zwi y V v I- JfivJb.iNJLi.NG- JPUBLlO VLJbiiMiiiJK-PiiiLADiiiJbPMiA, W&UNllAy; NOViilAlBidK tf, r; tt; vrr r i . r? IML 'iiO Western Football Elevens Have Edge On Rival Representatives Frem the Seuth and I mj " v' J 'J East! Br l 1 a f l-. nh-t Football teams from 'west and south make GREA T RECORD IN EAST Chicago, Nebraska and Notre Dame Score Easy Victories and Centre College Puts Dixie en Gridiron Map, Mere Intcrsectienal Games Next Year '.& Ity ItOltl'.KT . MAXWHl-l-. , vt t s(.-rl Killlnr I.trnlitK t'uMIr I filter INTKHSKl'TIONWI- football guinea lime upet tlie dope In tlie Kan thi your, proved lii-jeiid ii"tiH that tin- enme i iuM a far ad-anccd nnd there arc ns many Mar pla.w-ri outside of what nine a oeti-ddorrd the celudve dis trict as in it .fudging from wliat happened lliii scaien. one ran .sec high class fentlMll pluji'd In the Smith nnd Middle Wet. the same as here in tin East. Once upon a tlni". there iitc three diffprrnl brand" of foetbnll. In tin East it wax Ilk,- tin- National or Aftiei.inii l.ingnp. thp Wet i-enld bp com pared tu tin' AniPrii-.m Assoriatien. nnd down Smtli bush liasue football wax played. In etliPi- words. (In-ri- n- no comparison. K.n-li section uns in its own clnsx. nnd conditions did net change until tin- team- i-anip Iat and prnvnl they hnil tin- geed". TIip lirst real wallop came when tee I imcitntj of t'liimje went te Prince ton nnd wen l the score nf !l te tt That triumph was un-xpeetcd nnd the Chicago I i'j! in was looked upon with much respect. Then Outre t'ellege left itn old Knituchy home fat awaj. te de battle with Haiwud. ni.d socked the Crimson for a ii-tetl verdict. Men- exciteinent nnd the Seuth was placed en the elticiiil football map. TSut another section was w-t te be heard from In the far West, meaning Nebraska, there wns a huge, lnisky football team, which had been allowed in play Pittsburgh. These Cern lluskei-s made n long journey te recciw- n ter rtbic lacing, heennsp I'm was regarded n mn- of thp best tpanis in this section. Easy victories n er Sjr-ieusc and I'l-nn were pioef of this Heweu-r. Nebraska net etil.i heat the sTeiik, powerful Panther , leven. but also eiitplnied them nnd showed some of the best football of the cnr. The line, which aieragcd in 'i- than VOI) pound-, fre.n end te end. completely out classed the Pitt fei wards nnd made it iinpixihli te run off nn.i plnrs. 'i'his victory was another big sm-p-is-. iii mere . than the Notre Dame triumph at West Point . Notre Iiinic met what was belicicd te be one of th- best Ainu tennis in jcars. Twe weeks before, the Cadets plaw-d a hard game witli Ynle. losing b.i the score of 1 I te 7 As the Hlue bet-jled of a i-.istmpiunMiip eleven, this close score indicated that tin- Army was nut te be sneezed at and Notre L.ame would run Inte some haul luck. Il'7 i.r thr nlhcr interter'ienal ';airi, the UY ..mirr . ilieired J U fait iiiir i inntti nnd (' h Uiih'i men virtualhi irerr trip...... Jf est Made Better Showing Than the Seuth THE West s"eins te haie the edce bei-aue of the work f Chicago against Princeton. Nebraska ncuinu Pitt and Notre Pnme against the Armr. Tlie Seuth wen one jnine but Centre'- n-teri ever Harinrd never will be for gotten. It is si ldnni that Han aid i- beaten l anvbed.i ,nt alone n fani from the -Setitli. Other games between intersect jnn.'il team were net n gaed as the ones mentioned. Indiana made a peer showing at Harvard and North Carolina nnd Virginia also failid t show mn thing, liemgia Tech sent Iier ixiwerl'ul i leven against Peun State ami lest, net because tin- team was overrated, but because State was tee noed 'l'ei li pi-ehahli would haie beaten nu Kasteru team en that day will) tic ,-oeptieti of State Chicago outplayed Priiicten. making sixteen hr-t downs te three for the Tigers. The outcome never was in d-iiht. and Stagg's men showed some very fine football Centre eutplaced Harvard in three nf tlv four periods, mnklng clevpn first downs te rwn for the Crimson. Nebraska put it all ever Pitt nnd Notre I lame hail n walk away at the Arm.. Therefore, it be easily ween that the clement of lui-lc did net enter into any of tliese games and the victories were clean cut. This is the bet year the outside teams haie dad. and it means that mere Krncs will be arranged in the future, 'lie West and the Seuth have proved their right te challenge the I.ast and no longer does this section rnlu supreme en the gridiron, it seen will lie ti.-cesnr,v te hove these contests te pii k a ch&mpienxhip dot en at the c , of tin- xi-nsnn DA'' transit ,;. helped lenwlrrahly. rnt Ihiiim ctii lakr a tram from Chimin te Yne 'mk in 'r than n rfn;, nnd it t thr .mine with thr Southern eifiei. .