'V- $ 7) ' ', 't. i . Ef EKPTG PUtiKTcf SbgBgaiLADKliPEftA, WBpfeMiPkYi NOTMBBft 9, .19gt 3 vf?-j' TT . Nctv Yerk Bends I . ii for . $27,500,000 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Ten-Year 8 Sinking Fund Geld Debenture Bends Dated May 1,1921 Due May 1,1931 Total nuthenzed $30,600,000. Interest payable February 1 and 'Aueu 1. Coupon bends of $1,000, $500 nd $100; register- nblc as te Principal. Principal and interest payable In New Yerk et the office or agency of the Company. Redeemable as a whole, or in part for the Sinking Fund, at any time after May 1, 1922, en 30 days' notice at 110 and interest. The Company agrees te refund the present Pennsylvania feur-mlll tax te holders resident in Pennsylvania who have paid such tax. Application will be mode in due course te list en the New Yerk Stock Exchange CENTRAL UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK. TRUSTEE The Trust Indenture provides for the retirement of the entire issue either through operation of a Cumulative Sinking Fund te purchase up te 110 and interest or te call at that price, or by payment at maturity at 110 and interest The following information is summarized by Mr. E. G. Wilmer, President of the Cempany: The Debenture; Bends are the direct obligation of the company and constitute its sole funded debt apart from a closed First Mortgage of $30,000,000 due May 1, 1941, five per cent of the face amount of which Ghall be retired each year at 120 and interest by the operation of a Sinking Fund. These Debenture Bends were sold by the company in May, 1921, and the proceeds applied te payment of current obligations. ASSETS The balance sheet of The Goodyear Tire 8c Rubber Company as at September 30, 1921, as prepared by Messrs Price, Waterhouse & Ce shows cash.XJnitcd States Treasury Certificates and Bankers Acceptances of $23,722,485, and total liabilities, ether than capital and reserves, of only $6,762,737. The net figures include: Net Tangible Assets, less all Reserves . Net Current Assets Net Property Account, less Depreciation $136,999,044 60,442,533 53,166,517 EARNINGS Net sales and net income of the company for the five fiscal years ended October 31, 1920, as certified by Messrs. Price, Waterhouse 6c Ce. have been as follews: 1920 Net Sales, after Allowances, Returns, etc $188,866,024 Net Incr-ne available for Interest, Taxes and In ventory Adjustments . 10,384,908 1919 1918 1917 1916 $158,258,892 $122,675,726 $103,558,669 $59,122,281 -23,759.989 16,176,808 15,067,765 7,456,877 Fer the seven months from February 28, 1921, te September 30, 1921, Net Sales were $62,421,179, and bal ance available for interest was $6,838,486. Frem net income shown above for 1920, inventory adjustments were made amounting te $9,970,000. As of February 28, 1921, a further inventory adjustment was made of $32,850,000. The balance sheet referred te above is based upon the changes in assets and liabilities resulting from these adjustments. MANAGEMENT During the life of these Debentures control of the management of the company, through the right te elect a majority of the Beard of Directors, will be vested in Messrs. Clarence Dillen, of Dillen, Read & Ce., Jehn Sherwin, Chairman of,the Beard of The Union Trust Company, Cleveland, and Owen D. Yeung, Vice-President of the General Electric Company or their successors, through Management Stock. A We offer the above Debentures for delivery when, as and if issued and received by us, subject te the approval of legal proceedings by counsel. Price 99V2 and Interest Dillen, Read & Ce. The National City Company Lee.Higginsen & Ce. Blair & Ce., Inc. White, Weld & Ce. Redmond & Ce. Kissel, Kinnicutt & Ce. A. G. Becker & Ce. Hallgarten & Ce. Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank The Union 1 rust Company, Cleveland The Information contained In th!i advertliement hat been obtained from eurce which we consider reliable. While net guaranteed, It Ii accepted by as ai accurals. Orders have been received in excess of the amount of debentures offered. This advertisement appears as a matter of record Outlook Winter usiness j Eprnm Will sales pick up? Hew about prices up or down? When will business? turn the corner? Nhsnft 1 " s Special narnmdtrT ntt- I.iei ff I Uieprcss,answersthcse questions juid shew3 you what's ahead in the business world this winter. is a matter of vita! impor imper knee. With this information you can see what's coining and govern yeuruelf ncceidincly. REPORT ON REQUEST iiW " Jeur 5jn' we lelte rhend "T- id " wpy of ll,la special letter -; W "" OWiw" ami n ccpy of Tear out the Mtmo-new - rti'i lisnd uV. mur V5Sretilr w,ltn yju dictate " morning's mail. Atirely Aih tat Bulletin SITU Reger W. Babson's Statistical Organisatien Wcllcicy Hills, 82, Muss. Suburb et huifntit IkXflVM Jratntxtt-e eflu OuiraiUr -:-::- hi fu Kitrtd Best Buys among the Oil Stocks We have just prepared a bulletin en the outlook for the beyter class of low priced listed oil stocks such as General Asphalt Middlt Stales Oil Sinclair White Oil Texas Company and Pacific Oil that cheuld be of inesti mable value te the alert investor or trader. Write for copy of Bullet PL-77. Copy sent Gra CflflRlfittCinRKSONfil ORK :e-26 m-m J 66 BROADWAY NEW YORK TEL'UOWUNO OKttH 'tutJ-cu $77,052,570 New Issues of Railroad Public Utility and Industrial obligations were offered during the past month, as compared with $340,519,390 in October, 1920. Decreased demand for money by corpora tions, and lowering interest rates, should prompt investors te consider securities of the best type at present prices. We have selected several examples and invite request for -our List Ne. 7345. Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut -Street, Philadelphia Bosten Chicago New Yerk Detroit Meme " l Philadelphia Kcw eru A JAAa I . ilrrL 1 I ' - - - - - "" . riMHiA ihfitaiw rr :; . . . . - - - uumu.iL7 ttauiHut T!ITr - ll I ii - liiii urr iirj i-i "Ml f Jf llll.li,ml(. l. Fer Your Jrtt Rewr W iukn t,.,i.i... ,.iti,. : I ffin.jC'l)&l?.t'-lcalt)ri:ini:..tieii,VellcslcV I f Ii. ', .,' nLV follews: Please tend i . ua ,i n 11VT ml Wt.... "" fL V.ijmVKwi "gfilteP,!.- """"''"imiiinii.wij iffiHEMecKw ee Certified Public Accountants U'cxel BuilduiB, Philadelphia Edward B.Smith &Ce 1411 Chestnut Street llnnb.r. Na i nm I'mudmphl Investment Securities Sp7r3u97 McGLINN & CO. siae" Members. A'. V. Stock Exihi.nge Widener Bide-. Philadelphia Lukens Steel 8 "40 United Gas & El. Ci 194S Georgia Rwy. & P- 5i 19S4 Hershey Chocolate 7Vj'i 1930 Indianapclis Union Rwy. Gi, 1923 Lehigh & New England Gen'l 5s, 195-1 PRATT, BREHM BOURSE BLDG., Phila &C0. Equit. 