vv. viriK.'' 'TaTwrwrwrarjBP'v' ' J'-v' 3r"-' i..-uar :,& .vi - " ' i ,' L ' .' Jittt' '" Tfc "W TK 'j: "" "'' V 1 .i'J N ' fc J -ju t ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, D921 , . 23 a 1 aa . - -! j . .-aaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamafri j -. - r r . r.ir nc ;y3TJT. i-j- L N $700,000 , FIRST JOINT STOCK LAND BANK FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 5 Farm Lean Bends Dated November 1, 1021 Due November 1, J9S1 e in ., .. , iue novemeer i, fai Interet payable May and November 1st, at Fir.t Joint Stock Land Bank, 1-ort Wayne, Indiana. Callable at par en November 1, . 1031. or any Snterett date thereafter. Donemi. natien: $1,000, $600 and $100 The Bend by an Act of Cengrett were created "Inttrumentalitiei of the United State Government," nnd Exempt from all Federal, State, Municipal and Lecal Taxation ' The United State Supreme Court confirmed the constitutionality of the Act and that the Bend are free of tax. . J. knnk are under the supervision of the Federal Farm Lean Beard, which is a part of the United State Treaury Department. The collateral security of the bend is deposited with the Registrar of the Farm Lean Bureau of the United State Treasury Department. Ne bends issued under the Federal Farm Lean Act, either Federal Farm Lean Bend or Joint stock Land Benk Bends, nre an obligation of the United States Government. They are secured by deposit of Farm Mortgages with the Registrar, and are the obligation of the Joint Stock Land Bank that has issued them. The Farm Mortgages or collateral security nre First Mortgage en improved farm net exceeding 509c of the appraised value of farm land and 20 of the appraised permanent insured improvement thereon. The value of the land and permanent improvement ia appraised by the Federal Appraiser, which means Government inspection. Beside, en executive commission or Beard of Director of the bank reviews and passes upon all applications made for farm leans. The banks charge the farmers 6 interest en leans, beside which th larmers also pay a Sinking hund en their leans that will pay it off jiui icj man nve or mere man lerty years. fjcn'n'An' Stock Land Banks must have a paid-up capital of net less than $250,000, and the stockholders are liable for double this nmeunt. Bends may net be issued in excess of fifteen times the amount of the capital stock. These bends ere issued by the First Joint Stock Land Bank, of Fert Wayne Indiana, which is in n very excellent condition, having shown steady earnings since incorporation. - The stock of this bank is owned by the Tri-State Lean fit Trust Company, which latter has deposits of nearly $10,000,000, and is the second largest bank in Fert Wayne. This assures wise management te the First Joint Stock Land Bank of Fert Wayne. In addition, the financial ability of the stockholders of the First Joint Stock Land Bank (i. e., The In-State Lean fie Trust Company) te pay necessary assessments is assured. The farms en which the mortgages are placed are within a radius of JO te 75 miles of Fert Wayne, in Indiana and Western Ohie. This section is in one of