(hji-T -isytrt' - .TW .vO W r" p it M' ), -; m II id? 1 y !24 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIIiABELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1921 i NEW ISSUE $2,500,000 First Joint Stock Land Bank of Chicago 5V2 Farm Lean Bends (ILLINOIS AND IOWA) Exempt from all Federal, State, Municipal and Lecal Taxatien: This exemption was confirmed by the United States Supreme Court in iU decision of February 28, Thus these bends are as completely tax-exempt as the First Liberty Lean dyae Bends Due November 1, 1921 Dated November 1, 1921 Issued under the Federal Farm Lean Act 1951 Redeemable at the option of the obligor at par and accrued interest en November 1, 1931, or en any interest date thereafter. Coupon bends of $1,000 and $10,000 denomination, fully registerable and interchangeable. Prin cipal and semi-annual interest, May 1 and November 1, payable at the bank of issue or at the Continental & Commercial Bank in Chicago, or at the Equitable Trust Company in New Yerk City, at the holders option The following salient facts arc summarized from the Federal Farm Lean Act, and a letter from Presi dent Guy Husten, copies of which may be obtained en applicatien: SECURITY These bends are direct obligations of the First Joint Stock Land Bank of Chicago and secured by deposit with the Registrar of the Farm Lean Bureau of the United States Treasury Department, of United States Government bends or first mortgages upon improved farms, net exceeding 50 of appraised value of farm lands and 20 of the appraised permanent insured improvements thereon, in the states of Illinois and Iowa, admittedly the finest agricultural section of the country. All of the mertages have been approved by the Fedc-al Farm Lean Beard based upon the appraisals of their own agents operating in their respective territories. In addition te government inspection of the properties, the bank has had independent appraisals made by their own experts. All bends of the Bank are protected net only by an equity represented by at least 100 of additional land value, but also by the paid-in capital stock of the bank carrying double liabiity, and the accumulated surplus and reserves. The Bank's statement of Aug. 31, 1921, shows a paid-in capital stock of $1,200,000 and surplus and reserves of $120,145.73. Stock increased recently by $200,000 which is being paid in at 150. TAX EXEMPT FEATURES We quote hereunder from the actual bends certified te by the Registrar of the Federal Farm Lean Bureau of the United States Treasury Department as follews: "This bend is issued under authority of the act of Congress approved July 17, 1916, which provides that Farm Lean Bends issued under previsions of this act ' and the income derived therefrem, shall be exempt from Federal, State, Municipal and Lecal Taxation." We quote from the decision rendered by the United States Supreme Court February 28th, 1921, as follews: "These banks are constitutionally organized and the securities here involved are legally exempt from taxation." GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION AND OPERATION This Bank was chartered en July 25th, 1917, whereby it was "granted authority and power te lean money, issue its bends, and te de all ether things provided for, and in accordance with the previsions in the, act of Congress, approved July 17, 1916, known as the 'Federal Farm Lean Act and te de all ether things implied or incidental thereto within the State of Illinois and the contiguous State of Iowa." This charter was granted by the Federal Farm Lean Beard which exercises supervisory powers ever the Land Banks, similar te the Federal Reserve Beard ever the twelve Federal Reserve District Banks. The Federal Farm Lean Beard must approve all leans and they shall appoint land bank examiners "said examiners shall be subject te the same requirements, responsibilities and penalties as are applicable te national bank examiners under the