-1 Ihnmnnd miles mrnn nothing, nml gen grunhirnt hnwlirapi hnvr hmi am mini. All eif i-hirh menm foothill ici'l hr ii hinqrr it nil hrltrr nnmr than iter hrfnrr. Questions and Aimvers Department INTRICATE plays are coming up freipiemly in football, and at times it is difficult te gie the proper ruling. Sometimes three and four difTerent inter pretations can be given en n certain pins, and the em'cinl rinds himself nt 08S as te which one te select. Here is one submitted bv Charles ,1. Cerbin. et Philadelphia: "The side in possession nf the ball punts from the .!." vard line te the 5-yard line. While the ball ill is in the air. an nppnii nt bats the ball ever the goal line where he recovers it The referee declared the lull dead while in possession of one of the defense behind his eun goal line, ami 1 would like te knew whether the kicker's side should be given a snf"tv or a teiiehbaek." The tirst thing te i-ens'di r in this play is the position nf the ball. It vns in the air and a member of the defense batted it eier his own goal line. A plnv like this does net come up verv often, and there is a likelihood nf the ritliein! ruling that it was a batted ball and gne the bull te the offended side nt the spot of the foul. However, hatting the lull in u ruse like this is lei;:il. n explained in rule sixteen, section srn-n. that "a player at any time mnv bat the bull in any direction except tewaul his opponent's goal line." This as toward his own goal line, se no penally can be intlictnl Therefore the ruling must be made en the net of batting the biill mer the Hup, where It is iccevend br a member of the defending team. Tin impetus which hent the ball across (he goal hue came fim the side defending the goal. There is no doubt about that rllLI'l'l Oi'.'. i in i,l hr ilrilnml n nlrti nml tne iminta nirnidnl te tin An kiwi suit . i r.yji ,ijUr li;i, hj Pubic I.edg'i e'nmfnwj NEWS OF THE AMATEURS M. ---. -Jbe limlr.ratril l.i sV I'rr.i .1 a came for il-l, Krnl.i f!ir n ilu I i- i mlllinrlerstiinilltiK An li.fl '" ."'I' t-,n wlahlmr te ". " ni H-e,,t - m i. .1, i, ,i call Jese nil !(- k'i r ceri- I m ar Iil'U The M. 1'rpnris Dier's Ml Iih.n lliml nv wlnnw.1 i e i' .ip-i s wen p tiivMn: i. H" b if "-I i ii-'lii JIurphy SSL- nil n-i rcn'il uri-fi 1.1- . r-.. Tim flrrniuntllu n Irntn . inll't - i 1'' from flrst-el-is Imm' iiueiiis Iim.uIi lei corner Illeh mi. I Maimnliii hi'iiui. Fniren II. (. nu .1 I l. i lu- f-m flftMrt - Mlflnfll inr-.lil UIIII- hll- III sreuuds. 1' s,,in, i;,-.-, Senli Tli nt Btrert. ... The Oilier 1. i . " n i 1 i" te eneh k i--- noir. nm niV' ir.Se,M,i, K-', , .,, M ,x( ,- .,., ,.,,.,H(1llls j Jeiiiph U. I.-Mni'Cii -IJL- r.n.fhrrv ptni ;' '" U - - -, s,Irrtx , ,, m-,'Pr ,"; The Clever ( luh. -if H'r iiMiitewn rt' r m ;-. -i i- nli ii, mn ri.n.r.reri' of s'isrrriiV'Vihe'.r'cr.vrr, ",7' '" -"?.n:;r rwsjvr &, Kst Walnut inn. iWiwimin Mi'-.-m .trot Lincoln II. . eulrl like te urn ,it.- iikih" '; er,in,l- te. truirllnic irnin r i Wlln BCT-infl el ! i Mini i " i.-t.,iie i.n . ..- with tlilrte. ti ilfieen M-nr 0 il ti.ins nt lieine Mnir 'n"!C'" .ni-n-mrr;,,:' ;;,:: Columbia n7i'ii .nil-- -. f. ! T Th 1. I'. " , row in ti li r ,.,tii n nmn et Inen- e hwvj .'"; flii rm taarrtfl. .nr t, .n-r .-, . r.nnt i nuti mrr. t Th Y. M. . V. .l-f-..l"l Uv Mrrnrr A C, of AW t I'hi n-lelphia it r n.hehin ki-n laat Buntlay I)' reen- uf 31 le e 'iiii. r.,M ,rr,,in,e,n i. .,.. tnr Amerlcun l.eiiiii his VemtiI.- 11 h Ll'.".H nnmi fur first ,u.s t n i , . hmnci n .rrirlnv r i i 11 lilu 11 .1,1' , f rnt-, I iLr- rr.UHO,i en..- Xi nl, I -s ,-1 1 1 - '- m fXre Tlie linvrr ,. .. t- "" t i-e m ..hnii- borheott l! ini - "u i 'ii '- i.i"' .-11 fen- tetn-nilr e ' "'"i "nl "n-. " n"ine , away. b(. !., u-el, n,r"' -i,s .i-" Tk-I trr- A -toil! Ifimril kIi.i fnin,rl , .. tl w t. 1 lie ,et I " 1 1 1 1 -. .1, -. ,j I,,,, ci,.n,. Ilia Fiftieth i "i' ' ul-1 1 tu nun .. fis, win. ' .1 i I ,- t n, eB-lna i,t , Hn1 trim BVeraaeiB l", peuiuls .'.'.."is S'erin ntf rlnar - "m-,M- -in-,,, ,u , ,,. J'lft'l "''I" ' ','" ' ' -"' 1U' -'l' el The hlnilisun llfmerlnl . M. . The I'lillinlrliihle ln,lrpinrir.i,is Iiti. r, tl,m Vntllil Use te hep- from llrl n,.ii'is- ' t-n f. r Hrl li' l.o-ee If sin. "iir., mK-tniJ dais trnelliu-- t-iinis uhj nre will,ua-i Iii.muiisi n ine- st .Ih-i ,f t;i,ini. . te Irayvl for ru",iihl- .imtHi.a I.-, r ' mi" it 1 r,, m i;,h, ni ,,,,, .Wtlklnen,,18S!J .Mnhrr ntreM. , The I or i.t . . .I..,pe. ,.. s..,..ul.. .,,. CesH'fnllle ' a uriiiili hii mavfliiiK 1 1 i el, -nr!-i 1 i,s PS1 ,, fir nulntet. weulil H1.-I iu ineK eeini-ii uii -r fl.-ors" i,-ii,i. "m sj,,,.,h Irani et thi ii'iin 1 ii'lher etTTltur rt.,sen t--i.i'iier eiun ibla gyr-rantfe.- I'mnU I.ikiji 1.11 Went Tl- I'tIi". i. ( ,. 1 I0..-n p,. ,, ,. , Tleaiv Blrret Ih I ' n l 'it,,., n r tir f ,r ,, , l.illimtere Hub. "' w ! I'lilladriiihin a , ' 1 -uh m 1 i r, n, Marnn w. rtrat-la3 tril elmti i.m, -, .t.ts ,g henU 1 " ,, -' ' I' e-i'-Kl 'T7-.- I camai Willi 1 ""is hi .in I 0. nn; err.riiu V.lhnrr It. .. f, tr.n.-in " ,t n renable Ipilm IlliT.I" .' iitin. .Is;.- " " '', - -""'-"-i' '"' " 'I hn.riM 'rini I.,, Italen Htlee' co- I " "l.s s.i-lh T , If, I, n ,, Tha MrCuiin llnsliips. ( iilleer. n,e , Te- l'' N i- 1 tnlen. ,w,ul.l -Ii .- , ,,, JUMillUf HI I I i'l i" .-II flr!- '""' 'bl'ie n.f'-jr n- rHr-elcl h,n , . . :!. ael,lH.i- m 1, Ivnn.. .a,,,., J",. ,,',.'- ,"'.' '",' ,":,'h',rl"'1 -'"..1 qha?!