STOWW I' -svf n ii fi. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1021 -.22 fcv fErwHw' iijP"! : fr Hr OFFERINGS WANTED Underlying Railroad Bends A. A. Heusman & Ce. Members .Vete Yerk Stock Exchange ' 20 Bread Street, New Yerk MAMIIMiTON r rniL.Mii:i.i'iiiA AMHTKKUAM. IIOI.I.VM) rrftale leiir te J'rinrfpal (Sites iv Service and Stability Personal Attention is Riven te the wants of our depositors. Any mat ter that is of impor tance tn them, is of in terest te us. We try te elimimue all needless formality and "led tape." If you have a preposition te submit, ve'i Kvp direct ucess te our Officers, and arc asaurcd of n prompt and decisive answer. Integrity Trust Company Fourth and Green Streets Capital . $500,000 $1,830,000 Surplus ifi Profit UMDUKLl-LNG securi- l ties ai'e these whose , interest or dividends are a prier charge te like pay ments en securities that are junior in rank te them. Wc offer at a price te yield 8.05 an issue of 8r'e Cumula tive Preferred Stock wlrsh underlies ether securities that have paid income te their owners regularly for many years. Complete details en request. Conference is invited en avj current investment subject. HARPER &TURNER Investment Bankers VemAfis of Philadelphia Stack Exchanai Stock Exchange Building 1 Philadelphia nMnn FRANKLIN TRVST COMPANY. BANKING HOURS 8:30 A. M. Until Midnight Main Office 15th St. Belew Market oraiiteo Delaware Atr. fljnd and and Mnrkft t. MnrUe St. U.VKtJO Dealers in Investment Securities Member .Ven Yerk an J 'uluJelplla block Ezchansn 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Spruce 7391 McGLINN & CO. gS ilembers N. Y. Stock Exchange Widener Bide., Philadelphia Goedyetr Tire & Rebber 10 yr 8'i 1031 BOUGHT SOLD-QUOTED PENNA. TAX FREE SECURITIES PAUL & CO. WSHESYrRfr" streTt Bends for Investors Reed A. Morgan & Ce. JtAm' r ' t I Kteclt Ilich. West F.nd Trtnf lildg . Phlla. Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS JWO UK-I- KHTATK TKICT III.IKl. InvastUnte nn'l adjuet mi t'lirutlen nml partnrrerilp Hcceunti mid iireuare Income Tax lUturni. Canservativc Investments MwMeekin & Williamson HWBA1 D ANI SANHOM HTfl. runs, stock KzcbaPM realizing sales p-' 1 100 1..0 1200 700 141)0 300 .1900 300 700 ?00 100 300 100 3300 800 C090 tee 1SA0 tee 3900 400 300 100 000 100 .1100 1000 HP tee tee 200 100 100 1400 300 tee 2800 100 300 800 300 100 HS.1 8300 COO 5D0 390 100 34D0 1C0 7300 300 100 200 ine 300 3S0O 700 100 100 31400 300 2P0 400 C300 ion 100 B .10 1300 .-oe tee 3)00 tee toen 100 niee 700 tee 200 inoe r.oe Efflt'ie si CII0 1200 2SC0 1200 100 20S 1100 1.V.9 810 "nterest Centered in the Steel and Equipment Shares Oil, New Yerk, Nev. 10. Price move ment wni mer irregular us n result of profit-taking in today's stock market, but the tone of the scncrnl list re mained distinctly UreiiK. Hrnlizins wiir prompted doubly by reason of the holi day tomorrow nnd the short session en Saturday, ami also because of the material advance scored bv the lead ing speculative favorites since the in ception of tin- forward swing last month. As in the preceding sessions, there was a constant shifting from one croup te another, but all -ccmed te be re sponsive te entistructiie efforts. Despite the absence of stimulating iicwn develop ments the maneuvers ere wholly suc cessful simpl because Hie momentum of forward movement was mflicient te carry if alens without outside help. In different quarters it whs evident the -hert.s were still having an unpli"iiint nine te reduce ever-extended commit cemmit tiirtitH. The demand, however, from this uartiT was net of the same ur gent character as wltnensed yesterday. In fact, short covering was confined mere te some of the less conspicuous industrial ami sp(.( initie. While the oils retained a prominent position, the sliel and equipment sliares were the real elements of strength, the fitter appaiently being helped b the mere hopeful tenor of the steel tnid re m'us. The establishment of new high price for the current movement bv I 'luted State, Steel, heeer, t ..erti'd t'n gn liter indiieiice, dciiien.t rating th lentmuecl pep.ilnritj 0f this favorite as a market leader. 1'n-es wci-e mainly higher at the opening with thi oils outstanding fea tures, with interest equally divided be tween the foreign ami domestic is-sues. The subsequent realizing nnd fresh cov ering gau the list 11 rather jagged up Pearaiice. altheuirh it uns i.viilnni r. ...