A-ii , A-i ilfa.tr pTWiTJV' J Vm- jVj; t ,c t- -'v - , tr;"H, "'-" -n,vt-yr - i N-. ; ;. .t .F t, , . .. 'I I 1 Ht r l- 1 I si XJre-tfV 1 IP Sgl rj Chartered 1836 K fe 61 ' EVENING- PUBLIC LBDGER-PHILADELPSIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1021 3&f SaSSi 3 sfcJ en; Can Your Banking Connections Be of Mere Service te Yeu ? Very few individuals, perhaps, fully realize in hew many ways they can utilize their banking connections. It is the province of the Service Department of this Company te assist clients in obtaining the par ticular kind of service best suited te their needs, A client may be in need of conservative and un prejudiced advice in regard te investments. He may be in doubt as te the most convenient method of cashing coupons. He is perhaps seek ing information about real estate or the safest and most economical methods of transmitting funds te foreign countries. His problem may concern the selection of an executer or trustee for his estate. Clients of the Company seeking information or advice regarding financial matters, or pro spective clients desiring details concerning the Company's services, are cordially invited te consult the Service Department. Girard Trust Company BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA 4 Capital W& $1 y- EKBazgeasgagiagB rKtiTV'aw nd Surplus 000,000 EFFINGHAM II. MORRIS. Pteiident Member Federal Reierve System id -1ftr: m c ga :!CE2S'HV2SKJM2?5KKKyW 7Z35Z lereeMmtiji mil 3e wmmmsmMBSsm New Yerk Bends Continued from Prrceilln I'mte I 1 .1 It in in 8 1 in 1)8 (IS II H I 4 ..70 I 1 . 70", llteadln Ce 4 1 1 ... 70 4 . . 7RH ! I .70 U7H, 2 . . 70 07 fteailliw C Jsj OH i HI Cel 4t 2 OS ll) .. . St '4 1 . . OR SiLtSFl) r. 07 1 . .. 0 ,1 01 I 10 . . OO'i R (17 , 2'' . HO'i 2 OS I 2 CO i, N l'nt I 7s 1 . iW 0 0V4l fi 00 Nc V .V II &1 2 CO'i Hart i!i)t 12 . 0 1 .ITU, f. ntHi S'n Paclfle M B . . 80 7) .. 80 II SOH 1 SO', Vn Pac cv 4 r.. ... fin 10. ... 83, 1 . . Ml Sn llalluay ! 1 . .. 001, 1 . HH, 1 . G"U J . . Oe't 3 . 00V, S . . 00 Sn llallua "' 7 . . 80S 5 . sfl 1. ... 80S Igoedyear rubber SALES WERE LARGER 1 0 Repert for Sevon Months Shows Net Surplus of $3,395,853 N Y Tela 44sl t 00 Thin Ae J t 87 St I. i 3 I' In1 10 .. 40. IS 17 -' e2'l, 1 41 N Y Telm. 01 ft.) 3 . i J PS I 2 (S2 2 .. 10 'i HH I I .. 03', 1 4 2 IIS 1 RJ ' 1 . 41 V A SSn cv ill, 2 20 101 1 1 0 1 113 0 Vertn Vt'n' r. 2, .' 1"Wlj Il!l Tel 7 r. ft2', l"nu 2 10(1", 1 . T.3 5 100'i . -.-. O 1 B -- tnlnn f4H U 1 IJti r4 Ci ll &. O 1 IU tlliwu - 107 Strs A 1 SO'. ' l mil',1 1 fl(it4Unlen re M I ' .' linn, 1 (in i, 7 84 i ' 1 ion', i. . flfl'i L'nlen l'nc ila I 1 imit 10 OHW .". 101 I 1 lm!V 1 HO f Tan!( C 7 It 107 1 00 U 0 102', 1 N I'i.ifc It 1 SI I. i S rranlV I'run Ce 8t 1 .-,) Sorlej 11 12 100 I 1 SO 1 RO I 10 100 . N Tatlflc II 4i S 0 1 . . 00 I J se 2'ili 70 V Uln Impv'l ma, i s 70 '4 Ce Ss .' soil, St I. it s Trar 7 .. 71 1 se', rlc C 2 . 