SSv"'''" " ' ,)!v ' Mtgm- k,,n'f5ww,WHlSH V'flfe W$f? Wrp" V Iny m il SI flffi $ m ik 'h 1 J ;ir mi If( S m vm i u. M Kv laientng -public ffiefiget PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1021 r w IN PHILADELPHIA MUSIC CLUB OPENING. Seme of the cast that appeared in the program given yesterday at the Bellevuc-Strntferd. It was an all-American program, events in American history being depicted by musical tableaux or scenes. Miss Jcannettc Kerr (left) appeared as Mary Aldcn. At the spinning wheel veu sec Miss Dorethy R. Shelmcrdinc, as Priscilla. Te the right arc Miss Kathcrinc Smith and Mrs. I' ranees Kellogg NEW USE FOR PERISCOPE. British women use it te get a leek at the automobiles en the far end of the track at Brooklands. Wnybridge, England. Mere than seventy cars started in the junior car competition, a 200-milc con test. Twe of the competing car1- arc shown, "neck and neck" mm i rti i., rc awBaafttieai J DELAWARE RIVER "HOUSECLEANING." At the feet of Chestnut street hcvcral dredges arc busy digging the mud from the river bed. The dredge Ncpensct is shown in the foreground AT THE ( 1IR SANTHEML'M SHOW . The second day of the annual eent drew liiue crowds, te the Academy of Music where much mono was cel'cc'cd ft r three dc-crving thanties. Mis- Margate1- liarp (left) and Miss Lucicnc Broemhnll i trij a.s aides BRITAIN'S "LADY MEMBERS." Mrs. Tem Wintringham (left), and Lad ter, en Commens terrace u a m LOOK OUT MO'lORISTS. That threatened ieund-up of t)lotel- vull be launched beluii long, acceuling te pelic eflicials. The work se far done by trallic patrolmen has 4 been te inform meter drivers what is expected of them. These photographs', taken at neon esterday, indicate little attention is being paid te the orders for no parking -int f.jt i v the Maei. At the left i Tmth strict below C'lustmit. I enth street above Chestnut is f'iewii at the light OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY i "' " " '" ll" " " " ' ""i ""'" ' '" " J.'T""'T'!fr'V'&v. ttsufi&tiss&fe&Mttttjw PjK jk JBL jH &'4mm HOLLAND'S MINISTER. (JENE PAVITT, captain of 'i. .i. v. .. rerwijn re- rcntral men ocneoi ioeiuu ently armed n kinnt team, high scorer in league &T'MW&m$$m i: mxwf6X?fiz&.-iXi(jV;-iH i DO I mJSl, JLkJ, r . - ' IHKHHr 1 BUSY PHILADELPHIANS MISS ELIZABETH MANEREDIA, 817 Catharine street, boxing eui- rants and then placing them en a carrying belt, in the workrooms of Cavanna & Ce., dried fruit dealers, VVJ North Frent street M'EKDY BASKETBALL TOSSERS. The photographer caught members of the basketball faijuad of the Yeung Women's Christian Ab&ocatien, Eighteenth and Arch streets, very busy, Miss Hilda Hausmann about te &hoot. Hew te cover up is being tauglit at the right RUMANIA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL. Mine. Lelia Tutuc, Bucharest, se judged in national competition central ns imiuie JOHN II. FAIRLAMB, assistant treasurer of the Real Ustate I If Ifi rtciiKmwin .! f II i y-i - tr. !.., (it id, a , """ iruai ompunyet Philadelphia, uciir -si l-l-l Arch street. His hobbies are hiking and photography . in L " 1(1 . JiJUCU. J i.L