' mi lrHHHiBKHHwriHHILnffluaiBnBKQei -WKBKmm n.oe 210 XHHHHH ffitBUHHlHBBIHHHHH 'JNHKl mmMWK Is ' BBBbHBBV WHBlBBBlBiBSBlSBflBBBBKH' Ilfil and Hlue football players before bearding train In Reading Terminal for New Yerk, where D.iitinntilli will he pin eel tomorrow. Tlie wee chap lit the center of tlie group Is Francis Ileuchlns. :2'M Locust street, lm was taken aleiiR ns mascot. On Ills left Is Captain Itcv Wray YALE QUARTERBACK JOB IS UNCERTAIN Net Yet Determined Whether Charlie O'Hearn or Geerge Becket Will Start HOLD SIGNAL DRILL TODAY Xew Yerk. Conn.. Nev. 11. Kxrept for n signal drill today, which wllljire cede Princeton's work in the Hewl, the Ynle varsity is ready for the game ogelnst the Tigers tomorrow. With the lest scrimmage ever, it is still uncertain who will start the game at quarterbarl.. Charlie O'Hearn or Geerge Hccket. If the former is de cided en the chief factor may be that Becket has been bruised insome hard playing recently and may net be in top form. This year O'Hearn has been out of , the game virtually the whole fall, s if - fering first from hay fever and then from asthma. I Hefere the season opened I wn free- ly predicted that he would have no trouble midline the varsity and would take his place with the great Ynle nuerterhncltB. When he was net in con- illtlnn. Genrce Hecket. (iiiurtrrbac : en the scrub last jenr, was moved eer te Sees HeUer Iajs Ahead the vnrsitv. His work this year should "v can see thnt veu aie net ,,s never be forgotten by close followers of ! ceurnged. and the team k net dU Y'nle football, for be quickly rose, from n (eurnged. cither. We atp down for the selling plater in the undergraduate present, but we are net down and out mind te n money plnyer. In the last two guines the team hit Geerge Hecket is n junior. He weighs , em(. m,. j t1(l M1(,nll, lluf )n a wnv 105 pounds, is 5 feet It inches tall, is tr vhew thnt il does net ln(k the llght' twenty years old, nnd comes from Fast nB spirit. 1 believe we uill win to te Orange. N. .T.. where he plnjcd en the ( morrow." Hast Orange High Scheel eleven. Since j Tlieu the students shouted in iui1m.ii he has been here he hns plajcd with for Ke Wiim. fimttilii nml , .1.. I. ..-.!1 .!.! fll 1 .!... , .1 . ... . ' l"'" . '"'I 0 Hie scriiu mini iin-i inn. Charlie O'Hearn lives in Hroekline. j ,,, ,,.,, ,,. jumped "up 'e " . ,' fnue Tin In nineteen ienr old. lli.n,. nlmr , ...,.i t..,.i... ne.... ,. . i Mass. lie is nineteen earn em, a soDhemore. weighs lt0 pounds and lsigun he looked ever te where his mother 5 feet 11 Inches tall. He prepared nt I mid father steed come till the wnv Hxeter nnd was the star of the fresh- from Monmouth. 111., te see. for tin' man team Inst jenr. , first lime, their son pla ' foeib.ill. The line-up. which will surely start , grinned Imylshlv when a shout of wcl the Princeton game, was as fellows for come raised the reef of the train shed, the greater pnrt of the afternoon : "Fellows." he mild, "we hnve had Ilitlmnn. lett end; into, ieit tncKie: Criiikshnnk, left guard : Landis, center : Guernsey, right guard : Diller. right tackle; Sturm, right end: Hecket or O'Hearn, quarterback; Ahlrieh, left half-back: Jerdan, right halfback, and I Mallery, fullback. I Fer u while during tlie dummy scrim- .1.,., "l.nf .Ine.tnn 'is sure In stmt the I nrn viinifinn ii mini in n npn ri .iitv ,1.11.. HI... ..w....... ... ..