J'. V a- "i- 4 " I' r J . EVENING PUBLIC LlSDaEKr-PHILABELHIA, FRIDAY, NO VEMBEE , ll, 1921 11 JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE iVaicy Wynne Speaks of the Illness of Miss Henrietta Ely. Twe Debutante Affairs te Be Given Today. Russian Bazaar for Exiles I WAS sorry te hcnr yesterday of the severe Illness of Mlfcs Henrietta Ely In rrnRtie. She went nbrentl innt inly and has been doing line things there litlpln ,n reVct work. A cable reached Jhli city en Wednesday tinneuneinff her fitremc P'nrM. nnrl I hear that her two ridtcrs MIps Op'tnitle Elv and Mrs. Leuis Tiffany, wll' sail en Saturday te rn le her as seen in possible. It was the first eaKsnge thev could eet and It will tnke several we'eks te feacli lliliemln. I de hope she wl'l Itn Itn nreve before that time. It must be ter rible te be ije 111 away from home und anions htraneerH, no matter hew kind the strangers are. Pnni'AKATIONS for the reception of Marshal Fech arc going en upaee. Yeu knew he in te conic t this citv en the leth of the month, tlmt Is neit Tnculay. And there is le be a ereat standing parade, such u.8 was held tflien Cardinal Dougherty returned from Reme last April, and as en a few Fnndavs age, when a great standing pa rade was he'd In honor of America's dead in the g-cat wflr. AH the various patriotic societies and nstoclatlens wl'l turn out In force, for every one wants te see the gcneralls gcneralls fime. The Emergency Aid member? luvc all received netlccn asking that they wear their uniforms and meet nt headquarters at 1 o'clock te march from there te their p'ace In the line. Mrs. Illllln Warden Is marshal of the Emergency Aid. Then the Women's Overseas region will, of course, take part In this event, and the Scouts and ever se many ethers, and altogether It is going te he most exciting. And it Is fitting that It should h? se. Marshal Fech Is n great man, and we run clud te acknowledge his greatness and te jvelcome him here. , THERE nre two debutante partieu rcbeduled for today the Henry 1 Mlehells dance In the evcnlng and Marian Denaghue's tea this afternoon at the Acorn Club. There nre a number of dinners before the MIchcll dance, and altogether It's going te be n gay and busy day. It's n general holiday, of course, because It Is Armlstlce Day, and has been declared n national holi day by the President, se I am aure both affaira will be Gnt crush.es.- II1EAR tbcre'H going te be a won derful Russian bazaar nt the Emer gency Aid en the 30th of Noc ib.-r and December 1. It's te be given under the uusplces of the I'riucces Cantacuzpne Committee of the Emer gency Aid and I hear It's something entirely novel In the way of a fair that has been planned. The atmosphere of Russia Is te prevail, coffee will be fcrved from Fasten coffeepots and the samovar will be much in evidence for tea. There will be specimens of RuFslau work, needlework, pcreenu' apparel, enameled boxes and even tnv and dnl's which have been made an ' droned bv Russian exiles. Mr. William H. Denncr will bav the I'Kirette department and a num ber of pretty