the richest agricultural territories in the United States, where farm lands have a high and very stable value. The bends are engraved by the Treasury Department, and it is stated en the face that they "shall be deemed and held te be instrumentalities of tta Government of the United States, and as such they and the income derived therefrem shall be exempt from Federal, State, municipal and local taxation." They are legal investments for nil (iducinrv nnd trimr ftm,I. ,int.- V. jurisdiction of the Federal Government, and nre acceptable at par for ucpesus ei vjevernmenc tunas. We recommend these bends as high-grade, marketable, attractive investments, which because of tax exemption features nre unusually attractive te investors paying any but the very lowest income tax. PRICE: 101 Y2 AND INTEREST Yielding 5.30cc te the Callable Date; or 5.40' if they run te maturity BROOKE, STOKES & 0. Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange 140 Seuth Fifteenth Street Philadelphia 734 Fifteenth Street, N. W. 102 St. Paul Street Washington, D. C. Baltimore Flrt Heme of this Company it (hit time Ne. "I!, new 112 Seuth Stcend Street At the meeting of this company's stockholders held en March 17th, 1812, Mr. Jeseph Mall, who had heen acting as President of the Society since December 2.3, 1809, was formally elected te that office in the newly chartered Company. Mr. Ball was born in 1732, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Beginning his business career as manager of the iron works at Batsto, Burlington County, New Jersey, he became a Director of the Bank of the United States in 1791, and was an original member of the beard of the Insurance Company of North America, of which he was elected President in 1798. Mr. Ball served as President of the Pennsylvania Company for only a brief period, retiring June 17, 1812, but the work which he began has been continued by his successors in office, and the Company today, as in the days of Jeseph Ball, offers its service, knowledge, and financial experience te suchPhiladelphians as may wish te use them. EVERY TRUST COMPANY AND BANKING SERVICE The Pennsylvania Company Fer Insurances en Lives and Granting Annuities Trust and Safe Deposit Company r.HARTF.RRD 517 Chestnut Street 13 12 Philadelphia I NEW YORK BONDS t SALES IN $1000 Canadl'n Nttan 0'4n rets 1.... 10IS 1.... 10IT4 Chlla Cep'r 0s 110 42 ft..'... 6'J 2 83 1 B. ft 81 '4 ft sm fhlneae Oeve't IMC nly ft 2 42U. 3 42 I.. .. 42 2 42U City of llargan 6.1 rets 1.... 103H 'Illy Meme i 1.... 100 M Ct" chris'n 8s 1.... 105 City of Copen hagen DMs 1 844 1 84H 1 83 8 85 "iy Ilie de Jv nerte 8a 0.,. 4.. 1.. ft.. n 1.'. 2.. ft.. 100 H 10(1 V. 10Oi 100H 10OH lern mes 10014 2.... tee 4.... ioei City Zurich 81 I.... 103j Cuban A 8 b 3.... 101 1; C C 8 ev 'et 2 02 Denmark Cen ct A 8a 1.... lOftt, 1.... 10ft Dem ncp'c ft' l 81 14 1 81 !4 D Canada '2(1 2 04. 1 114 X (H'4 10 0114 8 I'll O Canada '29 1. 1.. 4.. ft.. 4.. 1.. ft.. ne1, nns ne4 MS, en 00 1ee't Trench It T'js rcta 25 en ft ft 10 1 n 12 1. 10. ft. l ?::::: leie't'l1 1 23 1 ;:::: 14 ... ' ft . . . I 1:1.... 1 3.... 1. .. 