-"! rsv Hub, lf, -. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1Q21' 5 ifiilH LDWERJMERUN MAIL TRAINS OF NATION "te1, fcr'WlW!"!" 11000 MARINES GUARDING wen elcpled TrenNtuci' .if Ah nptmi Ti ntliln In n tnnturltv of 11:17. 'Phi, AMnfffritt rPniiinlt .ni..i i . . of S1.1().(l(Hearrlc,l by iIn, m.iJerity. N'Vy Me" WMI DS ReP,aced Later uy resiai necruna Washington, Nev. II. (By A. 1 Leses Contest for Township Treasurer by Margin of 133 Vetes CLEAN SWEEP IN ABINGTON n-mMleaiw "n all the eIVicph Uiey . ..w In Amugten and Cheltenlmm Township" nnd ft bitter fight for Lewer Merien ToiwiEnie imu..., ........ the Rcptibllcan ranks, vvns wen by Je- v t gkclten. Mr Skclten, who ran ncalnst William n rrnnkcnflelil nt an independent Uc .,liran en the ticket of the Taxpayers' Cr received t2!)47 votes, while his innentnt, "he wen the regular Itcpub E nomination by a small majority US ember 'JO. received 12814. lt Skclten, In a brief statement tn ,i,r "wild he win prepared te step in ..,t enndtiet the office of treasurer te the C,t of hl ability. He credited his rictery te the women voters of the t5bpRc of the cleienc-s of the battle. Alten's supporters, apparent confident Sf Tlctery. had engaged a band te clc Stile early In the evening. Ah seen at ,u returns were announced the Skelton Shorts, headed bv the iicvvlv elected Treasurer, and followed by the band, turterf a parade through Ardmore nnd It the former town, which Is a rabid r..-tr.nfieM stronghold, thev passed threiieli virtually deserted Htrccts. ns rwidcntR untamed by defeat, refused L te (five their enemies the sntiufne tin of recognition. Hcnte.l in the office At A IrlCUU II. ni.i."'-. ... iiuini.il' .u nhn is en undertaker, took his j.f.lt eulte philosophically. As his Mnds entered te break te him the sad jews, no i-""""' '"""""" "v" Kdwin Llnseil was elwreil Tramm.,,. of Cheltenham Township by JiiOO ma jority. The nieltenhnm school lean of $800,000 curried by 1S4. IMwntd Ileitis wiih elected Chief Iturgess of JenUIntewn by n majeritv of apprexlcrtcly 200. In Abington Township Mrs. II. f" La line, rnndldnte for Scheel Diiecter. led the entlre ticket. The ether ill ill recteis elected arc William W'oeley and Alexander ledd. After-Dinner Triclcs f FI&.2 i 'e. a Balance n Match en the Thumb Te balance n match en the back of tie thumb seems an impossible task, but It Is cot difficult If one knows the stent. . the thumb is bent Inwards and the hue of the match is pressed against one of the creases at the knuckle. Tin' thumb Is straightened nnd the match will ba hdd upright by thu crease, al though a slight movement of the hand my be found necessary te maintain the balance. CcwriJ 1031 bit ul)!!e Ledger Company Office tela? -CVER figured hew much time is wasted trying te keep uirm? There are usually a number of winter days when the heating system is net enough when you'll need n Simples Electric Sunbewl te chase the chills from corners and desks. The Simples Sunbewl is cheerful, safe and economical. Its copper retlccter glows with the effect of clear, outdoor sunshine. It will net scorch or burn. The Sunbewl re quires no mere current than a Stmplex electric iron. Have a Sunbewl at home and in the office. It assures comfort and will prove a real economy. At your dealer's Simplex Electric Heating Ce. Cambridge, Matt. With a declaration of "open warfare" by the I'ostefflce Department en the bandits responsible for the startling scries of mall rehbcrles, J000 Tutted Htntcs marines were proceeding te duty today as guards en mail train nnd trucks and nt postefliccs In Iifteen titles. They will be nrmed with nlufnls nnd i sawed-off shotguns nnd are under etders from Jlnjer (Jeneral Jjcune, com- ' mnndnnt of the Marine Cerps, te shout . te kill If necessary te prevent looting of ' tne mail. Jly tenlclit. (Jeneral I.ctcune nn 1 Olllfl VtVttlnllt fill feint Mr. In U.. ,tti cent te .