nldes In Ttinslun coUtime. Including Mrs. Denncr's own daughter, Dorethy Redgers, will scl' the smokers' lellghts. Mrs. Seymour Davis rI hove the Moscow boxes, Mrs. Webster Fex nnd Mrs. J. Bertram Lipnlncett will have a table for dresses and bags' whl'e Mrs. Jee I.cldy, Mrn. Stan e Flugg, Jr.. and the Ceuntesa Santa En n In wl'l hive the jewelry fans an t tr"Mt-e, Mies Klnlse Dlrkcy an ' Mrs. Wilbur Paddock Klanp will have Russian candles and Mra, Hareld tliilingliain and Mrs. Charles Prlce Maule, bric-a-brac and ch nn. Mrs. (leorge Eerltncr, who Is chair man of the Princess Cantainrnp Committee. Is In charge of the affair, mil the Princess will come up f.e.n WtiMi'ngten for one If net both days of he fair. AUNT VIOLET was married laat week, nnd Elsie, who is fend of long words, of course had te go te the wedding. E'sie is quite nn old g'rl die's a much ns four, but you f.c even theuch that great nge had been attained, she had never seen a beautlfu' 'ride before. We'l. they put her at the very end of 'he pew se she could see her nunt plainly nnd she was br quiet ns n mouse during the ccemenv and untl' Aunt VI 'lid the new iinc'c nnd passed down the aisle and then she tried te find words te express her thoughts nnd said she1 "Whv she 'oeked se whv she loekcl se she looked se familiar." NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES MIm Lucrctla S. Hcctischer, 2d, dauirli tr of Mr, and' Mrs. Htevena HecUerlier. of 20U Dn Lnncey place nnd Strafford, w'll entertain tomorrow ut a theatre narty followed tea at the Kltr-Cnrl-ten. In honor of Miss Allce D. Benedict lebutnnte daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob Reb ert H. Benedict, of the Corners. Devcrn. The suesta will lnclude Miss Vlrclntn Heckvcher, Mlsi Annabella B. Weed. Miss Sarah Legan Starr. Mlsa Dorethy n. Hedgers and Mlas Virginia de Morat Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Martin "Williams, of 201C "Walnut trtrcet, will entertain at i theatre party te ba followed by a supper ut the Hltz-Carlten en Monday ivi-nlnp, November 23, In honeT of their niece, MIhi Harming Orange, daufthter of Mr. and Mrs. William Drayten aranRO. Mr. und Mrs. Grange have Is sued Invitations for w tea te be given at the Wellington te present their daugtn -r en ThanUaelvine afternoon. No Ne No vcmber 14. Mra. William du Pent, of Wllmlng Wllmlng len. has Issued Invitations for a dinner te be gven at her home en Fnlny eve nine. November 20, before the dance te hi fflvn by Mr. and Mrs. P'erre 8. du Pent at their home, Longwood, Kcnnctt . Pa., In honor of Miss Vlctorlne B du Pent, Miss Margnretta, du Pent ind Mlsa P.uillne du Pent. Mr. and Mrs. William II. Denner. of 14 Peuth eighteenth street, will enter aln ut dinner this even'ng In honor of heir daughter, M'ss Dorethy 13. Rod Red ers, befere the Mlchell dance. Mis Frances Sullivan, of the Woedr, Radner, will net as hostess at the tea fn flA ..It, A, n .t& T)fA 4-H..1. ,d,J T if v- hu a.w.. ui Vila film ,IUU, IDil JUUll I rei Birnii en riaay aiternoen. we-i cmuer ie, irem tau, until