71 '4 10 hoi, 11 Ofiif 3 llubb r S I 2 '', ?! I. S V "n 1 . 83U I jb 0 n , M l' 1 Hub 7Vi .7 70 '4 1 OS 2 .. 103 1 -Nili S Trr .1 St I S Mil let 2 . !3ta I l hi, 1 71', f n y stfei :- 2 , SS 14 1 .OOS ." . 07 Otp a i.aiif r. 1 7U, 1 10. .. 07 I 1 01V.'St 1. H Wn Sn, n P'1, Orrtten S I 4al 1 70 ' P 07', 1 10 n', s 70 ! 1. 07 1 81)-, St P I ft K C 10 07'. I Orfren a I. Id S I. 4'4a ,Va-r Ch 7', I I M', 1 7 J 2 . Ml Ore 1 n u 't r I Minn & 1 00 2 10 1 .Mnnlt 4'4s X, 00 O-e V n It Ce' 2 02 Vn It s Ce t.t i N Ce 4' fc'iL it A I. ' 2 SO' 1 1 74't I.1 1(1 tnbnli H Ihi 1 7l't 1R'4 2 01 1 Pack it Moter a igifcjUabiili 11 2J I lur 1.0 8 Stab U A 1, r., 2 83 , .' . t'O'n) .'. . .. 44 1 V It II 4a '4Si a , 43S 2 81 1 13 V I P P. It em 414 1 . 41i 83s4 'Shamn Stael 1 834' Heep 8a Net Mies of the Ooetlycar Tire nnd Iliililier C'einpany for tlie 8ccn months rnilcil Hcplrmber .'!0. 1021, were .$02, -121.171).' orcerilliiic te n report Issued te stockholder. Nit "amines, nvailnble for Interest nnd fixed charge, were .l1.S1S.4Ml. Interest rhnntes ntnelinted te S2.:im.fi01. while ether miscel laneous therniM nnd ndjiistments, mestlv lues en liquidation of fixed property and adjustment of imentorles In sub Mdiurj tonipnnlee. nucresated SI ,12.1. n'c Tim in t Kiirnliis mneunted te .V.I'4 iiacwnicr vn , ,., mi- yn H' C.?ct0Hrv "'('he Rineral balance sheet showed the P-nn U R 3s, 1 w'mw r.iee r 1 . 09'. el n Mil Is 10 . OS 3 . . SS 1 S7 5, PR'4,st n Mil r. i 4 pj Slneliilr C Oil 1. . PS, 1 2 . PU,' Cerp 74s V Union OMia 1 1 01 1" no, 1 10". I rnn.i no nviP n . no, 1 ie-. 3 1034 10 . . 0fl'4 1 1051, 1 2 101"4 1 . . Onk UcRttllKhuuan 1 10314 I . 005 i: i. Mr 7 I r, 101', 10 .. oe4 ' 1 . . 105 iei 10. . oe 1. 101 Panr.n R It i S . .. Oil". Wlcka e Spncr S 100 4 2 . Oil H, I Steel 7a 1 1H14 1 004 3 .. 03 1 lOOSl 3 . (11I4 Wllaen Ce lt Iir.i:ist 10 (KIJ 1 . 02, i (11 4 2 . HO, 1 02",, I 014 1 . O0 1 l'ub fccr Cerp1 a . 0rt 1 N Jy B ' 2 . P04l 1 70',' I fc Ri h'r?.! I I MHBBniSffla I'iSirSSv VSBatS Hamc3 Fer Fifty eight Years this Bank has steed at the corner of Bread and Market Streets through all the stress of the Civil War and many ether calamitous times that have fallen upon the world, and it has well demon strated its ability te take care of its friends and customers, since it k con ducted in a conservatively modern way, meeting the demands of the present-day biibiness and reaching out for mere. Come in and see us. It won't take you out of your way, for we arc In the Center of Thing Opposite Bread Street Station Tliix1 UrymiLid J ! - GLXlle I.ibem ."i1 .- 0.-.20 or, 14 0.T.1 J I.ibim 1st 4i,s.. U4.7S !)1.(4 linn, I ibe-tj L'. Jl4s.. 1(1. till .U.7(1 fH.7(1 I iln 1 1 .'id 4'!S .'.1(1.7(1 .K!.."