, ''i' w u K.'l- v I tf 71 T" lH f-.'H, iiin '' .tTi, 'r '- . "(' - , V ' ' - v.- t 5, I O t 1 ' EVDNlNli 'OTITIC XEDGER-PHlUABEtiPHIA, THURSDAY, yOVEMB&R 3.0, 1021 By Sidney Smith 1 i BACHELOR HUSBAND By RUUY M. AYRES Auther et "Richard Chattcrten,"' Etc. CorvrieM- M fu !'. ,r. iron Ce s'"rwr 1 ...' -; ' ' V1HIb i , 3 . : By iSiUney unmn 4, 'jS: . THE GUMPS Professer Andrew Gump : - I 1 : : , " JH , ' BIG YOORlrCollreFwO PERFECr viORWH MACMfNC ' BUT WWOfDO t U' lit DON'T think lie i in the very least libit Ufly," "HO MW impniHTwy. I- ,. .j.m.thini' In his face when Cle thai b far better than fel . oed leek,. What de you Zk Aunt Madge?" ! !. IK, Tlnrnthr. All her iBVS te F-UrV defense. , k'.tfl?5l liked Mr. Dnkerfl," Miss Ef .. Ytld mildly. "He Is n geed Meml a sen leman." She said the L thlnS of nil Chris friends. She i?ns.7wt.pti':?" Li time!" 8hft "1SlslC "c U0C5n l I SffTbad leta of llle tiffs when we Lu0 In Scotland," she went en dc Brtre up V?T nlway.s believe that he left HUDUJ 1. -..A nlnna lirtnrttlCA lift T I Ml TT1 O IIIMMtT IllULIO UV,IIUU1 1111 Onf itand the sight of me." Md,n.MVnr child:" Mlw Chester re tfldiV1 she reiterated. , "He told mm that the modern girl was n it ewe tjai ,,,,,,.. i wnn .11,. lrrer. i " "" ".""".-".. ... .... E,tiful brenuse J piaycti geu iiii nay It Altb Chris nnd without a chap. ffif K.i" iv" n.lAnq ian'f n IIIIIh I IHkl'l 1 lull V II i.aU" Mnrle said hotly isn't n bit narrow TWithT shrugged her Niieulders. "An, I don't Mho Mrs. Ilrrlet niVr" she 'taid irrelevantly. "Yeu anything npeut ucr, .na- urer told mc B' . . .. !...1 f r,.liil'. nf mlnn ." "ShP 19 a lrn'iiu ,' v.... ... . .. 0h! Anl his friends are net yours Mar e cini "or """ " : ' La Doretfii in such a quarrelsome M?' ! 1 !., frnin Ill ,lln- The wen J'""' " "" " '" " ,i, room and Chris came te his wife "On the steel of repentance.' he j.j "Why don't you have a chair? t i(e romfertftble. thank veu. cleaned her head against Miss Cars- if'l Knee who ; .-.!.." '"--int. and the old lady stepped In tier erv for a moment te itreke the pirl s '"I've just remembered." nhe said. "tint I've cot senin tickets ler tnat MTMtmlnster bazaar tomorrow. Jiarie. iene et us reauy euriu i k. iuum dtbe vlcnr vc ueuld. Ceuldn t you rd Dorethy juec run in ler unii en m:1" Mirie msee a lime Brimacr "I hate bazaars," vhe said. Dorethy looked across the room at tin's. "I think I niisin le se ueiup lenwr- Off," the said "I've been here ever . v -..Ml ! Ia1 a J.nll. tC tun rl ,mini wr. shan't." Marie cried. Kit tves tenelied by the hard note of kihiDDiness in her friend's voice, and ttetthed out Iit hand te her. "Den t 4. Dorethy. They can't have finished Kith the scarlet fever yet." "I Miall Have te fcee. i uare eay i lill bear from home In the merninR. Kin. ncused herself nreacntly en the W of headache nnd went te bed. She leek bands wltn tcatners aim msscu Jirle and Miss Chebter, but Marie no ted with a rjwper little shrlnkins at c heart that she seemed 4e avoid iris altogether, nnd her thoughts went ck