National Bank Act, the Federal Reserve Act and ether previsions of law. They shall examine and report the condition of every Federal Land Bank and Joint Stock Land Bank at least twice each year." In addition thereto the beard is furnished with a complete record of bends issued and mortgages deposited and also monthly detailed statements of all payments of principal and interest. The Secretary of the Treasury is ex-officio chairman of the Federal Farm Lean Beard. Although the operations of the Bank are thus carefully restricted and supervised by the Government, it is under private ownership and management. Its officers and directors have had many years successful experience in similar operations in the same states (Illinois and Iowa) and the Bank has paid regular dividends at the rate of 8. By Act of Congress these bends, prepared and engraved by the Treasury Department, are declared instrumentalities of the United States Government, legal investments for all fiduciary and trust funds under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, and accept able at par as security for Postal Savings and all ether deposits of Government funds. Price 102 and interest, te yield about 5.18 te 1931 and 5 thereafter GOSSIP OF THE STREET 14 WALL STREET NEW YORK KISSEL, KINNICUTT & CO. THE ROOKERY CHICAGO W. de net cuaxante the statements and flsures pre'entM fcere'n, but they are ta'.ien from sources wbtei we belleve te be reliable. nSNCIT. IATBOBE-CONNKI.I.MMI.I.K COAL AhD COKK COMPANY, , Oet'J Ilends . . rjettee la hereby given that pursuant te tia BlnklnB Fund Prevision of the i Mertjai. dated June 1. 1011. twenti-fl (25) of the abeJ bends, each for UOOO. have b-en drawn for redemption en IlerembeT 1, 1B41, it 103 and accrued Interest te that date The bends drawn and numbered a Djlew, with oil unmatured cojpens attached, should b presented for payment at the office of the Commercial Trust Company. Trustee City Hall Square I'hlladelnhla, en or after December 1, 1021. when all Interest thereon will cssse. Nes 81 219 030 72H bes inn isvi 121 Si'2 304 7S8 dOO 12i8 11185 171 349 4U. w vut idev ioei 1047 COMMEnCIAI.. TTtUST COMPANY. Trusts. " HENnT C. QinSON Treasurer. 11 28 bO POCAHONTAS CONHUUUATKD COL- glTV-YKAH HI5 TEIl CKNT GOLD ONDSDOB JULY 1. 1057. Untie. Is hereby Riven, pursuant te the Uimi of the mert.ag. dated July I. 1907 that-the underslcned as Truitje will recelr. uZled propose, s up te 3 F. M.. en ths Sin SaV of Beinber. 1M1, for tb.ss.ls te It of ,.., above described, sufficient te use ?? sum of $40 d05 1)7. Ths understate! rsIerVss thi right te rslect any or all tend. Sb,nN2w TOni? TRUST COMPANY. itu Trusts. Br A. C. DOWNINO. Jr.. Assistant Secretary. NW TTk. October 27 1051 We offer $20,000 Pennsylvania Company Collateral Lean is Due April 1, 1031 PRICE 86 AND INTEREST $20,000 Ches. & Ohie Ry. Ce. General Mtg. IMis Due March 1, IDOi PRICE 80'2 AND INTEREST P., C., C. & St. L. Gen. Si, 1970 Elkins, Merris & Ce. Land Title nidtr., Phila. Member, Vew Yerk A I'hlln, Stock Exchanges Spruce 8200 8 1 ! IHilriVmU ..kirrirn HfXlUHi '"' l.ii Mail, i i-ilH Chestnut Btreet. Philadelphia. Pnin i 0S-WO Kwsm November Dth. 10.il .l&S WmPanrSftdend Wt? & Sffif 5a"r of t? ,,. THLK,UAV Dscamber lvlun JUNOKURTH JH . ' ,, Treasurer '..yp nUUUUH A Tllti: CORPORATION 3?TS nv"k ,w Yerk. Oct 20. 11U1 1 i-na nt the I.e. Hul ber & Hrs IRU- rnTnoratlen have this day declurd n. qimr- ir frtrWWend of fifty tent. (S0e a share ?!r J.n the T capital mock of iMs company, pay ) ?Cirn.reraber 1. 10-il. te stockholders of m & Tr. .. -.!.... of liuilneas Neiimbnr 11. nj av in. .-- -- - -- HENRY HOPKINS. Jr . Secretary rcoe IViii I "ZnWTUW KSTERN TK1ST COMPAN1 OIl"" ect.ber 24. 1J1 el ItlH Heard of Htnl annual ilivi C(.nt was derlnidl !?' vrTi..ml.r lath Check, ulll I- nayaule "" IBM. 41! 