111. Ga ght 5s, 1928 MORLEY, WOOD & CO. 333 Chestnut Street Mrmliyra N. V. i l'lill.i. Blink KcJi . We HfiiiiiHiiriiil fr lineainieni Consel. G. fc'. L. & P. Ce. of Balte. iKt Itrf. Mice, ''r !., I . Imlil llumN 1U.II JesepKW.Gi03s a,C6. 1421 Chestnut Street Correspondent AldreJ fi Ce. E. H. Rollins & Sens rmnulrit 1H70 Investment Bends 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia rimiie Ipruce B4II0 llnsten yew Yerk Wllkrs-llnrrr Italtdnare Chicago Ran Francisce Investors lire buying bends new becauae they feel bend prices will con tinue te rise nnd becauae they wish te enjoy the advantages of making an investment which, although net as much a bargain as it was it month or a year ihje, will lit; II show them decided profit before pre-war conditions are nguin reached. We will be glad te submit for your consideration a list of our investment recommendations, lenu or short term, at prices te yield 6 te 8 Canadl'n Ntbn 0H rcta 1.... 104T4 17.... 105 Canadian N 7a 1.... 107H 1.... 1074 1.... 107'4 1.... 107 U Canadian H Ba (1 80 Chile Cep'r 0s 3 .... 81 H 3 81'4 2 81Vi 2 8 Hi IS 81 v; 1 81U Chlle Cep'r 7a 1 mii Chlnene Oeve't H-K nty Sa 1 43 1 411 City of Dersen Sb rets 1.... 103U City Berne Ss i.... ion 1.... lOrtV 1,... 10(114 4.... ioe; 1.... 10OH 10.... 100'i Cty Chrla'n 8a 1.... 103 1.... 103 1.... 103 City of Copen Cepen lmKcn 6i 2 80 i 83"; 13 85'i B 85". 3 83 2 83t 2 83 City Mar'a 5s 1 80 Cty Itle de in in nerle 8s 100'i 100'i 100T4 100 100S ioe tSAI.ES IN 110001 ioe w 100 ',4 Stnte of Bfte Pnule et 8s 10 1 1.... 101 Swlts'd Cen 8s ft.... 100 12.... 109 H.... 100 1.... 100 -a.... ioe l.... ioe l... ioe U K OH Urlt tt I'd 1023 5 004 4 SOU 1 00H U K Ort Urn & I'd 1029 n esM 21 03 'A 1 05 4 05M 1 154 23 05H 12 0514 U K art JIDrlt & I'd 1037 12 04. SO 04V4 0 04 S 01l 2 01 1 D1S 3..... 01 4 Dt'4 13 04 U S llraill 8i 4... 1... 5... 3... 1... 1... 7... 1... 1... It... 10011 100? l.-4 10.1 i 10(1 J00, City Teklo n in ns'i City Zurich 8s 2.... 1054 1.... 10(1 1.... 10(1 1.... 105 2.... 103 Cuban A H 8a 4 103 1 102 3...'. 101 i 4(nalc) 102 2 101H 7 101', Cu C 8 cv ct 3 39 Cuba 11 Ce 5s 1 07?, D Canada 2(i 4 04i 1 0O4 I) Canada '20 2...., 00V. 3 00M D Canada '31 3 044 Oeva't French II 7 Ms rcti 1024 102 101 '4 101 K 101 v, 101 i 10J 103 101 ; 102 101 '1 102 102 2.... 101 2.... 102 2 101j t: M Mexico 4i 0 35 3 35V U 8 Mexico 5s 2 40'4 Am'n Aur'e It Ch 7 ',4 a n oe ! 1. 5.. B.. 10.. 1.. 1.. 0.. s.. 1.. 1.. 0.. 1.. 1.... 110H CNKi '5! S 07V4 Cl'd Cln Chi & 8t I, 4(4n 1 85 1 85 Cl'd Cln Chi f fit Le 0a 1 054 2 054 Cel Indust'l An i 71W 1 71T4 Cole A 3 4 Ms 1 81H 0 811,4 Cens'd Onn "r 1.... 101 1.... lOI'.i B.... 104; 1.... 104 2.... 10!',. 2.... 101 Del A Hud cv 1 88 U Den It O lil 2 45 '.i Den A II O 4a 1 70T4 0 71 1 71 0 71 7 71 20 71 I D A It O 4V4 . 10 75'i Den A R O Sp B 43'4 Det Udl Bs '3.1 1 01S Det Edl Ce 2 00?, Det Tun'l 4 Ha 1 80 Det V R 4V4s 2 68 D dc Jfemeurit Pwdr 7M n.... 102 l(nale)102 1.... 103 2.... 102 Duq I.lcht 0s 2 .... (IH4 1 08'i 1 OSM, 1 OH 1... . 08 I"lk Rub'r Ce 8s rcta 1(1 ... 100 10't 100 Brie Oenl Men A 8 A R'c Ba 1 42'i 1 85 I 1 42 1 83 ! 1 42, Am T A T c' . "rlc II R cv l 10 80V 1 OS Amn T A T 3h 4 01 s, 4 01V4 Amn T A T 0. 