r F IW r x m m hi m ma urn BL W j "ftym " ' y int. . "'l, 'Mp'rfi'tfj'f '' Riiw v ' -vrvt ? 2fc SHOT BY POLICEMAN tlvcs Mnrtucel nml Del Ite-nl. Accord Accerd liijr te the lU'tPetlvi-t, Jncksen Htrudt Del llessi nml Ntiirti'd te rt'ii. Mn 'il Alleged Drug Peddler Hit as He grnbbid CurniMi ami bold bun EVJJNIXG PUBLIC IJSDGER PmLDELPHIA, WEDKESPAf, NOVEMBER 9, 1921 r Runs Past Station 1 e Hnsvl llii'd stnct il li nt" v lilt 1i .. ill f riirlivl flip tinllrn nf lln Si pill n mn nd Montrese "trwta. in In the lei , . ,, , , , ,,,, iw when be nml n companion wen' beltiR "'"" pntrelmn ) hit him nrrcxtcil en sunlclen of bavlni dniE" Hip ilriiTtiu'i iteilinvi n pnekuee "f In their possession Inst night. I herein, which lhc said one of the Ni Jacksen nnd 1 red Cornish, of 1 iitli frrmw dropped. and Monlreso street-, were ptepped 1 e clock this meriunt; by District Deter (VrnMi m clfn three months in lhi llen of Concitlen. te rut Terus I J-Srri&3-Jrr JiM CTjmr- " sSssSEE'JL-i . '22&s?&va .'"'!5li3 27 Tiirni PARCEL POST PARCEL POST . """ I " i i ' " . ! i imnwu ! Mil TUnmmmra B .1 iJbF.l ' n,;i u L O O K M- jT Victors! SffL . i1 , ffWhvXKA' T.niiQ i55i J nnr nrlinr (Treat Mediterranean - .""r"vr" F5sst TAMAICA, loveliest of the West In- rz-i , b",v" ":.'.. "....:. .--is .-.' y 7 je . rrn e flila ti mitr I wn iIa pnitll SS&gg- resort hotels The Myrtle Dank at if'liiSiS ' Kinifsten nd The Titchfii-Id at Pert - Ti'er,7L-4.t-- Antnnln. Iinth nwnpit and enernted bv Awfpt&if ;-rr-fi.j the United Fruit Company. Si.'ife7if?2.si-' Ynii mv meter across Inmalca. stoe ping for a brief space at these hotels, or remain aboard ship whichever suits our individual taste. Great White Fleet Cruises from New Yerk and New Orleans. Sixteen and twenty-three days. Cuba, Jamaica, Panama, Cesta Rice, Colombia, Guate mala dependingen thcCruise selected. Ne passports or sailing permits required from American citizens. Direct shore landings. The newest and finest vesseh calling te the Caribbean. Only one t!in-finl clan. Cabin for cabin better accommodations at lewrr crime faret than any ether stramrrl vuit ing the West Indies aiid Central America. Illustrated folders and cabin plans free en request. Address local ticket or tourist agcnts,er Passenger Department UNITED FRUIT COMPANY 17 Batter) Place NwVerk General OfSce3, 131 btatu btrect, Beaten, Uus. On Jjeur GREAT WHITE FLEET CARIBBEAN CRUISE & COOKS e& TO THE MEDITERRANEAN THE CAKONIA WONDER CRUISE Sailing January 28th The Number of Passengers is strictly limited te350. Ne mere than two passengers will be alleted te any one stateroem.thus ensur ing the greatest privacy and comfort en decks and throughout the public rooms. The Cuisine will be the noted table of the Cunard Line, long recognized by Atlantic trav elers as unexcelled. The Service will be the well known Cunard Service, supplemented at all times by our ex perienced, competent representatives. 