-- ... name. Tie second team nne-up ler the i ' greater part of the afternoon was; Lincoln, left end; Miller. left tackle; llerr. left guard; Verrls, center; Ciess. I right guurd; Quulle, right lackle; Dcncr. right end: Murphy, quiuter- back: Neidllnger. left halfback: Hans. right halfback; Knapp, fullback. Canadian Heckey War Likely Over ''Amateurs" .Montreal, Nev. 11. W I! Granger, president of tlie Canndinu Heckey Association, announces tluit several Cnnadian Simateur heikey ple.ers who had jejned the West minsters, it Ilosten tenm, would prnbiiuly be refused their amateur enrils here and in consequence would he unable te get cards te play in the United States. The Canadian Association is nfiil lated with the I'liited States Heckey Association, he snld. and Canadian rulings are efiective en the ether side uf the border. LEDGER - PHILADELPHIA, tfRIDAX NOVEMBER 11, 1921 PENN ATHLETES WAVING FAREWELL mm Penn Parade Gives Team Big Send-Off Continued from Tare One ing Terminal the real heaitbeats for tlie old ttiim broke loose. The boys overflowed t he mldwny, swarmed through the gates end massed in n solid bank of youthful faces around the Pull man that held the two squads leaving for New Yerk. Slim ficurcs (lad in white cheer lenders climbed tin the side of the train and appeared w ith therr megaphones nn top of the curs. Swaying with the bent of the cheers, these youngsters mude the train shed ring with the veils of Old Penn. AH Jein in College Seng The team steed outside the c.tr and received the tribute modestly enough until the hand struck up the "lied end the Hlue," and they, with the thousands of their admirers, solemnly swung their hats In lioner of the school. Ter fif teen mitiutes the band pin veil inces- cantly anil the voices swelled iilmre f!r C'r If CS'a'Pin" S,-nm "ml snort-, I ng ocemotives. 'jhen every one started te shout "We want Helsmnn!" This constant plea finnllv brought forth the coach and, talking' from the platform of his car, he told his hope of a victerv tomorrow. .., ,, . , nm ftir tlJs d(ln 5Cml.efT.. -heu ..T1 D0JS ell th, fcam umiprst,,,,,, nil nppre.Jn ,. iti etl, t,lcir npnVecin l" .', b rcfl(.rte(1 en . liH7;'m , '" .'' We hn-e learned lets of football in the last two weeks. We knew better hew te cendtlct the team than ever befen . iikiiit. ienKin; sugnt t()l. t 10 ii..,,... ,,i' unr platfnim mid spoke. Ilefei-e he h, two nnd deteats out we are going t bring n victory home te you tomorrow. Stick like you hnve been sticking and we'll bring both Dartmouth und Cernell into camp." The Fln.il Premise n he wns finishing the train Just ' started te mine, the cheerleaders "crumbled down the s,cs f (t)0 rnrs mid a mighty shout went up for Miller. ! -H tee cram was pulling nut. the much warned .inner appeared m the feim of a many goed.-natu red face that out Instil : .ipl "Don't hell." werr.. fellers, we'll gin As the tiain gathered niementniii a gieup of husky lnds pushed a HI tie bev into em nf the cstibules. He bad bech dancing happily In the blare of th bands nnd had forgotten in the excite ment of tlie moment that he was being t.iken te the game ns the mnscnt and irnest iil the uniml ITa I.. 1-. ......i.. . ..i ' ... ...... r ' '." . ' . ""' i j . .. &&?!&&V:h'& fell tli.it It un.il.l nnt',1 ItJl ... f i.-. . ran-! en was sitting nacU in ll.lt.i.ll.,l.t . 