4 m. regular in- n" ftl miSian held this daj a IF PWnf twelve I1J1) I'er ( 111 i.?: November 13th $20,000 N. Y. Connecting R. R. Ce. First Mtff. Pas Tine AilR. 1, 105 PRICE 80 AND INTEREST i Eajset Bres. &. Ce. BANKERS 1421 CHESTNUT STRECT Philadelphia M KMIir.lt S Villi.!. STUCK J:CIIANdl. Established Manufacturing Ce. With orKnnlratien cunijileted, i rufterv working siml n .in . In- (julrKs en h.inil tics. rout of r.iiMtitf ndilitien 1 c.ujlt.il te f.i i ll i iii tinmllmK ( i Ijusiiiphs I.i S" irellth 1' ni- epi irtunlty for cxi i iitienal iintsin nt Bux H OIC, IcUKti Ulflce A Natien -Wide Market for Liberty Bends Victory Notes tad Treasury Certificates SECURITIES DEPARTMENT Commercial Trust Company Member Federal Reiene Syittra City Hall Square Weit mat i ALUX D. ROHINSOS Treanurer A iiiiiml Meetlnsa lKlic'ANTlI.n UUNhriCIAI. A,s(). . JiiaTlON The Annual MeLtlns of tila t Ltiitnn ylll be held en Tueilu. .Neirni. v"?i lUtl. Hi 12 o'clerU neon, nt nil Heulh r 18. '""'tfoem I'i0 at which time an ii.oUen will e litwil for the tei held for five manugirs rm or lour jnars. ,L.IAf 1 CUM.. Peireury Hprel il Meetliiss n . M ' i k. oeelal NOTICU Ol' ST()( IilIIILDKIth' rneetlnit of the stockholders of sninK c;niiifiiny win lie imhi ei . tne i uinimm in i t?u7fl.,I-uir...h.nf Mi r V(iiia'vj's--.ii, i. i fnr 1 1,. ..;.;.- J- retAliln action for or against the apprewil i Vt i. ceitaln areement for ths .consolidation ' I I ' 2 mar" V "t Ths Curtis Publlshlnn Cem- I I , , ffrty Wi TThe independencequare Company j If' . Hecre'lary. w j i.e. y Sa& ; mm p . NOIICH OF KTnrMlOI.DKrth' .wl rflertltiR ei llif slocuhelilers of ndeeendence HiUiire Cnmpsuy will l8 nuc7" ,,,.. . Ih ..,,,,,,,,,. iiZiivlnhla pn the 8lh day of .Ne. " .... S nl. n.1. I. M .... .1.. V. O. w w .v.n . , tHT II1W or i i. i aklne action for or ujtalnst the certain aitreeinent rer the d mener ct. The Curtis Pub- ny and The Independence r "la.tiPINOTON. cticreiary, Yeu can judge market possibilities better if you knew the price history of stocks. "PRICE RANGE," November issue (given en request) covers 800 securities : the " high" and " low" prices for 1920 and 1921 dividend rates, "par" capitalization, etc. Call, phone, write for copy (link for TU-513) and men tion Htucks which interest I you. Jenes &. Baker Member New Verk Curb Market """"Direct Private Wires" " " SeO erk t hiemre IJoiten Philadelphia l'uuburgb Detroit Biltitnure Clrvclinu PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widcner UulMinu T-1. !,. Hell - - - Locust 4730 Telephones Kcy,tene . Race 586, BALTIMORE OFFICE 433 Equitable Buitding Telephone) St. PautSl --- J I . -i; Bi nkVnrniTI(nf Rmirlc ImsmiisissssBESssMasaBSSss sssesssessk asm Investment Securities Fi 1 ' EDWARD LOWBER STOKES tl U 20 Seuth 15th St. fll i Philadelphia l Locust 0313 Rare 3e39 I WE WISH TO BUY i MjiiiisisssM iis ill Milium saisa 11 inssaii II I nlun Trrmlniil nt Dnllus I 1 1st Bs liHi I usiesi service m rniinatipnin m en Terminal ODD LOTS lBt 3H ,u,n 1 Terente, II utiillten i IliilT. KARDOS & BURKE " 14!4 Walnut Slrttt Phlladtlphla I) Phent Spruce IU0 j J WlDIIH BlDC. PHII0IPH1A II ssssBsasaassssassBsasaBBBsaxusBaDsauisBBaaiiGssusssJ fifualnt PUhdiMh tud .N. Mhv Yerk Seck Extfiani if i f ith i I ' ' ' WANTED RELIABLE BROKER i rv rif r. emitW tNhinr haln ' fit ret firiM unltB u fTTial n n HlirM sr1( imp i' Put ji it It -iBHijis 1 1 n en H( k -U!, I I IK. I H Ol I ICIs ilMrSMkiyii '(Redmond a Ca New Yerk Philadelphia .TtKlKine; from the tennr of the ntlvlccs sent out by the nctivc wire houses, much is expected lit the wny of market influence from results nt the dlRnrmn ment conference. Among the ether nc eempllslimcnts anticipated will be the adoption of n financial plan which would provide for n resumption of com mercial activity in something like the volume that prevailed up te within n year age. u Some of these who have studied the situation In this respect were positive in the opinion that there will be ample piovlsiens made for the reconstruction of devastated Europe. That Mupcndeui work alone, it is pointed