77te Steamer will be the renowned "Cdrenui," en which last year's wonderfully success ful Mediterranean Cruise was sailed, a famous liner unsut passed for comfei t. The Itinerary includes visits te MADEIRA, SPAIN (Cadiz Seville-Granada), GIBRALTAR (Tangiers), ALGIERS, MONACO (Nice and Mente Carle), NAPLES (and en virons), ALEXANDRIA (Caire and Nile), PALESTINE (Jerusalem, Beth lehem, etc.), CONSTANTINOPLE, ATHENS, ITALY (Naples and Reme). Stop-ever privileges in Europe with return passage by Aquitania, Maute tania, Berenganri or ether Cunarders. The entire cruise will be under our exclusive man agement. We have 80 years experience in travel aiding the public, and our own old established local organizations at every principal point visited. Full information and literature en request THOS. COOK & SON 225 Seuth Bread Stiei-t (lioleu- Walnut Street) l'hiladt phia re ephurm VNalnul Ulu ai i ju- H lOi l 11 U..U - i 1 r LwH Allures Mrintreti U i 11 - u e- ItO OfllceH T'.rouxleut II U . 1 COvk'a Travelers cheques j 'j i 1 u)uB -sltltlK I Rivicin, Italy, Egypt, Hely , I and, Morocco, Alfciers, Tuni-., Spain, France, j Sttitzcilatul, England I re-iuliH dcp.nliirp" Inn, 1'eli , M'fi! I Cruises Te Bermuda, West Indies, etc. ' Ne Rushing Xe Crewd'ng- Sn ill !" J.uv itreiii e.itli llnltnl te 12 nuiiiliti l'ft tcimi-r-? nrd liet l III ril lBhtsnliiK nntl tlim- fin r itinc nl n tin. it Inn nccts- i - i -J (ki liuukli t devliecl, v Itli i inplftt n fuini umn FRANK TOURIST CO. 219 Seuth 15 tli Street, Philadelphia (Establi-hed Ife75) Bell Telephone, Sjduce 0S32 Japan-China tnrlilillnff Philippine t, Manchuria, Korea Linxiiij riellli- fe.ist Jan and Kib Seuth America ill! lUtllllR East and Weit Ceaht, Paiiamn Canal, Andes Mountains rtrtiuf.il I'lt'trt ins f Mil New Veilt. I'i'i il r ti M.nih -Ever, tliinj, l'lrst-Clnss Marshal nnr! nfllOl" iPtl irrpnchmcn arc fe keeping great by & taking care of their health. Geed health depends en sound teeth. See Dr. Ilyman tomorrow his dentistry is quick, reliable and Painless. "a? Dr.Hvman 9th & Market lJj rnu branciius Buy New Prunes-Raisins 23.11, Sun Mal.1 S4.35 ' IPCPUflti IiniHin tat4taat.lt 25 lb. Iiet Dried S3.90 1'cflCllrS SJ.Ib box Medium California S2.50 Trunea .... :i,..b box LarKe Callle.-nla S3. 50 g rninrs .. v 23-lb be Pitted (Btone!e) S3. 