-. MUler ll..l,ns-. I's , t,,,,1.1".,,1 , L, V'nr... ""I"'.').,'!,'. M HI. IMtll'K. a -. .,u,e.l w.iu'Ol1" ',,'.. ., ,i if,,,' e. , n?,'i:. ' '"''"'is ,ii. ,r. ,tr,'i p niiN i. i, i i i nm ,i YOUIIK. H-- tltire- aveliu' Hnnnr Cliff A. A. hu f nii-n J.ikh for aecctr tmnif-H Tlurtl :ml l-'uiirth lilililnti A II l'J Miiiiuc i.iiiiii. anil ethia uf tl, nn rlata wantl ik naip .h ui.j nlu- m ll.evnr.j Knrfblf. M-ilS North i:ilu tieet. Tim Ii.iIe!i Tnmlrrs 1 si I ih -h (He M,lllrt like tu be iK Klitin eli , in n ImMiui liHlla. Juin m I' tl -n "in vr.-. nn 11I111.-1I1111 " mi'avii . . ''" "-he ii- hi uiii llv. tylahta te l '1 no s ,,), . ,i h.,Ti ,, ,,, for Iha -0111I114 . '..I II li t.nvli iim MnllllU t Is III I, sin 1 tttufimrr-lrlil, 11 flisiii,, 11 , II.;.. iu, . t-aKb' frvr encu u.iiph 11, .ii.iiumi- unu u -!. t. laf.iilM fiMitlnfr limn.. Mil it n till rcsaenable guarniit.uB. It. II, Nicli, Aniuiia airtfi. ' 'SBJCt Rf lllii UHtn,ie llpiirs. ii'"t iiMii'; f (I , u i ii - in i i nrni th i. v. . r I '- In l. tin, i I ., )i,i f ... fii'iin i'- jits -, j, i:,chih 1 l-e ( i.linar . I .. i f ., ,. ,rn. " " - ' 'i '1 ill"- -i 1 r.,r. k, m s . "i. ih .' i hi. t .i,lll,r nfi-rliiK r,, Im'n MiMi-rn r llf-.r 1 s .M t. In ili.r i'-h, nui'-hninri .irr-i i . innr. ,,, , ,. i.1,111 u l-h ' "i-- nl, I tenni l r this Sun Wil'eii m Nerlh D. The M, . . t ft m., , r,ln ,.nm - I'l "U- i i h r frn. ,hr tl-.. Hreunrl , lilt'- viIihk i, t rf. ct for rn.ennl, n Kuar . phr,n 1 """ II I inlirrrifr Alilm, r i "n HUH he..i, -i ...... -.r j 1 I-; u SH.iv- j. i , n 1.1m, m n l,,i .kii,,j;-i:;.r::i?;avi;T,.' .;.i.m. ;.'"!.:;, 'L;,,;' h-r. w,:".;:::! , "' '' V" ' ;".ii --i.-r im, ,n, -.! .. ! itif u i- liar, .nrr.1. 'in, "' V-"": '" ,CI r ''nnuis- ( emp.m I ? .-... ... -,,.., ' 1 III- IVrrl, s . (. 1-mrr, l9 l, v c.,.,n, ' "h nrs . -- in e n-lnr. i,n'k , t ..., mr ; r . n - ' k i in. '.. jt P, t ,,,,, irJ.!','". ','".' .'"".,''' ,'r,"'l"i"',l-n hii(Mhn ...., ,,. ., "-i" r h t , .. , "nn" ,' i1-." ' n ie. r r. r', nlr-r ,,f ,n ' 0-H- i .-,.!. n' ,t rieni n i ii-l s , i, ,i . ,. pjm, v ,...,., v . ., t , j ,,,- ,. ,, .;.... . .1... 1 ... -.,..., VfHit. (llWtl MUilrir til. . DMllntr .... Wm..!" ,"":" .""k.r',.'..l v""" v.iii, S. 1 1 .1 .-. . .. -i. . up 1 .j, TllP I'llllMlr lit lll't, llni. Irllitftnf I .. . .. plsn Kleni nl l't Hell lVlenl',,, l,e.,vup" weu'tl 111.' ti "' -O'.e CTHniPW will, 1 'ulm tn 01 mil of I' . 11 off 1 nil r a.n.,,1,, , i,ieiH,i, I. II Up, sit, no I.-..11 s. 1. I l!in I1.1 r I I The Hmir . . I it I telin - tlllil 1U1 It - I h li I I 1M if III 'Hll l"l HIH . If l'i IH - i'-i 'n.i I .! 1 HII'lliJ. KHIli. Oier htiHn I, ill 'I P nil. lin'i i' 1 - 11 'X . 1 ,1 Ih- I'miitlPlli "nt ' I tub 1 11 i, I, ii i,i(! illlln',-1 il. nl,i. I" tin .1, -Hine I'llll tplir.1:. lM IIU limns til nrterlncr I i I, 'nnxhli. U11I"" lll'ins .MifPlMi t , lui-r. .,11111 . Mu-Pt. Ml-Hahlrltiin A .. a ,rs uml-ulnaii linip! hf Ave. wsnta Kinies. M. Ulmberu, AMD Uf ;a aytnua F GOLF TEAM TILTS Upper-Clas3 Men's Tourney Brings en Event for Year lings and 1922 Program TELLIER DIED FOR PAL lly SANDY MrNIIIMCK Everything is levVl.v en the golf horizon at Old Penn. The officials of this year's team have sn about the tnk of turning nut a winning combination, and it leeks ns if their efforts would net be In vain. A new idea in collegiate circles was propagated and n tournament open te all the upper classmen of the University as started. Tills tournament Is new under way en the links of the Phila delphia Cricket Club. Tlie lirst round was plaied nnd re sulted as fellows : Uortlien lef him 1'irkln'iiii lluilen d riic Cent ile-friiipcl Rimselt. Rlinnita rtrfeniil Le cntmum 11. Vlnnev r riti ( I.ueMs Tl l.urn ilefcatril I,nw-ien.-c Wnier .W."i. Jutl Knbertshniv i.rfnite,) iiu.h. Smili 1ff'-nl'1 Klllem, Sl iMa iWoMed StfTcn.l Wllllumwin lreit'-(l D'Kern N'nncll d-fcdii-d tlrett Ullv .1c fcAif.J Summrn, rtmnd ilefKnted I.nrrnn The winners will play each ether in the second round with a two weeks' time limit en the tournament. The men linn- bein handicapped for the match play. The upper tourney was se well receheii that a similar tournament was get up for the freshmen. The roeky material Is n premising that a fresh man team will be get up and a schedule played with larieus prep schools, such as Hill. Teme nnd ethers, which will make tilings hum nn scholas tic links. The Pairings The freshman tournament begins thi week at Wliitemareli. The youngsters I will play each ether from scratch. The piiiriiiKs ler i nn iirsi round ioiiew : P.num is. Hleck. (iritHn vs. Free man. It'inu vs. ViWen. McGuire is. Williams, Breck is. Klep, Walker vs. (itithrie. McLean i. Themas. Ilissin- ger vs. Kelt. The winner gets a golf club and the runner-up a be of bulks. There are some very geed players in college, some of them being youngsters who ban- iiiiu'e a dent in the local tour nament', i Captain .lack Falk hails from In- dmnnpelis. ivbere lie went te Shertridg" High Scheel, and was also a "student" j i ui me iiitvrsni' tiuii niu. ' Oerge Iilley. the Penn manager. Ik I a local, playing from the Old Yerk Read Club. Reland Addis, Huntingdon Val ,ley. is another varsity prospect. Albert I Iiresett. Terre Haute. Ind., learned his I shots nt the Pert Harrison Club out there, and Hun Itewnd comes from the family in i-st. ircinin which has set a fa't pace en the links down there. Pater flew ml is a former State chum