out. will call for huge tonnage of steel products nnd ulse of copper. Once Mere the Uiievpetceil Undoubtedly the mnjerlty of the talent came down te the Street fully prcpnred te witness n moderate backset. The market, however, ns It often docs, just went contrary te the majority opinieu. Western Meney IlatCH Easier Seme further evidence of caking in money rates in the West is discernible with the Indication from new en toward the end of the year meicy will he nvnil able en mere ndantageetis terms. The action of the lder.il lletrvp hankb in a further reduction of the rcdir-reunt rate in the majority of districts has resulted in a belter feeling in lluauclnl circles in westcin sections of the coun try. The success, of the Treasury Depart ment in lleating its new Issue of 4',i and -Hi per cent certificates evidently 1ml some influential tffect upon wl.nt should be the proper level of rediscount iatcs. The reserve ratio having reached n point well iibme the percentage nee ctsnry te be Carried against notes in circulation, the opinion among mem bers of the l'edernl Hescrvc was such that n Hiihtaiitinl reduction in discount rates was in order. The contraction of leans nnd dis counts among bnnks nt the larger cen ters have been going nleng steadily, and lining te the ferwardings of grain fiem interior points at an cnrlier period than ordinarily the usunl btr.iin in theciedit .situation in the crop-moving, period bus practically been tllminntcd. The result has been that balances carried by Interior banks in the laiuest centers lime incrcnsul quite mnturmii) and bujing of cemuieiciul paper re ported te en .1 breuder basis. Hard te Understand The bulge In some of tlic meter shares is somewhat difficult te reconcile in view of the undeniable slewing down of the aulomebiiu business. New llallread Issues rending During the next few dajs there will be a few new offerings of rail issues, in cluding a 5,500.000 ettering of South ern Hallway bends nnd 512.000.000 of Louisville nnd Nashville Ilallrend Com pany 0 per cent bends. There nrc certain detnils yet te be ironed out in connection with the effnlrn of these two undertakings, which it is hoped will be succcHsfullv consummated se that it will ee possieie te leriuany present the issues te the public before the end of the week. Little doubt ob tains in well informed circles as te the success that will attend these offerings, because thev nre high grade standard Issues, which unnuctlennbly prove pep ular with tlic public. The rail market bears evidence of n healthier tone than at any time since the upward movement throughout the general bend llbt wus begun a few months age. IJIgger Things Expected" Next Tear Ever man nnd inteicst in position te knew forecasts bigger business for 102'J. Many signs confirm this opti mistic attitude, and in all directions elilcncc Is te be had of returning con fidence. Breader Demand for Notes Net only is there n lgoreus demnnd for high -class bends, but there Is also a conspicuous absorption of short-term notes. This demnnd hns net been ron ren ron tinedteanj Individual issues or groups, but has virtually extended throughout the entire list of nearby maturing obli gations. There has been a healthier tune te the note market within the lust few days than at any time within n j ear. Dealers profess te believe that comparatively high Interest jlelds btill obtainable will net long continue. American Telephone I One of ycstcrday'H individual move ments which came in for considerable attention wus the nctive demand for i American Telephone and Telegraph, rarrjing that stock te the highest pi ice I touched since 1017. The movement was icgnrdid as in line with general Im provement in business, conditions. Improved Iliillreml Inquiry The Iren Age in its weekly review of the steel situation snjs: "Hnlliead Inquiry for rails for IOL'2 ami what nia.v be the beginning uf bel li i bujing of curs have appeared in the pji-t