00 Prune 25-lb. box Seedless SfJ.40 Italsln -.v 2-J.lb. be Impeited S3.00 Ital'lne " .' Add 35e per Het Kxlm for Out-of-town Delivery Uet Wjdremctcru, 50c 75c enih Imiirliiit pxtractx, all kinds for non nli-ohello purposes enl , 73c ppr bnl, HOT WATER :i,k 4, Instantaneous f -Sv ELECTRIC inr Pageant of History Alenrr th Stmnv Mmr-e nf tK- n-it- Kf-.l. Iterranean nwfiv f cm V.'hiif A Ikmrr ;tnry6l days brllllunt with the color and life Ins Madeira, Cadlr, O breltur, AJelrn. The Riviera, Naples, Pompeii, Reme h iiime, Venice, Athent.Centtan- tlneple, Palestine and Ecypt 5. S CABMAN-IA Cr.,n.r.l 1 1. from New Yerk, Feb. 11th, 1922 J3UC up. Vndtr our exclume manastmtnt. TV.X CTUir w,'l,be limited te '51 fuets. Prices ranfe from 500 up iiepent"ri! en location cf Hie state room. All guests ere entitled le the same privileges. ncininnnai American bxprrta Winter Tour and Cruises In " curepe, .round the World. China, Japan, West Indies. , . i., uGimuumuiiurniai riuneiuiu. Third Crime Tour vm S S CSRO te Seuth Am,,; tails Teh llth Call, write or phone. AMERICAN' EXPFSS COMPANY ll.MJ-i 'niilh llrend !t. l'hll ni, Il,l Ph. (lit II) . Jniit tc-Jl Wherrrer veu il cirry rinie spenrf- aoie every ii ncre American i-spress Irivelert Cheques f I MS I !wStJ JGtr Water Heater : J ' - i -a lis- in n aa i m ' - 1 enKti n inrhe. Dlnrneler llrrh (rent for nnirt- reMpil' mrnt nml room- -, Ine lieue lilrli T99u "" nnt 'I liruldl. fj Attach In nnr r.Ieclrlc Socket. I A ritlll) CAN I epkkati: isn T,1-al fn- Slinilni. rtnhv'n Tlath. lletl Ins Coffee, Tna. Tkrh. etc. or the Sick Roem l-an(n7 fJUnes. Stcrlllrlnfr n triimei(s nnd DIJtIIHnff Water or Auto Aute Auto tneWIe L'allfcHrs Sold at oil dealers. Ask for Drmonifratlen LIVE AGENT WANTED P. HOPKINS, Distributors 7"Zr sie iikkd in.nn "12t3-131S I'lMinUT ST.. PHIT.A.' I I Bl N PARCEE reax- , . laniiiiiiiW'j mBBqaaMfsMMRBWflKJfVMK H HUMS' kWlii J VM WVi 1 jfl Ql VJl lOHaaaftl flufiinlsi ji?J a i mpmmuM: mmmmiavm Jtmmr' yum$Mfflr iWBSfeiW JV VlT laKfitfJii ; ''yQiv&f i j- jm mn7nixBvav n?ejvarr m 1 1 U Y&rWtWW I - MmmmMmm .1 iSeiT Yt$ -ww s?f Cilftnf ' PAHCIi gQST 16-oz. Celd-Rolled Copper Cans 3 gal., $3.93 8 gal., $5.75 5 gal., $4.25 10 gal , $7.25 Parcel Peit nnd Insurance BOc E-etra Copper Tubing, 10c ft. Unions, 15c Sour Chrrrlri 1Se lb. Juniper Ilrrrlen Oe lb. Malt Kxtruct, leniplete ?Sc rnn Heat Klminel -'0e lb. The nlKBent Offer Ever Mnde Ne Ked Tnpe-Ne Wellin PImrlysend Jjee and recehe tills I-Nl 'Ni-KKI-.-.C.I1 IVOIIV Tillctsit allclitt",l Uveryarildehand decorated lntcJ'"f I rench licrelcd mttreri Russian l'"',1l hole brush! highly tempered eel nail nie ana cilliie ki uc - '"-'- . Vil- cliamnn buneri linbriakoeic ""-. lined powder hoi (het n'i jiaxa'J, luetics, sine lined, mirrored top SATISFACTION GIIARANI i ' Yeu take no chance- If net aatlsfacterj or il you cau aiipnciic una bh Jewelry store for lci than tlS jeui uepesic