1 -1 .V 7-v i-.. P ' : Captain ' S 4 Holmesburg Signs Four Men and Quakers Secure Pair of Newcomers WILL CLASH ARMISTICE DAY iwe will be n number of new piny Jl the llne-upi of betli the Phllndel m Oimkcrs nnd Helinetburi elevens t LVthey rliwh nt tlie PhlUies' Ilnll ivkin the ArmiHtrire Dny game ached -M there en Trulay afternoon. Precl 'pi." fierkcr. of IIelmeabiirR, an- 'nets the nniulBllien of n quartet of SSc , who will practice with the ,im thl- afternoon, ami "Dnt-h" 5Smmcw, Uic coach, has alRe premised le hav a couple of new men at to te ,!ij's workout. The new men nrc nil players from ti,n,iehfm. They arc: Ulechncr, n tackle from Albright Cellcse; I.ichtcnbcrser. i tuanl; Wilt in tlie bnckflcld, am flewner. the fullback, who last year Sid such P'1 erk for the bic burg ilata. Downey has been playing with Llirlle Hrieklcy's Giants. Sommers wjarni another practice for the men to morrow afternoon, nnd Holmesburg ex rtds (0 gip the Quakers a hard battle ttn they meet. ye Conway, of the Quakers, nlse id-inees the information that the team lis been augmented by the addition of pair of .Mrs. They nrc Pat Smith, the riant fullback of the Iluffule l'nnhnn 5t. with whom .Tehnny Scott. Leu Little, I'J Wray and Helnl, Mllli pijy ea Sunday nnd Oscar Andersen, tie former All-American player nt Manii'ger Conway has also rceelved a certified cheek for $1000 te bind the two scheduled here en November 10 ulth the Canten Bulldogs nnd Jim Thorpe haR confirmed a date with the Cltreland team with whom he is new n'ljlnu for some time In December. In the line-up of this year's Canten outfit are such players as Way. lll?glni ltd Osberne, of I'cnn State; Kempten. of Yale; Henry and Cnrrell, of V. and J,; West, of Colgate; SiddMl nnd Mor rison, of Pitt; OiiKfts nnd Fccney, of N'etre Dame, and Spears, of Oregon. DARTMOUTH LINE-UP IS STILL A MYSTERY Changes Have Been Made, but Will Net Be Divulged Before Game Hanover, N. II., Nev. 0. That e-ev-ral chances have been made in the Dartmouth line-up is practically as sared bv the secret manner In which Coach Jack Cannell conducted yester day's work-out. Nothing nt all could be lttrned of the different shifts by the Green mentor, as he would mention no Mines and snld that the line-up which would fnc Penn nt the Pole Ground Saturday would net be divulged until jwt before game time. The practice consisted of n long drill In kicking nnd passing, followed kr a half hour's drill In signals. The afternoon's work ended with a fifteen minute scrimmage, with the line-ups of the first and second teams being alter nated frequently. The scrimmage was as hard and furious ns any this season, hut was cut short by darkness. To morrow's practice will probably consist only of Kicking, passing nnd signal drill with the scrimmage emitted, as It Kill be the last home work-out and no chance will be taken of lnlurics. The team, accompanied by thf coaches and trainers: nnd nbeut 800 rooters, will leave Hanover Thursday neon for New Yerk en n special truin. NAVY HOLDS SCRIMMAGE Plenty of Spirit Shown In Workout for State en Saturday Annaoells. Mil.. Nev. ft. The Mid shipmen engaged in scrimmage with treat spirit jestcrday, realizing that wprcmacy of the Eastern college teams probably depends upon the outcome of the game against Penn State in Phila delphia next Saturda. Practice will be along the same lines today und to morrow. The varsity worked against squad B, which lias been thoroughly groomed In football as It Is plnyed nt Penn State br Navy coaches who have seen that team in action In nil of Its games this Jar. Ter about half the time the var ity was en the defensive, while the "juad II eleven pulled off as many of Penn State plays as It could, and the st of the period was given te fer-yard-pnss plajs, Mvcrul new urlcties Wng introduced. Cljdc King, right tackle for four "asens, who was hurt in