21 ,u Vi iBiben's Injury Makes Penn Backfield Uncertain for Game With Dartmouth Saturday in Getham t I EVENING P'QBLIO LEDGEKAPHILADELPHIA, THUKSDAy, NOVEMBER 10, 1021 COCHRANE MA Y REGAIN GUARD POST AT PENN Veteran Is Making Great Fight te Start Dartmouth Game; Backfield Uncer tain for Saturday JOE DIBEN IS INJURED m rAT.TER COCHRANE, Twin's ' hudsy llncmnn and veteran cunrd cf the Inst two BeaBens, is making a determined fight te win back lilu b'erth (hat Graf, n former scrub player, took i.rt Saturday. Te be en a team for tire seasons and then te lese the pest te a frcrub lifts fired the big Arizona Jd with the ficlit that usually tells. Icstcrday Hclsmnn sent Cochrane Inte his regular place for the first time lnee curly last week, and the manner In ntiich the big guard smeared the scrub Minoritlen brought a gleam of joy into flus Zlfgler's eye. (;oelirniie was nil ew the field yesterday and, despite the fcllppcrv gridiron mid his weight, inade ttieklei that scvera'. men many pounds lighter failed te make. Almest from the start of practice Cochrane worked like a beaver, and when the serimmnge drill started he hlbltid the kind of play that mnde blta a star last season. Till- coaches tccre non-committal abent the position Cochrane 's fitewg for, hut one of the mentors Aid that u continuance of yestcr dtw's tenrk tceuld tern him hack hts icrth. Ihh is Cechranc's last year tt Venn and he is anxious te finish it out as a regular. Die Gig Gvnthncr, the former Broekb n reWteclinic etnr who labored en the Mce'ncl team enTuesday, was back ut hle old pet jestcrday and exhibited the fame amount of prowess in stepping the scrubs as his side partner, Coch rane. He will prebablv get the call en Saturday eier Pendleton, who held down the tackle In the offensive scrim mage drill en Tuesday. Cbanse in Une The remainder of the line will be the mime ns started last Saturdaj with the exception of changes of position. Jehn Thurman, the veteran tackle of aBt enr' eleven who ban been plajlng guard most of this beasen,.was switched back te his old pest 5cstcrdnv and will Kmaiii there for the rcmaiudcr of the eeasen. Sutherland, who played tackle for the last four games, litis born Bent te Thuminn'n place at guard. Sutherland opened the reason nt tackle, but wim cnamul when Injuries forced Thurman te the sidelines after the first two weeks of the reason. There Is ii possibility that i.nrcss vaag." who Is suffering from n, bndb' fprntned ankle, muy be ket out at the Dartmouth game nt the stn't and Geerge Sullna.ll sent in. Sully has been plalng reninrkahle foetbnll at right end and In the scrimmage drills, end the conches arc becoming mere and mere Impressed with bin ability te catch forward passes and te provide Inteifcr encc. Itttpousible for Only Score lie is the lad icspenMble for the tie were with Swarthniore and also the maker of the only touchdown Penn has nindi' In the labt two games. He Is ns light as Krtle. but fustcr. Ills lack of experience is his only draw back, but the coaches nre willing te overlook this fenture if he continues his catching of pusses nud general all around play. 