pien there and Pub Rew ml wns u for-I 1 E LAN mer captain nnd leader-off man en will meet at the school, h Seuth Twelfth Penn's team. It. Werthan hails from I street. Prldav mernins. where thev will St. Leuis, where he was listed among ' held a mass-meetlng until neon. Then the experts en u geed day. graduates and undergraduates will leave I here is a quariri of premise in the ; en sp,vja ,fnn rm n,.llnil street freshman class which includes two , station at 1 :4.' for Queen Lane. Hum locals, ui,,. ,s i, . steiens Hunt- .,- sineepateil Hand win meet them mg,lnn alley who went te the hnal nt tllP y,1PPn T,nP htntinn ,, irn(k reinvl at Lu l.u nml the ether is His- tt, Mnrt fe , ,Pl, ,, Tin.,' i , "iir in i iiiiin'HiL iini itruill I'ing youngsters ( ente s listed as the champion of i pper .sew erk, which is n threat 'and Ununi was finalist in the Chicago i is heldiiij its reunion. The alumni from I city tournament last summer. I7ti te ISS wjH held a combined re- I ., ..,.. f,.. . ,,. ,. union, and, according te reports, mere I I neuii nnlu Caused Inigedy , .-, el( M(N si(Jnifi(1 th(lr "ith the rumor that the professionals Intention of being present at the meet- of Massachusetts nre preparing tribute jn for Mr-. Leins Tellier in niemerv of! ,', , . , her husband, mere details of Tellier's ' After the aneus class reunions the 'tragic death are had .combined alumni will meet m the school , The Massachusetts champion, and ' buildings at H o'clock. A constitution I one of the most popular pros i ,his!wil1 1' adopted, 'officers elected and ! eeuntrv took his own life b hanging ' ''eniniittecs. appointed Tlie list of speak- last week in a shelter hou'se at the f includes Dr. Richard fJummere, 1 fourth tee at llrae Hum. The tragedy I headmaster, en behalf of the school; I. happened while Tellier was in a de'- ' n- n- Picrs. en behalf of the faculty. , llrlum following an attack of ,,,... and Henry W. Johnstone. li12, en be- nienla. "n'f of the alumni. The chairman of . Always n picture of he.ilth. the little I 'he , rvni"R.wi,l h" ('!,,nr'''!4 ,-,M'-, , pre had Iniighed at medl, ines ,,r medknl ' K('el,Bn- 1-sf,,?- "'"b- will be rendered treatment. We en ill he slipped , u ,,lr' -'hel orchestra. After the awai te Mimpete in th'e district P. (1 I meeting refreshments will be served by A. championship mid plmcd in a rain-! ,h "'1""' " the gymnnsium storm. L'ldie (.eidblntt. iiuarterback of ' Ills' friends nss,.rt that he wns deltri-' sulh Philadelphia High Scheel's feet- eiis ;it the time and actually did net ' hnl1 ". miH nf," elected captain of knew he was doing, most remark- " able iii view of the fact that be lowered th- Miepia ic.-erd In In- morning round and was only beaten out for the title bv n stroke ' this Jinr, ' Normally the gayest of mortals. Tel- ! ' Geblblntt Is (lie second member of became merbldh ib spendent during ''' fnniilv te held down the job of cap las attack and liU thoughts seemed te tain en Southern's the "Label." the il'.cll most en the death of his ,i;il Penn fresh star of Inn year, was the of muni n enr. . I i irnr. fm hut I"icncli and Canndiaii hanipien. who had lii-en kllieil in Atliiiita earlier in tiie war. He miked of 'Deug" iiiiiniiiiu lll-l old' friend's dentil is tliniiKit In liaie se preied en hi- mind that. In the height of his delirium. Tellier took his own lite ic.i. n -.,..... k. .,.. .,.. ........ i.. .!. i ... .... i i .... i.iiii ii iii..,i i.t ii'- iii -..nn nij, KUiiniiug nn- lourie ,,-, iioe ieni tins te iiang nnn-cii l.u-li in dentil l.niils ielller gne i Mii in e of llie ipi.tlltles which had en- i" "''", " " '" .K,,"w hl!", -"', ,.w (,,k In . own life because his bcs frn u, Imil I n sep;iratn from lilni in te hang himself ,i-..,i. schedules four games , r . ininidcuiciic vyuiitcpiien 10 nay 11a tivlty en Saturday Evening Kill, l.cis, innnagei- of the Inimaeu- In, , I 'inn riiliiin 1, 11 1.1..1 11 M.fiiii l.tiv ' iii iiiuged four garni s with stieiig i'ippe- i in nis mi, ,-m s t (eep his team very Oils'. I IU' Us, Clllltesi is unu .Ml- I .1.1 .... ... . . 1 I V ""'liniii mi S:itui-iln nielli, tin- uptown ' OA, 1 . , ...:,..,..., .,...: 1 III, , tit lie tl till , I II. r .. 1 1 1-,i 1, 1 tti'ii i, till in' i ,....,. finiii Aimistice lMy most sens,itlenal scraps seen In Phlln- iin 11, -t TucMliu'tlii'i tiaiel te West- ilelpliin in many moons, ulle. .ire ,11 lieni" at Third and Itrevin' Nelsen has been training diligenth .11 is will, Tilanglc en Wcdiiesdu. for heernl weeks in anticipation nf nnd n Thuisdai jnurnc. te Atlantic ' anetlur clash with Kramer, lie will hi ('in nml pliu St NiclmlHP. linmisjiii perfect i-hnpe when the bell rlng.s with liniiiii.-iiliiie foiicpptien can l '''here are four ether bout., en the -..cuieil threiisb Hilly Lies, 11. -1 Oliw- 1'ard, with Hebby Met aim. of (,rays ii-n-t. Iiiiiii.niiliiie luu Mercd a vie- Perry . and .lelniny Mnheiu-y . of 1 Inzlr -ten ihis n.i-,,11 mir Auuina-. iu tln-lten. in the m-iiiI. In the ether htmt Imi.-i's 1.1. 