o'cieck. Irs. Andrew Wright Crawford la torn tern torn erary president of the club. Mr, and Mrs. Paul V. Sutro. of Ger Ger riantewn, announce the engegenmnt of their daughter, Miss Emily Klrkman lutre, te Mr. J. Leuis Londcnberger. son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charies II. Lun denberger, Jr., also of Germnntewn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Sydney L. Wrleht en tertained at a areall Informal dinner last night at their home, 129 Carpenter lane Jermntitewn. Cevers were laid for eight guestn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wright will en ertaln at a family dinner at their home )n Thanksgiving Day. Among the guests who will attend the theatre party, te be followed by tea at the Pellevue-Stratferd, te be given by Mian Saleme Vane Heullnga, debutanti daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H Ueullngs, of 908 Seuth Ferty-e'ghth itreet, In honor of Ml is Nancy D. Little, lebutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton Little, of the Orchnrd Strafford, erf Wednesday afternoon. No vember 16, will be Miss Sara H. Bally M ss Cernolla Sheppard Rankin, Mis' Henrietta Frltr. Miss Amello buneut Selxea and Miss Ellen Whltmer. Mlaa Corinth Tracy, of Wllllamstewn. of Mlsa Careline D. Nixon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herace- F. Nixon, of 2203 Walnut street, for a few daya. Bhfe jame te attend the tea te be given this ft"10" y Mr. nnd Mrs. Nixon at 5i1m5 present te society tbelr daughter, Miss Mary L. Nixon. .iMr .n,?tl Mr"- Adam S. Cenwav and .vt Ism Al en Kiniiiimvnn.1. s.SL:.. will .attend the Navy-State football game en Saturday aa the guesta of Lieutenant Commander Geerge P. Shields, U. S. N. Mr. antl Mrs, ICarl Dedgo and their .amlly nre occupying their new house it Ambler. Mr. ItOV HnrrtmvA. ,. 0 if. f i.'?:.iBllvSr'n Al Ue91niy'". of City Line. v.niw,n, niiii win oe marrieu te miss Miugaret U. CurtK daughter of Mr" and Aim. Wn -,. it r.i-i reta -A. 1 reiid Ovorbroek, en Wedneadny. Nevern- ... .,, , ..mcriuin ni tisners at din ner en baturday, November 19, ut the Cedar Park Driving Club. NORTH PHILADELPHIA ,,JSr-Jlnd JU3, Abraham Jamluen. of : North FranUlIn street, announce the betrothal of their daughter. Mlsa Lillian Fay Jamleoe, te Mr. Maurlcq J. Sheer, of thla city. gagement of Mlsa Jessamine Halle, of t-aiiiiuiKiuii, nv una Mr. Leenard D aia.ef F?at Jl.,ver- JI- Bn of Mr. nnd Mrs. Moe Gels, of 1901 Erle avenue, n.T.li"',-!?.,1, Stephena and her daughter. Mlsa Hilda Stephena. of Thirteenth and Jeffersen ptroets, will entertain the membcra of their sewing circle at their home en Tuesday afternoon of next This Stere Will Open at 12.15 Today Geerge Allen, inc. 1214-Chestnut Street1214 Pay Us a Week-End Visit You'll surely find thu hat yeu've been looking for amenpc these ALLEN'S HATS of Felt, Velvet and Duvetync. There's no end te the charming: shapes, colors and styles. $7, $8.50, $10 and $12 Spert Hats of English Suede Ten Celers $8.00 DON'T FORGET OUR AUTUMN SALE of Hosiery, Underwear art 6. Gloves Entire titecfc