iSpf' w ' 4 k. """" PARCEL POST pifiEf Kaiv3E8w'9 S3 NEW Ss-N" ,lVntli and Scurf $330 New Pianos, $250 te $585 w.w Plavcr-I'Janea. S325 te S873 Baby urann nnnea, vete iu 910:13 Reproducing I'lnycro.sseau 10 ?i.iuu 100 Uprights 50 Playcra 1 1A Hnlitr nvnnrlq MI'ST Iir, SOLI) AT ONCE, mm vrrn " ",,0M for mir im Menni.s IRRMTMl IMH.V from , tlif fnclery. Th. ' MhT IIKtOW will clre reu some Mm of 'f,v of t,le ma"J' miiku te "0 101.1)1 . ... JO Stcinwny uprights. 7 Cunningham uprights. , 5 Ulasiua uprights. . Emersen 88-netc players. 4 Cliirkcring uprights. 5 Knabe upngius. 6 Lester uprights. 1 Vese upright. 5 Henne uprights. 2 Chickcring 88-note players. g Wcbcrfielu 88-netc players, 3 Ludwig uprights. 10 Heward Vincent. 5 Hardman uprights. 1 Leenard player. Thr Inatrnmeuti. lire In first-class condition. Priced Frem $60 Genrnntred nllli a twe-jeur exchange nrliTImr. "" nrrnnite rin.v term. .11 .mi McnAA nasi aitlrl tnm AflJhlAirrt 1,(111 ri itn w .(.("MMC Open Men., Wed. and Fri. Evgs, HOWARD VINCENT fl36-83S-8i0-812.814-8.lG NORTH SIXTH ST.. PIIILA. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 192i 27 DiiTiin ...". "Slv;-On Nev, H 1021. THOMAS 1;-.0I..?n,5j.D:' "!eisr.: CSiw'.'heii, ft B-a.o,r,..,,S3,,Ahp,leA1.r'S m.n.ls1.'lt,",l,",,n.c!',("1 nom"i" int.?: urdnV evening '"""" cnH,,crr' Vlewlnij Hat- . rjASTiiuiiN. jev. 8, in2i. Avnem fcMHAHDT. widow of Frank. KnYtburn Relative, and friend Invited te fin", wii,""' E"'2.1'- M" nt h residence ?f William II. Kmhnrdt, 32 XV. lUney Ucrmantewn. Int,. private '""vey i inPftSffarJ.WMt- C"'" -n Nev. 7. - HWM41. 1 s. ".111"1.. Kfin Af tlt l.i. imvrns ?. CliMrcnhrnimhtVJenT ' Jh Messiah I.u mi V f if, i. r'h ?n.(1 Jff"r8en st., Snt Ji .1'.?" ?j .lntrment private, it Ferd Edward Ne HEftAN. Nev Edward li. nnd Lvdia nee ei lunerai later. i.. i. . T.rtB,uB',JU,',A' helevccl Mf. 0f of 2031 JE.., .V: niu..r. ndfJicVid,, rise I)lv. Ne. 7. I.. A. A. I. II Invited in funeral. Snt . S.H0 a. m ev i ' 'P:.1.' ,. fi'iMirn'mT.."-!"?!!. l Jhetew Pine), Snlnmn "nd Wle ltRan iZmi""?? nVl,,i-rch S ' Tv.inailur.i" ,tnen and frlendi .... w ... .... .Mv. 4,uw i umcarai. f.Lli1-8!110" A.-,Kn!' ,,,,le" U I'nrrew (ii i,.0vnii',fu,S?. 5 ."inuva and friend, irS Itivlteil te nttenil funeral, n it ." SfnTOt i is!,,w.e.'j.i!L5'i ! Ji-.. j"t .;: itifhrnn NnlnrilM w T,--..te U';ilvi.?."; B,e'gffr"v P. M. " "l" ,,r'day, 8 te 1T eSii!!j&.i'.s,":1' jme, luncrn lii a.iiii """ invnmi te De,?,,4.l)R?.''m- Helm.ibure ' O'TOOLK. NV.v. H. Vli'ifvr t Jh. Iitejilin Sil Ilffi'ei; "n.u' "'" .. WHIM l'j.cha nvn M. ni V. CMhedFal OrS: -"urc" Iu Al M- '" QUlitK At hT residence, lfl.-.l N nA St., en Vev. 8. 1021. Kr.iKAitrvrir . VS.a widow of Itrnlainln llari r....i. .. '.'".'.V- and frlendn are Invited te tha Jti i Ce,nltl.Xf." ChUrC"' ,ctt"0"- St. Mary, alt n..l - rt '...." J" -' i uu I ITnlnn r'tiAnt .i CJ !. Jit" " " ' ' iv. injiaiivea ana iriendi ra in. i ,v" V" . --"" ." jihuiihl untiriMi. r Clrarl tn n.n.l ....- - ---,-".. . inVIIPfl In ID1 i1'1ia a CJn..J r -T " rclllIfnfA. !-! IfnnUlna ui Un i nn ! I. .. - - ,... r-i.( lint i ..IT' -. p. d:q. iiiiIIhIi for lurnltiire tit inB and iiuteniulillcH, OUc r rint .1 rim' ,nr ' ltlnlu. newAnn vim'knt. H3i-Han-H.tH x. nth fLKIM' M.f'HINi: rrimlrnl. 81i wlillr mil uultl rk ElUir. Ulltenn, 200 X. Kill 10 P. Mi """. 10 . PAUCETT. At Woodbury. N. J . Nev B MAIIUAIIKTTA II.. widow of J." PrankV.?.! i."1 MnnlflflM n( . Nei 1 HA t llif. l.n! Dnrlt f d. ..i. .,. " . ' PIIITS5. On Nev. B. 1021. SAIIAII AN.M. widow of William Prlti. lMneral erlcei en Saturday, at a P. M.. at late rnsltlente; Wl lrten n vp . Prneten. Dclanare County. Pn. Interment private. ' PIUTSCU. Nev. . PUrtDIXAND C. huahnnd of Hjnnah rrlteeh (n'e O'Ncil) I"! hla 42J year. Itelallves nnd frlenda. nlv,. lmlUKtry Ledge. Ne. 1B1. P nnd A M.. i,n,i ifnt'lala nnd empleye of Yeung-Smyth-M-Mii te., are Invited te nttfnd funeral .eiMre, IMrh nvJ. Int. private Hlllrlde Cm lte'.',"um5: eall.Prl.. 7 te !l P. M. I' IJHS. Nev. 7. CONIIAD. husband of Louisa Tuha (ne Mcncea). aied in. Itela iVlT ti!,,'.1 frln'',1? '"v'ted te funeral erv uu. TJlur", V2 'M- 8n2 N". th st. Int. ".el?edH,iC.hr0',eC',1,S-,..1Mmaln" may "" KL'HKY -Mm Q vuTiren - 1 a dauBhter of the late William 'n. .iiS . 1 l0 V'ltHvca atul frien.W Invited of Htram aillenple. lie atlve and frlenila nre invited te funeral. Prl . 2 P. M. from .','n,ureLlll",,? of her ilauimter. Mrn. Ablt" Jiiiih s Jlnle st Int. Mt Merlah fern lrlend niav rill Thuri. ee. UOI.D.SMITM. On Nev. T. 1021. THOMAS It., son of the lati Mary A. Oeldnmlth 'nged -I jenrs. Pel.vthcs and frlindn nrc Invited te the serlce, en Prlday afternoon, at e clock, at hla lat reldercc, fi.113 Spruce nt Interment Jit Merlah 0metery. Prlends ui can inurseny etnin(T. OltUTITJI (nee Oriiham). Nev 7, ANN'A M.. widow of Samuel I' tlrlfflth. funeral Trl . 1 P. M., from 21.12 8 Philip st. Int lernwoed Cum. Prlends may call Thurn. eie. 8. JOIIN. eon of Jehn M (nee Cunningham). IteU nre invllM . ...... .. tiMl tvi 1.11. t. "".'.' ,u i eiiu HI- Aseem. W 4Te- Jt"l? .IffiVSn ,,f jiff 'J-igsrBS mauki::i Mt'nniv i'itKi:.MAN. 01 e p Mni Plir mill -AHA Iltil.M.S Klli:i:.IAN On Xev li 1021 hj lte. II M. Wertx. of fit. (ttphen , 1 liur. li. cailjs AI.COltN-'in Ne. S. 1021. .lAMK.H II. ALCOItX I'"-' and of the , lain Anna It. Al corn. Ileiat 1 h iknd frVnds of the famlh, iIwAiiIuiuk l)dmi Ne 2ft. I (). e. p and Crcswni Citile, Ne IIS, K . 1: , ntn,l te sttinil fmierril 1111 I'clil.e, nt 2 I' M rK. from the r-sldeniv of JIri. Mnrtlwi Ltmen J IS ll.ith at Interment lVrn lVrn lVrn oed Cemeter llcmalns may be xleued Ihundav evenlmr. from 8 te 10. ALDKCII On Nev. II. 1021. HKItltKRT B. en of Kmina nnd 1 the late Jnmm lt,ti ItelatlvM and frit mis arc Invited te the er li - en i4ntiiri'-iy nft-rnoen. nt ' o'cleiK n Iuh lata lenldence, 300S Catharine it. Interpent private, ' ""c ALEX'ANDril On Nev. 8. 1921 s.n mi (nee Mecu-len). wlfj of Jehn TT, AlexinJer nitml 71 venre. Relative, and irisiiua mu iii.iivi iu itiu a 'rvice, en FrliJiy fternoen at 2 o'rletk at her late reii. tm: 21H1 Halnlirldav at. Iiiterntcnt at Mt Merlsh CrreUiy I'rl.-nds may call Thura- bl rtriuiirt. ASKAM-Nnv. 7 ANNII3 ASKAM IteH tins ami friends nie Mnlied te funern'l hei'i. Imi, Thurs 2 P .M.. at the home of Pred. rick I' I.e Malstre. 1128 Mt. Ve?non at let. priat . BAILI3V On the 7th Inst . at Cnmbrld-e KuiiWUU V. BAIUJY. Iauih?Jr of tt late Dr (leerse ami Annle Valentine Bailey. Funeral nnd Interment private. BAItR. e s. IUC1IAHD PAIUC It inn rjlatiiis ,i.l f.lcnils mu lnilte.1 te iVtt.Sl III! rcjlJence. I!i2a Walten n- Int. Bilvati BARHATT At ln.r residence. 1001 Pine .'.. en Ne .K 1S21 13I.W3.N li. Vjiiuirh er cf the l.ji. James ami Jiurv Cuinniines Iirrslt Kelai ncs nnd lilends are t,, Ih jeriire en Tliuml.iy aftornoen. ut -t o'clock 111 the O.Uer II. ll.tlr Lllilu is"!! t,htnut t Intei ment private, DATCIII I.OH -On N')v. 0, 1021 VAnv irKew of Willi im llaicluilnr, nc-d 07 wiVV litlatlies .ml friMiul, r8 United te the mnlce. en t.itunljy ufti rnemi. m jj eVInek I htr la'e. 1 .. lem ' 1M2 Vlwiaul 1,,. lirraciil iniMHe Kindly emit Hen era ' BENNKTT - Nej . (1 1021. OI30IKJB M te'ewu huilMiid of I3sther .lane Ueniittt (lie, loetli) Kemi e.imU, ali-n Wa"nt j top Iiilij. Ne ,",. P and a. M . hmJ Vii ens with which he wsih eon Meted, a ri nnluil te utteiul f uncial aei vices lilharlnn st. Int private. B1SSKX On Nev. 0, 1M21. WILLlA.M G hibinil of S Atinl4 Illsaex (nee Kilmer)' KeUtlMs und friends, also Winhlnrten rttap. Ni. 7stl. P O. S. of A . and Wni rm Relief Ami , are Invited te the sen Ice en ThurJ.i afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, at his late rtilUi nee. Hula s umnm at. Interment ftlvit Mm In.; Wednesday ecnlin: from 0 te 10 0 Uet It. WAOI'IA.N Nev S. MYItA IC . damjh Ur of Wniiai.i '. and Myra It. JJ.