-tc-?ji y v .,'.' " i " ; . i I ! I I 1 14, EVENING PUBLICS LEDGER-PHIIvADEIiPHIA, . x4itNESP AY, NOVEMBER. 9, 1921. - -r1 ' ' , '- Is. : XJM CYP Tl3"iTfrTVIrrrip AtarraTiTP iK I The finest butter 1 wz m wkm ml 'S Cf , mK5E jxsmv5-1.vM;v!Bicj P"88MBRj , I HjK: n jY(BI I S JHDDBBi' H j-JKuf I.' VERY turn a round of pleasure, ' ' " JJvi;'s ,-ijl 9BP Hprc nre " few-ftHklns llgures in tin- Inl.M foreign fpiitur". "All for a Weninn." "Iilrh K bnt.pt! en tin- life of 1 1102 CHE5TNUT STKtt I h . . .i'3m 'IBSbSKxSqwBv' D.inten. a big fiRure in the rrfiuli Itcvoliitien. At' the ri(?lit (In circle) is Frederick Kulinc lis FeiKuilcr-Tinville, J g Tl vSImwJBBbSwMwbBk nihllc proi-eeiitiir. In tltc cent r n Fct-iic :it tlie Rrim guillotine. At the left lllliln Wnrnci (is llnbettc, the beggar j frf " PIM1H' l .U. ' lr si,. 11 U tl" 'I' ilruiwi tiiithet In the (neah. ?. a nearbj iheie mine the fsemitl of 3 ? CLOSE-UPS of the MOVIE GAME 15 IIKNKY M NKKLY IFiy De They If ant te Be Extras? I 'VK. often looked nt the long lines of eung men and J euiir "omen hnnging around outside an agent's eflice and n-Ued inclf the question. "Why is an extra?" Why are tliee reple willing te spend wear hmir footing it from one plaee te another en th" "if elmnee of getting a t!n"n work new and then for pa that dee-n't exueetl the p.n thej ieul.1 get i or nen tlajs a eek In a r"--tilar jebV Whi'ii jeit leek tuer the erewil at the agent dem . ir around tin1 tilhie .f the easting dlrei ter in a big .tud!e. .inti nm dlmver that no mie evpl.in.itien will anwiT the question. The people aie of supi wideh arlng tpe" and evi dent' In sueli widelj different ire niibtnn''ei in life that their unitizes must differ as wtdel. et the have one gie.it i.iin m eeimnnu. 'I'liej want job as extr.i. There'n one tpe that is erj f.imlilar among the wmnen. Slie .- ubiieii'. well-to-de. well educated and iitined. Frequent! 1j will tine up in her own car. She deei-n't neui tli- pa She in t wants the job. Ther will h en. nt two uiet!e- in her ui-e. Shi' ma be a cr prett girl, whose mi n friends haw tlattered her bejnnd nil teasen until sli(. Ims ime te believe that nlie Is a nmng benut and that sin- has but m grt a few jub B an e.xtrn and meet a tilled. ir te be taken fiem the tai.ks ami vtatred. And then the wonderful life of adulation and world-wide fame! Or she will be a tluftj and einptv -liiiuied datighti r of ease who flunks .t is venderfu fun te get into the leimim.e atinesphi ic of a meWe studio and mei t nil the queer, inteiesiing pecqilc. it gnes her se intii h te talk about te her fi lends and the all env In r ami spiak of her as quite nn adieiitunr in life And among the men ou see tliese smif two t.ipes. lii't ou will aNrt cc another the tjpe kiuv u as the lounge liaid. lie's there for his own sinister purpes". itv n K1 j t mi.e: lt nt f ,.,., tN Kis an, become friendly Wttii tliem. The agents seen spot him. He doesn't last long Hew I Became A Mevie Star As Told te .Z KLUMPH What Ha Already Happened Dorethy Lane, a fjirl from i ma!l fetrn, !,ac3 her einticit ambition icith fieiMumfj of ether American girls that of brcamim) a iiow'il7 iiew'il7 picture Htar. She thhiki her chance hat enmc irhrn Wiie. u fnenJ of 'm ireikirif in -Vnr Yeih. tctti of meetii tj mc people ,e)uetal vith motion picture ami ttki her te tiiit her. On hir firU ihvi i,i the metrop olis, the ijirl start en a ait te the 'i Jiiit ami 'mini alinittiiic te one of them. Doiethii is aiveu the chance te play in a muh sertir, mid makes the meit of it. She meets Lawrence l'leiirh. pn