nlth linwllllns suspicion te tnc nement when site r. I KVi. h.ad found Dorethy wment when site rjlns. "Dorethv ueesn t loot icn. .uiss Chester Mid. as the deer closed behind h elder cirl. "I really tmnii all tins oil Is tee much ter ner. fnn eurih e tike a rest nnd de something less itrfnueus." "Kaltt nc shawls, ler instance, en. Mtr?" Marie asked tenderly. The old lily loeled ever her classes. It Tveuld de tier no narm, sac saiu eicrelj. ltiasenl JO o'cieck WDtn reamers (It. and Chrln said he would walk part let the way with bim. "I than't he lone." he said te Mane. 'Cut it's wj het indoors, and I must ;tt a breath eC air. ; Kh slr! riiefl-iiieht te tJirm both in he hall, and after they had gouts she teod for a moment looking at tne ciewa wr nlth a feelinc of desolation. :-ne id counted se much en tills evening, tsd en seeing Feathers, and new lie id Eeae and nothing had happened, bething been said ! She did net knew what she had ex acted te barmen or what she had honed Itn would fay, but sbe was conscleuw t outer disappointment as sue went Kp te bed It wemed as II he must, have Irumed about these mementH en Sun- it svben he had let her knew that he erea tier that they could never nave i(tt real, and in her heart she knew Stat sbe was net satisfied, fthe wanted were than the littie lie had Given. one heard ( uris ceme in Just after she id gene te bed, and her heart thndded trreutlv as hit. stcn crossed the land- i'I and stepped outslde her doer: but i went ou again, and presently alienee dl en the house. And Marie fell nrteep, te dream the I'd, terrible dream that she once mere w drowning that she was sinking Iowa, deun into bottemlen dept'us of mir green wucr, and nnc weite, eivrring nnd lighting for breath. Hei ice and the palms of her hands vtcrc vet Willi iierspiialleu. nee ent up in bed and turnei en the int. OnU a dram! Sim looked eund the mom with thankful eyes nnd '" " It would hac been smeh n epi anwrr t nil her troubles if 'eatbers bad nnlv let her drown that 'ummer's niernlng. If Tr.lt f.PA n wr haIh.. a I I. a Unon . ls afternoon." Cbris said nt lunch PWt day, -I'll go nnd leek Feathers !'P. e ntked m last night if I would. mint premise." He looked at bi ii l ' " vema wnn you u fiie, he said nuieklv. pbe laughed. Of COIirap tint! TAV nliati'l fn X. shall we, Oorethy?" no won't n ., ll If ...,1 nt1.AM T IliI Dorellu w id in, J . Premised the vcar," Jlls.s getter broke in, in distress. "I think m reallj must go, my dears." ,. n.iir.se we will," Marie said. 'I lUTe H II r..rli.i,a (nil.. .,'!) 1, ,,.,.. "Ljbng rend, shall we, Dorethy V" ii nufr gin shrugged her Bheulders. irelr belleve in that rubbish, ''J think it's fun," Marie answered. in. .1 1 Sl "uuisniy pleased when, rtur L.l .'he afternoon. thev fnutirl n ill, I (f,nt lu 'erncr f the big lHi "here the l.nnnr u,.e l.nl.ir. l,nll De ifu "i" ...:.'