'VS.n, J & .J-' ' .- r u EVENING PUBLIC LEDGErv-PHlLADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1921- A ?,, ft. Bf H 5.1 Wl III ffl' iff-- ? i ft I m i I gya CLOSE-UPS of the ll IIKNKY What a Merc Village IP YOU aic writing a llirllliuj: sppniirie anil fi rl t tint it vvmilil be w-rv ilnunn n te have n villnse tl"tre.rd. but lii'sitnie t put that in tin1 M-ripl fur fi-iir nT the expense, you can step nerrjitis rislit new ami writ- your i'iiu'ii' e w'h an caty mind. Fer u mere village doesn't nie.m .1 thing te the iniivir pmple am m"V - net thing. Hurry Millnrde has ju--t built one and ilelibnrutely ili'irnvi il n rv flood ever beyond Pert I.ee in New .U'n-e.v. I (nw one of the item's in the order that went into the l'n iiiiIie's mrpent r hop for tlie uenxtrurtiun of till" town. One item wa for l.'.il full - -ieil window. Figure It out at five or six window te the front of eaen lnu-e and J 011 inn get tome idea of tie size of the village they built. And then they turned loee the waters and iletrejid 11 liv an iiniliing flood, while the lightning 1 inev ic brand 1 tin-died and the howling winds (ditto movie brand) tore the leaves jnd small branches from the trees igrnuitic artiil'si. It didn't matter te them that there are no great iliu"- te hurst ncr he.end ' Fert l.ee. The script called for .1 dam, and thej didn't can- a iwhnt the seript called for), they just had te hue it. s(( they did. They built half a dozen huge tanks and re-emiirs and ran Iiih,p Irem tliem and built the town and filled the tanks and reserxeirs with water ami then ' one blaek, shhery cold night, while n let f us looked 011 and wished we wne, emcvvlicre (or had something) warm, the started the cranks, of the cameras. let loose their artificial storm and opened the gates te let the waters into the kiices. ' And what the onrushing stream did te these movie houses was eiictl thu thing that was pictured In the mind of the chap who wrote the scenario. . . . . .... . .1 t . . r .1 -...I I.,.,n ' J tic rain poured new 11 in torrents lrum uie mumiui mr s,,,,,..,,,. ,.,,. .1.,.. -. , the tornado howled like mad from the whirling propellers of a battery of wingless 1 xlrnlnnes nml the liffhtnine llusheil vhiill.v sunlight arc lamps. , y Of sir, the meiica have pet te the consider old Dame aturc viru it beautiful sunlit garden, cvtn though the blm I; rlnudit be lowering ecri -head, and we tun stage a terrifying typhoon though the moon be flooding the earth with silver and the stars be nlittinny in n iJii'I;Imi slni ion write what you want into your .scn'it they'll put it en for you. A XI) thev hnie n verv ilever way of this. tee. 1 de net kneii that they are going te de it in tlii- particular instance, but ordinarily the procedure would he like this: They would build their set outdoors and stage their storm nnd their Heed. Hut, of course, the could hardly produce artificially en full scale a Heed that would reach up te third-story windows and rage down through a willei and down a street like Niagara Palls. It has been done in the West, but it's the exception Per ordinary purposes wc would build in the studio an exact immature repro duction of the villuge. with its trees, houses and adjoining hillsides. We would set up our camera close lcw would exactly match the angle of view of the camera in the actual outdoor xillage. In this ,ij, you mp. the photographs taken outdoors miiiI in the "tmlie xieiHd exactly match We would also t-pt up cameras at bout this miniature xillage. in each use , , , . , Clese te it-that the photographic Units-- Then we would arrange the studio .....i 1 n...i,r.. n .... u,, oleetrle . , , . , . , that in which we had our battery of airplane prepell. rs outdoor-. With everything ready