-J2 cent today, following cnblei try carrying valuable mails will be iiiiiieiiiiimi,; i, ,,, i,t.ven m t.ie under guard. ..'. "Ve """yf- lenday's low figure Announcement thnt he had arranged was . cnt. I f0r ,1P 8crvtc08 0f the marines with the cretnrv of (he Navy was made by l'estniater fieneral llas late yesterda; utter the nmtler had been discussed nt the Cabinet meeting. 1'resldent Haul ing wns snid te have expressed nppiev.il of Mr. Hays' plan. 'J lie inailiiVs later. It wrs said, arc te be replaced by a special force re cruited ' "'" tiestal service. Spark Ignites Awning A .parl; ignited the awning in front of the- dry goods store of Hiiny Gold Geld man 1i"23 Columbia avenue, nt 111:10 o'clock last night nnd destrejed it. German Marks Rally Slightly New- Yeik. Nev. It. (Ilv A. I'.) ( mn n murks rallied one. tenth of one vW m BONW1T TELLER. G,CQ CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Special for Thursday WOMEN'S DAYTIME FROCKS At Exceptionally Lew Prices CHIFFON VELVET DRESSES 25.00 te 45.00 MODES that embody distinction net only in gracefully smart designing, but in their combining of rich fabrics: Canten Crepe with clabera'tc metallic or hclf-embreidcry combines artistically with the luxurious Chiffen Velvet, in black, brown and navy. JERSEY DRESSES 25.00 te 35.00 Chic Taillcur Jersey Frecks of :i high type feature flat braid and the new metallic girdles. Seme in solid coler: Navy, tan, henna, black, green; ethers combined with contrasting colors. CLOTH MODES 35.00 te 59.50 Fine quality distinguishes these exclu sive, youthful modes of Peiret Twili ind Tricetine in navj and black. Seme are embroidered, ethers com bined with Canten Crepe. Thi Thi Rcdingete style is seen in many ei-siens. SECOND FLOOR fa II i li Simplex 1 ELECTRiqsUNBOWL l! tfe . I awi' , i u,i iiiiiiinnrr wiiiii9iiiiiri.il inn munum y I) ' fyj' It wurms it cheers $ 1 it sutisflcs 1 ffi? sce SI 1 a Wi Coffee I i If A At all our Stores n vv 1 7i Thursday : An Extraordinary SALE OF FURS Savings of 40.00 te 120.00 en Coats and Wraps BLACK PO.XY COATS 85.00 Feimerl) 125.00 Thirty-six inch belted model; cellar and cuffs of raccoon. AVI 7. MUSKRAT COAT 95.00 Formerly 145.00 Thirty-six inch belted model; trimmings of self-fur. FRENCH SEAL COATS 145.00 Formerly 185.00 llurty-six inches long; large shawl col cel lar and turn-back cuffs. FRENCH SEAL COATS 145.00 Formerly 185.00 Smart model, thirty-two inches long, trimmed with Australian opossum. HUDSON SEAL COATS 275.00 Formerly 350.00 Three-quarter full-flare model; beaver ei tkunk cellars and culfs. HUDSON SEAL COAT 875.00 Formerly 495.00 Full-length loose model; cellar and cuffs of skunk or beaer. SCOTCH MOLE COATS 375.00 Forty and forty-fie inch lengths; con trasting cellar and cuffs or self-trimmed. NAT. SQUIRREL COATS 375.00 Formerly 495.00 Thirty-six inches long; full-flare belted model. I iSJI JAP MARTEN one-skin animal scarf 22.50 BROWN FOX SCARFS, solid animal or silk lined. 35.00 JAP MARTEN two-skin animal scarf 39.50 'BAUM MARTEN one-skin animal scarf 39.50 KOLINSKY three-skin animal scarf 39.50 NATURAL MINK two-skin animal scarf 48.50 HUDSON BAY SABLE two-skin animal scarf 19.50 DYED BLUE FOX animal jcarf 59.50 BONWIT TELLER 5XQ &Jtc 5pecfolfy6hep0ricfuiation& CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET STRAWBRIDGE cV CLOTHIER ft til: 1 WfH Wi M U l ill km S WL WA Mu s ak r.4jVi New Cemes the Surprise of the Season for Men! Great Purchase and Sale of'Alce" Winter d OVERCOATS The Arneld-Louchheim Company Has Sold te Us, Their Largest Distributor, Their Entire Present Surplus Stock at Far Belew the Wholesale Cost We have been wonderfully successful with the well-known ALCO Clothing. Tt has be come mere and mere popular among men