wevk. Otherwise the chief devel opments In the stt-el market have been In tin plate contracts for the first half of next j ear and some geed business in wrought pipe. re 1 te pet (mix ami wns In volume Mil Ik lent te liiMire a huge operation of tin plate mills thieugh the winter. Can makei-i bought ter the first half of 1022 ami jobbers for the first quarter. "Hail inquiries for the next ear in in clude 100,000 tens for New Yerk Cen- trnl, with a pes-thli. 200,000; also -10,-000 tens for Noifelk and Western. IVnnsjIvnnlu Itallread Is considering a 1022 iiiietn of 150,000 tens. Thus fur leading interest has booked 120,000 tens of rails 'luce the price wns mimed. "Conspicuous Itenih in new fnbi icati'il strel projects totaling 18,000 tens are 0200 for Ktinigthenliig a Husten and Maine bridge and u inlliead bridge at Kiiiihiis Cit.i. Aw aids of the vvetU amount te about 150,000 tens in size able projects. "Weakness has developed in the pig iron market, paitii'ul.irly in I'.uftule, Clivehind nnd Birmingham, and conces sions of 50c in SI a ten uie reported "Though the upward turn in produc tion cami' in .rub, further price defla tion en the present move is letenled for this week. The Iren Age composite for finished steel new stands at 2.i:ilc a pound, or les then 27 per cent above the average for ten yenis before the w.ir" TIIETHADEU. SEES UNIVERSAL USE OFFUEL GAS Heating Needs te Be Filled, as Ceal Coekstovo Has Vanished IN HOMES AND INDUSTRY By fhe AseclnJel Tress Chicago, Nev. 10. Artificial gas for full heating requirements of the Nn Nn tien, both In homes and industry, is nn impending reality and' n revolutionary chnnge In heating as sweeping ns that which abolished tlic cenl cook stove from tlie cltj kitchen Is under way nnd will come just ns seen ns the gns industry enn overcome existing problems, nccord nccerd ing te the Industrial Fuel Committee of tile American Has Association, in Its repert te the annual convention of that bedj here today. The report predicted that the gns In dustry will become the biggest public service institution and coupled this with the statement that the companies serv ing the Nntlen must prepure them selves for n gigantic building program such ns will pvrmlt it te take en n bil lion dollars of new business resulting from the great task of providing heat for American homes and for industry, Complete disuse of solid fuel In cities, doing away with smoke nnd grime nnd the nnnunl fuel problems were dcelnrcd by the committee te be In oiling. "We can new with nil certninty leek upon the time when gas business will be the biggest of our public service In stitutions and tnke enre of the fuel re quirements In every city, town nnd mu nicipality," snid the report submitted by II. O. Eeebell, of New Yerk, choir man of tlic Industrial Fuel Committee. Improper into schedules, net con ducive te the best interests of nil gas users nnd obsolete restrictions plaecd through regulation upon the Industry, nre the big hampering influences nt present, the report nys, charging that America is net taking advantage of lcs lcs heiis learned during the wnr. Invcrr tlve genius is doing its full share in solving the fuel problems, the report adds, iccltlng vast lecent progress made in producing gnseeus fuel. "With success in the development of proper industrial rates and mere effi cient nppllanoes, we shall be able te lower the cost of gas te the consumers te such nn extent that we shall be able te provide n tremendous Incicase In gns service for the Natien," says the re port. "The potentialities of gas have hcen realized te only n very small extent." DETROIT GETS CAR LINES Trelley Company Agrees te Surren der Part of System After Vete Detroit, Mich.. Nev. 10. Conforming te nn ouster emittance ndepted by the voters here Tuesday tne Detroit United Hnllway will discontinue operating en two of the principal thorough fnreu by November 25, te make wny for munici pal street car lines, it was