-ichman tnee Oe ns). In hoe 12th year. Jlelailves .l1'n'l, . "if0 r'unduv Sehoel of Oih Tuv or Memerial Church. Invited te funeral er ii.'ii ..rl .,-' l' ' "'- lwr parent a' reeldencn, J,., .,1.1n, '" "' In. Private. Friends . lvl niurs ee. Ijiriiii AO"A:!- , Ny- 7- JOHN B. CAI, IAQIU.N, aaed 72. Itelatlvea nnd frlende. t?hJ.i.rJ".VeUa I'-.l,B ei..- ..W 3-- ": . M : i 1. " . r. .- . v .. -' a. mni iieineiiL frldny, Unccin ller Aeseclltlnn. Invited In fnnernl - P M . from residence,. Pint and Ala l.'.llar.... r-kl 1 ... T.t I-. tlnl L'... ., ,,ri, w. in. Hi.?! eiTi ,',.".," 1 oinetery iA .''.'AN nuv 8, 1021. MAinnnY. Jire of Jehn I'allnhan and dauEhier of iatJ .r ? a"d IMclTet Fuel, of County Hone Hene 'Ireland lt"Utiea rniil frlnnda are n- . Li;..t0 ""end funeral. Sat , 8 at A. M . I ...? ?U08 Parnsh st Solemn renulnn A r a.1 .51,0,h,r of Sorrewa' Church 10 chim'I1,1, .Ilely Cr" -'' lu.bir, . IL.ltHe N,,vi 7. JAMES 13.. beloved 3 H ft V is .ci,?0?besi.aRi!.rrt lS " "iMW','1- In, BrlNate' niAIii'i'i.-Juddenlj. Nev. 7. 1021. liilaiti.. M t!"l,b"d f IJInnehe H. Celes. Ke iij friends, also Soletnon'B Ledirn. ff'whlJl, . ","1 A' M" RnJ "ther HP.-letlen fuaarai . he. WBS n Member. ar Invited te tilldenei "e'fSS- Tl,r P. M. fit ll late t"nv.nT.n, "W. s !tl at. Int Trl.. at renijV?0 ri,J' V I, . wlfe of Win. P. tl5I ivi"'? ,0' H11( Vher at.. I'Hlla. Itela thi 1 r..n frl"l; Invited te funeial Crum UikeriLd,nccu.f PraiW Hall. 28 front at Jiertmvn Pa Sat.. Nev 12 ut 8p no lett" Iteadlni: Terminal nt i.m-v:a " -yev. 0. 1021. wlfe of James Jacksen nnd rrlentis niA services, Thura. of Hehreeiter A P. sons. M.. 4th Nev aKed K,Art'- CeWnr Ulem ft !fenin-' riMnnseN. iiu- irad. In Ills H8th ver. nUe Rebert A. I. am is? te and A M.: Jeru- Chapter, Ne. 3; St. Jehn a Ne 4. if. T.t Phlla. Cen- A Q n "... V .... ..1.. 1 r '.:- 4v.. anil i.u i.u irinui-. . nWiV.. ?' s ImPed te attend funerul reii v w parlors of Samuel W. Ixehr . ttt 1 ,, .cer- 2l!,t and Diamond stf.., (Jm v??.1 M rreelssly. Int. Bt. TllCI'lnH cnnrUVll'mareh' Pa. PC b1i9JLan Nev- ". 1C21. CATHARINI3 fine!..-. M; wlfe of Jeseph A Corcoran and 'neon f.',1"'-' O"erira and Isabella Con Cen fcn.i.T ,',,elal' and friends Invited te tt hi? .1 cm . b 'M A- M . from rosldence t hm." " -Mr" " -' -Moere. iH-t H Mst ki!.? ,mn ''lulem miiHg at St. Francla de ten thunh 10 A M. Int. Ilely Cress liandAf ,.SuJ'lenl-. Nev. 8. JAMES A.. Hit) liii,.? ''""n'stine Cut ran (nee Urautl f'U K ?."ni1 friends, also I O. . M., Ne Sfe Knll't" of St tleeia-e. I. O. It. M , WO A r" 'Jilted te attend funeral, Sat , feds, ..V .trerr his late renldence. 3222 T.i- euieinn renillein trinnn I'hurih nt Cedar ''"'"a.. Int. Hely Bepulcme .... M21 .. u? 0n Tuesday. Newmlxr 8, MRaii iv,bl"lr.,I",tal. Wcshlniten, D. C. ltd 1 ILtivV.' dauuhter of the late Court- intwrnsiTf n,.ln4.hs n3ln ysar of hr ane. i-iISff.,ntr. at v ''1 1st Church Cemetery. rab,r,t,,oCennV, nt U A. M.. Saturday. Ne Dai v i of t," hudJ"ily. Nev. 8. CI-ARA V . r Inviianf D,vly- Pelatlvee and frlenls Ml from h. 'V a"l'", f"l","h Sat.. 11 A. Wt?nii.nJ """.""ddence, (118 Rlchey av , f E ( i,'fa.Woe,t1' N- J- S01 vices at Christ ate7 Pr'' 32 ""cleelc neon. Int. pri ll, ,,f ml1 T,By cn" lrrl aft" 7 P. M. ? dati'ih?.. X.0V."nl,,,C 8...WILH13r.MINA ""! Thur.,!,,.. ', : ,. 1'. . '? '.'""". 4M., ni 1110 cnapei llf In... f ;:... ni'rsdav. 10 ,li- Intrn.. .,.""" i aen. .vrcn ana lum Pleai sSffe !stt,SS private. New Yerk papers , Nev 0 1021. HELEN Reb II. -"Hies .ItUiy le.ltls ft. KfiT .",i,.r?J "?!. K.T.s"i? ai."m 1"!, In 7i.".V Dph..V.,.vi n I" Church DfnntiI N'. 8. 1II3NIUI3TTA iin-uil set vlcaa. Id und Plnu at. wlfa nf Sat , 2 I M.. raul. llUilV"1 l?udleV at .rjOWMe" .'temulns may t seen Prl !iJrh iiT(":'A' AMIXANIJER. husband 'ilthdi. iVn ii'iwiV!; ?55? 1j.eatlves 'flllfln Int A n.....ri . . ..-.. .111 ..1 K.1111UUS may i sen Prl, eve also Hiram Ledne. ii .Jwerir .55?. a" ".'her aecUtfe.. Invl JVllaneiVj.'JfyA0,"- Bat.. SiSO P.' M.. uHl tali KlD ,u Q'rmantewB, 1 a. 1: ilea at Int. q.M(;i:! !T:n- ;-Nev-.7- (nee Stell). widow of Hetiry Haeuser. In tier 71th year Rjlatlves and friends also members of Porters Lake Huntlne and Flshlne- Club. Phlla. Rlfln Club and Ladles' Hewllmt Club. Canntatter Ijidles' Hecletv. and all ether Miuiiii'n 'i vincii ene was n memuer. in vlted te funeral eervlres. Thurs., 2 P. M,, C8PS Ulrnrd ave Int. Mount Vernen fern. 1II3IDTMAN. On November 8. 1021, Iin.NllY HI3IDTMAN Itelnthes f.nd friends ate Inv ted te funeral, en Prldnv, at 8:30 A M. from his late residence. 1718 N flSth M. Solemn icnulcm maes st Oreuery's Church 10 A M Interment J'elv Cress Cemeterv. Remains nuy be viewed Thurs Uav evenlnR. iiiTciicecK. Nev. r 1021. MAniunrT A., beloved wlfe of Prank 11. Hitchcock (ncs Cnrr). Iteletlves nnd friends invited te nt tend funernl !.. 8 M0 A. M . from late reeldonie, MM N. 21st at Solemn renillein muss nt Chutch of St Prancla Xavler 10 A M. Int Mt. Vernen Cem. HI. 1TINOTON. Nev, H OUINNIEWM LAi L. w Ifj of Themns 1-3 Huffinuten. nil .'1 tlves nnd friends are Invited te nttend fu nerill eeiu-.i iiiuir. i;ju i'. ,-t ... h- lu'e residence. 420U Plre st Int. nr vate IICOHF3S. - Nev. 8. 11121. .MAROARPT ter of the late Manila and Jane O'Dnnnell Relatives and trends are Invited te attHiii funeral Sat.. 7 110 A. JI . residence. 713 Vf r.alll St. reieinn requiem llla.SH nt h V IIUII.II '- - .H.HHUIj yi, U ri. Hniv Cress (em "" Hl'NT Nev. 7. PIULIP M son of Philip nnil .Vuy Hunt (nee Lacy), formerly s.-r-ntnt. H"ivdquartcrs Ce, SMth Inf. A I P llelntlviis nnd friends, ulae Altar 'and Itnsary Sorle'y and veterurs of 314th Tnf rilv Ne 77 A O. II Court nl ft . niiu.. v. ui 4 , mi- uiviieii te runerul. PH.. 8.30 A. M.. late residence. I8C0 Jl"r.", nve. Solemn requiem mass fhtinth of MuV Mi the.- of Sorrows 10 A. M Int. Hely Cruss t'eni IHI5LAND Nev, 0. ANNI13 F... wife of Pdw.ird S. Ireland Relatlvis und frlerds rr Invlttil te nttend funeral, from the rel. r"erce of hei husband, Mulllcn Hill V 1 at, Nev 12. 10:81 A. M. Services t the Int. Wllllemstevvn M, 13. Cem JACKSON. Suddenly, nt New Or'l.m. in . Nev n Johanna niti.iivvf "neans. riieii. usiiu s Relatives Inv ed te attend i,,,,iM", at th parlors I'nt.t.ln V T lilt TlrlAlnl. fc " "le'i iii'ivmi ... m, .- mi, . fill KANI3. Suddenh. Nev. rt. CHARLFS 11 s.m of the late JnmH and Rnannna I'vane' Tuneral. te relatives and friends u i, emiilee, of 2d Dlst . Highway Dept . nnd ether societies of which he was n mnibr are Invited. Prl . 8. .10 A. M.. lata residence MIS .I.u ksen t. lluea of rcqul-m Church uf the Epiphany 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem KEUI.rin. At Atlantic City. N J 8, COROI3LIA, widow of Isiae Keelef. 81. Services and Interment erlenin. KINO - Nev 7. 