'Tlin laclficld is e matter of con- jeeturc and probably will remain 10 until the coaches meeting in Xcw Yerk Irldny night. Yesterday Jee Weel the former Central High Hchoel star, tcav mirrWc te practice lecume of badly bruised shoulder rrec ml in, the ecrimmage drill en Tundaii. rilen diii imt complain about the 'uirt Tuesday lifter practice, but unable te ship il'itiiiR the nicht he called TJr. Light s nt'eiitieii te it jesterday after noon nud he erdetrd tlia bnck te take rr-t, A n'ecinl brm-n will be mnde for t he shoulder, and if there is the 'lighti'i.r improvement the coaches an an tlclpine sending lJibcn in nt fullback cgalti-it Daitineiith. It' AVrav and Pes Miller are the 10 certainties ter the backfield, with tli" diminutive skipper calling the sig nals Te 1 lamer has net hnd enough hraeliee this week -te warrant his start 5iS the game, according te one of the teachi3. Ah new plnrj have been devised for 'he tiircn, the conches have had long practice diilK These were missed by Ilaini-r bceuusc of late clasws, and the Jesuit is that he will be in the sumo Position en Saturday if he starts as he was against Pittsburgh uninmilinr with the signals. If the coach finally 'decided te start Ilamer and Rtben, the hacktielil will 1h complete. AVitimer '111 lake the place of cither of tliOM mentioned if thej are unable te get into the game when the opening whit tle blows. Hill Maker, Ilabe Gree. Tomuo Jngdeu and possibly Mike Wliitcliill will he reedj te jump into the breach Whenever needed, Whltehlll'u injured taeulder is mending inpldly and It Would net be nt nil surpilsing te sici hlra hi the game tfnturda. It will be lememUird that he plajed a brilliant Mme aguinst Columbia In New Yerk 8t jear, and he may de the came tills 'ear. FOOTBALL NAVY vs. PENN STATE Saturday, Nev. 12, at 2 P. M. I eserved scats $2.00 and $1.50. fldtftv eri hiiln ut lVimLlhi 11.1.1 Jt i.linU PENN STATE' & NAVY Football Tickets n.s'su.i' AT CIGAR STAND 1211 CHESTNUT ST. "eyburn & Bailey Building Football Tickets ) enn State vs. Navy for Safe al 9 S. 13th St. .Jfert llflevv .Market St. Avulnut 8170 n CHOICE SEATS PhNN STATE va. NAVY f 1'iinriiAi.r, eamk Klcine's Cigar Stere 35 M, 13111 (,T. Fair Reeter Outlines Plays for Coach Heisman New that women nre In politics, baseball and most every ether sport, all that remains Is n football strat egist of that sex. Coach nclemnn, of the University of Pennsylvania football team, thinks that she has arrived. Ter the last mentn the head conch of the Red and Illuc team has been receiving fifteen te twenty letters dally fiem followers of the football team, some with words of cheer, ethers with advice and net n few of criticism. It remained, however, for one fair miss te hnnd the ccneb a real knockout. In yesterday's mail Hclsmnn received a letter from a rooter, who signed herself "A Tenn Reeter." Instead of offering advice or condemnation, she made two dia grams in her letter outlining plays that should prove successful te Penn. In ene diagram, which Is drawn with nil the cleverness of a veteran coach, the letter writer 1ms the half back going around the end all alone and the ether three hacks te the op posite side of the line te "distract" the opposing team. The ether diagram nas a sprcsd sprcsd cagle formation that Is n pippin. The bncks, rxcept the qunrtcr and full, divj, for the center of the line te draw nwny the opposing defenses. Then, with the quarter showing in terference, the fullback dashes mad ly through an opening that Is made for him by the quarterback, who werku all alone, and, according te the diagram, should net be mo lested en his trip through the op posing line. Simple but net easy. Ten Colleges In Title Run . lT?'i',!,,n ''", ev. 10- Ten lniitltut!cm will lx represented In thi Mintwl crois creis crois ceuntry chiiinplenshlp run of the Middle At. jntlu Stutei Intrcell'irlB.te Athletic Aeso Aese Aeso natien te be held horn .Saturday, Fhyvleal Director Hareld lirum, t i.alsrettH Ce, lece, said lust nlcht. IJntrles have been ra llied from Bueknell. 