announced Inst night by A. F. Edwards, vice presi dent of the company. Submission of the ordinance te n vote followed refusal of the company te nreent the cltv's offer of $388,000 for the lines en Fert street nnd lower. Woodward nvemie, where the ceinpany'6 franchise had expired. Mr. Edwards stated that the com pany will continue te operate Its ether Detroit lines. The Fert nnd Wood Weod Woed wnrd lines nggrcgnte about ten miles, crossing In the center of the business district, nnd provide trnnsportntien fa cilities for thousands of workers In In dustrial plants. CLIMBS BLINDS, SAVES TWO Shere Milkman Rescues Children ' Prem Burning Heuse Atlantic City. Nev. 10. Scnllhg tw teries by climbing the shutters, lttl5 Dc Kecher, a. mllkmnn, early ycsterdsV morning rescued Margaret nnd Themas "i "" (uii.-ii, trapped In a bedroom of their home en Michlgnn an. nuc, north, when flames, starting in h kitchen, swept through the house. Dc Rechcr dropped the yeunentcn Inte the waiting arms of three rntlread empleyes, who nrrived before the fire, men. The children were seinl-cen scleus from the smoke, but lecercrtd under first-aid treatment. K. of C. te Initiate Tonight Mere than 100 candidates will rcccivs the major degree of the KnlghtB of Columbus In the K. of C. Hnll, Thirty, eighth nnd Mnrkct streets, tonight. Dig. trlct Deputy Jnmes J. Freeman, of ths Second l'cnnsylvnnla District, will . cmpllfy the degree. BROWN BROTHERS & CO. New Yerk VstalUshcd ISIS rOUllTII CHKHTNUT 8TIIEET8 FIIILAIIKI.F1IIA llosten COMMERCIAL LETTERS OF CREDIT Issued in Pounds Sterling, Dollars and ether currencies. A Century of Service BROWN, SHIPLEY & COMPANY founders Court, I.ethbury LONDON, i:. C. Oflflce for Trnveler. 1S.1 Tall Mali, LONDON, 8. W. DIAZ HAS BUSY DAY Newport Italians Present General With Gifts Troops Reviewed Newport. It. I.. Nev. 10. General Vitterio DhiJ!, Italy's war chleftnln. put In n busy day esterda making nnd lccelvlng eflleinl culls. Lecal Itnliaus maue lilm n gift of n silver punch bowl and two sliver can delabra nt informal ecreiscs nt the home of Dr. Geerge Ccrie, where he is a guest. Three Newport iiejs who served in the Itnllan Army during the wnr were in the dclcgntlen. At Fert Adams the general nnd his party were received with ren-menics of honor by the commander. Colonel W. It. Deeres, and his stnff. The genernl re viewed the const artillerymen nt the fort. m kit Li B ' v 'U Ml V i " si t p ffi KSjjjj Investments OF 1 Proven Merit 3 BATTLES & CO. I Vi'ablished 1890 ja Indftwndtnce Square (Knit) jiMOTKIMM Investment Securities MACKIE, CR0USE CO. HEAL ESTATE TO. JJLDO., rillLA. Insurance is a sacred trust and should be se regarded. THE PROVIDENT Lirs ani Tiurt (JnMiMNV or Fiin.tDii.rim Teuith nnd Chestnut Sts. Stembtr of hctleral llcecnc System Tiega Steel & Iren Company Heavy Commercial Mnchinirtfr. Experimental and Teel Werk. 52d and Gray's Avenue riillndelphln, Fn. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Samuel McCreery & Ce. Members Phila. Stock Exchange Franklin Bank Building lnnvlvnnlii Knllreiil Equipment 0's 1028.33 I.i'Meh Anllfjr Ceal Cempnny ..,. 'n 1533 Kastnn A Ainhex Kallranil Campnnr It's 1023 Ceneal. Tnirllen of New Jrrr) . . . ,Vn 1031 I nltH Traction Ce. uf Flttsbiirgh. R's 1091 t'n'trtl i & Ktrrtrlc Cerp. . 0'h IU1J Mllmlncten (Ins Cenumiv Cnmmvn stk SAMUEL K. PHILLIPS & CO. Mrmbfrs riillmlrlphla Merk Kxcluin.'e 607 CIIK.VTMT HI It I'.KT C. S. PATTON & CO. 31 A ClIRKTNt'T STH. I BANKERS I SucfCMfters te SAII.KR A hTISVF.SbON Menti mil sterki betiKht and sold I Mpnihrrs I'lillu. Stock Kxchunte $500 $1000 $500 $1000 J "Tin id.ite tmjitig came nfter n diictlnn In price en Nevemlier I SI 7." poi he and wns In volume Rare Investment Opportunity Firit Offering of Limited Amount ier Subscription $2,500,000 TOTAL. ISSUI 7 Five -Year First Mortgage Chicago Real Estate Geld Bends The Albert Dickinsen Ce. Largest Seed Merchants in the World, Established 1855 First