and young men of geed taste and geed judgment of quality and value. Their tailoring organization is unexcelled; their chief designer i one of America's best ; their adherence te the ALL-WOOL policy is absolute ; their standards measure up te our own in eery way. This is their greatest season, and there is no better Clothing in the world at their regular prices. We buy tremendous quantities of ALCO Clothing we havu great, complete regular stocks new en hand. But we de net hesitate a moment te add nearly $30,000 worth (retail value) when htich a wonderful opportunity i-; presented : Men's and Yeung Men's Suits and Overcoats 15 $315 $375 $42.50 Savings of $7.50 te $20.00 Frem This Season's Prices THE OVERCOATS are in ULSTER. ULSTERETTE and PLAIN CHESTERFIELD models. The fit and workmanship are such as will be found only in the ery highest-priced Clothing. THE SUITS are in youthful and cei.ervative models, ALL-WOOL, of course, in me iiiuM ucsiruuie atones or me sca&en. -.- - j-.i i ki 4 r - The Sale of Winter Shoes! Twenty-five Different Price-Groups Special Purchases and Lines from Our Own Slecks, at Savings of One third te One-half from the Present Fair Regular Prices Our Annual Sale of Winter Shoes for Men, Women and Children, beginning te-morrow, will be the most attractive Sale of the kind for many year. In fact, inner before have we had such quantities of favorite styles of Miee at such reductions. Seme of these wonderful reductions are in line from our regular stock, but many of the miht remark able of the values are in SPECIAL PURCHASES. Ker example. 500 pair, fresh from the Laird, Schober & Ce. factory, retailing regularly at Sl'J.OO te $13.00, are in the sale at $9.75. Banister Shoes for men. this season's regular price Sl-1.00, here te-morrow at $9.75. All' are high-grade Shoes from our regular manufacturers, and all sold under the guarantee represented by our Sail of Cenfuhna . Women's Fine High and Lew Shoes $9.75 Werth About One-third Mere te One Mere Than This Special Price I'reni l.ilul .s hob r f,'iii-iue j. ilf I'umps, 0fiuls it yi i.i. t i . ,..lf, jrjn (,'- sl:ln mill 1'lnr.tiuit Iji v i ' I'rei l..i'i-i .-- 1. i i , .T It Ni wiiii .. ' .1 uui wi. s I.Ai I.l MI il.. i ' I i ' .11 ll r.ivvi. trl ui .1 ! .1 U iM.er w li i ..lit in I" i" I1'"-' "t 1, it. i-.ii .1 ki.i' Mail k il n H..U oil .'. e i l nt U.it,.'r, liuil.slim l i)i half ll l.lu li 1 A. tii. a i .ii i.t UOZl 1 lv.il ire?HcHv Strap Pump sii.U Of piitint lcathti, ;. btiaps sun! im kl -; if i4lj7t'il kul with uiie ti.n. Women's Comfert Shots ,;.sJ I.ui'cd K'llsUin Shu. s maile ove. t'iy i nmfeitauli kibt-. Women's Bluchcr Oxfords s,l. .').' 01" blucl; kuL-iliin. r close te half pine. Pumps and Oxfords .n7.J luiii 1 1 1 1 1-- fii'in .-'took, iiK'lu.lini, man;, t, U anil many lruthen. Women's "Carmen" Pumps s5.7ii Sheit lines from our regular .stock, of tan i.Ut am! tun kiilakin. Pumps and Oxfords $l,?r One-strap Pumps of Run-metal anil urn c.ilf. .Women's Oxfords new s J,. .',," I lain-tee Oxfords of black (,'lazeii kiilsUin, nle many styles of black and tan leathers. Women's High Shoes- .Munj btyles of black glazed kid. -SO. 'te Women's High Shoes .'... Mieit lines of Shoes from teyular stei! . u omen s Spats si.0.1 and r i,., e . i.: li ....... , ... mi,- lUMiiuiiuuiu jawn sjiaijps. Ch ildn n's ( Trot-Mecs"Sj.i:, Dail. brown leather Hlucher Mn.es. Alse missea' "Irot-.Meov" at J.2e. Children's and Misses' Shoes Unlrlren's Dark Hiewn Calf Shoes, new j,l;, c'lulilren's Iiruwn Kul Lace Snees ?.!,,.. Alis'i-s' Uail: Hi own Cni Sheia J.i.li. Miss-i",' Uiewn Jud Lace Sl.ees -J1.4.". Grewing Girls' Shoes s'f.Ue l'lem lepular sleck patent liathev, guti-nutal csilf and brown calf. Girls' Lew Shoes j.y. Or.-stup pump.-, of tan calf. I'uni).