1021 ARCHIHALD hus band of the Inte Maririiret IClnir, airtid 77 Relatives and friends nlse the Amalgamated Lace OperatlviK of Atneiica, invited te fu fu eorul services, prl., 2 P M.. lute residence 30IU N. Sivunsen it Int. Qreenmeunt Cem Frlmds nay ca'l 'Ihurs. eve. KNOTT-Nev. b, WILLIAM A., bclevml huiib.ind of Etheljn C Knett (niu Castn). in Ins a.ltli vear. Iunernl tervices Prl , J 1 M at his late residence.. 321 Merchunl at.. iMidubin. N. J. It.t. Harltlrfh Cen K' 11311 1.L'rt Nev 0, MARIA O, widow of C. llmll Keehler. Relatives and fr'eiidt aie invlt'd tj attend funirnl lervb-es, Sul 2 P. M . .it hir Inte reuldence. .1130 Ced ir live Int West Laurel Hill Cem. I'lletuls may c-.U Prl. eve. I.ANDY. On Nev. 7. 1021. JOHN J., .en of Jehn and the late Ann Laudy. Relatives linn iiicujD 11110 imicers District and Aerie Ne vlted te the funeral, en Thursday mernlnir at 0.SO o'clock, from tha Oliver II. Hutr llldit., 1820 Chestnut nt. Mass of solemn rcnuletn nt St. Patrick's Church nf 11 o'clock Interment at Hely Cress Cemstery. LAW. - On Nev. 8. 1021, MARY R. widow of Ei'Bar A, Law Relatives an I friends Invited te funerul services, en Sat , at 11 A M , In Chun'i of Inc-ai nation, llreal ane jeirorsen bus. mi. private. LAWR-VNCI3. On Nev 8. 1021. RniVAnn ! a 1 siviipMini 11. 1 v.,,0t...t ... m .. . .. ...... .....- . .. .tit.Kuii.i ,11 .iiurKuerue Jlloeie Lavvrance nnd .en of Leflfli. .inn. na tha lutu Edward S. Lnwranee, Ji. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited te the service en Thursday morning, ut 11 o'clock, at his real di nee, 7110 Cnshelm read, aermantewn Interment private Autes will lie at Allen Lane station te meet train leaving; Ilread St Station 10 80 A M. LIU'FERTH Nev 8, HANNAH 1) , widow of Saiiuel Y. Ieffeite, In hei 8.'.;ii etr. Relntlves and friends Invited te an-md funeral mi vices, Pi I., 1 V. M., at het s 11-In-law s rjsldence. Jeseph A. Slorten. 2'.i,''.n N. 24ih st. Int. prlvnts, Hillside Cem. I;1:..X'7"NevV 7' ,I'.,".S AI '"" nf I-""'' and the late Mi L Lelx (nee Merris). Fu nerul Re, vices Prl . 2 P. M . resldence of srandfather, Ullllam II. Merris. 0118 W Uiraid ave Int. Purnwoed Cem l.BVY Nev 0, 1021. HARHARA. wife of AUiaham Charles Levy. Due netlea nf fu neral will be given from hsr late residence, 2131 N. mth st LINDS13Y Nev 8. 1021. ELIZAnETH M. wlfe of Jeaenh W. L!mlcv Kelatlvis and friends Invited te services, Pi I., 8 p. M at her rasldenra. 121" 7th uve.. Hadderi Heights, N. J. Int. private, Ivy Hill Cem , Pli I la. MA1ION. Nev. 8. 1021. ELIZAI1ETH. wife of William Mahen. Relatives and friends, olse Ladles' Auxiliary. Themas Em ery Pest Ne. 220. A. L . are Invited te at tend funernl. Sat , 8 3e A M . from her lata risldence 4130 Deiter it ltoxbernugh. Sol emn leiiulem mass St. Jehn s Church 10 A M. Int. Westminster Cem. McAl LISTUlt Nev. 8, ISAI-OILLA. wife nf IVnl:lln McAllister Relatives nnd friends are Imrlted te attend funeral. Sun , 2 P M, lesldenc; of hr sister, Mis. Man Cetnly, JI12 Whnrten at Int Mt. Merl.i'i Cem. Prlends may call Sat eve McOROHAN Nev. 3 1H21. EDWARD J beloved huaband nf Isabella McOtegau (nes Uallncher). Relatives nnd fiiende arj In vlted te nttend funeral, Sat. 8 ,10 A M ftem his late resldencs, 131,1 N Hnneecl. nt. Solemn req-ulem mass St. Michael's Church 10 A M nreclsiilv. Int. New Cathedral. McMl'.NAMIN. Nev fi, Hlail. hushand of Kathrvn M. McMenamln (nee O'Relllv). lute of (llenflnn Ce. Denegal Ireland Kola Kela then and filend, nnd all organisatiens of which be was n member, nre Invited te at tend funirnl. Sat . 8:30 A. M.. late residence M7 S. 22d st. Solemn high mass of lequlem St Pntrlilt'B Church le A. M. Int Hely Ciess Ceei Mr.E.SER.Nev. 8. MARY S , wife of Franklin P. Menser, naed 1)7. I'"-uneral serv ices Sat., 2 P, M.. late residence. 2047 Margaiet at., Prankford. Int. private MICHEL. Nev, 8, 1H21. JACOR .MICHEL, aged 71. Relatives and friends, also Elsasser and I.nfaettn Heneflclal Setlctlss. nre In vited te attend funerul, Prl. 8 Se a. JI . from M12 Sprucu st . Camden, N J. Mile, of lequlem nt SH. Peter und Paul Church 10 A. M Int. Calviry Cem Remulns may be Viewed Thurs., 7 te 10 P. M. -Ori-l.l-i eutineniy iuv n, IIJVV AliO A NOPPIJ1., in ms nun irnr, ueiaiivea mm ft It nds, ulse membeis of Mt, Murliih Ledge, Ne 1,15 P. and A. M 1 Phlln Consistory; i.u Hi Temple. Relief Council Ne, 47, O c. A M 1 Resolution Council Ne. 11 P. P A P i S of A . Red Men l"r!'eii Ilualness Men's Association, Northwest !lulnesn M. n's Asse c utiuii und nil ether eriaiiU.itlims Invited -.... ..,.,. .irniiives ,r.,a0f.,,h, I Kth Police -U.f- ' E" are In service, nn Mati,-.aMM ..!- . at 2 o'clock, nt his late resldence, eOlB PlrVe St. Interment ill We.tmlti.tL- 'J."" mains may be viewed Friday evening RONE. Suddenly. Nev. 7, JAMES C son of late Annie and Charles Rene, ae-sd' 43 late of 2300 S. Robinson st Funeral sorvlces ..'" "i". ." .' ., ,ni'"r resilience, sirs, Wm Nete. 42 B. 3d St.. Fernwood. Pa. Int Montrese Cem. Vlenine Wed. eve. .1 f"i'A.Nt?.N rM0 8i,JA"EH. husband of tlin late Elisabeth Scanlon (nee and father, of the Itev. Jettph J. Pcsnlen. Pu-rr."11- i wh'eh relatives and friends are .r Mted Sat.. 0 30 A. M., Inte residence, Ml It Oath St. Sntemtt -v,,aa nr nn..i... Church of Trinsllauratlen 11 A. M. Int. N.ntr Cnthedral Cem chV a'Mj... T R H . VALENTINE HjA I1T'Ii', Itelatlves and friend are invited te nttend funeral, from his la'e resl dence. 320 E. Vine st . Mlllvlllc. N. J.. Sat . Nnv 12. 2 P. M. Sen-loci nt residence. Int. .Ml Pleammt rVm. n-.nLN'l:"-;-tOK1t. Nev. 8 PRANZ MAR J .SCHNEHEROER. tmshand f Tl". Ii.i.!1 'hnelierger (nen (iebliart). nged (18. L'" the and friends Invited te service, Sat, 2 P M.. residence. 110(1 Ellswerth it. i ,r.rl,ate. Viewing Prl eve. HHnVARZ--Nev 7 JOHN J., husband 03iti7, , Cath-rlni) Schwari. Relatives S !'. 'rJ,nds Invited te funeral services, Sat. - F M.. late reslrtin-e, s XV. cer. 10th and Jacksen sts. Int Mt. Merlah Cem. Re mains may l. viewed Prl. eve. HIELLnNii'EROPP.. - Nev. S. ROnKRT P.. son jf Jehn XV and Inte Itertlm, A. Miollcnl-erKer runernl i-eivlces it h's roil reil dsnn , 371 Jlala ve . Cvnwvd, Pa , Thurs , inin mu . ,-i:,-i i- ji mt prlvntn. s B,N.riVETQN' Vnv st Huntlraten. W. n . JOHN II SIV1LKTON. naed 81. ltela tlves nr friends are tnvltd te attend fu- D?r?,'. TV1" " , Kr..: '-' ' M- at the chnpel of et I nurel Hill Cem. SLATER Nev. 8 ADELINE, widow of Mlllnm Sinter, aged 72. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited te attend funeral services. Frl . 2 P M I'helten Ave. M. 13. Church. ( heltcn nnd Htentnn uvea. Int. Northvreod Cem. Frlerds may call Thurs. eve., 1)424 Wnnilst.iek rt . (lln SMYT1IE - At Ills residence r.13 N 22d st. in Nev 0. 1021, the Rev .1. HENRY i.MYTHE D D. LL. n . hurlnnd of Arn'e II. Smythe. naed 82 c-irs Relatives and friends nie Invited te the service en Sat urday morning nt 11 n'c n-k. nt the Olhnr H. Hah Hale. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment private. , TALLMAN Nev. 7 1021. FREDERICK S. O eungee son of James C. and Anna II. Tallman (ne Petimannl. aged 1 1 enri. 0 months Retntlves and friends, also Sun day !-ihea nf Trlnltv Lutheran Church, are Invited te attend funeral. Sat . 2 P. M from his pur-Mits' r sldence. 1421 Wolf t Servlen at Tr'nltv Luthernn I'lm-rh. 18ih and Wolf ts. 3 P. M Int. Church Oreunds. Frlerds muv cull Frl. eve. TEAL ."