("- -vt" -r-,-1. I r it JGVEING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19&L . NO SURRENDER IS rare RY On Peace Mission ' TA PA NESE WOMAN OF 90 PLEADS FORWORLD PEACE Madame Yajima, in Washington, Says Her Oriental Sisters ! "Grepe in the Dark,1" but Pray for Universal Concord Premier Craig Insists en Pres ervation of Northern Ire land's Right PARLIAMENT PROROGUED (I lly tlie AMc!ntril Irn.s TiOnilnn, Nev. 10. A tntcmrt nied nftrr thH mtiniinc'. meeting if the I'lst'r Cabinet members bore rni eluded ns fn!lnv : "Sir .Tnmrs Ornie (the Premier' en behnlf of the Cabinet df Northern Ii"1 Intnl. wishes it f'nrlj iimlcrtenil that there rnn be no Mirr'eniler of l"ltrr s rights." Tlie statement prnmit'il l l'r Minister l.lejd ("Jec-vce outlining t it negotiations with the Sinn JVIn rc entntlve hnI net Nen reeelve bv tte repre-Ptitntivi's of 1'Ii.tcr this f.-iionnen but Mr I.Iiml (ieerge vent w.r h hoped te be able te wippl.r it c'unut: I f nfteriioen. The (-erretar of the f'lMii I' r-v wns keeping in lemh constant iv h Tlewning street, wliwe the lirltiMi e lnct met at ne'm. mid it n ntin"-itu'il thnt nnetb'r meeting of the Nmthirn Ireland Cabinet nnn'd be railed ns wn an the detailed statement was r vd Conference (iees (her Mr IJeyd (itorge meanulil' - g Bested that his meeting uit'i 1 1 I .' r Cabinet go ever until tomorrow Tlie I liter eouitiiiinlipie, pnen ,t nft'-r the morning liictitic. 1 imIk a- ! thnt larking the ItritWIi 1'remn r s .statement, tlie 1 Kt . Cabinet v.us un able te make formal te'i te the (in ternment. On this point tlie text f ilc cemnniniqiH 'aid "An npolegv e Sir .Tames Craig v.i received tretn Mr. Lloyd Geerge, stating , his innhilitv. e'vlng te pressure (if work, t supply the detailed -tateme'iti of the proposal premised by hitn rs- lerdav. lie hepeil, hnw-er, it ueuld be possible for him te fuitn.-h the de.-.i- ment this afternoon, ai.d he ucxeteil the meeting of tin- northern Cabinet with him should be ded-n'd until I I nday. FTU. i . 1. ... ,vi) i; t -q . ' "' . .i .'"'" Miners banquet, at the (iuildhn!.. hi' with Sir James statement that th-re . ;. . . .,' ... .... ,..,, 1,1 i, i... i-i .. i limnr .M ine .aine nine, in- .ini ; "...i. . i.v -vtiivitiivi i i i'ii i a ights, .jave n list nf these who nt- Uu (I SlaF rorrrjpecrffiif Uashliigten. Nw, m. Madame Yn jlma, here repreM-ntiiiR 10.000 Japanese women intpivMen In world pcnre. Is n knew little about it. They nre prayltift ft may be the means of bringing the nn nn tlens together; that It may promote nenee. AVemen esiieeinllv neek nence, for their interests are everywhere the center of attention and' nl'raetien for ' same. Women the world ever must be women of the eapllt.1. She has areue.1 friendi." admiration and re-peet bv her minion, Madame aj ma was the renter of a a.imininen aim n i n i small Rrettp who surrounded her In a nnd her ben.-in?. ami tlieitRli ninety )m(e (.nlcrR tf, weiueii exclusively, jters old. i adive and alert. the only etic in the capital, where it .,.i. iwtitlv nnen liir .' she is niakltii Iht heitdntiarter. She . " ..i ...... ...!. Is resnnleil with awe by the Jai Women who hne seen ami iniKni .., ,, ,i i,nr ,i iu trndertv her ask intlmtlely as they leave " ' 0nkpil after by Mrs. Hcnr Topping, for nt least n geed share of Its delib erations. When nslced why she nppcnrn be very jetinc Mndnmc Ynjlnm softly answers : "It In because 1 have &e much race In my heart, nnd I am at pence wltn these about me." .She spoke again nnd smiled. Mrs. Topping repeated In English : "I grew younger cwry year. Mndnme Ynjlma trnvelcd half-way around the world te present n petition te President Ilnrdlng, signed by 10, 000 of her fellow countrywomen, prny Ing for the hucccss et the Conference. She steed the Journey well. This Is the third time she hn been In America representing Japancse. weinen. She is representing the eman s Paev Movement of Japan at present, having been elected te present the peti tion because of her active career ns a woman's leader In Japan. She Is pay- in line nun iimpnKPS (lilt of a S1000 Is regarded with awe by the Jnpnnese .nlrHO