the Bethany fame, was en the field in uniform nnd took part in slgnul practice. GRID TEAM FORTACONY Will Play Opening Game en Armis tice Day at Dlssten Ball Park In kreping with the growth of inde pendent football, Tnceny is preparing te place a first-clnss eleven en the grid iron and w ill be known ns the Tuceny "' ft: ."imager Clarke has wvired a uti I , Ka ,n(terlnl for the team, ynicu will piny home games en the u'J"tnn Athletle Field. Several former college nnd independ ent Mars Imve been working out each IF" .and some stiff competition is ims : uttered for the various positions, ii -r0,1Jr ,1,u',l ""I ' captained by ","' I1"nel'. who Is well known In local aepf,,.llt Kl)P,.ty, T(mui. WUH a Htur Irankrnrd High five vciirs age. .-i ''""k buiiiu win ue Maged en ,misti( l)nv lit flw. tllaetnii Tlell ii. , .. '. htnte read and Cnnih street. wiiy. nie opposing deven will be nl,Jron1W'lweoil, of Frnnkfenl. iVlli,.pr,"T.ct, w,n be donated te the1 ''"hum 1). Ov in. i..t .. ,i... i. .....i n Legien, , W "'I, "l HIV .lllC'li- Custom-Made Winter Overcoats of Quality -A' tr,10.Jenei. """P ye will llnd the ferelc, '""fBrlali both deincallc and Imilil '."' cxI'!rt tailors who can " all"l'ilVtime.1'0U11 UOflt tUut 11"1 S60 te $80 '0 Dui " ."t'l'-lly-'niHle overceiitH, reuily ' "" en, ms ,, Ul,,,ur., 1 W. S. JONES, Inc. Custom Tallerine keni 116 Walnut Street MEW PLAYERS FOR LOCAL GRID TEAMS nell, of State, Ranks With Jim Robertsen, Dartmouth Star, in Hard REX WRA Y STARS IN PENN VARSITY VICTORY Diminutive Captain Gives Ne Sign of Injury in Play ing Against Scrubs SULL1VAN SHOWS FORM TIIL3 Penn conches were n unit In declaring that the scrimmage yes terday was the best bit of offensive work performed by the lied nnd Blue varsity football team this season. Anil as a result of the, play the morale In the dressing room after the game was In striking centrnst te that of Mon Men lay afternoon. The players yesterday talked ever the plays, and seemed eager te profit by their mlstnkes. The coaches were agreeably surprised by the ques tions askrd by i.evcral of the players, something thnt has net been usual this season. rllJJ had: a passed with speed, shot nreund the ends through the line and performed as thc) did against Delaware in the opening game. The rip-snorting, tearingin style of play was in vogue from the outset and admonitions from the coaches were totally unnecessary and were net given. Rex Wrny, reported te ha.ve suffered three broken ribs, but who In reality had several cartilages tern In his left side that caused no end of trouble, was the whole show for the varsitj. The little Bed nnd Blue skipper showed the form that lie is cnpablc of by running the ends, sheeting forward passes and providing Interference for his backs. Will Call Signals FBOM his play yesterday indications point te his retaining his position ns quarterback and btartlng the game against Dartmouth. Wrny was all ever the field veMcnlay and belied the rumors that have persisted since Saturday that he was through for the sensen. Instead of saving himself, as he bus been forced te ever since the Gettysburg game, Wrny went into the frncn.s .vesterday as though every thing was staked en his showing. He opened wide the speed throttle nnd gave the coaches many n smile during the afternoon. Dr. Arthur Light, the team physician, tnted yesterday that the report was erroneous that Wrn had suffered any 'ireken ribs. "At first it was thought that his ribs were broken," said the teem physician, "but when the X-ray was returned It showed negative results. However, his slde was badly bruised and several cartilages tern that caused onsiderable pain." Wrny explained his injuries in the follewiii!? way: I received a bail Vbuinp In the Gctt.vsbutgignine und my mile swelled up reusiiicfiibiy. I said nothing about it, but wns unable te de nny scrimmaging during