lV'D re pv 'l THE letters te the Editor ctraet Car Cnnrliir.tnr i '" l.,uer 0 fn Kvinhte ruoHe I.edeer: '',M I hd ocealen en Sunday te visit ! Turd wltH f"na 'm out of M when I "no ln from WMt phll """' n lh Hpruce atreet line 1 made l.tfhl " con(1U(!ier that I wanted te sre ,,w nfteMth street te th Navy Yard. "t .iid m te tlcltets. with two ex "d ". 2nd Mi'' nethlnir. When I Ret en M" !' Fifteenth street the conductor said '.".. exchangea te Iho Navy Tard were t"1 a .nd after I compelled him te tnk tot roea. aa (ry mpudenl nnj would Min no furlher Information ether than "! Tteuld hav te get off at Perter street "".'. nailed down. He did net nlve me m1 .... and I Hd net knew hew te pro pre ", nJ Im 'rw t0 "k ,urthcr "uc- """"-s vers humlllatlnr te my frlnd 11 . t town and ecrtalnlj did net lve " .ti.d Idea of the way the people were " Vim the PuWIe servants, llnully "tminc woman, apprcclatlnc the embar- ' - i '"JJL' ..planatlen should have been elver. y.V. .ducter. He did net hand me my ".. until had almost reached Tert'i i'VAi and then In a Miry offensive way. '"L .....mnt la the rule and net the ct I s"" and thi unfortunate part li that It if i.r'ahly Riven te elranirers In the city. .. te net ltnevv hew te ect about and must iMBd en the assistance of the conductors, nwld Cempiny might de well iniki H rul'' through an order te ren- tari thit they must be pollte and con- I.V.I. te paaieniier. and especially elnrtr and If they did net de ae the Wk! Should ba Invited te Inform the com- of all Impoliteness and the Impolite LrLten should be made te give way te SL. who are out of work nnd will pledBe !5!mlvn te be jiollte In order te ncqulre Jill ind thla aheuld be Impreaied upon S.nducters b the company. 1 wrlte this imir paper Imewlnu. from paet cxtcrl km. that It l uaeleaa te notify the com cem NiV te la1"' the name and rumber of the .. conductor. JAMM0N. nilnll'ila. November 7. 102!. Thanks for Ce-operation ..... prf.fer e f?ie rvenlne Tubllc I.cAeer- " . !.- U& romnaleTi rmM. jlrA en. , . -- ................ mkim te rainu ..'."'"' " - Bin". .',,,, T ,i-.i - thnnlf nil for I nu IU1I1K. v,ii ......... .-- S'. co-eneratlon which ou ex- tnitd te ui during the couree of till cam- n -o-eperatlon of the rren of rhlladol rhlladel ,vi. w, a tremendous factor In producing i. iuccmi In which thla campaign resulted. Chairman Cnmpalmi Philadelphia. November 7. Committee 1021 1 The Pennsylvania Benus l(M Biflfer of the Ciciilw; rubMc I.trta'f: eiwiiit haa beceme of the I'ennnyUa' Uitenui? I the geed old Krelene Htate nlntln fa" ''own and pay te Ita ex-serlcc "Teu did your duty, but we have no j'ef you further, be v hy aheuld w. de Mr duly ' Other States much leia rich ttu thla rommenwealth have been able te M their way clear te puy their bejs If nlr i imall sum. te hew their arp-ecln-.. it i menncelvable te me that I'enn- ClTinU la willing te be placed In the quil ls' riu, I have nlwnja pointed with Mt te my Stale, but If he dot a net pay br oblUatlens te Ihn men who helped her ttreUlnh'f frerdnm, then 1 will blunh with ttat every time in r name is iwnuuura Ttllldelphla. November 0. 10JI Why "America"? U Hi Cilller e! the Kvminp I'ublxc hrtlvcr: Sir Fer the benefit of 'T. I. W ," who raientl falla te underatnnl why out tfimtry Is frequsntlj called America and I In L, Amerlrnra. netwlthstnndltiK the ler Wlen of several ether reuntrl'a en lln rrlfn cenilntnt. It 'lieuld t.ited that lh cBlc'al lane of our ilevrnment. eei lltca the Declaration of Independence In "H. hM lin the United statea of America It dlttlnfulih our people from thn,e of th Vlalt'd ?tale of Mexico, the United Miitc tf Colombia the l'nlted States uf Hrazll .ml (hi Iiemlnlcn of Canada It la convenient and Jitnr te limply aay Americana, Mexican". Coiemblans. rirailllana and Canadlma Tn t((r te the cntlre population uf cither cme li the vtett-rn rentlnenta It lu proper te an Xttth Americans or Siuth Americans but tir Americana, as that always refers te 1 people of thla Natien alone. V. S. A. PhlliiMph a. November 2, 1921. The Coming Exposition Ttt I'dlter e the Ki'rnlne 1'ulUc l.trlarr t'r Mr Mliiclalr'a ltter of the lith seems ta hue our world h fair expealllcn mlxe I lth a ceuntj fulr I would 111" te lor ler rict hli views In a few words Klrst, the talldnis I bellove will be alone, perma tintlr teautlfslng, vvhatver aectlen ttiey Kind In. ticend, that It will be a bualness boom ixh as city has net had for vears. there! y lienetlllng net only the iiraresslve citllin who can use hie opportunities, but Ue the bell) acher. rerfslmlrt nnd gloom gleom gloem utlit Third th exhibition will tplfy net enh tte latest of any and all Improvement nf mrjr kind and description, but will have n educational advantage that will be re membered neneratlena afterward because the Jliplui are the only real practical way of titehlrg