-.uiMenlJ. Nev 0, 1021. Miss MAROAItET. daughter of the late Levi and Martin T"nl In the Mth vtnr of her age Relatives nnd friends nre Invited te nttend funeral srvices Mat.. 1" n.. at the par lors of D If Ilevven A Sen. N li. cer. 00th and O-itharlne Mb. Int private. TEIFER Nev 8 MOSES, husband of ine late le-llll inn-r. iveiniives anil Irletlds also Schneider Ledge. I. e. 11. A.: Ida n Strauss Ledge, are Invited te attend funeral services, Thurs . 11 A M. precisely, nt the residence of hi daughter Leonera Rubin 0034 Carpnter at. Int. Har Nebo Cem. FLHICW Killed In action In Trance Sept 20. 1018, Privite JOHN A., son of the late Jehn and Jesephine Plrlch Relatives nnd frlendB nlse members of Ce If, ninth Infantry. Harry L. Oreenwoed Peat. Ne 332. American L-i:len; Captain Allvn Allvn Ciipren Pest. Ne. 22 V of P. W.. s. of V , Lidles' Aunlllurv and Wer Mether1, are In vited te funeral, Frl. 7;3n A, vr , from hi ether's residence. 2S43 B. Venangn t HeiiMlem mass Church of Our Lady Help of Christians 0 A M Int Hely Redeemer Cem. VEIT On Nev. 7. IWNNIE. Is-loved wife, of Leuis A elt (nee White). Relative and friends Invited tn aervices. en Pi Muv. ut 2 P. M . nt her lai. residence 3312 H st Interment private. Northwood Cemeterv Re. mains mc be viewed Thuisdav ufter 8 P. M WAflVEit At Mail Shade. N. J, N A 8. ANN'Il". C WVCNER, fermsrly of Pliiia nnd Huniln,'len Pi. ngeJ S hcivIi-i Pn . 2 30 P. M :esldence of he rerr, M'criy lane MapU Shade. N. J. C n veyanc will meet trains leevlne Marl "t St. Ferry, rhlla . 0 30 A. M. and 1 3u P. M WALLACE Suddenly. Nev. fi. nt Twin Fall Idaho. FIIKII. aged .3 ten of Madeivn and denr-f" O. Uullace. formerly of Phlla WICKER Nev. 7. CLIFFORD H.. h. land of Anna v Icker Funeral Sat. 2 P M t nee. 3I1R Livingston et. Int North Ceda- Hill C"m Remains may be viewed rrl nfter 7 P M. WILEY - Nev. 8. CORINA. wife of J P Wllev. Relatives urd friends invited te fu neral service 1 rl. . at 2 P Jt., residence of sister. Mr. It. J. Stokes. 32.13 Florence nvn IT. private, (ireenmuunt Cem Friends mnj call Thurs eve. WILSON Nev. 7. HAMI'KI, v.. husband of Annle J Wilsen. Relatives nnd friends Enst End Republican Cle'i, 2dth Wurd Re-puiiR-an Ei-eciitlve Cenunlltee emplnvt s of Rei order of Dctds office invited te funeral. Prl. at 2 P M . residence 1320 Mifflin st. Int. Feinwoed Cem Prlends may call Thurs 8VWILSON Nev. mRlUEY M;P,R. LAN MORTON, wlfe of Henr" XV. Wilsen urd dnUBiiter of the late Rev Henry 1 Morten, P. D. Services at St Ja"ies Church. 2'M and M'nlnut sts., Thurs , 10th Inst 2 P M. Int. private. WILSON --On Nev. 111. SARAH RAW CLITFE wife of Jehn S. Wilsen. 3820 Mar ket st. Due nollce of funeral will be given. HELP WANTED FEMALE HOSIERY PAtKEUS knd feldms. eperl enced, steady wi rk Apply Triple Wear Hns'erv VI'). 11P) lflstel st HOl'SKKEEPER, middle aged, Protestant, ref. req. I smnll. comfertnble home In sub urbs, all ml. cenva., 3 In fain, p B23, ledger Office, ilOUUKWOUK Weman for cnnklnir, ilemi. stair werk: no wnihlng, shep In; refer enee 0703 N l.'th st Onl; laine )ni. HOl'SEWOliK Wemnn for Reneral house, work. 2 In family. Haverford, netr sta sta tlen Phene Preston 2718 J after (1 1'. M. MILLINER) frst class. wnnt-d. rapnble of Instructing1 te tnke chargn of evening classes 2 nights n week In high-class school, 1' MB I.cdi'ci SALESWOMEN There Is n woman In this rltv sellln-r Insur ntice and books or teaching school win does net knew her real work, enrnlnir t.lOOO per year. If he will come te us we will offer nnd show her n llfu position, double her In tsime, must be ever 23 years of nne. Moero Haven Sugar Cerp.. 1221 Wldenir Hide. STENIHIRAI'HUR in central teal estate of- IICO III Uiive. muni uv ,iiiT-,uuriii ; -nutt, Ugrt and salary ennected. Il 801 Ledger Offle. STENOORAPHER. cxtterlenced. Apply Triple Wear Hosiery Mills. 181ft Hrlstel t TELEPHONE OPERATINO If you need n permanent position, where previous experience Is net requited, ,in,i -j you are tictwenn 18 and 23 veara 0 U, apply te MISS STEVENSON 10.11 Arch at. TIIR UELL TELEPHONE CO. TELEPHONE OPERATORS experienced en teli'Phene, te solicit advertis ing: will tav f.ilaiv und bonus, must b.i nbie te produce, state age. expurlrncu nnd snlnrv expected, give telephone number If penlbia II 010. Led-ttr Office. WOMAN, educated, i -tiiecher preferred, un usual position, salary $1300 or inure iii year, bonus, tiiinsportutlen paid permanent. Department M. National Heme and Scheel Association, Natlenil City Ifldj.. New Verlt. ' WOMAN, fair education Pretestnnt, ambi tious, net clerlcu. work; koei! autnrv te right person. Phene, le te 1, Wyoming UtlO!) for appointment. WOMEN Educated women of pleanlncr per senallty, together with the nbllltv te talk cenvlnclnglv nnd truthfully te present e THRIFT PLAN tn people Individually or ml- Icctlveh This work Is both fruitful nnd fitselnat n g L Call lilt W M-ner Dldg WO.MP.N We hive a large nuinlmr nf in. qulrles for th" Punk of Knew!, .It-.. .,. peed non-e s.reng, energetic bc-ek women te nn-iv.-'r iiii-ni in ti-ieiiii. unu m!n-illnielv s nan-Yi in,,, ti.ti, nn.i vin,i... 3;'. lp,i .n.i....... j...m.. u... u..,. (...nft, Ol tlcular. HELP WANTED MALE SALESMEN We are IneMnir for 3 msti between the ages of 2fi and e0 who csn (live th" best of refs. we offer a lifelong connection with nn or er or ganisateon backed by the hl'sest men In the country! net boeh or Insurance, but high grade buslntss, dignified and hlgjilv remu remu neiatlve. Moero Haven Sugar Cerp,. 1223 Wldener Il.dt'. flenrrnl MAY THIS WE GIVE YOtf INSTRUCTION? Accountancy Is the highest paid pro fession today, but It holds lln great est rewards for theso who special ize. Our course, teaches accountancy In Its general and specialized branches. In uddltlen ti the In struction you rec he directly from certified public accountant of high stundlnit nnd long experlnnce. you tun. nt nil time, get private coaching en any problem in the course (or your business) at this office, open dally from 8.30 A. M te B 30 P. M , evenlnw by appoint ment. We nre prepared te ghe mero Itrtenshe trnlnlng along nr nr ceunting I Pes than any ether school or university, and morn certified public ncceuntnnts nre graduates of our course than of any ether Insti tution Yeu can qualify In i-Uht mentn of spare time study fur n lu crative position, no previous expcrl etsn pecesraiv as preliminary course In byeklteep ntf la Included without t'jtti.i charge. Fer detailed Information, call, phone or virlte INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTANTS' KOI'IETY office epen n 1 Diy Vrmlstlee Day nnd Saturday, BOO-311 Wl lener llulldlng. Phene Locust 3110 l nr- YOCNO WOMEN for IIbIU tnble work. Fried. Derger-Aiirun virg co.. moo N. 18th t near vvajne Junction. denerul MAKE MONEY. AT HOME Yeu can earn from 11 te J2 an hour In your spire time writing shew cards; quickly, easily learned by our pew slmplj method no can--asslnu or soliciting we ttacli jnu hew. guarantee ntead work nt home nnd pav rash each week, full Pirttcutnrs hmvlet I ri"-. 