the following week. ttr ITAD a ladbj twisted neck for ftce weeks and the visiting teams sremed te take a llkimi tn that sec lien- of my anatemy: Se I thought it ictse te say nothing aheut my side in the hope that they would net try te make matters worse there. "Before the Swarthmore game I could net laugh or make n move that did net tend severe pains sheeting all ever the region of my ribs. During the game I vias jolted mere than once by the Garnet plnjers and the same held true during the Pitt nnd hafiijctte games. However, I have a special pad new that takes away the shocks, and I will be nble te piny ns of old." Scores Eight Touchdowns WItAY scored eight of the fifteen touchdowns made by the varsity against the scrubs yeste'rdav. His longest run was for fi5 yards nnd was made through a broken tield bv speed and slile-stepplng. In addition te 1i!h .Vi-vnrd run. Wrny also had one for ."iO vnrds and several ethers down te and including 15. lie threw forward passes like the veteran lie is and directed his renin like a born general. In the list of players te make the trip en Friday with the team Wrny was 'isted ns n hnlfbacl; nnd nut n quar terback, while Miller was in the list of quarters and net in the halves. This was token te mean that the Lebanon youth would call the signals nnd Wruy 'play n halfback pest. Geerge Sullivan, who wns rei-pensibic for the touchdown thnt tied Swurthmore and whose catch of a forward pass en Saturday enabled the Bed and Blue te score en hufnjette, pla.ved a great game vesterday and will be used en Saturday, llrtrcssvaag pla.ved the ether wing pest jesteiday and vied with Sullivan in catching forward passes. Greenawnlt wns also used and did well. Grave wns net nn the field jesterday because of examinations. Ay 01' Unit change in the I'cnn line may If iintde en Salunhin, although the couches would nut com mit themselves. Pcndhtuti played a SavclorYeursell flie Other Fellow's Profit Biiu here at our factory g S (H. S v I 1 10 OV . 8 l $13.50 te $28-50 If jeu can mi u te $10 en a suit or oveiceat i there nny rtiisen you shouldn't? t sny you can de that very thliiK lure and get strict Ij. up-to-dute styles und fubiles CemmtiMlfy Clethes COe 1024-28 Buttonwood St. Helow Murine Ourden hi, Suit iVPfmic w euai3 l&Vmim FUBftlO. LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, Penn Ce-eds te Cheer Team Against Dartvwutll PIFTY University of Pcnnsylva x nln ce-eds will root for the Bed and Blue when the team meets Dartmouth en the Pole Grounds Saturdny afternoon. According te the plans of the undergraduates, a special car Is te be allotted te the girl students, who will lcave here Saturday morning along vvitli the men students. Miss C. Ii. Bally, a sophomore at Penn, Is taking charge of the plans for the ce-eds. The girl students have rooted for Penn nil season and are net at all dlsmavcd by the losses te Pittsburgh nnd Lnfnyctte. tackle pest en the varsity yesterday ""!' ereed te leave the combat from a Meedy nose. Ocnthner relieved him i .ffr ""'"V thrn9h a lena signal artll tcith the second varsity. Grnf was in Cochrane's place yes terday until he Injured his shoulder and was forced out. The hard plnylng of the former scrub s.tar has earned him a regular place, and he will start against the Green in Getham Saturday. The Crippled List TDHN nnd I'rtressvnag were also in f jurcd yesterday, but net pverelv. Beth hud their ankles twisted, but will be out again this afternoon te betMe tlv scrubs. Vegelin, Humes and Whitehlll, the remaining three varsity cripples, spent a busy afternoon yesterday, nnd although they did net get into the scrlmmnge drill will be nble te get Inte action Saturda.v . Vegelin limped percep tibly, while Humes showed but little of the effect of the Injury that lias Incapacitated him for the last two weeks. The varsity team twenty-nine strong! win leave Here