italngi that aome iioeple cannot nii whin In book form. It will nmaje ma the meit Ignorant person In the pos pes iMIty ihewn Uit, but net leait It will establlih an rt Of geed feeling that la much needed at tit presint te re-establish aeund practical VjjIium, attar aome of the easy, flighty tteei during the war, nnd Philadelphia will in; th benent. CJ. M. MILLHll Bill, Ta , November B, 1021. Suggests Names for Fair fllai Editor e lh Kiiciiins Public J.edeei Sir Slnca there la renewed evidence that tti picpeaal for a werld'c fair will even Itili In rallts, here are a few llve titles, HM In the wrlter'a order of prefor prefer nc The Werhl-Amltv Fair. 7ln World-Weal Hxpoiltlen Tni World-Ilehabllltatlen Ili "I vSorld-Hquare-Deel Kxposltlen Thi Ooed-WIU Expoiltlen anirlein-Pljn World'e-ralr Ech of these titles Is lntendfd te rtpre xt a demlrant thought of present div African Ideillam with ruirged merlcnn tneueillty They breathe Ideaa rf order. irri'. amelioration and lettermi-nt li nil Wi, but, te my wind, there can ai'arce tj mere ntllni timely and eiienlflc irit trm thin "world amity," which included e -r ''it the world ae much Melta and in badlj lNji II ?! ENOI.E nut Chester, Pa November 3, 1021. Wants Biblical Question Answered h Hi Fdllur e thr Ilvtnina I'nbUc J.tdetr: sir In the People I'erum Saturday, Oe 7, the party algnlnir "Verltaa" would ' te hv another biblical que-itlen If " following a correct, where was Mcthu "ub during the flood" And MeLhuielah lived k hundred eight" If win eare, and beeat l.amteh nrd Mthiielah lived after le begat Im:,i J"jn hundred, eighty and two rearn And ll lh ,lu ,.f fthti.1nli JJfi nine hundred erlxty and nine jcars. '1 nl Lamech lived a hundred, elghlv and J" Tun, and begat a aen. and he calico "I nme Noh " (2S-2P ) l ik ,h, "lx b'mdredth year of Neah's Ilfu J" lecend month, the seventeenth day of ,h B8me l,V vrr" a" the feun "'ei of the great deep broken up. nnd the f.j of heaven were opened " (vll, 11 ) ..fc It came in pass in the alx l.un lh. e ,n1 flrllt 5,ar' I" the 1'rst memli ,' n"t dvj ct the month. Hie w uteri. Jj'-j srltil up fr01n fr tle ,-ih" (vlll bru '", ,0 l'i Editor Bheuld ba as veMian(1 ,0 th I'lt " POMlW. J J?!nK unythliiB tlmt would open 5i,.r"0,n,nHenBl or Hcctarlnn (Jib- -r"u oeii. V,.fn,len ,vl11 e I'nl'l ln "rnn'V leerl e?.u8E,.l"t, "H " i-vlUcnee el S. nrlm ,' flltll0UKl' "n'"es wl" "0 essea of net l-ievV'J"'' .' "quent 1h muile that tn, - "innicd t0i1Pullcntleii of 11 tetter In net m,VI i 11 n" n" Indursamcnt of Its tarnV3mu,.lU'atlen8 "I" nt ' re Ue? i?.un,.r.?8 ncwmpnlilKl by post pest '. nor will manuscript be enved. m ;t-l ..ntslned te me mai weuia nave "' , nit at Terter itrect and wait for, I ",'v've 29-or It miy nnve been Ne. 21 IVM. . .....I.,! t,r for hrr kindness. rt ( i v ' '.''"V,, PEOPLE'S FORUM Various Suggestions te Unrest of Unempleyed Te the Fttttdr e the tfiutlne I'ueI(6 Ltiarrl Sir I believe that there are thousands of unemployed who nre really anxious te werlt nnd Who would ntinrMntA II If tl,F ...,.,. given the opportunity, but there are ae many olher thousands who want work nnd who are net looking for It. but Instead stand nbeut In groups tllicunlng their condition, damning the capitalists, the Government, and thelr Inability te find aome one te leek nreund and lecate them nnd offer them a Jeb. If thla clan of unempleved would spend as much time In an effort te gain employ mint and thn working when they net the Jeb, as they de standing en the street cor ners nnd In their organization rooms try Inc te send everybedy and the country te the bow-wevs, there would be mueh less of an army of unemplojed, and much fewer discontented people. I have no ube for the agitator. He la n mennre te himself ns well as the Natien. He does net deserve any better position than that In which he flnda himself He would net work It hn could find It unless It was nt a price that It would be Impos sible for Mm te receive, for he would net be, worth It In return This discontented army Is In a great measure the reason for much unempleiment, for thy hvtve become se dictatorial and such trouble makers that rersetis who could employ them will net de ae en account of their methods. Te be fair te seureelt you must be fair te your employer, and he will ulwuvs mi you half vi ay He does net want te kop his mill or factory closed any mero than von want him te, but If mere labor would work en the fifty-nftv method, there would be considerably fewer Idle men and fewer aistressea families. jf, i t Philadelphia. November 0. 