Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 10, 1921, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    .-. v SWTO' " ' -' w-i'W''-'j'jflMtfpjrwr"
W 7TTfl
Berah and Others Bound te Keep in the Limelight Washing-
Adjusting: Claims
ten All a-Flntter for Great World Gatherings
ti'.ihliicfen. Nev
t n counter "Armament Conference"
wtre beard teilny en tlie cve of Wash-
Inrten's internntiennl gathering.
' We"1 ctime tll0,,BI, t1tlkroem elmn"
bis thnt Senater Hornli, of Idaho, is
MUlr te have n few remarks te offer In
he Senate ww ""- .. -.
iffulr gets inv nlenB en ll8 Jurn'' nl111
..t he will 1'C nldc'l nnd nbcNF'1 5", Ills
Vu a tiiaff Correspondent
10. Mumblings. wnB Dolite nn.l Imd n hekc- for iimm.
Approaching an American statesman,
the visiting Journalist nU:
"I nm , representing the ,
.Tapnn newnpapcr, Japan correspondent.
I nm here for conference. Ameri iu
fine. America splendid. Wc nre glnd I
te be here. Jnpnn hope conference, will
wicceed. We liere te help. Washington
is a beautiful city. We like Washing
ten. What about Yap'"
Wl."i. n im nrearesH br ether Sen- Hotels lniallr overflowed today and
- d . mi both sides of the aisle. ' ti-ncd way nil npplicnnts i:,cn Hie ,
' e ninr "Pat" Harrison, whose reve- l'lcn of regular patronage availed
, .in reniieMlng the American clelegu- "ought, 'ion might have stepped there
'?' tund for open bwmIeiw wan , both times you were In the cnpltal. but i
li-.;i this week by the Senate, linn'" meant nothing. I ptewn or down dewn
ra.n leas eh te the meaning of I town, close In or far out, the story
If they nre net open m me nmc. a no local real estate
definite Mce-
srsulenn. If tlicy art
&?"'"' It develop, tit
Se the Conference Is de
1L" or "IiB Feurs"
done by "ltlg
"III lTmirL" nr "Illn
SLm" behind closed doers and in the
L,7Us of hotel rooms, as happened at
nils, that subject will be discussed.
in addition. Senater l'emcrcne, et
,11- nUn a Democrat, has a resolution
r.,:.n..nd nil nnvnl construction dur
rnt t in l-i.nl OOUVII UIHItTtOOK te meet tllP Cmnr.
Ki'iiey e.v estaensiung iicauqiinnqrH for
information concerning rooms, but the
rooms were in private beuses, without I
te Ujn." . . f .. (V,nf,...,,lu.c
Mill he is anxious te get atflen, and
J. wlnslilfring measures te get it before
SS and Inte the headlines
Society editors of the capital are In
cle, rejeic-
Central Nig 1'hote
Of Ncvj Yerk, who lias been ap
pointed te adjust claims of Kuro Kure
penn subjects against the United
States arising out of requisitions
by the Shipping Heard Emergency
Fleet Corporation during the war
their clement, nt their pitmc
inc nnd despairing Mmultanceuslv. Thev
dully call ter mere space, their col
umns btretch out interminably, until If
plnccd end te end they would reach from
well, figure It out for yourself. At
any rale, they arc supplying mere pieces
lliriv - - . . ... ii rn. i,, nAM !,. . l
.wrterUl attempts te u r; enK .me e , - ," ,",,","' "" "SS.,"" . vq writers, prima .donnas nn, trained
front pa8es ne-fpuu mu ui'i' W," j ' - -- ""' seals will get into tlic tir.st plenary ses
rlnir. senators niicr !. , . " . . Men of the tonference en tlic Minltn
erl; when you tlitnic tney eukmi ie iwi neperteis, cei respondents, news tien of Armaments and Inspect the
...nlns. , wrucis. tiepe writers, picture u iters, ugeudn nt close range. Uut nobeth else
. . 1, , r.i,f,, i!-i,!n,i "-,M,,;ril,tivS writers, journalists, feature will. There's no room for the test of
They l e Ufims uit ,.. - ruui, m-uuu rucrs, Cdltewt, lis- Hie iiulillc.
.ji. i,mnf nf vis ters. The Heed- I ,.: i.iiinnri.i. ,.,'.... t... ,',... ....... .