Friday morning from ' the Beadlnc Terminal at 10 o'clock. At neon they will arrive In New Yerk and will take up quarters in the Pennsyl vania Hetel. A short signal drill is scheduled for Friday nfternoen en the Pole Grounds. A T Tim rate the sale of tickets for the panic nt thr'-Peln Ground ii going en the JCed and Illuc students will be lacking their team miqh(ily en Saturday, rriday is a holiday at the I'nivcrsity and many of the students plan having for the metro polis that day. On Saturday morn re rci'al train ici'U carry the remain im; students. The reduced rates en the Bending nnd Pennsylvania Bnllrends for the game will enable an even larger number 01 students te attend the game than In former ycur.s. Fer $3.21 nnd the twentv-sls cents war tax. a Penn , follower may travel te Getham. Trains i will leave en the Beading from 1 A. M.I 10 ii .. .u. isaiuruny ami win leiuru . -newn as the Miners, went e.t Inte the any time up te midnight Sunday, giving ,pn( bv defeating Coatesville last eve two days for the excursion. On the I ninR b,i ,low it jM p te the .Tersey lennsylvunin the same rule holds except ,m,n t0 wl1 thl, PV(.inR and draw up that the traveler must return en batui- fVfn tcrnia wlth Vran!; riruggy and uuj uji t'i tnu iiiiuiiiKet unuii. ' i t BUSY WEEK-END FOR LOGAN REDJACKETS Manager McCleskey's Eleven te Play All-Phlla. and Riverside The Legan Bcdjackets have booked the All-Philadelphia eleven for their opponents next Saturday at their field at Kigteenth and Hecklund streets nnd en Sunday the team travels te Biver side. Last Saturday Legan wen fiem West Walnut, 74-1). but the Bcdjackets de net wish nny credit for the game. flic contest wns booked In geed faith supposedly with n team of the caliber of Legan, but when the players showed ill) they were but schoolboys and, rather than disappoint a large crowd, the game I was played. ' The management, of the Bcdjackets, realizing tliht the club is net yet of the celib'T of Frnnkfenl, Holmesburg, Quaker ( ity nnd ether (lass A teams, desired te brine; the term along slewh, hoping thnt the experience nguinst ' mm, mil .nines tpfllnu t'fittii',1 iliir-trit- tlin' first few games would qualify tlieni with tlie bigger and mere experienced clubs, and it Is still the policy te de se. It Is the intention of the management te endeavor te book only the first-class teams, nnd with thnt idea Manager Mc Mc Cleskey immediately closed with All Philadelphia apd IUveraide for this week's games. Mike McTigue Finishes Stene Menlrnl. Nei l - .Mike McTIku-, of "u "u Yeik mliM.e weight clmnmlen of Canada lini el'tc! out .Je 1: bteiie. of New Yeik. In th.' lii.-hth ieuiiu of a ten-round match here OTHER SPORTS ON PAGE 19 !IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH i REDUCED FARES il TO New 1 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 VCCOUNT 1 Pennsylvania FOOTBALL GAME B fi3 OReundTripfllO 04I -V PJaMr WarTiu20ctiite.ddltlenil M -y ---t T Tickets geed en all regular trains, from Bread Street Station, West s Philadelphia and North Philadclnhia, Saturday. November 12. ud r te and including the 11 00 A. M. train, and geed returning from ! Kc-v Yerk en any train until Sunday night, November 13th s-ri includmi- the 12 45 midnight train Monday morning. mr SIMILAR REDUCED TARES TO NEW YORK. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ZO, ACCOUNT ARMY AND NAVY FOOTBALL GAME 'U TUkett eoei at reduced fare en nil regular trains November SU up te nnd Including the I200 neon train and te return en all regular train, up te and Including the 12t43 A. M, train November 28. SS Convenient lervlce te I'ole Greundi from Pennsylvania Station by 6th and SS! et, Avenue elevated, all surface lines, and by 7th Avenue subway flvinir direct connection from Pennsylvania station, ----; E Tickets en sale beginning Thursday preceding the date of each game. ; I PENNSYLVANIA SYSTEM Hie Reute of the llrendvvay I. hulled riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CELTS PLAY HERE; L New Yerk Five Meets Kayeula Tonight Bruggy's Club Defeats Ceatesville CAMPBELL OUT OF GAME iiastkiin i,r.eui:' v. i,. i' r. v: i.pr fccrntiten. 