WPf "' rsyp... 'I''T v .it r.i t w26 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1921 .f m HU m m 1 n li ' ' c I! i $ A I THE Letters te the Editor Conductor 1707 Tetlf Edttcr of the Evenlna P'tb'.ir Ltdarr- Blr lead two letters In your paper recently hi which readers criticised the rude nutheds uied by ic-rttt. n conductors em ployed by the Philadelphia HipM Transit Company. But In this company there era Jt'eeptlpns. but unfortunately enlv tee few. Have you ever rldlcn en the Kilts-second trtet line iid run ncrns Conductor 1707' If you haven't If worth the trip He is undoubtedly the Tellyanna of th transit company's forces He la the personification ut geed nature pitlencs nnd politeness. il Is worth evi cent the eempan pas him, fthd Rlore. tee li the conipme would allow him te plnce ths placard en the front of the car, This Is ejundurter HUT'S ' I en assure veu that It would b rrewilrj te the doers at eery trip, e-en If e double far was charged. Jn what wav is h different from ether conductors Ne matter what ma be the . .uirtn- h- nlnr r.t- fH.turh.-d II- has, . ..... ..r.i A. At.e n. ifhi nAtran- ! hi. r.r when th m their fare. He iclr fare. He s ,i liuun ut i !. rl.ira In mh,hm nmt t?el .u.,0.1... V. .. U nll nut all thB I atreela se that net - pasenser hut is nble te hr him, and un'ess totally deaf It would b Impessble net te de e Thfn wh?n ou rca-h thi 'U t calls out ' All out for the 'I-' cast and Ttal. Chonue ctrs for the ferry or Sixty ninth street. ' and then runs off n lent list of towns reached from these terminals as far as Palmjra and u'olllnasweod N. J. en th east, and Chttr and West Ohestei en tba) west. Ills methods, by th's tlms ha -verjbedy in Beed numer, and wnen ne siepe ni ' 44 HIT I'HrilllK uni lu i..v ,.r...n". .. ars: ' Teu nre nil mlllnir new. kep It up I all da,y.' I noticed all the way In town that people had smlilnt; countenances and T am uuita jure uiit the majority of them keep up th's cheer dupuslt'cn all diy b,' causa Conductor 1707 ejt them In such i frame of mind H I. W. Phlledelph.a. Ncemher 9 1021 Are Gentlemen Scarce? Ta thr Fdiler e' l"ir l'i"iii T'iIiIk- 'ta" air 1 ham reitl enr correspi-"1cnt s fa nr,raeni stilenert te te e.Tcct thit he his been ab'e te find e- few urntli'inen amunc the ireeM ReTTitien of ieutk men I would adi'ee her nut te boreme tee pesi'rnls Uc. Thr.. are Jus' as mam ceV.li men In rfopert.on ti rn'J at em as there wcre when knlshllic i.l was in flower Ilut siirpeslmr th-e i hut a mai: nam her of aentlemm. hew de nciie.i stand In comparison V e thet- ai rnmv true ladles II indev i4 the-e v .Tr In rfrnmlm ltlie: 's tin If geed men ire fw ar I far hetwien It Is the fault 't the f.male race In irenerjl ler when woman lowers h.-self In her own nnd the world's utlmut.en min sinks s'lll lower ler It 'h i atural for him tj de se. And t Is tnu that the hene- of the rie i-d th Natien rests In the hands nf the ve-nr. Ne Rlrl can -eepTt hers-if tin much nor have, her t. ndard of mer. '.1 tee tiltrh for tha Ei'id "f herself an '. her fellew.nen Thsre ir two sldrs t eveiv s'erv. If alrls wtn ev-tl-.ne ladleji kh uld t I den t tflnk thy would hove ' muili 'n eoni eeni pla'n aeut the r.ien and the.r lack of re t,pect for wominheod I ndm.t trtrft ma i; men of nr ac-jUzinta-'.e de net he the uu Ilties belttlne a. cenilemsn bat 'et I fln 1 in,nv pesesslm; ose qualltleH. Don't slam the men a I the time I rm a c'r. wh- 's bread miml-d eneuih te see nr J undarstend tee men'! s. 1 of the question "There is se much ceed Ir the w irst of us Xrd se mu h bad In the beet of us. TTat It behooves none of us Te taik about the rest l' us M I S - 1 O Philsrtlr i N ven r . 10. ftfter Every Meal lvigirfUl iZAZJUJS3um WTA ir-Tiiiii iii iii in-ill ': tfrtinrrnr Pleases Them A( ( ! sssMrWpB Wftiiln is k. Bsi t0 obtain I yl IJMh 'tstmub s'tw it, ELrr tfjyV t zjj I VI I -i-m PEOPLE'S FORUM Various Suggestions te Cannet Live en Less r.ii.