104H 13. B.. 10.. 1.. 1.. 0. 104 101 104 105 105'4 103 Kll 10! 4.. 1.. HI.. 14... 3... 8... 1... 10... 34... E... 1... 1... 0... 1... 1... 00 oe 00 en 0tlV4 en en en 00 00 en en W1V4 00 en 03 ; 05i in: i.r.V 2 034 1 1 OS-. ""Sexe't 1' It 8b 2 101 nn Arber 4a 1 33 2 C3 Armour 4h 1 84 A T A 3 I 4 3 82 3 82 1 82 1 82 S 82'. 2 S2lJ A T A S Te It M'n dlv 4i 0 73 A Coast Tj 7m 1 103 1 101) l(iMlc)HI3"k Atlnmlc llefi ct 0s 2 101 Dali A Ohie cv Erie Rly Ce A 1 05',. I 1 BB'i I Genei l"lec fn j 10 03 Coedear Tire . Rub Ba B.. 18.. 0.. 1.. 3.! 1.. 1. 108 108 108 108 100 108 108 108 108 108 S 108 108 100 O Nthn R 7 1.. 1.. 1.. 10.. 1.. 10.. 1.. n . 18. Orand . 100 . 101 . 101 . 100 . 101 . 100 . 101 . 100 . 100 ; . 101 . IOO. . IOO., Trunk 1. 10. 1. 1. 1. 18. 10. B. H 0. 73 73 73 74 73 71 73 ; 74 5.. 1.. 10.. 1.. 1.. 10.. 1.. 1.. 10 . 1.. 1.. 3.. c . 74 2 73 alt A O 3 1 80 Halt A O 4n 1 74 1 74 10 74 Halt A Ohie Ss 1 77 Halt A Ohie 0 32 0S 0 . . 03 1 (sale) HA 2 03 1, 12 05i 1 05 24 05 H A O P I. A W Va 4a " 701. Halt A Ohie S' W'n 3s Can 0s rets 2 07; 2 07 Jan Oeve't lt 10 85 1 85 Jap ROevt 2'ls 3 83 K HslKlum Da B 00 1 en 1 . ... 05 2 ... 05 i K HelK'm 7i 12 ... 104'l ' 0U' K HelE'm rct!"rln Edl D 7b 101 ion 100 ion 100 '4 100 'i ion ion '4 100 ion; nie 100 ion ion ion ien'1. 100 CJr'd Trunk 11 23 07v Hav';i Elee 5i 2 ... 71 Hud A Man :' 4 75 1 74 Hud A Man In 8 44 1 44 1 444 1 44 III Central f 0 70 Ind'a Steel Ba 1 03 I Info Met 4 1 12 ntb'e'h t"m I B B4 1 17 nr. B B4'4 3 B4 2 Bl B B4 I M Marine fl 1 80 .1 8(1 2 80 BfjajBCSI 8.. 1.. 1.. 4" 1.. 3.. 1.. 6.. B.. 103 101 103 103 103 101 104 104 104 104 105 Klnrdem Den mark ct 8a 3.... ion 10 ion 2 inn 1 11111 10 ... ion Italy 0i I 2 01 1 01 "Ins-dem Nor way ct 8s 1 ion 1 100 ii SweJcn fls 2 en b un 2 en j 00 1 en 1 en Qucenil'd Ext I-e-in ct Tb 2.... 104 IN.... 101 4 101 1 H1S14 3 8t 1 . . 103 iC & II 1" R Chlle ct 2.1 1 83 4 80 1 18 sn B... . 83 I 1 sn Hell Telephone 11... . 8rt of Pa 7 I I .. . 80 1 I.... 107 Iowa Cent" 1 , Ukn Edl Cj Ui 2 . ... 35 ' 1 00 inw. 1 Cent I 5. 74 1. 105 Kan c Kt 8 A 10(1 Mfrap 4a 105 1 71 Brkn Rapid T Knn C A 8 3 ct 7a ata 2 61 1 Bl 11 01 Cenfl Tac 1b' Kan C A S fi 12 70 1 80 Vj 3 70 IC C T Rlv I 2 70 B 75 2 70 1 78 1 70 Kelly Sprint.-d 1. ... 70l Tire 8s CU lilt A Rk- 14 102 Ce of da Sb 1.... 102 13 8(1 11 102 Cerre de Pas'i ! 1 . 102 Cep'r 8s I Keokuk A !. 1.. . 111 Moines Ba 1 111 1 OS 5.... Ill I 1 . . 70 B ... lllir.ack Steel '21 1 ... Ill I a 00 fl.... 111 1 0(1 C'k A Ohl.i fill Lake Shere M 2 87l 8 4s '31 C A O cv 4i 2 .. . . 87 1 SJ 1 1. A Mjerx -. C & O cv 3 1. . . . 89 8 85 ll.ene lid R.l : 1 8 1. I 1 .... 71 84M 2 . .. 71 2 844 1 1. Ild R Ba '31 4 03! 1.. .. 82 Chi A Alt L A Nash '- 1 8' 0 85 Chi' il A (J k-ill t.e A Nnih 7 3 ... 108 Mi x Petr'm hn 1. . . 8... B 00 0 00 00 00 0U 00 00 1(1 1(1 I. 1. 07 ON 07 I 08 R Chile ct '41 1. 1. 1.. 25. . 3.. 1.. 1.. B.. 1.. I . II . I 1004 101 101 101 101 '4 101 101 il 101 101 .' II A (J (I h B.... 105 0.... 1115 1 ... 105 I Mich 9 Tel ft B.... 10.'. B .... 00 HI.... 105 'M HtP A H Ste 2 . . . in.".', M fl rctB 'hi A O W 4b '-' ... 100 1 34i 10 .. 100 1 B4 M" IC A E in '- .... 03 Mj K A T In 3 ... ns 3 US 4 Chi Mil A I Sound 4a 0. . . (15 Chicago Mil I StP 4b '25 B 70 '4 Chlcate Mil & StP cv 4b 1.. .. 