win ne nriiinucu i u. .n x niiimn Send only it and the set r.ocsteou ciurecs pau. l-ay tiie ?1,,u,v.??V moniiuer xe mentns. incc ui .., I'ree 'Xmas'-Cntnleii enreiiucst.tcnu ter it today. Address Dept TjPAip fB(L(U)Br WMOTE- ORraP?5?ir f?.iuri? gKl DllilKl&V sre This bTUft. white perfect. cut Kenulnt 11ame n 4 mounted ln. "K, unlA white or nrccn Beld h.ind.picrceil meuntlnc a reproduction et plan num Pay pestmnn only M2 05 J I. .1 n.wl 11.. .1 ... . UQ .mini iiiivi inu llllB m yours. NO MORE PAYMENTS TO MAKE i.;ue i'Ai.1 i-uit THIS 1JLIIP. WH1T12 DIAMOND I.V A u solid Winn: en giiuun a0Ln RING. " U-K. SOLID WIIITH OOLD LOOM AND W13AHS LIKi: I'LATl.NUM. If nnv Jowtler can poll ou a lit s.OM1i,99ijD rlnK lll(e l'l" for ea itujs und (tct jour nmney liaclc. DON'T II sitati: YOl II AlOVrr HACK IN 3U DAYH IV YOt' WAN? 'T. XSiT, .TAKE Ne fiuxcR Oli.NU IM1 )IU,1L ,; rusn our nama th, MOST SHNIsa! IND-ltlNfi epppti nnd nddri'SM for TIW.NAIi IMAJIONIl-ltlNfi OPPPn -T-lXii" .-.... "-.lJ. Send for Your Itlne te Deiurlmtnt A-J HWIP.IIICJEWEIHS 130 FIFTH AVENUE NEWYORKcJTY I'reuli IIeph, lb. 33c nnd 59c C .t-oMewn order mil recelv- prompt attention when accompanied by menay order, certified checl. or cash. City or ders de'hered fre-. Ask for Our Price I.tst Y 336rN. MASCHER ST. Bent. E Philadelphia, Pa. Hell Phene! ICenalncten 021S 'iiiStilAftii CALIFORNIA 7frf Hawaii Spend the winter in CaMfernia America's Riviera. It offers you balmy weather, splendid scenery, luxurious hotels, delightful outdoor life.. Our tours stay at the great resorts Rice-sidc, Pasadena, Coro Cero Core nado, Santa Harbara, Del Mente they also visit Xiw Orleans, Colo Cole rado, the Grand Canyon, the Apache Trail and San Francisce. Six spe cial tours include Hawaii "the Paradise of the Pacific." Write for our fully illustrated California Booklet. Tours te all parts of the World Seuth America Japan-China Europe Flerida Egypt and the Hely Land Arabian Nights Africa Round the World Booklets 'will be sent en lequcst. RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO. iS Walnut Street Philadelphia Tel. Filbert 3bel Tours leave : December 15 January 4 January 9 January 16 January 18 January 23 January 25 January 30 February 1 February 6 February 8 February 13 February IS February 20 February 22 February 27 This Skein of Yarn and Celer Card (100 Celers) Te Prevc Sfe Oft That Our High- PHVV Grade Hand Knit- MB w - ting Yurni Are f IjIJ. the Best -Volue IV D Ever Offered at jjjggrj Mall, Phene or ('. () I). Onhr Promptly Ill'ed National Hand Knitting Ass. 136-138 Se. Fourth St. Phene Lembard 066!) Phila. BBnaaasBwvBaiBBDHKnaaHKnsiH . , I 1 I -WJIF' astedrTteMited Resembles Solid Platinum The biggest wntch