famous Harvard Mills Underwear at 20 off. Women's Allendale Union Suits. Recrular sizes, 2,00; usuallv $3.00. Extra sizes, $2.25 usunlly $3.25. Vanity Fair Silk Underwear at remarkable reductions. Stockings Full-Fashioned Silk Hosiery. Kepular $4.00 quality at $2.00 a pair. Seme of these ure very sliphtly ir'-ecular. Stunitinp; SpertH Effects in Weel and Silk-and-Weel nt $1.35 and 52.00 u puir. Were $2.25, $3.00 and $3.50. Gloves Entire Line of Trefeusse French Kid Gloves, including the Dorethy Overscan) 2-clasp style, at $2.50 u pair. Usunlly $3.25. The well-known P. K. Kid Gloves at $2.75 a pair. Wcre $3.C0. Genuine Arabian Gray Mecha Gloves. Usually $3.50, at $2.50 a pair. I Fine WalkinR Gloves of Imported Cape Leather. One clasp nt $?.85, usually $3.50. Same quality in strap wrist at $4.50 and 12-button length at $5.00. Full line of Natural Chamois Gloves. Children's Gloves in Kid, Woolen, Mecha, Duplex Fabric, greatly reduced. As Smart as They Can Be! French Handkerchiefs for Men. Woven colored borders of beautiful printed designs. All of the finest spun linen. Match less variety. Get him bemu te sport at Christmas. $1.00, $1.23, $1.50, $1.75 each. French Handkerchiefs for Women of daintily colored linen with hand-drawn squares. Quaint Delly Varden effects. Snappy futuristic borders. Fresh white, de'icately edged with color. Hand rolled and hemstitched. 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 each. Fragrant Face Powder Cety'h L'Orignn nt G9c a box. War tax of 3c. All colors. A Net for Neatness Allen's French Hair Nets, $1.00 a Dezen These Hair Nets in both cap nnd straight shapes are fameua the country ever for dependability. Every net guaranteed perfect or cht erfully replaced. If you hnve net used Allen's French Hair Nets, Bend us 10c for a sample or Ask the Women Who Wear Them MISS EDITH S. GARRETT BRIDE OF MR. H. H. BERRY Marrlage Will Take Place at Over brook This Evening An nttractlve weddlntr will take placa this evenlnsr at 8 o'clock In tne Memo Meme rial Church of St. Paul, Overhroek, when Mls Hdlth Stanley Oarretl, of 816 North Sixty-third etreet, will be come the bride of Mr. Hemer Hen dricks Uerry, eon of Collector of the Pert William II. Berry, of Cheater. The ceremony will be performed by the nev. Dr. Itebert Norwood, and will be fol lowed by a rccept'en at the Phllo Phlle Phllo muelan Club, fortieth nnd Walnut ntreets. The bride, who will be nlven In mar riage bv her father, Mr. Lewla M. Gar rett, will be attired In n gown of hand hand embreldcrcd net ever whlte satin, with a tulle veil arranged in coronet faahlen and fastened with orange blossoms. She will carry n shower bouquet of white roses, white orchids nnd lilies of the valley. Mrs. William B. McClenn 'nn. Jr., will attend her as matron of honor. Mr. William Ward, 3d, wilt act aa best man. The ushera will Include Mr. Henry A. Woodruff, Jr., Mr. nebert Qnntert, Mr. Frank CJaskhlll and Mr. Paul B. Berry, of Chester, brother of the bridegroom. , After an extenslve wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Berry