01 R Chile ct '40 Chicago Mil A 1 ... 101 ll' ru 4i 101 1 37 101 1 57 Kit 2 fil 101 1 37 101 ChtcBKe Mil A 101 pt V cv Bn 101 1 113 101 B 05 101 Chi A .NMh W 1111 5 of 'S7 Hit 4. Oil, Kit Chi I(u,M , ;.. 101 5 . . ilil .Mnr h Ce 4 ' 1IH C It I A P Ml 5 .... 83 101 B .... 7l,Vew Or Tex A Hi Cpba 4. 1 74 V M ISn in 71 4 .1 il' ... 0.1 25 71 75 IN Y I'liifl ts I 1... 74 3 ItPliUti ut I'm 2 . . 75 1 32 uiiny 8b C II I A P l, 2 102, 2 . .. 70 N Y 1 . . 102 ''hlcapj I nle.il 5 1 102 8 it 0a ! n. -' . . 1(1.' 1.... HO'.l 111 .'.... iejI 1..., uei 7 08 1 ... OS 1 08 Me Pacific 4b 2 .18 . . B8 . . 88 .. BS .. 38 . . 58 , 1 ill ' . . r.8 .. B8 .. BM . . B8 .. 38 . B8 0 Bb '.'0 .. 00 . 82 . H2 . 82 nt'l Oh . OS . 08 . OS . 08 I . 1. 1.. . 2t.. 3.. 4 . B . 3 M" "p $500,000 FLETCHER JOINT STOCK LAND BANK 5 Farm Lean Bends (INPIANAPOL1S, INDIANA) Dated Ne'vember 1, 1921 Due November 1, 1051 Callable at par en November 1, 1931, or any interest date thereafter Denominations : $1000, $500 and $100 The Bends by an Act of Congress were created "Instrumentalities of the United States Government," and Exempt from all Federal, State, Municipal and Lecal Taxation The United States Supreme Court confirmed the constitutionality of the Act and that the bends are free of tax The banks are under the supervision of the Federal Fnrm Lean Beard which is a part of the United States Treasury Department. The collateral security of the bends is deposited with the Resistrar of the r-nrm Lean Bureau of the United States Treasury Department. Ne Farm Loen Uends nre an obligation of the Government. They are secured by deposit of Farm MertgaRes with the Registrar, and are the obligation of the Joint Stock Land Bank that has issued them. The Farm Mortgages or collateral security are First Mortgage en improved farms net exceeding 50 of the appraised value of farm land and 209e of the appraised permanent insured improvements thereon. The value of the land and permanent improvements is appraised by the Federal Appraiser, wh ch means Government inspection. Besides, nn executive commission or Beard of Directors of the bank reviews and passes upon all applications made for farm leans. The banks charge the farmers mere interest than they pay en leans, besides which the farmers also pey n Sinking Fund en their leans that will pny it off in net less than five or mere than forty years. The obligation of the bank which appears en the bend is backed up by a paid-in capital stock of net leas than $250,000, and there ia n double liability en the part of the stockholder. Bends may net be issued in excess of fifteen times the amount of the capital oteck. Indiana is a very desirable agricultural state. The entire stock of the Fletcher Joint Stock Land Bank, excepting directors' qualifying snares, is owned by the Fletcher Savings 6c Trust Company of Indianapolis. We have a statement of this bank showing their capital stock, surplus, profits and reserves amounting te $2,323,362.95, and their total deposits as being $13,931,564.97. The bends are engraved by the Treasury Department, and it is stated en the face that they are free of all State and Federal Tax. They are legal investment for nil fiduciary und trust funds under the juris diction of the Federal Government nnd acceptable at par as security for postal savings and all ether deposits of Government funds. The bends are marketable and are unusual, being free net only of the Federal Tax, but also of the local tax in any state. We recommend these bends as high-grade, marketable, attractive investments. PRICE 101 14 AND INTEREST Yielding ever 5.30 te the Callable date, or 5.40 if they run te maturity. BROOKE, STOKES & CO. Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange 140 Seuth Fifteenth Street Philadelphia 734 Fifteenth St., N. W. Washington, D. C. 102 St. Paul St Baltimore This Information and these atatlatlcs. while net RuaranteeJ. tu ba reliable. are obtained from sources we believe Substantially all of these bends having been sold, this advertisement appears as a matter of record only. In view of the tendency of time money tewarr1 lower levels we recommend for investment: Government of the Argentine Natien Twe-Year 7 Treasury Geld Notes Total Issue $50,000,000 Dated October 1, 1921 Due October 1, 1923 Ir.lcrcst payable April 1 and Uctuber 1 Principal and interest payable in United States geld dollars in New Yerk at the offices of THE CHASE NATIONAL BANK AND BLAIR & CO.. INC. Coupon Notes in the denomination of $1,000 Exempt from all present or future Argentine taxes DIRECT OBLIGATION : These Notes are te be the direct obligation of the Argentine Government, whose credit ranks as high as that of any ether country of Seuth America. NATIONAL FUNDED DEBT: We are advised thet the national funded debt, both external and internal, en December 31, 1920, was approximately $533,000,000, equal te about $63 per capita. PURPOSE OF ISSUE: We are advised that the present issue will be utilized te pay the Bank of the Argentine Natien for advances made te the Government. GOLD RESERVE: Recent published figures show a total of approximately $463,000,000 geld held against notes in circulation, representing a ratio of about 80 and indicating that Argentine currency is one of the sound est in the world. Price 99 and Interest te Yield ever 7.20 Delivery may be made either in the form of temporary notes or interim receipts. Bend & Goodwin 104 Seuth Fourth Street The statements uMtalned In this udertlaemci.t nrc Im-eil nn infermaMiin ebtnlneil partis by cible from einclul and ether seurim. Shlie net buji. intend, tilce them le be reUblu. BONDS Real Eitate Trust Bldg., Phila. Continued en 'eit l'uic AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE iuu-.kti mi'tiai. isri;.MK re. Pherei l.ecmt 00111 V'ji n l,1lh S. Business Ce-operation Cem Exchange Nat.' Bank Parsly Bres. & Ce. investment :cur itics M21 Chestnut St. 4 Philadelphia lforJ.:f8acen& Davis An orunUatlen ai experienced En. Klneerinu and Mnneyemmt Sp. clall.t. In F'ubltc Utility uPa Industrial Hualnraa 1421 Clir.JilNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA bT k, Ue,i Telephone. Spruce 6082 New Yerk San rrancl.ce aWMESi HENDERSON & LOEB MeuibciR Netv i erk and PUiladelph ia Stock xchanget 1410 Chest it St. rri I Foreign Exchange Explained Aih for Free lienhlet F-2 Wm. H McKenna&Ce. I'll C .1 tif.t r. ni . . - jeuui ieui ai., riiua.. f, ..I'll I'lienal l.utut 17H I New Yerk fl 1 it I H Y, n I J Tat Ibl art en y i - . kifji.-'Yj.-