offer evermade NO RED TAPE -NO WAITING Simply tend $2 and lecete the unteh an. solid white, deiu ttireuizn ami inreuci -latrst Tenneau dnlgn Mercment 1m I jewels. lined, full 15 genuine ruby and aapphlre ewelt. Genuine are.srala ribbon with 14K. aelld nthlte sold fittlass A written duar- I Jy -1 tHl 1 r&w m fflh I1 Jyi 1 f5ta1rissaiSf I Messy Fj Ql H nsek ft M 1 11 tin let ni I Satisfied S) LIFEBUOYK.VT" the t'Lnulre l.tfclme Pep C muilt s the fin Irtpptlc rrDRiilaSed t-e Mrl 1 e i r. Y'u 1 a 10c cIke whero for this tcnt Uu It here. Per Price yc De;:. OKIil.lt AT ONfK ,"(10 llelielh fur 1 riiiUfnnl Theatre! 1 le enrli itiKtniurr "Itli .1 iiurdiisp of SI. 00 or our. I'lillii. eult. National Mail Order Heuso 2371 Amber St., Phila., Pa. 1 ante sent with each watch, makes a weader- (Ut (1ft. 30 Days' Free Trial Yeu take de chancfi If net satisfactory or if yev can duplicate this watch In any iewlry tore for leu than SiS jour deposit will be refunded te ou, $2 a Menth Sen t only $2 and th watch does te you chnrgvs paid. iay the balance $ia month for 10 months. Price only J 22. Free "Royal" Catalog is .ihd di'-UJlies eer SUu iiiih tJPl ir Lharmine New Medels Fresh Frem the Hands of Exclusive Designer! rt , !'n I'll 'rrhnl VELVETEEN Warm, Serviceable Slip-On Dress i I the hMIiIi new linpe ilre"! fashioned n eviuldlle iinllt jif 1 r in iericenDie ilrp.ny eteen Muciiil hirce purchaM1 of thl iharmlnK miifrliil ilireet t mn nil 1 mnkes t' I ln 1 rice pnllil 1'r HI' vuhreliVrnl In contrast Ins cole tniile ulth tnrkctHnnil trimmed wl'h elf mnterlnl "h belt InUhed nt neck anil nrm nrm heles with silk brnlil Don't nenil enr I"nnv new - merel our mine nml nldriFi nnd our size. iler ih'ilriil nnd nicnt en te N" lM.KItl n neitiiBO te l". Me'el ii jour pe Mnnn $1 'i ii lien the drpis lirrlei (nlnrsi Illick, Hreun N u or Mine, with em- brnldpr 111 tent nutlnc mer Sl'" II t -" r-if, or Tl te -If. huit. nrl r I ' Vi I" 'HO Alan-Hareld Ce. 10 j:. 18th St.. Ni'ii ok f lt m ROOF LEAKING? NOW is Tim mn: TO USK Durocete or Hencete in Timpt Thlrkfr Tlmn Anr Pnln Made. KnU Atipllril Ullli Uruah 1 ...'3.00 Ciin . 5.50 5"V. .'9.25 ,Obc"n-fl7.50! 1-pint can Sample, Ca Parcel Pest... "C There Were 70S Seed In l'umpUn WINNER suss kvkian r,Ai:n 2058 I.lilliRHlene St. C ill or Mle for l'rlrc HEAT Pipe, 1'Ipelet.H nr Areeln Itet-Wnttr Ilrntlnc Htnletn m:i: rs rmT. i: sum, theji Frem $125.00 Up I'MiMLIiril nre turn A. F. HENRICKS CO. 907 LOCUST ST. PHILA., PA. WtMI I" IV PA N .1 BWf?3TilgiiSaMaMMZlsirJJiW?gK7.TggB,' aaaatssBMaWBssfJssslsaaitaAsskss in meiius. ittchfH una ia cm ir r.r r .1 ' I POST TIFFANY 61 HTHSTONEj. w .nrlr.MOR PAYMENTS, m V V J J net si: xett2 l en -tz lOc POST PAID Te Intro duce