''""K1 fiSt'A-Uc- t VW' c 5if"t. - ' - V' ' f W" li V 'i -. jStilft' ?' 'v rk(",.'jii',. tp ' T 4& ft- f-jk & i 'i Su it rt M I- m iEuenmcj public fe&ger PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 4921 I " Hi I ' MB" MMMMMlly(lt II MUCH REPAIRING. A busy spot en Delaware avenue, as new pave ment, new sidewalks and new curbing are being put down by a large force of workmen. Etching shows Delaware avenue at Chestnut street '.WlM ., nj; i -- AatamXlaLflK &?- , ? 'wsr "vi&.,4 'M33w.&&wurtdr5K MB laaSBi,K:i . -WttttitfKvf1 ;.:'vv$i'vs - Ht. .bhe ' Mt- .rtmFmMm-iem:'?mi, MEMBERS OF FRENCH PARTY. Rene Vivian! arriving In Washington, with Madame iviani. They will remnin in Waali Waali ngten during the Disarmament Conference tminvcnd & undnvoeii DID YOU EVER SEE THIS STUNT? Try it boys. Danish Bey Scouts are engaged in a tandem tug-of-war. The winners, besides pulling the opposing team ever the line, must all remain en their feet with the rider up as you see thcni Keyatone view Ce. LITTLE DELAY. Miss Charlette- Rich, California beauty, met Albert E. DuBrin, a New YerkerTh San Francisce. Four days later she was Mrs. Dubnn lau HlHH9HklbiMvw$!' dMmi- '"ttTOafrifi IwllMBP'' LEAPING FIVE FEET ABOVE THE FLOOR. This unusual snap of Mmc. Pallay Anna the famous Hungarian dancer, was taken at the Royal Opera Heuse in Budapest. She will seen start en nn American tour Kesstone vi Ce ROME PINTER. Reeve, a member of the Penn Charter football eleven, was snapped during punting practice GASTON VIDAL, French leader in sports, in action, under the tutorship of Jnhnnv Evcrs, the baseball player international DOROTHY SCHOELL On tnifnc squad, W. Phila. High Scheel for Girls ;;- ;,; . - . . ,. , , ON WAY TO INDIA. Prince of Wa'es bearding H. M. S Renown at Portsmouth, Tng. in" " - i WILLIAM J. BtNHM, Assist ant RtrerilT ofiwDred1", caught "r Hr nd --trcci THEY PLEASED MANY. Miss Jcanette Kerr sang a Southern melody as Paul Fne 'upphcl music, during a Philadelphia Music Club cent MISS MARIE LOUISE BAIRD among the "inunis" at the exhibi tion in the Academy of Music nib LAST PRACTICb. Girls of AVellesley College doing a little work en the water, just befere the equipment is put away for the winter months. They all were heavy sweaters for comfort in their last bit of exercise with the Oars Koyaten View Ce. BUSY PHILADELPHIANS J f OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO f ' ZZZ '. I I SffiS?HSi F L ' jSS. . K-A,i KSi -AifSJJV '"tfWretlrfAMjWJWiLt . Vd.'.jmLvAjyyieLVfj'j m; W MIB'uT1 miH'f " XlF,i'rxm:KWr i"y'7W -n- - tF aB5 naaaaiHHHH DRIVING CORKS. Sarah Chrlstensen. Rlvcrview Heights. N. J. (left), and f Emily Le Ben, 1427 North Myrtlewood street, corking bottles in the plant of the Brome Mint Company, 405 North Third street BOBBY STATZELL, the left end of the Penn Charter football team, is a speedy one MISS MARGARET HARRISON, of Philadelphia, and Mr. C. Page, of New Yerk, visiting Princeton during a, football match Central Nan Tbetu DO YOU KNOW HIM? like Harding. He is Scott of Berkeley, Calif. Keyutenw Leeks SHE PAYS OLT Seaton, North Bceehwoed VlBW Ce. cjty AND RECEIVES, street, n teller ut Hall Square. II6r , Miss Margaret M. Kl'nO' gf. the Commercial Trust Compaq hobby is swimming Jb. i . J. "t l 'K WnjSliAiWffu hrt