'viiiith iiii --iin,- ciui ilnel J)"Pt 210. Hrlc nidg . Terente. Canada YOl'Il SPARE TIME Is worth $1 te J3 nn hour writing show cards we t-ech bv correspondence und cell veur uerk. Kwlek Sh iwcnrd Srh ml Terente c-innda COSTC.lfE dealgnlnK. fnsliTnti- llluiiTrntlatT uleii pnltem ilinftlng cutting, fitting draping. lean from prominent. pri-tirnl ex perts n surprisingly short time, munificent sal-irlcs quickly earned. Fashion Academy Dept L. 1 132 N Ri-ead st. CIVIL SERVICE 'xnmhiatlens Dec. nnd Jan.. many vacancies, salary 51 101-f 18001 rv-rite for sample test P 1-122 Led. Office, MANAC1EH WANTED Largest concern of Its kind In the world Is establishing branch office and service Motion In Philadelphia, require man te take charge of same, our merchandise I staple, hacked by strong local advertising nnd old en a "memy-back guarantee", we nllew a salnrv of IRK per week frei i earning and share of Predis which should net better than 13000 annualh 1230 c-ish Investment required, covering tool und equipment, give p -nvleus experience nitc nnd refermces In first let ter, unless veu are a hust'er with n geed reputntleu and have the liqulred am Hint of cash, save veur stamps. Address Century Manufacturing Ce . 1030-41 Wilsen nve.. Chicago, 111. USED AUTOMOBILES USED AUTOMOBILES ROOMS FOR RENT (c- r SITUATIONS WANTED- VETO A IE (.I.ERK Yeung I i. v. ixperliintil vvisDM clerical position, -nn nlse nrerate lulvati branch exchiirit" UJ.'I S Ruby st. COUPLE Wemii.i r 'iicn. and man as i laurreur with nme fir"IH M MU us u .- .mni desire tiosliiens I. -dtfer office STENOCRAPMEll use, desire im" liuslnes nxperb nc sume ilutlc vvli"r ne s nre required. Office, WOMAN, ictlned children. da e Inr 4.M XV. RTUclU-lle 18 VllirS Ot ,tlen. hr-s hnd 2"i vears' and Is fully nbie te as. Integrity urd truatwerthl- Ad.lrcss M 432. Ledger whiles r nlcht, le ta.e cere nf be s. refs Pep- SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Civil Jan write for sample SERVICE exumlnatlir.n. 1.Z nTTi many vac-aiiles. Hillary 11 ion-Si son r untee. est. 1" 1121. l.edg ACC'il'.NTXNT-EXEl't I IVE Open fnr ti-inimr ir nr penuamrt encage, ment. 1 years ewi i ion , ia co-"ieratlo i and pi'bll a i-ejiiinig. iT'dlts i Ilectlens in I iifecr m piiserni-nt P itrmit 2i71 J I ARi'HITEi'T wIM a --nt .. few- mmmlsslens i tn tl. Ulan nriwite r "tub li-es aiti-rullens or ceinm.Ti-l-il b'llldlngs In cltj or suburbs. II 1)10, Ledter Offlce. fiOOKKLEl I'll. UK- 23. i's term pus, with future assured refa II 02 B .' Iger Office. clIAI'l- Pl.'LK - Ln.ittkcheii mldilli -ac-ed man wantn y slMen na chiiuff-ur In city or ( suburbs, excellent nvch.inlc nnd rarcful I clrlier, wllltr.-r te de ether work about the i p'-ice AVucnlnriil Trllll j.s.rWr??ASemnc BAKER OF GOOD BISCUITS In Philadelphia Since 1846 Bought Our Lease Pending Completion of Our New Building We Have Ne Place te Put Our Cars Them HELP WANTED MALE SALESMEN .....,...,. fim inai, nw.j..iiu. ere mnl lug geed money. Am vuu? A i tV,nJi ent opportunity la open for u few live wlr. Ill our selliin: orgnnl7atien. no selling vi,,h once niwiHry We stmt jeu out lmmr- Addlng LOST AND FOuND IIADOE IOst, police bauKe. 2d and Christian sts LIAIIPIN. Lest pin. Liberal gij.ig J. PI RE Ne. Ce 213. Rjturn te platinum and diamond tiir runard To'ephenj Preston perpetual Firemen's fire IHIliev Insurant c owner. Jehn S ."Jd and Liberal POLICY laist. B1211. I'ntte.l tROOO Pnsquale Plre, lleber I S; e2;ii lies' mil hi PI.'R Lest sabl fur between Chestnut and I8ih and Walnut. reward. l'tmiin Media, li) J. XKCK Pl'ElE lest" blue frx tqr i.-k piece from automobile en or near Wash ington st Kt Princeton. N J. utter liui-vard-l'ilticelnn game, between B 30 and il P M , Nev ft, record. Reply te 120d ( olenl-il Trust Itblg Philadelphia .U.I..I.. ,. ...J. i,. ."-. "-r ." "" " i " " ceiuiiiiintieii, no salary m. iltriuiltif. nrniit ie-i. ... .. r .' '. I no . i , ..vvm... ., , ,vr- m uarrPll aiMi niiif e u li.ll llllce .1, A I I I'V't- ......V I , .. 1 . re.i..... imiiiiMii iiiKiigraue Willi neel l;uewl;di;e urd .'tieilmcj In pUr rbaslni; plumhlntr tuppim. dl'l-i-vtalillilinl rempanv t ffers eppiutuiilt f. r Kied man, must have coed lecerd und i -rer'ence V lip. J.i.ilireri)ffjr. "1J,','1':1.1A..',':"S. "anted ut bulldlniTeper'a". tli in. Uilth and LanslnwiiM, -Juke Rl,.vui,i tn il.'lil mjs e.itU.I t Uinslin'm. ' '"'nl'-'nfVh1'.',;'! ""'i1"1 hulld.iur'operalten at and Lansdown- take. elv.i:ed te 1)3.1 t . pass out H3.1 te Lima. n w nc. POY In real estate office accustomed te nn swerlnt telephone, must Id quli k ac- r ii ran, mil willing P3-JI.i Uer (fii'ce UUY f.,r ie-1 est .le itfice, H.-custnTn. "fte .iTf. i-verlnp telephene: mvst te tiiuc't bilain nr-urate .ml v-JMng 2.M .i 13th el CHACPPEI'R. white, wanted, In tin ""pint. and nn tnl l.uylncss. gli.. tefcrenc.. und ,,,,! " 'JtH-L'1 '.' .y'i!'X 3sV7stiile,, Il "' e LKltK, estimate HlKh-jrade mm vvn.rf, evpien,eU In ligurlng estimates op pin-, ,. ng supplies iMul ftxiuna. geed i ppertunltv u j.ell-1 esedn, ,j, IWHJLJLe.lger or!! ,, liJlAPrS.MN. JTl JircTi7s , an efficient In .-r.hlt.etural doth ". tall and sp?iflcnt!e!, ,ort, dpnble rf la'alm la'alm rharre of J, uf ling mom. porn, ,ea . ,n"e 1E-'LC1" raL ''e.r;le' HJ1.M Lisl. Off liYL'Il F'lR HILK .SKEIN "ya"INTmT-"5t HE CinOI) COLOR MATCIIPlV IIPTni? ffi 1'OBITItW. '! IM.'mVueeSi'-Sk: EMIIN'lEH. ri ferefii-e Met ns. 11 il'." I d aged 3S. e-otnpetent. Iz-dger Oflee OAitDENER, Eii.:llBii expe unc.-d all brancm s .ertiitntnr ti ge-ilieiuan's pi-vce lawns, vietablea blinibi, flowers, i-htcitens. lwrches. heaters, eie , le-st rcferuice's. II (OI I "iWr tlfflce MAN. 21, cjilege graduate r-army efP.-er. d. hires position anv weilc un rular : ref- e rene n 421. r Office MECIIANTc.I. i:Ni)INEEIi7 j.Mini:. etior etier gitl" npe-ieiued en f iiindiv an,l machlpi -sep tit du.'ll n aril e ,srs nrd en consirnc censirnc consirnc tlen and maintenance of buildings and equip ment, desires reepunsibli peslunti. M .Me, f edt-er t ffji e PHYSICIAN w'sbes -,, travel with u party i fir t.e winter hlc-h-st ref, lemes as te elmractfi and nnlitj, sularv nominal. M COS'r Office. SAi.lhliAa, seillilnr eli'i.ks nnd leinilV tie-1 hires new e-ennettinn prefii drug BlH-cia!-I ties. I! C.'l Ledger 1 if flee I EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES II We Must Sell Ne Matter What the Sacrifice vThe J. S. Ivins' Sens, Inc., our neighbors, at G27 N. Bread St., have bought our lease te enlarge their plant. We must vacate November 30th, and although eventually we shall locate elsewhere, in the meantime we have no place for our cars, and rather than pay storage en them we are going te share with the public some of the bonus which we secured en our lease by offering An Absolute Bena Fide Sale Every Automobile in Our Entire Stock Slashed te One-Half Fermer Price Just think of cheesing from cars of practically everv well-known make, 1922, 1921, 1920 and 1919 cars Roadsters, Touring Cars, Spert models, Sedans, Cabrio lets and Limousines every car bearing our usual guar antee at prices NOW $150 te $2000 Yeu never had such an opportunity. There's never been a sale of automobiles like this in the history of the in dustry in this city. If you can't pay cash, we'll make terms te suit. Step in, see the cars and prices, have a. demonstration ; but don't wait. Stanley Automobile Ce. Bread and Mount Vernen Streets OPEN SUNDAYS AND Ev ENINOS DPRINO THIS TRIVATI3 family ( I2d n-.d Pine Tlrlnlty). will i rent comfortably furnished third-fleer room J adjoining hath, electric light het-water heat '! continuous het water, ire minute te canter nf eltv: ref req Ph Paring 0I2J J, 4UTH and I nrchvvoed nve. Private family will rent furn. 2 bedroom and sitting room. Pheno Woodland 3130 J CHESTNUT, 20011 Lnrge single nnd double' rooms, southern exposure, running water. L'ANHOM. 1023 Apt il, nice rm.,adj. batat' prl. fam , ref exch. Ph. Prea, 2820. 