-. Stien.iry eurrnts were being stubbornly iitid vigorously contested. Mexican I'e I'e iieli'im extended its early tally, but tins uns canceled under pressure Sr ndnnl Oil of New Jersey wes strong- est ni ftie ito'ecstir grie'l'. I.".ng l"i points Miner steels ami equipments. ' also -epper. mn'nr. anil their nice.- I i-nes v.cri' In in. but the ijemapd feri rails was idle- ,e(j h offerings of Ureal! N'tirti I'm and Neitl.ern I'.icilic. LOCAL DEALINGS ! BROAD AND ACTIVE Lehigh Navigation Again the 1 Stellar Attraction. Making a ."Neir Wiflfi 'finding m t .! lecnl mnrl,v ient.ii :'( en i lnii.idinng s,.-ile. Whsie :'' in liiviibinl trni.-ir';!ens i'.hI -iet ii-.Hi'e ('.imensieiiK, tliern a-i nevertheless a mere liberal distribution of the dialings than wit ni" snl for some time. With tl'is there v. .;n an appreciable improve ment in the tone of the general tiadlng. while, with few eicptien, higher pr ecs were made all tlireug'.i the list. Lehigh Navigation remained the stel- 103 100 100 200 200 2ne 010 2100 100 rie 700 210 7:!00 3700 2100 tee 400 4011 1200 I'll) S00 me S')0 fill) 200 nne ine BOO con aoe soe .")!! 9011 II 700 400 tee Z 10 o.tie 41)0 r,oe 700 100 100 2100 1530 100 200 11)0 lulO 100 30JO 100 (100 100 31)0 230 17U0 100 100 e'JO 14 SO 4,00 100 100 1930 1G00 100 .tene eioe 100 4U0 1400 'ar attraction, making a n-w "top" ' for the i urrent me- emeu1, as well as for I the j ear, at 7.r. This -i-prcsents a net aeiance el j.i points from the low lei el of tiie year. Oilieinl confirmation of the recent stories rcgauling the com cem pnny's bid for the I.etilgh and Wilkes It.irre Ceal property of the Jersey Cen tral was again lacking, l'eeple uuallv well mferineil insist the company will, net enlv he one of the bidders, but will also be the suci essful one. New Yerk , interes's are beginning te fake notice i and if they jet the fever real then.' i a i likelihood of some pyrotechnics. A few dais will tell the tale. All depends upon ' the attitud" of the Hak"--First Nntietm' I Hank party of New Yerk, the en- ( trolling fait'T of the Jersey Oilier fctitu-t's of strength liidutlce retmsy ivanm Railroad, F.lectric Storage i It.. Men. and l". (!. I. I'leitr.c Stei age I'.attnrv touched 114s-.,. but tailed te ; bold the fail caln. Lake Supeiiei Cei peintimi ra'.i'"l te 7, indn atlng the' no detien of e liquidation et mar- a holdings :n r'.irt sleik. i STEEL BOOKINGS DECLINE Corporation's October Tonnage 273, 481 Less Than Preceding Menth New Yerk. Nev. 10 The monthly tonnage report of the I'nit'-d State Steel Corporation made public today showed 4,'JSfl.S'J!) tens of unfilled orders en hand October .11. This is a decline from unfilled orders en Sej tember '.'.(), which were !.. "110.(17(1. The decline of U7I1.M1 tens nine ns a si.rjirise in lew of tl e L".7-14 tens mi reuse In Septembe-. tlie tirst gain ,n mere than a year. Cenipiirlsuns of unfille I tonnage en tin lu;'i of each inea'li -nue l'JKS lA lA lev ' s.l .k'JK I II) ll p-. Vil- f'll In' i'i.; u'-i. net. 1UJ1. J'Ct. Hji. .(Ot 11121. l'J21. r. Iti.'O 4 '.!.' IITO llentlj nr Tcn ii. i. Mca lUtT.ll.Tll.eil 1.880 m Feb.. .1.117 Bfls Jn. i. 4SJ In" te.. r si.i a sjnv . C. jsl 761 Oct . .1 n-i.i sn7 sct lDW.Il.STU.AU 1017 11. 474. 051 lfitl ll.S47.2xa Itltl ll.O.IS r,42 Ittlll, 10 011 2D" luir.. e.r,;i.ns HUB !i BI10 .157 7.T.73 lfl Ajr S IIS 1J. tl 0.". 4st p S1l S ' 1 1 1010 leir, nin fiii miii. lntii. nun iift. '.) .113 rB2 !i 1137 70S ii sin nit S 311.001 H.Cm.tifla 7.H22.7B7 7 Bl)B.220 j'ui'i. Mr-., pr . M'li.. IVb . Jan.. rr . Net.. Oct.. SfPt.. Aur.. J'jiy. lunti, Mav. Apr . M-h . r-b. .lr . He. . Ne . K" . P-Pt . Aux . Jillv. June. My. Apr , Mch.. VVb . Jan , I'lan Nlt.t m:n te 374 sni insft te son aim IBID 11 1 1B.4HS) 1020 10 fl7B.K17 1020 10ti40.4fH lejn ie '.n 747 July. Jun. Mav, Apr . Mch . Feb . Jan. Ue . Nev.. Oct srt VlllC. Ju.y, Jun. Mav. Apr , Med hVI,.. Jnn , ' Dee.. , Nev., I "et , I Bept.. AUE , , July. I My i Apr . i Mrh.. Feb . ' Jan.. . r . ' Nev.. Oct.. srt.. u., luiy. lun. i!y. Apr.. 1915. 7.189.4S7 llUD. B 1113.432 1011. ft 317 Al 1(11.1. 4.(104 411 1120 II S.I2 071 1020. 1020. mm. 1010. tfll'l II. 0.12.081 U.2N.1.441 N.2nr, no n 472 mis 2S1 MS inn. let R.57S fll 4 Sir.' !V 4 2S'.' !i l 4 ine pii r..4-'i r.7' 191ft. 4.02S.ft4l) l'Jlft. 4.B7B 19 llilft. 4.24.ftn ltllft 4.1A2.244 Ifil.V 4 91ft 74H 1H1II 1010. 1!' 13. 10111. Ill 10 inie in in lVir.. 4.34.1.B7I 1'iir. 4 24S 171 3 s31 B43 t.824 nm 3 4B1.O01 1114 1914. 