1021 Independence of Laber Te thu r.diter e (he Amine Public Ltdetr- Mr In mv mind enn of the main causes for much uf the unemplevment of Inher nt the present time Is due entirely te the nt nt tltude the unemployed men have taken toward their emplejcs. The werklntr men or, rather, the men who depend upon work ing te support themselves cr their families have net et recovered thIr equilibrium following thv high wiiues ami Independence they acquired during the war, when work In every line whs helntr speeded up te the limit I find the men I employ today Just ns 'ndlfferent as te the work they nre sup sup reecd te de as they wnre several veers a no end In aavlng that I mean frcm the factmy and cleric il fercn clown le the man who puts out mi n.hcs They work Just ns much or ltttl as thev please They attll persist In violating nil the rules that are laid down for them when they accept the wetk. nnd many of them are rn Intolernble In th"lr attitude that where posilble I de without their sirvlce simply te be relieved from th aggravation which thy cause. When I meet a merchant who wants te buy my goods, I make the appointment nt his ci nvimlence. whether It be 7 e"clock In thu morning or 11 e rlne'i nt nljht. I am nl wnvs ther prompt!) In ficl, ahead of time And I take eery opportunity te please my customer. Why? Ilecause It Is my living "And Neah lived aftrr the flood three hun dred and flfts senrs And all the dais nf Neah were- njne hundred nnd fifty sears. ' Te the Editor of thr Buenliie miilfe Ledocr Ledecr (Iv aS-IO ) ' Sir Kindly tell me thj length of a abort vhen the flood began Neah was TOO s'enrs (tne month nnd seventeen days) old, when It ended he was exactly (MO years old. J-rem the birth nf I,am-ch le the Iveglnnins nf the fl ie,l was lr2 S'eara plus flOO euuals 7K1 sears nnd from the birth of Lannrh te the en 1 of the flood was 1R2 seari plus OCO jeara rriualH 7-'J years. If Melhuielah lived nfter he begit t.mnech 7S2 scnr. he lived i.ntll th ud of the flood. Trusting "verltaa" can nnswer this ques tion I renalu JOHN P. DUNCAN Suretnrj Anthraclt, Krcclheuiht Associa tion Pettsvllle, Pa. 0.-t(.b r -".' 1021 Questions Ansivcrcd Australia's Capital Te the Editor nf thr Publlr I r,iQrr Sir I haie n little son of most Inquiring mind who kerps u king me the name of the capltnt (te be) of Au"ti.illn Can you assist me. as I have 'jrKetten' THOMAS HAP.I.AND Philadelphia, November 3. 1U2I The new cnpltnl of Australia will hi Cemberra, In New Seuth Wales Auther of Quotation Te th' Editor of the Eienlne Public l.rdacr Sir Who wrote the linn 'Ter hope Is but th- dream of theaa who wnke' " T. It. M Philadelphia, Ne ember 3 1021. The wert's are b Matthi w Prier in I.ns ItHh iHict and diplomat of the neventeetitli cintuiv 'Ihe lire is from llnek III line 102. of bolemon en the Vanity of the Weild " which whs published In 1700 Th thought contained In the line ha b, en traced hai k te Arlstntle bs Dlegcnea I.ner llus Jlemge Bass "the drenm of making men" heuld be auerlbed te Plndai England's Six Vetes In League 70 thr r.,(fei uf the .if null PuMn I.cdert sit Te aMIl a dispute pleit-m ixplnln Hi. all. el vulcs Hut I'n.'lnnd his In the I e. gi,,j if Nit. ei h which cijfied ae much crltlclem nmen oipencnts nf tie I ugUd. JVst where arc I.Mgland's six votes? DISPUTANT. Philadelphia Nevem'ier 2. The work of the Imieuk of Nations Is e'ene by an assembly and a council separate and distinct bodies The Assembly cnnslns of a rcprescntitlve of each member Power. Iho Council consists of representatives of the five allied and ussecluted Powers and four ether Powers. They were the United States, the llrltlsh Umpire. Trance, Italy and Japan, teeMhcr with four ether Powers eslectcd by the Assembly of tie league The foul chosen wero Helgtum, Ilraxll Gn and hpeln In this Cel nrll the United Stales and the, llrltlsh Kmplre had ,aeh one vel" The Council cannot make a decision, except en h matter of procedure without the unanimous vete of the representatives present In the Aembly the repres "Motion of the llrltlsh I-mplre Is divided Inte six parts, ench of v hlch la a signer of th treaty and each or which his a vote. Them parts are th I nlted Kingdom the Cummenweatth of Aus tralia the Union of fceuth Africa, the Do minion of New Zealand, India and the De n Inlen of Canada, Thus In the Council, where the llrltlsh Umpire is considered as a unit. It hid but one vote the name as Iho Unlted SlBtei, nnd In the Assembly, wheie II 1 1 breki i up Inte Its inula political di visions, each division has i tie vole the anme aB the Culled Stated the argument Ignored th Council nnd assumes that ,n the Ais-mbls Hngland will control the entire vete of the Assembly The Peeple'H Verum will appear dally In Ihe Ki ruing Public Ledger, nnd also in the Sundiiv Public Ledger. letters dlscuailng llniilv topic will be printed, ns well n rfnieti-H ifm;, nnd line;, tlens of cinrrnl Intrrrst will be answered. ,nr "" rz ,, n and ether external pains quickly seethed TIIAT tlrairglng, wearing bneJcschp, that be mnny women gufrer Jfem, la nulckly eesuil by an application of Slean Liniment. Ne rubima, miulnc. or ekln stalna. H'a geed