7 1 .H'.l WIHr-n. S -t .331 f'imiln.. 0 t .sv l-hllllm.. 3 n Tirnten... f, 1 ,IW7 Ite-dlnr . 3 " '"eiUcM'lr .1 B ,ST3 Hnrrlub'tr. 1 O .VSH .113 sriinn.'i.K iek wkkk Tenlrhf nirrlnburjt r.t CnmdMi, Vllfce llrrn it Uc-Mllnr. FrMnj- Sn-nmen nt rhlliilelphla. Wllkfft lrm nt Trrnten. Sntnrrliiv rhllnileliihln r.t neidlnr. r.""""1 -' Wllkcu-Harre, Trmten nt llarrlftbarr. Last Night's Results i.wstkiin M'.veui: Scranton, t.li Ceatesvlllc. 31. NOHTII I'llII.AIllF.TT'llIA cmiuii M1UF. pfrtnniilnn lli-fthr-i. fll. Ml. Ilermen. 0. srrnnrt Mennnnlte, ?7t Ail'-ecntr. 20. Krl SI K.. !iOi Kdrn M. K.. 8. NnnTmvBT mrum r.rAen: Flrt Itt'lch. 83i OlUft-CovMient. IB IWhlfhtm, 23 rslln rrnhrtfrlan. IT. OTIIEIl UKRCi-TH Aanlna llrlilrlirir, 21. A. O II.. Wl: '. T tirt.. it-r. IS. Triil A A Oil IllneMrttn. IS. Iloeknnod. 2S Ottl-TlinfM. IT. This will le n big niiht In basket ball circles In Seuth Phi'ndelnhia. At St. Anthenv'K TIa'l. T-ventv-thlrd and Carpenter s1n"tH. the New Yerk Celtics will meet Knveula. nnd the fnet that the New Yorkers are In the 'imcghire the ceuntrv ever, is epcetcd te die the magnet that will attract a capacity crowd. Then agnln a let of fans will take advnntnge of the opportunity te renew ncuunlntances with the former Kastern 1 Leaguers who are members of the team Ne doubt the center of attraction will tc ivntnan neimiin. wne with Jennnr Bccltmen Is signed by Tem Fuhrev, of the felts, nt n snlnry of Kll.oeo for twenty-two weeks. Five hundred per week, nnd net per haps, is the Ftlpcnd this nair of former Kastern Leaguers Is pulling down, nnd Fuhrey Is net losing nny sleep ever being able te pay this princely sunt, judging by the crowds nttending the games in the garden. It all simply menns tiint the basketball field is a fertile one for men who enn see the opportunities nnd arc net afraid te take n chance. BeIdc Ilnlman nnd Bckmnn. the visitors will have "Herse" Ilaggerv.r, ,KrnIe"Riech. "Dutch" Dchncrt. Chris Livnnrd nnd three ether star plnviTe. The line-up of Kayeula will consist of the regular team plus a couple of extra men yecured by Manager Petey Kilpntrick. Skeeters Play Harrlsburg 'j'),,, Cjtmden Skeeters nrc out of first i,.0 (emnerarl'v. Scranton. otherwise i j !nn Manager William Kennedy said this morning lie would net use "Soup" Campbell this evening un'ess absolutely necessary, in explaining tnc rem-en ier the star's absence from the Ceatesvllle game Oil Monday, lie said : Cemnbell wns injured lit Wilkes Barre en Saturday night and- it we five minutes before play could be re sumed. The Injury became se painful that while Jimmy attended the gnme en Monday it was deemed best net te play him. "His appearance in the llne-up would have made no liffcrencc nn no team would have stepped Co.itesvllle en that occasion. e will hardly stmt ' Campbell tonight and as the club does met play for a week it will give him Yerk I -Dartmouth MINERS EAD I Thrift Week I at BAUER'S I I I, l',r 1 1 $3.00 Kid $-1. 75 1 I GLOVES A I gfl Dailfi apeciale all this week M I 1235 Market St. 1 1 IS. 13th Street 1 ' i I A Draws Princely Salary r.v.