1(114 IHM 1014 rii4. 1014, ini:i. n ein 7S7 Hill, fi 0'i4 2"S miB 7,j 11118, R.124 ftOS, 101N. fl,Kr..l 21 101H. B 2117 KOI B 7S7 BB7 4. 21.1. .151 4. IRS BS! -.9 4.U3Z.H37 h.flHS SAO 4.27T.0IU 4.AS3,ft r. 0'Jfl 441) ft Ai3 enu 4.292 let 4.MIH 147 4,513.7(7 t, 003, 7 f. 2S3 4R 1014 llit4 1914. 1014. IM14 1B13. 1013. IMS. 1018. I (US, 101R, miB, I01R, HUH. 11B, urn, 1017, D.TOU.OI'J II fllia 113 8 1187. 028 inc., B.741.8N2 Nev n Aitu ''', Sept.. Aur . July. June. Mar. Apr., Mch , r, Jan.. 1U13 llll.'l 11,477 RM e R8i Tin B. 207.1011 1018. n.aafi xei 1013. 11.807.(117 1918, S24.tif 1811 A 07 7A. inift 7.488, DSt 101,1. 7,B8.71 101S. T.HVT.1 1617, o.nei.rttti 1U17 V.Ba 477 1017,10,407.040 1017. 10. S44. 181 1017,lt.3H1 2f llil7.11.BSB .11 1S17.12.1BS.0')S NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerk, Nev. 10. There nan n llttlii cihIit tine te ceffc futtircH trniiK. nctieni thin morning, eilieinl price hlieMlnic ilecllncs of 1 te 0 pnlntM. It loekcil iik if u prominent cotton ex iluinge hduce lind hpIIIiii; erdcrh nreuml the ring for the near nientha YCt ClOBfl Hei nmlwr .... . Mm.h J ''!" : M 7.lif)0(l Jul- ... T88O.0 II J. Onin g lib oijie:. 7 ii 7 S."3sn Parle Bourse Firm I'arla. Nev. 10. Prices Vrere firm en the Hourie today Three en Ri-hinH tn 1. ner Ixindq ' Ait ?0i. vi., per cent lean., 80f 20e, J The dollar vu iiuettd at 18f 71c, WELL ABSORBED NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS niv. In t 1 .30 NM 1 r. Chure. mi 3SJ4 V 30J,i- l4 M- 4B4- H 0314- H 30 H 4- H 83 -I- 1 31JJ4- 50 M 53 Vt- ii 2S& -r 14 33 48 '1 03 - 1 3iD'4 M', J4 137 1'4 ' i 21Ut 2J4 474 at 14 Yi 38 - ' 2T 3 555 03 - 54 108 1 SI H- Y r u - 14 0K ?i 85 Va'c MH 20 80 J- 2 55 H 8214- H 36 - -ii l4 ' U5 Vi ill ! 1254 ?4 1224 r J'a ie!4 'r !i 04 - !i 77- " e;i ji 43,-f V 38 H 101 ! Ji B0J5 . 83JAJ IJ 4 305,5 Xi 21?4 J4 xu J4 te 05 fc i 101 -J- 3 37 '4- 15 24 Hv '' 67',- U 6 78 112U-. M 5-'- 14 14i . 14 5, . !4 :U - 44 1-;- u si?4 '4 ll.-.M IJ'e (I2'i ' 'j I0O 31 1", 47';,- r,ai- '4 3 n Ji 23K- H .-.ok,- ni 0SU- !s 33.3' !6 r,H Ml .IS' - , 12'i 2li'-n '- '. 6!-4; 'i ltlnh Ixiw 484 H 40 U n stY 82 se 3J4 28 t 38 8W A3 31 no 130 J4 16H 45 SH4 ei 30 si 2S S 03 108 81 i 40 85 MH 2B 80 nVz 8214 30 70 ,i tWi HOli 123 122 18H 64 ?4 Wt IVt 37 101'S SO'j t-3'i 4 30 y2 21-H 1RI4 10 04 101 37 1 4 24H 57 V2 74 J 5 7S 110IJ 4 fa 14'i 13 4 43 h r.t'., 115 20 CJiJ 100 31 41 55 ?b 3 17 23!j : --, 01 1; 33 OK se 57 IV I 4 .. Adams Kxprens yi 3 Advance Itumely pf. .. 35! .. Alax Itubber 20 .. Alaska Geld Mines... H 4 Allied Chcm & Dye... 40VJ 7 Allied chem ft Dye pf 034 4 Allls-Chnlmers 3GJ4 7 AlllB-Clmtmers pf .... R . . Am Agrlc Chem 31JJ . . Am Agrlc Chem pf . . . 49 4 Am Ilnnk Nete 58 .. Am Beet Sugar 3SJi .. Am Ilesch Magneto.. 33 4 Am D Shee Fdy new. . 4fi 7 Am B Shee K pf new. . 8.1 .. Am Can 3MJ 7 Am Cnn pf tf 13 Am Cnr ft Fdy 137 .. Am Chlcl9 Of, .. Am Cotten Oil 3H4 .. Am Cotten Oil pf . . . . 47 . . Am H de & Leather pf 83 Y 7 Am Ice r.OH .. Am Internat Cerp.... 37 Vi 1 Ani'U FYance Kne... . . Am l-lnseed 37 b 7 Am Linseed pf IH ft Am Lobbmetlve .1J 7 Am Locomotive pf . . . . 108 4 Am Radiator 81 .. Am Safety Ilaier 4H Am Ship & Cem m; Am Smelt Am Smelt pf Am Smelt Sec A Am Steel Foundries... Am Steel Fdya pf.... Am Sugar lief Am Sugar Ref pf Am Sumatra Am Sumatra Teb pf . . Am Tel & Cable Am Tel A Tel Am Tobacco Am Tobacco B Am WatCTWkfl G pf. 4044 85 U 84 ft 30 !i Rt MX 8.1 se 14 7fU iVt 111 125 lj 122 Y 10U Cll'i Am WaterwkB T?c l(. Am Woolen Am Zinc Lead & Smlt Anaconda Ceppir .... H'2 li 4.1 Ji 38 Anne Dry Goods Asse (311 101 !i Atch Tep & Santa Fe. HSti 3 Atch Ten & S p nf .. tn'A . . Atlantic Prult t .. Atl Oulf & W I S S .. aiu . Atlant e Tetreleum .. 21 7 Atlantic Kenning pf..lin; . . AUBtln Nicholas . . , . 10 7 Baldwin locomotive . 95H 7 Iluldwln Loce pf 101 .. n.iltlmere & Ohie. .. 37 . Dai npdale Class U. . . 2t4 0 Hethlehem Steel B... eS .. Brldyn Union Gaa ... 74 'i . . Beeth Fisheries 0 7 Buffalo & Sucq .?. . 7li ie Burns Bres 112'i . Butte Copper & 7,!nc . 5Ke .. Butte & Superior Cep. lllj f adile Central O & R. 14 2 Cat zinc & Una 4 0 California I'ae'ilic ... 71' .. "nl fernla Petroleum . i 2 C.ilumet & Arizona... fil'i 10 Canadian Pacific lir")i .. Central Leather 2B'r .. Certral I.enther pf . . . 2':- H ( entral of X J 100 .. Cerre-de-1'.if-co 31H 8 Chandler Meters .... 47? .. Chesapeake & Ohie .. 