(i '.Kl.liO Mlim 4th 4i,8. ."i OS '14 'Ml 1I4.1HI ii Vines :; ,s .1111.711 iiM (it? ii'i.di! Vn Vutev J1,s . !l',1.70 ')!) (is SllHIS - COTTON GINNINGS LOWER If you want te find out about a steck: the last price at which it sold, its market range. latest market news and a report en the company. what ethers in same group are doing. or any question answered abput trading. Call phone u rite Jenes &. Baker Members New Yerk Curb Market Dire -t Prlvntt Vlrn Sen erk ChKaje nujt&n Pbllad pi , Pltuburfh Detroit Ua'timerc t-lr c. PHILADELPHIA OPFICL Widcncr Building 1r1nhnn. Be" - - - l.lJCUSt 4730 lelephent Key!tenc . Hace 5SbI BALTIMORE OFFICE 433 Equitable Building Telephone bt. Paul E451 rempiinj s ratio or eurreiu nsseis e current' liabilities te be approximately 10 te 1 Its nKKregate ensh holding, 1'niteil States Treasury ecrtiflcates nnd bank iHeeptnnrei. totaled $l!:i.7'J2.4vSr(. lMwnrd (I. Wlliner, president of the eempaii). in his renmrkR te (-toek-belder-., said s-iles of automobile tires (luritiK the lirst nine months of 1021 were In excess of the number of sales the iinie period last your. "The lunir of mechanical geed, in rludlliR rilbbei heels," lie say. "tlieush abnormally low. Is new shoeing gradual improvement. With a seasonal ouilall euilall meiit In the use and demand for tires, production has been gradualh cur tailed Immediate prespnts indirntc that no further reduction of consequence will be necessary, and an inciease i-herth after tlie first of the new year is piebahlc. ler u period sales hac ex ceeded prodiKtlen with tlie result that imcnteiicx of finished tires arc new Milistnntinlly smaller than these of last year. "(lenihinr's principal ubsidiiiilcs. the California Company . all of whesn common "-tin k Is owned by Akren, and tlie Canadian Company, in which Akren has n .substantial investment. hne written down both inventories nnd commitments te n turrent basis. Imth have paid off all bank indebtedness, both Iijue ample cash en hand te meet current lcquirements, and both ate showing substantial monthly earnings. ' DAILY NOVELETTE .1 GHOST AM) .1 PI.XK SUPPER Hij Rese Meredith DICK CAKSON knocked at the base ment deer, behind which lurked his landlady, and when her long, pallid countenance poked out suspiciously lie removed his utraw hat. "Mrw. lteggs, you didn't tell me that jour house was haunted." be accused. "Is It?" she demanded. "(!host in my loom lat night " "I ni or had a ghost here In my life you must have brought it with you," she said mechanlcalh. Dick laughed. "This is a fine old house it niiiHt have been a beautiful mansion once upon a time and there inlghr be a ghost of the past haunting it. Yeu told me that I was tin- only roomer here nnd that you and your husbaud lived alone, yet He re placed his but, picked up his painting kit and strelbd down the read lew.nd the beech weeds wheie he was j'elng te finish a picture of the brown brook. As he went lie thought of the stiangc old house whete he had found a room vvheiein he might sleep quietly at night, though he obtained his meals at 'he vil lage Inn lie thought of the big. cle.in loom filled with am ient furultine. ami thf silent, untenantdl ether loenis-nml lie suilileuh