the whole miniature being in a lank of ceur-e - MC weuhl turn en the water anil start our W ith geed pressure from the city water mains, w.. would gel a -wirling. ragiliK. cicr-meunting torrent of waler pouring into the lillage It would gind ually cover the i-trccl. the front steps, ruili into the first llnei windows, mpple down 11 house here and there ami swirl ennl.l ...... mil il. linn, 1 hml i-eiicliei Then, later, in the cutting room we taken outdoors. and tin one taken In the studio Plrst we would use a let of the outdoor shift liec.iuse it weild haie people in it, We would confine eurbehef te this until it befan te leach an exciting pumt. Then we would deliberately nit in n bit of llie studio lilin. showing the waters rushing madly up te the first-fleer here and ih'-re of this bits taken from tareful net te have, any of them long enough le reieal the fact that it was a miniature set. These short bits changing iUiekly from one location te anelhi r, keep the fcpeetater's excitement keyed se high that he doesn't have time nor attention te give le detail.'!. It all seems a continuation of tlie scenes he saw with human beings in them. After a tew Hashes of tips studio stuff we mt in meie of the otildeor stud With characters in It, getting the action nnd hlgner. 80 we shift from outdoor te indoor scenes and build up a tremendous climax, ending In Hashes of the end of the Indoor shots showing tlie walirs madly vortex vertex Itig about the third-story xiindeww, with debris swirling about ami buildings mvept ilvvay in such a Heed as no bunion being could possibly live through. 1 Itut our here and heroine imibt live through this one. Se we go out te ionic fairly swift stream, have them swim down in front of the cameras, with the Heroine neiniess ami ine nere hvitiiiuuik . . .... 1 ...! 1.... S Insert Hashes of this among the ether Iilghly keyed up In Ms excitement, vveuiti almost swear 111111 11 an ioek place during that Heed that he saw beginning fil.SK'! Aef at all. 7 hut's geed, hem human psychology. I In object of the director i te give you the impression that Ihe hcie and Ji'et-aincmanaged te live through a terrible flood that destroyed theii rlWiuiL wWtJwtf, That's art, n IS. f' 7 cCie Daily Mevie Magazine .1 VILLAGE WAS BUILT AND FLOODED FOR A FILM MO VIE GAME M. NKKI- Among Mevie People? fieni the len-e of a couple et great m stage nun unc u c dun I Imir hi much. He run maAe a sniuiiu'c 111 increasing the illusion in such a euu te this miniature, se that the angli "I I in laneus locutions inrieiis corners am, placing them at such u disitiiice --e 1 1 i 1 (,,..i k., would leek nattnal Mr. lights te correspond te Ihe light- -sed fni, lii n twi.itieii leliitiielv the simie ns.leeks. and two. I believe, uen in hole I cameras and our storm its shattered debus abeut: nnd mi it ns-lilcli iis we wanted it would mat" h up the I110 lilin. the one windows. W'e would use mill a Hash different location. Hut we would i,(. faster and faster the excitement higher m-r mm iiiiiikiiik mi 111 snore, ami xie 1. ..... I. i.. ..!.... 1 .. . .. ... . stuff in such a way that the spectator, in the outdoor sei V Tyy rx, t,; ,,.. t (HI 1 1 tm i .. 7TTW77 W'W f.VMZ.Tb- -- jj.