11 bull Ueiing .lee (hip will take en Hum-i- I Kelh. Willie KergilSen is te nifet Noting enrrnnnve Tn iirrT nriiki ', Teninn O'Tnele, of West Phllnuelpl i 1 SPEEDBOYS TO MEET PENN land K.d weif- win open ih- show ic. '.MIi'Kiy MniriH, of Winiiiugteii. High Scheel Harriers Will Meet Red i and Blue Tomorrow ' After Reserve C'Qe Dates , s p ir A Ht.Mr.PS eppiifil thPir "m Tiiniiirrew iift'nienn eier the t'ehhs!1'"' ""! l' lin,inx out "J '." rt'f'n ,-.....! .. .nnliiii. 01 Hlrnu trttiii iV ('ether's I'n-ld. the iMlnily cniss ii.iiiitry ti am of tin I uhersltj of penn sihauin nil1 m1'1 I the hariicis of West Pliiluihlpliin High Sclioel. Il will he 11 thl'-e nnd t! in- illlllter mile race. 'I'll- Spii-dnevs luue nuicliih i( tin-r eitiii'iils Iii s in, luetic nuil, , nml Ml ,1 wns 11 s.i- fm- the boys in sei-l, iiits'ilc , ,1111,11 1I1011 Caplain HiiiiiM Olillu-lil. .li'cl.Min, ( Kit nhaiiscr. Chau-,-im, IteeblUi.. Si'helf mid I'lellU'l will lepri-M-lit the Speeilbu.vw, The Peun couch has nut tuition need his cntriei. AIN'T IT A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELIN7 I WHGK) YeO'i6 HAD, A 1 -AMD VeU HONAVUNO .ToeTHACira ; FIW,L.Y MDJTGR r v. crca jk waHM ai n at a. - iri rnuMJrzK' n cool- te V60'fe (SI WOWDORrUv. , 1 Te tji Te A f s ?ucfbs. This TBRraefs of newnsT" na ll I DetstTtAT v I it Dee& r ) ?MY.. WMY THtlGNTIST J1," RC2TD,6r? ACMB t sent iev A M?lL.h Vt- 0Y A PR,ONO ( a eit mew 1 -jN0 piffneuci have: it out;; i"A-M(MMsl- - V FRANK v HAU(r ,r OU7, IWeATHBR FINO Vs3USOL,r .1 jeHKY OUT MY 1 JfrV A, GT-fs,- Fs-RAMO AslD WS'iw 5ITTIN6 i0 TMS feLCCTRIG Dfslut. S-'-' infc.e.B.niK PlTCI iu'? )masiw& chie. of i cme ta out . ! jjj C REUNION ON QUEEN AN 1 Penn Charter Crads te Be Out in Force for St. Luke's Game Friday ALUMNI DAY CELEBRATION Old timers will rub shoulders with pink-eheek undergrads at the big foot ball game between Penn, Charter and St. Luke's Scheel at day. This grid hntt Qumi I. ane I- ri le will mark the opening of the Alumni Pay celebration of the Twelfth street Institution, founded by "William Penn in KVsfl. nnd the eldesr private srhnnl In the I'nited States. Oraduates from thirty-three eonspputiie clnsses, from IS1!) te P.121. will be en hand te take part in the festivities. Permer students of the (Junker school from all parts of the ceuntri started arriving in Philadelphia icsterdni . Tliey After the game the grads will part for yarieus hotels, cafes and clubs about the ,-itj In which their particular class ,no li-'" 'a 'iiacn uasKeinaii aggregn- i . is,., . i e ,. t - tinn. Lddle played one of the fet ward PO-lt'ens en the downtown quintet last season, nnd will held down the . same job im in- ice un- uiue i '. i ion. 100. Ii.ue fieldblatt led n basl-etbnll "'am i n- -vns tin- , -1111111111 01 un. ,-iiiiiu- , pinnhi' re-erves last year. ' 1 ('".-ict Mueller has prosper is fop nii- ether fast ti-atll at Bread stre"t and Snyder avenue. lie has several snr player, nnd. with the new inaterml en i.i.intlnn will lie nenr the ten nt the end iinnu. it inens rm- no- .-i"uu, , ,i,,. ns- ..-.. - - . .. .!,. . nn iiduii ... .,..- ,. -- -IHANLON MATCHES KRAMER AND NELSON AT NATIONAL Mew Matchmaker Heeks Up Ban tams in Return Tilt 'I lie pastime of punching will be re. Mimed at the National A. A., nieienih nnd .'.ithnrlne streets, en Saturdnv t,t-,l,t . i,h .ItlcU' llniilen. of this cit. hn"vR , tllf. ,.0(. ns mntchm.iker. Han- inn lias a nntiennl rcnuintien as i tn.i ,t li.ii'i L',.1 Fer his tirt wind-up llnnlnn lias sin .-eedi . I in signing up Danny Kramer l I I...... ..... ,.....,. ..I. rt... .... I IMC "IIIIIIIII1V luuntiin n iiiii imi nil i , tin, .lee Nelsen, l.ililc Italy s rugged tint- .,.. -ri...r . .i-. . 1 1 .tfti-til one nf tin. ". '" "' -i.i""s . ii'.em "t nmiKPaa 11 nt. he wen- 1 nl. rlefpalnl en, a .luring ii,p 1m .kisiiii Hip Sphai, line-ip mnalaia of li ,anp iiI.epth who laat apnann lum ,lir , Uhiii irnpli) et .Muauai rutnl Hill t'he injhl like te HrrmiKP i.uu,p uii ih ,.sr. ,i-iiins of s.'.itnln Kh-euU iinnHS tuil nil lUfct-clatu tPmia effprluif n -iHtnmthli KUHIHIIlep either l.i or out of limn 'ui KlilltPH H rltP tn 1. s, ,,.r 1L'1 I'.in , Hmi in mil I .in u-i I'Tli tint ni tie I n Ewing After Grid Game I w in.- 1. Is "Mil tin .1 en, te fur .f,lur ,1hv ellhrr ut home nr nwu. in 11 Hundny cama away. AUdraaa U. W. Wyntt, n705 Tie linear atratt. Pheno Sherwood 0810. (utMVi. K r. liu. t...' Undefeated Lafayette in Pest-Season Demand Easten, Pa., Nev. II. The un defeated Lafayette College varsity football team has received four offers for intersectional games, te be play ed following the close of the regu larly scheduled season, according te announcement made last night by the graduate manager of athletics, D. IcRey Reeves. One nf the invitations is for a game te be played in Dallas, Tet., en New Year's Day with the cham pions of the Southwest Conference. Frem what colleges the ether three invitations came was net made known by Mr. Reeves. Ne an nouncement wns made as te whether any one of the invitations will be accepted. AETNA WINSIVESTRAIGHT Takes Crescent Champions Inte Camp by 21-17 Score Th Aetnn Professionals wen their fifth straight game of basketball by de featlng tlie Crescent, champions of the Hrotherheod League, by the seere of 'Jl te 17. Aetna lias one nf the best tennis in the city and included In the line-up nre Qtiinn. l'egel and ltlnir, forwards; Springer and Weller at center; Row Rew mnti, Mctlmern nml McCnnn, ge-inls, Aetna has met such clubs as Down Dewn Down ingtewn. West t.'liester, Aeulnas and Kayeula, nnd would like te get games with .inch Mines uid-i'imcs, A. U. 11.. Tri -Council. Salem. St. Nicholas and K. nf ('., of Atlantic City. Fer games address .lehn Hiadley, lilli Last Cum berland street, or phone Kens. Q'J)), between ::'.