-Jj "tt-:iir-"' ,i NAT HOLMAN Here tonight with the New Yerk Celtics. Nnt and his teammate, Johnny Decuman, are paid $300 weekly for their work in the bas ketball cage lets of chance te prepare for the hard schedule next week." Manager Kennedy would net com ment en the player quoMlen which Is te le discussed nt n special meeting called for tomorrow evening. Thirteen for SchmfeDi Scrnnten walloped Ceatesville Inrt evening en the miners' home court v the Hcere of 45 te 31. During the game Garry Schmeelk, erstwhile ('eutcsvl..r manager, secured revenge en his former teammates by setting up n season's rec rrd of thirteen field goals. This Is net an Kastern Lague mark by any means. Back In February, 1010, Carl Harveson, of Germantown, made fifteen, nnd n few evenings later "Jlpgs" Donehuc, of the Jasper Jewels, made It sixteen. The, nearest approach te this figure was by'Jimmy Kane nt Trenten, when he made fourteen baskets in the game In which Whltey Mnllen chared the lidding players from the game, and the Ucnrs made n farce of the contest by piajlng with four men. Scrnnten had no trouble In winning ns Frank Bruggy contributed four bns- kets nnd LImer Bipley three. Coates Ceates Ceates vileo played well, out the Scranton plnj -trs did net extend themselves once thej had run up u big lead. JUNIOR TITlTrUN High Scheel Cress-Country Cham pionship In Falrmeunt Park The junior cress-country champion ships of the Philadelphia pub lc high fchoels will be held this ufternoen ever the Dontheiibc Bew course, in Fnir- mount Park, at 3 :4.". Teams from West Pliilly. Central, Northeast, Frank -or(l Germantown nnd Southern will be entered. West Phllly, champion for the Inst three sears, is expected te come llirnnsli again. The SpcedbejN have n galaxy of stars, nnd It is doubtful that they will I be beaten. Northeast may give t!n ' Westerners n little trouble. . Huntlnaten te Meet Darbv Eleven Tf.e JI'intirBten remlinll riuh. of tlni city. wl'l ctiKase In n arid kiui.e with n Jf-fVniJI&i.SSr. "rS urtatnltrn nre kecpliiR In nliapc fir the t my by practicing at nlirht. Coach Htanley- Hunt in wirrtinB eui lemu new riays-- l-rii-Hi sm&rftffitf 1 mmmm m turn iBMtawr A Desirable Combination Te be able te buy a high grade truck at a price lower than the same quality has ever before been sold is a combination that appeals te the careful business men in these times. In the last analysis quality is the thing that counts. Never before in the history of meter truck sales has there been such value offered as the GMG Medel K-16, 1 ten truck. The $500 reduction in price en this model, bringing it te $1495 f. e. b. factory, makes it a real bargain. Besides being a genuine truck, built of real truck units, Medel K-16 has Removable Cylinder Walls, Removable Valve Lifter Assemblies, Pressure Lubri cation, Positive Governer, Dual Coeling and Special Precess Integral Connecting Red Bearing. Standard equipment includes Cord Tires, Electric Lights and Electric Starter. These mechanical refinements guarantee economical operation, ruggedness and long life. Any GMC dealer will tell you mere about this great truck and about the ether GMG models, which have also been reduced in price. General Meters Truck Company Viritien of General Moter Corporation PONTIAC, MICHIGAN Spruce 2070 NOVEMBER 9,' 1WK STATE TACKLE WILL HA VE PRIVATE SCRAP Tiny McMahan, Six Feet Seven Inches and 215 Pounds, Willing te Take en Entire Navy Football Team N Here Saturday By EDWIN J. THE State-Navy geme, which will be put en nt Franklin Field ;.n Satur dny afternoon, will furnish the oppor tunity for Tiny MeMahan. the big Bez- ,l,.l innM,, I.. ,l,.r-Irle n llcrhOUIll SCrnp ' ail his own. . ... rrin.. i.., u.n mtrctiiir ii ritf lit smart grudge against Annapolis In G'nct"1 since last winter and against Midship man Wllkle In particular. Said Mid shipman Wilkie will net be among these present en the gridiron Saturday, be Tiny instead, will tuke en the entire Navy eleven. , Inst winter. Tiny hnd visions of .1 perfectly geed, clean and untarnished record during the wrestling sensen. All was fair nnd warmer until the Annapo lis meet, when Wilkie went te the mat with the State giant. MeMahan fin ished second nnd his 11)21 wrestling sensen was all smeared up. Tin's 215 pounds Is stretched ever feet. 7 inches. He i last nnd, ne Ing of Irish-Indian ib", -ent, Is u fighter. He