our lln of bnr Hiliia we ill en it by parcel pint prepaid u mie dell house, '-'4 nouare iicheH for 10c nr n J H'nry munslen, 60 Fquare Inches, upon recilpt of -5c A. W. POMEAN & CO. in in rirmnteMi tt lht!a h phla Ia 35"'' XIiMT'17I r'OTTIQTFQ 5S2v aa rr 111 i i-i. a-.''i-'-ii- spKjjy aSJsv r. r3 WINTER CRUISES 46 days in the West Indies &. Hawaii Visitinjr en rout.? Saint Themas, the great Panama Canal and California. A novel itinerary with many unusual featuies. Sailing February 11 en the Matren Navigation Ce. 21,000-ten Liner, "Ilawkeye State.'' Rates 730'and upward. 04 days in the Mediterranean with a comprehensive itinerary tha includes thf countries of Southern Hurepi, Nuith Africa and Western Asia Spain, France, Ttaly, Algier.s, (.reete, Turkey, Pale.stine and Eg.VF't as "1I as iascinatinT, little-known liert.s. Sailing I-eb. 1 I en the United States Lines famous .steamship "Geerge Washington" Rates G2.") and upward. jSJKggjs N K BIT7i?javJL KJCs - fr.?fissa9w' i S iftnd for our vmLsc booklets t 1 SWrV 1338 Velnul Srcet, Philadelphia WfcWfaiM kmkwkimt'n ilfaaWsaaW11sjflssar" ' " "'iJSifflicS2 i DIAMONDS BOUGHT Urine ua your diiimendu if uu num ta rsalliu the hivhrst perslb nrlca for them. r.e muttei t lat uthern tell uu may rs north get our prlc before Jeu sail. We pay IS 00 te lUiUuu fur vuli. Ulamoel tnne than eihera i.i See u and be cet.vln-ed. We buy nnv fire n ip or re'nr. Pau n tickets fe dlmnnndn he iht. ki'i.iy 10. ci i. usj ciirsTvrT rr. I'hene W limit 1311 snitp si.JS I'rlvute ufllre. ti fleer, mer C'hllds' Keas. ROOF COATING ASBESTOS FIBER MAM.s (III) HOOIS l.lKi: M.lV Cia ion i ins It 1 1 fur !'e 1 Ier Uallen l'dnilm Cum $1 IS Ter fun Shipped te Any I treKa Cpen Itecelpt of Pnoe lct us r-riMir td coat yd'r reup r.UAltVMIVR 10 YFrt.c' American Sheet Mel ill & RecfiriK Ce. nit 11 Ali"letree S 'IicU J 0,t je( 4 1" iv j iwtni in iiiiIn $3.l un nrrlinl fur thlH 11-kt. h 11 1 1 d cold I111111I - rnrMil I, I r t li h tone rim:. NO MORE PAYMENTS TO MAKE The meuntlnr i II l.t t-el d t.eld hand ureii i'ie Bte 11 1 ure ull dlnmenJ fi cited tut execptlnj the bloodstone, penrl, strdenn .Hid turqueln", hlch are cilxichen pellheil, and If seu cm buy a I l-kt iioili.(,ell rlim like t'lls anywhere for less than twhe our prim return In 30 diM nnd ret jour money b.ck. ANY STONE ANY SIZE RING DON r 1H..