1'ranldln and M.r shall, IWilEh. New Yerk I'nhersi- Hut. Tern. Jehns Hepkins, Dldtlnnen. Muhlen Muhlen bere, Dc'ftwnre and I.afajette. I.a.fa.sett'i hhi wen the championship raeh year slnca the first rce was held In 1010. Scraps About Scrappers Illtly PlmDtm denies that h han mtmmii from llalph Jannatty. who writes that the llttlu battler has no Intentions of leavlne tbe stable of the Atlantic Cltv handler. Irtle MeCnnn. former amateur beier. has son uattllnfr Ienard In Mi laat two bouts, and bellses he can whin rinn n.. ley'n bantam pride. Leenard and IJIIly Da- Mne liae been rematcheu. Jehnnr Poison has placed himself linear the inanagement of Javlc Harris, The lat ter is alieut te atart a ramnffn tt,m rnxseti against the best of the rhlliidelphla 133-peunders. .Ten len has been puttlrc In eons diUKcnt ifis in tnc (rjmnasium in DreDA-Ini fftn hie encore with 15anny Krat.ier at the Vallenal faturday lilnht. This will be the uialflnB of Jnck llanlnn at th? nieventli street club. Other matches en thin card are Jehnnv Maheney vs. Hebby Mrfann Yeunir Jee Chip vb. Timer Kelly. Willld Fer-usen vs Temmy O'Toelo and Kid Welfe s. Mickey Jlerrls. Twe leral clnhs. according te Jno Conrey nre dlckerlnit for Temmy Clear 's services for a match Ith Johnny Dundee, of Nun Ycrk. An un-flfte promoter Is neaetlatlni: for a le-it between Cleary and Harry (Kid) .Ter Ilnrrett. of Harrlrburc. takes hlH tvpevrlter In hnnd and punches out n let of feits why Mike Paulsei, the Dane should le ulven reeocnttlen as a dancereus "irhtel(tht Ilarrett writes of knockouts by Pnulnen ever Jen McCabe and Stanley Hlnc'le and a victory ever ntllv Annele He lontends that Tim Drerey "has refused te meet I'aulsen. and that there Is no truth of a. meetlnu between hla Dane and Jee Llbby at Harrlebure. Rteve Slavcn has matched Kddle Jack Jack eon te meet Ileliy Wilten nt the Cnmbrln tomorrow nlcht In or.e of the prellniH te the Willie McCleskey-Mllie Oredell mateli Other matches arranged nre- Jee Aueatls vs Temmv O'Tjiele. Trankle Smith vs Wlllle Miiieiern and Gcoree Davis vs Illlly G'.easen. IMityalene Mlllrr nuw Is In ti stab's of lrreddy Lorbett i"hn aNe innnaues Johnny M.ijhevli. 101. and Daniel Cajfe. 115. .Mil ler Is .' inldJIeMcijht. Rar McCnrner nays l.e has been havlne a hard time ctttlna- bouts for Al Gorden, a 112 peunder vihu'his nut Buffered a de de elshe reverie dlnce startlmr te bet, 3lr rrrnv Is nntleuj te match Gorden with Jimmy Iavcnd-r. Vlnnlr Ifleer, a Mexlcin and a se'dler In the fnlted t'tates Army ut Camn Dlx. Issues a rtn'lenBO le Tat ffr.idly, Temny I.euehran nnd Al Ver)eck-n He Is under the ln;r of I.ee I'erbes who aUe Is u boxer Lepez Is a mlddlev eliiht end Ills manager Is ,i vwlterwelsht. Deth vant le show ut rtilladelph.a elubs. Willie Tennison Is prepared te meet Frnnl.le Alder at iny uld time as Chaile Welrmuller In leph te tl challemre Issued liv .tee Smith's pretege te ths Tort Illch mend welterueluht. TmI Urudle le reniplettrjt arrinccments te open a new nmiiasmni n Bjum I'liuailel- pnia. Tlin rtnnlmr . A t.11' reopen en ths rls-ht of November 17 Carl Uarrett will nisi' h Jee I.lbby for the siar bout MMSaEP IHJMtfiMW KVi:nv liii'UMiAV, nunw, h.TUK- II W AMI 'MOMlAV TIIIU'.K SKSSKINH 1IAH.Y AltMINTK'i: II W M'FCIAI. KIIK CIHI n"-N I'MIKIl l VKKH. AIIM'HNIO.V 25e 8? i:vi:nv TIKSDAV MOIIT The Tri'ni sal ' vie could ret rum ne are run'c AM, 1I0UTH KKAI. rilNTiiRTI l'HIH.H AM init MIVKMIII.il 'J'J ABE COLDSTEIN vs. BATTLING MACK JOHNNV MEALY ti. BOBBY BARRETT jei: jacksev vs. riiKu itiitrteus bMMV llltliniN vs. .lllll.NM TMAN jeij ciuiiHiiK vs. ruxu; ali.k.n Tlehet en sale nt Ire Tnlaeej 113J K. I'enn Sliiarei ( iinnlnsham hhep, 10 M. ASrli Criin dalpH. 