1 lending obeut them, with big lonesem ejes, se the took him along. . ..m,iii-i jium March It.tck te Penn j Alter the demonstration in the si.i-j turn lln piiiade feimecl again mull Marti d bud, te Penn, led ns befeie Ii I Jehn Sliced, president of tlie senior class nml the ultite-elud cheer lenileis t lie, leiinwi'ti unciitt me same ieuic go ing luck us the. did coming in. Mur Let Mi cot te Twentj -second, te Walnut, te Thirty-fourth and thence te the llen iamln Franklin Maine in front of Welghtman Hall. After a cheer or two they disbanded. Tlie leturn pur.ide was net us 01 derly as the ene coining In. A few trolley pole- were pulled off ajid a sign or two tipped ever, but the Senior Honernr Seelrtj, whose members acted as mnrslmls, saw that eery trellev pole and sign was replaced and each offender reprimanded. Tlie henrt of the bejs was sliewu in front of tlie It. & O. station when n dilver of nn apple cart, overloaded, get stuck en the hill. The horse would net move the wagon and the whole parade Mapped while the stiuienth virtually carried the wagon up the hill It might be added that net one ripple was "swiied." The ones le suffer ill tlie return parade were these auteisis whose Impatience made them try te force their way through the ciewd. Thej found it slew going. Twe Full Teams (in The due's demonstration started with the blast of "reveille" en bugles nt N!!() this morning. This brought the men out en the ipiadi angle, where the formed for the pin tide. The two football sounds which are innking the trip te the Pole (irnunds went tn the Millien In uiitnmeblles. When the students arrived tlie cheer lenders took charge, und tlie truln shed wns made te ie-eclie iih seldom before with the shouts of the student body. A spcclnl truln leaving this after after neon for New Yeik will take hundreds of Penn men te New Yerk te see the game. Anether special will leave early tomorrow morning, in time for the game, A large delegation is expected te" watch the game at the Po'e Grounds tomorrow. t s' . v1 Armistice ijxfet wiac35" X' it KING TO SIART AGAINST STATE ' ! I Veteran Middy Tackle Returns ! te Squad and Completes the Line-Jp WILL OPPOSE TINY M'MAHe'n Annapolis. Mil., Nev. 11. The final scrimmage i pr"par:'ion for the game at Philadelphia en Saturday against Penn State was held at the Naval Academy jesterdey. while nearly every member of the regiment nnd n large tiumher nf tin- etlieeis of the Academy were In the stands and along 'l-le .'""..rn . n . " V. I ' ,nuc , lime was given te slsiml and f, , '"" the actual ucrled nsulnst tlu s,.nnn.i team was short I he big fciituie of the practice was that CI de King, the eteian HBht tackle, who has been out of the game since the Hetlinny contest, took pnrt in the scrimmage, nnd It is believed this Indicates Jie will start against Penn State. Mug showed no sign of anv sort of weakness nnd stated that he felt fine. He will be opposed by "Tiny" MeMnhen, Penn State's gigantic llne ilinn nnd heavyweight wiestler. Though King will be outweighed ly tblity-lie pounds or mere, Nnvy people have no ft'itr as te thc.outceine of the meeting. As theiu will hi no mere scrimmaging before the match, the ii'iscntherL con ditien in which the tenm emetged from practice this nftcrnoen Insures the full team for the Penn Slate crime. Tim i team bus come in mid-season form In held en Cahlll Field. Twenty-ninth iiniJ remarkable shape, nnd will have oil the Cambrln streets. i-'-Kiuurx nnu piuctlcaiiy all et the BUD- i sfittites aallable tomorrow, The line-up for the State game wilj be; Left end. Parr: left tnckle. P.elles : left guard. i'.irne: iciitei. Larsen ,n,4' I " ' I leg?' go "en i Ta'a . . . :."' "S"1. '.'"' "., ' luipliiiii) : right gitiiid. 