mnde up bv friends. Fer many years she was bend or the pir-ppcr: Hew docs she de it? There nn American woman, who hns been n , . l . ',: ,l ,.,' .... .i fi..,i .. mmir i'Mr (lent ei uie secieij sn t i wrinkle m her face. Ung'tl ejes set In n round lit a (H.ii'k smile. coining and gel - iinteer rletids ai resS tin- sun, nni.nn-i fn(, uemi,n uini id it'iuiii' hum n'ni- in-i'ixiiii ur IMIL f..r lirr i liarni She appears but a few le.iri iI'l'M- than her Jainnes spore spere tnrx n u nitm nf nbeut thirty. M ..hi ii Villain nndllv censentrd te In iiiterxicwcd, t'leush she does net spinl, i'nglisli An Interpreter trans late! (---tiins and answers In n brief jnter' ide 'iiatibcd from conferences and n". frlptid for twenty years Wl, Mrs Tep. ln translating she n.lvecntr of temperance. Ask; !" snM " "I nm nXlvBfeml of K f '"! of prohibition In ; :(lnf "s nnd American people, and especially '" M.vs- W. C. T. 'V. school there, and pre.sl' She Is nn anient Asked what America en "Our Women W.uit I'earc" "W Itat Interest are .Tnpanese women tnking in flic Washington Conference?" s'.e is nsiieil "(). v miPii nant peat i " comes the reph Thev are bewildireil. They nre riii ng i .' 1 1 r ii. they nre se iictlve and se hospitable. Oh. nlrendy I am looking fntunrd te my next vllt te America and I hope I'll see you then." At that her brighter rippled out as merrily as n girl of slJ'cen Madame Yajlma's sight and bearing nre perfect, nnd she Is keenly nlert le all thnt Is going oil mound her. She is religiously attending the many con- xoentieiis in it nningreii nir ine success I nm for temperance everywhere." 1'retn serious subjects the conversa tion turned te lighter matters. "What de you think of Mappers?" First "flappers" had te be explained and described She laughed outright when asked if there were llnppcrs In Japan. "Flappers In Jnpnn would be silly, she said. They ceulil net wear snort siiirts. ou see, Japanese women nl- of the Conference, and will remain here iways sit en low cushions. They de net '1 be h.ie great Onife cinv, li it tn't MMK YV1IM Ninrl e:ir-nlil Japanese woman whose heart is veiitl.l'iil. N In Wnsliiugtnii for (he Arms Confer ence as the repreentatie of Iter rouiite'woinen, who. she s.iys, uve pra.lng for rnnreri! amnng the nations 'There l a better iripni of our m; r - ?-n jb tended and mentioned the fa, t that the ! invltil J1"" " ,1"' " '' . ' 1' meeting lasted from 11 te 1 oVle.k. "we int.. free parti.ershi. in t,,; i.f .sh Kmplr.' as e.pinls bci'i hee.b .1 f- I dav than at any time for t. ir- n iniefiiily refrained. In Parliunient Session Knds The session nf the Itrttisli Purlin meut which epdied in l"brunr ends I dli urging the results or the p." today with the prorogation nf bHi ' " nfereives new bdnj 1. houses by royal commission, after the' the I'lst.'nt.s declaring t1 at brief autumn sitting, which began O srntemeiit nn his jiart wen1.! h i i teber T. This special meeting, which chance of v.icpiss. the (leverninent was able t.. arrange en i short nnti.e. due te the fact that Par liament had merely adjourned in August instead of being prorogued, had been summoned te deal with the question of unemployment. While this preb'etn wns duly taken i are of, the Interest of the 1 members has been mnlnh focused en the Irish peace negotiations. Several members of Parliament view- ' ing with some apprehension the Irish situation, Inst night urged the (iovern (ievern ment te allow another adjournment in stead of the definite closing vhi'h a prorogation implies. General Feeling of Anlet Austen Chamberlain, (Jevcrnjment lend' r in the Heuse of Commens, de clared nothing steed in the way of pro roguing the body, and reminded his an:. Jeus inquirers that Prime Miniter l.leyd Geerge bad repeatedly premised that nothing would be finally settled with regnrd te Ireland without calling the 1 louse "egether. A nw session could be opened, he pointed our. should de velopment require it. Members separated overnight with feelings of nnxiety. malnlv due te the belief of some that an Irish settlement would be rendered impossible by the at titu.lp of FKter. At any