arcnt for the company, iche become inieretrd in her. Then conies hrr lua chance ichrii. because uf her resemblance te a icrll-kneien 'tar. she i aked te double for her. When she tells I'ci sis the happy ueir. I'citis in turn tells of a de lightful vtrpiisc for the evening a party planned by her motion-picture, jrienas. HUE REID PLAYS SAXOPIlOiVE AT STUDIO CLUB TEA FHOM the I J- IC Ky CONSTANCE I'AEMEK Hollywood. Calif. ESTEUDAY the Studie Club had u en te raise funds for its future ! clubhouse. The Ambassador Is our new ! est and most pietentietts hostelry, and be.tsts of meen ut grec. This was the I vein- of the slaughter. Wallle Held I vsis there, and savonlietied for 'em. itileiia Svmiiiseii looked glorious, of leurse : and 1 gum Marie 1'revest's new picture, te the wonderment of tliesp present Tin I titli is "l.eve and Uielies." Wh net "Tessi,., tlie Eoetlful Hntrnek"? Am hew, I belbve tie girls made mm" meiie . The affair was sponsored by Mrs. Ilnueeck llanning. who is the most J energetic of the society philanthropists I hereabouts. One rcdeemi'.g featuie of Miss l'ie I vest"s itirrent effeit is that T. Itev Haines is her lendim: man. One glatre ! trem that wandering eie is eneiti:h te cuise most audiences te emit mi antici pator tlttei. ("Inrles spaniel in the lap of "Mether" ' Avlitiie. ttin iliirlftir- Itnmnllnrr flm nit-. nor, I came upon another overwhelming tlght. Paul Powell, the director, was making fnces nt the deg te make him mad ! The scene belonged te Ethel Clay Clay eon's new picture, "Fer the Defense." .lust about then Znsu Pitts wandered uretind nuether rerner with a little girl expression. "Plense. Mr. Powell, kin I go home? Eve get te statt Tem's dinner." Aft -r inquiring what she was going te cook, and hew she was going te He it. mid nsldiu? Mether Aslitoe' ml if they didn't tun .-ice nheutrllie matter, he let her no Well. HI net .iv it. I've sung enough ntith"ins in praise of Mr. Powell tre (his: lein"inber when I..iit, Setnen was up in the big weeds filming his latest corn ed, and there was a terest lire and the whole eenipain worked their heads off te put It out? At least, the said they did. Well, the ether da l.nirj received u check for $I7.."0 in pnunent of his services! At that mtu I'll sa it L n let mere pretitable te hand "people n laugh than te wive their lies and prop el ty : el I I B'!c the eiif ii he uitcnst nie nic the inrn and n(y u he iriy ei.deutlj ic hard up. 'I her iletht mc fiaicd. tiny leek hu uirii. tin n sheie the lines of irony. I hi m thiir prefmsiun and tiny vrui the job. rpiii: al of it. aid. "I icntt.ie te s,j taut the his' work n month, week in and ether da I talked te a casting dire, ter about lonemon- m the business and ed him whnt chance these folk had te make a decent living in their, (nd Hi- 'hook his head pit.iingly. "I don't knew wh; tin stick at it, ' li avinge extra gill doesn't git nine thuu ten week out. "We pa thim .". S7 '( and Slrt a da'- depending en their experience, their wardrobe and tuir known photograph. e qualities. I!,:t the gnat majority of them fall into the S." i lass "An.' girl who has been an itra for a 'en- and i -r ill an etta might better leek for a job in sonie etin r busines.. If she has nin thing nt all in her. It will show in t nit car an 1 she u dl be engaged. tirt for bits and then for small jiarts. "Even then she'll him m icntin.iu.e. 