1'iawlej ; right or : eii.'ir. terback. Ceiihu : left liiillb.ick. Koeh Keeh ler: right halfback. Hamilton; full back. Hnrcliet. COALDALE IS FAVORITE Meets Shenandoah in First of Series for Ceal Regions Title Cnaldale I'm Ilk Clurlnml lerRan I. Kiuns Sehwnrt Meller Flu idslde l.lthcew IV, I;iuim s iiiindn ih left end left tackle. left cmird cenler rlitht ciuird rlRht tnrkle rUlil end fimirterlinrk left luilfl. uk rlKht liiiiriiurk .fitllhacl. "nil.il I unders I, ileus 15. iinm,f Knels I Cousin I nndusltT IIeiiIn Donevan ' Crtlsl lliihh Ilenner (i"""'r Cnnld.ile. Nev. 11. Ce.'iMnle .mil S4hnnnniliinli tnArii lini.., .1.1. ...'... , vl n.iu iiiirt iiiii'riiiiuii m the lirst et a series of games for t lie hainpienshin of the coal recinns. Tie. spite the fact that Shenandoah wen the championship Inst jcar. Couldule will enter tlie game a tnverite. i Last M-asen Shenondeali took both 'gnmes, the first enn at Cnnldiilc. 7 te 0. winning the game in the Inst eight i seconds of play en a forward pass, which was fumbled and recovered, nnd I a Shenandoah player get ever the line with the only wiin ine eni.v seore et the game. ""'". '"'' ."1 II steij- as II football Illas i 1......1 i ".i.. .1 ,.. li ll v l'".'" ill III!.' 1-IOUIlS. Buy a S25 Fountain Pen and See Yale Play Princeton New Unieii. renn.. W.i 11 -fountain pens him nut heietefnre been legurded os 11 "necessnr part of equipment for 11 football game, ev ccpt niiinng these In the press scuts, but there may be man stub dls plujed heie en Snturdii Specu lators are said le have secured some tickets for tlie Yale-Pi iuceten gnme which they nie offering at face value us mi inducement te purchase "n very line fountain pen " The cpio cpie cpio tatien en this clns of pens has been placed, It Is said, at SLT. Direct Frem Factory TO TUT. Men That Wear 'Em SUITS $11 te $30 OTOATS $13.50 te $28-5" If you tan eiie u te $10 en a suit or overcoat is th any reason ou sheuldn't'' We suy you can de that very thlntr here ami get trlctly up-to-dute BU les and fabucs Community Clethes 1024-28 Buttonwood St. Ileluw fprlni Harden ht. Day With CENTRAL TO PLAY Intnrerlinlnctir. Football LeaPUO I .... Rivals Meet en P. R. H. Y. m. C. A. Grounds at 2 P. M. FRANKFORD NEAR TITLE Central 1111 Drutnmend . fnink llilln I.iinr . ItcAlpme Clnrke. llclterllnc . Well. . . tr..i rl.lli. Illeli left end A. Wnlterii f( Inrkle ... "' ' .left Bimrd. . . Ileddeir center cimpi.j "ri""r rtrbt rlinrd Snider rldht tnckle . rlitht end. . .quarterback. . left hPjfb;,'k , rlitlit Imlfliack .fulllncl. JlcPcley Walker Wltheren ller"mnn lliinn SlcKIwee Hchreder llrnra . rnvltttCupt.) Hy I'AFIi PBKP The big I nter'"iiin,t if Football t r,n,,n n,n K..tt. iinn (Vntrnl mill West Philadelphia high hoels will be plnyed this nftcrnoen en the P. It. It. ; C. A. grounds. l'ert -feuith street nnd Parksld- nveuue. The k'ek-eff Is sched uled for 2 o'clock. Tills is considered the biggest game of the venr bv both team-. Since est Phllly's chtn in the (irciiit buck in 11)14, both aggregations hnve pointed for the battle. Whether either team is in first or last place, a hard-fought game mnv nlwajs lie loeicca teiwniu te. The Spccdbes have failed te cop n cclslen ever the Mirrors sinte llllti. I n thnt vear the Westerners bnd nl I .1 .....1 ..I.am ! tnnlilU I met en Housten Field. came through with n 21 te 0 win Once before the Orange "d '''' rrii.VWieffii iirnnnt'inn. f'PVl'll. Ullll lit' n lis- n-n""1 L?&La the i best ten'ms in the history of the school. I The team swamped everything in sight. 