-,, . .. .. , .. ... , . hlr I dii!h thit one rf jour readeis, a manufnuur- r. gives ns lhi cause for the I . t . , Krett amount of uncmpletmcnt that the ma Jerlty of the Idle nii, unwllltnir te wer'e for lies waires, but ere still asking- wnr-ilm I w. cee. unl for th.it reason he refuse' l I open his factory and tuske nnrt sill his Kinds nt what he ilnlnis would he .1 lns. I quite nuren with this manufacturer that he dies i.et want te Mil his manufactured . uoeds at a le.s tnercJv te Rlic empie) mem te a ccr'aln number of men. That Is net natural Uut whose fault Is It that the lnhnrer. the nuchanle the man at the loom Ins.sts en a hlher wage than he was e"ttlnir, say In 11)14 'fne o.isen Is that he cannot nneru te lle nt thp 10! 4 wane tee net th1 nianufiriiri.i u.,. is. m , i.u hi,n,ht.,,p1 IZT": XJ" ' nDin nerne rer i Jis and I'll a month These same he.nes tday ar $30. (0 and 3u a month. In 1DU h ennl.t i,v i,.n These namt ha.ntm tn.iav ar.. tin tin .i i i.l( a mnnth in inn t,- .... i . and three tens of coal for what one Cesta j today .My coal bills for my winter's coal and three tens of coal fee h,i . ... I used te he helu..n On nn.l (in .. i ... coal for th.s winter cost me 77. Dees he net knew thut where we u-dt te pay a small ! tax of less than Ce a !-ar, since we pur- chased our home v hen rents went eearlnir. new we hie te pa ever S100 I Hew nn labor N held rcBpenslhle for un wllllnmess tn work and vet net mnKe ends meet" At the mill nn husband Is wurklns hln wbrcs have been reducej te the eitent that If we had no elcltness in the family, tinuzht i no clothes, toelt no i!aaur of any chirnc ! ter. lh" xmeuiit he recedes would net met ur 0,,.i.,. anil we have been remnrlled te draw nil our savings out of fie bank In nnl. r le liep cnlni. hncinff for h-tter thlnits In the future Mv husband's implever owns several rows of houses he rents te his work in peerle and he raised the rents te a very hlkh flcure durlmr the prosperous I period but he ha3 net re luce I them n cent, and h Klvis as n r'aen that thev have teen way ever-assessed bv the . ty and hln , I.4TH4 (in (haiia tinlriivu Vim tuwin rsl.n.l n .. .... , ,,- v iimiii t Hum I" ru lunni t I'uih n creat extent that he (.anne: break ' even t r"du Inu ren's. riii peer man nut r." w -k rn!v iisks for a nx 'v.iire le l. wlll.n t, work te prevlle fir Ids fanillv the necessities tf life If I had te work and be out of tiix'eet at the mil of the month vihre n Is le nv dlff"eiit from the manufacturer who opens his mill and works and then has te I lese nrmei or ret mil.e his eutlnv equal le j Ills Income. There n-e c-talnly two sides te mis question SIUS H A I.KWI.H Philadelphia November 8 10:1 De They Want Werk Badly? Te thr Editor of the Kvititte VunHc l.tderr Sir I wendtr if m.itiy if th n-n. pe ciallv the Miurp; men who ae e'lt of em em pleymr.t reallj wir: work badly Ther, In net a dii." that I am net appreeched by a number if t eunn nnd mid Uf-ip-d men ark Inc m for "a d,ma te buy roffe nnd rolls" Urause they are huntrrv I h.-ve te ress the pos'efflee .it the neon heu- every diy srd It Is verv rarelv tint pemw eur.ir man Oefl net come up te me te ' make .1 touch At the rame time these jeun men who lay In wait fei ou have s'.arlr.f them In the fac th fact that the Government Is of fer, rs Immcdlntelv e tn the three brant he ennore in ae te w eni i a r!nt." ) demami help from the city when of the ftch'tnif rrvlcejthe puL Ic has te pav the hill. the navv, the nrmv or the murines Thee vi un ir.cn would rather itard en the i.er- New "L" Service 7e th f'Jifer of th' i rttnie I'ubltr f.tdQtr S r ! .i'.l te inhkn a rr mp. alt t th-eui:1! " jr l'v pv n Kiiru'i. nxar.llnp tr wri' hi 1 er Ir- ' In t V r -r n petit ir ,n ll ' 1 appeals te because of the benefit if The longest refreshment n Sealed tight-kept right in its wax-wrapped impurity-proof package. 5c The" Flaver linn iiiTrr-Tiiir ::. ::: :.: : . . v hi rij itriu n in sma A.ti,m eei i r i luntr rj v-m -'km fmiaifreru & JkVA KteremvZZZZrfTUJJt Ti a ttf iejy fT-9 1 1 ' - r "r "' sssjw 'twr"9tr ttt Ir-JB. A iktr ul r mm - Help the Unemployed ,n,r ? man "P" '"" 'f '.'...i 'P'netabfi tcr 'c. where they ut lea"' .,,.,,,, .. ..,,.., -.. .. i-.ii fir the - - - - - -.... .--.....-... -- - recessnrles of life Hut I don't believe n- wrnt werls badly for Uncle Pam la Blvcn a vury tlew cnll fmm thfm for a Ml JOHN T. SQUIRK." J'h"ade'ph'i November 7 1021. Wnat We Owe Our Brefhersi Te the Editor nf the Evvinu 'HOifc t.edicr-Sir- Vu we bte dally remllrg of th.' treat I army of unemployed, de we ever ask our I selves "What de I ewe te my brother?" If we have n. ceed home plentv of feed, n i aenj ro.lt.eti, sem money In the bank, etc., we nrn tee art te reolize that we are it I'lell lUriUllillH llBillUil niiriu -i u u iiim' rndent rij'1 -len't r.rM te think nf Any enr "... ::.