1 EJ J I M Tills information and these statistics, while net Ku.-irr.nteed, are obtained from sources H I I e belleve te lie icllablc. tj ' j All the bends of this Bank new available for delivery having fl' been sold, this advertisement aj)pcars as a matter of record only. 1 1 If 1 w F W m mm $ll; 111 al lii iffiflljifc :i Sft'dS'J' I.- LiftTiisfcawr .nHUfflctl r. nwm ! h .tti2hn nmm m m urnm-v I ?mmm 1 ; 1 ' I i I lii I ft 60 1 00"i 2 MM 0 OOtt B B04 1 0I,W 10 BOH 1 OOTi Adnma llxn 4r 2.... 100 2 08 '1 OOTi a ou r.... 100 Am'n Ar'e ft fort Werth & Ch 7V4 n G'de lt 1.... 100 S 80 0.... 100 Gene niec ft) A 8 ( IVJ J 1 03 1 ris Genel Hlee 0s 1 8ft 2.... 103 1 83 4.... 10314 .ttn T it T clt Ooedyear Tire 1 SOU Rub Ei 0 80, 11.... 100 2 81M 1.... 100 1 80 B.... 10014 Amn T & T fts O Nthn R 7a 2 01 4.... 100 2 0t B.... lOO'i 1 01 10.... 100 2 01 2..., 100 Amn TtTOJ 1.... 10(1 1.... 104 10.... lOOVt B.... 104W 2.... 100 1.... 104 23.... 10OV4 10.... 104 Hud & Man fd d.... 104 4 74 1.... 104W 12 744 8.... 104 Hud ft Man In AT & S K nl ' 0 14 4 7B B 44 SO 70 30 44 Si ATi B T 4s 2ft 44 4 824 B 44 1 82 III Central M ! 82H 2 80 1 82 Illi Cen'l ft'4 Atch T& 3 Ke 1 PSTi cv 49 1 00 b 87 ills ccn'i am Atl KiCli B.... lOmj 1 70 Info Met 4H A Ceait L clt 4 ll'b 3 74 Int M ct 44s 1 747 1 10 A Coast li 7 Intb'e R T M 2.... 108 1 ft4 Dalt & Ohie cv 10 B4 2 7314 10 B414 2 73W 10..'... 61H t 78 I M Marine Os 10 734 80 1 73 B S0'4 1 731; Iowa Cent' I 4s 1 73 1 33 Halt & Ohln 4s 2 33 B 73 Kn c Ft S ft Halt ft Ohie (Is Mfmp 4s 2 0ft 2 .... 72 2 PB4 K C T Illy 4h 1 0.1 i, 3 7.1',i 1 05 Kelly Rprlrx'd n ft O P I, K Tire 8s 4 W Va 4s 0.... 103 B 70Vs 4 102 1 70 Kceliuk i. Uus llell Telephone Moines Bs of Pa 7s 2 07 1.... 100T4 1 07T4 fl.... 107 I-nck Steel '2.1 Deth Steel fd 43 i0 1 80 10 07 DlTn Kdl Cj 0s B 00 ft 02 Leli Vnlley fii Urlm Kdl D 7s 1 80 1. . .. 101) L. ft Myers ."s B Rapid T Is 2 80 4 fift 2 f,0 Hup T ct 7f Lerlllard C fti 2 B5 1 80 D U'n Gas lit Leuis ft Nash 1 83 Mone 41 Dush "Hide Bi B 72 2 82 Le & Nnh 7s 1 82 2.... 108 1 82 1 10SH BROAD STREET OFFICE Chestnut and Juniper Streets r 7 101 Trand Trunk Can 0s rcta 1 OS 4 08 10 08 Trand Trunk of Can "n 1 100 1 100 K DelBlum 0s 1 e:t ft 00 B 03 0 US KlleU'm 7'4s 7.... 103 2 103 3 ... 10314 1 10314 1 103 1C Beis'm rets IS.... 104 0 104 S. ... 104 1 104 I 104 lft. .. 103 Clnedem Den mark ct 8s 1 .. 100 2 . . 100 1 . . 100 7 . 100!-i KIr.Cdem Ner way ct 8s 1 101 1... 107 Iv Sweden 0s 1 .... 05 1 . . n.ni 0 Dfttj l. ... 05 4 . . 031, (Jucens'.'d Uxt Lean ct 7s 1.... 104 10.... J04 1.... 101 11,... 104 1 ... 103 n. ... ie n Chile ct -in .. 00 .. 00 !' . I'D .. 00 . 01) . . 'j(i 11 Ch.la ct '41 3 . 101 t 10' ... 100 T4 II t'lll'.l u -.11 . . 101 . 101 101 101 . 101 . . ion, . . 101 . . 101 .. 101 Itepub of Uru guay 8s 1 . 103 1.. 10J 00 Oil 00 '4 00 0(1 00 00 0ft 00 0(1 00 00 0(1 00 00 00 0(1 R 8 Calif Oil! fti'Munhat U'd 4s ""' 4 01 1 rws '"i Ctl of Qa lstn B r.7U 101l ; 04 iMex Petr'm Hi 101 Cen'l ee G.i flsl ft 08 101 ' 1 04! 20i.ile) 08 100 Ctt I.eather Ba'MM S & Or Bs JJJIJf 1 03 I 2 81 1" Cent'l Pac 1st 2 80 "" 1 70 1 81V " Cen I Pac 3Ur 1 80 3 83 Cerre de Pab'e Cep'r 8s 1. 