-. of an nietal i.ilf; Oxfmds of tall ui f. Girls' High Shoes vN,y. ;j Ssunplns; bmartet of new stles fei siutumn and WllUlT. Misses' High Shoes . ; "5 .Nunplf,; autumi. and winter styles. Children's High Shoes sj.'rf Siunplih; ihw vI(-, and leathei.. Men's "Banister" Shoes s!).7e .lames A. Uanister Shoes of vaiieus tan leuthi-. Wondeiful alue. Men's High Shots $ J. Se Tan calf Laced and Hlucher Shoes and tan Krjin Hfeguc Sliees. Bops' Laced Shoes sj. 9 J lan calf Laced Shoes and Uiocelate-coloivd Llk skm Shots. Yeutlis', at siune puce. - "'!) Ub-9 i tl.le ...m. 1 ail(j yutart wtrM. Friday, Armistice Day, This Stere Will Be Opened at 11.30 o'clock At 11.13 en Friday will begin a fifteen-minute Seng Service by the Strawbridge & Clothier Chorus. Beginning at 12 o'clock neon, two minutes will be devoted te silent thanks, as recommended by the President. The Stere will net be open for business until 12.15, but a Market Street deer will be open at 11.30 for the accommodation of all who wish te join our empleyes in the memorial service en the Second Fleer. J Precise Watches Made Exclusively for Us Best Value Available The latest models and designs, in Precise Watches, from one of America's foremost makers of line Watches. We knew they are reliable. Alse, we knew they arc the best allies m fine American Watches available. .Men's Precise Watches Alany models, from a 15-jewel movement in a 25-year geld-filled case at S27.00, te a 21-jewel movement in a 14-karat geld case at ?S3.00. Women's Bracelet Watches Cem crtible Bracelet Watches in newest styles, from a 15-jewel Precise movement in a gold geld fi led case at S:J2.."0, te a 19-jewel Precise movement in a 14-karat geld case sit .$33.00. s'r.ui I r! l,; 6. Ct'thliT M.," i. M. rift Street 7000 Melius Fine Handkerchiefs, 50c With Colored Borders Our e'vn importation from Londen these carefully selected Handkerchiefs of fine cotton, with borders in unusually hand some effect". The color variety is excellent 30c each. lraulirlui; & Clothier (ml" S'reet i're3 ASs.9 Boudoir Clocks $2.50 te $4.00 White Uoudeir Cleck-'. Te a special pun'ha-e ei thest Clocks, we have added seveial lets from ear lcgular stecl.. Many one third under price. "'i. ' ;;- i ! er Fashion Is Smiling en Dimity Blouses Iiimity Blouses Peter l'an -t'k trimmed with plaitings. iMnity Blouses, plain or tucked, with Tuxedo or convertible cellar-. Dinuty Bfeuses with smart high cellars and little plaitings down the front. All kinds of Iimit Blouses are fashionable and .ill kind.-, are here all, of course, with long Meees, some having cifls with which te wear hiiki. 1'nees S2 U0 te 5.00. - i.i I i ,- i. i ith -r I'Iju i e-t- Mere of These Sewing Machines te Sell at $31.50 Save About One-third We lu. . e ju-t leceived mere of these tillable Irep-head Sewing Machines te sell at this semark ably low piKe and vii conve cenve iii"ht fnif. in HiiniitH? if iieh se I 'iff All woodwork of oak, li'iuitifui.' fii.ishtd; 1 drawers, .lUtematii lifting d'vi. e; full set el attachment -i -!C1..M "" ii r j; t - 11 iiwn nt Excellent Values in Umbrellas satin tiluiiii I'mbrellas en .stiei.g 8 rib paragon fritmes. Special at S(5.00 Wemun'i Umbrellas wih wrist cord or ring in i. aived weed bundles, some w ith bakehte top. Special at $()..")() Men'.-, l.'m-brellu-, with hook r reek han dles of plnin or i.atinal weed, some with bnkelite ends Str V1i 't;r A i i uarr ' 'I i. rfi't htrnat Sweaters for Men and Beys MLVS SVl.An:US of shaker wool in pull-ev.i, -neck styles -$5 00 te Jio.eo, with cellar StJ.Ou te .12.00. t eat Sweaters with cellur, $7.00 te .'15.00. BOYS' SWEATKRS of shaker wecl in V-neck, pull-ever styles, $1.00, $5.60 and $7.50; with col cel lav, $3.50 te $8.50. Ceat Sweat ee with cellar, $5.50; $7.50 and $8.50. "m V"-ln,-e CI(,lliUi Lust Ktore, filshtli HtTMt !r mWSJ'lillMiilllll!!H IHI013 '''-"PiTTv:' w' -" '