pulled from lus coat pocket it little pink sntin slipper. He hml found it in front of hit) bed loom deer a sheit hour age! small pink sjitm Turkish slipper well worn, with u cheerful little pud! of golden tliM'inls mi the turned-up tee. Wheie hi'il it come from.' Oit.Unly I "Net n word and never will only I " be hesitated. Should he lour "Only what'" "Nothing, Mrs. Ileggs: thank you," nnd iie went tipstalts in an absent minded wny, t When he was inside of the room, with the deer closed, be Middcnly put down his burden nnd leaned against the panels; he was net alone, Somewhere in thnt dim chamber was nnether living, breathing form, lie heard n little .rustling sound from the comer nnd knew that the intruder wan biding in the shadow of the great four four pester bed. He had heard u light step nnd he knew thnt n woman wan there. He took out his pocket flashlight nnd fmddcnly swung it around the loom. The dim depths of the ancient mlirer held a picture that startled him. Pressed against tlie curtains of the bed steed the slim form of n girl dressed in white. He saw u lovely heart-shaped face and wide startled dark eyes. lie cause of the shame and fear In her face he turned nway as if he had seen nothing, snapped off the light and strolled te the window, looking out nt the starry sky. He beard her slipping past him in the dark room nnd he longed te step her, then from the deer a soft, break ing velic challenged him, "I -beg your pardon I knew you ' . . . i .!- saw me but J was loncsemt ana i ve been rending your books don't bldine Affrf Ttnfrntl ' The deer opened and closed softly nnd j sue was genn from tlie room, uui mu from his dreams. The next morning, Sirs. Heggs) was wnlllnir tnr libit nf t in feet of the Stairs. "'Did you hear any ghosts last night, .Mr. I arson? " she n.sueti. "Nothing unplcasniit, save the wind in the trceteps," he answered, when a sweet voice llentcd down the, stairs. "Cxplaln It te him. Sain, please." "Yes, Miss Menn," and Sirs. Ileggs explained that Miss Mena was one of the heirs te the old house nnd some times she stayed thcre unknown te any body while she wrote stories and poems. "Please keep it n secret until the estate is settled then Miss Mena will come licre te live." "I'll premise silence, if the ghost will premise te walk in the garden some times," dcclnicd Dick, looking up the wide stnlrvvny. lie saw n white hand ever the upper banister, then the ether pink satin slipper came flying null saucily struck against his heart. Dick kissed the little slipper and put It In his pocket. Mrs. Ileggs saw nothing as she plodded nway, nor did she hear the soft laughter that floated down the stnirs. the sweet pre lude te a wonderful love story. "mere than an office haWiinz" Brenuwny & Fifth Avenue at Madisen Square New Yerk THE FIFTH AVENUE BUILDING Ne exclusive hotel could be mere discriminating in jts acceptance of guests than the Fifth Avenue Building is in its choice of