1 ...,.i .i,nn iw. flute nf the bli; came with West Phlllv rolled around Central had net one point registered against it. Herb flucklev. West Phllly's quarter back, ruined this record when he inter cepted a forward pns.s and inn for n touchdown. nig Spcctllwy Rally T.nst night at Arcade Hall. Flftv-first street nnd Hnltlmere avenue, the Speed boys held their annual mass-meeting en the eve of the game. It was attended by virtually the entire student body. Germnntewn High will meet North east High In the ether Tnterschelnstic Tague contest carded. This nlse will be stnrted at 2 o'clock. The game will be played en Northeast Field, Twenty -ninth nnd Cambria streets. Twe Intcrticndemic League games are scheduled. St. Luke's Scheel is booked te meet Penn Charter, while Hpiscepal Academy plays Germnntewn Academy The first came will be nart of the big Alumni IJnv celebrntien Ol tlie yuaKer i institution nnd will be staged nt Queen V m, ., 1.-..1- 1,1 A..!.. .. nni. I'll IIIIU ..! .'. nn.. i. .. . .. ... .. l.line. me oilier name win nmc !". en Academy Field, GerniuntOWn avenue , nml Schnnl Innn Olid ncilOOl inne. ttl-l, , lllnneva Prep p.ud Catholic High were scheduled eriginalh te meet in ., , n..L. ii- t "... el... L- i tlicir V.IUI10IIO l-rasui' ir,lj i uiuuun. However, since this is u holiday the athletic authorities decided te move the enme tin one dn. The nffair will be Pioneers Clese te Tlile Frankfort! High came nenier l he In tcrschelastic League championship tes tenia. afternoon when it defeated , Southern High, en Hrewn's Field. " teO. The Pioneers meet Gcrmantnwn High next week, but the Clhcdrns nie net expected te set Frankfeul back. How ever, should Gernuintevvn defeat Frank ford, the West Phillies wallop Central and Southern win its remning contests, the season will end In n tie. "IFacht am Rhein' Banned by Yale With Fech Present New llnen. Conn., Nev. 11. At the Princeton-Vale football game to morrow the new lijnin "Yale, Mether of Men" will be simg in steud of "P.right College Years," ns herctofeie. The air of the later Is "Wacht Am Uhein." Marshal Fech will be en the sidelines. SPEEDBOYS TODAY SEE THE BUZZ SAW QUALITY TEST Great Crowds See Shoes Sawed te Pieces te Prove They're Solid Leather This intercstinpr and original method of demenstratinp; hew 100', solid leather is used in Mile and out of their shoes has been btnrted by the Royal Heet Shep for men, anil every day crowds of men may he seen about the window of their stele at !5 Seuth 13th St. Thousands of men saw this RtartlitiR demonstration of value last week, and it attracted se much attention that they nre centinuing: it all this week. Between the hours of 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. and 4 P. M. te 7 P. M. one of their shoemakers stnrts the buzz saw in their window, cutting shoes te pieces right befere your eyes, nnd pointing out where only solid leather is used in the censtruc- '11111 uf their shoes. Comparison is made with shoes bought else where for many dollars motel than Royal Prices, shewinpr hew ' paper and ether substitutes for solid leather have been used in I their construction. It is a very , instructive demonstration that; 1 every man should see. Battle at Phillies' Park Today's Scholastic Games and Results of Yesterday TODAY'S OAMKS INTnnsCHOI.AfTIC I.EAOCn Central Illuh t Went Phllntll.nhla TtlRh. j. u, j. v. it. f. A itreundH. rnrty-feurtti etreet nne i'arKin ry.hu.