101 H, Dili ht.i Tendler'd Milliard Pur. ler, a1 Vlurket M., and bliulet'K Jeuelry Mere, 3035 Market ht ITjmSlTH lvcry Wcdnciday Iircest and riiitst I'loer In Illy TIIK ICK PALACE ORCHESTRA FOOTBALL riiiiAi"ii'iii ini.i, I'xttu ARMISTICE DAY XOVI'MII'K UTII 2i30 1. sr. Philadelphia Quakers vs. Holmesburg heats nn bale Na CONWAY'h IIIMHI.I.V SI'AMIINOS' I. wr.Kll'S ll(ilreelmr OKVT,'V "i"1 nrTQ ivnikfprd FOOTBALL Pennsylvania vs. Dartmouth Pole Grounds, New Yerk Sat., November 12th, at 2 P. M. All stills reserved nt J.0. llex seats, tU.OU, New ou sals Ht lrunkllq Held nud 5S& (fl Sgv tl,&) JST-e1l "A V. .allBBBBsMi: fflBBBBBf-'lllssWPSBBBBBBSSSm i jtT3rJS- iJEWWktetJi,)! ' BBBSW IssHfj Mi., i.V f m , ..4 S-t'. 31' y .Mn.: aBLidr -'BlalalaWWr viPAjMaST' Z4W1 BlKalllllBllllllVr7I1HSlSWSV SPSHBSiBL v aSSert, A3l-JBJM usfJasBBBssV ,-' .sl f??miE&'M'??-m t i mm rTKm, ' 'LOh Mimz& w- -VsWi iiiKHffiilllHlmssJi '- slMssC Mi Ite&mu. '-fJUtmL1'- WE ' lilHH(BB.HHsr9BlililililsHil.ililiBlHtHgHliHlililililililllililililllHlilili t . KkXIKIKtBKKKKKIKSmM ssssssssssssst! crTSsMsssBBBPsZL-i Hm -Mmr U&ES&pSmM. BKE&4f,$fKwfr The (icrmnntewn rVlends' htlioel tnt Uiretigh ilie seasun without it sceru a Left le right, standing Hague, Simons, Xcwh.iu.scr, Straubrldgc, Atherien, VAST SPORTS BODY URGED Y WEEKS Secretary of War Proposes Na tional Organization te Con trol Amateur Activities STANDARDIZATION ONE AIM Xew Verk, Nev. 10. Formation of n huge uatlennl association, composed cf all existent amateur eperts erganlza-1 tlena of Importance. Is proposed by Scc lctary of War Jehn V. Wcckn In a letter te Gustnvus T. Kirby. of New Yerk, president of the Oljmpla Com mittee. Mr Weeks in Washington lias made public his letter, which bears the date of November !. Mr. Weeks also has sent Mr. Kirbv the draft of n proposed sueecitB blinll he called the Nutiennll Aninteur Athletic 1'cdcratlen of the I United States. Mr. Weeks' letter Is in answer te a letter te him from Mr. Kirby. ent 1.1 ' tlie latter part of October, nud uskiiiR co-operation in the work of Anieri"au participation In the next Obuipic Gnmes. Mr. Weeks takes the position tint the War Department is interested In home heme thine much mere Mvccplng than mere, national competition in the Ulmptc Games. The Secretary of Wnr hu'i In mind the formation of an organization which will have an Important, perhaps litnl, Influiucc en the upbulhllns of the Na Na teon's manhood nnd womanhood, an organization which will seek te aid in bringing phynlcal exercise, tlneiiglii sports te n much larger percentage of the population, men. women and chil dren, than uevv derives benelit from this bOUICC. I The proposed organization would, standardize the rules of all amateur sports, would uiaintnln the highest Ideals . of true aniateurliin. and vvnu'd direct and control participation In the Oljmplc. GamcM. It is intended that each of the Indi vidual organizations composing the mi-j tleunl federation inembciship Miall di rect Its own nctivitlcs and conduct It own competitions in accordance with the rules of the central body. I'enaltles Imposed bv one rncmbAr would be honored by nil member. It is further suggested that there chnll be regional nnd State bodies. In ditect local control of upertu, en behalf of the na tional body, in regions und States under their jurisdiction. Pitt Prepares for W and J. ritUburich. Nev. 10 -The Pitt Pau'h'rb ! will prrtctln this mernlnu instead of nfter- I nnen MnTbhul Pooh will hs the euen of lh clt: te.lay nnd a. Ms rei..itIeii la te he temlercj him h irhoel i lillHn'n ut l'eibes i ,-.!..,. .1I..U ..1,1 . .!. I.. I. . I.. ... . ' I