tenants. Ne hostelry is mere zealous in rendering cflicicnt service than this "mere than an office building." Total te Nev. 1 6,646,136 Bales, Against 7,508,633 Last Year Washington, Nev ll. Cotten ginned pi ler te November 1 amounted In (I -dill. 1.1(1 running hales. Including 111, 1.10 round bales, 11,77,1 bales of Ainer-luiii-Kgyptlnn, and lll'.Kl bile- et Sen Island, the Census llureau announced today . Last year, te November I. there had 1 ! , -flCJ IVI'I l.l 1 II ui en cuiiieii I .uv'I.ihie null's, uiriuillll : . i ii . i i 1.HX1.1S teund bales, Zt.OL'S bales of , )' W "lls ,1,,,t "Ji1U;l,i'(I I" ,M""l' Anieric.in-L'gyptiun, and 040 ba c of I ' " '""-"'T "V, h fi ' ' i, , Ti Sea Island tul(1 '"'r "bout the slipper. She would (tinning by States te November 1 ibis jcai fellow b". Alabama. .11'-' "-.IS , Arbena. l.'i.HIO; Arknnsa,s liL'l.lilis ; California. 7-V! ; l'lerida, '.1471. (itergla, 7:il.WM : Lou isiana, '-'.ni mil. Mississippi, (i4..:u:i: Misseuii. ,ri.1.20'' . Neith Carolina, ."SI, H7 1 : Oklahoma. I.'UI.OI'-' ; Seuth Cam linn. (I'J.,.07H. Tennessee. UUHIiO". Tixas. l,!i:7.7.".0: Yliglnln lO.fllS'J, all (ther States, ,111i!1. have buuilbd him out of the house nl mill' :iiul hi lather llKid tin feisakcu old tomb Hi was tiled thnt night whin be c.ime bill, te the gloomy house. Through llie thick sluubbeij that suneundeil it he saw the pin point of led light that indicated tlie hall lamp. He was net allowed te have a key se he pulled the knob and lieaul the jangling bell far below I'p twin the bowels of the eaith i nine Mrs. Ileggs tinmpitig like a grena-Mm- SI sinlbd wanly nt bun Meservc uarms uisceuru rvaics i .,, .,nii,,l unnk nt l.mi ! Ii.h.e Trn ll iVmi'l Kkr ' ni house, she w hlspiicd (uixieusly , Ne W.rV. 1 III iciclpliU I it t npil . 1 ltd luii rvl 1 vtlimlR . .. i likiihu . st l.nuls .Vlliinitinlln K.UI-HH l"lt , lnill.is I sun l"r ,rcc l tfH bon 1 m IH ' 1' 4', tS , :. r. ,l, Mi r.'-j t.h :i "i'-j ,"i "i imp r i.ci i in si -ft 4's l. ('i 5'' i ''" i. ni , Certificates and Treasury Notes M iiurliik' line li lliJI . hVl 11'-' . Miir ll'J-- . M.r IdS J f.i Mr ma.' I . Vpr ll'JJ i,-.i Jim- ll'-!- i .; . nt iii.;2 '! s pt in'.'.' nun- ii'. i lie.: i I no ' II 1 cil V1"M 1011 ' ,1 si) 10' 11 .U I''" 1" ' S( 111(11, l 11-IJ .' ',11 100 il 'I- ICn T 1" 'I w3 inn ii lii inn Jl JJ .1 si lllll l'"lr us ten ieii'4 l ei Kill -" '! 1"" S 3- 1-' Kin I'm s, il 11 in inn'p 4 JO in.' IHJ'n 4 Ss ll 1 4 Hil'ii 4.'n) 5? WANTED Additional Capital (FOH EXPANSION) Manufucturing company ile alrcb ucrvices of reliable financiul institution as Fiscal ! Representative. i 022, Ledger Oflke srillll I lulltllllt (.imniii. Iiluli iilln rr null n f i imi.iiI r, ii,,,, f N , I nlll'il ( ik A I In ,,n. JTIKIISf I K A .L ,r ( u l"'." '!"'