1 80 Mln St P ft a Fte M 4s 111I 2 03 111 l "' ft S ste 111 M OVjs rets 111I 10 100 110 I Me K ft T fe 111 1 03 111 I 4 OJU 111 M It ft T 2nd C ft Ohie 4i4; II 42 10 7fli(.i3Ie Kan ft Tex 0. 1. 4 . B.. C ft e cv 4s 3 81 C'k ft Ohie Its 1 02 1 03 C ft O cv fts 2 84 1H 84 20 84 ft 84 10 81 10 64 Chi & Alt 3f 1 8S4 C U ft Q 0s 1. 3. 2nd ct 10 7 Mj K ft I 3. 41 42 '1 4e OR 03 Me Puclflc 4s 0 BS .18' BS ft8 r.s r.s ns 58 BS 1. 33. 12. 0. 10. 1. 103 20. 105 He Pae Bs ".'3 2 30.1V.I 1 0CTI I.... 10f. Mer's Ce 4's 2. .. 105 3 83 J ... 103 2 83. 15. . 105 N'w Or Tex 3, 1 . . 105 'e Bs 1 . . . . 105 ft ... . 04 5 103 10 .... 04 Chi ft Urle 1st 3d 04 I... . 82 I 10 01'4 Chi ft a V liiNew Or Ten 4 Bl Mexico Ci Chi Mil ft Piit 4 03 Sound 4s N V Cent'l iu 1 03l 2 73 ChlcaKO Mil ft N v Ct'l 4s StP 4s '23 3 82 1 70' 1 62 Chicago Mil a N V cent'l (t StPcv4s 1 07 B 03 2 07 B 03 1 08 ChletiBe Mil ft 1 ... 08 StP em 4s 2 117 1 801,1 4... . 07'4 ."hlcane Mil ft N' Y Cenl'l "a St P cv 5s ! 1 . . . 10.1 10 n.1 .New YU l)k u 3. ... 04 1. .. 73 Chi ft Mh V Nw Y .V II ft Bs of '87 4s -37 1 40 I 2 33 J ft X V 0 ' Yerk O ft 1.. .. 10.1' West'n 4s "hi HhIIwn 5i'i 1 05 1 1. 1 C It 1. 1. 1. C It 1. Cole ft S I ft I ft Statu of Sae 1 Paule ct 8s I 1 .. 100' Swlu'd Cen Hs' 2 . . 100 U K art Brtti ft I'd 1U22 2 00 ft,. .. !) h 8 0(1 2 . . . . 05 00 1 2 ... 04 C0, 'N Y Tele 4' 40 ! f d , 2 67 74 4 b7 74! 1 67 74 1 67 P 4s. N Y Tele'n fls 70 ' 3 08 4h 2 08 81, 4 OS 61NfU H'lt R 3d 5 57 ;Nfk ft W d 4s .. . 8S 2 7HIJ "ens U U.m 7s N" ft W11 10 0s 0 103l I" 103ii K . . 103 I 10 IO314 2 .. 103N"erih AWst'n 1 ... 103 It'll Tel 7s Bel ft Huci cv Penna n (lUi 2.... 103 -'.... 103 8.... 103 0.... 103 1.... 103 11.... ie.i; Penna 11 It 7s 4.... 100 Pcerta ft 1; In 1 10 1 10 Peoria ft 13 1M 10 01 V. rem Marat Bs 1 87 1 BOW Pub Berv. Cerp N Jsy Bs 1 71 Rln O & IV 4. 0 71 Reck Il'd A ft Leul'a ss 1 7B St Le Rky Mt ft Pae Sa 1 73 St I. 1'n Mt ft B Rly Ba 1 02 H li S K I' B4 00 20 00 1 00 ft 00 Bt L ft S f 1, 2.. 1.. 4.. 3.. 1.. ft.. F 1'.'. ft.. 10j Id. .1 811 1111 i'elumb!a O 10L.i i::co lit 1 1 .... r 63 Del ft Hud fd 63 00! 1... O'l Den ft 2 03 I" U K Ort irlil 1 . ft I'd 1020 I 0 . II 03i 1 2 10(1 1 100 3 . .. 100 2 lOOli R O frtiN Pacific R 3s . 45l 10 (18L, . 43 IN Pacifle R Is . 45 I 10 80 45 I .1 80 05l". ft It O tf 2 05 1 71 10 0,11, Det Udi Bs '33! ft. 03' 1 -01 Nth 05 Oct Tun'l 4141 1 .. 6(1 .. 60 . 80 Pwr 3s 8.1 I K llrt llrlt' 1 80 Jr-uen s I. r ft I d 1037 1 . 8(1 1.. . . K7 PCI u 11 4 4 . . 87 l. 6S 4.. .. 87 D Mauh 7s Orsen s 1, ,11 1 ... 100 2 04 1 100 Or-W It II Ce D de Nemours ft N Ce 4s Pdr 7s 1 74 0 101 17 7iit 1 101 17 74 1 . . . . 10.1 Pack'd Moter I 103 Car Ce 8s 1. .. 102 2 00 Dun I.lsrht 0s Pan A Petrel 1 08 I ft T Ve 7h 1 08 I ft 04 B Tenn Va ft! 1 04 Oa en 12 03 1. . . . llfll. P It II rn J II... 102!l'rlj It R c A1 8 no 102 I.. .. 38 P 1111 im 4s Erie Rly Ce 4s 7 83 4.... B5 1 83 1 . .. B3 2 83 1 00 1 83 NIK IIUST t0 8a rcta 1 ... 04 B 0 4 2 . . . 04 1 01 ft. ... 04 1 03 2. . 04 U S Brazil 8a 2.... 103 1.... 102 1 . . 102 l(eale) 103 10..,. 102 Ha!e) 102 2 ... 102 13.... 102 12.... 103 1 ... 