doesn't like n scrap any mere than a golfer likes birdies, nnd he has nn Iren physique that will withstand any kind of battling. MrMnlinn him mlsfril only en practice till urnnen uml linn pliijril. trry minute of eery name n I lice the flrttjslnirfr rnntt en October I. Snell Is Out CAPTAIN SNKLL, the State leader, should shake hnnrls with Jim Uob Ueb Uob ertsen, the Dartmouth pilot. These two backs are nmeng the bct. in the country, und are centinunlly hampered by injuries or sickness. Snell. who Is a Beading boy, has been in tough luck all season. An injury kept him out of some of the very early games and threat trouble prevented him from playing In the Lehigh, Harvard nnd Tech engage ments. The un-Stnte athlete wns nil set te get into the Cnmeele Teeh battle, but n return ,of the threat ailment forced him te go te the lie-iittil An operation lias been necessary en Snell's threat nnd he will be lnrtiinate if he gets into the last game of the season. Knabb will take his place in the baclthelrt, nnd the ether three mem bers of thp offensive quartet will be Lightner, Wilsen mid Kllllnger. Killinger will be leniembered ns, the Vnillie. ,iin,l ilir nt, ! f'n.rn fVittitv- .".h .. .u 4UI, V.IV. VI llktl. V""V, 1 ceiicginns eacs; in me running in me Georgia Teeh game. Aftir the South erners had scored in the onetime period he caught the ball en the kickoff and ' i an DO jurds through the entire Crack ers' defen.. for a touchdown. It was this score thnt stepped the Southerners. Penn State crei-sed the goal line In every succeeding period, Killinger getting two of the four touch downs. Kllllncer U one of the bent qunr-. terliiteks In football tmlii). IIc'n f "bnil man" In broken Held, he runs well frum scrlminnce formation and In u Reed Held cenernl. i Knabb Has Made tioed iT1!" ca.s ?f Knabl) ls a lhl"s lessieu -L for all substitutes who "are net geed i enough for the varsity." This jeung man has been meeting out at Penn State for four seasons. This is tlie first In which he hns had a chancel ns n regular, nnd he has mnde geiwl QSZW&UBES2&W EySyrWCi EFs 1 isXT&KSr DIRECT FACTORY BRANCH 20S North 22d St. IOMiOCK Snell's misfortune was Knabb s geed fortune. , , When Snell went en the hbspitnl list, Knabb wns used in the bnckileld, and worked in se well with the ether phiycrs that he became the Jlrst sub titute te Bezdek's captain. He' Is n valuable man, betli offensively and de fensively. It Is n unique fact that in three gnmes Knnbb has carried the ball only four times, but this is net bemuse he can't gnln ground. He is n stellar man en interference, nnd is noted for his nbilitj te take men out of the play. Knalih lins pluirced nlen? fur two yrurn en flic nrrulia without Betting much credit, but tills Ii Ills year. Felucll'b Passe, rrtllK Navy hns nn extraordinary -L amount of power this sensen nnd lias shown remarkeble ublllty at gaining en tlie ground. Then, tee, Feiwell has his famous bnseball forward pass te rely upon In ens" the State line holds up under the" ground uttnek. The short pass is Folwell's pet piny. He had Penn nrncticlng It until the Quakers were blue in the face. The Middies have used this successfully as a threat te drive hick tlie secenilar;. defense preparatory te sheeting the bn ks into the line. There is great demand for tickets for the game, penn State studenls nre coining down in force and graduates in this clly nre bending every effort te ob tain the precious pasteboards. Non partisan fans in this cit.v also are Un Un xieus te collect tlckfts It is estimated thnt close te 32,000 will b" en hand. There will be the usual hiking party from State College Three hundred nre n'nnnliig te walk from Centre Ceuntv The students, however, de net envy the record of .Telmnv Wes m nnd v ' " ever It is possible thev will hop tricKsifi .....I , ,i-r,mr,mlfw nriil rm,itt ,.. .... ... '. nun ,,......'