! ,,",',l' '-!! Ilfiiluikv Tnii lien ,V ,rlll i..intnn A inlnii I! It ( Jllllh ltllrt ( mil HI. f'n'r I It Ii i,,,,!,, IVllll i I! l ti , SAMUEL K. PHILLIPS &c8: """VVnrrMnh:! " s l'J-,1 1 s 1111,11 1 s III .1 It's I'lll ' I'HI 1 1UI3 fi Kill i s a v. nil iv in 1 1 '1 s llH.l(.!:. A WORLD struggle WIDE ic ter en supremacy is new self- evident. l'v nil f"nl I' 'IT1 "nil Inri.m- mx i t ,-,. ii iif f"i lr nit f iiirui lax .uj i luif ur iTiii'uni Liverpool Cotten . i .1 w.. 11 'll I' ' I . I i I 1 111- I lirniiiiii .'..', .. ,, , ,.!.., ,,i.h nrlr I , WE OFFEIt 500,000 PENNA. R. R. EQ. Gs Jun. 15. 1U28; Jan. 15, 19.11, incl. Tax Free in Pcnna. Price te return 5.80' ( , Qfrcular en liequeat f Townsend Whelcn & Ce. f.'J 005 CIIIWTNUT HT. i....,r.r y, rf 'ifjt. Ktenfe r7rWinni GEO. A. HUHN & SONS STII(H1 Ml IKIMis Mrinlicrs or the I'M dlnlilu ,w lurk iiihI (Ii, ,RU siwi,"! J, ,,,! Nf nrk (nitnn -ihini: Comm jslen Orders Executed In i ,h A." e Pr'ne'Ral Markets L berty Bends Beunht and Sold N 1 . Ill llrniiilmi). MnK " ,,, mliiiSHiiiui i, "' Standard Oil inter ests may well be counted upon te keep America in the forefront. Standard Oil se curities should, therefore. come in f e r increased in vestment atten tien. All investors should have a cenv of our Standard Oil booklet. Complete in every detail. Ak for PL-? J i III . .1 Mill ("' "I'"' " " '" "'j" "'Ul l'rlr " , , . I iiii li.iMi ' mi iiiHuiii" of iine I., I 1 llllU 1- """ "'"S Ml.''!''.' . . ! IiiiK lii (hr iir i .ImllnsM inn1 ' S i r- m Tl-im in .1 1 In- (a r 1 1 'II I r. .nilllB l.'l tub m.ililllllH 11 Ml n i.l II lnii 11 r.s.l 1. w rnl.l.llln?. 1 J -Si hum ' I ? sail. inn rllnarv 7 1 1 LONDON STOCK MARKET Oils Firm In Spet6 Rubbers Gain Ground Heme Ralls Streng Ivenilnii, Nn. ft (Ji'imiin leans mil luimr en the slink ixpIiiuie tf -il.iv ewmn te mi unpieM incut in the in.iiU. (idieinl timlliiK m sivuritiiM 'in nut lirisli, nnd tlie niarl.i'ls wrm niheil, lint tin' lu'l'iig tlirenslimit tin citj wm ilii'i'iful. 'llioell Riiiiii illsplnjiil linn-ii"-s in spot Sli"U Tuuispert nnd Trinliiii: is I i. M'tiei"! l'r.Kli- :. ', iiiul Heinl Dutch i'I"1.'. Meili'iate sup. , irl was chen te til" Inililsti lul list, llmlsen's Ila vim ." M IC. Tlie rub In r kiuup Ki'i"l I'uiHiPl' Kieund, fol fel low iiu tin' st Ipli M.iilar ilft liptieiis wen (pilot, ppi il ni" ms in tln if iiiuiim: of thi' i- iliaiiKi' m N'' YeiU. Heme rails uic Mhhi' .it ticsl mUaiHes. A'Ci'iitiin1 Mils ,il-d w ip IiIjIki, with bentluii'iit ineri' i tin t . 'I In' yul -kiiiI siitkni was irri'KiiLir, hut llim in tin- inulii. I'ieikIi luiil.s win ilull, It Hjinpatliy with l'.iris. Katliis wi'ie fi'iitunliss with i hunger mu in nneuncemen n L L. WITTMEYER & CO. Incorporated Irvtstmenl brcunttei 42 Broadway Nw Ye,u A We have secured a larger and better home for the Oakland car one that will, we hope, better express,- the spirit' of a large organization and form a liner background for a beau tiful car. Met. Edisen 5s, 1922 Pn.AO Pi. All 7l - w.. . ju.1. I 2fif - , U. G. I. 8s, 1923 T1940 m ia,V1r10t.L,a y1,"' "l;Perty new. ' msyJ Hes will it bu iiretcctca when you ArthUr