102 2 . 102 4.... 102 4.... 102 2.... 102 U a Mexico 4a 1 83 1 4 rm: B2 ft2 R2 B2 B2 ft2 52 1 B2 !flt L ft 0 Fran Series A 0 00 1 00 U St I, ft B Kran Series' 11 1 70 1 70 23 79V4 SI U H -11 1 CSU St L Swn 3 11 1 70 3t P'l ft K C 8 t, 4s 6 72 St P'l Minn ft Manlt'a 4s 1 02 St P'l A Sioux City 7a 73 83 00 I. a; 18 18 18 I. fil 35 S Air I. 4s stu 1 B3 1 S3 Seab'd A 1. Or 1 44 1 "48 B 44 2 44 1 43 Eharen Steel Heep 8a 2 00 1 00 Sinclair C Oil Cerp 7!4k 4 001.4 2.... 0 Seab'd A 1.... 30.... B.... Seab'd A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S'n Bell T fts 2 88 S'n Pacific fd 20.. 25.. 6.. 1.. 4.. 1.. 1.. 4. 2.. 10.. 11).. 10.. 1.. 1. 80 SO 70 711 80 80 80 S'n Pacific 4s 0 72 Sn Pae Term' I 1 7S Sn Railway 44 B 00 2 00 2 00 Sn Rallwa fts 2 80 1 80 ft 80 3 80 Stnnd'd Oil of Calif 7n 2 105U Tex ft p lata 2 83H Third Ave n) 6. 1. 1. 1. . 10. ft. 4. ft .. 41 .. 41 .. 41 .. 41W .. 41 . 41 .. 41 4 1 J Tidewater Oil Ce ct 0s 1.... 100 Teledo St ti ft Wn 4 s B 20 Union Pae ev 2 00 2 001.4 11 80 Union Pae 4a 1 83 2 84 V Tank C 7s 1.... 102 U Rlys Impv't Ce Ba B 71 U H RubbT fts 2 83 1 83 3 83 1 83 U 8 Rub 7 1.... 103 1.... 103 1.... 103 1... 1... tTM H 7... 7... 1... 1... 1... 0... b!!! 4... 1... Va-C 1, . 103 . 103 V Steel ftf .. 07 . . 117 . . 07 . . 07 . . 07 . . 07 .. 07 . . 07 .. 07 .. 07 7 05 j Ch Va Rwy Ce ft 3 60 E0 80 1 80 Wnbash R 2d 1 80 West'n Md 4 s 1 57 We'll Pae 1st 1 82 W'n Union 5s 1. ... 01 W Union 0V4 2..,. 100 2.... 100 2.... 105 2.... 100 1.... 105 Weatliighouae a ft MfR 7a 2 ... 104 1.... 105 Wlcks'e bpner Steel 7s 1 05 Wilsen Ce cv 4 89 12 80 0 80 ft 80 1 80 Wilsen Ce 1st 1 03 Wis Cent'l 4s 3 73 II 80 Today's Range in Liberty Bends Well T.ew T,ibert.v r.Vjn .... fKi.20 05.1 1 Liberty 1st -lUs. . !)4.7 IM.00 Liberty 'M 4Vs.. H4.t"S 1)4.48 Liberty Kil 4tn.. 110.40 1)0.40 Liberty 4th 4i.. IU.7H l)J.(W) Vic Notes 4-8 .. m).7U 00.00 1 10 P. .M nr.2n !I4.() 04. 08 00.40 1)4.78 09.70 Bank of England Statement Txinden. Nev. 10.-Thn weldv nlHtrrncnt of the Hank of Krclnnd .shows the fnl'nwini? chants: Total reservn Inert ased 741.001. clrculHtlnn deerenseil 738.000 bullion In creased 20011; ether securities decreased 1,- etw.imiu; eintT uepesirn decreased ti.U30.UQ0,' pulillr dopesltH lnrenFrfl 1042.000; netfp rsirve increned 741.000: fJevernment m. rurllles decreased 10.042 000. The preper tien 01 me name s renerve 10 liability this week is 18.27 psr cm; last week it uns 13.31 per cent. Financial Briefs The avcrne-n price of the twenty active Industrial stocks advnnced 1.55 per cent yealerdav, te 75.7ft. while the twenty rail rcaAa advanced 0.88pm- cent, te 73.08. Henr) D. Tuder, nf Vew Yerk. Iins re. s!xncd from the heard of directors of lh United Securities Life Insurenee nnd Trust Company and his plnce filled by thi election nf rtancls It, Tayler, an attorney of this rlty, of the law firm of Tayler, Rebey ft Hear. As submitted te the w Tork Stock TCx TCx chanee Virginia Iren. Ceal and Ceke Com pany, for the twelve months ended Septem ber 30 reports net Income, after charges, depreciation and taxes, of tl. 048.053 The Rank of Iceland', minimum discount rata was