5S? . . Chi & K 111 i:q T ctfs 3 .. Chi & Or West pf.... 17 . Ch Mil & St 1' 24 .. Chi Mil & St V pt 37S .1 Chi & North. vestcrn. . 89 . Chi n I & Par ... SI" 4 0 Chi H I & P.u C',. pf. ns. 7 Cln It I & '!'-. pf. Ml r. chi st v M'mi & e.. sn .. Ch le Cepp, r . . . 1"". Ch'.nci Copper . ... 2n .. C!e Cln i'Ii! & St li . "i"i B fVv r-n Chi : St L lit VI . ('luetl Pei.b'jily . . . . 42' j 4 Coca-Cela SO'j .. Co'erado Fw'. S: Turn. '-1'j Colerado & Sout'ierti . . '''zt a Celum Cm & I.Iej ... CTj .. Celum Oraphophene. . Z Cel Oraphophene pf . . 13!j Contelldated Di I-.s . 14 7 Consolidated 03 .. Cmirelld-iti d Te.tllcs. 15' 42 1 j 32''. 24J.K its'. C2; 3!j 13 '.. 92', 15? SO 33 V, C.V.J m. s 104'i 1083 10 ji; 3' 71'.4 103 1214 1S.i4 04 hi) SO lOlg 42 101 00 H 134 H ll5a 00 3, 80S 80 31'j 7S 73JJ 32 21'i h 0 32 72 14 J3J, .15 5r8 u eu'i 3i 30 1 6?i '8 HJi 50J 0S3J 58 13 Ji BJa 72'j 10 J, 3 nri 44 33 -,-i . 31 J 2 'M'i 3S14 ;-:; 3; 15'..- "4 03 -13 1, "0'i ' S3 ' - J rcu- h 0 .50 4 Cern Products Viet .. s034 Coden & Ce 33S Cruc ble Ste.d HO Cuban Am Sueur 14 Cuban Cane Sugar... K'B Davisen Chemical .... 4234 Pelaware & Hudsen.. 107 Del Lack & Vestern. less; Fieirie Mines lDU DJluth Se S & At . . 'i'-a Duluth Se S & At pf. 3:ij i:ndlcott-Jehnor. . . . "2 Pndlrott-Jehnson pf . . 103 Krie 12Vi Krie 1st pf IBi4 42 107 -4 - 108 34- 19's ' iVz- 3H- 71'j- 103 12 '4 1S'4 1 r.4i,i SO'i- H 10 8 l'.imeus P.nyers L. . . . 04. ' j Patreus Plnyirs L pf. si Plsher Bedy h3, plaher Bedy of O pf.. 7S 1 5 Rubber I0'i c,fn Am Tan!; Car . . 44 ijer.cral Asul.ilt fi4 ' Aspnalt pf. ..loll; SOlj !- 1'. 77 - 10Jj 41 - Ulg"- 101'4-'-60s4 I31H- 115a- 70 4 70 h 81J1 31'i- 78 J J- '21 !4 -I- 8 II 40 ' ViX '. 74 J4 56 -77;,-II OllJi 3H -35'i m 5H 78 h. M'i f 61 J 0H4 68 13K r 10 H 3Ka HJi Cigar 0034 Oeneral Hlectrlc 135 General Meters !!? Gen Meters pf 79 Gen Meters deb 6.. 70 Gen Meters deb 7ci.. HIJ4 . Goedrich B F 31Vi 7 Goedrich B P pf 78 7 Great Northern pf.... 74?j 4 Great North Ore ctfs. 32J4 . . Oranby consol M & M '-l!i Gunntaname Sugar .. H . . Oulf Meblh- &. X U . . Gulf State Steel 40i4 7 Harunan Ceip 724 4 HasiieH & Barker Car 74 lj .. Helm st.ike Mlnlntr ... eS .. Housten Oil 7hH 1 Hjpp Motorcar 11 7 Illinois Central 00'-, . . Indlahema Reflnitig .. 3ij .. Inpplratlen Cen Cep.. 3C?4 .. Intel b Cen Cerp la4 .. Interb Cen Cerp pf... 54j 7 Int Hariestcr new. . . . 78Ji .. Ir.t Mer Marine 11 '2 0 Int Mer Marine pf fil'i 7 li.t Motertruck 1st pf. 0H; 7 Int Motertruck 2d pf. 68 .. International Xlcltel.. 13s .. Internatlenul Paper .. fi4j 0 Inter Paper pf nlpd... 72Ji .. 1'ivlnclble Oil Cerp... 10 .. Island Oil 3s .. Jew id Tea 11J .. Jewel Tea p' 5Jij .. Jeneii BreB Tea 33 ft PHILADELPHIA STOCK lOtMni'ldOll lOOtMex Pet. H.1tM S Oil. U.'t.M.ihale. OOtMe I'll nf KltN Y (Vn ."OtNer I'nc. liOtNerf&W lldi- I'm- Oil inch l.-i Alii ln-ur 1!' jn-i-Aiiis-riii :m-.j IIS I Am Sti. 77 J de pref. 1(1 1 CO: Am I.iu- -ee,l . . . 2li HI Am Ship cv Cem. iVj 10 Am O111.. 40 1.0 rAm Tel Jt Te1..UO"m .r)0tAm Weel 7H'N KltAtlnOiilf :tl 20 -f -) s 40 1 110-f- li...)tran-Am Pet ... ."O Penn Cen I.t pfd 17.") Pa 11 H. '1 Phil Ins Wire... 50 Pliiln C4 cum pf. 155 Phil F.lec 11.0 de pref. 10 P H T.. 78 :n itltald !l.i; 05 1 :i()t de pref.lOOT's 100 100 Vn 1"0 Ilrlll .1 (i. :ii :tl l HMWel Vkl 1.4 '1 lOtfern l'rd Ml' o,-t('ecn Ce'.u :)), li.-.K'M i St I'niil . 11 lOOtf'lil (it W pref. ... 17 ..-rI)eKUIiU0l IMVi ' ! 1(0 ' 21 R0 !!!) lil 17 10.V, 100 Phlln Tr aoetP&WVn 1.4 lOtPure Oil imu lOOtlt I kc H 51 2(l0tHeadln); Ut pf. 4." antStmleblir 74',-j llitHe Puc. 7H!U .WTpxiih ( 4.1 1 ', 45tTcx iV P 'i'ir-i 1450 Ten Pel. I'l- liOtl'nlnn () Ul litlJn I-acia.!-1, 110 I'll Tract !i2 ''Oil nice Slur 114 11 10 KesA-Am (14 I4 10.' (ien Aspli II.' 111 10.itCcn Mtrn 11 U 7i") (Jrcut Ner liref.... 74-I'h 74 lOtinl I'nper r.1 r.4T liie i Ce n a :.e :ie 100 KeilllCep 'JIl-V. li:i-i4 410 l.nke Kill) 7 74 ia J. !', I'11 Nuv 70 Vel. 7.ri 7a 7.T 55 CO 05 350 1' Q I.. Oil I U 1. 10 de Dref.. C75tMan Kle prti. . , . 41 41 41 aOTUBHtccl Illv. int Hals 1200 Itlali Kansas City Southern 2Ti tiw 2W 51 754 40J 74 U 23 0J4 170 101H 40 J4 28J4 85 163 14 Vi OH 00 142Ji 70 30 J4 28 Y m 54 1H 113J4 3.1 14(4 24H 1H 294 10 42 H 04 ipu 131-j 27', nt!4 105?; 13J4 niH 73 3-14 13 P',4 0 "4 3SJS 774 22 Ji 3'i 10 lf3Ji 8J0 66 46 V 4N3-4 45 h 1'J) 3.194 11 67 19 45 64 Ji 30 Ji 75 20 V- 14U SIM 4 r-i 48 50 SH 21 15 r.i' j 22' 2 37 's 105 2ft 3C'i 86 13Ji 70 i 42 ;i 24 ?4 51 84 10hl 22r- 33 22 ' '. 