-; .'' "eLJ?.,bL. V. "" '""' ....u... ..v- .,-. ............ - " eurselies- Dees It net Lach Us te hell "1" another ue eurfnw im-i u nwi i-.n.n uB iu ..t.h unn nnetllr Tnl" """Id be a miserable world r. fverj one ,110Ucht "' '' "' Pleasure and come This would be a mlserab.e world if fveri tllencc llretlier. If ou are prosperous J:I' ""'' cun 'xtc"d, ft J0lnln hand te I"mn ""' '" "eul(,n ' J '"' better If " (' d Mi Tr te "'ve ad t0 one et lh vnrertunnte unempieyea, euner te neip mm lido r.imseir evrr or. ir iKiesiDie, cun mm some worn instead et aims, and sn new qu."klv he T'lll irran the latter and huw re luctant'y he will accept the former. f be'.lev. tlint all men nre by natur se.jare square with themselves nn.1 wflh ethers but this In a big world, and em men seem nt able te help themselves us d j ethirs anl thev are the ores who need a lielplnu' hind when a ftmnclal and commer cial panic strikes us like the one are finti iinsqlnir fhrn Iflh l'i fArlnnii, h...fl.r . ' ewe It te the s fertunate te rlve them n helping hand when they need It. n. n d Phllade'phli. November T 1921 Te Gain Employment Te thr Frttle of the Kretime PjMfc r.rdir, Sir The trreat army of the unenipieved In this i tv should band themselves together nr.d show their atrencth. If there ari. mere than 1eO OOu men ejt of cmp!ejmnt In th's cl' they would tcpresnt a bin armv. suffi ciently 'irse te command respect. Thc sheu'd e'ert eff.cers and draft n petition te the "n Council ilemnndina; that w hi rover possible thev should be taken care of through emplejment. "Mich a ferce would compel ti dicon dicen dicon .tlnuance of this peiit'cal snuabb.e in the i I'l'j Council iir.d compel them te start Ihe I Intended pjblle Imprevemerts In order te I unempl.ived vetnl esterday te austnln th Mjer or te sustnln the Councilman whuse i Combine he represents. The reople voted for the erection of a se'.d!rs' an 1 ta'lers' memorial When will work en this Uructure be betun It lsill no doubt bans fre llli- thL r.-inkferd "I.." the Pe.uware Hlver bridge and all ether mu nicipal improvements simply hecause the Cltj Ciuei'l"i dlvldrd Inte factions, each one with hln hands at the ether's threat. This la ret helpinc the uneirpleved. and thev hv W. I, GACE. Phi'adlphla November 0. 1021 en account of reducing the service feres and bavins only ene man te control sev. eral cars Oelnc out nn the "f," en Vun, il pftern-'n 1 wished te alicht at Ilfty e nnd str.e. T re . ar was very mueh everybody Pleasure affords. - lasting pessibi 8 Lasts . ft ! u iifnii nt in nn f. tkne V .. (.. . I' at a t me like thlr When recently money a, r-s.i... , i. . , kas nske.i te start si.eh ..n imn,i..,.. ... 9 r Christmas Is only about six w I the Maver out of political splte he was "J"'1, '" ' " ' pa"" lulcklv. se w .rr.A ,i li-.., .i .. .. -w-.. .begin p-eparatlens as ear v as poss .u,,. uunl, ..,. iiiiii.. iiiuusrvilesi pi iupjr l cfewde.1 en account of the many people r turnlms from the Dins reception. I was In the renr nf th.' car nnd grave mi self nmele time tn Bet te the deer, but tli tnnduetnr threw the deer njien. nnd p.s no one Instintl) stepped out he threiv It shut fttraln before I had been nhle tn push thrnuve the crew I te reach the dJer. I protested In the conductor, but he slmpli was In sultlnir and made sneerlnir remarks much te my humllln'len The "I," sendee hn rliv.is been tud eneuffh. but under this new rstem It has become Intolerable W. H, 11. Philadelphia November 7 1021. Suggestions for Fair Titles Te the ;,'((ller e th r.venine Vuhlic t.rdetr: Sir Would attsvest te you thg, Phlladel- pli'n International Txpcsltlen as n name for the lOJ'l fair. JIOHHIP YKAOP.P.. ' Phlladelphn. N'eemlsr .1, lnjl. KathTlns Wlcn'enn susiests "World's P.e- union " Mrs nulh II. P.mlej "Amerlcan Libert Fair " Harrv Jasper' Perptuat Peace Fair." I.. It Stephens "Our Hanner Kalr " 11. K. Aver "Liberty Expeeltlin " I" W. Heffman "Supreme. World's Peace Kxposltlen " ll-i-nard Halph "World's United Kxhlbl- tln." H i". nennett ' 177d Inderendence Pair nun ' , Winifred Crlswcll 'Talr of All