for all the family end all klnda of ''nxternai" ache and pains. At all druggists. S5c, 70c, $1.49. Keep It Jinnuy t Liniment fit sik )$& mm I A - . tflre&' rains) cncim BNINtA PTJjBIlfe' 'l3DGBE-PHlIDEiffHt4'' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBISK 9, Mtf' i '..,.. : i d ' ' ' r- i ; rirn: TZr rnZTL Help the Unemployed In th city, They cmple)ed from two te Hill hew different Is the attitude of the men iwiuiu i employ, jney deem te ceme te worn wlen they and remain away for the least pretense, They take their own time In doing their work, no matter hew much I am tncenvlnlencejt if it la net dene en time. If labor were lcs Independent, I am sure there would net be nearly se large nn army of unemployed I bellove the geed, honest nnd willing men are all employed, end a big majority of these seeking work are forced te de se from aeme reason of their own. D, fl. C. Philadelphia, November 7. 1021, Society Girls Who Werk Te the Editor of Mie Uufjtnie'pubHe Lrdetr! Sir In thla period of strenuous business conditions and Jeb shortage, when many deserving men nnd women cannot get em- plnvment. Is It wise te feature "aeetcly girls" with "economic Independence" their slogan, when these society girls lire Ink ing work from these who are dependent en their dnlly earnings? The work they are doing can be done by these who really need the money and It would be mero te their credit If thejr would devote their energy te miikln work for these who need It rather than ulnt tl.e work, the vay for which si me ether fellow needs rttwu.uri r nvr. Philadelphia. November B, 1021. Prohibition and Unemployment Te lie rrflfer e ffie netntnn I'ublle icifeer; Sir I have been rending the different opinions of the writers nbeut the cause of i'nempleiuent In the ceuntr). I think It Is prohibition. Ilepeai the law and there wilt be Im un-est. Take the people who were thrown out of cmp!e)ment ln the brevverled alone. They numbered thousands Then take the saloons. Say there were SO00 saloons eight men. That would average five, and Pve times three thousand, fifteen theutind thrown out Then take the building trades. Frem the min whj digs the cellar all up through le the nrtlst nil thrown out of wcrk The coppersmith, the glaaa worker, the cooper, thi blacksmith and all trades that we can mention Take the pipe mills, the Htructural Iren work, then the nill risdn Teu don't see the cars In the brew ery sards unloading mnterlil and leidlng the preilui t of the brewery, de that hurts the railroad. It hurts the larmer In selling his Rtdln and ether produce It nffects every liislnesn In the ceuntrs, but most of, all It affects th- Government It tal.en the rev rev cnue of hundreds of million of dollars tint the affected business p.ild In tixci It net only does that te this country, but It affecta all foreign countries, as thev cannot nnd thlr products hen, such ns wines nnd whiskies and the raw material te make them. I could go en nnd mention ether things affected, but I den t want te take up the srace ln your vsluabb paper. Pen't think that I am writing this as a penennl mitter. for I have net taken a drlnlc of liquor for inrre than twenty-six I had this anne argument jeara age when Chester Ceunty had local option That Is many Mers age. I my let Congress repeal the piohlhttlen law and koe hew quickly things will boom. KICKEK Phlladelphln. November B, 1021. Leng and Short Sessions sen'tnn of Congress J. II. (1. Philadelphia November 4. 1021 Sessions whleh Ixglri the Hist Mendas of December ln even-numbered senra and end en March 4 of the following jmr -re ahrrt srMdina Ixniff divisions begin th first Mull dnv of December I'l edd-numbetej jeirs. 'I here Is no fixed time for the nd of u long session until the regular short icsslen Is reached the following DMcen.ber. The se cnlbd "long sesHleu" might eemetlmrs b shorter than the "short session ' ConxreKs i meeting en the first Mendas of December In the odd-numbered S'ear might find little buslncn awnltlni; It nnd might ndjuurn be fore March 4 About Henry James Te Ihe Tdt'iir of the Kienlne Public Lrdnrr sir Will S'OU please tell m" whether Heirs" Jamts wis nn Kngllchman or an American When and where was he heri' When did he die? J v.V . t. Philadelphia. November 1, 1021. Itenry Jamea was born In New YnrU C " In 1S43 Although born an American Mr Ji'inea died n nrltlah subject His death cccuircd In 1010, He lived abroad the P AC KARD I TV W Today, as always, the Packard Twin-Sixiseverywhererecegnized as America's foremost fine car. Such rank has been honestly wen by sustained excellence of design and performance. In the Twin Six, beauty has been joined te strength, speed te safety, comfort te utility, and te power, silence, for the ultimate and lasting.satis lasting.satis factien of mere than forty thou sand owners. T w l n $4850 F. O. B. Detroit The present prices, represent ing reductions that ranee from $1150 te $1700, only empha size Twin-Slx value, for the quality that led te Twin-Six preferment is unchanged. PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. ePHILADELPHIA 319 North Bread Street Gsk the man who owns one FARM AND GARDEN FRESH DUG CALIFORNIA PRIVET HEDGE! It Will Beautifu Your Heme vput, fast grower; is green nearly all the year. This is the time te plant for best results. 