Kht. threw- the perfect proportions of. '"" """ """" """" wr " i' "ccvc ":
.he dome URainst the night and cause . -
America's guests te gasp win wi.imr
amazement. It Is one of the capl
til's most Impressive sights, seen from
"ny angle. It bursts en the view from
We'nWit of President WiUen's
.Speech in April, 1017. the Capitel
mi mlltarly liglited. It had rained
ind low-flying clouds scudded across the
Jiy As the President spoke, u gigantic
nl'cd helmet appeared outlined in the
Av he -red for an hour and was gene.
It nns the shadow of the dome thrown
alnt the clouds by the flood lights.
fn the Heuse wing, where Congress was
,. in war ecsslen. The phenomenon
set appeared since. .
, Jfassntliiisetts nenue. the home of
tecl'ty nnd milllennliei!, has become
philemath' Uew for the period of the
conference Along its aristocratic
lenjth within u space d"f n few blocks,
re (lie official residences, cmbassie?, lo
cutions or working tiuarters of spveral
of the visiting delegates nnd delega
tions. Culling cards arc the currency
cf that dMi-kt.
Far le it for American reporter." te
trt aspersions en or tell stories about
1 their cenfercH from abroad. Hut one
itery Is te geed te keep. IIe was a
Jnpanc5c. here for the parleys. He
I Jes.K, I
Sens. inc. 2
Designers and Makers
Diamond Jewelry
of the
Highest Class
a Specialty
Comparison Invited
210 S. 13 St.
MfiOOOaOEttablUbtti lS6JKWlOOfp
t$MBMEsm&M MMBZiimumMssxsmwwBm
W Tlf
v- I
irli W
Frechie's Fixtures
The Best Place en Earth
is home. Why net make it as attractive as you can
afford; and the most economical way te this end is
the right use of Lighting Fixtures.
WALL BRACKETS OR SCONCES, as pictured, give
you litfht, color and decoration all in one. We have tifty
different de.-igim finished in Silver, Bronze, Japanese (ield,
Reman Geld, Polychrome, Flemish Brass, French Gray.
Grecinn Antique, all waiting for jour selection and approval
at moderate, fair and reasonable prices, intended for sale te
moderate, fair and icasenable people.
Our show room is attractive, our service Reed. Come
and sec us. Open every business day until 15 V. M.
07 N. 7th Street, Phila.
Ti Sif2jf35$T255
ill r Mini.iT (vn .!? 1 trt 'vh
Open Saturday Until 5 P. M.
iaisaBMgBetff sagg&.gi7titM
204 Chestnut St.
11J9-21 Market St.
Founded In 1894
11 Seuth 15th St.
3 Special Groups
Frem The Kirschbaum Sheps
Values up te $40. Ulsters, ulster
ettes and box-back coats in warm,
fluffy weaves; Chesterfields and
fitted coats.
Value up te $50. Greatcoats and
town ulsters in fancy plaid -back
fabrics and fine fleeces; satin-lined
Values up te $65. A wonderful
showing of rug-back fabrics and
ether rich overceatings, tailored in
all types of ulster models.
Ccpjrlsht, 1931,
A. II Kirschbaum
Headquarters of 114th Transferred
Frem Camden te Pateraen
Trmiten, Nev. 10. Governer Dl
wanln n cemninndcr-ln-clilcf of tlif
National Ounnl linn IhsuciI nn order rj
dnMsnnlliie nnd reorganizing units of the.
New .Icrncy Infiintrj, which wn threat
ened with disruption upon the reignn reignn
tlen, some time nge, of nbeut two-ncero
of the regiment's efllccrR. following the
election of Ocnernl Hernce H. Berden,
of Oceanic, wealthy militiaman, tin
commander of New Jersey's Infantry
brlgndu ever a war veteran.
The nw-t Important chnnge ii the
trnnsfcr of the licnMqimrters of the
llllli Infantry and the Ktntlen of the
Kktrlrttntil n I nniMn mint, flrtlft fl ml Stflff.
I l Vf, lllll.lllll VWlUIKHUllLl) . ...-f
from Camden te l'ntcrsen.