'V' 10TH. N 130. liOrKit IlimiU-HeautUuh turn, rooms, epoiies cienn- eMec rlall nun wenieiy rules, cenv. le stations; )t iiteitiu. tut ii n irmm.yrwiilC. epriice IHJfi HANi)r,i.vii;i,y furnlshvil room In lari motieni nntnn, electric light! minutes from Cltv Hall Ph. During 1B0I1 ATTRACTIVE furn. aula, sem . Shreventl Apt Affeney 13,14 Wnl IHtllAI) N. LU07 .1 tiirttA n.t,.-. ,tlJ Prlv ha I h- elei triclty lilnpinml I1B2 nii li) Jut y T hutlsekpar'Ii Vnlnut at. j. T. - L". T.i AYPUA ST fl or light r-rir, n TinnA la.'.e Nlt-e unfurn rooms, 3j h at, light heiisekeeplnir .Ha liuth, h -W. heat, elec reasonable tt i It - . .K A - . ' AJ KUUIHS WANTED Vi Vt'iTn Ynt ,N'f; I"'f-VIS MAN of llmlteif? Iiueme mid almpie tnsie. is seelilng 2 med? I irn rooms for bleiseif In private home) nfl refltitmint- would consider convenient suburb?' .,' . ','lr tn" l" tarnged. d tnlled Infer' intlf.n mm prove mutualU helpfuf' will be appreciated. It 1127 Ledger Office.' ." :rT fj' APARTMENTS j Near Rittcnhc icar JAittcnheuse equare I huv two of th m .st modern nnd un usual -.mall hmi'i. keeping iipartments. is.'ii Pin t.t lif-iullful tiled bnthroems w-ilh !' in t 'I s nnd shower large ' c mpit'i- kitcnens, "s irul sink, finest of floors el n flrenlnca fnr rnal ln bv ih' owner. S100 Per AIeritli with and i fui nl id ir , i-uZV d M. R. M. STAMBACH Pi'PLAU V2 Apartments for Rent LOGAN 4810 N. Bread St. X. PIIILA. leth & Columbia Av. CENTRAL 1001 Pine St. W. PHILA. 1M1-43 S. C8th St Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 15TH & r3IIKiT.NPT STS 13. O HARVEY 'Htn 11 ible help h'JtP.ieel. alltlis. MKS Im. Illiith' MR w n 1 1 1 1 J-UI.I.V WERM1 ril. Tt'l s' me ids, nevi . t r sJi'li imi ;ti IP U.S. jin s ttUenlieuse sj. Re" wanted, all nallen- 21st PpsT-cbiV, i ises nurseii nnd A D ::...-. Sitlsfni-tlen BuarautP'd. AUtO raintmg PI es that will surprise i j r una in and taLt It ever. K. L K.. 2 1 IP N Ilread st I ( i.i: ' . j ; 1528-34 VENANGO STREET MuiW-rn t ruem-und-bith h( u( kcMjinif aear inMit, UtMim ht- a e!"tiir Ittfht, ht Hate" r ti 'or ii "pactien J- ALBERT M. GREENFIELD & CO." l.-tTlt ASH i 111 13 ENGLEWOdD 32e i) Seruiei .M ,'l fj.rni ant med L V '1- ilnnij lteu-er .'IK4TNPT STS 11th st CI I til perf-ct cend.i" t'l'l Wa,nurJ APAP. TMK.NT lIKADQi'A RTERS i Hiitrnl apartments e speemltv Sherwoect Apartment Agency, l.;31 Walnut at APARTMENTS .ent le- ruin. .' unfurn'' hlipit and otherwise Call Locust 0U37 e. B"- Whitish!" .v. Mi Ltmihan. leth and Pine. SPRING GARDEN S I' nnd bath hardwced flee D T NE IN i2i ATTIl M'T1 I-. II! cur apartment :'.; s e unit api ir: I rs 00 I - Twe room. electricity. L'lith st Riie.MH I nth und kitchsnrj', I'll 221)0 Pine Luc 02t1L hTH Thr-i m curd tl. rooms - ftnnt I .-- 14311 N ini'nr s-tI' MEDIA Feur-r bath, electrt adults 3ii'i J hath and kltch- rrnrtern attract.. 13th. 2 rms private bath, Phunc llarti, nl H43II J - i tn 'tv clese te Phlla. unfurnished apartment.- kbe het-water heat: trjiiey. Phene Media L'M'CRSISHED a ft . 2 rm. liuslni-ss' -erv quiet bath nice feri 313 N 34th. VIT PHILAIlP.MMIIV 4039 BALTIMORE AVENUE Hund'emely furnished upartmenta, 3 room and bath. APARTMENT 0 rms. A bath, vetv tlve Jehn H Maxee. Renl Est Tr uttrae-Hldr. r.EK.IIANTOWN A'KAIin slnue il. I121 inui car. iu i'.icki.r. hiund new iti-cnt reduction R7,,.'r.r':"' ' 2.1s N. iimad st beau- I3xchr.nge Sui VERNeiN ROAD Compact. modern housekeeping apartment ldeul surround surreund Irgs. close te golf Units and country club: within 2 blitcks of tatlen 23 minutes te city iente. . Janitor wlU show npnrtment anv time tra 11s tu Mentus station or drive out Stenton ae te OsOO north. MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO.. N. E cer. Dread and Chestn.-i sts. 1' n. Sw. I. Nil Ml". Illltlil lend 1 Couples Conks, sees want pes AFPERS0N MR 7 pass , lateft Poplar 3215. model. 1 134i POPLAR ST PAH. i.-. 1H17, 'Ul 1. HO,.! I'D" N. lln. id Kiurfl. i touring. ,B ; ee Mr. Iluntc-r. Stutz ABnc. Plieni WAN I EH -cip.le.t) 11 -t 11 le 1 a bite lull tOIti Halnbrldge BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT : St. in the upr itlcn 1 In IVlll sv l'. 1.1'.. ltf t"d In iii FARMER Op-) experienced of a large fc-i 1 rt 1,, vanla; In 1 pi , e-. , xi r,, ereife am' , his., h.h.rv ,.i,. ndd-esH M .',2.'i f ,-Jei ciiri MAN and wife for house hi suburl. wlfe r,nF'.'i","in "" houseman, host iVferinee Tfqunc.l. geiKl wtr.ltijvjaj.;::2f,t';c;'' . . -. " . - " Ti,i,,i,,T. aai I ll.l IIMl'll i'tl A NO QUALIFY. APPLY llail Il!i pstatp TRUST RLDtl. "I-AL LSTAfL n. .si.. ne, .,... 'V.-:?V,r Inirr,.n, e,f : 'e.iiiL in mid tli n of fcteru mwre alert mg PcTsenulitv aVe tlfe -n ftn ..K. limn the uddl- men with con. NKCKl'lEi K -Lest, en Sunday, senn-wlure en Lincoln Highway between Philadelphia and Douuliigtewii a. 2 skin sahle neci piece Finder communicate with L. 1). 303. Leba nc n. Pa Liberal r ward HELP WANTED FEMALS IIOOKKEEPER- MUST IIR FIRST CIVSS AND EXPERIENCED. WITH A-l REF ERENCES. REMUNERATION WILL 1113 SATISFACTORY. WITH llOOl) OPPOlt TUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. NA TIONAL MOTOR CR AND VEHICLE CORJ'. 073 N. HllO.U) S1-3E M. SI. ELSE-MAN. CHECKER Knutttkn "1 chereir for dulrv lunch Applj Restaurant sew nth fleer UIMIIEL IIROTHERS COOK, young, while. Preti stunt- tlrst-clasi eoeklne- nnd downstairs work. Fhene Over brook 41)10. UNIIERTAKiniH qC k ERS 1QWP Cuitls OIIIL3 IT te 23 years of age WANTED si ADDRESSERS AND CLERKS t Must write clear. rapid hand te qualify. CALL AT ONCE Mrs. ration Pub Ce,, flth and Sansom llldg s.vl LtiVAX- Hlsh-gradi. ms,r exptu,., ed In selling p uui bliii; suniillen mni ni,,,.. P.lnnbliig uiuie it. Phhu lei nhl, ' , X 'r,.,-,,.te liuhlnes, ..ffers geed opp'er: SALL.,M..S Willi goed'known.Jg,, of idui'lib. tug Hiinn Hi un.t flit..... . 'v. l piump- ."-.-.-...., i-, I. l ,,M ,)lf.h hlgh-grnde man rcuulre.i eld-uhtablirhe.l turltv P ,'iil te, ts and leiililri P .'.IS Ledger Offici SALES.M VN deilera. e-i, re, ,V,1 "" tl. ' " ."'. V .Sellll..- wsw-j"w, Her 20u SM.ESMAN Humeri and weistel. only tabilrihnd trade tiee.l e'lftlce i!lir,'.'i"J".:- '",sicerl.l lu-iiy havti.s iptg0 ,. mPl. M 321, LmUrr SALESMEN THREE DISTRICT MANAGERS AI:U SA1.I3SMI3N Fc'ili AND SURRcCNDINl) ONE EM'II, SOUTH JERHPY ee me 11 1 I t v-i t it ... . ',.-P.n'-.? PHILADELPHIA TEltlUTOilY. This Is an opportunity te nssoclnte veurseif with an csiabll.iie.l nIl rapldle- gr ,", m.inufuctiiier of office equipment th iiiki-k.-ls for KAHDKX are pructlcnllv- unMmliJj A Mi c-t TCIinV. DPPICI3 lill ltl'Af, e.sTA'l I' tim-t- DO P.ltOAD l.VJl e HEs'r. T -TH llul-Rs In Tl) 4 DIAMONDS BOUGHT ' "N TICKETS lull DIVMONDS & ii'. '.!. 1 in stn'il St. Suite 21-22. peciinilnfre.ver c h l.l' Rest. Electric Waslting Machines spr.rci: 21111 Oul' k rrpilrs te .ii uum i'i un ru Electric Irons. Toasters Sevlnr; ilaihlii'H. . c Phlla Klec, A lien Cn l.'i'JIJ'hest sl..RmI(i()7 PORTRAIT In plaster or bums biii-ieTlef; e nil we- eitiM-u iinui iiiiuin, write ler UP .'. . 1 Delntment Mnrllt Htu.lP Walnut st. Ill ICK 0 touring cur 1020, excu.lent all. around rcndit.ein, fully eiiulpiscl, splendid -. 1 nppeurane 1 . Pi-m- li."lO i.orsen Aute I3x- In nuri'l..! eiv x: iir.,1.,1 ... t t.i.ttM - .- " 111 I.LDUG MACK TRUCKS. .