unchanged nt ft per cent ne New Yerk Hieek i-ixcnsnen Detroit United Rallwav Cem- 1 Action of In rullnir thnt nany sleck shall net be quoted "ex, dlvldeml 'lta tiee rent ntnek Vnvemher IB. In nttrib utcd te the failure of the Michigan Public lit lltlea CommlsBien te appree th pavment In stock. It Is explained thnt thin Is merelv n technical matter whlrh ulll probably be adjusted within a few days. Ai submitted te thn New Yerk Stock Hx ehange. Qulf Stntea Htrel Cempanv. for the nine months ended September 30, reports net less, after charges, depreciation and Federal taxes, of J2H7.800. As submitted te the New Tork Exchange for the nine months end'd September 80. Invlnelble Oil Corporation reports net In come after Interest and adjustment of crude and refined oil Inventories, hut before de pletion and depreciation, of 155,015. Allle-Chalmern Manufacturing Cempinv r ports for thrce months ended September 30 net prom niter 1 chtpi nwpn m -.!.. viu, igaltut 025,325 In same period of output 1020. totaled Cerre rie Pasco's October 3.330.000 pounds of copper. Alll Chalmers Manufacturing Compnn Cempnn Compnn renerts for P:plember Se quarter. ti"t profit after Pederal taxes M21.flflfl, equal after preferred dividends Ia ftl centn A ahare i2ft.77il,7B0 outstanding common agalg 10.S.1.NN(I. or II. ill ihe tireceillna; nuaru and 41023.325 or K2.II) the same period I III2U. Ter nine mentlta. net profit total $1,831,435, or 13.74 A share 01 common, after preferred dividends, again1! I2,n2tj, en ui fuuv, 111 1110 BHii.e ,vr vu u, ,f 20.fi It ia off totally dnled International Tlar. yesler Company cenlemplntes any new flnshtj Ing. It atates It has all the money It ne44a nnd hanks are wllllr.'j te lean any amount that may be needed. Raw Sugar Market Unchanged! New Yerk. Nev 10. The raw sugar mi ket i quiet and unchanged today at 2 cents, cost and freight, for Cubas. equal 4 11 renin, duty puld. There wer no li poriatiens rrporiee. sales reperlel by In t ubnn Sugar !' nance Commute were 110 bags r'ubas, November shipment, at 21.4 rem basis, 110 degrees, cost ami freight, te Nfi.w lerk. sold te refiners. The refined siiitar market remain unchanged nt ft 20 le .1 80 cents, less 2 rer cent for rash for flne gn h ulated. There was a flurry of rnmpelll in1 In the Nev Orleans market. The Amcrldan Huar Refining Cempanv was reported te lx offering granulated nt ft.30 cents, nnd gl rir buyers privilege of the four-payment plah. that Is. buyers have Ilie privilege nf forty days te make pavments one-quarter of tfn Invoice be'ne. due each ten dHM and each quarter subject In the eenernt 2 per rent lr. count. This competition was m. t by Hen. uermm Mini iu-puilll cul X.O U.U CCntB. uiar lernin. T U. S. Certificates and Treasury Notes Int. Rati fit Pee.. ftVi Keli.. t'ft Mar.. tM .Mar.. tft Mar.. -i1 Apr.. '.i June. HC, ept. Sept . June. tMK Sept . exempt Maturing Date 1021 . 1022... 1022. . . , II. d 100 IO0A 00 7-32 4 Ap tftj Ju r. ah 1 He tr, Sei .'., Ju 1022. . . .100A 1022. . . .1011 17-32 1022.. .100 K(l) A 4,0 1022 IO)l Hiejl if 1922 10) 1110 3 i, .n.i.. ten ,,,1; :t nvj. . . . me 1022 I OOll 1024 1112 1024 101 from Federal normal Inenme .. tArrentabie for payment of. Income tnv ,il en date of maturity. Asked Yield. 