Na tions " Max Kauffmir 't'nlted World's ExpesJ- Hen of America." W, Drooks "World's Industrial Fair." J S. Heward "Philadelphia World's Cx- pcsltlen " 1 P. Dlnirnvin ' The Pestennlal." II K Pwither ' I.llierty's Phrlne Pair." Hessle Uressman "Philadelphia's Vnlvrr- ral Pxposltlen." II P. ni'r.iale.r "t.lherty P.e'1 Pair." Jehn MeMasur "World's DrotherL5d Inhibition." Se. Oreersteln "Philadelphia's World's We-k Talr." Amv P. Englert "The .Tar.Ue-Dlxle Pair" Arthur H. Sharkey "Wllllim Pcnn rixpo rixpe altlnn " :mma Robinson "L'nlted World's Centen n'al." Mrc. C P. Mulhelland "n Plurlbus Unum Pali ' i: M tien ' u. i: tlrr. ' Jehn J Cleorte Pair. I. A. Pair ' Jacob tlen ' .T. W tlen Cain "Never Equaled PxpesI; Petwln "Phil-American Expesl- , Mahe-ev "Worlds Peae Pair" W Klcnberccr "The Universal Parlinc "World's Independence It Mandel "New World Hxpesl- nen.egls "The Amcr.can Kapesi- Prepare for Christmas Charity edeer' eeks off re should Ihle and avoid the mad rush that Is usually at tendant upon our putting It off until close te the holiday period. Thore are two thing's thit I weu'd I ke te Impress upon jour readers at this time, and the most Important Is that this Is ueinc te be the saddest Christmas In the horret of theusinds In this city that thev have every experienced and In strenn con trast with what they have enjeved durlnsr the past prosperous half desen vears During the war labor was at a premium and new empie.vmcnt Is nt a premium and thousands of the Philadelphia homes nre aetnc te be devoid of even the slightest Christmas cheer unless the fortunate ores make a united effort te b-lnit Jry Inte the homes of families who nre net nb'.e te de se en account of the present unsettled busl busl ness condition There are many ways te be found te de this. The chirltable organ ergan organ isateons will no doubt make their usual appeal te see that nil the peer famll'es will have a bounteous dintur that they will pro pre pro vlde te rough the puree.i of the mere for- I tunHte of the publh. When jeu a-e asked te iilvc. glve llbcrallv. In the families an earlv effort should I he siirted unions the tl.r.fty 'e provide ueful presents for the children of tha peer Whit an excel'ent example of iharlty could I tie nacticed In the home among the chit- ' dren aid veii'ic people te have them start new savlnic and working te buy and te make Illtt! clfts of sunshine te be carried te the homes of the peer en Christmas D-ij Yeu will reier reuret It whn jeu fve the Jei your children will take If veu will press : upon them and organize them for work of this character M second thought Is. shop r.s earlv ns possible Don't wait until the Inst minute , md then force the men and women of the rterrs nnd shops te work overtime bv con- sunt j waltlnit en you riememlr they are I Human like jeurRelf Teu knew hew tired I veu get with veur little shopping, and think I of lw tired they niut get 'who have te star 1 from morning until n.ijht help.nje veu te Bhep MRS. W. I, C'HAMUnns. Phi adelrhla. November 7, 1021. Questions Answered Majer General and Governer General Te th' rditer of the Ki'tnlse Pn'ilic T rderr- r What Is the lllffere cci between a ma i ueneral and a noverner gener-W O I. KIRK. Philadelphia OetnUr 27. 1021. The rank of major renernl Is a military ranrt and the enlv superior ranl.s In the ai.nv nre lieutenant rcenenl ard freneral. Ge . ri or general in u title, bestowed en a r .Ian connected with the State Department who Is troverner of some possession of a ccuntrv. audi as Governer Oeneral of the 1 h'llpplnes. This Is ret a military rank and Is net therefore comparable, with the rank of "major general " Parcels for Troops Overseas le the Editor et the Ei eiil.ie Piib'lc I edecr Sir Ph. ise tll me hew te send a pack pack age Intended as a Christmas gift te a Ben overseas with the American forces. H. I.. P. Philadelphia, October 20. 1021, Prikages sen' must conform te the parcel pe3t rercla-iiens, snd If candy and tobacco ere sent they must be Inclesed In tins or light wooden boxes A'l boxes shipped by express or ma'l should be limited te Deven pounds In weight ?i.d net te exceed snventv two Inches com bined length and girth. Ne perishable feed preliKts ether thun Inclesed In canu should a i picked In any such shipment M.ii! and exptcss matter aheuld be ad dressed us new prescribed by postal rerula rerula tleni. that is plainly marked wlili the namn rank end organization of the person te whom consigned, nnd both clas.es of i.hlp. men's eheuld be marked 'Chrlstma. Ilex and sent care of the Oeuer.il Super'ntendent ArtnymTranspert Service. Hroeltln, . T, r riei mms lea I rinD..if..lnn .,UI,ll,l..