-, ten brand pew chiiHcls and cab never used, price I3UU0 1 in h Im! strum: le M-tal Products Ce Inc 232 l.sfante st . N. Y. Pheno Siirlng H70ii N. Y City CADILLAC mslun, 1H20 beiutlfulh UPhei Mlnrei) mectlllll.cUllv p rlei t bought right dm suns Aute Em h chaTmersT; ,pla v&rv l'n" MR MeM H II M- I . J 3 I I lnl'l.It ST. tllI3P M.KT 'I'll drives mm ,1 brand new 1022 Cluvrelct leuring, bal In 12 monthly p..iiii'ii ' TI..T' Aute Sales I .,rp . ;i".J'l N tijiad " til for dc n.niTiegaJJin C'HI3v7u)LHr S. I'. 1 'dun. it Ic new. will guarantee and dM.mnslr.i u anyvvher-, rcned hat lain ilega 'J107. UII3ilU)bHT 'SICTZ teuilng an. I inidste ihernufhh in -rr-.i ui..,t HnJ ceptienniK- ,m .,r ,,, '",'"', Air llll-iter S'ut Ag. n. 1 DIAMONDS BOUGHT HRRY XV SMITH 717 SANSOM ST. DON'T wire your horn., wtiheu' mv li)west mate. J 13 Coeke 011 1; 1 osgreve. Otn. CARPET CLEANING 1HT3 LSTAIILISIIED Automatic Carpet Cleaning Ce. Oriental rugs our apeiiiin iw 7eii from 1 Id irirptt iiul. k 5'Jii J d J ' .11" " NATIONAL I ARPE 1 leth. Tlua.i 33 1 2 pnli Ing colors e 111. il ' LO 1 ifuiiing n new prnnnit linabl seri i e. PH'iVFH 13J0 N. wing re-service. EST will Aaijie i-uiili SHiinn 111 sre I; libs ,rter . AnNj Kvchm.'.i :'.1s 'TT ,1 Im. n , sacl III , ,, tlil'i nr ,, ,. nil model rcfmlsh' ,j, , term Sk L L llrniid M vviincl. 1 fui condlttet ;'r UUIltcr. Mut,; 0.; Itumtier. Ours ,t)-v tl lipiin.- mm r-. . r . .T" call ie- . H1CI Ml AVJ J ' ewiiuiiien w.ll tti't -tn nav 'lv- niUfliHL 11 tin mil, v.... -..'" m, T miliar v. JORDAN",',"": sk f CIIIA ll'tl . 'i pli' .Mr . hi ei If-S-arter PI. I.. J 123 N In nnd vi I r,'i veur own t ttn. v t.. - - 1 1 II I I I lit '- 1112" A 1 rami and tln.e will ' nl th j FURNISHED APART1MENTB I FUHNISItfc.1) heuseke.-p ng ap-irtmnt. 3 in tt.s and tnth vh-lnlte Jlft and Spruce. Te 1 I one I.jfilt 31T h. tore 111 A M nl'UIMI eJM.I'I.N- ST Lnl)4 Twe rooms und liiih in-rlwoel floet s "iecirlclty. J 1 T SEVIN '."! N 2flth st 127 S Hifl! ST iTn 1 Gene nl 1 and 2-rru. sauce with be'li w-t .1 s rv Iced. In the h. hi 'if th- li'isiness liistrlc' . ATLANTIC CITY SHOULD I'ke te sublet r. y beiullfully fur ' n'shed 3 r mm kitchenette' apartment In At lantic Cl'j te snmi' dcslni i' coupie for 8 month or longer It vuu w mt semuthinc ex ceptional m the lest neighborhood, uddresa M 310 I.cLcr iifPce. It Pi e.t J s: " t. Tiu 1 21 is fur MITCHELL 17.1 "!Tr t a 1 S22 ,ad .t 1. .0.1 n ,, g-j-nil. Mr U'vmi.. I - iiiilitiun wi I mpliir Ae-n, .. "v .vir .s,.i,rn,.i, HOUSEKEEPING tnu'i'h id APARTMENTS 1 i.r-l Aline. 1 -1 me nnd, us, Iteunlnn apartinentii: all med-rn linpreve--ere ic i.nri CO. FOR SALE 1 nRltUll TEli GALVANIZED IRON 2 l ..-a ic. 11, I'en.l cnti ut 3' n vl'"mel wah vhih tin lat,t. Com Cem al' "I f-'itme i-nii'i in 01 1 ne niui rut ngs: ICARDEN Is the lie Lc-U. th deinai'il .s endubl.) line for constant. you HARDEN will pav vnii a greater rata of c-niiiinlitlen than aiu ether office specialty. K VRDEN itjslncss 1 nnttel Is needed In everv offlce. exclusive leriiiery. HARDEN SAILS COMPANY C. J Welfenl. Dlsflct Manager. James II. Hvvtui Ingen. DU If-lnn Muiiuger 20 S. lM'i st I'hlln. sts. OIRLS ever 10 year for light work. Prled-berger-Aaren Mfir, Ce.. 4000 N. 18th et., near Wayne Junction, SALESMEN Office-appliance falennan: slll give eiesl. lent trrrlteues 10 J live men; opportunity te make permanent connection with Inrau corporation; will consider only first-class salesmen or men who hnve held executive positions and detlie te hecema enlomneir ex tend te you u short course In sulenmanshlp sulenmanshlp sulenmanshlp commissien busts. Arrange appointment with Mr. Smith, Market 11150. "ul""ne"t Severel tlliv'-ienii feel illtlen. lit U'-jC pn basins. tMO and $12 pi. te w itulews ti- w val-letv nf si' r I 1- ci lui shingles. f per M AMERICAN SALVAGE i ii 242S N M" rb an st Km Mi'-ten 'JO.I TYPE".' Ill U3RS- w.ii.lm. fui 1,' "' uriiiiij mejels. rebuilt tvpt'iviii-ts from 513 le $23. t'i tut sold lit peei I price, quantlty llmlteil. 10 das' fie tilul guarantee. Call at eni and urn e sc 'ei tn n BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. 100S CHESTNUT. W l NUT 3S74. uPI'lCl'3 FI'ItMI'l RE IirgH let et desks -lifts lllis 1 ,!,,,b a 1 genei il office fuinlt'ire Ktui.' lUtllles . lull -ill nn I 1 v h.i 11 1 e PCTTEN Fl RNiri'Iti: 1 'i Jj.OCU.ST 1070 . 1127 ARCH ST 11 M - jf,2 FClts aii-'lf fd--Ht-aii'irui . length seU coat !7'i hanilsein.. full luigtli ,.H ,. man J'i.'i Hudsen st..!.' tl." wendeifni liargalpa cill day or even u Mrs Ilenson. irlvale tesldi'iice 133i N. Hread, 1 irncr Alas ter denier 11 leuring. I year old; $300 cas 1 or time, private evvmr Tleun IU17. . 1'ACKARD lliiuuslne. twin six. light model. Waitlnghuiise iiheck nbsurler perfect me. chunlcnl condition fliUMi. Gorsen'a Aute Exchange. 23s N llr '.i'lst Si"' ' il Spertster, eihtcel wh'es spec ml color 11 ml nick' 1 trlr mie , must he teen tj 'e npp'" I ited I. s uow uew I.RS '2'3 N HROAD ST. prvfr"! 1n.fVp.i6s i.h'ilT. i flmshe f and UvJL,ljaj.ii , nil prices 101 iu 1 k -ile. L. s Rowers i'i . 21" N llrnnd I Ilg cr I, 111.' 'ile.lel ii 1. whee'n, njl new i or J tltes L S JIjiii ihCe . LJ3 N I' .1 nl at ItiJl, 4 pass . 11. ,e ni-e, , luw rrl e full Pep' vr "1'l.V McMICHNEL 134ll 1'f'Pf All ST ill llMIV l.tliddU. - plss.-IUll i.i.'l Ille.litl, ver. le.v price St e Mt Ilni... r lillll N It-csul 1 JI''l'n"12l J' ','':' MAXWELL "ti V-I Tnl v II. 'i- ', iiuIcK bujet Cell Tuiira 1.117 Mi in f lur N I'- 1 rKANKLIN, ,Jan h"dome-joi: siwe , Ce Inc.. .JoJ'Sw'JI1.Me.orca' , HUDSON P"1-' ."'Se'-buTf-iS. Cn.. tn- r.:n v ,7"u.rVnt"' "Ojal Motorcar 1 ? '-" ' niuan hi I'.ti. ,. .. ,. - 11 I it I II I. li lie .u I. a., . feri m-.i I mi nt- i'hi-ir,i..s ni.ii ' SPRING GARDLN. 2001 Four rooms and Uitn hard mi d fleer. electrlcu. D T NEVIN f'-U N JOth 10(13 V 4UT1I ST il rtnH.. oath, netch: ?lnn Ta-! r it Sen. 27 S 10th WEST PHILADELPHIA COLE must he 1 I. RS n COLE; S Power ! FRANKLIN XZ tltes. L S H. C. S. VR OAKLAND "!:' Met e rnr i- ) OU't) N 0LDSM0BILE7 ' st.Apr: h ilal th It Jin. id 1, HO. Hi) iiue car. s. Renal 'T' HIT' Mr C ir Arencj in I. It S22 V prii.i I P' ir nri.Ki If eks I' take off,, ' sk f. 3t)na cIIEtT.TU T Thlid-ti'ien epartnent. a tneiv.s 1 i'i- end lilichvn. J75. TAYLOR ck PejN 27..-. P'th Jlls s 4 ITll -ei 1 nd Meer bouthern ex po 1.. I. ei r 51 10 T.nlur i Sen, 27 S 40th -Pi- TEMPLAR r.-.'w":,., pun svi.e -Four d.n.rr tirp HI ,..n 11... t 1 m'i'Ld'hiitnujit.. Philndelphla I HI It'!-. ! uiut In;. r,,,,ti . H It'll". I' S Aut F I., .. ;i Atile vct'csiir:c iittnehnient. linhf d lh . 'iUtirciT ... i'h r am f'r H ,e,, ' H. '-'V'prT I'ORD vvntiirnr 1 if Heilnent 4ill2 rv. In; J a't. 1 il P j .esed Call WANTED it k 1 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UENTI.KMAN with breaii e .,r. .rap.ui ex- WAN'IKD pi 1 li IU e in the 1 Ipiultv if s, '-etnt; nnd . as, ee, tit'Hsu'er In th'ri;e nf m count 1 g. nfn, ,. graph l"tt inunitceiiien'. nt'.l litianel.ll affairs, nfr. rs us. 1 tile'. capital or Investment wlih hhuei te ,1 Wilte p.nthu nietsisltlnn of merit wi.un will st ind strict Jus. nn M, tiveetlgnll. n II 1114 I.eU.: "flu. ,..,.,;,,," " , - I V; AN I LI) 1 wlreliss tl FORTY-TWeO-ACRE land d. wlet in. nt tract ll'Mu.t tmiiur) 2."in' In heart of Wesivllle. N J . sale en pretn- Aeiplua .'Uiiut'e Itittnv lets I'rlday. Nevuinbcr 11. HiJl. at 3 o'cleck: , '"" sta will take I'Hi'k mertgaae See s 11. Heckett, 1 ntturncv, I'JS Mtk.