() and 7 :"0 P. M. Scraps About Scrappers Tim Iren tins, rtfn up nil hnpe, Yif nn of crttlnc nrerre Chaney te mm him 'Jee Konneilv tellu inn at Iphki half a dozen clubs tried te TnMcli hip with i'lmnc hut iha latter --efus.-d. - mimi tJrehe . "1 understand e Phllndi tphU inelchinnker In leeKini :ur nn opponent ler ! lcnaier. t have Kllrn him t,i hnrd buttles ulreadv nml nethlne v .mid atnti m from meettne l.ew Again ' Kddle Ilnjes will imt en IiIh weeUlv pi' , fMenl bouts t th Illlnu Thenire lenlihl (larlev iiUfliimll will meet .tehntv Deem In the ,lrnl-up. A heiywelcht buttle be tween .te Kernnn ami Chic'. Fllle is s,hd- iii. a nun tin, will rece Al lle't-nnn. Ullli Is lit Miicnrr ti,..l. in iehii fro-n , hi efpe. llel.M lluinuin Heuthw i-r't seuthpnw lsne3 t 'hullenirf- t. hi" uelrhbiirheed rtvul llnth bO' s h.ue lil f '- 'i pie, downtown .lurk llnnlnn tin i i.ii.e i s.ell trips te N'eu Vnrk nrd hn , li.'eii rettlnr I.n nn .... A. ,1m .li... I..H.A.. lu . ,. - I - ...I .j, tii !...' iM-ii.ii.-i, i ii ii t, iiiv ineir i hej,i,(uii--i-ii in th- metropolis, ite nans te nn.iiiK" flinws nt ilir. v.itiennl thin '.ili lii'.il nun mntrlipfl nCHinit out-of-town t ,lc-it llnrnej tlrrniinl Is wiIIiiik te nit such liess hk Man. ltprliti I1"iimv llnftx nnrt Johnny ttoe llernnril ncni'v vim honor henor honer Jhlv tllfi liiirspil fruin th rnlu.l StrtH Nmr. lie Is 1 1 'hit hnnillrrl m II. rini'ii lln ntiiuin. i wen ninj ni.iiniK s lelllis- I i '.in I. .iiihuI ' . . II-MMM tl",- f lull utl, ,1 US I' i-li .nun., .' in. en . .Mneiei ,ie v, r, , , ,rt,,.ni muni., i- ,.f .iii I, l-Iili , ii,i-h ii i. ih v 'I I e ', irniH: ihfi-.e 1 1 r nelirrwrlrlii muni, l,.n,,rn Willi. M,. 'rf r",'ht,y .'mbM1,!"! Ti'.'s "VJiV, ''' '""w'nd-un je A,ii.m" 'i'.i . . .' , I'-'Ye.,,,,' Vvt.'.S'S1 i"-i'-rn, K,.,.. J.,.. u-.,i, i.riiuir ri.1111.1. . .imii imiiie :tt ,'irsirRf Oil i s III!, - t.iitinv l lir-un nntl 'lemon. Ten M,nr,l,. , .emi,.rv; ihm 11 tie Tnii. 1 s,,,," n,,T! iVnii I .rn,:".p.B",.,1,r. ".",". !:,;",U?; W,, ' stmnr. 1 11 f..itl..i. ilsh! 1 "iineilt en T it MHrnn.iit lllllr letiinnn 'lent . 1 -nt h evir rffuwp-l -r n ethr Iv.xcr nirpt II, it, I, liuimui I'll nir-.'t HutllMII iriv tlni,, m rnMrtflcrAi- I'l'.K'ruiHtlx t.-ilM un ihit then, ,ut, v n - i.ilrl ileniii Jee hfll-. h .-eutliv-Hrs h.inun,. who h 1 mn Il-mi. n.,ps thne tlni.-,. would UK- t.. irrt .mother lnertlnc v i, the f,,nn,r Mrnn- t,-ur chnmp. iehh Wxknai aiablfniHl w.t'..iV .if ,W,;e!S.n.,1 "U"! '"r """' Jlmnn liiK.ii,. : le islns-len ,.nr l,,,i. In nlre f mi H"er n lus-eff of -ppral ":r.:,n;:,n,';;'1.ln';.,;;i ;;';, ',,l1:'. iUufn of I.e ytln-k .mi hiti .rpine I. . at,iei- in Hiiitiu i,.i-j, ith , ,,1 ,, .i'til' ZZ''X )' JZmn iiuimiui'iii. nt 1.: . k ,,1,1, ,, 1 i ,w, a Jei'lFi1 vw'.T!1?,.,','! ,!r.Uir',i,t;L".,i,r ,b"x or ' J '"" ' fr.tnklp Kill. urn is tun li , i0 ,uhhi in a' en- en 1 - , . , 1 ""f1 '"'' "iiari-W--j-,-iiwKi-ii-iamajta,aBBiiai jrffj COME HAVE LUNCHEON AT V IJeticeI I "l"i-''' jf$ j$& " W ; Spechl Orders ! VtLLSrSkasSlLs2AA and; WALNUT II .lliiif iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi iiimainn iiiii unnTSTTT ' IH China 3 TOMORROW'S MENU p Zjjj I Cfam Chowder Choice of Perk Chops " g aj (Tb ' H fried Sweet Potatoes, Apple Sauce m w3X, u I H or Halibut Steah (Platter) 4 M 9 Rolls and Butter Coffee and Milk M & j -tgS."SiJg CAFE OPEN EVERY SUNDAY Jagaai j j f i-,-.-.j AMD tfcvj ait ik fM DOCTOKl HBCBPTIOIs. OOM Wrsl r - s. Ziomer, Despite Injured Right Hand, Outpeints Dyson; Hart Scores K. 0. TWO BOUTS ARE STOPPED Hy LOI'IS II. JAKFK .Tehnny Kilbane. ycteran feather weight champion, wns a double winner nt the Tee Palace Inst night. Net that J. Patrick did any actual boxing en his own hook, rather be advised a pair of his punching preteges te victory n re spective bouts. Tlie victorious Kilbane cleutcrs. each a Cleveland product, were Mex Hart, a lightweight, and Al 'Ac mer, a bantam. Hnrt proved himself a. snappy secker and he wen decisively, being credited with a technical knockout when Ref eree Frank Floyd stepped his bout with Carl Deitz after the latter had been hopelessly outclassed. 