100 A 3,80 100 13-32 a 0? J00A n.M inn 13.3a B 03 iwj-, h.se 1011. A If oe' JgJ jp2 4:si 101 4.00 Neva Issue $4,000,000 Charcoal Iren Company of America 8 Ten-Year (Closed) First Mortgage Geld Bends Dated November 1, 1921 Dae November 1, 1931 Semi-annual interest (May 1 and November 1) payable in geld at the Bankers Trust Company, New Yerk City. Coupon bends registerable as te principal only. Denominations $500 and $1,000. Interest payable with out deduction for any normal income tax deductable at the source, in 30 far as it is lawful, net in excess of two per cent. The Company will remit the Pennsylvania four mills tax. Exempt from all taxation in the State of Michigan. BANKERS TRUST COMPANY, NEW YORK, Trustee Fer information ngariin thztt benii, we rcftr te a letter of Mr. Frank, W. Blair, President of the Cempint. from tehich he tummarizei at follewi: BUSINESS: Charcoal Iren Company of America is the largest producer of charcoal iron in the United States, which product is required in the manufacture of automobile cylinders, and all kinds of superior castings and machinery. The Company is the largest producer of weed alcohol in the United States. It ia a by-product, resulting from operations, and is therefore produced at minimum costs. The Company is the largest producer of acetate of lime in the United States. This is the base from which acetic acid is derived, and is used in the textile industry and the manufacture of drugs, dyes, white lead, etc. An enviable trade position has been established by the distribution, through selling agencies, of its trade-marked products te hundreds of satisfied customers ever a period of years. The iron prod ucts are distributed through the firm of Rogers. Brown & Ce.; the entire output of weed alcohol is taken by the United States Industrial Alcohol Company andtys subsidiaries; and the production of acetate of lime is taken by Wm. S. Gray & Company. The lumber produced is sold direct te the trade. PROPERTY: The Company owns in fee hardwood- timberlands particularly suitable for the purpose of its business, tetalling ever 190,000 acres in northern Michigan, also a 2 I -year lease en a large ere body in Gogebic County, Michi gan, being with regard te raw materials in a stronger position than any similar concern in the country, and making the Company entirely inde pendent of outside influences in the manufactur ing end of the business. The waste of the forests is used in the production of charcoal, which is used in the manufacture of iron, and it is in the conversion of weed into charcoal that alcohol and acetate of limetre produced. Other prop erty of the Company consists of standard gauge railroads, beats, decks, etc. EARNINGS: The net earnings of the Company which are available for the purposes of this first mortgage issue prier te Federal Taxes and re serves for depletion of forests and depreciation of properties for the five fiscal years ending Decem ber 31. 