33 Ji 1J 2H 3.i C(,i 4 20 j 0 37'4 239,1 300 3G0O 2800 100 2500 000 100 100 000 tee 390 3 100 2000 200 100 100 100 200 3S0O 100 600 32030 200 R(00 1 1300 200 300 1200 1000 lf 3310 100 100 600 100 100 400 100 1C0 2 600 600 700 300 3700 100 2000 100 HO 200 200 6510 225 '0 3S0O irn 2100 2'ire 210 1300 tee 100 25!0 100 3IC0 1500 7C0 200 200 100 100 200 100 800 700 ion 200 :r.e 1000 200 400 2500 200 100 1000 100 24011 : 400 ICO ire 100 210 100 1UII r.ioe 50i 0 100 310 10201 SKI 4700 2500 001) 4700 2.1 10 .VI (I 100 ?i70() ::iii 1300 moo 110 12000 2 ie i) 13000 100 000 100 1700 200 i2re G40U 3100 100 100 60 tee 10.) 200 530 2000 4 KnnFas City Se pf... 51 J4 '.. Kansas & Gulf 7J 4 Kelly-Sprlmtlleld Tire. 414 0 Kelly-Spp Tire G pf 744 .. Kennecett Copper ... . 24 J4 .. Keystone T & R 10 11 KresRe S 170 7 KresRe S S pf 101J3 .. Lackawanna Steel.... 42 2 Le Rubber Tire 2W .50 LchlKh Valley 55 J4 12 Liggett tt Myers 163 ., Leewe Ce 16 1 Left Candy 0 7 Loese-Wile 11 1st pf. 00 12 Ler'llftrd Tobacco ....142JJ fl Meckay Ce 70 7 Manhattan Kiev guar. 39J-S .. Mnrland Oil 30 14 .. Maxwell Cles.i B 10 J4 8 May Dept Sterea 2 12 Mexican Petroleum ..1NSJ4 2 Miami Copper 23 .20 Middle States Cerp... 14 J'a .. Mldvale Steel 25H .. Me Kansas & Texas.. 1J4 .. Me Kan A Texaji pf.. 2H .. Missouri Pacific 104 . . Me Pacific pf 43V4 7 Mentana Power pf . . . . 8 .. Montgomery Ward ... 18H .. National Acme 13 'A .. Nat Cleak & Suit 27J4 0 Nat Pjiam & Stamp.. 0V4 7 Nat'enal Lead pf 1054 .. Nev Cen Copper l3' fl X O Tex & Mex OIJi New Yerk Central.... 73 ,B0 New Yerk Deck 30J.4 . . New Yerk N H & H. . 13", .. Norfolk & Southern.. OH 7 Norfolk & Western... !Ji .. North Amer pf ctfs. .. 39 7 Northern Pnclfh: 70J1 E Neva Scotia SAC... 22 Ji .. Okla Pred A Ref 3J4 2 Orpheum Circuit 10 B Ot'n Elevater 103 Ji .. I'iie Development . . . . RJi .. Pacific Gas A Klcc. . . f6 .. Tacltlc Oil 401, 6 Pan-Anier Petrel .... OOi-j C Pan-Amer B 4CJ4 Panhandle H'i 2 Pennsylvania It R.... ar 14 .. I'enn Senhearrl Steel. lt? . . Peeples Gas Chicago. 67 .. Pere Marquette IOJ.4 Pere Marquette pf. . . . 43 5 Pere Mara prier pf . . . 64 Ji 3 Philadelphia Ce Zl , . Phllllps-Jenes 75 .. Phillips Pet 3" 14 .. Pierce-Arrew Moter. . H . . Pierce Arrew pf 30 Jj . . Plerce Oil 7 3 Pierce Oil pf 48 6 Pitts Ceal 59 0 Pills Ceal pf SSJi . . PltLs A West Va 24 . . Pend Creel: 15 . PresMHl Steel 01 Ta . . Producers ft Re 24 J, .. Producers A Ref pf... 37Ji 8 Pullman 16 .. Punta Alesre Sugar.. 2OJ4 2 Pure Oil 36 2 Railway Steel Spring 8r' .. Rav Cen Copper 1 4 Reading 71J4 i Reading lrt pf 3 .. Rem ugten Typewriter 24?4 .. Republ'c Iren ft Steel. 613ti .. Rebert Rels A Ce.... 8H i.2l) Royal Dutch N Y.... 50?i .. St Leuis San Fran... 23 St LeiiIh San Fran pf. 35 . . St Leu a A S W U II. . 23 . . t:t Leuis Southwest pf 33',i Sniit.i Cecelia Sugar '- .. Saxen Moter '-6a .. Seaboard Air Llt.c. .. . U ., Srars-ReebiRl: CS'i Seneca Cep Cerji 31'i . Shuttuck Arizona Ceip 0 .74 Shell Transport 37K .. Sinclair O.I 24 S'ess-Sh'fflelil 30?4 0 Southern Pacific 79'; . . Southern Rail 18a Southern Rill.ay pf . . 44 4 Standard OH of Calif. MY: f, Standard Oil of X J.. 100 7 Stand OH of X J pf . . . 112sj .. Stiemberu Carb 30 Ji 7 Sludvhaker 75:4 1 Submarine Beat Cerp. 5 .. Superior Oil Cerp.... 7Ji . . Tenn Cep A Chem. . . . BJs . Tumor Cern A F "A" 4 3 Texas CO 46 H .. Texas A Pacific 2394 1 Texa-s A Pac C A O. . . 28Vi .. Third Avenue 15'4 0 Tobacco Products ... 61 Jg .. Tel St L A West ctfs. 14 'i . Tranficen Oil 0a 1 Tmnsuc Win Steel... 32 8 I'nlen Bag A Paper 68 . . Union Oil 21H 38 i 78J4 10 44',4 8fti 101 1 4 1H?4 30 Ji 71'i 5 7J4 8U 4 444 234 27 13H 10 i 14 Jj 94 32 6G 20 ' i 1239s OS 01 00:0 30 1C0 i 06 1 ,2 1183; 491d 8'2 21U 15 'j 454 45 'i 66J-1 48's 8!) 33 82 111 66U 10 32 'i 84 J 72 J4 111 4 Union Pacific 124 Union PacluV pf 68 Union Tank Car 05 Union Tniil; Car pf . . . .iOJb . . I'nlU'J Allev Steel 20 7 Unlt'd Cisar Stores pflCO'i 8 United Drui; i)7'j H United Fruit 11894 0 United Retail Stores.. 60 . United Rwy Inest... bj-i .. United Rwy Invest pf. 21'j . U S C I P A Tdy ISY2 r, U s C I P A Fdy pf . . 40 1 U S Ind Alcohol 40 Jj .. US Realty A Imp.... 654 .. US Rubber 40JJ BUS Rubber 1st pf 80 . . US Smelt A Raf 33 ?4 5 i; S Steel 83J4 7 U S Steel pf Ill 'i 2 Utah Copper 57 . . Utah Sec 10 . . Vanadium (. erp 33' 7 Van Uaalte In pf 81',. . . Va-Cir Chemic.1 pf . . 