-. acrmnntewn Hlch nt f0''"iea"t Vnrthrnut Field. Twenty-ninth and IIIrIi. Clear- field MreeH IN-TEItACADKMIC I.KAOL'E fit t,uke'ii Scheel nt renn Charter, uucen Kpleeepal Acndtnv at Oermantewn Acad emv. Academy 1'leld. Oormantewn .venu and Scheel lane. CATHOLIC LCAOUn Vlllaneva Prep at Cathelir JIIbIi, Cahlll ricld Tent ninth and Cntnbritt ntreets. OTIinil UAMK8 Weft Catlmllf lllnh at Tredjffrln-Eattewn High. Hervisn .It' Jeienhw I'rep Swarthmep . Srvarthmere Prep.. Hwarthmore llltii. mdley J'ark 11111 swartnmere Cheltenhnm High nt Jlndner Hlith, Wm ne- lUddenfleld High Ht.M'ioreslewn I rltnrte, Mrmreiif ftwn. Hryn Athjn Acndctny at Wenenah Mllltarj i itcfiui'iii) v ?uunHn 5 ESTEIIDAY'H nEHUIIS 1XK)TI5 l.U l.VTEn.SCHOUVSTIf f.KAflfn IVanl.ferd Jflh. 38, .Southern High 0 OTHnit nAMi:s I.atiMleivn" Hluh. 35, Media Hlitli O. Ablneten Hlsh, 1: I.em.t Merlen, t! I'heJtnut Jllll Acndmv 2S: Friends' Cen tral, e Dnrhv High, 13. lluxcrferd Township High, e KOCCEIl I.N'Ti:ilSCIIOU,VSTIC LEAGUK Went Philadelphia High, ,,, euther HlKh. 0. Nerthenet Illuh. 1 Central HlKh. 1. PniVATK HCHOOtj LEAOUE rtermantewn Ilend 1, Friends' .Select 0. I'enn Chtirt-sr. 1'. Huerferd s.hoel, 0. Amateur Sports The 1JrrBlne t'liib. of lh Phllndlphln Airateur I!ilirtbull l.raKve win held a clime this eenlnir at the Ap !Ie Hull, 1710 North HreiJ Btriet Thu admission 111 Le twenty-file centn. The S. S. White Junier tea-n . uld like te arrnnse Bumes ibkjt ilurlnu- tli., r. chiyK, will, the i'T"pilen of Snturdes". with fourteen-n-wenteen-j ear-old te.in Mr Tny Irr. care fl H. Whlte ucntal f'nmp,irv, I'll hi.uth Twelfth tre-t ljiKle A. C, a (If 'on-eiKliteen-e.ir-e!d tenn. wnntH ir.unea avy from home Adam Svvcrak. 1107 0den street. The Cnnshehnehen TrufeMitiiniilN hae open ilalen durlns Netemebr for flret-cln hetn teiimis ureund the city offertnir filr Induce ments s.V S. Irwin, euro restefflce Con Cen Con Htiehorken. Pu Tlie Cheltenham Club has NevemhT tn.LM und He'-rral eth'T dates own for HO-pound elevens wllllnc te travel te riurhelme Purh for rennah!' t.aruntfCB Wlllljin Schul?, 11,0 Jeffernen street Wliltrlilll Uerr, a 'nun "n sixteen vear vear eld iecrT 'IfinV dest-fs nm s for Htue ri.is -vnd Sundus: imi s Me- is 2JJS Kenn"dv street, PranKferd The Diuiphln nn -Mehe te book pcame I th any hteiuI . las i t- i fi.'uphm hae iv, n ieu- ou ei si ran ''s p-Tre,i ee rs.r ht le-.tsn N. It Moei 'J307 N'erth Eleventh street Cheltenham pIimi Walten . t ihm Sat urday at Cheltenhim ami un sundav op ep op resei the Aixn A A at nurhelme Paik Ix.th Bkmes start nt 3 I M The I.amcHttin foeth.Ml ieit.' has S',n vt ber 12 13. 10 end 20 open for flrm-claee teaniH hnvlnqr Brounds jnd eftrnq: reason al le Inducements James Leclie 112 Abbett elfet. C'hntr. V Tlie lereler A. t . would llh- e hear from HO-pound herre lvens pejlnir f.iir snu f ' v. nrew m Nert.i rifty-eit ran -elrhth . . ., ...- . .. -- --i .""'I l t.lll 11'III'UIlt .un.i The "Iudenn.i basketball live, fermerlv of h Am-r'tan I.ei ru, 'elres te book irames with ?'l th flret-'-nss home featna, espelaltj "" old nvnli" Media. Auutnin. Wee laid-, of jrrldeeten N J , and ether teams of like, rillber offering enttabl lnduement Jeseph A T.emhardt 1713 Seuth nieienth utreet The Illc 11e team. a. a-rend-ela.e trivel. n. iiulntet. would II! e te arrange Ka-nes "Ith teimn of the eami cillner efferlrr; fair s-niir.vnteee. Allchael ill Gwneva. 727 Scuth Sei-enth st"ct St. Andrew IlesereH. a flfteen-nlneteer-rear-eld tare. v.