-,MM, W,M. MWhIWM 7e .he Editor of the Ei'siuve I'ublis I.nletr Sr Please tell ma which Is correct' "c- cept ri'gjrdH from Sadle and 1 ' or "Accept lerurda from Sadle and me " P D S. Phi'adilphla, Noiember 2 lO.'l. Ths Utter Is the correct fenn Peth words nre In the ehjictlv ca, governed L the preposition from ' Bombing Balloons Te ihr Editor of th' Evening Public J.rdier bir Wa I thn lecent Werld War the first In which the bombing balloons were used? B. I., a. Philadelphia. Novemher 7, 1021. The first bomb-dropping balloons were used In war as t-trly as the nlige nf Miubeuge b th- Austrlsns. The first ta.k of bcml .diepp.ig was In 1B12 when the Russians were suld te have a huge balloon for thut I purpose, but nothing was done about It In '.Lit I .k ....-ln. ...t ........ l-iii euwcicr. me AiinuiiiiB. v iirii miiii'it- Ing V.nlic. sent up a paper lire balloon which was te drop bombs Inte the town. Hut they forget te allow for contrary ulr our eur rnts Thn balloon gat Inte such a currei.t i.ii.l, d'lftlnK back ever the AustiUn line bombed them Instead et Venice. c It C. ' would llkn te knew the origin of the phrans, "Three clieirt, and a tiger " "V" wants te knew re meanintr of the Letters te the Editor should be. aa brief nnd te the point nu possible nveldlnB nnythlPB that would open n donemlnatlonal or sectarian dls dls ciiislen. Ne attention will be paid te anony mous letters. Namei nnd nddreisei must tin slBiied ns an ovldcnce of (joetl faith, although names will net be printed If miuest Is made that they be emitted. The publication of a letter Is net te be taken as an Indersement of its views by this paper. Communications will net be re turned unless accompanied by pest' nee, nor will manuscript, be saved. fellow In Inscription "Salus per Christum ltedemtiterem." free translation Is "H.ivcd through Christ the Redeemer." "C. C. O "The tlt.e of the play In which Mrs. Plslte starred and te which you tefer was "Madame 9nd " Poems and Songs Desired Wants "The Dancer" Te th? Editor of the Eienina Public Ltdetr: Sir I would appreciate It very much If veu would (prlnt for me In jour People's I'c.rum the poem containing the follewlnj Hies. "Frem fleer te celllns a dense hush up. sptead. A moment's pause, and then the music's leat; Ard far within she tempts the doubtful ground With aulck, infallible confidence ef flight." H. W. H. Philadelphia, November 3. 102J. "One Step and Then Anether" Te the Editor et the Evcnine Pibtte I.cdeer: Sir I deslre a poem which I heard In my Jeuth which contains the lines' One step and then, another nnd the longest walk Is ended; One stitch nnd then another and the longest tent la mended." HATTT V UL.P.ICH. Philadelphia, November 4, 1021. Words of Seng Wanted Te the l.d.ter of the .'rrttlne Public Ledetr; Sir My grandmother lenrncd n song from her mother about' "Pair Hvlvla en n summer's day, Bhe dressed herself In mill's arra : With sword nnd pistol bv her side, Awav te her fruj love did ride," The enna relates hew, posing ns a high wavman. she "held up" her lever nnd rebbed him of n diamond rme. The lever, aubveaucntly seeing Sjlvia wearing this rlnr, shows confusion. She tells him she n.erely robbed him te try his leve. and the ttst proves entirely satisfactory. I should like the words of the song nnd any par ttcu'nrs about It A rearch In the libraries and n uslc stores has failed te find It. B. T. LACr. Philadelphia. November 4, 1021, "Nobility" Te thi Editor of th" Evcntna Public Erdij'r. Sir In a recent Issue of the llirvivfi Prni.te I.r.nii-ii J. W. I.ennlng aiks for a poem, "Nothing" se Heynl as Truth." This may be what the readir wants. Will seu kindly jtlve It spare In jour Forum? li. Philadelphia. November 2, 1021. NOHIMTY A I3y AIlce Cary irue worth is In belnx, net seeming, In doing oath day that gees by Some little geed net In the dreaming Of great things te de by and bv Fer whatever men say In blindness