74 .. Vlvaudeu Inc 7J4 . Wabash 7 . . Wabasdi pf A 21 . . Wabash pf H 13 ' 4 2 50 Wills Furge IlxjircBs. fi .. Western ?Iar land ... 0 .. Western Pacific 10 !i I Westlngheuse 11 A M. 4fcU . . Wheeling ALU 7-4 4 Wulte Moter 39 .. White Oil Cerp 18 '4 . Wick Spene Steel Cerp 10 .. Wlllye-Overlut.d t'4 .. Wllljs-Overland pf .. 30 ,4 5 Wilsen A Ce 31 ' 8 Weel worth F W 123 4 Worthliitften Pump . . 42 .23 Wright Aero bji 10 200 100 (.CO 2200 3i0 1800 100 200 2 2 Mill 000 2500 300 12(10 10(1 400 1IUJ GO 400 210 HO 800 5:10 120U 100 200 111) 16D0 19)0 000 600 200 200 600 'i 1 Ji !'e V- l'i m Is 20 ' 13U C2 h4 10 111 74 i7K 1314 10 fl 3d4 3 Va 1222 4194 '.2 U 1M l.x dividend. EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS V,0 111! 14 LT.Vi 4US 71i Tfl-Ji !Mt 4tl(j :ii)-'H :i(if' f 114 lit, -1 ii n- .".Otl'tnh (.. UOtViiniid'iii liltWcstingh lOle,- .. 511 .Cl't -.0 lll'i 4li ISV'i f- Nil clmr.Ra mule by coLiiJirUen with lid ci. Neiv urn Muik Uxcl.anKi. riiiui)i:i,i'iiiA iie.vds 4J 71i 78 ll 45 41. s, 7.' -7H 00-r 45 1000 Uhei-ty 1st 4i , 2000 Liberty SOfKI I.ibertv (MKX) Liberty 100 Liberty 300 Liberty 2000 Liberty 000 Liberty 2d 4.s 2d 4Ah 2d 4.iH 4th 44h 4th 44n 4th 4',n 50i j .je 50 2 47 'MYh oeu aii-v, i'-' 27 4-. 47 50 aaj 22 27 l(i;li 5(1 21 :t(i 4.". 71a 711 45 2U 1 V. 21 1; lsa-?. ;i2 47 .. ");i 5(i . . :i2'i, 22 27 . . 21 .. '! 51-r 4th l'is 200 Victory -1 -V. n 23 25S0OO Victory 4'V, '23 1000 Hell Telephone 7 1000 niectrie ft Pee 4h 1000 I'.lectri.' & Pee 4h 1000 Kquitnble Oiih 5m 11X10 Luke Ktiiii'i-ler Inc 1 50 10000 Luke Huperier inc 5h..1e(k 2000 LchlKh Valley (1h 1000 Pi'iiple'n PnsKcngcr 4s. . . . 2000 Phlln Klt-ctrlc Int 5. .letn UrilO l'hllii Klectrlc Iht 5s.... 1000 HimkHhk Reneral 4h llll(M) Iteimblic of Ilellvin 0s. . . 13 7 Hi, 711 -W'i 45 i, 23 21.1;- k 123;'.i 3(1' BANK CLEARINGS Hauls clearlne teiluy rcminired with ror rer reuiiiniiliiR day lam two iinru: 1021 feL'O lfite I'hIU t82.0OU.00O t82,il7U.S21 103,1141,008 H(JW i)l)'l illiv 40 40T- an. BAR QILVf 4UTJ.. 82 b2! 82?i- c&itWF M ,M M'if,n Lonaea " New Yerk Curb IM)t'.STllIAI.S Hlrh Packinff 04 11 'KO A. M. 04 10 40 11 0 102 'A T4 li' Z fXJt 43 175 'I' 8 4H 1 130 Nt p M. ChBe. 24J-4- ' 51 Va 7Ji Yi 40'j- J4 74J4 Vi 24 9 0J4- K. 170 - 194 101 J4 l'j 42 28J4 Vt 5. - J4 183 - 1 14J4 Vi OH- V 901 142 Vi- Vi 70 30 14- r, 30M 294 ID Va Vs 023 113J4- US 23 1414 J4 24 9i- H .14 . 294 .. 10 Va 42 Vi- Yz 04 - 1 18Ji Va 13', .. 27J- 2V4 40 4 10594 19i 13J-J J4 61J4 Va 73 30H- 4 13',- S 1'J4 Vt or 14 . . 30 J4 78 - Mi 22 Ji-'- 2H 3J4 Je 13 K Ji 103 J4 fi 8J4 4- Y 65 40 - 94 50U 2V4 4'!i b l'e 11 Ji 35 9i- '4 11J4 ? 57 lfji IJ-i 41 1 61 j; j- s 3194-i- t'i 7.1 3014 r '4 1494- J4 36'S Ji Lew 04 10 40 llji 102 :'" 274 inJ 43 "h 7H 8 ii Acme Anur Leather i Amer el.ntlier prer Ilrlt Amer Teb coup. California C'ruahed Prult Celluloid Ce pref ChlcnKu Nipple Celumb'a llmerald Continental Moter ...... Durant oittera Olbnei? lteisell (n Alilrn Ceal aillrtte S II 40 114 7 102 W 27$ 43 .17 lleyuen Chrm 1 Imperial Tobacco 0 Inter Ituhh-r 7 I.rbtiy-MrN'elll H Lincoln Meters A ... Mrrer oMIera , N 3 Kine Haille Coin lladle Cem pref Southern C & 4 Hireeta Ce Teb Pred Bxp U S Ship Cerp ...., 17 a Steam United Trnflt Hharlne Union Carblde , Wayne Ceal Went Knd Cham . . . : W uti jr 2 "ft l A 2'4 254 a, 2N .124 i uJ4 3 5 an 81) 1,'. 3'. 4 10 30 ll'. 40 Itt 1 24 M, 3014 4'n 10 30 40 1W 40. I .Win Davlea A tt icxns uuil uipn 0IM4, NTAXDARD OILS Anzle-Amer Oil Ill ',4 Ohto Oil 200 N V lYam let HtanJ Oil of Ind B7'4 Vacuum O'l 310 30 104 208 161 87 310 lO'.i 201) 151 874 310 IXDEMWDENT OILS Allfr.' Oil . 77 . .1 . 10H . 25 . fiS . 20 . Bi .'20',i . et . 8 ' . en . 4. IV. . 10, ' .' . 811 73 3 1W 25 87 211 B'4 227 25 i 01 8 74 63 ltJ IVi 4 lll'i 10 1 81I 24 2D4 114 21 llM 77 3 MS 25 87 211 220 254 01 8 1.4 .1 r,7 Jtf ft w in 1 87 24 211V in 21 i4; A. lied Oil Arkansaa .u Uaa .... Uoeno oil Iloaten Wj emlnit Ilrltlah Amer Carlb Hnd Cities Service (old) . ... Cltlca Scrilce "H" ctfa. I'lllra h'ervlca pref ..... Cuahlna- Pet , Eilmtind! , I.IK llaaln I'et , I.iiKlnecrs 1'ftrel Kerleral 01 , (llllilunil Oil Olenrerk Oil (Irun.idn , Imperial oil , Int Petrel , Keystone Hunger I.lviuimten I'et , Jturlanil int Oil .imracalDe Oil "ua: .Merrltt oil mj iMeildaf I'et !.!!! "" Mexican K'imle Tj. M.-x Pan -. -l Mex.ce Oil .Mountain I'rudueta . Nil Am Oil .'"nlile .S'nrlhMut Oil umir Ol Han Cens '' .Suit Cnek l'red ' ShpuIpu Ucf Hlmma Pet Mt-llv Oil ' " Texun Tueken) Vlitnriii Oil new ...!!!" v en ;. Southern 1" 4- It .....'