-euld lllce te arranse l.'ilni !h lHin of this claas liivtrir ha'ln and offering fr.lr lnducementa. Ildward Qarten 1127 Price etreet I ardlnal II. C. a fourteennfteen-ar-eM - u ntet weu'd Pke te eer frrni teer s ,if r. sine ace errerinir re.ieenlile ruaran- I'S '" Klrivln. 1'2S North Thirtieth The Tuenttelh Cenfnrr Itemibllean rluK ueulil llu te tvlc p.imi.1 with etr'ctli fl-et-m teati- 1 lcr In t cut nf te n ljn It 'en no J" n i'tr nt ei I ainbrli Junlers ueuld (ke e bonk griniee Ui rll fi ftb chins nuint - having herr t .me Tlerr'as Hlanih. . iSH7 Kenslturten f r inu? The niackstnne Hears. i second riaaa t ncllnr learn, wnjld 'll'e te arrarue carries i "fib fives elTerinnr fi!r tndiK men's Sam Riblnewlt: 1S12 Seuth i:ichth street. j The St. T.nUe'n C.lrls' tear- w.iuld ltfce tn I heTr from all irlrl thes, (ra.m.- te be r-laved I at the St T.uke'e Hall 1? and Huntingdon i slreete Wllllin Mclntvre. n247 A str-et 7 'he Medln Club desires te Imel- nni h first cla heri" te-nis raylnc reason i able led i--ruTts V i?. Hosier, phene Jto Jte I din 1 40 M , The M. Pntrlrk'M f rtlbelle Club hss or er eanled bslcrttbatl club for the nrenent fHiiKiin Th r.ib 's raitllna a fl-ai and eennd cl"s ter.-n en 'lie fleer nnd wruld I l'Ve te h"ir from nil of this claps who have ! hfinie fl iers Wil Inn rie." tare Si Pit rl'li s C C .'ill beui.i Twitit-nrn street The Hevers, a feurth-'liiss Ave. would like te Hcnedule tames n-l'h traveling tams In' that enllh-r Gerald "Duffy, LM1I I!at I SnrRent Mreet The N. i;. II. Ck. 1 fast flfteen.eenten i enr-r.d 1' " desires uarieB v Ith borne tean-s rr - snri ra Ibei T Kauffman 17 ' Natrona etre t As Mi Hill, tlie managing director and originator of this demonstration, says: "Ne mnn net an expert Knows what gees into his shoes whether he is getting solid-leather value or net. We have always adhered strictly te the principle of 100'; solid leathci in all Royal shoes. Our gieat business has been built up en solid-lcather shoes. Every man is entitled te get solid leather. Today, with mi much substitution in shoe con struction, we me out te protect thu public and we've taken this graphic way of showing Phila delphia men that thev can be sure of obtaining 1007, solitl selitl leather (iliees heie, and nt prices $2 te $4 boiew all Philadelphia." The demonstration continues te-day find to-meriow. Ge around te the Royal Beet Shep, .11") Seuth Kith St. Sue this J.eynl bhoemnker at work. Learn for it Atfvt. the truth about shoes, is worth your while. 23 CHANGES LIKELY IN Despite Crushing Defeat by Cernell, Big Green Eleven Is Hopeful 900 STUDENTS WITH TEAM Saw Yerk. Nev. 11. Dartmouth's football sound, thirty strong. Is here for (lie annual game with the University of Pennsylvania eleven en the Pole Grounds tomorrow. The team will held a workout there this nftcrnoen This nftcrnoen, the tenm. nccom nccem pnnied by conches, managers nnd mem beis of the nthlctic council, inade tlie trip en n Dartmouth special with ever 000 students, the college band nnd the freshmnn football team, which plnytc Penn State en Saturday, en. benrd. The large number of students ncrnm pniiving the eleven was mnde possible bv the nctien of the cellege administra tion In milking Saturday the day of the game, n holiday, ns well ns Av mistice Day. Regarding tomerrow'H clnsh with th Ited and Hlue, Coach .Tack Cnnnell had this te snv: "The Dartmouth team ban met the bitter taste of defeat nnd its courage has net been broken. Supporters nmeng the nlumnl nnd the undergraduates withstood the worst shock In yearn nnd the faith hns net been shaken. The tenm will have the same courage nnd fnlth