- .m Sjtv, ft&srf ar,- 4J " ?' '" , . IMMWIUJV :ay:- Aliiive is the ciuintry tirwu that Many Millnrde, l'e director, buill for 11 pli ttire. Nete the klieglightH peiclied en reefs uud ground. ISeleu is the same 1 illage after its "Heeding" began. Today 's elese-up aitiele tells nil about it 11 ILL CARLETON IS OTIIING IF NOT J FRY VERSA TJLE It CONSTAM !C lI,Mr.l Hollywood, t'alil. -j ; i.; ;n Will Carleton, wlm J s,( , ))0 M1 ,Hlp,,!lr j .tnsi. eiuedles, both iiiiisiimI and e'liu'vl-i Smile time age he Iniaded the films, and since dial time h.is Uei 11 lending inii'i fni ('lata Kimball Yeung and man: I ether stellar ladies, .lust new he is ic 'si,pi(irt of Wnmla Hawley. and be !feie tha'. by a few days. May Mac Amy . With the Inst named he im 'personated 11 iery dignified lliltish pcei - ami new he's ;i musicnl eet.icdy x)ct. v 1 tli loin; hair and Heman robes! Ver satile, eliV is 1 I'ligene It. Lewis, who hn seiueihing like .iJO produced motion plctuies te hw -Hi. is doing a story for Mary .Miles Mititci. He did the script for "The Little Clown" for the Identical lunii tin, and 'ise for "The Leve Special." villi Wall Keid and Agne.s Ay res. ml he's a darling, 0110 of the gentlest, most undent dears I ever knew. , During the het days last w rcl, peer j Herbert Ituwliiisen was at weik en 1 -fine strenuous scenes in a stuPy. 111111 i faitiired cine at the studio. With I11111 in his inisei 1 were Mnrjeile Dav and Anna I.ehr, ' icspeetiielv. leading woman ami heniy New . who wants te be a l.ieiie.' Ilarri Carey 's ecv pictuic. M1I1 N lll1B , i. 0t,i 'M in 10 : if net , ll iilling. They filmed a stun pede 0111 'n tlie Agoure rnnch the etliei d.n. en .. thpy twpnj ,.,, S(1I11 t,rm M0rP perched in trees and en 'dug 111 the ground, d'recth 111 the path , (f m, ,li,1,,111ln(r ,,.. The untie ( nf , aineianieu Is "(i't the piettin." ,,ni' 'hal iceaiis no matter xx lull he- iinngei' or wliat tne etistacie. 11 11 is 1 .Iiinianly pe-sible, and tlial doesn't al- e;w lorieneii ii-iwu.i, inc k-i '""" :', i?.i ." . ,: ' , heril. and barely miRsed being gored when h" get in front et tlie camera. It wc' oil- of these things written In 1 he iiinl .mil safety of n seenaue 1 'i 1 iti"-'s deu. "Hungry Hearts" abounds In char- ' acier types. Pact is. that's the picture The pers.ni win veuldn't be considered "charaeier" n Hussln, where Ihe sterv ' i' laid Is most decidedly diameter when 1 nlaied in llie ernnd old P. S. A. P. A. , nrreti plays Helen Pergusen's father., and In. ns Ins name sIiewh. tpiitc natie I theu'iht they'd Imported him for tin pirtiir"! Then I found out whx hi-' whiskers looked m natural. Mrs. Win ! leu gits up -it tlie clatter of dawn ami I helps him put them 011! Like the wise wife she is, sin arrangid long 'ige wim l.er husband that whenever she helpn1 'him -lie should rcei'lv one wish's m1 it iv of that engagement. Hut lit thi plciure ilieti tie se many whiskers thai slie vows she's going te get two week pay or die In 'ie attempt! I'll say she deserves it ' lieuvenietii' Merris has a stei 1 up pearing in one of the big ti!iiga.liiis about which he tells something nitn esllng. He was watching the work 01 te llie set vvlitle "llie .ee et Hearts w 11 ,,,,,,. .... ii, I.,,,. .,,, i,..i ,,. . jf .. ri.meniber. One afliriioen hediew ,. Meri is -iiide and told him the stm whhli later developed into llie la'e you may rend. lie felt that Mr. Mertis wiis the one mail who could write it, rnd had been waiting an opportunity ' tell It te him. Tlie name ..( It , "(iroet'K Mucew," w If you're Inter ested, leek for II 1 '1 A.. . vj y lS! ENGLISH LAWS GIVE TROUBLE TO V. S. DIRECTORS , Qe.Mi: ier.1 O letter of I',n lice disiincilens in the nglisli law are te he met with In American motion-picture direc tors doing location shots in ami around Londen. At least that it the experience of Jehn S Knheitsen and (Jcerge Pit,, maiiricc, who are there making "Leie's lioemerang" and "Three Live Ghosts." Per instnnee, there is nothing te prc x lit a ineving-pii ture company setting up a camera in a public paik, but it is distinctly illegal te use it in conjunc tion with a meilng-plcture actor. Therefore, if a director lias set his heart 011 getting a geed shot of. say, Hde Park, witii a cerrectl) sllk-hatled niorniitg-eeateil