-ITII Ol' r-AKi: NO (JIIANi i: nur menii lack Jf ou want It niHh our innin ,nd ul luss for th unnii:sr ityMi en 1:11 i:vkh .madi: hv any enij - am uiu.uk a.n. iimi: send for Your KIiib te l)ep irlmcnt It "i 130 fifth AVtMI. NEWVORIUiry BE YOUR OWN ROOFER Ceat Your Reef With MAYS ASBESTOS FIBER CEMENT COATING Anene Can Apply This Ceatinu with a Brush One Gallen Coers 50 sf. ft. Thin ceilini: will ntup InkH In urn reef iml lp i.uiritneel 10 iinr ten enrs -.hipped In n" n hlre. en re e'nt nf price $1 PER GALLON OR 5 GALLONS, $4.50 We Sell the Best Red and Black ROOF PAINT en Earth One Gal. Cevers 2S0 sq. ft. Steps Leaks, Won't Wash Off, and AN ill Wear 10 Years $1 PER GALLON I'l I'airel IMt, 15c I'er Gill n I'tri ROBERT A. MAYS JVnrrt In lloelnp nml Itenf Paint 1242-1244 N. 16th St. l-st ihlMiul IHDJ. I'lienc, lop. 3011. - FOUND' The Right Plnce te Buy Dells Manufacturer's Sale of DOLLS , 11 Inches hlRh, um brenkible, talk, ttlkl nnd sleeps. With wlj nnd prettily dressed. Special $3.00 ' Lartrer slzps ?S, t8 ul $0. Iarce arlety of ajj m'ikes of dells FTriert Dell Itcmlrlne III si Itw hninrlir. Ve rmtntsln nn I'n-fn.tlnt'. 'tell hnvnMnl, :adery& AesaleVn vj$v-By ffnSMM ygfl fUVlt.NTKi:ii MIT TO V.WTi Made mill Hum: Complete Other nil idea, l'Jr, 0.1c, ;-e. tl.il. SI.B7, SI.8S. lletltr Hhndef can't be ni idt for lesi money. Seme la jeu 11 hellcNe me. Conlnre yourself send i samples new. I'hene. niainend .1 II, fm (ftTiiWR t tun nitAss nnw Ilelrlihed relae- m re,l irnl r.nnl t A n "'i"ni te r'w i!t- IJliieMA unixnte.d Sunl H it f$Wll I """'" "nn "''' Ca"' llrii I'nllsh iib Te. till) N. seiniiil St. U-P-H-O-L-S-T-E-R-I-N-G Furniture rniiplin'ster ed und receusirmted equal te n Neiv fur nl SPECIAL Heay - Copper Celd-Rolled CANS p P. & Insurance 50c Extra reppir 1 uhlnk ill lOi lout Special utientlen f, I c n te en sUle 1 1 t temer r-REENWALfi J 2Sll-r North 2M St. &J I'hil.idulphia, I'a. fi 5 Cel ,3.98 g j 8 Gal.,5.95 m 0 Gal. ,7.50 I 12 Gal ,9.00 1 W 1 llill"ll mil P 111! 'hill 'Hi il'L iilllllliJUIUIIIllJiilbir te order W rite or phune i y i lrnt.in ?nS1 nnr rnnru r- iSi "etitiH will call ti eh ri l-ZiSliSTy tlmute City or suliurbs B Vr K hpwlal reduction en rtup- H V uiMnii liiji rj n LIBERTY UPHOLSTERY CO. ! JUUKET 3TUUUT und ritl-.MAUIH Seeurwl rllr, phiiiie or eull fei IMOIIMMION WILLIAMSON & WILLIAMSON i "iiiiNBS 132S ARCH ST- pH.A. Dnllv, 0 te ei 'ion. sua siinr. ...v.. iv -j (illllinU'U ) lur .tliilklriilni; (niiiimeil '!',,, ' I'm pi r Tiipn Machines) Kemilir Trlre 100 I ii ii I I'rhe In iliiimtltli'H WriiiMluB I'iiii.t 1'ninr llui. I r, ,t i. I vIihw Kll II I.NM,N, '-'0 s. 1TII Sf, Ainerlriiii l'liII-Nele IlullerH, 'MuleM und l. inuleit railed anil trained hy the lurceit canary plant. Ask bteln, 1"3J .N, uih hi. 1400 DAUPHIN ST. CTAD Iir.in.1 -J H. fLB.. M.ll 1 un c mi lct t t inn emirlp U t una i. tuipl m alt Extract .si n l mi MO mi Kegs, Bettles, Crocks fapplm,: Mfichinii, Cnis 1'. ri eln 1 is, ill , buar It.n ,:ns l'riin etc At Lewest Market Prices Mill drill m Llllul Siime Iljy FIRTH & CO. 1 100 Dauphin St. :fiu!i iii iiiiraiii a1 mill i'i ni !', , ii, DEVELOPING "aNP printing- POR. THE TRADE - MAIL OKD2BS IHL P1IUTU BERWICK CI uvuii UlN. KOi KniLAutLFrliA i P3 av. tfaasa U r h e n s Poplar s 1 S 4 or write Will I e 11 v e r n n y Hiers within i- H limits 2-11). Curt Malt fttraet I l mlit.ed I'i I'urt Jnntnlni , I irniful I i ill ntH I I alcohol il.l5 HOI'S 4 Cuih $ 4.00 11 I Ills ..". 