will live at 816 .North Sixty-third otreet LIKENS BARNIIART An attractive weddlnir took place yen tcrday when Miss Helen l. Barnhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William O. Barnhart, of 43S Premten atrcet. be be bo came the brtde of Mr. Frank B. I.lkcna, of this city. The Itev. T. 13. Winter performed the ceremony. The hrlde was given In marriage by her father. The bridesmaids were MIhs Jessie N. Thompson and Mlsa Helen K Likens, while Mr. Clarence C. Leibfrcld acted ns best man. Upen their rrtum from n wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Likens will be nt home nfter December 1 at Semen Point. N. J. YARDLEY Mrs. William Burns, of Neble, und Mrs. Sarah Tayler; of Philadelphia, ero irucste of Mrs. Rebert W. Welch. Dr. It. Linn Jtnssett and his daughter MIeu Careline Baesctt, ero tipundluit a few dayn In Washington. Mr. and Mre. Itebert C. Belvllle and Mr. Rebert C. Belvllle, 3d, will upend the winter In Trenten. Mr. and Mrs. Thomae Cooper, the Rev. and Mrs. El we II Lake and Mr Randelph Lake, of Leng Branch, have been visiting Mr and Mre. William Applegate. Mr. Virgil Kauffman. of Parkcuburg spent n. few days this week nt his home here. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Llotitenant and Mrs.-1. C. Shute, efj 2B04 Seuth Garnet etreet, will entertain ever the week-end as their guests Com mander and Mrs. Francis M,- lloblntieri and Commander nnd Mrs Ldwlli A. Wollesen, of Annnpells, Md. The Epiphany Naval Battalion. Eleventh and Jacksen streets, will en en tertaln at a card party and dance thla evening In the Knights of Columbus Hall, Thirty-eighth and Market streets, Among these en the cemmltee are Miss Qruyce Bozarth, Mrs. N. Creary, Mrs. Frederick Zalsa. Mr. Rebert Fitzgerald, Mr. Patrick J. McQrath, Mr. Xrcdcrlck Zalss and Mr. B. Sullivan. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Keating, of 2209 Seuth Chadwlck street, gave n blrthdaj party In honor of their daughter. Mies Betty Keating, en' Sunday evening Among the guests present were Miss Frances Lafterty. Miss Catharine V II son, Miss Franeen Lembard, Miss Anna May Martin, Master Jack Lembard, Mnster Jehn Ward nnd MaBter 1 nemas Ward. Mine Louise Hemer AT THE METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE , Tues. Evg., Nev. 15th 8:30 P. M. Ticket!, en bU at WVymnnn & Sen's. 1108 Chestnut Kt., und the Motrerollton. M-end nnd l'ew'ar St, vjl A BONWIT TELLER & 7AeJpecictty JIwp ofOriinatlew CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Arranged for Saturday An Exceptional Ou'ering MISSES' DRESSES, ALDINE JTm. THEATRE CUKRTNCT AT NINCTKKNTII KT. Direction Fred D. and M. E. Felt ronllniieun Sliewln 11 A. M. le It P. M. An Epoch in the Theatrical Life of Philadelphia World's Most Beautiful Theatre Cpens Today AT 11 A.M. WITH THE FILM SENSATION OF YEARS DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN m&Qr W$Sm kH SUITS, COATS & WRAPS I : Blli HOLMES Daytime and Dinner Frecks 38.00 and 48.00 Regularly 58.00 te 89.50 At 38.00 S"t an J Daytime Frecks of