gentleman strolling through it. say. for the sake of argu ment, unobtrusively pushing a b.iby eaiuage, naturally' a certain degree of strategy in securing his shot must be resorted te. H i: DOPS it thih wise. ! J-x II is camera is set tip, remninuding a line view of the Albert Memerial and uii adjacent walk. Te all intents ami purpose. ic h inspired by the Inexplic able ambition of securing a photograph of llie most inartistic monument in Kng land. His caiueraman stnris craukliig. Pliexpectedly, of course, a gentle man with a baby carriage drifts guile lcs.sl into the picture. The dli color slieuts and waxes liis arms 111 a frenzied efTiut te induce the geiitlcinan te re re re inoie himself from the camera's range of vision, hut the gentleman is either hard of hearing or tee dense te get the director's meaning. Then it suddenly occurs te the latter that tlie camera, bus been cranking dur ing the entire episode, entailing no ex pensive waste of film. After telling the gentleman with the liaby-cnrriage e- M,lllls Iitti,. P0(iieniv en the absent aein wniii iii' iiiiiiks. me director ex- j niindeil cauieramnn. And the eameramnn gees cheerfully back le the studio with a record of the whole incident, while the director de mutl hepcH there won't hnie te be a retake. Yeung Star in "eii Film UxtlM&vft tLLLLH' iiiH, 1 WftK: 'W?f-; -BSP": f t f,wmyf7VfrftVMttfMttffri m, t. it , "& Miriam ItaliiMa. teu-vcai' old pic lure si, n who appcnriil in ' ilu in ireMpie ' nla 1111 1 " ' relu in William Christy ('nliiiiinc'u new pioduitieii. Ey fc' l Heu) I Became A Mede Star As Told te . Inez KLutipn What Has Already Happened Dorethy Lanr, a mall-tetcn girl, ambitious te bcqpmc a screen tthr, visits the studies ichile en n trip te AVm Yerk. She meets Lawrence French, a press aprnt, who becomes interested in her and secures for her an important part playing opposite Jehn Seward, a famous screen star. While en location at Cape Ced, Seward asks her te marry him. She refuses him and returns te AV10 I'erfc, realising that she loves Lawrence French. Dorethy meets Eikhern, a big producer, who engages her for an important role. She gees te dinner icith Lawrence French. "T'VE had two extra chairs put at our 'I table." fdic snid gnyly. "U's fiieh nepn since I'vn hppe f.nrrv flint tl Dimply must have a geed visit with him. We were childhood sweethearts, you knew. And this is mv rtnly ejiancc T(n sailing for Ktiglaml tomorrow," ehc explained te tne. Well, there wa.sn't anything te tle but join her, of cetirKP. I would hnve given anything net te nnd Lawrence did start te make excuses, but neither of tis had sense enough te say that we weic leaving right away, and that was the only thing that would haxe saved us, Se we t-at down at the ether tabic, with Lawrence next Pric'il1a. nnd she promptly began te monopolize him and make things uncomfortable for me. "Larry says you're an actress, Miss Lane," she cried, after she'd been talk ing with him for a few moments, and I'd been listening te the man next me while he raved against prohibition. "Iteally. are you? Hew interesting it must be! De tell me just xvhat you de." I began te de no, of course, but in a moment I saw that she wasn't listen ing te me at all ; she was just saying, "Oh, yes," occasionally, and making eyes at Larry. Se I stepped talking. Hut she didn't seem te notice, and Lawrence was looking at her and laugh ing at some funny little thing she said. I leaned back in my chair, feeling terribly out of things. When I first t'lime from home I'd have known hew te talk te these people, but new I'd been with just motion-picture people for se long, and se completely absorbed In my work that I didn't feel at ease with outsiders at all. X wished that I could go