-tj;t. l'iniid"n N. J in 'i ild-hn 'K, tUl.r "-li in.mei.granli ars nn,'. t.ri Ce e I 11 lt H." 1111 It 'I " .11 I'll iiiiiim '" 'i's. . i"r 1 Ic nil n.larv I'hlln. I "ntaile an 1 ' 1 APARTMENTS "WANTED b'.Mi me iu inu.urN 01 veur upurtmeriT. tenants lame) 1J0J Ha. rlaeu II1.U APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11 TH AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF I AJ'.VRTMl NTS I I.i'N'O AND PI IIVMII.n AND TVT1 RNISHED SllflllT TLIIM Ll.ASES DOGS AND BIRDS FOR ih. I F le l.i - 1' 1M0 1 - Pnetuu-.i aim, eh . trie hi-atei "'iinir table !' S (10th st Full HALL e.iretici no ir CHAIRS AND TAHLI.S for restaurantrand Ic crentn p-irler. inunter und fountain tnes Ch.ili Exihange fc r (ltlianc yi"1(," CLOCK, tall mahejiiiiv. 1 tiinies gieat inaTi teMiici biivT. Phene W)nmlnB I1IO0 J TYl'EWIHTERS of "lowe.rnTnr "lewe.rnTnr Th Reliable I'xchange, 110.(1 Hthst. TYPE preshee and cu leis big' bTrgalnT lil.lli. Pt lit, rs' Snti'i c 11 K Stl, . u,nS. STORAGE AND MOVING WAMI- im i;)t Wv.v;.V anv auanttiv . t .. . .r tv .iiti...ii-1'i.i'v t. 1.. i.,t. ...... 1 1.. . eiiTitr si.M. , I'.. i...i.. .-.-i' tV.. Wl.v.--.., 111 rt ...... ...w. .. . .. .., 1 t 11. '- 1 1 11 local ml- ui'etp'isv n.akh..- lug profits - ; . prei-ent time expansion nect"-s irv . rem ;mr tkularii 11 uisjn requeet, confidential 1132.1 I.edgi r nfllee OARAGE lUci-cur iipi. Hy. filled, Jilue ineniniy pinni j .u von. casu needed 1 113 000 Mctrep.illtaii llltl s. Penn Se I Roem '-'IS. 1 H V.SI'KI) V mall HI unman wllh jaoeu nr I iriiiOn tu In tiik" nn lutiteet In manufai'tu-ln; ceii'"rn a rain '.pisniunitv tlijthellglv Il t t s IIJHrt Ja-dgerllftl, , LIVF.-WIUE veiing man familiar with e.,r' perallun Ilnance in.d c ui ting, un effi, hi irrpeeun A'l'iti s P 431 Li dgi r off AOHKE'aHI.E pi.illiibU- issoi'lut.en", ifei, 1 te reliable man with S130O In business of merit Address p 4.I11 l.,i Off I li'-ie-iiAii. uui in- niiii-tia meiiern ma chlneiv- doing e'egant buslniiHs, geed lecu tlen Iiuiulie llnpi'. 21.OS N Sih st. rift R.iv.ii 0 ins THE DELMAR-M0RR1S W. Chelten Avenue GER.MANTOWN 20 MINfTF.S le HROAD ST STATION .'el or unfiii nlsiird suites, hnusekpng. apt. HAMILTON COURT 3'JTH AND ClIESTN-UT STS 2 r.vms aid I ith with private hall; non party least; heusekeeplp U'liiug room li 11 iinfurniLi ed Til Ti HEll. Manager. I - 1 .11 1 . js7j CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKIVH HOTEL BARTRAM c. -. r uugh r. n ivati'd 1 iul lemedeled 1 ui n si ei an t unfut tusl ed upl., table ' ! I'i 1 1 . I'n-s. n 231 1) CHVHLI.s 11 PIUTIYMAN owner. MI.s !' 1 . 1 1.1. Jli.nnter PELHAM COURT PHONE OERJIANTOWN 4S0O HIITIMIUUSE HOTEL 2.M ivid Cheslnut sis IteiuMful 11 "v- Hpnrimsnta. 2 rooms and Pith ,! r'i"tns nnd b ith 4 roeina nnd 11 li-ith- till 01 tsid looms bright cheerful, CALCULATING MACIIIVI gain. J73 M 320 I ...1 -. 1 1 iff Ice 1 iiiau.ii, bar- MACHINERY AND TOOLS tfALESMKV - Mile ni-n wlu siles foree fu' eur THRIPT should t-.ct if leirur'd with PLAN. wblUi the or. in. . ... tpriulailen stock s. lung preposition, an In clniMil.ihlc, inuiiierijus und censtntitly m. IICIISIIIC llUSlliess. OUI oUlllleilltv h.m tieen ... .....'.,... 1. 1.. I...... ! r, 1. .- .. -r" in 1 1 1 u 1 it ; 1 ti 1 -- -1 . 1 -. 1 1 1 ever '0-1: hem Hi Plillndnliihi. r... 30 eara Call in ill I Wldfuer llliiu A, Jl , 2-1 P JI clallj GOVERNESS, Protestant, capable et taking ..; giri.oi.e. in iuixuu; puim itA ala i' 610. Ledger desired. utnci. axe and reference. SIGN WRITER One with department store experience pre ferred. Apply Lit Irrethera' Kmpleymsnt liu. rt-au. 7th nnd MlWt ata. ' "u SALE Deuble : ens ne. nl?. all lengtlis. in euiib. nn .t.n.. .1,1 c-asi it inal 11 HHiiri n - 111. e tcHiner l-tin ., - I-OR SALE 1'OUP e e Under double dr.. helstliiK tiiaiiir. ttif.u ijn, price J230. in, a ' it let nu t "- Bids 1210 f "" 1 itaj.tii,,n"3...'r- - will sacrifice Annlv V"e."' II Hunting ..V:' ELFA'TRICAL MOTOltS ..MVCHLMj Ten. 3 rairiA i' -- ..e n. ti " brand I etitihan 9 II. P nlr-ioe. new Link Pelt f O'RRIEN POWER CCJCI MACHINERY CO C!2.ltL.V8Il LST. Wanted COMPRESSOR w.nti'd 14x14. deubleT.TrT ele.trle ililv.n direct connected, equfnui't with aeat valves i.u feather valv .mlJ matlc overloud release vv-ster cooled, te e.u.l" 130 lbs, pressure nt a spend of about iel,y 100 11. P. M . state where machine can h Jeen, P 433. Ledger Office. CBn be OLD GOLD CASH paid fpr old L reld. silver and aetiau! cleckj. Rexera, it ti. iVth t, Xcut j1i' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Baby Grand Piane " ..Tli use only 4 mes cost Jljfle n. w j.irty com pelled te sell ai one V will sacrifice und ac cent casi terms lull nt once 111,1 cunvtn. . yeurse.f of this wm li 1 iu luirgHln HDU'Aiclj I VINCENT. S30-s3s "III M2 Ml-Mll N. tin, 1 Open Mnndajt, Wedp. s lae and Jrhluy eves j Elec. Reproducing Player-Piane In use enu 2 months c st if,i)ii mm-, party I forced In Bill at 1 ' e "III n inlet, nnd1 accept frnis Call tm il'-moiihttitlen. HOWARD INC1NT S3ll S3(t-SI0 s 12 h44 840 N Oth "P" 11. Men Wed und Frl eves. 1 1 MI- 1 liliiiingtiiim 1 talie.. 111) n. right, in i-i feet ieiwiiii n ,st jaen in e r-enu if ciii.iiegiii ilal im HOWARD MNCE.NT lsRll-frtH-ls.l.h43S 14 M0 N Oth Ope ty Man Hul und Prl eVe. PIANO I,8au,lfu! H'ele.way mah0K-4.Qn itruivguy UprKht. In flne con- PVU dltlen, Including steel and scarf, Hal xt llOWAIIIl VINPKN'T. Han.HSO.ej7.7i':1.lin' R48N. Uth. Oeen Men.. Wert nn.i us?. "!?." reUliR-PIANO Private party mm..' -ii u mentns. age: no roaaen.Iu. I ' '' 1 - r in,n LONG DISTANCE MOVING I 'j-'"! ..... ,, , ,,, "1U V Il 1 -j uk stlEltVVliOI, -ri niv1 1" TriiMene. '"Sl Twe nnd th-e- r-nrn sulfas with hath, erl- The BIG 4 TRANSFER CO., Inc li'.'.t.'"i41'0 ""' reu"1, Am"r'"1"' '" 37th and.l u !,. 11, T'' , ..' ReY l7 AITS, llrea I and Girard ave. one MeNui mu ,- , ., vi'iTrrrnrr-rrr i . '.' " r!r). ,."f":r'H :!r ""'!.: .'it. 1 1 IH nil'- ' ' - - ; . . ... .-r, ii-ijuu sju THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO, tli.'. ...'..r" i Till. LITTLE A (.-im 1 lae r ieti;i. 22-1 s. ilread t. 1 1 live v In!" In Philadelphia SEPARAT1 CALL VN1 PHONE 1'lVMesn -..-, oems, pA, ms,."' Ri SIM- 'I'll $75 1773. r.lflf r. .!...! 1 . II ... I. .. ' d . ' ?" N, BtHU St, --,, 29 3200 I'll 1 stlmale MON A IU II li. e 1 PACKING VICTORY ST dRAGE A Mi . t- ... , sill Hill , 1 11 RT Pi I i .Nil HIv I.U . . . 1 11 II" llr liient lC-ft . vrr iu i. ""'" ,c-0 for STORAGE . u asr,,". VI 1" - i'i:v ti 1 ' . -".M a.-?- 'N' '- MOVIN ?''' STAMPS AND COINS AHOUT 18TH BT. SI'AMI'tJ III V ,... ...... - PIIILA. BTlMlien in e1 .2 l1- ' LEHIQIt AVK roema, vfltu 8707 J. BOARDING) ixlffltegSSSS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ( IT V ST Pall 1H s 13 I It privilege vu an' H It IIAGFV Jill .ik 11 "s sill sf- Inilel le - il ii'lli Lehiiiuil i- Sii.m1i f -IJ ra rooms pr ci- ia 1 iiri.) N 13th at pimiit. ..a,. -m sly med , n .w 733777$ Mn".i,, f''lr '"fer acc"rt' 1130 Erie nve Tle. nstfi 2H2I W -IIOMPSUN ST. (cer ATyrHe"v7rnr? r.t 1 l-Uli in "us and bath 2 i'ufithSS? , W.vl LINDER. 1328 Che."m.t '. t "' 212 UND suiiauie for Karaite. aterTi .arvloe station, no. will lm!reVe, L. A TAULANE. lleslter. 010 Wainns . factory bullclina-; T5ih T ipo.sesslen witr eZ$? "i areiaman. seu r.l;iV .ir I'WO-BTfJUY ilamlllnn: cheap. Jeseph IHTOliTAirr arx.i at. eurner H III :M", - I i i I, l I WW ffli 'JJ Ui m wa K irP 25J' Ms Sri mi f 1 m Si ' n MJ c .r .. ...... If ei I li. . .w .. ... v.. 1 lit -.--.'