100 Choice Plants, $6.50 (Enough for GO Feet of Hedge) ARTHUR J. COLLINS & SON Jex L, Moercstown, New Jersey (0 Mlf,KS FROM ClJinKN) I.urfte assortment of beautiful KVKKGKF.KNS. CCME SEE US (trea-ter tart of hliUlre, and In leis beeamft a naturalized Englishman te snow ms sym pathy for the Allies In the World War. Would De Naturalized Citizen Te the Xdlter of the Kvining PuMle Ltdacr: Htr I am a young man twenty years or age, born In nngland, and my father la ex- ru.tlnir his final tmeera for citizenship, will this make me a cftUcn? t. ! Philadelphia, November 1. 1021 ine law null" m-fc viiuuibi, ,..., -- in nr iwantv-one years ai me time ei their parents' naturalisatien ere te be conaldered cltlxcns If dwelling In the United States. Newsprint Paper Te the Kditer of the V.vtntna Public l.cdetr: Mr Is most of the paper uied by news papers produced In the United States? a. v. h Philadelphia November 1. 1021. Of the newsprint paper uied by American mwspapers only one-third Is made In the United States from weed grown In this country, The rest Is Imported or made from Imported weed or pulp. The United Statea has enormous forest resources In her North west nnd In Alaska, If pulp mills were properly located te handle the raw ma terial. Poems end Songs Desired "Heme" Te the Kditer of thr VveMa Public l.cdetr' 1 sir I would nppreelate It very much If reu wilt publish In sour paper the poem en titled "It Takes n TIeJP of Living In a Heuse le Make It Heme" This poeni was recently recited by Donald Drlan In Ihe Chestnut fltreet Opera Houee, and n It Is really a wonderful poem I would lllte te Ham the word! of It nnd roclte It at a party le lw given en the eve of Thanks giving. r.VEJdYN W. HKIIOMAN Philadelphia. November 2. 1021 We de net hnve this poem Prebabl) a reader can supply II Referred te Readers Te the Kditer of the Hvrntna Public Letleer Sir Will jeu find the cntlre poem or song of which these two stnntas have remained In nn old man's memory for sixty year7 I would be glad also te kner U author and where It ma l" found "I'd offer thee this hand of mine Could t but love thee less; Ter hearts ns pure, ns warm as thlne Should never knew distress. "My fortune Is tee hard for thee. ' 'Tvveuld chill thy sweetest Je . 1 il rather weep te see thee free Thin win thee' te destroy" 1! W I. Philadelphia, October 25, 1021. "I'll Always Be Waiting" Te the Editor of the Evtnine Public l.rdecr Mr in response te the rce.uct of I... 31. Shepherd I Inclese the werdi of the dong "1 II Alwajs De Wnltlng for Teu " MADfTN II. HOUSE. Philadelphia. October 2(1. 1021 I'M., ALWAYS 1111 WAITI.NO 1X)U TOU There waw a time when I thought seu were mine. Hut things have changed somehow There wns h d when seu wmt owns Preaklmr sour very vow. That's why I'm Washington in: $00 R"unil "Trip Baltimore 3 00 Round Ttlp War Tax Sre additional Sunday, November 13 Sneihil Triln lemes Plead Street Station 7 1 V M Wist PhlllllelplllH 7 r, M nnrt'itMNf. i kavhs v nshmrten 7 1", ! M H . iln Tie a man Ma I K '- p f C-Slinllur Ilvuirslens Neveiiilur 3 und Dccrinber II. Pennsylvania System .The Itnule of the UrnndHiiv I.lmlln 1 x m FARM AND GARDEN Vree CatuleB. E W. m Trip viSW I cuertus Waiting, waiting, for tx gUmpie of you! Waiting, waiting-, seems that'a nil I de, Tour voice I'm longing te heeri Oh, hew I wish ou were near te cheer me Whlle waiting, watting. Is It all In vnln? Hoping, pra)lng, for a kiss again Ard when you find that you're niene Make up your mind and ceme lack home, I'll alwayn be waiting for you. Hewquickyit heals! Thais what you'll say after applying 5oethinq and llc&linq t I- Use freely I .irmrvt in. H jure the ienderest . sldn & & -We Buy Geld SILVER, PLATINUM. DIAMONDS JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS Tavvn tlekets for diamonds lieueht TI1K OI.U GOI.! P1IOP PennS melting Ce. DxauMD FII.Iir.rtT ST. It. !RA7i Men's Hats Velniirn, Derbys nnd sefts. Ilemodcle I Inte Intr-t styles nnd r -trimmed equal te new . Jeffersen Hat Ce.. 133 S. 10th St. Office Manager WA"N ri.Ii- mil K man wlie Is a geed or Knnl7rr te enter a vlBoreus manufactur Inir ercinl7allm vihere eaMi man Iwih put In a IHtle inorey and n onerous amount of tensiruttlve werli. Highest references. Addies it eeu, i.i:ir.i:u eitici: M t aWssssMsssWsaBsaWsWsWslWssOJ!MMs Comfert Baby's Skin With Cuticura Seap And Fragrant Talcum FcMmp1&jHMrlVenm,TlntlnfrBTne Address