.".'".. .... Wnlh, ,?n?" '"' m' .urB?" ."" ) i. . ' r,urse, we snant ue- 1(J. it, but it Mill hr. fi.nt" NK- t. . . " v and laid licr hands, palms upward, en the cushion. The nalmUt sneke then, for h flt lime, te Mnrle. "if you will kindly wait outside, mademoiselle," she said. Hhe spoke with n slightly foreign nccent, but her voice was soft and musical. Marie went reluctantly. She would like te have heard what Dorethy was told. It was only n few minutes before Dorethy was out again, her face flushed and her eyes bright ns If with un shed tears. "It'M all rubbish," she said harshly, hen Marie eagerly questioned her. "As If anybody believes In It! Are you going In? Very well, be quick. I'll tall you afterward what she said te mc." Marie went back Inte the tent. She had taken off her gloves and tdtpped her wedding ring Inte her pocket. The palmist had nddresacd bcr as made moiselle, und she was curious te knew If she would still belleve her te be un married when she had examined her hands. She laid them palm upward en the velvet cushion, and the woman opposite took them in her soft clasp, smoothing the palms with her ferc.lngcrri and peering Inte the littie lines and creases for n moment without speaking. Marie watched her curiously. Her first nervousness had lest Itself In Interest. She almost startled when, quite sud denly, the woman began te speak In n low, clear voice. leu are very young, hut you are already n wife. Yeu hae married u man whom you loe devotedly, but be is Mind ! And because he is blind he has let your levn waver from him te the keeping of another. Yeu arc proud ! Yeu haw wrapped jour heart about with pride, until jeu have stilled Its besl affections, and persuaded yeuruclf that you de net care." Hhe ran her slender fmgct.s along a faint line at the base of Marie's lingers. leu stnrtid with dreams alar. I many dreamn nnd they have fers.iken you one by one. Hut they will come back." And ahe laised her dark ejes suddenly te Marie s pale face. "A little patio-no nnd they will come back drcamn no longer, but reality. Yeu were meant te h a happy wife and mother, my little Iad.v. but something has In tervened something has fallen across your life like a big shadow, anil for u little the sunshine will be blotted out. " She broke off, and for a moment there wnssllcnte. Then she went en again, mere slewly: "If you will alleT jour heart te govern your head Ttiu can neer go far net ay It Is only new, when you are trjln te ptlllc nil that jour heart would taj, that the shadow k deepen. She smoothed Marie's hands w'lth her soft fingers. "Yeu have money much money," she said. "Hut j-eur friends are few. Yeu are shy, nnd you de net make friend easily. v There has been one great moment of danger In your life I cannot (ell you what It was, but J can sec the sen in sour hand- nnd again hi the future I can see much water. ' ' It will ceme ngaln in your life, nnd it cnrilcs en Its besom tiouule nnd many tears, and " Sh" looked ngaln into Marie's face. "Yeu are trembllnc. mademoiselle,' 6he nald In her soft eice. Marie smiled falntl. "I was nearly drowned once," she said. I can noer forget it. She drewcr hands nwaj. "I ilen"t think I want te