Canten Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Peiret Twill and Velveteen. Light and dark shades. At 48.00 Attractively embroidered Daytime and Dinner Dresses of Canten Crepe, Velveteen, Crepe dc Chine and Peiret Twill. Tailleur and Sports Suits 38.00 48.00 Regularly 59 JO te 89.50 At 38.00 Smart tailIciir Suits of Xt 48.00 Costume Suits of Mocha Mecha Duvet de Laine, Velour dc Lainc and , . n., . , T . -checked Velours. Pcau dc Cygne lined. tcx.and D,u;ct dc La.ne-Sperts buit, Seme fur trimmed. of imported Tweed. Fur trimmed. TheThree Musketeers A million-dollar production of the rrentrst nevl of e'l time. Mr. ralrlmnk an D'Artnunnn nhlni; a stera of duel., malilnc d-tip.'r(ite ler. Iivlnii the thrlll Inc. ndvemnretiH lit' i.f a HwaiAiburklna KunnLirmn tm n ihc crowning achlco achlce ment of I. a carpr rmST TI.ML. IN PHTI.ADELPHIA All Event of Unusual Importance te Every Amusement Lever in Philadelphia The ldlnn, with Its rare nrchltecturtil beauty irrsntnc thn attention by the chuite nlmplSdtv of I'D drnlitn Mi'h Its KUbdued but rt' hl ornate echeme of deeoratlen with Itw luxurious furnlshlnKe nnd its Kferceiun ljemiin Kttrdn, nets A MJW bTANDMIT) IN T11V.1TRU CON.STKLCTION PIIOORAMS Of DISTINCTION nV THRUK OF TUB WORLD'S aftCATKST OROANtSTS PltnsIDINO AT THE WOULD a LAItr.HST TIIUATUU ORGAN' Firmin Swinncn, Rolle Mailland, K. A. Hallett scai.k or 1'iiirr.s Matinees tn U I'. M. Orcliestrn, 05 rrntflt Imkm, HS rents. KtrnlitKK 0 I. M. te t'tenlnc Orche tni. O'J rentHi Iilt-. SI. 2.1. Tbee Pr'"1 Tnrl"il I'-inen( nf Tux AMBASSADORl,:V,SB' 4r Gill KU in "WISE HUSBANDS" PTMt. A 'H ORKMOflT THKATRB9 BROAD 2 WEEKS ONLY NOTP. AT 8 Li, POP SJAT. TOMORROW "Bright and alive with hearty, human laughs." n. amismcan. OHAJ GOLDEM PresenU ACOMEDy WITH SONGS Staged Under Direction Winchtll Smilb Prlce:Kv.,r.0e te l2.f.0.aat.Mat..B0ctet2 SEATS BKLMNO TOIt THE I.ABT W'lC FORREST 2 Weeks Only POP. MAT. TOMORROW "Present 'Fellie.' it the bet ever." - run if t f nenic. SEATS SELLING astwekk r KDDirV mOHTS AT 8:JB UVlIlLIVl'ep Mat Tomorrow. 2:13 A Positive, Smashing Hit! SAM H. HARRIS Pieients Iniiilr'rs NIGHTP. 77p te J2 0. Ma'- . 77c te 12 BEATS 5.BLMNO I'nR MAT Wi:i"K TU 5 me Ti.vin AfT f,"A A Marl,.) Ht fVAt.Mntln Today at J fiw Tonight 7 und T,mcnlerB hllern A Nearrt Ilrcnnmi A Rnlet Arneld A ten! Ilerhin' Unci.; Milinne A Duprre nnd -nill nit fllllr Maiuin in "It Mlieht Ilnpnen te Yen" e 5 Hill TIME tPTS iroad&.Munteem y TJetuveiU "BLACK ROSES" 2d St. ab. Marktt 1 30 and OJO te 11 P. M. Sfmue Iln.vnUnwn A , . 2D A LOCUST BTS (.Ta tLLAL T"''iy ran n se te u "The Sting of the Lash" V.'D t: RANSOM ST." 1 J" 1 ; -e 1 I I ,,i.!i- Starke In 'Tlie Forgotten Weman" ""Ruyefct Cetea-m. r iket Pt bI.60th 1 -:in and n 7 and O Mne . e"edy m "MARY BE CAREFUL" CcLcui 0 "The liOTlI & CEDAR AVE, 1 8fi and 3, 7 and 0 l-.Ti'T-, riAYTOS In Dcvntxin" Jumbo June. Fkd. '11 Fpjnt & Olrarrl A8, Mary Ml''" rlntr In, The Little Clown" whatdeWAMTO men FRIDAY EVENINGS SATURDAY MATINEES beginning Nev. 1 8 &19 MEXICO. Ne. 18, 10 JAPAN. Nev. 2a, 2d. PIIILIl'I'INES, Per. 2, 3 OOINO AllllOAD AT HOME. Dee. e, lOi AltOLNI) THE WORLD, De'. 