home. Ami then two men came in and sat down at the table next ours, nnd I heard one of them exclaim: "Well, just leek at our little neighbor." I turned around, trjintr te nlace the voice, which was very familiar. And Mr. Kikhern rose and bowed te me, with a little smile that made me feel terribly uncomfortable-. I was afraid at first that he would be angry because I had deceived him and let him think that I was going home te re-t. but a moment later he sent Jack Cibbs ever te ask me if I wouldn't join them. Lawrence looked at him Pi niuazeiiieiit as (Hbbs. after I had in troduced him. delivered his mesMige. "I'll come nt once." I said; rising. "It's a matter of business," I ex plained te flic ethers, "and, of course, I must accept." "Dorethy just a moment " Lawrence had risen as I did. but I turned awuy and followed CJibbs ever te tlie ether table. I felt n little angry nt Lawrence, somehew: Im needn't have acted se devoted te Priscilla Graves. 1 ins would be a geed lessen for him, I decided. Mr. Kikhern was awfully nice, though he teased me 11 little about net accepting his-mvltatlen. "Of course you prefer the veung men, he laughed, as he took a flask i from his pocket anil poured some whlskvi into the ginger ale he had ordered for me. "Oh. well. I don't mind when there nre three young men if von hnd been dining alone with just one I should he angry but there is safety in num beis. ' I did wish he wouldn't be personal I couldn't see why he should care what I did outside working hours. And I wished, tee. that he hadn't spoiled 111 ginger ale, and snid se. "Yeu don't drink?" lie exclaimed in amazement. "Ah. well, it is better se, of course. Hut I didn't knew there was a girl In New Yerk any mere who dldn t tnke whatever came her way in that line. New, shall we talk busi ness" He went en then and told me what he wanted me te de. It was reallv a wonderful contract that he was offering me. It was te 1 im three years. If I made geed in the first picture T was te work in for him. In that I would have a very goetl role; there would be two lending ladles, and 1 was te be one of them. My clothes would be furnished, and most of my expenses paid, as we would de very little work at the studio In New lerk, but weuhl he out en location most of tlie time. And the size of mv salary simply took my lireatli away. 1 was te get five hundred dollars a week! It seemed simply incredible. I just sHt there ami stared nt the table, net daring le lift m.v eyes for fear I'd find that I had just Imagined that Mr. Kik Kik eorn was there, after all. "Well, hew about It? Ih it a go?" he asked, as I didn't answer. "Will veu come ever in the morning and sign?'' "I d sign tonight If you hnd the eon tract here," 1 answered, ami mv voice sounded strange and husky te me, as if It had belonged te some one else. I could hardly tnlk. "That's the way te talk that's what I wanted te hear:" he cried, rubbing his hands together njid laughing. "I'd have brought It along if I'd supposed you were te be here, that's vertain. Hut tomorrow will huve te de tomorrow in tip office at shall we say Im,' pa-t eleven, and then we can have luncheon together iiTterward, nnd you can meet the girl who'll play with you." "And xvhe's the man the star, I mean?" I asked. "Well, we're dickering for him," Lihl'ern answered. "I hadn't thought of engaging him until early this after noon, when fiililm told me hew well you -anti he worked together. Hut I think I'll get him, If things work out the way they're going new. If they de you'll be playing with Jehn Seward again. I'rettv nice, eh'"" Jehn Seward '. The one mnn in the motion-picture world thnt I weuUr hove preferred net te piny with. "And new let's have a dance- siU we?" Kikhern went