hear any mere," bhe wild. She paid double the fee and vcnt te join Dorethv. "Well?" Dorethy questioned hardily. Marie tslmcrrd. "It was rather eerie." she said. "Hut I don't believe In It. Shall we go home? "What did she say -fe you?" Dor Der Dor othy nsked as they droe away te gctlier. "She told ni that I had had one disappointment in my life which I should never get exer. ' " She Inughed. "She wns right, tee! Net that I belie e in fortune telling." Marie hardly listened. Hhe was thinking of the palmist's soft volce nnd the teu'h of Iter hands ns she hail said: "I can gee the s,'a In your hand and again in the future I can see much water. It will come again In your life. and it carries en Its besom trouble and many tears. " She was net superstitious, but the words haunted her. Troubles nnd tears. Surely she had had eneuch of them. She wished 3he had net gene te the bazaar; ahe wished with all her heart the had net coae te the palmist. "Yeu started with dreams alasl se many dreams and they have forsaken you one by ene. Hut they will ceme back A littie natlcnce nnd they will come back; dreams no lentrer. but reality." She ant up with a littie determined lauicli. "It's all rubbish I don't belleve n word of it." she told herself. "She ally said It because she thought it would plcase me." "WV're Just living for sinne teu. ftreysen," Fhe, told the mntd who ad mitted thera. "I l.ope you've some ler us." "Mis' Chester Is hating tea new." the girl answered. "There ls a ladj with her lu the drawing room a Mrs., llerict." Marie Bleed still ruth a llttln shock. She had quite foigetten that Chris had paid Mrs. Jleriet would preuauiy call. you 111 II trWi.11"0!1 tae ,lnP f the tent, and "OrOthv laiul.nll. fll. -.1 1 . v ...viMiutj n,lUt:l utT, l,V0im,m Ml nt a fcn"tl' reun(l table W h?.lf. I'slit of the tent. Sbe wns inS.u"" ',Ue "10 nsual fortune teller. fZi i ,7UB ''"wed Plainly In a white trinn't ,,,Bl? et in the usual gaud) Tk. tB ,vllich 8Ucn People affect. niJif8 smnl1 an(l 'lrk, with rather .Plaintive face and large eyes, and ileVrU was s,rurk by the extreme "taaerncsa nmi iiii.., ,.c .,.,. i,.,.i 'csl,,Vr?,H en n little' velvet cushion ilfe tuble befeie her Slir. ij"1 tr ,une our Pnl" read," imi' ,'' "0 """ conscious et an i;ns feelini- .....1 -i... i i..... 1 1. .. l-'lVJ;??"1 ",ln of the teut nervously. I Wr-ru'i be first ' 1 ilAn' klt. iu il it srv 11 . 1 Kuril!. V".,0YB " ." uoremy nam, ?"y, but she jnt dovre at th table ' ciiAvrisit xiv "J !ev ilm. and I Ioto htm. sr.fl I 1et! Oh heit my le iei wellliiK o'er the brl.ni He maitm nr llslit mere tlun th un Ana lm m It tav whit I m te Mm? Mrs. Ilertet had quite failed te make n cenqucjit of Miss Chefter, for the old lady considered thnt every woman who i.wmI nalnt und powder was a hussy. There was a very formal tea progressing In the drnwlng-roem when Marie en tered. Mrs. Hriet was genuinely clnd te see ber nB she had found conversation up hill work with Miss Chester. She Ulssed Murle effusively. "I fcupiwse Chris forget te tell