It In believed in National Guard
1 rttfnlnn itn lirt flni nrtlnr'n nftu nrilnr
Estate by Will H lW P0i,iUen of the problem, irlatlve
A bequest of S200 te the Church of ' te alleged dlHsatlsfnetlen nmeng the
cherished just new by your .regular
washlngtenian. Thta Individual tlllnl(
ahvnyH thnt whatever happens Is nr
innged for bis upeclnl bencllt and that
If he doesn't get n front beat, with the
piivllcge of criticizing the. arrange
incuts, the engagement ought te be can can
elcik That s his view new. He
wants te Isifew why newspaper men
should get In, nnywny, and, of course,
there's no answer.
Mrs. Maria I'retz, the White IIeusc
coeh, has solved her problem. She
will kcrvc tongue n la Harding te I're
micrH Itriand nnd Lloyd Geerge. The
Ingredients nre beef tongue, potatoes,
rulslus nnd nuts. "ou hcrnmble them
or something. If they deu't llke that,
Marin is strong en hnsli. And as for
llupjachs, ask folks In Mnrlen.
Rese Myrtctus Disposes of $13,598
Our Lady of Mercy. Uread street and
Siihiuelmnnii incnue is contained in the
will of lice Mjrtctus, of '-'.111 North
Thirteenth sticct. which wan probated
today ind dispenes of $1(5,508 in prl
Mite beipiwth.
Othir wills probated were thee of
Clnik Shirk, who died In Ocean City,
N. J.l!).r00: C. Winten Jllf.lcy, !(:
Osiige avenue. 20,000; Ambrose I.
lclttcr, 4".' AVcst Hermitage i-trcet.
.fO'-'OO; Mary S. Jiuticr, 71.'53 Crcslielm
tend, S.'.IOO, nr.d Sarah Crocks, I!77J
North Frent btrcct, ?5u00.
efllcers in the regiment and that by the
changes thcie may be less trouble In
the future, Tf is also pointed out thut
the etdcr will bring some headquarters
companies closer te the units attached
te them.
Jf l.iitln'n I'nrlrHlt nf
uKNunAi. runsiiiNO
IB07 WALNirr HT.
Rare Ktrhltui and Mrrzetlntf
Frnmlnc a SpeclHltv
who are looking for shoes that arc belter
value than the average-
will find plenty of "geed shoes" at the Tlalla
han stores te satisfy their wants in every
particular. Tep-grade cordevana, Scotch
grains, tan Itussia calfskin and gunmctal, in
a variety of styles that gees from ex
treme college lasts te mere conservative
models for elder men shoes that bv
every comparison ought te be at least
. i.eu, but priced ncrc
V'! en
V. J!
1 V.V ,
n.V T S
""."utfyw x0.1:-. " iv..
C! fei "'54
"- 5iL - YW -v.
- tS-v rPai iiivFn y'i 'V.'.'
l NM."- '.'JetTrTK' .'..
1 11 1 1
L S kOfts. Ul
New f CfA
Fer the Beg Whose Feet Arc
Most as Dig as Dad's
Geed bhees with lets of pep in their get up but
ut 10 sianu tne gait, lan ami uiack leathers and
plenty of styles buch as were 7.C0 te 8.50
New J'
921 Market Street
Tl'cst Phila. Branches
52(1 Street cer. Spruce 60th St. cer. Chestnut
North Phila. Branch Gcrmcutewn Brunch
2736 Gcrmantewn Ave. 5604 Germantown Ave.
All Branch Stores Open Evenings
Never Saw
Such Values
as These
About 700 beautiful, plaid
back overcoats and all wool
worsted suits are available at
Sixth and Market Streets at this
figure only se long as they last.
PHEY came te us
from a geed manu
facturer who wished te
dispose at a single stroke
of his entire remaining
Fall and Winter stocks.
. We purchased them
and had we bought them
under normal market
conditions none could
have been marked less
than $35 and many
would have sold for
Take your choice
while the cheesing is
tWanamaker & Brown
Market at Sixth for Sixty Years
1 - mmi
MM The Gi
Disposal of
Our Wonderful Purchase of
"Alce" Suits
and Overcoats
Presents an Opportunity for Every
Man and Yeung Man te Save $7.50
te $20.00 from the Regular Price
The Arnokl-Leuchheim
Company is one of the
best and largest of our
manufacturers. We had
already bought tremen
dous quantities from this
house for our regular stock,
but we were glad te seize
this extraordinary oppor
tunity te buy these Suits
and Overcoats at away
below the season's cost
prices knowing our cus
tomers would be eager te
get them at such remark
able savings. A great
throng will be here Friday
and Saturday. Will YOU
be here?