t KS & C-,""" IIIK I'KOVIDENT wru.ui inuiuinK Urr. n 1mm mirs r,i Pmnnni I'iiia llrll. Lern. tflSO Krnlenr, .Main 0711 1 reurth and Che.tnut Hts ni- w-w . .,,,, itrtmhrr or risf-(il n - -e Oakland Moter Car Company 9 1 1-13 N. Bread Street Service Station 31st Street Belew Dauphin nrsGPsvPHBE i I The Man and the Desk Man's tastes and requirements differ in Desks as well as in clothes. He wants a desk that "fits," that leeks well and that is adapted te his work. And the most likely place te find such a desk is where the largest assortment of geed desks is found and that is in the Glebe-Wernicke store. Glebe- Wernicke Desks and Chairs There is a let about desks that the average man knows little about the construction of the writing bed, hew built up and hew framed, the thickness and matching of the veneers, the mitering and building-up of the legs, the construction of the roll-tops and side arms the quality of the hardware and, finally, the finish. And it's the same with chains the design construction, quality of upholstering and the strength and grade of springs. All of this is very important te the purchaser rind when he buys from Glebe-Wernicke stock he w assured of getting the best for the price, in these respects, that his money will secure. If you want te be thoroughly satisfied, leek ever our assortment before you buy. DESKS, CHAIR!!, SECTIONAL IMLINrl rimurn. ,., oLeaArEs.orMc.VsygAi PhON" Btl-l.-WALNUTC880.e58l. REV8T0r-NAIN743" 1 mur kt JlHl! nun? IIP Our November Graphic Recerd Boek NOW READY Analyie Facts- Chartt 40 ACTIVE STOCKS AT A GLANCE ANALYTICAL SUMMARIES of the last 8 annuil teperts of 40 i Ing Industrial, railroad, tnlnlnr and oil stocks dealt In en the New Yerk Stock Exchange, showing the trend of values together with CHARTS vlanelltlng prlcit and volume eft.t.. for put five years together with ih! avenue of j5 InduetrUU "j ,$ !h! present day. "" Thle book can be made the Inveiter1. mett lielplul uulde became It revul. .1 a glance previou8hlBhandlewi,rpi5. LLZ1""jA tlen with careful eummarlet of lit,,, auentlil atatUtle and development!, Cra-rjp fnretfer ntee! this eemalttt tee efmnly Copy sent FltEE en request A1j for r.Axtin "Alwaya Without Obligation" S-S-RuskaySCe. ESTABLISHED 1077 Vemberi Conselidsled Sleck EncKef NY 42 BROADWAY NEW Venk Phenei Bewlln40reer 3200 Chic,ace DeiDOippat doiten Piuiumu DirtCt PridaH WV-I Sy,ut w Outlook for Meney Rates This subject is fully discussed in our Weekly Review e! Financial Conditions for No vember 3rd. In view of the recent reduc tion in rediscount rates this treatise is very timely. The general financial situation as well as the position of the steel stocks and the possibility of a reduction of freight rates is also covered. Interested investors may ob tain a copy of this review upon request for letter Ne. 206 ac companied by 2c for postage. MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE .IOIIN MOODY, 1'rmlilfnt 1124 