And npltn of the fancies of youth Them's nothing se kindly as kindness And nothing se rejnl as truth. We get br.elt our mlte as vveinensure: We cannot de wren-i and feel" right. Ner can we glve pain nnd gain pleasure, Fer Justice nvuigs each slight The nlr for the wing of the spirrnv. The bush for tl.e robin nnd vrcn, I,ut always the path thit is nr eiv And straight for the children ' men. Tin net in the rages of story. Thn heart of Its llli te beguile Though he who mnkef, courtship te glory Gives all that he hath for her smile. Fer when from her heluhts he hath wen her Alas! It Is only te prove That nothing's se sacred as honor And nothing se leal as love. We cannot make bargains for blisses. Ner catch them llkn fishes In nets. And sometimes the thing our life mltses The People's Penim will appear dillr In Iho Pvenlnc I'utillr I.etleer, uril nlse In the Siinil.i) Piihlle teller. Letters ellsriisslni; tlmrlv t'ns will , prlntril, ns well ns reeiue-teil iin.-nis, nml Questions of e-nercil interest will lie nnsivrrrtl. inirt'ATinxAi, Vnnng Viim"ii nml (llrls lllllllllltlllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiHiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllL: I Become a TRAINED NURSE 1 FRER TUITION, Beard and Ledginj; H and nominal sum while learning. E The scarcity of trained nurses assures any competent graduate s of steady employment; and this very scarcity also assures liberal earnings and certain success. rr Address Public Ledger Educational Bureau for detailed inferma- E tien, or communicate directly with any of the following hespitals: ANN MA MK.M(IH.IA1, IIONl'lTAL. Spflnc Lake, X. i. OOtllf.lt IKIHPITAI,. (umdrn, N. ,1. ZZ MO.NMOPTII MPAIUP.IAI. llOM'lTAI,. iAiiiff Ilrnnrli, X. J. lltX(ii: M1:M0K1AI IIOSPITAI,, llrKlitc. X. J. XOltTH IIl'ION IKIMP1TAI. AhSO.. iVeehnvvLtn, X. J. r OVIiniOOK IIOSI'ITAI,. Summit. X. J. SIIUVI.WJIA i.hXFltAI. IIOSPITAI.. Nm llrunsvilik, X. J. jr.nsirV ( ITV HOHt'lTAI.. .Terser nty. X. .1. CIIItlST ni'IStOPAI. HOSPITAL (Jersev nty Ilrlihts), Jrrsej Cltr, N XI'AVAUK CITV IIOSPITAI.. XevvnrU. X. .1. n IIOMFOPATIIIC IIOhPITAI, )P KSll'A f'lH'NTY. Xewarle, N. J. j: hospital reit wiimfn ami rim.nnr.N. Newark, x. j. rnrsniTr.imv hqsi;itat,. Xewnrk. x. ,i. S 'One j ear HIbIi Scheel required In Jersey Hospitals, - ST. LUKIPM IKI.HPITAL. Iltthlchrm. - IvlrlTON HOSPITAL. Ijltnn. I'n 0001) SAMAHITAX HOSPITAL. I.elianen. Pn. CRNTHAI. IIOSI'ITAI. lHd & Chestnut fits.), I'hllail-lnlils, Ta. NATIONAL STOMACH HOSPITAL 1S14 X. lnth St.). Plilladeiplilu. T, MTST PIIII.A. P.EXF.KAL IIOMKilPATHIC HOSPITAL - (1284 N. 51lh St.). Plillndelnhla. Pn. - Mmr.KTT HOSPITAL (Colored! (20211 X. 13tli M.V. IMillml.lnl, l n. OSTKOrTinc IIOSPITAI, (lOlh nnd riUMIIilllll!UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ATTl'MX HP.SOKTS MIML PL. frf le Helps mere thr-.n the thing which it Bets, Fer geed lletll net In pursuing Ner cnlnlng of great nor of small, Ilut Just In the doing-, nnd doing As we vviuld be done by. Is nil. Through env, through malice, through hating-, Against the world early Hnd late. Ne Jet of our courage abating Our patt Is te wetk and te wall. And slight Is Ibe sting nf his trouble Whose winnings nre less than his worth, Fer he who Is honest Is noble. Whatever his fertune or birth "W. 8. M." nsks for the poem containing these lines- "My mother has the prettiest trick of words and words and werds: Her talk comes out nn smooth and slick as brcasls of singing birds," "It. O. M." desires the poem containing tl.ese lines: "One sells his reul: another sn.unders It. The first buys up the werld: the second starves." E. N. BREITUNG FREED si ' Court Falls te Held Millionaire Caught In Raid New Yerk. Nev. ,10.. rMvvnnl N. Hrr-ituns, millionaire minliiR ciiRlnccr nntl oil operator, whs tllKehnrReti In Yerkville Court ycstcnlny by MnRlNtrate n.vttonberK en a tcclmlcnl charge of i rngrniicy In connection with n police rnltl in an npnrtmcnt en Mntllsen ave I nue. The Court, in n twenty -pnRc review ' of the cane. IieM that HreitttiiR wns I net subject te prosecution, null no cvi i tlenec lmtl been Hubmitteil te hIiew that he wna Ruilty of nnythlns except dciiir in thu pnrtmi'tit nt tliu time of the police raid". The IlrcituiiK fac nttractctl mere thnn nrillnnrv attention