l.'lll. , IllUil V ill mrnuitq 111 wru 111 ,11, Afternoon hy the foeiball plhra. Ceiuh Warner Is werklnir fcverlshlv te condition hN mm for the blir Kanie with 'VVaahin.'ten mid JelTctten en halunlaj. Wesleyan Regulars Return Mlihlleteun. Conn.. Nev 10 All the i,ien who were lirulBeil In the Amherst camn itie new hath In ths 'Uesleiaii line-up. l'jne Is nurs'n? n haJIv rut lip. hut jilnj eel euler-clas- at rlsh tunrj .in 1 did cnixl vverh Orem and L'eivva iilajcd rt ilcft cuaid The fcrhnmace v as tt linnl one. Complete Jlendy for I'se lxpress l'repulil MUlMTOTf fat I a. 5l urAl Can. mwmmcmmmm Philadelphia Ice Palace 45th and Market Streets Largest and Finest Ice Slmtine Palnce in the World Three Sessions Men., Thurs,, Fri. & Sat. IceS kates Men's aknting shoes Ladies' skating shoes ' Ladies' 3trap-back skates Heckey skates Wnllz skates Pure lamb's-wool V-neck sweater, S.OO Marshall E. Smith & Bre. I'nein-nrnUd) Men's FurnUhins 724- Chestnut Street Athletic Geed ' UNBEATEN FOOTBALL TEAM Famous Centre Eleven te Play en the Coast I).inllle. Ky., Nev. 10. Coach Charles Meran, of the famous CVntre College foetbnll team, an nounces (lint h's plnyern will jour ney te I'utadetia te meet the Uni versity of Cullferuiu eleven en Cliii"tmns Day. A message Inviting the Centre team te piny n post season game en the Coast was ic cclved here neveral dajH age. The local collegians have two mere games te play befere the close of the regular season. They will meet tbe Auburn College eleven, ene of the strongest teams in the Seuth, nt IMrmlngham, Alii., en yaturduy, nnd n. week later they will oppose Washington and Lee ut Louisville. Tlgera Start Swimming Drill rrlncelen, N. ,T Nev. 10. fall prai tlce for the Princeton swlmnutic ami vat r pole team slarlnl lir wlun fertv Men re inrled te Conch Hulllvun for thflr first trj-eut Anions the cundM.U'" vere elcht inrmbrs of the Th-ep championship vater poie icani or last pemen mi men trnm tn. swimmine wml : Iwt var nJ t verity OTHER SPORTS ON PAGE 19 This Is the Ceat That Has Set the Town Ageg! Our Exclusive Hurlinghara , Club Pole Overcoat $30 and $35 WILLIAM H. WANAMAKER 1217-19 Chestnut Street ffl 7 IT TTiw J r fW V Itun your cir all winter enjoy all tie nne Hunny tlaye. The Nevrreut (InruKn Heater licata jour l.vd'atur auU iituter, then jour Karag,- I'uea kerosene Ne Initnllatien required Apprevt'ti bj lcatlitiB Insurance companies twelfth micccHeful year. Must be aa repreucntcd or jour money back. The Winter Necessity Sec Demonstration at ROSE MFG. CO. 37th & Filbert Sts., Phib. mzzsmm and Shoes i 7.50 te 12.00 7.50 te 13.50 3.00 te 4.00 3.00 te 6.00 4.00 te 15.00 j,u.nst it. I no cicven piiiyci one sterciess tie With ticrmantenn Areilctny. fGeff. Kneeling Unlis, Wcygandt, Captain Iltitclilnsen, Staples, Xichelns HAS POWERFUL BACKFIELD i FaCCO Conshehocken'a Big Eleven Frankford en Saturday J'i'nnkferd nnd Coiihhebocken, tvvei unbeaten football orpanlnitiens of thlsi fcctlen, will meet nt Urevvn's l'ield, i rrankferd, Saturday afternoon in n game of the championship series. Cen- I Bboheckcji has n ver- powerful team, I with Hesctzky, Mackcrt, Archer, Mlt- ' chcll and .Tohncen, all IKK) peunder.s. , Manager Howker, of the Yellow- ' jackets, will net likely make any changes in the line-up of the home I team. I'errettl will play center. The ' backfield will start with Peel. Itenimy, Smith nnd Ncmzek. Williams and i AdatnH may start en the wings. Tayler I may play a guard position. Hdi r- ,- , - .L rrr--r 1 . .