18, 17, teurer ule Nei Coees nt. Hlnrle Sale. l.30. Sl.tW, 7Sc, Tucc. Net. 15? Coats and Wraps 78.00 "i 98.50 Fermer Values Up te 145.00 OALMGARDEN 39TH & MARKET STS. HFNRI MARTIN ARNOLD JOHNSON'S ORCHESTRA- ALSO THE GEORGIA JAZZ BAND rovTiNi'ei s da.ntISh aiavaTs FRIDAY VAUDEyiLLE'SHOW SAT. MAT1NFE FOX TROT CONTEST TiinKK r'-ii I'RiKt I'll In.'d Iiidlnc Theutrra Klrertlen of Lee It .1. .1. Shnliert CHESTNUTIL0"!!; ipejKRR Mills. tIIUI,I)',s lllisi' Ee. '.':lir. ' TAPLAN A NEU'KLI. ' H:M Si 1.1 .IA( K hTKOI'si: Hll3 Rigoletto Brethers Willi vwm-nri S Hlern :23 .Cecil Clee :4 i Lean & Mayfield : 8i.i James Barten & Ce. V30 sin iiritT m:u m I 0.-O5 Oil I) n rt Mr.i.imMv I Oiun 3,, 4.(J0" Delly Connelly And Perry Weurelch ) Ul2 Vhipple & Husten Ce. ,' 10 oe .ClAltlt A VERDI MAT 1VE1.K I 10:31) Ann'lirr 1(111 of All..tnr lleudllnrr mm rilAT mi; hmivi,i:mit HAS IIEKN i:XTENIEI AN i.VTRl 11EEK Mir HAVE tl.NLY 10 MORE DA1M TO RE THRtLI KI 1Y ROBERT WARWICK 'IN THE NIGHT WATCH' WITH OLIVE TKI.I. WALNUT MO..10e III S'i.OO "it T"inwwmv .inr tii sh..i At 78.00 Handsome Coats of Pan Velainc, Gerena, Nennandic and Tweed, with large cellars of wolf or Australian opossum. Crepe linings. Malay, Zanzibar, navy and black. At OS.SO-Cts and Wraps devel oped of Pan Vclaine, Uelivia and Gerena, with cellars and trimmings of beaver, squirrel and wolf. Many are embroidered. Copies of imports. Special for One Day Only DAYTIME AND SPORTS COATS 50.00 Fermcly 69J0 A collection of Coats of Belivia and Normandie in youthful models, featuring the crushed wrappy col cel lar of self-material. Alse camel's-hair Sports Coats. Fourth Fleer I j . , j NEW YORK SYMPHONY Net. 17 Arm!, of Mn.le. Tours. lUr.. WAGNER PROGRAM fin! CIIHTN Frieda KlinW R.,l,.l M... ii. ORCIIESTRA DAMROSCH Ticket- oil ,le NOW n Cundutter I Ai'ml. nml Henne's B. F. Keith's Theatre CHEST.NTT DEI.On 12VII BESSIE CLAYTON With Ouy A rctrl.MHKley, M. . .5 t ja,, Teinpleien ami Vnmatlle t-ii, :t n.w luiun.Mi mill sir. 1. 0111 chmcmers Ljiiii &. Hmiilii D.1la Nell, clI 0 HARRY FOX Willi lleiilrlre PurlU In "Interruntlun' ANN1AL fllRYKANTHE.MI II Mn?y I 5AncuiiRBignr' cvcsats Slltfllll'WBIallll UU3tCl(3Tn2 rwycensTOCKrV3Rij t$i Prit TMt UVVVf MOST A1W77IM stciAuerxur Mmm&t CO.ef 300- II BIG SCENES FElctS. mems 'or je rst two tuu ir-30 n A MAT. TOMOR. SVS $2.00 IIM.. MOM) . Ntl". SI SE.T NOW roil THlMiHf.IVIM, n.T. & MOIIT. The LAST WALTZ with S!;fcj LVElie LAST 2 EVES. ; ? Phila. Grocers' FOOD FAIR First Regiment Armery Bread and Callowhill NOVEMBER 7 TO 19 NOW OPEN l'rem "J le .",30 and 7 te 10.30 P , ADMISSION. 28c, INCLUDINO WAR TAX. Tartly I'atd Tickctn Given t.e hy (Irecern. r" i k in I'ntY SLSSAnAr!e "w- Ar.'x" I. V T. I'Ol'. MATIMCK TODAY Ai,;,,lw 50c te $1.50 Net ei-k ."e!it(t New elllnic for ITrnt Week il nil rtmnkncUlni: Matinee A Mclit Itelnru or the llMlneuMie,l .stiir MR. LEO DITRIGHSTEm . tiik day HTnTn" r.e.. A(V$2 SO. Wed. A Hat. Mnt,. nO-2 CHESTNUT ' ,?v'i SHLUKUT VAl'UEVII.LK UNIVERSITY MUSEUM V BATTODAY. 