because of the nttempt-te establish the equal guilt of men with tnnt et women in eucnses ngnlnst mernlity. The circumstnnces lending te Mr. HrcitvfiiK'H arrest were tlintt detfctjve Cllicrillg tnc ueine ei .vir;.. .iviuu rv.ui, at 010 .Madisen nvenue. arreted Iter charged with letting rooms for Immoral iiurnoecii. At her trial the detectives t testilieil they found lireitung nnd two girls, Jean Whitney nnd iJrnn Cln,rk. Magistrate Jean Nerrlh, the only wo man en tile bench, heard the case, und llreitung appeared n n witness for Mrs Kift. declaring he hnd visited her in LUUIlsUlIUU sIlil u UUPiuian ii'ui. RUMMAGE SALE FOR CHARITY j Ihe Sewing Cla).B for Charity is helil- I ing its nnnunl rummnge Bale today at the northeast corner of Hcventh and Chestnut streets. All proceeds will be devoted te the purchase of necessities of , life for needy families. Mrs. Themn Conway, president of the class, lias charge of the sale. 0 .. . Judge Lets Jurymen Ge Gunning Mount Helly. N. J.. Nev. 10. Something like n subdued cheer from tliu men en the panel threatened the de corum of the Uurllngten County Cir cuit Court yesterday, when Judge Denges, nfler directing the drawing of one jury te hear n pending case, an nounced that ether jurors were excused until Monday and that the men could "go gunning tomorrow." l'.DPCATKlXAI. Until Seven mm ky VOIJLEGE igeDWilnut St,rhlla. i STRAYER'S '1"Sn7U'r,il!liTvi'iT t10" Pes tlen icnarnnfel. r!i?e7r fJuIr nUtht. r.mTATIOXAT. Yennir Women nnd Olrls I- Pu. Sprlns C.arden Sts.l. iJ'lillndelnlili. Pn APTP.MX KKSOKTS .MIAMI. FI, SVIIAIVI vcvez "t& - "Where Winter is turned te Summer" AMERICA'S FASTEST-GROWING WINTER RESORT THE LIVEST WINTER RESORT ON THE CONTINENT ARTHUR PRYOR'S FAMOUS BAND mil play in Royal Palm Park, December te April. Hetel Rates reduced commensurate with reduced eneratinp expenses. h OUTDOOR SPOUTS-IS THE LIFE AT MIAMI GOLF. TCNNIS. POLO. YACHTING. FISHING MOTORING, SURF WATIIING, AVIATION OUTDOOR HAND C O N C U T S NATIONAL MOTOR HOAT RACKS during ,Ue LLt'. tYeu'll find climatic conditienB hi the Miami zone superior te' any in America. The climate is cquituble. Protect your health and prolong your life by spendinj; the winter in Miami. ' "u'"b "' Fer further information and liandaome hoeklelt write i uii mia.mi CUAMRKR OF MIAMI, ILOHIDA m 'ipN 2, Vr. V'vv.w I, iff ,T v il; JinBssssyTfflifciAti JACQUES "SEES NEW YORK" Belgian Officer Tells nt State Din ner of Infprmal Inspection Tour New Yerlt, Nev. 10. Civil nnd mili tary illgnltnrici of New Yerlt City nntl Stnte greeted Lieutenant Oncrnl Unren Jacques, of the Uclginn Army, yesterday nt a luncheon nntl reception given by the Governer's Committee for the Itcccp Itcccp tlen of Distinguished Guests. General Jacques told his lieits of his experiences Tuesday In civilian clothes when lie Bought te roc New Yerk as. New Yorkers sec It. fac nald lie rode in the "stuffed nnd rearing Mibwny," climbed en n Fifth nvenne bus te Wnteh the shopping crowds nnd lunched nt nn "automat" in tbe thentre district. Lnst night General Jncquee decorated five Twenty-seventh Division war vet erans with the Ilelglnn Croix De Guerre nt the Twenty-third Iteglment Armery in Ilroeklyn. avti'mn nr.qonTe ATLANTIC riTY. N. J. ATLANTIC CITY MmuW On thn llenrh Frent PRK WAR RATES Amerliitir'iin Entirely. Alnirt Opsn Sieele C Itunnl I VsUr . tit per week Beens ' Pri..ln.lb-Mltt,t " Deable Rannine Witrr 144 " " Roem rrilteHsth.Slell DeaLle Roem, Prissle Rill Ucein eunier, 196 per week Ownership Muuftment Phens 1455 ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. 1 i Directly or the OceMJimt a !AAmfrifaiPlanHotdefPislinclJoai B CAPACITY aoe 3 UZzItere:J3ciz4n iBknicaiMisnmtsiaaa OAHAOC - SENATOR HOTEL VlilfilNIA AVII. & 1J0AIIDWALK I Imnrlrnn fln.i Steele Peutils I Without Runnletr Water , . ?100 142.00 KI.C0 K.C1 rvitn jiunnine- water . . , , iiiu With Private Datb 0.00 7TRAYMORE aW?c Worlds Greatest Hetel Success RAVFN ROYn Chelsea Air. A lloanlivelk "ftvl" iUIU s ne,t (il)I), tVntlnunus sunshine. Pill amt Winter rn'cs. Ocean view rms $S te S4 with linth l. Amer Plan M-e vvklv Kxe home ci'OKi v Isanr Power Hetel Boscebcl ft", A.Vi Iir, beacj tal.le. Me.il. rates fleam heat. Ph. 117. A. U. MAIUH.V SANDRINGHAM J- well-lieatejl rms. Kie'l Fall & CheliKU