'lie aerage snl wh,, pin's a nuid's part just n bit here and ter- 1,1 the pn rure will get S.'i' a 'eek. but she 7"ES. 1 e done nreit " -I- reuie, I've had geed luck." sa'il. 1 felt- t int she (1 111111(1 m' se (esi les-s if t wist made it s .em that 1 Friu.k Cmiipeuu ler t was luck. "Law rente I'tctnh get in the engagement with Sevan!.' "Oh. 'es. lie's the 'eulig Sir (in'a'ui I isn't he? Well, his luMieh was light j peau a I reneh-t .,..., . ... .- 11.. nll.llW"" ?'' "asS tO iioeiu tuiiai.e nun i.i ... - that niiwil. Thev had inti nded going i was ever at i.ask s Testenl.n , ' c l . . I " f wandering ntje.it unions the senntliiiB. ' btailUlWS IS Leinine Last of, siippeiting the sets f heard a giean. , Penrh.Mi Stanlaw.s' teihnlcal staff mm .in iiiiuun-i-. nun oil new anil ineii hpning a surprise part' en htm in eele- ii i ii 'i.'i .' ,"t',l"" " '" "" 'bratien of tlieiompletlen of "Tlie Little -i. iMiiv-e I iii'eiimi e les e I CIIO vine j MIMIsli.l. ' stlll-rilir ICntt, I Tnn,..Ln.. ..(.. . . ... . ' ..... ...p ... ... ........ -..., H, , - e uenei i et almics i i,, ,, rnn,i.,i ai,,,,,,.. .,.,... i.., i., Amis lust starring pn ture. " I in. I.ntie i linvln, llnlKu.i,,1 tr.r- xv- vi, .. wiiiicn uir hit s mvt vnratlim r here uein f , ,.f. down into .teck-sellin enl this thev druppei won't be hkei te wer' uien tl'e Wllks :i few m.ihi lllelltll Yeu see. part- and liuidru hri , or tlriy urn competition "ill he m kei n I here are thousands of gir'.s tit te rl' them "Fer small parts she .ill begin te get ST." a wees and will oil en up it 150; but then there enters Mi. big ejenm of u leiisrantly replenished wardrobe, and her clothe.. mut leek ee'll i.ml t ia!l be ius'I We don't allow tin cameullage in wardrobes. "Most of the girl, think thr. th's talk lien. ! epen-,. nf wardrebi is bunk, but it isn t. 'Inc.' ni.r. be il er with their nerd es and think thc will tnake all their own gowns. '1 he inn help out a let thai wh. of (euisi. but that weekl bill for hats and shoes and gowns and wrap, is smug te stagger then. anywa that i. if the are getting g oil n;ut t pl.i' "And the mere vnn-.fiil tlie nr mid tin umre engagriuen's the git tin mete gowns tin will lime te naie. for. ien if tee.' nuiKi pictures for different companies the pmiies are s en b the same ubli' . The wardiebe bills of a mederatel sueiessiq motion pnture neirtss ar, as I113 as tim-e of 11 wealth BOiitty woman. '1 hat isnt bunk: that's t n-t "lint, of ceuise, jeij i.in't disientage tlinu with ''irt- AIwa;s tin (" utardeiii awaiting tlrm in tlie ne-.t studio. It's that liepe, springing eternal, that keeps them pinging en mid en through di- our ig incuts, through self-denial, through hunger mid (old and want and pri'ntiwi All the want is their chain e. Geed Lord! Chain el ' Why. the gill or t,n man who ,. going te t 11 doe-p t wa.t long tu flnd out. I lie den t wait tui t'.e 1 iliaine. 1 ie nuihc H Til t sniiic ilny I Imp pi 1 feed trne had jtitt n mul m 1 n ' d te run into n li dm mawne liem He ; lint, te'd I in 1 hut tin', 1 ut a had Haul te me and 111.! id it icndit.uii true n bad u that en the et 'ea'. "Huh" lie 'I iintcrl. "lleMr. fdon'tkneir n-hat tin y'tr iimna te de. ) 011 rr n let of ntuff ''iit nut liy puhlii t'y ejju 1 about tin qicnt reinnl in the uidi'irt emf thi prutpruli that n mil ul.rnd nt u I II tell you the tiulh. H'c ' ixpitUne a itiiyntj tint ni,''(r ki Jlelly ILOOll. Bert Lytcll Defends, Creek Characters en Screen and en Stage 1 dramatic his 1 im- At am r.ite, it fa'ciniitmg te phi tnc man in the ( use ISciiig 'the hi : 1 reek" I n't the wu's thing in tlie wur'd n"- IO11I, n n wen tin i mi m:e lib n In . -O IS till tCT'VE ineti (al'isl 'hi be-i -- the sere n weild' ami I dering