rntp. while a great deal of gloomy foreboding exists, it is net be lieved' that the penie negotiations are necessarily deemed te a sudden collapse, whatever "attitude FNter msy adept, hut that further negotiations would fol fel low any possible check. Th.' "FNter representatives had do de clarvd they would make no definite de de risien until tiny have received the wiit. tpn statement premised them bv Mr. Lloyd Oeergc, outlining the negotia tions between him nnd the Sinn Fein delegates. The Hritlsh Pr'mier pn -pared this statement last night for sub mission te the FNter Cabinet tli.s morning The Irish cenf"rc,ip is new ' nt ti.e most critical stage." ! I.lejil Geerge declnred. in his id.Iress at th" I.erd . trn.-i lb.ht.es 1 w 'h 1 '! 'I it ir. . YOUR Gift t mere welcome if tastefully wrapped! Yeu fi.vc It life, you "season" it if i en xJd the colorful touch anJ distinct1' e note of a wrapping with Dennlsen's bright holiday teals and tags. At Stationers, Dent. Ster, n i Drugglnts, Lvcrvahtre pmw78w Mitchell Fletcher Ce. This Stere Will Be Closed Until 12:15 o'Cleck Noontime en Armistice Day Friday, November 1 I th after which hour it will be open for busi ness the remainder of the day, until 5 P. M. In remembrance of the dead, as a tribute te the survivors and in celebration of this Great Epochal Event. l.n i i urt a I; rhr-i (inr Rrailer" of Fi'ri(uii Camden, N. J. Own Roast j Delicious French ! Breakfast ! Coffee Rich, Smeeth, Frag" 40c lb. 5 lbs., $1 95 Charge Accounts ' Solicited 18th & Chsstnul Sts. 12th & Market Sts. S600 Germantown Ave. Atlantic City, N. J. SING WITH FALSE TEETH? SURE! Dr. Wernet's Powder KEEPS THEM TIGHT Relieves oere gums, sweetens ht breath. A white powder. At best Drug or Department Stores, fl0c.,60c., $1.00 or write direct te VfnwtDmM!.C.,1153btuSt.N.Y. franklin Simen a Cq A tLic of Individual Sheps Fifth Avenue, Xcw Yerk Announce, (in Exhibition in Philadelphia, Pa. New Fashions for the Winter Season Fer "JhCiidawc and -JtCcidcwei 'sella Bellkvue-Stratferd J'arlers 307-308-309 Thursdav. u. letli Friday, Nev. 11th Saturday, Nev. 1 2th com pl ft i; Wardrobes for DAVriME, EVENING and SPORTSWEAR also LDRLN '- ''-wmmsmmmMm Brown Scotch Grain Sturdy Service "Mella" Straps no Stunning with the new Silk-and-Weel Hese. wa Harper's 1228 market Wa1kwer 1022 CHESTNUT SHOPS fiTAfiliiA am At Amm-tAnii fvtfla Trt nn sequence their lees nre net handsome te leek nt." Still another nicwiiBer from .Tnp nncse women Ir scheduled te nrrlve In Washington tewu&l the end of this week.' Madame Illdeke Inenyc is coming in response te nn Invitation Issued by the women's Committee for World Disarmament, of which Miss Kinnin Weld la chairman. Hurt Cre.islng Parkway Jehn Cullen, Calleu-hlll street ahere Nineteenth, wns Mruck by nn automo bile last night while creislng the Park way between Twentieth nnd Twenty first streets. Jehn Hughes, Ashmend street near Prent, who wns driving the mnchlne, took Cullen le the Gnrretwen lleipltnl, where he In Ruffering from a frneturcd leg nnd n broken rib. 199Sel9bSi. Tomenov Friday EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF Medel Dresses Fer liter ly up le 125.00 iXei one formerly les,? llan e9.50 Ml $39.50 Street Drascs Afternoon Frecks & Evening Dressis ORIGINAL MODLLS DEVIILOPCD IN Peirel Twill Trieetinc Duvelync I 'civet Pcachbloem Crepe Satin Dresses closed out at this Amaz ingly Lew Price because they cannot be reordered or reproduced A Wonderful Selection of Fur-Trimmed Ceals of Marvella, Panvclainc, etc., al 79..)0 emu -uuwtiniwjT V $10 fegjr Armistice Day Open 12.15 SUPERIORITY IN WALKING SHOES Wtnkelman u nlkiiig' slices art' dis tinctive for their attractive and scn.siblu appearance. With woolen hese they are tiie choice of well-dressed women for street and business. Their quality insures that "holding of shape" that is se desired. Mud; Dull Calf shut Ten Culf-ihiu Winkelman Style Footwear for Women 1130 Chestnut St. 38-40 Seuth S2d St ' ;() 2361.63 Frankford Ave. lUiflkelwt. ifflfl sKifiiniimf trKiiliSi wBKBm temMfH mwBsw!ffl SLAYER IS TfOUNP GUILTY Hetel Bellman Convicted of Second