you I wan calling," she said. "Men are be lergetful." "lie did tell me," Maiie answered, "and I 11 m nfraid it was I who forget. I am se setry. Won't you huve some ninie tci?" Dorethy enme In, and she und Mr-i. Ilerlet Htartdl a pas-jagc-at-arms im niedlatclj. Thej were tee much alike iver te acree. and Marin was relieved when Mru. Harlet satd fiie must go. "Pome find BCfl me off." she whls- icred te Mnrrie as e took her de pnrtura. "I want te tell you some- thine" . . ,,, Marie went reluctantly. She did net wish for nny confidences from Mrs. Ilrrlet, hut apparently she was te be given no choice in the matter, for im vjeii as (lie drawing room deer had cluseil behind them Mrs. Hfilet said In a mj'terleus veire: "Is there a mom whero we cau b undiMurbed for 11 U'ement? I hac something ery im Vertant te tell you." Marie smiled nervously. CONTINUED TOMpnUOW in.u.rM.t: .,Cv,mU Cfs-r tuGRE'S An tAI? DRUM m I .... OC.YYOU W 1 I . .. M ( fr ii-dBi - vojfeoi iel. -v aeAa mmt sn aeES fi&hu rffSl I ? IR I SOMEBODY'S STENOG-TIw Office Beautiful : : ; : c'g'"- in; ,by b"" I8" Cam""' ByJOaywwrd M A fi- g . - ' "" --1 HE-'S PLEASED A -e a ' 2 II ' m MARM-THI5 ISAM AWFUL XJmP'. l'lrlQ!T LJ AARV'. r7ZZ&J&Gttfi)p tlf thei?e -isatt ah oemcb. of suai3hiie I ' & .1L .., ; a mSm- ?7nkV If - (MIT LISTMAi, WHILE THE 8055 IS I $?l C f)MCilr& ll 1MB ' wHP1 rlJilArAirK H I J OUT TODAV LET'S FIX UP HIS I fflNtUwWt IIIQ fj TiCLE A P S.HtVTVT, j if, .' A OFFICE SO ITS A r -U flr" III -, IIP 7 Sl M- V 1 -"11 ' i J if V AIICE CHEERFUL TL- 'wKlT ' 3- C ' "' "u ' .'fill C-C .W -' 'A pRIVtb c I KV .A'.v : . ! '.1-40k X , 'L 1HR JK 622 MXW7 iJfeOT V ,;- "? ' H st " rM fenrfirr-JU-v fi mi'.ym s &xaP ,ii? " " ra"Wj -'- h .lA-Ki.fwAgt)-el ' h m I . ' ; - ft K' .. .. ..r ..e . . ... tin nwia Sffl Tki Ve.inn LaHv ArreB the WlV A VERY EXCITING HAND OF BRWGU -:- HU tUMAlAK IU.Y , ZL1IVUU U.lia -- -- -j- ... ' -'. i : 3 1 uajiijfe-i mihjM--r .ia I : &' Hh'&Sr s ' BMsm$3I. tPl ih-eu"-"! Ivwreuw 1- ,j r-, rvv7Kf siftr i BiiKBMiMna-wtAr. kim'1 -- .- .,- he,s m. , - mv vt iw. Tnvr m'(y'''''X5&2Mnfi7ff'7ti-ii?A;r xx w. 'Turn- smawk " --., js jsrif. H. .? MM rm mrsGO& ' ' -ESWVWWtti , 1 1 . .., D,, possum, vwii- U TS4l ) " WrW&rvi R,rceicPeeOy ...i." ....e-n. neiekP VAI UTT Wl SM r"V .. ...... . e mir ;:.?''t-. Vl -... catAH Tb ir- "' JM B 't.l;,Z "Duavnayvu urtuu ae hAjniA trt fu ha.d Kt, luiX fUwtkdX i nwui - "''.. :..t.i faer.e J" ".....TsM -. BW fi. OX " ' r- -0 .- , rReUi J0,w v-.-- i.oe " ,.Fe bob nswww'" Rigs ft- t CZl , R055CLW We3TOn . cRftXN- I'fi, a A OAv fVVT . "'- . LNSi W5 TMU iw "- rasi U MirSDi. HWX vik; fcKk 1 iTOOrv i -- .1 ( J R iijij n JuMfFi Av&'i. deg op ercP- ffik 'M' vwrnrr1 A e-ry-X Tvve ground- j JfRw vm& A VtvfWA IWs ' I sT S-S" 0 i . v-fl M'-'.. ilV-V mmfar ,1JE WVMQfAWi? uii 'V - " "- . i -TL " !.' Vi6CW T XA fZ'W?MrA 7.fli V LiiGBl taMJl '" w v A4-a ' te Tvw! 1 JildT Cv A yrlMV tWm HI " xr "m it wi MWiy i y rs&rc? mixrM itw nsxr . l l .iMi.u ' i ?-s. ! we y r v7s akN5SL& r,m,s& mix - N'7 vn,n T. . V ff As&A&Jv V.