3 30 P. M Free Ictu e (.'HAM. K. l.niil'Mns FOLLOWING MARCO POLO 40.00U nii'ta inreugn eina, described h-j , greut lmcier Mlv colored H'ldei MERCANTILE HALL I11IOAI) A MASTI.lt hT. Tonight CELEBRATION DANCE ADELPHI i:rn. n.Ke LEAN & MAYFIELD NIGHTS AT a20 rws.TMURS AND &'rf,''''J',,'',. ' ", tf DUMON l-a x!-; S'-iS EMMETT WELCH Minstrels OVi: Till' 1111 1 S TO MANAYI'NK what UCU O " 7' Secure Sel for Tli nkcUnt 51 (lire and Mht Seat NOW 8 Weeks Ahead Ooed Hfit nt ln Het emre for All ?,r'ertn nfe what men 9 Btiinley Cempunv nf Amtrlea Thtr 'W&k 1URKIIT AT NINETEENTH 11 A. M. TO 11 l M, P0LA NEGRI ; THE PHOTO MAI1VISL "One Arabian Night" "'.AllORATH PttOLOQUK with DAIit.TTT NfTtt Wenlr S EXTRAORDINAllV INfiXl WCCK ATTRACTIONff i'BIlHrls lil.T DIRECTS ORCHf""rR In "UNDER 7tj.j t !" Victer Hcarbert Gleria Swamen STANTON MARKET & fiTXTEENTir STREnTfl 11 "30. 1. 3D. 3:30. 080, 7:30, 0:80 HKI.D OVER FOR SIXTH BIG WEEK Ccmine 'QLKBN DF SHIIRa A Suienrfiun and I.avlvli Bpetufie, TJaHttm CHSmtrSI"BROAD SN0WBLIND 10 A 11. 0 II U, I' II. REGINALD UAHKIJR'f lUtOfHTTIOV I'nullne Htert- Rne 1 Slm"in PAI ATI7 1211 SrAHKUT STREET I tLii,L. 10 A M TO 11. IS P. M. ELSIE FERGUSON IN FIRPT PHILA. SHOWING OF "THE SONG OF SONGS" F.lOJl EDWARD HHJ.LDO.Vb PLAY NEXT WEEK YOU'LL DISCOVLP. WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME A Powerful Prioteplay Version of the Flurn surceva Chestnut Bel 16th 10 A M. te 11:13 P M. ARCADIA "Bunty Pulls the Strings" VlfTHDIA MARKET AB. 0T1I VllUKlA HA. M tellilSP. M. "Out of the Dust" CAST or FAVOR'TEB NEXT WEEK WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME It Will Ml( Toe Think PAPITHI 7TT7rlvRKETTnEET V-ri 1 VJLi n-r'OF.NE O'RRIEN In "Is Life Werth Living?" nrrrMT market st. bi. irni ibVlbll 1 DAVID POWELL In "DANHRROUS LIE8" THE BIGGEST AND BEST VAUDEVILLE SHOWS at Little Prices MARKET pi i-vrT" CONTINUOUS Edwin August (in Persen) Other Acti Werth While BROADWAY Sr? BETTY COMPSON in AT THE END OF THE WORLD" AUegheny 'T 5 ACTS MB- VAUDEVILLE AND WM. S. HART tanpfc5g?D uROSS KEYS ""jvtag "Making Movies" Bn ALHAMBRA 1JTI1 AND -merris "Dangerous Curve Ahead" COMING TO ALL LEADING THEATRES Vitagrtlpti 5 wonderful production of James Oliver Cunvoed's greatest story "FLOWER OF THE NORTH" J ,.!"";? -;iiiiiuriimii fc eena Tneutr ORPHEUM "rmiintuwn A ChlUa Mnt T"ti , . "is ORPlIKFlt 1 I.AYKHH In IU Calna'a "THE CHRISTIAN" Keystone M'JWV' -ae- 7. J VAl'DSyll.l.K p ('TUHKg t ' . Ml. SIC IIKI'ART.IIIONT Itrn M,r Cnlltts I.fCturr Krrltiln R- THOMAS WHITNEY hUKKTTf' i3n P. M. 111CH I'RIKlIt MMK. rl'1' Al.T,.r: Wj.ne, Thifflfu. iiSff,' 'vTeHu' I nrfwnnl Hr'i . SI. Oil, RrVrrir.l iui.l' ni,fli?;u.w,,yy 2th torffR?fe I1AI.I.ROOAI nKLLKVlSTRATl-OItlT' Meil. IH,.. NOV. II. ul HU6 Mu xml Murrirliii SELINSK Y KFCITAI FOR TWO VIOMNB , l"'" "' """" "II. Cl.in,,, ,, rt & Weipui Mai. Today . laSIHO Sugar Plums 1 .X A ) 1 '. vj M n ft V 4 u . ti VTMIIfc ntln K'W, TROCADRRO Tb Ouy VI4ewd nj ilU. anlmr, M Vi H SJ- . . r .L' .'i".n '-f,.i.Y.. f. if v'Vw. ".!, ".JS' .i . . A V 'ill-" -1 . iv -fJU IVItw ., n