10 DO lluttle (mi.. 13 dot. SO Slenc CreiLi U-i. il. eiipiielly ISO I' t Hlii le I!e, Ih. 03 (rind, lti. Ih. Oil Ilirlev M It Hi us r-. h 11. -le vilt. Hi w) Juniper Herrlen lh . (19 i i irrj i full line of Cepptr C un, Tiiblnx nnd Hess. C. O. 1). I'jnel Pest nvnlirre FIN LEY BROS. 20P8 KiJu'e Ae.. Philaili'lDhm I1LSI MOTORCYCLES IRlC A 'niith Ther '' I Jl jiirhl It e ii I I r.suMiirs, II ir-Iri-D-ylilHeiu Indliu., lit nilcT.eii".. ite. IVrtlc for ffai (Kiln lu! e(,i Havericrd Cycle Ce. Ai.irrli iN l.ursrht Moleroile IIhiih 6J1 MAIthl r Sf. riilhiilrliilihi Dipt r. I.. 1 FULL DRESS TLXKIHI. UTIIHV 111 XC K i I'KISrf Allll IIT "-I UK "'.tC TO HIRE j Optn I veuliiirs .1 1 '.In rt WUJ MILLER b. E, COB. 13X11 & IIAI.MUtlDUK faTU. ' MOD l'p Talking I Maclimes and Repreduceri Repaired While Yeu Wail ' EVERYBODYS 38N.8hST..PHILA $10.00 FIXTURE, $8.00 Iteir. S.'i.OO 2 Lt.. . $3.M Ut'licred Anywhere wriitMii ien-MR Mil M 111 M H?n Y.l)i: IMII MITISllO I.VMI'S Electric Service 2J109 N. (i'li St. I'liiladplphia, Pa. Uphel&leiing the Way It Should Uf Dene iin '"'iX in u '"V ' Ul .U".r. I"a.","n 5lTf li una UllJ 1 '.,...ti,,. iihlile iiiuteriiila that ihip li" are the ui..at .eiiiieiiaule u ll '"'',, aimed N v uli ut fa--' r liru" "The Rehe" UpUelsterinB Shep p;iui.e-nu.DW8 sin n 'riii SPECIAL REMOVAL NOTICE mini, i in i n i nml inter iiunrtpri le Pun In i iiuMltlim t" n upt u ster nn I mn nf" unn tun " tin le- git , in-Ill.. irhe fTrKJV II ff r ii ml innmilt itZI il i n pn ml line I w I I I ill utli rt mi s urn! i ) i i i it tin tliim or 1 1 h lmlbii uur i. u furnllulH . n tlUMl'ION I'.HSinit ' f tu 3417 hpriiee M. I urmtrlj Oil s,i nilt'i ht iiii riiniu. i hipi un " , .. ..I - a.. 11 ... sin LHI U Ul LI ' I UU Ss'l luw ou our aelini.il ilin- u " '.".,. sIM bii eleuri Cieli un." """' Ymr crlW mB M I 'f.'f.M H Prices Cigar QIJ Reduced . -v i ua .h '-." ..... - je, ex of u .. go. ' . ' '..:. '-.'"'. In,. e 13.79?: 77 , .n iDrer 111! 1 IIS U ' .HI r. :zi of se w i I, Ul, M Mn) ir cunt, vuiue ,, nf ,u Kux uf I'i for . v ami in All lem (limr. ... es Jehn B. Hall, 443 High 5fc lI i i i - - - . . - . M. - s. USMsai BIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBHBIBIBIBIBBI -f--t MMKtaSssttiasatastiMslKMcn-4 jr 'BlBlBlBlBlBlBlBBVIJBBBlBBl i..NCAsri.i(, '. X . .. a ("' Ti.. . rr TV - VV iv iAjt u. i JC'i-.W