Real Estate Trust Bldg.,Phlli.,Pt, New Yerk Uosten Chlcase WE WISH TO BUY (. r. r. & si. i.. it it. Ill (CM & M. Dh.) Nt Id 1991 111 III Mnien Trrinlnul I I lxt Sn 1003 I! IH Ter., Hnm. lliifTiile It. It. Ill lnt In 1010 111 Cent. Intl. It. It. HI 1st In 1053 111 WlDENSR BUM. PHILADIIPHIA j MtmlurrPhVatMMicud H A MturiM:Sr0cAnttr J r nfm ok ciuann. m. r i 1. . li r 3T C. S. PA'ITON & CO. yi) i. ClinhlNlITSTS. BANKERS SucrennerH te SA1 I.Kit HTKVKN80V ,, llnndu nnd Ktneka hnuulit and ieU Mrmhir rillll. Stni-U Kxrlillli! INVESTMENT SECURITIES Samuel McCreery & Ce, Iftmbera Phtla. titoek Exehang$ Franklin Rank Building nNVvriAi. , I'UIAUOMAH CONBOI.I1IATH JXff Lll.ltIKh CO.Ml'ANV. ltUKl'OHAtl i iiMt-ir.Aii iiu ri.it cum ueui IIO.NWS IIUK JULY t. 1BBJ. , , ... Netice la hereby given, punuant le ' term e: in morteaie eaiea Juiy.,. lr" that the undersigned aa Trut;e will elJ eialed propeiale up te IS V, Jl., en the 111 duy of December, 10Z1, for the salt te It bends an above described, sufficient te u; I'm sum nf HO.eOB 1,7. The undtriW reserves the rlaht te reject any or all WM ere. in v. note or in pan. ... 111K NbW YORK lllUSr COMPANT, By A, C nOWNINO. Jr.. Assistant GicriUrfV 1 New T'rt Oetnher 27 102t , ' MIV. 1 IOU T( lllll.DLIt Oi; I'ENNStlf am t'Tii.iTiKs te. , navirntst .-.olio in nereuy aiyuu ini hit ."k-'te, i will i-deein all of the eutstandlriB W nient 'I rust fertincd en Heries ' ,'.,, I ami actruiil ilivWena en Derfmber I, IJJh iStter which data ull dlvldsnJ upon Ittf I..1..II...II. uill nniinA. Pjvnmnt will D! Iuuv luvmn iiiesenintlen and surrender of tM c"" .incates at ine omen ei inn u"''r',.t;:7r w. lHl" IT.UNl YI.VANIA fOMPANY F0BUfc aunANcr-s en lives and qbaniiwi a win I ins r.17 Chestnut S.. Phils Dlvlilendu Pt. I Till: MI.hT l-IIIIDKLl'HIA TirLE A! TKUST COMPANY . , ins tills, dw ilflid ej air I iltml of twt ( ihe Ilcrerebnrl; eglstifiej e -j la close of w h rlesel fW 111" IIHIl.tl .iifUI.H "... -'-. ,, Nevembir 10 te Nei ember 2-'. !j'v,- HALPII I. LKVCRINU. Trtaniftr, PhlUilelphla, Nevrmler .3. 1931.. IhK Ileurd of nirerteiij tma tlila day r uliireil n Memi-minum uirnirnu lir keiit nnu un rsirn iiiviu per eni, cirnr vi u. imi. .'', ik, I0J1. te Hipgkheldcra as ''"V'1? biuJ noeKH or inn cemuany m nm n. - nes November 10, 1021, , freS Thu trnnser boelia will be cj '" I'ri'iiiii iu I'ltlirOHM. , , .,,. Hi. Ile.nl of lnleclei Slaty PWisj. tlary for the Western liH"r!.y,Jti iinlu I'lttslnirBh Pa will r'c,i'Ault. I',m en the fnllevklnii .'Ws-es of iiaWiBsin amc tu !" dellverel I'lltsburKh. 1" Mm blue ulinri lillllliri.il i iirpt'iiler hoi iiuiiiuiii leln h MmflltiB .nltd lllilx cliiae at noun. f,lnrf"la.)r' h ill, I'M. IIUIH ,ire ie i "iKVJViaiis f" feilllle.1 chetlia or Iwnda, Hpecincatienii"'. 1 eblalneU at the State Penlt jnl'r'lJ fYU I'ltintiurh. I "a The lieard icservet m '" te reject any or all ma FRANc,F5u I J A."- . A 3C4f &U.Am,m.4ii " I 1 7 j - ii r'n'.., him i n i iWlti IH