OiUesre. Lsjerite iti,upi x.Miiseaisie. rnrr vrieNAi. ntmir Mnnien nil tdrts COSTUME DESIGN Fascinating Wert Big Pay Tnslilen Arndemr Rtmlents lenrn t oituiue nnd Millinery Deslcn In few Hhert months of nliuple fascinating Ipiseiih Urtdiinti's Kien enrn Mf h.ilarles lu pio pie pio fesLilenal pusltlens. Tnslilen Arndrmi li thr ene Initmrlnnt Belinnl dr-vntml ot et iluslvply te tViftiiinf mnl Mlllln Mlllln erj l)isl;ii ami riihlilen Art. liiiiloised by niiiiiiifnrtiiierfl nnI liinRirltn I(i teiieheis nre vx pcits with -venrs uf pierleiit'i In pr.ietleal wnrlt Its illrcrtm, Mr 13. A. Hnrtnian, 1h ene of the world's foiemest dealgncra Trnlnlnp net only glvei von nhlllty te ileslgti erlulnnl tns tiimi'N nnd hnts hut tpnehpq vnu (e ninkc rnmpletu Knnnint from drmiKhtliiR of pnttprns te tins very liiHt Btlteli Savltiiri en u fivv dresses imunlly pay for (eurse I nshlen Arndemv i new Thlln dolphin Scheel Ih n dlreet liinucli of funiniiH Npvv 1 erl. Spliiml Idcntliul Rrlpntltlr niPthedrt pin pin i'il riaBspH four diiys n wet-U - iiiniiiinir, uftpriienn mid pre T'lPF. v,slt (""' Pi'tninnpiit o e hlhitlnn of HtudpiitH' wei lc, or wrlte for Vnv.r. Iioel.lot dpserlh lnr nil ceutsph nnd of mutiny iimKlnp opportunities for the piofeoBlouul dPblBUpi Fashion Ac OShlen Acndpmv. Inc. 1432 North Breed Street lleth Seves LEARN LANGUAGES THE BERLITZ WAY I H t,i front uh II" !tr M ue I f JaiiBuiue Iruitrurtten mu an ciulcKb i leiirn hew te pen' i il ir 1 w r te n modern lntj.uus tnuiisli li fludpJ T,rlite or i uts nstiu Hen hi uxir. m I mnli t her Mv tnrl Irnir !af h h u at u tuition Asli for f n riies E,TT' tj. ja jy . hCHOOl, Oh- JIL-& LANGUAGES 1541 Chestnut St.. Spruce 1G01 MtlllT CIlhs;s I IKHIKkHI.I'lNO Teuih Ti)lnc t.riai- j-1 ii. u i Muciiln fnlcuUtini." Ace, uniiiiK 1 ul S'l 1III1 TAI(li:s iiiiei. 1(10' vilRKiysi STRAYER'S TB "''-, "iishieBS srhoel JlftrtlLftJ 807 UII.STNI T ST. Position Kimrnnt'il. J liter new. I)n.v or nltht. rlMII.Ii: Kltllll It NOKRIb tr.loiiitlen) 1114 Chestnut Street biirure 3ISt llrrviird "rhoel, IHII 1 lipHtnut -I , let. 01)80 .,nre 1'' I'ul soeHKiorf I'i 1 1 trv 1 aw antsiri. instrvctiex Piane Playing Tnuglit Beginner in 20 Lesions OPEN EVENINGS Adult lleslnners it BpetFally Advance Course If Yeu New I'lnv Phene hnrnre finnj TJMp 46. H-llf B B a ' - mei. or poi mt-sic FOR rnv.K HOOKI.FT aiRisiKNNEN .sriinei. IS50 Chestnut SI. U1Y MORLKY, Jr. Phila. Musical Academy Germantown Branch 30 East Walnut Lane Cataleeue 05th ensen (,ln 3f,n JOSFI'lW ( I 1RKK. Dlree. MONTANI VOCAL STUDIOS Neu Aihlrrsst 110 Rltttnlioiise HI. nth St. Ileleiv artist A. T. Maynard, Mub. Bac. A. R. C. 0. lOKF, OIUIAN IIAIIMONV ;:3 ( hetlnut HI. Ilnrlns UH04 W C TSCHOPP Msnliil'ii ' lliinle aur. .n. leth m. 211 H. niii si Msmlerii lliinle flultur Zither ELSIE MILLER IS11 er, Uoem Chestnut St, RESNOL nc &J Y Ms Your Diamonds Reset We Knew Hew Lew Prices Ira D. Garman, 101 Se. 11th St. WALTHAM WATCHES GA fi Seldertng Furnacmi v-' - and AoeUanets Manufactured bl L. D. Bcrget Ce., 59 N. 2d St. Dull, Market SSi Keystone. Main S7U IlKI-AllllNd AltT 1I,ASH A fit' KflAl.TV Philadelphia Ornamental Glass Works STAINED AND LEADED ' for hurcli-s dwelllnus and puMIc bulldlnits. Designs nnd estimates furnished. 516 Is. 9th Street Hell 11 nc I nplar S371 CLAD'S URNS for COFFEE Chocolate, Het Water Any SDle nr Slie Kitchen Fer Hetel and Restaurants Manges, Steam Tables Plate vearmers Orlddle Rleves. Cookers, VAailU Irons, sic. VICTOR V. CLAD CO. 217-219 S. Uth St. FREE FREE FOR 10 DAYS ONLY WITH EACH GONTRAGT We will wire in sevtu-roem house, nevcn nwit lr four 3-vvuys two pltiK rccciptni Ic one liBlit in cellnr, complete w th .i icl of solid brass fixtures for 5.00 11 erl (titurnntt'fd 2t Scars' KKpertenrp Sawyer Electric Ce. 3216 Germantown A v., Phila. Hell I'lienr, DlainenJ HiaO 1UI MS Rf.sejnN ATI NTI( rilV, X. J. COME TO ATLANTIC .tt,niYi s.- JL A JL , Tf K"1 fc3is: 'eg Fer a Peaceful Armistice Day Celebration Armistice X)t falllnir en Vrtfi effri n pxcrptleniil rippirtuntt fr t (llltfht fill (trie, a 1 (Iwl mil Ini' fe.ilil 1 Inn u I n until , 1. 1 i v i t vtu uuiniri ii'ini . n u i . ji j uiiiii i Mnndny , in inMfreritintT mit mr nuu arni nun hit) idds itmimi ( h imii t i . t. n mrt i hIe et roller ' i-i ir 1 n V I imiiui MiinJwnll- uii'l pTniitu a r.Tl tr Je ablf da en the link J Hperlnl rnt rtatnmnntH r Itftnff ir i nuifreft nt th ! id ins heiMt uhr re I Iticd wmt.r ratt re new ln ff r I PIi" Inteat h r ti nn I st ice predu tiein Hf linlnjc siiuw n itt th" tiumTeiis th n i ti h musli and damintr nn th ik" i 1 pry entdnnr i i catien THE LEADING HOUSES Alvvn i 1 nnn v tre up W i I Iln m rt- (All ar.' I 1 OtllTWlHO net'I , Marlbernugh-Blen'ielm I I I he AnilniNMiiiler I , llinn.ii' llulel I KII7 Cnrllnn I lluti'l Mr mil i I, ilen Hull lintel ( helsen The llulinliurst I (,iiplilnl Mn 1 ) Opn t, f r Inf Tin itlen ViiKtii-an rinn un ) Dip IlrenUers Hetel llemils I lip Mielhurnp lintel llrlKhtnn Hetel s..