.'!.'; "4 '. 1A 1A 'H; 'H? vi -'ib 2J4 2V4 15 14 IT, 10 10 IS !'& ijV m "'i "' 7'1 H'a U 14 t 1 4 lfi'i 10 10 J '" 7 0.1 01 C2 8(1 )0 Ml ltt 1H 14 00 (ill Ml MINING Alaslie Ilr Cel new Iloaten & Mentana . Certes hllver . Ualeres Kaperans i-,i Kaivude.- .. ..;.; Lureiia Creisus '" Oelil Cena ... (lelftnelil l'':er.'iice ' ". ilelil Zene . . . . jiarmiii initiie ..;;;; Jlelii Mii-nc Howe Seuim MjiNamara '. ,-" MUL'tllU Cepprl ' ' ' Mether lxidij Clt ...!!"" National Tin NIpNalne Nlxun Xu . snver Km et Ari'.-.;;;: ronepih Ilelmeni .. lonepnh '" Tuolumne ' S'Am 1' O '"" t'nltril Uaitern ." Cniteil Wrde .. Whlte capj 7 48 50 8h'j 24 15 r.i--4 24',, ,5 07 N2 l'a 14 i 3H 17 13 13 'lVi 74 r.H ii 3 - 71 4(1 27V' 4U no N2 l,li 44 4 1!8 17 13 $ 'Ri G 3 7.'4 40 27,V 4 4(i or, 02 41 ns 17 13 it II 3 IVi 71 41) r.'i 1 - 2Ji r.7'i- 105 -29 36J4- 80 ;- 14 70 94 43 -24 9i 5194-1- 8-i :- 40'rt 22 9e -35 22 2 ... ' a Ue-25e-:.94 C8 ' 211,4 : e - 374 23 J8 ' 30 ',4 1 Ji 1A ii Va Va 2 94 1 ItOND.M Mlled I' 0i . 4bj lvOVa .lOD .leu . irn; 103 tt .Kl2 . H7 .I'm", 10'. .1021, l'i04, . C.4ll0 . 43 .ll'li'i . . (Ill . . 1 n.'i . . US . . f")1, .H)fi4 , . 75 .. Pl), , .100li , . en . . r.7 . . 110 l . . 07'. ..till . 00 , , .Mil ,.101i4 . , 1 0 1 I, . .101 14 ..103 . ..102 . .1024 IS., lHU S lull 10" no; 103. in.". I7 1 0lll ioe 102H ioei; 1 13 in 1 90 ins UN HO M !( 10014 riti iiei. t)7-4 lern, no 4, 1ft. H ien4 101'j HI Ij ion i, lOL'Vj 102-i IS', lOOlj 10IJ 100 DO 4 1U34 1U2U li 7 10OU 100 102 ll)(l (II1, 43 loe', en 10:1 OS :ie4 100 t'(i)-4 100 '4 SO r.7 INI l, 07-4 in e4 fi!) ler.ii 101 14 ltiij IftHi H,2 10214 1024 'iiiiminuni 7 . .trner T-l fs et Ann r Ti'l Hi et .HHienda 7i of 21 .iikl 1-A111 Oil Armour 7.q . ' Harnadall Ns . I!et)i Steel 7i of Hetli SiwI 7, of 'Vth Sierl 7j of l'i 23 '3.-1 . an r.ic 73 . "hl lliist III fla Cn llrtiph hs I'eim all., lUlte " . . . I'ulmn 'fi-l 7la '"irer I.xn i-s of '23 . . llnmlrlili Tire 7a (loeilpnr Sm Humble Oil 7i Interbore S-, . , . ICennecett 7a I.lliby McNflll 7a Nat Clunk s N Y N II ft It 4a . . I'hIU Ce (la riillliiplne 51-, Shnnahean 7a Seuthern Kwy Oi S 0 N Y 7s e. '30 S-Uft A Ce 7a of '25 wlft . i'ii 7i of "31 Till llillimi 7 I'nlted (nl S Vn n- I lav 7s . . . Went 7s 10', a 44a S014 lS;i '4 112 30 Js- 7414 6 - 714- 834 - i 44J4 23 -2S94 ' 15H -(iOH-l!i H94- 32 " C794 r 21!t - l'.'3'i '- ! - 05 09 Tb ' '.Ml 100'i (0'i-IISS4- 40Jo 40Je 8Ji Sl'i-r 151i 10 94 4H'i S3 r M 94 S2t,- in's : 5054--10 - 33 ! 81 'i 74 i Ja a4 "A '3 Va '-i 154 '4 1; Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET C'lilraee. Xnw 10. 'W'l.rnt Kthrted e lower fe- PceimnVr nml 'ie te "r iff for rn.v. Trade was mixed, with 544 selling lij ".(jtnc prominent fommivsien Iiou'-eh elid buyinj; Keattercd. Heeeijits inspected ycsttnluy were l.'i curs; lint year S curs. The cnsli tnnrltct was firm, with home lncrcni-e in premium en springs. Demand was of geed cliar actci'. Kxpert business at the -.rnbnard yes terday included 200., 000 bushels Ameri can wheat. Country offerings te arrive Mere light. Weather reports indicate continued dry weather in the Fur West and Southwest, where the winter wheat ci op !, Mild te be losing rapidly be cause of drought. Cern i-terted e te 'hc lower for December and -hc tu ( off fur Mu. Trade was moderate with early selling lnlrl.i general and inspired .lileflj by yesterda.i (ieieriun 'nt rcpeit. Oat.s stinted 'c te 'hc lower with a nioileritte trade. The ninrkct met sup. porting orders en the decline. H Va tYi Vi 1 !i 14 l'i 94 34 2034- t!4 it . hji 19 -4K - 74-379i-13', 4 10 fl -30 3,;- ai.j-i 123 -4194 1- COTTON MARKET New Yeili, Nev. 10. There win n reed deal of ceveriiiB at the opening of the cotton market today, but aNe wnue active selling for Wall Street and Liverpool account nnd l.v the Seuth. At the outset October vfi- 5 points higher and ether months ncre 4 te 12 points lower. Soen after the opening, however, the list turned ntreng en heav Western ceierlng, which advanced ipio' ipie' ipio' tutieni. about (1 points ever ye8terdaj'n dose, but piirchanTN appeared te get (otten inther easily, bccntisu of South Seuth irn offerings nnd the upturn was main tained with home difficulty. Prei. Clnse Open 1 P. M Deremlier 17 .'.0 17.10 1 l'i 77 .1il-i- fi ....'4 1 nuutii ,, , .. 