Ulstcrellts and Chesterfield
-Visit rs,
Suits Xewest Youthful and Conservative Medels.
De net forget that ALCO Suits and Lheixeats arc
exceptional values at the regular ericcx. They are indeed
EXTRAORDINARY at thef-e reduced price?.
100 Women's Fine Coats
Samples at Less Than
Wholesale Prices
The latent group of sample t" tc returm1 I t 'ur
factory model inmi which hundred. et order have
been taken: many were bought for our own tck and are
among the best selling number- of the .oaen.
All Are Ceals of Xew Hifjh
Grade Fabrics $25.00 te $75.00
Many hae fur cellar.. Al.e included arr- unc Plush
Ceat, closely ivembling fur and made en the simple
lines of Fur Coats. All in size .'Hi. but owing te the loe.e,
easy lines fashionable this seaen, many v uniui wearing
larger sizes can be fitted.
Exemplifying the
Elegance of Velvet
in Afternoon Dresses
I ipci .!) when th'-1 Dies i nl' luiut. t
nnd the wulu flowing Jinny Oc.ew me t (
frn Mti)r in n. kind nf i lontie'l mat .1ickii ''
u touch of hibei. cli'ts with jet funm- .ir.
the quint--erncc of e'ckiiiicu j.ikI ilipnit.v Oti c
of le-s siately demeanor uu'1 cnibrenU icil in
nietnllic thrcnii or softly contia'-ted with le e j
ribbons. Nny, brown and black in the cel ci
tien all fine civet, some of ehitlen chct 01
velvetcc:. ?150.00 te 17i"i.OO. The meile! sketched,
Serge and Peiret Twill
Dresses, Special, $32.50
Xew medelh m navy, black and blown, m
rodinRetc and eiicular-hklrt f-tyles. Trinuned
with rat-tail braid, novelty braid or French
knot enibreidciy excellent inedelb and e-NcePent,
-btiawbriilsj Clethir s
i.l r
Market !iti!
Second Day
of the Sale of
1 Iu shup ,stup prcspnied a
bu- seer v te-d.ij - liut about
J.,ii'i0 pair- cf Shoes were in
tb Sale te bepin with, and w
tlmll hac a geed selection for
all who cheese te-morrow. Thi.i
cerit includes special purclmses
of high and low shoes for men,
women and ehildien, as well as
linen fieni our own stock mid
These Shoes Arc Werth
One-third te One-half
Mere, as Rased en Present
Fair Regular Prices
strawbrlcUn . C lelhltr
Us'ith nnd I'llUrt 8trt
In sympathetic accord
with the spirit of the Procla
mations of the President,
Governer and Mayer as a
mark of respect te the mem
ory of these who gave their
lives in the late world war,
as typified by the unknown
and unidentified American
soldier who is te be buried in
Arlington National Cem
etery te-morrow
This Stere Will
be Opened at
11.30 Instead
of 9 o'Cleck
At 11 . f . te-morrow will be
gin a fifteen-minute Seng
Service by the Strawbridge
& Clothier Chorus, followed
by two minutes of silence at
12 o'clock neon.
The Stere will net be open
for business until 12.13. but
a Market Street deer will be
open at 11.30 for the accom
modation of all who wish te
join our empleyes in the
Memerial Service en the
Second Fleer.
The announce
ments en this page
are for Friday after
noon 12.15 te 5.30
Time te
Begin Your
V great many of our
customers are beginning
their Christmas shopping.
There's a real advantage in
starting early net only in
the buying of the mere
practical, useful gifts, but
in the selection of the nov
elties the ornamental
things, jewelry, stationery,
leather goods, etc. Our
holiday stocks are practi
cally all ready. Many ex
clusie gifts, or novel
articles that come a long
way or that have te be or
dered long in advance, will
be sold out before Christ
mas, and cannot be dupli
cated. Besides., there are
n u m c r e us opportunities
every day for picking up
appropriate gifts at less
than regular prices.
Buy New,
Pay January 1st'
If you h a v e a
charge a c c e u n I
here, all merchan
dise purchased from
new until the end of
December may be
paid for the hirst of
January. 1922.
We are opining main new
charge accounts cverg dag.