7,lemer, en the ether hand, wns net se hard a hitter, but he punched often nnd was a winner en points ever Bebbv Dyson, of New Bedford. .lemer's exhibition against the rug ged Dyson southpaw was cicu mere im pressive when it was learned at the linish of the eight scheduled rounds Hint he had hurt his rlitht hand in the tiftli frame. Al socked Beb with n whole (lock of every punch in the llstic repertoire, but Dyson wns net te be stepped. As the final gong clanged Ziemer's right arm fell te his side, lie wns suffering such excrucinting pain he had te lie helped te his chair. (In examination it wns discovered that sev eral nf the youngster's knuckles were dislocated. Brilliant Battle It wns n sensational scrap, that Zlemer-Drysen -t-te. The lads fought se hard, ilcieusly and with such speed that both were virtually nil in at the end of the sixtli round ; but tliey were nblc te keep up their geed work until the end, although each lacked power behind his blows. Fer five rounds it was nil Zieiner. lie iahbed. ripdt crossed, unncreiit nnd hooked Disrm nlmesi nt will, nml often without a' return Dyen kept pushing his teiigh-kiniiei face in front of Zlenier's blows, nt the Mime time look ing for an opening te ,rie home his terrific left. Bebby scored it number of (lines with that south paw. but AI's eleieruess usually inrrieil him out of danger whenever he wns shaken up. Although Zicmcr had the better of five teiiuds. two being even and tlie ether In-longing te Diwin. the match was net s, one-sided as the resume of the cutest would indicate, because, de spite the fact that the Down Bast was (-hen a nifty boxing les. son. In- never let up. and always was III Itlc running, trying Ins utmost, 'lemcr tipped tin beam at 1-0 anil Dyson was .manor f piuind heiiiicr The harder puncher of the Kilbane ILBANE'S BOXERS BOTH ARE WINNERS boxers scored a nlue-n-cend knockdown' onilnntlen. fur thr- Pimlnn ruiunti fer1 ever Dell.. HL'. wlu-u Hart. I.'IT. "''- "'" .''l24 'l-1"- einv,i. ,n, ,nor. tm, i - ,,,.-Cse.l l,u ,;..!,. .... n,. . .-t... e .1 ' ,. , ....... ..1 un- rliln llhnul tin s,., ends before the bell h"","l, ,","li,,,, ,""' ,lli,,, . D""z ,MI"r '"' " "t"" stronger In the fourth Z"L ,,,1!' I1,'.'." 7" "I1!,"vr",,,!ln ,l '.' ' '" ''" ,l"1' "l" '''"A'l halted iins- inities, 1 Teiuinv l.eiighrnn. Ill", was a wmm-i I in sis' leiiinls 011 points eier ,, K;,u . lllls. 11,11... M'lw. I:,,,,,,. ,,1 iw, ,.,,,, , ,.. i.. , lA,,, ,,f j,,, , .' ' - "i -.uii- neil n , u s I ins experience mere than unit h nt? el-., that cm ned him through te the finish I.eiiirhnin direcled 1,1s , tool ,,n,ni.. .' ,RI"", ' , , ', ,"'. ,l,l,,,'c '"tlrely n" "I'lcll te Kawlllis' hi'lid inslciiti of Jh" "' 1" which cm n. Ten. might hae s,.,-eil a mole dcclsiie , iclerv Hnndicupped l r-even pounds .mil entering the ring -is mi elev cm ,1 . h,,if ppenni. i'imri.;, iianrn. i--,. ,.llf llietl til the mil of tin fourth 1 . 111 1 I'"'lhe club physician nrdeied his iii-jich with Al Themas, a prntcke of i ';" " I 'SB';rJ iiit.. .0 ,-,, liniie, hut Hi-tcree I-leyil v euld net uieiriile the iliii-tiir'h elder. ln ""' "',0,,rr '"li""? Mnyhiml. wn- Hi' winner In a .iwnuml susfcM, N"'1 I'acllli .May honk weight-,) 1( and Pacini I PJ FOUR PENN ON '95 ALL-AMERICAU Red and Blue Jumped te Frent With "Buck" Wharten, Bull, Gelbert and Kmpe I ruxten Hare Was Selected Three Successive Years By GltANTLANO KICK The Very Idea ".Vete that the pelflng season is all ever," Exchange. Yeu think the oelfing season done tterausc a clewl has crossed the sun Where lately irfote geld teas spiint Iicrausc the wind ami jiiieic cerccii Or drift above the ancient preen Where stark the frozen grasses leant Tuttut and piffle Hkcu-ise pooh I'm vera much surprised that jeu dheuld even hint the season's through. What though the clubs stick in the lag Uew can the golfing season lag, As long as fremicd tongues can tcagt As long as our can find a pug Te listen te the Jlote and Why, Or give heed te an atiblf Se please nbierb this thought, old dear, As long as you can find an car. The golfing season's always here. The All-Anicrlcnii Change Till astonishing growth and develop ment of football, is best shown by the vast change that lias come ever the All-American selections as first ar ranged by Walter Camp. Ills first All-American w-as picked in 18S1I. Thnt team had live Princeton men. three Vale men and three Har vard men enrolled. A year later Harvard had live, Yale three and Princeton three. In 181)1 the lirst break came when Adams, of Pennsylvania, slipped by. That year found Vale with live, Prince ton three. Harvard two and Penn one. In 1KIU Penn came hack with another entry in Thayer, Harvard. Yale and Princeton holding the ethers. In 18bM Penn suddenly reported with three stars in Gelbert. Knlpe and Breeke, leading Princeton and Har vard, as Yale had liie. In lSn.l Penn Jumped te the front with four members In Dr. ("Buck") Wharten, Bull. Celbert and Knlpc. The Klrst Westerner JrnHE first Western star te crash J- through was lllrsciiberger, of wii wii cage, one of the greatest punters in foetbnll history. This was In 1MIS. Then Seneca, of the Indians, wns named In ISO!) and in Bieti Merlcy. of Colum bia, entered with the old Big l'eur, who held irtually all the talent. Daly and Bunker, of West Point, made the All-American grade in 11101. Bv lflO.'l no less than seven universities had delegates at the All-American con ference, the first general break in Old Guard ranks. Ilestnn, of Michigan, arrived that YALE REGULARS SCORE Get Over Scrubs' Line Once In Hard Drill New Haven. Conn.. Nev. '.).