-! 1 fl3l mL EIIBrK 4 f IS jW . ;JAV " 'p- ' sup- tfvri sPXfflW "BaaFH : m. r .iir -iv, mn . a- . j cvi . '- r y - - . iryrrm vi, v ; y jm ,ii .3jb aUVAll Ky K--n ' ,SS;' MOT VR1 11 WCZLWll ' Ms?mz0 j&? . BKBlAe, JPI f' . 1 Wl 11 -li I Ll V "S. tfe1 1 I j -WC ii.-N. .VlA1HfT ml I J i II i ill Ii ' i I I II Ml TWMmJm 11 -. CV, Hl" a ifimjuu4vL rssaJiai. r ,T Mm&mmm&Lzm 'bv . - is u: rf ! -J iJ vv- rvK'9Vi,'SS!W n jr Ax - iWi2fes"Cft1m0WCHRe' a IMHH Tt ' i-Ck. A sj'liifr The young lady across the way S 8 ivVi jSZS&Uzlrfhx'W n&ZZt33&. CA ?A Sef U"&4m, JSfikS. i'S-i !) much happier than she w before " - j - rC-lWPM SS&MSm fli she get her freedom. ffP'7C -" - -b- THE, Jftererj SrHB '1 . - fj sr r 7tfnir"ir Ttt.. irl.... rr m ...... -.--j . ..... . r. -r 4 Trj.j k K - I'Fjijui jjctttri- j. nun nv uxuucivu . i . . . : : y l. i. r uigni eu ys - -v :kiJv u im ij) v- .,. v-. ; . i i I ' " .' IA iVMfflavr : st.!, "-J ..- 81 H "fffcWW, WWU. ,s : s. lQfSrAt S VW&& sZ fr-J? S XxXrZr itffc B'jl ypOWT vAfrW . I I THdDGtvr Manbg. vkHxK ' r &75WI&sA ''IsUfZZ'Zi. f 4&&2. JBssa ffil I .. -""V U HV1 I ir. ' . ..".. ifcUflV. rtilAi' i V-JVB "U S ' yXS Sr M i la ''CKJfl t-K VWVls. "VMify lk-i-T-Ar.. -n..n. 1 .-r. TlWW -,v.- U WW ' . 0rC3U ". 'S I ! T1 Ifil : . :mk ?f,iWNu,riH,M 1iF eiiAnM, Mmti. z?jis&.z &&zrzz mi I VUACK- W y0IMC I CUES I M K r -. , v fi'l vq J'yi' F? - JVrf -V -". . W' V 1 URf .! AYrci 1. I'nTbV IT AB it IK ' " T l Vi t f e V&. .O . W i " nL Jl 1. " lk( ' - ?r ' 'HA r"N,c ,.. ASlWJ Tr' r W . K V r 1 ,- Jj M5 h 7 T w ewce- Meris amvuyah . JAAKiBy ,i ' Vi i tx, T nnTi n Tr7 i "i m. i JIJ w r. . ljf .1 fll T frr f - - " ' Ull i k t i UrM ,1 i ThA. iuv-- rH.w "7- fiT'T-tf WP imBi y-i u? .1 . , ? imvaa' anuuivrt.. v m u 'SSf.A , ai ,f , rz sks t j n ja . . i r i n i r i h.fi i mi. tt in r ai a ' -. -" i il jhu,4 rs j -tt ,w i ' hW !l JdiA. 'h.V (AMM . Ill r.. Ai4.12riUi if .. I OT FMU ,WgHf Z-. ir V ttlBMi W A A- V 7 'Uy IUW illV , Vl; ll Wi MWJ IV NM 4MM fi . VllnW. -. K&& -. l Ml i" njRVMiur "nH."(mw y wt.vVflw. rmmmwm u, u t m,,wm. . a sv c ,.$ ..I i v m rmhv ri' . x. hit", w . j7na iw Mtiwi.i vi ir litVvuiurMm r f r . - m s. WMLVM.m s '. i. n ..mSmmiaeti.r.fvmivsui mniiuji.i M(vwni hwumm ' zsfei 3 - n.f mmmmj a.l m l hi Amx lwm mikwv'Ii mmmttttmwMwmmtKi x intL wi wmjsmm l w i iwaB.mmtR.mi mmmammm xmam & i iiwn ,wi wranmwv rerzw mwrM,. i . ",' ' v ' mM r''l M Mh a f L : ii,tl K" . KlsFBa . JivlL -ttlJ I A in' (yiuiAr wl WW'HM NJHH :l "i 'w AAAAvr jjkaffliE 11 GASOLINE ALLEY Oh, Jey! : : : : : j" ByKing 11 i ?; 1 i 1 .. - i . . ,-v i sii Ah K fmCVOU i WfNT W" VOU COME R.GHT HOME A F5- 7 BILL, VOU MEET A,E IN l D' ' " AY A M le a JSJ ' cCu? eiSSS fY ebabieTv aver i Gceccc mason Tbte H 3 r the lobby of tmc Unew when I'MWlJ g I I aT LIP FOR VOL. UNTIL "- 0 HOWE ME TMC2 DINN6RS WERE ALWAYS Lr.ff' ffifBn - MOVlC THGATCR. AT -v cxfl L OFP' 1 iSWi Vj ONE OCLeck;' y A, BMixS- OVeR BY NIHE. O'CLOCK' 3-1 EH? V NTv ' ,s" ' s ' ) d C y -? 'll . : - V, -w B m m , S i i,r 1W