en. Oh, hew I wanted te refuse! I didn't feel as if I could possibly dnncn with that big, fat, unpleasant-looking man. I tried te tell myself net te be n perfect feel, and te think of all the girls I knew who'd .1.110 given anything te be In my place, .mil te remember that It wasn't hit) fault that he looked the way he did. And se I get up mill led the way te the dnneln- lloer, and If I could have sprained uiv ankle en the way rtr been overtaken by some, ether disaster I'd have been per fectly hnpii. Te lie Continued 'pnmprrexT F ROOFING MATKHIAI.S Mnmifnrtiirrd by I I). IIKIKIKU CO,, BD N 2I STKKKT Main 8714 Mnrkrt 03(1 1 Makes Curls or "Ear Muffs" Stay in Place Yeu will h clad te learn that you can lifep your hair beautifully wavy anil curiy 1' ualnir ft perfectly harmlesa II.11M IfiiAtvn In ririiirslata am "jlllmer Ine,." Yeu neul only apply 11 little with" a clean loom nruan jusi ixiere oeinE up the hair, and In thri hours or e you will he most anreeably aurprleeil with the effect. And this effect laeta for quite a conalderable time, ae n atnall bottle bops a Ions way and la quite economical te uae. Pure allmerlne la really beneficial te the hair nnd ttiere Is no ureaalneaa, atlcklneas nor anvthlnc unpleasant about It. It la a Reed deA te divide the hair Inte ntranda nnd inelaten three one at a time, drawlne the brunli -down the full Icnirth. With the aid of liquid allmerlne It la eaay te ahape the pretlleit "ear murfa" and eaey te keep fiern aa placed all day. Juat try It! 1rfw. 1 Mr3SsiRxlliii4iJyv P, LADIES' DEPARTMENT iVn. ePfcA-lALIZL T T original arc niOTOPI.AYS COMPANY . All K '-'"'. Merris I'',,,3u!!,t,,Ai0 Alhambra Mn, n,,ii, t 2 r.vus :4e HUPKIIT Illtill KS V "Dangerous Curve Ahead ALLEGHENY V;TJ WILLIAM S. HART In "TllllKrWOiy'-J''''1?- APOLLO M.mi' i.mi.y CHARLES RAY t jrn.r me v; s--rvtiT cinisTM'T He) kith ARCADIA clTvt.ii.np. m. lllSSr.1,1. MMI'HON In "Bunty Pulls the Slruig" Te-TrY riiANifi.tN & uiiiAiin am: ASTOR MATtNKi: DAILY M.ISTAH I'AST In "GOOD ANDJVIL i- a 1 T-'uvtrMJC MST & UAI.TIMOIlk BALTIMOKL P -, n... ., m; Constance Talmadge, Mamma 5 A Fair f'OMI'.nV-'TUIIlAY TJ1H 13TII" fTPCirT)TiTANn woem.vMi avi: BENN MATINUi: DAILY THOMAS MEIGHAN In "CAfl'V !IH'KS" pr,, irninn Tiread f. HuquelinniiR BLUEBIKU "..nln mil- ! UMll ' ETHEL CLAYTON in 'Beyond' CHAKMF, niAi-LiN. "Tin, tni.n 1 i.asm- BROADWAY "-t'iVm' BETTY COMPSON In "AT Till'. KSI) erTIIBWOJt A niTVi 7 MAHKl'.r PT CAP! lOL ill .V. M . ill,", 1". M EUGENb U'BKitiN "IS I.IKK VAOUTII I.IVINI1?" colonial M. tM""'rr? $1 WILLIAM S. HART In "TlinKB-WpKII IIKANIJ DARBY THEATRE VIOLA DANA jii."Tiir, oi'i'-hiiejti: nu.vi vr CIVIDDCCQ MAIN bT MANAVUNK LIVlrlvteJ MATINiei' llVll.Y THOMAS MEIGHAN I11 'TAIM'V KICKS" faTrmeunt j;rK BOKAI.DINO "nil STAI HT IIIII.Mr.S 'PASSION FRUIT" ffAlvTrrv tiii;atiu; 1:111 MTrkft ST rAlVllL.1 ra m te miumeiit ELSIE FERGUSON iiJ'l'nOTI,IOHTS C?TUi QT TriEATKI -Hulevv H7fuce DO HI Oli MATIN'IIU DAILY MARGUERITE CLARK ln JW'KAMIH.KII UIYKK FfhRC OtwrMAItKLT T" ' ULWDL ; in n,t n au , . (iOlVKKNKl It MtlltlllS' !A Tale of Twe Worlds" GRANT ;- Syn m ; F.thrl Clavton in "Bevnnrl" Ethrl Clayten in "Bevenrl" LIIAltLIU CHAPJJN In 'I III! .) CM8S l t' w-1.' !5sp$rI m Cuticura Seap The Velvet Touch Fer the Skin Sp,0(tmnt.Ttram, rttrrwliwj.rernjitilM luMrMti OtUtvt lUnUt J1X, MiUu, Km. Office amid BankSmipplnes Catbs: JaiMLeiTipairiy J)29 Market Street I Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET in things for ladies and misses for ladies and rr JW My I'V'i'.l'iilMiMM II II mrrir-d . l. " ' H the best te be had and at reasena HUDDERSFIELD FABRICS English Tweeds nnd fleecei from Hudderafield in SUITS, COATS nnd CAPES in original models. The fabrics are confined te us. WAISTS AND