just hew c.iiupl m n ir mark in." Uert lAteil. hnr- f-; ing finMu d p"o p"e dtictlnii of "Lad- -flngert. " paused t g!ie the subject due consideration In "Lath fingers he Is eine men cast as an exn it crncksmiin. of 11 type kimllar te that wlilph he pertra.ud in "Alias .Tiiiiiu Vnlentliiet" "15ns ten IUaekle's Lit tic Vel" and "Hus ten IUaekle's Ilcdciii.t.eu "It is true tli.it tni'.c crenU iln's have been among nn inet suciessfu' 'pliturrt," Mi. li.'tell 1 etitlnueil. "and I must eeuf'ss I IUc in' parts In tin m about as well as iuu that I luui nlaed. I don't be ice it's liivaur 1 nave a fellow feeling te1 rn 11L1 In gen eral; lib a matter et fn -t. tlucer has 1 one of th( aMwnjs seemed te me about the most seieiti 11s wnl despicable of crimes. Anstvers te Questions Frem Mevie Fans 1 I Vi. i! I ml P i 1,1, Mili:Si:--'iil. II.iMi has i.'ienth Ineii made n .tar Yi s. sue is nil v.illi M.n k Seillielt He.' I ( nl II Ulll is I'l.vl lis (I llau - Venn- h aula en a lui.u , preposition, just os lie said l'her deal came along, and ( that one. Wish I'd li-- I tcned te him as jmt did. I'm done for ( new : I can't go bad, te stenegraph'" tin re ate three girl aepl.'iug for ec.' job in town, and amuav. nftir hn'ing t a taste.ef easy ninnc . it would kill me 1 te s'u'e nil day for twent 11 weel. ( "Yeu won't have te de that " I told "er "Win don't e.i 'i-it me a while. Per. 1 I islted ou. jeu knew and I'll Introduce Miu te .I0I111 Seward and .iwer.'l.ed' else I knew who could help 1011.' and tlie first thing .' 111 knew eu'l! hne a job, and things will be line." She didn't answer for a moment, but ust looked at me, and the expression in Ik r ees mad" me want te er . She did 1 ry gieat big tears that splashed en her hands and mine, that she didn't even tr' te w ipe awm . "You're the dnrlingest tiling in the world. Het." she said nt last. "And I'll never he able te thank jnu. W'e'l all It isiting iust new. because I'e enlv get ten (ents te in name, and I awneil in' suitiase and tlie few clothe. I had this morning, mi that I ''euld bin bicikfnst W'liere de ou li'e?" I told her about the dub. and timt she could sle?p in S'l'ia's 100111 for a while, because S.'lcla would be nn.11 "And I'll phone o'er the.-e new. se that it will be all light for 0'i te go. Then mi can just takr the tilings '011 treed out of in room the maid will 'show jeu where it Is and lime dinner nt the club and charge il te me. and go te bid." T went en. "Milt aieit't .ion ci uiiiig w.tti me''' -ue aske 1. lis v e get ti;i from tlie en 11 1 tnd slpi new del ed lut tinse and wipel ii.wai the teaistni'is fimn around !"' I 'c, "Oh. I (.m't I'm d inn"; w ilh Law ri nee FrelK ii." I te'd hei "A"ith I aw rem e l"n in ii ih": sh. iid. looking at me 11 .th .1 m.tc lit - 'In smile. "Well. nu can smv that ivitii vide-(ed itinnien.e if 1011 want ,10. but 1011 leek te in- e:.aetly like n .irl ' be's dining with the m.1.1 lie's i'i ok- with, 'Hid who l.ue vs that lies in f" "lib hT. lime a nie ti n lieii- (." A id she sbjii ed out et n sun di ir mid ' a. gei c 1 si, ed there tin a tew moments ju-t th,nk, 113 tliiics eier. I v uiderei if 1 ad looked that win when I went te .1 .lack fjiiihs an I I'ildietn if that wes the "dei. le.iU" (iiblis had meant. Ii , would lie font! if thitikil g f l.tiweni, I had h' n "I ue te set a job with a m 111 llle I.il.Iie .1 1 urn 11:111 no 1 tirnins e.i i-ir iiiineri 1 nrmr. .'ir. ixosielt is a I111111 hb.'cl. in tin Id ture. and Mr. ('urn. ' iirul'nii woedsuiaii, the fernn r ein e tee elti'li mil gels tin- life