17 III Mr-rch 17.UI 17 C.I Miv 1H.D4 liLPe Uctelr is 00 1(1.70 M'i-r K FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerlt, Nev. 10. At tins epe.i 'ng of the feieipn exchange market thU morning mnrks stnrteil in at .37, com pared iith .41 Vi at the close yesterdaj. Sterling was unchanged, ns well n fiancs. while lire were 1 neint Innnr. '47.. 01. hO 01. 4H '12.. '42.. '42.. 38. ".W. '38. 0 1.5 l'i IU.I181 114.48 1)4.78 1 04.111 1)1. 811 1 for the flrM time hlnce the advnnc-1 lug movement in Citnadlan fiindn be gan, n reaction took place tediu , and1 Hie premium en Nnv Yerk funds here rese te 0 per cent. The discount en 'HB nn.8ii 1)0.72 107 57 58 7ft Va 30 31 1(H) 111 DO Mi 78K, SO 5h i nuiiiiian iiinus in ."sew lerk fell te 8'i per cent In the Hceend hour the market wan easier, although n continued hearciu of commercial hlllx Ih lepertcd. Qim". UitieiiH were: Sterlltii; cables, u Hun exception, 3.04-. demand 3.041. franc cables 7.27, check,. 7,e)i', .' Helglan cables 11.08, checks 11.07 i'fril cables 4 12 checkH i 4. 11 14 pemtn cabks 11. 0i, chucks 14.05; markH .3,r, te 311 Central l'.urepean cxchiingeK wer-i Mead) today with tl iccptien m Iluiuarian, which reached the new low of .0S!)i. and .lugn-Slavia. whleh f..n . liT' - -. " ,-'!; w"mnH were: iiumnnian, 11 . 1. , Hull. I.ln.i 11. Ll..l . .. .... ' .),. wuoiiiiieiiH were : Uumnniaii, ii Hulg.irlan, ,i0; Serbian, 1 02'j lo-Sleviikliui. 1.05V,: I'ellkl,' ); Flun i iiinrkB, 2.10; (Jreek, -1 2j '.' plan flfllM ' ."P7Ji ,11118.11 lull, ,w ('.echo .0370 AunUian. .03 TODAY' H Ol'ENINO QUOTA.TIONB n. .. ..,8lfl?J(V T??? H'J aulldar. 4.1R Cablet ,.,,. D.OiK 7.28 t.iv.i at.ia $750,000 City of Philadelphia 5 Bends Dated Oct. 26, 1021 Due Oct. 26, 1971 Optional, October 20, 1S41 Tax Free in Pennsylvania Exempt Frem All Federal Income Taxes. Legal investment for savings banks and trust funds in Pennsylvania, New Yerk, New Jersey and all New England States. Price 107 and .Interest Yielding Over 4.70 , The National City Company Philadelphia 1421 Cheatnu't St. Atlantic City Chalfente Bleck, 1225 Boardwalk Otflcts tn mere than SO cities in the United States and Canada We invite inquiries en Standard Oil of New Jersey American Tobacco Company Endicott-Jehnsen WALTER J. SCHMIDT CBl, CO. Members Consolidated Sleck Exchange 0 Nets Yerk PHILADELPHIA! 1323 WALNUT STREET HEW YORK: 30 DROAD STREETl 319 FIFTH AVENUE WANTED DISTRIBUTOR SALES MANAGER Large manufacturer has exceptional opportunity for an experienced business man te obtain exclusive distributor ship en a household specialty that appeals te every home in city, town and country. The man we want has some capital or backing and is able te build and successfully manage a sales organiza tion that will reach all Department, General, Hardware, Furniture and Heme Appliance Stores. This opportunity will place the right man in a perma nent and very profitable business for himself. A number of geed territories are available in different parts of the country. Alse several geed openings for assistant managers. W. V. C. CORPORATION 1245 Boek Building Detroit, Michigan I HOW TO FIGURE INCOME TAX en STOCK MARKET TRANSACTIONS Th.i latet of e'ir repyr.KhteJ I je..i no ni thi in for sour copy kt once te be HUre of celtirs 1 t jit compliments. Edwin E. Kehn & Ce. Members Consolidated Slech Exchange of New Yerk 1522 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Nni lurk. Trenten. i:.iten, l'lttsburKli, llmlimten, Poltmllle. Ilailflen TIMID MONEY (L'stimated amount Iieaidetl, $700,000,000) Offspring of fear might well become mainspring of indus try and move whole business machinery off dead center if employed in mortgage field. General Mortgage Financing Corporation Ridge and Girnrd Avenues Full Details en Request $650 and Accrued Interest Buys a $1,000 Bend Maturing in 1949 Yielding 8.20 for 28 Years A mortgage en u Hydro-Electric Plant operated under lease te a Corporation Inn ing $67,000,000 of outstanding diyidend paying stock. JU ill ft M I!) I fi muu Description upon request Schibener, Beennincr & Ce. SB ni7tmnf Bends 1 emburil 7150 512-14 Walnut Street '!erw v. Muni 4'J4t Uembers Philadelphia Meck L'xchange wiiijaiiu .nui'.j'iniitfiii'e nciuuttt Harrison. Smith & Ce. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 121 SOUTH BTH'STREET PHILADELPHIA LOMBARD 0100"-' fi .14.70 1 frond v. Uh i i raHaas8n WANTED Additional Capital (FOR EXPANSION) Manufacturing company de sires services of reliable) financial institution as Fiscal Representative. B C22, Ledger Ofllce B .Ji.