Mortgage en Land, Buildings and Equipment In Chicago's Great Central Manufacturing District, near Plants of International Harvester Ce., Crane Ce., Peeples Gas Ce., U. S. Army Supply Depots and Union Stock Yards EXPERT APPRAISAL OF SECURITY NEARLY TIIREE TIMES TOTAL BOND ISSUE "" " ' i ' ' SSSJH. , . ( Wl I ,m fjjl.jsjisjjsjji.jjsa MJJJJM,,., mmmm Denominations $500 and $1,000 Interest Payable May 1 and November 1 The Entire Bend Issue a Due and Payable November 1, 1926 Interest Coupens may be collected promptly when due at Fidelity Truit Company, Philadelphia, or Principal and Interest payable at Greenebanra Sens Bank and Trust Company, Chicago, Trnstee BANK SAFEGUARDED BONDS Honorable business dealings. Cern Exchange Nat. Bank Unite! te mil for (Irrmmir In the nrar fulurr te purchase nitre liawlKt 'or Amtr Icun llrms ami weulil Ilk. te litar from ii frw msrs llrms, who would be Inter ttltd In snme litfore salllm. it ez8, i.udekh etricn Wvv2m IBOWSJ T Te Yield 7.20 A first-lien bend en Penn sylvania Electric Light and Power Companies. Circular and llarninun en Request Baker, Ayling & Yoeng JOSKl'lt . ,l. -lr Miinm.tr Land Title Dldg. Doiten Philadelphia GRANDMA RAISED CAIN, TOO Professer Denies Bare Knees Are Worse Than Heep Skirts Detinlt, Nev 10. (Jmiulirin'H enrs would burn if hIie knew wlmt HurBi'n-s .Iiilinsen, prefpitnr of KmbIIkIi t VoKner t'ellcgi', snlil nbeut her jcNtcnlay after noon. "(irnndmu litis no lislit te rrlticlre tlic modern college fc'lrl," tlcrlnrcil I'uif. .rehnhmi "Slid preliniilv liiiH n few Cnln-rulhlnj; Hiiich tuclted nwiiy In lur nieinery. I don't tlilnk bnre knees nre anj mere Immodest tlmn the htntclj lioep nklrts of lialf a century age. "The worldly wlmlem which the mod ern college Klrl attalnw ii mere of an ndvantage tlmn a llKad'intnge, and docs net crane the blush ijeuth and Innocence LAND 60.18 acres, owned in fee; con sidered one of most remarkable individual holdingsef industrial real estate in Chicago, Appraised value of land alone con siderably mere than total Bend Issue. IMPROVEMENTS New reinforced con crete and steel structures, forming square of 420 feet; steel tanks with capacity of 750,000 bushels of grain, railroad yard with ever four miles of trackage. Expert appraisal of improvements $3,856,788.51. VALUATION Bends are secured by land, buildings and equipment with expert appraised value of $7,046,288.20, nearly three times total Bend Issue. ADDITIONAL SECURITY All assets of The Albert Dickinsen Company aggre gating ever five times amount of Bend Issue, comprise additional guarantee for prompt payment 'of principal and interest. The company was established 66 years age, and does a world-wide business in seed and grain products. BANK SAFEGUARDS Fire Insurance and Mortgage Title Guarantee Policy for amount of lean held as collateral by Trustee, for benefi of Bondholders. Every protection i3 afforded by the definite Grcenebaum system of Bank; Safeguards. rf. n j n .. ...... ,c uuttuujct zigrccB te ray the united Slatet Nermal Income Tax up te 4. Approved and Recommended by the Oldeut Banking Heuse m Chicago PRICE PAR, TO NET TO INVESTORS Ash for Circular Ne. PA-S50 RESERVATIONS MADE NOW FOR FUTURE DELIVERY IF DESIRED USE THIS COUPON GreeiieMiiii Sens InvestmentCensNE CHICACO j Greensbsun Sent Inreitment Company ; "5. E Cerner U Stile & Madisen Sli., Chicije ; . 5 ?as,? 8entI.'nformatien en the Dickinsen Company 5 j 7 Dentl Issue te j i : mui juiwiun ; Nam. : Stockholder e) 'fits Company ar identtcai wth stock- I 10ikr.s el Grcenebaum Sen Dank and Trust Ce.-Oldesi . , , 1 eanm "oust w Uitcap, Founded 1855. Aurttalt 1 "aerMS apUal, wpUts and undivided profit exceed $4 sfa0W,r . t 11! Cify ....,,..,;,.,. i i9-rA ! -.TSk. if . i ! . . -,-,.-,,.,--...,-..-, , - fc ... CMtV A l' '"....M.,..M...U....,w.M...-.i jkj kl ---f..qea .. , .... ) . -tSti jr - - rMBBHB jdP58iiiiHWBBLi BMBBtBBMMIMMMMMMiliateaitssssssssiMasssal. ' ? -1-" I '-&azl1JJ3M f J,i