( Imrles enshle llnusp Until Mnrtnn The Wiltshire nfertnlle tr u tr let- frum all t ul 1 n in lul a rut i er IKents r full Intiirm 'Men neult local lc, t U lien i fa IROQUOIS entli i urellii i Vvemie "il lurds I rum llimrilvinlli 150 Reems and Baths Linmennirs n i i i out. 1MIWN SO II i. OUR RATES Ainerluiii 11.111 M.OO m Dnllyi H.l.Otl mi IXceMv. Musi Dam In Sun 1'ivr nrs. concert lloenin, Ee trlt' Eltvftf r i uljlne ftnd servu une e led nnvwlu-r Pro'luee from our n veKet.ible an 1 stock firm "teim heat lll'I.N AM, llir. UAK ciw rTshlt) Mitn.mii i ATLANTIC CITV On the Ilemrih Fren. PRK WAR RATI S Amtrleia Flin Entirely, Alm, Open lle ( Runmnc tr 136 per ek Heom , Prime Il.lh II! tells Deuble ( Running Vt.ler !( Roem J Prime ll.ih : le 1st -Deuble Roem, Prime rude Ocein curaer t6 per wrek O-nenhip Management Phene 1455 ATLANTIC CITY. IM..I. H Directly en. tke Oceaknieiit g 0 A AincricauPIanHetel of Disl inctiev D CAPACTTY 600 oaraec frizA'cVe.Mcaaym leauasiaaiBsjaiBBiniieaiaariMiaiaacl fl w: Ml ttktWtwiMtSWkWkwmamtMiimMmmMMkmmKmBmmummkwmwmamTX M TFeklNtn RALOOHUje of si t II 111! I,s ' u , Hi. C II l H , il -illy ,,()() New J rei 11 el h tef i hIumI H" anjie nt in ii.n il snr ilreatt r Jueeil r tea liew In ffr I Ii,-k rlpl Imekl N(iriiliiiin, fermerlv of tlw l'rlnerss I et I h Vlnkr inn iv, t Heme in the " llj- of Robust Ilculth" .HOXETL. ILLOriT en tlie.m InU llrkiiilu v, ta.iuilt ilOO nf nor, I'rlvnte llulhs, cli. llus (lern ,,'UA - ' "ri ' ' mjepi:i,li"' ESOTfi:KWBl-& yil?'u." iAM ' "! heu9 from UearrlTal and Steyl I'ler livery aiipolntment. UU hei in Ilia Via taildiril In rililn nml aaruie. mVi ffall and Wleter Hntes, J Jtethwill ieK lime ylrclnla av. 3J hotel from lienth. I'rlvats baths, run. vrnter, elev . Reduced I'all ratal BAM RI.I.IH Owner N J COI I INS Mar HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always open, always reads , terms medrt. Wrt'e or Ihen. M. WAI.BII IIUNCAN SHOREHAM iw'f'i Ave. lieur ll i. l. ROI'l.AN PLAN n " " r i i le, lines Aleis t, ruber. Hetel Boscebe! 'i1, WuJ- T latuM Mieam heet l'h 117 A l M VHlDN iWeiiminster Keatuckj av. nr. ute ruuniua vniir. uyeu an tar. u, a. KOl'P. V "" nVr1 l ' jt 'j. '. , Aft AtTTfJIM" RK0kTf MTTTMW'tHrftltl1 -. ATTAVT" rrrv. V..J , ,T-Yy - - , u, H," , "il ie.i ..i.. i i s r ' , .....Wfta.Mte sV m AN ANNOUNCHMKNT fDlarl&oreub'iBIenbeim, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. begs te announce that during the months of November le Janunry inclusive it has calahlishcd en the American Plan (including meals) the following Weekly WINTER RATES DOUBLE ROOM AND HA'IH, TWO PEOPLE, $8:5, 95 nnd $112 according te locntien, and n SINGLE ROOM AND BATH, ONE PERSON .... $60 and $70 A (inall number of particularly choice locations are nt higher rate. DurinR these month the climate of Atlantic City is the most delightful of the whole year. Beth houses will remain open instead of one of them closing as heretofore. Exquisite music a feature. Obstacle Ceif en front lawn. Horseback Hiding. Gelf (2 Championship Courses), Rolling Chairs, Piers, Theatres, Meics, and countless ether amusements. OW.-VErtJIIir MANAGEMENT JOSIAII WHITE & SONS COMPANY y -- J U'L" !": ' Lakewoed.N. J. UUREL HOUSELAURELPINES -VStxi Open A J MURPHY-Manader C. VMURPHY-zW;- Hotels of Unique Prestige and Distinctive Charm Among the Pines in America's Most Alluring Resort witoi.nseMr:. iii:ai.tiifli.. iikaltifdi.. Psvered Down T'ireugh tne Tears by Particular Ilesort-Geers, Pultes for rernmnrnt I'ncaceuient. I'.ielustve Unilrenment. Onlj fl) Wiles Trim v. e,e Yerli Splendid TrrMn Seruiee for Commuting. noedlnnil Ilridle Trulls Ilenclns Tennis Oannlnt llontlec. Annual Autumn Gelf Tournament November 17, 18, 19 llmk rs llnimlej, f'linniberlln & ( n. On "The New Jersey Tour, a X ATt,ATI( IT. N .1 A Modern Hetel nt Modern! Retes H mm cn'ellna Aw near l! h I luxcelleJ for comfort and srvlc' l.lecrle lights, run l,lnK water, t'rf-iit. I athn Kx c lent culslnv BACK TO PRE-WAR RATES Terrespi leiif snlirliel 'ipt-n all ear. IISTtiV n AIIMlin. Owner A Mnnntrr New Clarien Kentucley Ave Just off n arflvvllt SK Ttenlfivee sm in i'mik ... "lteMETROPOLlTiAN Asbury Park. N.J. l I'ltr.MACl In -ervlep, rnlslne J nnd nmnureinent nluUe for the reinfnrt nnd hfipplnen', of cued,. Thesp are eutNtnnillni; feiiture-i of this lintel. And with them are roni reni blned ii plenslnc rllmute, vhnleMmei rerrnillen nnrl refined eeinl diver sion dellfthtfiil rlrrlp of Interest Inc people comprise Its ever-nidenlnc nnd iipprerlntive clientele. Open tlm jejir nreund and flreprikef. Its con veniences nre complete. s. a. i:ee i:s. r. 11. iikiciis. Jr.. Proprietor. Mann;cr r.AKKivoen n j Flreuroef. Neiy built and newly furnished. I All outside roetiH. sinRle or