.. '. ...... . ...,.v- Lw. ..ii- won't be entirely empty. -THE NEW FALL. - Arrew FOIYMFIT COLLAR Cluett R-abeiiy Ce. In c.Trey&X. Kace 78.19 i ' " ',',' "" ' ' ! mz&. -crv m $ y i it t .rirt Li WHIP-g 2V Luck Class CITY COLLEGE FIVES STARTTOMORROW Scheel of Industrial Arts Takes Place of Osteopaths Five Teams in League TO HAVE DIVIDED SEASON Much enthusiasm surrounds the pre parntlnn nnd prrii'tlce of the teams that arc going te ivmnetn this sensen in the City College IiMsketbiill League, which ejHns In the Cent nil Y. M. C. A. tO morrow evening. All but one of the teams that fur nished such writing nnd Interesting games ns jear will compete this, year. Tlie exception will lie the Philadelphia Scheel of Osteopathy wl.leb will net be represented in the league, the Philadel phia Scheel of Industrial Arts bcinir Mibstlltiteil. Tlie tiain- that will trv ter the cham pionship cup this venr are Hahnemann, Phnrmiicy. Textile, Tcinpli Dental and the Philadelphia Scheel of Industrial Arts. The basketball schedule tins jear is divided into two halves, the first frem'' November 10 te December ?. After the iiellda.vs the second half Is plnjed, the winners of cm h half lighting It out for the cup. The stcend half of Inst yenr was se evenly matched and each (cam put tip such a hard game that there wns u flve teani tie before tlie Plil'ndclphin Col lege of Phnrniaey wen nut nnd then de fcited HiihneiiiMiin, tiirrebv winning the champien'hip cup. Hahnemann had captured the fic-t li.ilf USEC7 PISTON PJSdS """'" Standard equipment en America foremost car. Moter Part Company 1425 N. Bread Si shMWMMrSM UVEKY Till KM) . trlCIDW. bAlUUDAV AMI SlflVDf Timnr: r.ssievs nvt-y IRmi:M TODAY Every Wednesday Afternoon and livening I.urcst nnd "finest 1 loer In ell' THE ICE PALACE ORCHESTRA rinet nml l.nreest III City Ten Din "nt Afl'r-nnim. a SO nivcivi, rvfvivr.si s-nn REAL FITES AGAIN tit th utt il tt 1p ut the NATIONAL A. A. wllh lhr br iniiti Inn ikt?r JACK HANL0N (Yeu Knew Jack) imil, "nt le helm AU-Star Shew Saturday Nite Danny Kramer vs. Jee Nelsen (rrnuiti nnl bi public ilrm mil JOHNNY MAHONM vs. Il()lin Slef 1T lc. .Mil. till!' i III s:ii lv 'I I.Y i vui.i n: ri ik. i (i.n is. ruvi o'teoi.b i hii vviitir i, m:NS iia-s ki:n v inui.iniv iiiimiv.mkii He sun. SI .111. i Oil Ailm. .10c FOOTBALL run v- i-mm iiu.i. vnn ARMISTICE .DAY NOt 'Villi: i -th 1 "O v M. Philadelphia Quakers vs. Holmesburg !ent en Sale nw CO.Wl.W 1 IM1SM -I'AI.DI.NGS i iiu.i i --s iiiiimrstrtrc r.rvTi'i ..I IIT"!) Wnns-'rril FOOTBALL NAVY vs. PE'N STATE Saturday, Nev. 12, at 2 P. M. Reacrvcd seats $2.00 and $1.50. j II !.-. en - Ii' nt I'r.uikl n l'l-hl , Idmliela PENN STATE & NAVY Football Tickets ON . vj.i- T CIGAR STAND 1211 CHESTNUT ST. Reyburn &. Bailey Building VV nl 7111 C II s. KIPMI CHGICT PENN STATE va. NAVY i mn II Ml l,V en -i T KIc:nc's Cigar Stere Mill T FOOTBALL Pennsylvania vs. Dartmouth Pole Grounds, New Yerk Sat., November 12th, at 2 P. M. Is rrsirvpit at , ..u iin -.. .... kit till , u un hiIv in iruiiklhi Held jnJ l,.lulirN' BIJOU HTM . K( I. STICKKT8 IN i (IN ( N ries w ITU till. ! HI I M mki-v TONIGHT: Ji Star lleuts 3 Charlie O'Donnell vs. Johnny Dooin Illl.I.lr h is IIOIT'IVN m, r. ', is i. I lilt H 1111 I.V hi -iMiMii,iiitL-aawi Send The Coupon .STANPARD unds Draughts, Dust and Ceal Waste Save 25'. te S0e of veur fuel costs. Keep out draughts, dmt nnd sinulce. Step rattling deer nnd window e. Sec hew nc.peiuivc te mstull Jn your building- Ted ii ii, Lent of MMUDinir rn liu Idlnir ith riiiunli. r'm Metsil ' h i .sit ,i,s (ih,.,.u whither Hern, Fu. tei, uiilcu UuiiuiiiB, Church. ri imiii i l tern On i 'in m tie,- of uulntilc . "IH.Ull- l)ll( t Add res f " J w n-m nrm m'" fMV'W in J5MCe5 V& 'if.1 1 r M K rx 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini V? taaxzZm Fnit Pent, V nr'n.A. ' '",. ;..' '"" "''. r I'lmne-eipuite 4M w