1920. have averaged $1,321,475.13 or ever FOUR TIMES THE MAXIMUM INTER EST REQUIREMENTS ON THESE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. Likewise the net earn ings available for the fiscal year ending Decem ber 31, 1920, were $882,703.38. Present busi ness conditions, which are steadily improving, with contracts en the books, excluding current orders, amounting te ever $3, 1 75,000, at pres ent manufacturing costs, should show a profit from operation of ever $780,000. ASSETS: The Company's hardwood timberlands and ere lease could net be duplicated, and in any event net for $4,651,000, the value placed upon them by expert appraisers. In addition, the value of the chemical plants and furnaces ha3 been placed at $7,600,000, which, along with cun-ent assets, makes a total of $14,544,349.35, or mere than 3 times total issue of these first mortgage bends. The total cuirent assets, after this financing, as certified by Price, Waterhouse & Ce., are $3,059,831.03, of which amount $483,076.85 is in cash, while the total current liabilities are only $172,727.65, thus showing a ratio of 17 te 1, after having charged off all losses resulting from inventory at cost or market, whichever was the lower, expenses en account of shut-downs, etc., which shows the financial condition of the Company te be most excellent. MANAGEMENT: Management of the Company is in the hands of experienced and efficient men of highest standing and credit in the industry. The close connection between the Company and the United States Industrial Alcohol Ce., Rogers, Brown & Ce., and Wm. S. Gray & Ce., brings te it the added benefit of their knowledge of the proper distribution of the Company's products. PURPOSE: The purpose of this issue is te retire all outstanding indebtedness, current and fixed, and te provide additional working capital. SINKING FUND Prevision is made that $ 1 00,000 par value of these bends MUST BE CALLED for sinking fund purposes, upon each interest payment date, upon thirty days' published notice in a Detroit, a New Yerk City and a Chicago newspaper of general circulation, ON A 6';, INTEREST BASIS for the unexpired life of bends, which is equivalent te ever ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN for the year 1922, graduating le ONE HUNDRED AND ONE for the year i?ji. me numbers et the bends te be se redeemed shall be di by the trustee. irawn All legal matter, will be approved by Mcrz. Campbell. Dulkley & Ltdyari. Detroit, and Mcssn. Chapman. Cutler & Parker. Zhlcag Price 98M and interest, te yield about 8.25 Offered uhtn, a, and if tuned and receiud by us and subject te approval of counsel. It i, expected that dtf.nitwe bend, u'll be ready for delivery en or about December I, 1921 P. W. Chapman & Ce. Incorporated 1 1 5 Broadway 1 1 2 Se. La Salle St. New Yerk Chicago Harvey Fisk &. Sens Incorporated 32 Nassau St. New Yerk Land Title Bldg. Philadelphia Union Trust Company Detroit The statements contained herein are net guaranteed, but are obtained from sources which we believe te be reliable and upon Penna n R Bs 00 Ofi.. 91 2 33 X ' f ft 00 -.. . 1muia.se ei mis issue has been based. TJ B Mexico 3 $ 00 Q L. BOTifl'3 J" 4 9V ,. ..f. -- M -.!.;. 'ii