--nles solitary, long and exacting scrimmage j of the week nf the Princeton geme was held yesterday, when the regulars were driven for forty minutes ngaiust the senilis. The nrslty attack was led by two elevens, the first and second string men. nnd they were unnble te score mere t linn once. This tally came late in the scrimmage and was made by Charley O'lleam. who was the third quarterback used and who ran around his left end for a touch down from the fi.e-.vnrd line. Becket had started the scrimmage nt qunrterback and was succeeded by Mur phy, who In turn wns replaced by O'Henrn. O'lleam was in the drill for only about five minutes. After the touchdown he tried with only fair suc cess some drop kicks and was succeeded by Becket. who booted ever nine out of eleven attempts. Beets and Saddle ! The Annapolis Hfeliutlelit Handicap ! r'iie of tlie best races of the Pimlico meeting, will be decided today. The .T. K. I,. Besr entry, including Oriele and Suiling B.. should be considered highly, with Crank and Dry Moen n contenders. Horses well placed in ether races are: First race. Finery, Cast Ashore. Wire less; second (steeplechase). Phoenix. Brigunna. Hiilu ; third. Maggie Murphy, Maryland Belle, (.race Fester; fifth. Trnntula. Secial Star. Dough (firl ; sixtli. Klrnh, Majer Parke. Dark Hill; seventh. Attorney Muir. P. i. King, .lunc Fly. The MimMiiil Itnilner ( nmnilssleu lirt. in-nil the Mi,rlnnl ,Ierk- riuli tri i jh, "J1 eirn. lav's nn-ln at I-imlice en rr-xi .Vi,r'seirf,r V''n.vi7V,,V,V V'eu',! S-h!.'' will Ineluite JJ'ifiU ptiriili'i'liii... triil "" "lc ft" "" 1"-""lli" '-'O n.lded I"1"' nameu 101 inn un two -nr. hnni n ni urn turr 1. iiiii ii'hips rer Ih en "' th M-irylRprt Jerl, ciun nnniiui.c.,1 'vTl X'T , iV M" fifi'i n is n.lruiet 1 thru u ,7,-,r ,,, n,Hi1."rMl. "SSS. l" " " " -,v' 'If It's Hartnan's clnsrrl ',.! . .71 '- bujinu Rifle ,,- sh.l.r,i, for PPSSaV ("M.imtfi I'lirirl i,N '.'li' I.Mrii ni'ii letiBlli Kin SllcetH HirhlRC nill jpl 1 i n j" ".,--- -. . .mm r- -rjiiftt43f.T-r' Tzgfp&zy High Power, 22 Cnlibrc W SAVAGE RIFLE icipilHiii a, 'I ii. i ':, iiii n , c ,'i i ,ti en N. R. 22 (ahri. Save i'"'1 0. ,,,, -m -T- -SCTaS3SStg-aaWa4 Trrrxr.vrx-x-rr.7Ji ii ig;3jgHaOTgSif..i smuiti.ji i "1" l4r!(rlirtCl., yaj " VXkY&y ,1NB 0l'1 SHOTGUN SHELLS. CARTRIDGES AND (JUNNING CLOTHKS Guin nnd Hiflei itfpij, ! HARTMAN'S (5SEZESCSS1AU' Oltli;tlM UIVUN MEN WERE M'HKen. te be joined by Walter i-.l ...II a year Inter giving he Wgj! meii for the first time. l tWe Tltree Stars nnVIEWING the old parade. wecn -t-V-flml only three men ), survived th. AlNAinerlcan tests for four ,ucc8fe ,"i '."iV " ""i; "' 'e? ti.i. ---.i. .-..., : . -,,u "en ...I .IT. . ',."": v?r: "-'"" "tree years en tha all-star list. ,n" New Kfccn for Gelf Most of the eldtime stars are new keen en golf. On scattered links nrl courses you can find "Hnnkc" ArntV 5.hcp Hemiiim, Brink Therne, Geetji Broeko and n long line of ethers dlli. gently plying weed nnd iron around th. fairway. "Snnkc" Ames, who was a grat foetbnll player nnd a star baseball brl. llant, nlse came close te the hcighta In golf while he wns giving his gam. mere nttpntlen some years age. Ami these picking en Shcp Ilemans, Alb American In tfifMl nnd lf.01, for anr ensy mark are du. for n distinct shock. The Vast Switch WHAT n distance the All. American of 1020. ns selected by Mr. Catao had come from the. first All-Amcrlenn of 1801). That first team had eleven men from Ynle, Harvard and Princeton. I.nst ytenr Princeton was the only team that bad two men Leurle and ICck. Tlie West had four nnd the Seuth one. With Pittsburgh and Penn State included, the Atlantic senbnartl had only four men, with Yale and Harvard each producing one feat en the big exchange. The main (reuble today is cevcrlnt .5,000,000 square miles of football ground. There nre tee many geed ones in th. field. The gap between California and Harvard, between Chicago nnd Gceriia Tech Is tee brend. But for all thnt the institution W move merrily along, since the human race thrives best upon heated argument. TN TUB three big games nf tlie cur--I- rent several All-American, All-Knslern or All-Western candidates will receive severe tests. The eompctl eempctl 1 tlen is new se keen that one bad gntna is likely te remove a contender fmm the rnnks. Out of the entire let wi hnvc s'-cu te date, we cuntint nam one mini who outclasses tlie iet at any one position, unless It Is Stein, et Pittsburgh. There arc ether stars, but they all have excellent company. Cepvrtght, tell. Ml lights rt'fivri This Is tlie Ceat That Has Set the Town Ageg! Our Exclusive Hurlingham Club Pole Overcoat $30 and $35 WILLIAM H. . ' V7 A XT A A IX A TvTI'O W lNflVllSkEi i 1217-19 Chestnut Street It's Dependable?': ZSXXZ33E2ZI "KNOW YE ALL" Gunning Season opens November 10th Fer Quail, Grouse, Pheas ant, Rabbits, Squirrels in New Jersey Wr have juht secured a bij? slnp of Guns ut a price en'y te be liau wneil SUCH ai'L'O OtS Hi'C mn- the limiting scanen. RIFLE or Imrrel Ad'u-tahl, .L' nl, oil Irinrr nil I ...r ltr.Ul I.All tin. v i.TV " i A. RIFLE, , n.e.i. i Rcp.lnr list ()f th(k li)e if Open I riHav nnd sthi'. t"i 522 Market St. I'UOMPT ATTKNTIO.N t Pennsylvania. Campbell. ,,f iiVrt'.J Gelbert. of Pennsylvania ; Hega 1 ii i inrviirn. linn pnvtit.. tt llllC. unci U.'ilV. of Hnrvnr.l . '$ J'75 ?9C $1 I l" '' r.yS.1l V701, V if