- . - 1 SJ 1 bsigssssg . ave a 9 for One Jr Bes of 30; 1.00 w '& wmk w British Heckey Girls Win itnitimera. jvev le Tli Iltallsh vrenvn's hecky tajn .lpf-ntij a llaltlmore slrl team bv l srera of 11! te 0 '.r Every Smoker is bound te find among the ten iMcn-Dc-Lien shapea and sizes the one cigar he'll like best 10 Size "One Standard of Quality" 10c te V for $1.00 M. KISKMAN A SON'S. SimS., riflLA. 9t for One Bex of 30: 4.00 I sms m . ii i BIG GRID RALLY AT WEST PHILLY Speodbeys Will Held Mass- Meeting, en Eve of Central Game, Tonight NORRIS GREEN IN CHARGE Ilv PAT'I. 1TIKP The annual foothill rnllv of the Wef-t 'l ! Philadelphia High Scheel will bp staged bv the Alumni Ansoclatien nt Arcade Hall, rifty-lirct street and Ilnltlniere avrnue tonight. The rally will be staged in nil effort te Inspire th" Speedbey griddert en the eve of the big Interxchelnptic League game with t en tral High's Mirrors en Housten ridd, I Twenty ninth nml Somerset tlrects, tomorrow oftcnvien. The mass-meeting lenigiit. which. by the wnv, will start at 8 o'clock, is what might be called a tradition nt the ' Walnut street institution. True, the school hns only been in existence smcc 1011. but from the first time that the Spcedbe.vH met the Mirrors, the team hns held a rally en the cve of the game, i Lr.igtie Game Today One Interwhelnstic League football "lime is scheduled for this ufternoen, t'rnnkferd High is booked te meet Southern H'gh en llrewn's field, Ox ford pike above the high reboot. , Trankferd will be forced te start the " HI in CWhite A v Gh Jjfer A mm Em 2, Smmm IETS EXAMINE some plain facts. When any product becomes the most popular in Jf its entire field, there must he. a re.-..nn Surely you will agree te that. And what is the reason ? Value! It makes no difference what the product is a suit of clothes an automobile a phonograph a cellar a camera. Yeu can think of the leading product in every one of these fields and r-JTii' reaS0H for kadeTshiP '" every case is J ALub. It is the same with White Owl. White Owl isthe outstanding value among 3 for 25? cigars. There ts no question about that. Any White Owl smoker will tell you that no edier cigar at the pnee offers the same combination of quality, size and unvarying dependability. Andthink of this: Unless you have tried three White Owls you are net acquainlrd with America s most popular cigar ! Have a White O'wl. KATIOSAL BRANDS DISTRIBUTING BRANCH 1147N.4TH5T. PHILADELPHIA Intcrschelastic League Standing and Schedule rOOTDAI.Ti W. frankferd Tllirh ........ 3 t. rt e West I'lilla. Wen - i Ontrnl it lull U 1 N'ertheast Illdh 1 - Osrmnntewn Illeh 1 Southern Itlnh 0 3 TODAT'S OAJIUS rOOTIIALTi Intcrcholaftle I.ani HICh, Urevvn's rielJ. Oxfenl rlke anil Uerus tret. HUUUlilt j Inlsrv:lielsKte Leairus 1 Heulhern llleli nt West J'hllattxlphla Illib. Tiftleth stre-t and r lii-ster avenue. I'untral itlah tt Northeast High. ?orth ?erth cast Kield, Twciitj-iilnlh and, Clearflslil streets. ... rrankferd Itluh at Germantewn lllth. euti:n eambs Ilaverferd Scheel at I'cnu Charter, Quscn Lane game without the services of itn Rtar fullbnck.-Charlie Weekes. Ills Injury, n sprained ankle, came en the eve "of the game, which, it wen by Trnnkferd, will give the I'leneers their first league championship, l'rankferd la the favor ite, even though Weekes, who is the second highest tcercr in the league, is out. Men's & Yeung Men's SUITS and Overcoats $H.80 and see our 16 windows Peter Meran & Ce. Merchant Tailors S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sis. Opnn Men. & Sat. live. Till 0 o'clock 1C 1 r V CJwl ,u, t eft 1 nfft-Pi 41 j I 1 ' w. a MM m u - : im m 41 i ii?. w i ': 3 m ka nti IB IA i mir m' m mm Mi 'Mi m II xm a i m mi Olrsbels'. I 7 r? Cs5