Ave, lliach. Sunny Winter rates. Tin: uKKAKi:itK Oreatlv re.lueed p-i sent seisen rates. SKIIKIXO, KI.. KfeNILWORTH LODGE. ON LAKE JACKSON, SEBRING, FLA. ricsnisMOST exceptional hotel,. liWIGORATTNG CLIMATE, UNEICEtiEO GOLE HtV.M IAV FIVMW. kfAMAr.ER. ' Boeiai erFiCE, town 5 country. ' flSTjWa STTE LANDCTDILT 2290, st. PKTr.Ksitrne. pi.a. b T. 1 ll 1 I. li h II l II u "The Sunshine City" Per lloelilets tr lntermat im Write Chamber of Commerce. Licpt P St Petershurc Pin m:n.MUDA The Ideal Winter Resort PRINCESS HOTEL BERMUDA Dlrecll uu lua ll.noer. Aceoiiuneilates 40 v.. Open Ucc. U te May 1. ' L. A. TWUIIOUKH. .Vanncer b'uecosser te HOIVi: 6t Twoueacn. Hr. Tworeper will he at Hetel Uelment, Part Av I'M St. N' Y Vi.y intii te e(ith i,AKi:vtinn. x. j. 'I J I.AKEWOOD. N J. H E wniTi: town ei.Kitic i' ut nneKi pt Hiw ATtMY AS61 Day NS t Mediterranean Cruiie VvC t S.S.Carmanla(CsDsrdLise) Vre SaUing NewYerk. Teb. lllh Vl I Amerleiin l.xires Cu elfe ! I I .', 'ive months' Cruise te tin. 1 I I I iledlterranesn end Pis I.e. I I Sinnt limited tu 150 Bue3ts Jli TT1. "" en and un. I El I irRX Crtll, tfrl'e or 'plieve Iir J I Vf3A.MrHICAN EM'HLh.s Ce O' VOXl-hllu. (Hell) Mnlnii. flj jJCSSS AITl MV KPSOKT.S MIVMI. I'.. $$i ..M "V S lsA 'I jfeimit'ien: tie Gamuts freM COMMERCE ' BTi:AMnAT8 Itrmnt.- ERICSSONTffi r . ' H r sJL fs nssenjrer, 3 o'clerU I m . er.fl,lil tj( 1 o'clock P. Jf from P'rr 4 u . ?,, ' riill.idelnhln.' 1,,r3' 8' "'lawar.il " "".. 'TwaDAVC (mm M..is.. . aii ?;r.rv,,"wKe U s-UiaOOr .Snnvl. 1e.f. Tennis, ?.,B& , Ne PasiperJs Modern Heti rreeucnt Ballings In Nev. ' Special Holiday Sailinii in n sailliia, v.c vveeL.y ' ,;B'n ?- linsscncers nt Ilamllien n,'"! S. S. "FORT VICTOR?? H.O00 Tens Displacement "S.S. "FORT HAMILTON" FURN.E,S? BERMUDA'! NE mt 'i.-nr'ini mi,, v .. lurnessH'lthr 4 Ce.l.til lu... !'. ....'m " i'''r''" ""-dr- GREAT WHIT E FLEET United Fruit CemDanv, Traffle-lleiil 17 llattery Pla e. N r PARCEL POST ARMISTICE DAY SPECIALS 0. S. Army Weel Breeches (reclaimed) Perfect Condition Parcel Pest, 10c Extra Tine for intloer jr outdoor work, in e t e r cyclists, liuntlni; n n tl farming, Oversea Caps 35c Weel Spiral I.rcKlncs, C0r pair mmTei &NAVYSTOIffl 417 MARKET ST. riUfeADELPIIIA. PA. 1U ROOF PAINT $1 a Gallen llreivn. eiiLtian reil unit huu u ft m.n.. bIm that leaky root n teat ard fertet about It. Geed quality, mends mll !"!" .eeveri f.00 equare feet te callen. The blaek Is esiieclally "Tieummended for ruhberlred nnd slae roots. Will last IM Wm. e. hinch tOPPOSlTi: NEW MILLION DOI.LAIt S'I'AVLRV THKATIIKI 1919 MARKET ST.-1919 PHILADELPHIA Geed Values AMI im.mi.di tp dpi ivi:ny .M'tniifne ttu era et INFANTS' & f nnfc CHILDREN'S UjUS GOLDSTEIN BROS. 508 Arch St., Phila., Pt. MIVIYMIIPH (.(II.Ill'.V lll'll- 1'ltIfT.S .NO. I. XOX-TAIl IKKlP-l'LV tine-it inade Known world ever. 1 iral, (for BO K ft I tn. 2 kuI., J.., B te 1U K.il. $21 Kal 110 pnl. Steel lleims, Jl '.'J a cl. .Ne. 1, Nen-Tur KecVNrU CfCr l'er B mils up. OJl Oil. .Ne. 3, Nen-Tiir ItoeM'U fifjr ' 1(1)1" & 1 11. . wei. (lil Pel Pout f r. e n.'g, irtr a pnl extra h.MPini: CO.. IS:iO (hrstnnt. I'lilla.. V. lte-ll I'liiiitrt Sprnrr n!S? BIRD MANNA rv Mil. restores their tieI mnA eMth.ra Tlf tnl irreat secret et the As- cni.ii,all druirirleU. Alnirtil fe? ISC' n coin or sUmpl. ' BOOK ON CAGE BIROS, ue puses ige lllmtrst ens. s pUM olfency canaries In tlielr niluril colors Full Information ft i te e and rare canaries. Hew te btta tliern for prellt. Hints ' diseases and Itow te cure iM Ml about Parrots id host Is tltrm te talk nailed for IJC.JJ both ter Sc tl!ll 1i";dIp.?1B'pI' 400 N. rd St., I'lilladelplils. M .-. $1 .SO 1 UP Men's Overcoats Walter's Pawn Shep 904 VINE ST. .V ... IIO.MII.n TO Till: "IT. "9 jiiiav cori'i:intei.i,i it W,,lllA;'D t.oei) (MAi.n v m.h ou nmM IIAKUi.i.n &- ) m 3Gd'l35 5ai.'398 8Gal.'5.d8 SGal'165 lOGd'ZlS WGanSO ISGal'SOO 12Gala00, Cenner TuIiIiik, Ifli tier fl, I nln. " I,. IIAIII.SS 2i30 ItlilKe Ave.. l'lill.i. 4rTYT?Tr A rTG Deuble Seamed; Extra Heavy ii. i e.,ii W ,t (mi n .nil. fc TAMWHIPH-t,..BnnTS:i:3 ' iCFTl r' I M I I v 1.05 i xiiaa'y Lrnf m il n aI.z. clyjrW tii, a ( Mi M fiireel I'eist i'i"l '" Btirr, I Je . tuiuier Tulilnr. If pa (t. Unions, M , J.JACOBS a M. HttT St.. vttt 1 ' Ojieu JJeni M U,.)iwsjBr V