no matter what the score is. The last two weeks have proved that Dart mouth nnd nil that she stnnds for will never be licked." Despite the crushing defeat at Ithaca two weeks age, Dartmouth enters the gnme hopeful, If net entirely confident. That n shift in the Green line-up i te be made en Saturday was forecast by Cannell, but he would give no lnli lnli mntien of what the changes would be. The mnin question seems te be about elm ennter nf the line, where Sutt mclcr is slated te replace Scavey nnd Swenson. EVfiRl TI1IIIUUW. Fllin.V.. SATtlt- IY AND MONDAY TIIRin: HUPSIONH DAILY RMISTICK DAY. HPKCIAI. VOR Cnil.- DRKN I SnKIt lfl YKARS. ADMISHlON1 Snc ITRCTITH EYERY TIT.SDAV MlillT The Tnist sulci we ceald net run! we are run'ic Program for November le ABE GOLDSTEIN vi. BATTLING MACK JOHNNY MEALY vi. BOBBY BARRETT ,IOK JACKSON v. FIIF3) IHJRROWS NAS1MY RRITTIIN . JOHNNY TYSIAN JI1K CHRISTIK vs. TJIMJK AI.I.KN TlrUetH en sale nt Ice l'alacej 1432 K. IVnn Siuaret CtinnlnRhnm Shep. 10 8. f2di Crnn dnlrV 201 H. Oth ht.j Tendter's Illlllaril Par. ler, 730 'Market ht.. and Shalet'n Jewelry store, nnns Market St. nrerenpi Every Wednesday lyilricesi nnu linrnt moor In City THE ICE PALACE ORCHESTRA e LYMPI A Bread and Bainbridfc MONDAY EVKNING. NOV. II SI RTY TOMMY BURNS vs. WILSON HATTI.IMJ ClIMtlJ'.Y MURRAY vs. RAY unnia eih Fitzgerald vs. Franchetti JACK 8 Rounds JOK PALMER vs. JACKSON .riir 8 Itcmndti .ini.in TIPLITZ vs. HANLON Seals en Hide new. Schott's Cafe, Cor. Uth A- Tllbert Mn. Keiculnr I'rlces. Don't Miss It Will See Yeu nt A KNOCKOUT SHOW Ktrwt nf the Seiioen by JACK HANLON (Yeu Knew Jack) TOMOMMm Ml.HT. 8.31). AT TlIK ' NATIONAL A . Kleenth and iilftllUliAJj . . catlmrlne SIb. -.ier lUiut lll Ite a Hummer DANNY KRAMER vs. JOE NELSON (Krniutiheil In Pnhlle Demaiid) JOIIN'M MAIIONKY vs. ItOlllI TTeCANN Yt. .llli: Cllir . DI'SKIt KKUV MTi.i.ir. n:nc;i'Mv T. rei oteoi.i: Kin vuii.vr. iK. mic ki.v vinitnis Aremi llrlchtlj Kenmuied lies. Sents. SI ?n. Ft ,00. Admission. 30c. fnme rnrlj elil Hie ltnsli BIJOU STII f. HACK hT8. Iii I'mijimetlen With (lie III, lit IU.I.-.U S() TONITE! TONITE!! sernnil MkIiI of the Amateur Boxing Tournament In Ml Insses. I nder tinlres A. A. t. i:n trnnts l"rnm Shnnuliiin, Vlrtrlx, Curtis C C ( AMItltl V T1II,1.TIC (1,111 KUVHINOION VK. IMI kOMKHSl-.T nilHAI niMM., MIVKMIIKK I II II MirilFR lilHMI FlCHTlMi SII01V a r.imiT'j vn n sim'.h FOOTBALL Pennsylvania vs. Dartmouth ( Pole Grounds, New Yerk Sat., November 12th, at 2 P. M. All unit rrtiCMrd ut S4.30. llui eeiiit. (3.00 Sew en mile ut rrunklln Iltld und illmheU'. FOOTBALL rilll.AllKl.rillA IIAI.I, 1'AIIK ARMISTICE DAY MIVKMIIKK I1TII 'JiSO P M Philadelphia Quakers vs. Holmesburg Sents nn Hale New tO.NW U 's--li!Mlli:i.s-.',Al.niN(i9' I.WVI.EH" llnlniexImrK C.KVTHV nnd OTTO IViinkfnrd FOOTBALL NAVY vs. PENN STATE Saturday, Nev. 12, at 2 P. M. Reserved seats $2.00 and $1.50. Ne (.encrnl AUml.siiin. lmt Htmiil tltOicH nu.i nn sale nt I ruiiMIn I leld nml lilinlM National Billiard Academy Ne. II NOItTII I1TH STIII'I T ANDREW ST. JEAN 18-rr -old 1 rench Imy rllclble for M-erhl's till. Plays CHARLES HARMON I'll. Stllte l-erket llllll.lrd fllJiinil.,,, .1110 reint. Mifrnoen nnd liTriilin- 1III1AY M TO310KK0M Afteiiiimn, 3i:in Kfenlnc. H I', riling Mi 1 ! ! FOOTBALL ! I 1 Frankford Yellewjackels vs. Conshehockea BBOWN'8 FIKI.p TOMORROW, fltVI,. U DARTMOUTH TEAM feM3fflIrf3il!5I51 vjCnJRsVsaHSBflKIXQQUJiUtllBHiHllHi ;1 111 '! 'i m M j H M H a m m 1 4 i ! Ii s'l i m m f. A' 'A