Degree Murder' at Shere Atlantic Cltv, Nev. 10. A verdict of murder In the second degrce wns re turned Inte last night ngnlnst Charles Cornelius, colored, by n jury Kitting nt Mays Landing, after five hours' de liberation. Cornelius, who had been employed ,ns n bellman In n hotel here last summer, waH charged with the murder of Stephen Tayler, u fellow empleye, nlse colored. Testimony showed thnt Cerii'-Hus nnd Tnvler were plnylng cards ntid became Involved In a dispute. Cornelius broke n pitcher ever Tuylor'e head. In IiIh own defense Cornelius claimed that Tnyler made a motion te fccize the pitcher and thnt he struck in helf-dc-fensc. The injured man died later. Start a Qemiine Pearl NecklaceforYeur Little Qirl 30503 3 Peerls 3500 5 Peerls 47.50 9 Pearls $15.00 10 Pearls $20.00 ,"? ""oarsivtyaae- 0 Pearl, $10.00 THEf 12 Poerls $25.00 I NtCKUCE The AdJ-a-Perl Necklace consists of n group of genuine Oriental pearls strung en a silk cord, Inserted In n fine geld neck chain, se that addi tional pearM of any number may be added en birthdays, Christmas and ether special occasions until the necklace is completed. S. KIND & SONS, 1110 Chestnut St. DIAMOND MERCHANTS - JEWELERS- SILVERSMITHS ;r. I Why we can't make comparisons Comparisons mcah some. f hinn rnif iuUn .1. uuuf .?"y W1IU" in corn. meditics compared havc suiuu punus in common Fer instance. t ,u..i. get you anywhere te com! pare a diamond with paste for one is genuine, and the uiuci an liiuiauen. Similarly, te cempareasct ofKrcmentzcerrcctcvcning. lewclrv with un arfi A for evening wear, but which is incorrect, is equally odious. ' There can be no cemparf. son when there is nothing iu buiupaib ik Willi, Full dress sets $7.50 te $17.50; tuxedo sets $4.50 te $11.00. Kremcntz jewelry natur. any is cennnea te the better sneps. Kgeinenig Correct Jewelry for Men "The ""Wardrobe' of Centemeri Gloves -the Gift Beautiful Centemeri dress gloves, street gloves, warm gloves and sport gloves for men, women and children, in gift sets of three or mere asserted pairs An exclusive Centemeri origi nation giving the final touch of completeness and charm te the gift of gloves ten te fifty dollars the set Over a score of set combina tions selected from mere than 100 styles of Centemeri Gloves from France, Great Uritain and America. In gift cases dc luxe made by Clement of Paris 5.50 extra. Only 8 Saturdays before Christmas "Trade Marie Reg. The Vogue of Black & White Centemeri Meusquetairc gloves have an elegance, a suppleness, a perfection of fit irresistibly charming le the woman who would be exquisitely well-gloved Veritable glove masterpieces made by Centemeri artisans in Grenoble, of kidskin from the Leire, Rhene, Poiten and Auvcrgnc valleys the unrivalled Natienalc quality fn all-white, in colors, and in raven black with purr white finish in the tranchant style 10 button length 7.50 Centenieri Gloves 123 Se. 13th St. Philadelphia .ciu lerfc Grenoble, France rx " " " " r"- 1 its-- u'SJ?!illI!-v- ii xiawHs n makvus nr ire.iBYs ,ivd I.U1LDHKV H AJ'l'AUVI. UF 'IIIF HICHFST I'llMlAVTElt I OH SlOlli: J11A. JWK.VTY-SIX YUAR8 GOWNS Wit A PS SUITS FURS DLOUSKS SWEATERS ijlf A Chestnut Cerner Twelfth h MILLINERY SKIRTS LINGERIE PETTICOATS CHILDREN'S ArPAREL Stere Will Open at 12:15 P. M., Friday, Nev. 11th, Armistice Day Charmingly Unusual COATS and WRAPS no-00 The success of Harris policy and purpose te give Philadelphia women style of real exclusiveness at moderate price, is forcibly demon demen strated by these Coats. They are beautiful te a deBree that lifts them te a class far beyond their price. They are of panvelaine, pellyanna, r.; J, U qlia 'ty and ,evely wacd color. Many of them fur- Sifc?T'qU,rre1, beaVC.r' WeIf' PS3Um, "ie, nutria and raccoon. S'1'11? blouse, and variations of both with tassel and stitching trimming. Seme are handsomely embroidered. i L THIRD FLOOR Very Beautiful Gowns 49.50 When en vnn con lm w...;. : ...!i . . . cnlliusc ml ,, i .7 C7,X '"tl"""":""'" l 'iterinn. you tee will SECOND FLOOR Il'c Specialize in Geims and Coats That Slcnderhc the Larger Women Es2j2h, 5sgssS?M J A" I t .i- - -