SHIRTS Plain tailored nnd made in our custom-shirt work rooms ready-te-wear or made-te-order. SPORT HOSIERY Special importations of Scotch and English Hosiery and dependable qualities in silk, lisle, etc. LA GRECQUE UNDERWEAR Tailored te fit Silk and cotton fabrics that expressly appeal te the woman who believes quality is always true economy. TAILORED HATS Ne, net regular hats but the unusual kinds and all of confined styles, THE DIXVILLE DRESS A one-piece Dress of a fine knitted wool fabric that combines style with serviceability. This fabric is sold by us exclusively in this city. GLOVES The mannish-made kind that have their own style; washable fabric gloves also standard makes. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET I'HOTOn.ATS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. 3REAT NORTHERN re?,!,.rIMe BEBE DANIELS In "Till". MT.I'.II (JIUI," HVIPRRIAl ,I,IT" WALNUT STH uvii 4ixi-i, vr,,,, 1: in hm-h. 7 t u CHARLES RAY '' "MXI'.TF.KN AMI 'l I M.MS' KARI TOM CHKSTNl'T A huve IIHOAD lniLlUIHi,,-. 10 , M te 11.13 1'. M. AI.USTAK CAST In "SNOW BLIND" Lehigh Palace Ucrma",rre THOMAS MEIGHAN In 't'AI'I'Y Kit KSJ1 I IRFRTY ,",0A1 "celi'mhia'av: iiui.rv.i 1 Mvnsr.i: nvnv CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "Till: SIliN ON Till! IMKIIt OVER"BROOl:lriTTXvi7ui75TTb ETHEL CLAYTON In "Wiai.TH" PAI AfF J-H MAIIKUT SrilKKf I rL-VIw f A N, f) n (. lt M ELSIE FERGUSON J"L"i'a" "UMINIIS" nniMrrpn tniR maiik-i t .ri-'r,i: riMlNVCOD s :it a M. in 11 1.-, fir VIOLA DANA injrjj'n?rsjr j'atk REGENT SI ,u5rKT ST" iw ii'nt i,ivinnu"i ','" " v- SI 'DANGEROUS LIES M RIA1 TO UHHMANTOWN AVI3NUE linuiv-l ,vT I't'i iKliii'Ki;v ST. CHARLES RAY In "HfKAf IKON" RUBY MAltKLT ST IILLOW 7TH in A VI 11. 11 ir. i i lll.K.N W1IITIJ In ' "THF. TRIPI P r IIP" IKIfLE CLUE" TiTT-MAituiTf-sTTtnin ?Anv w '"' M In . US'tuilT .MKS I1MVKH t'UKHOOll'S "THE GOLDEN SNARE" SHERWOOD MV,Vr "alV'' a3ve MARGUERITE CLARK In "St KAMIIMTIMVIVKH" STANI FY MAitKhf .w"rtTrir POLA NEGRI In "ONB AltAIIIANMliHTJ' STANTON w'M. X'"K nT Almve 1UT1I J I -IN I WIX in )-, A t t (i j, AVII.LIAM I'OX'M WOMIBKI'l,.V OVER THE HILL" 333 MARKEW'y5!?"" WILLIAM S. HART Jn"TmH!!',nlll IHIMi VICTORIA M.),,;p TM ?v ' ,lclJl'" t.xsr in ' M "UU i UK THE DUST" j RIALTO, WEST CHESTER TunmiAc MRinmi THOMAS MEIGHAN in "f'APPX RICUS" 7? ., UNSWECTEUtt) 4 svaperated f vH CeulIi I With Ihe TO cream Cazifi I left . in' ' ; J llii'VJiLU'l'UJ.i.WJ.LWJltUi.ttJiiiuu! i,.jlil c that arc unusual and reasonable prices, Weel J I'HOTCU'LATB IQTheNlXONRDLiNCEpm BELMONT C2D AII0V1J MA11KET "iv-'iil if ,., ni( UM g u p y SESS.UE HAYAKAWA In "IILACK nONIM" CEDAR 00T1I . CUUAIt AVEMJE 1 !ll unH 1- 1 ..J It ETHEL CLAYTON In "III'.iO.mi" V-OLISEUM Atjn' liet nim k m MADGE KENNEDY '" ".1IAUY nr, CARKFl'L" JUMBO KKONT ST Jumbo June 1 OiltAIlD AYR. en 1'riiikferit "t," MARY MILES MINTER In "Till! MTTI.K t'UllVN" LLADFR 1BT LANCASTUn AV . i-it aiativi-ii- hhv "AIII5I. Iiam.in jl ivymiiiam standinO 1 "THE JOURNEY'S END" ! LOCUST r,2I AND locust ktiibem : uUOIt nan. ann. i:,, .1.10 tell : PAULINE FREDERICK In "Till; HTINfl or Till! MNII" NIXON -U AND MVIlKIJr STS. lMAU1N 2-1.1, 7 -ni SMILING BILLY MASON In "IT MlfillT IIAI'fKN TO 10L" RIVni F r,2D AND SANSOM BTS. . I n i "tV' VM ! i-ul,iine. einr In "Till! VOIMIOTT1SN WOMAN" STRAND UKIt.MANTOWN AVR AT VU.NANWl STIIHB WILLIAM S. HART In "TIIKI!B-VOUI HKA.M'" AT OTHER THEATRES TRES I T. O. AJ MEMBERS OF M. P. GB510 Oirniantewn Av ermantewnvATiNRi: daily Bert Lytell in "This Man Who MONTY HANKS In "THI! (Hll.l BU" JE?FRSONlrlI,,snuAp.'''nvM, Nmti r'lin.niiii. in "COURAGE" PARK ,,., .' : !H! PUP ST Mill '- IS 1" k .t " " MAY MAVOY In "1111! THUTII aiieut iit'snfXn . tOHtAMt r J; i V ,1V rf- " waflB nn