en suite Prlvats bkchs. Het and refl runmnc water an . tele.ihnes in (ill rooms excellent Hungarian ' cuisine Music nt meal times und for dancing. I Grill and billiard rooms Si.ei.lal rates until Nev. 13. Alse special commercial ratss. ' Booklet Teiepnetie I.aleewoed SSI or Nsw , Yerk nmee Selmyler B2I1 ! I IKW Mill. N T HI I K TiilVN I lRK lull HriOKT PI 1 ST STIIOJ Il.l ti,, n. MOUNTAIN LAKE HOUSE I'liri Ml V ear Med rain 1,11' . J Huffi iin ! i"t vtr u'lshurK 1, la k et HI) , yi' i'iir np I'A. The Ontwoed Open nil year, decant location. artfcliu fall winter rales nikt n i. i n v Anm.n rilETO I'A. Old Orchard T lu the roreuos. li ,vil lJ. Ilniiklet. CREMCO. I'A. -V! INN 111 HotelDeSeto &WASVH GAf I i i uuri-.v-N i i U0 r i II Il I a rei rse erl UeK" cf irufsi i nrtpsinn veil dialer I" n Is I 1 I d ' lta t n requ st IT ASHKVIM E. '- TrwMffx I i re Mb-i JsS5 n r. ffll I . Write for SPECIAL Fall and Winter RATES HATTERY PARK HOTEL Ahhewlle, N. C. IKF.N. h. C. AIKEN I south t nrellnit's l'rnuler Resort Highland Park Hetel I'l N l.f- I'Miii it rn may "l'eseeM it ehiirm all Its nun" iivril III i HI V1IONT I Nl IIliiNMF.NT lihlres .1. ,1, S1K1N1",1 Muniik-er "iinuuer 1 hltefme Inn I iiKe I'lnrlil N V. tiv.ii'1 n m w amWi. W fh J 'I 111 C i hai. a h r k.i a n mm tt esw' Hillsborough Count, I la. Sunny Tampa, with new develop tnents leads In attractions for tourists Oreat out deer life Fish Ing. Sailing, Iluthlr.;, Moterine Gelf Oppertunltj forliemeseekets Pre htable truek farming istecu a id Poultry Enterprise and invest ment aav antuces Write for tnformntlen nan booklet you want I, ler Tourists :, en Pert - 3, en Agriculture I iiniii llunril nf lfil. I-. rrinlr Tampa. Flu ,1 VI M1M II II.. II HOTEL ALBERT.JACriEOiNVII.LE, TLA. In Hi, 'min of , t.rvlhu k l st i liil.Jt Ileatuui ,nt Sleiuu Uvm rumilliir nuler he I plione pi an neiiiH Llcvuter. ut'riictlve letiuv narler? mir, h. .1. f'l..nn ......1 furtabln beds. Literature II 00 up ' 1 ff i m m i n I r" F, - f uperuwvKr" W FRANK. F SHUTE- Managcr- Read of Nevcr-Ending Delight' J ri.(iuii) IJM Wendtr county el ihewenderlind of Flerida. "1 repic verdure, rjre plintt Three brjuttfut little cities, Drademeun, Palmetto and Mam lee Itathini;, Mihin, beating, coif reque. fine auto rejdi Aicon nodatienj (or tvtry rut and pocLetbeok In heart of createi; midvin. ler vegetable cfuinZeeeien Center eranse and grapefruit sieuirc, meit productive crape iruit K'eve in world. w. Ux come awaits winter vistrers and firmerscttlers. Come and see Write (eday or - frs il lutf rif,1 fxrutl ssiAr- i ii. ' Zpjfltfri cl Ceiel; CeauamiiBirt - r,ii751.Bnlttews. ' i ..Cjjleruaj 5S?-R i:iu(in, rr.i kenilwerih Ledge At Sebring, Flerida A I'lilurrsque end nncliantln Spot On llrautliul Lahe Jacksen, IN CENTUAI IXOIUIJA. ' . Iloems tach with Bath. New- nnd Medem Throuclieut Season January te April. Gelf for the Most Critical HUGH J. FLYNN, M5r. New 1 erk Office: T nn it Country, f W 's- 10th B' Tel Vnnderbllt 2200 'The Sunshine City" 1 lerc't the ideal place te spend the winter. Sun and fun and life in ihe open every day. Delightful semi-tropical clim ate. Open air band concerts. Ceif, tennti, ihoeting, bathing, tailing, metering. Plenty of fine hotels. Ter any information or our booklet en the ( ity or en Sperti and Recreations, write Chamber of Commerce, Drpt. P, Si. Petersburg Fla. VTP 1VIIH) Ts RF.SORIfl Fall River Line Te Bosten M Nl.U I"N(. AMI rOINTS It. Pier It N R. il'ullen M ) fliOO P. M. Dally Orrhestri en e ,ili steiimer Ni:V LOMJDN Nt KM ICII) I,INK. Kenve Plej40, N K Week I)uk Si30 P. M- r ERICSSON LINE I or Hnltlmere A Uushlntten. n. r . Norfell. mnl the .south Ilallr Service eveetit Sundiiv. IVeltht and I'liaM-niirr, . n'elei W P M.i Saturdiir, 3 ?'r?c ?', ?' ,rn"1 l'lcr 3- " I'eliivvure Phil Klelpbla. STI.lllslMPs nrsORIs i West Indies ' i Four De Luxe Cruisea I R ' Ivri- hrf I.n, l,dr Uie itik Ntu 1, rlt 20 Jan. 4 Feb. 4 Mar. 4 lu P let t Inl rln Sersw S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" 14 ion r ns I'mpuu eoieet Ne Pussperts Requlrril for C rulses, Rntes. ft;; mi un te i 1 'u IH n eiiik WHO private baths 1 ir Tiirther Particulars write FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 11 IMiltehill St., New lerk 11IT1I1 i CO. I.TIJ. Ileursr HulldliiK i i Au 'leurlst Aaent rOL'HH Clnrk's IrllU I rulke. Pel). N r 1 erk 11th, fren IV3EDJTERRANEAN uT(nApD i j i J" 'ni' el ( Miiiid.a'n 1'noine hiii eieimr EXPRESS OF FRAHCE '.?' Teiia 74 Duy, , st. rivrr.HMM nc I'M. i rafB s. -"- rl mf t I " j ' "'" i Ask i .jiiSfc, W mVtt Jt- R 99 N I '1 H '1 1 1 ul 1 '3 N M I t, Firit Class, $000 and up h in 1 itpt nnd I'alt.tliw. . ivej fees, fculdcn Includtd. BWd- IS Jltl llutels. drlv uvvrs ii, l.urep, Itauk C. Clark. tiuj Pulldtej, HawVaA evers In Eureix. i r i I I I b1 4 J5 1 'f i? w m . .te I 4? , XxA. mHHI ir rifeLmeiy. jv-i