Miui'ccil out of mm. .in. Ke.'oll sccmi'ii te Jehn Mart' nieie's "Mr. Hide few inr'nlleiis. lint, lnilcul. thi fermance sent a si. her down t lit' UO.tlg with ptr- Cll'l't dlneis. including the entire producing 111111. .ir. niiiiiinws, who nan ilirecttd .hiss 1 oiupsen in inrec pictures, 'At tne i.iui 01 tne et hi." "The Law and tlie Weinnn'' and "Tlie Little Min lsicr." will net direi t her again this lear. Will'aiii I). Tailor uilli nrmlnen Miss Compseii's next picture, ivhiih will no stalled seen. Cr II . . nrnrc: X 01 ohees Sizes 2 te G; no heel lOa T Tan Piiceti CJ QC le ... .". I- 1 vvnue cucKsKin $3.H5 s.Cr Vv Sizes . te H : wp.tJar lire JCTNsV " Tan Russia $4.00 ' White Buckskin $4.50 The finest little shoes that the hest of leather and iverlcmanshin can produce CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut WE SPECIALIZE in things for ladies and misses that are unusual and original are the best te be had and ut reasonable prices. V HUDDERSFIELD FABRICS English Tweeds and fleeces from Huddersfield in Suits, Coats nnd Capes in original models. The fabrics ere confined te us. WAISTS AND SHIRTS Plain tailored nnd made in our custom-shirt work rooms ready-te-wenr or made-te-order. SPORT HOSIERY Special importations of Scotch nnd 1 lesiery und dependable qualities in silk, English lisle, etc. Weel ATHENA UNDERWEAR A Marshall Field & Ce. product sold by us only Philadelphia the perfection ns te fit und fabric established. TAILORED HATS Ne, net regular hats but the unusual kinds all of confined styles. THE DIXVILLE DRESS A one-piece Dress of u fine knitted wool fabric that combines style with serice?bility. This fabric is sold by us exclusively in this city. GLOVES The mannish-made washable fabric gloves- kind that have their -also standard makes. Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET jffirW I'liorei't.us I'MIITOI'I A1S MBTWilTfr COM.ixy jK . The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company" of America. ah i !" M" " ,,,""':,U,?".-A1',. ljREATNORTr-ir'RM,r,i'J h"" K" .....AWi-V&iVDViMPc;" I BERTLYTELL ntttftiertnc xw. in "i hk ti n miie , ALLEGHENY MWrL fe 7tuU ! WILLIAMS. HAKl und ; e own style, W 3Ti?fff?raWWffini!iyff i'inirtii'i..s 7 jf m TM"U m k cautmr r J i er AMtmct f MPRR AI ''"ii n m I H. B B H GB Charge Accounts Invited m IB I Mail Orders Filled ,, In riiui.i:-weuijin.M JD i TIIOMrMJ IS I ai.m r r.iin l .'in i!if. "The Weman in His Heuse" bin . !l rC Hie NIXON-NIRDLINGERfrt U THEATRES UJ BEI MONT csd ahevi; market l.t..STMt ( 1ST rj v I I Mil. i'i l ni i .lain mul I M'l1 1 fc of 'I hnnuis .M .1 s,fl ii-,'. Sh chilli r I'tiuhl hi' i"i 'M'fi still ' 1 i " '11113 rheut '..I'uriKc Af" 1 lip 'ii'O ln'il Ini'H --(i 11 1 Itr.l.l I KA en mi iKht ' t'U-tul Hi ll.ll' litles 'li'llsslllll 'I lllll ' IH ,j niiisii.ii iln' 111 tin 'i ml', fei.inli'il mi h" llfi' of 1'i.ni" Si'iii'liiii. niinv nf thi mi' uii s taken iniiii hi- M.iim ' J'.iok J'.iek 'ii 1! ii'-.-ruii"" is .1 me. inn plil in "lii'h an iris uinl muiu tin.' .iku niui in Aim 11 Kirhiinl llarihi'lin ".s i'.iiiij tin1 li'inl. f lil 1 Viela I 'mm no- thi' e.uli ; ml' in "I'miiM, nf I me iii'iirc AriiM hnh 11 nili l'n pi t.iu-, "Tin' 1'H" mul 'liM'ii"l. ' Hi' s uiirl,- lim nil ""1 ill" lllllllll." ill lil'i"-rnt. Hi- ! fei-i'llinst ai'lers of the iih imp uf tin. inn,! fin- ihluil in I eik nil till' -t iivrt tmlnt. itrpiIIKN te nciimiit fni the muossef creek iilnjs- 1 think it is hcnniH' tlif.v lire iiiiiill ii'it's of ii'iciii'iiitluii A geml limn Iiiin one 'limn:: tliul'K ilm tiltj of It The ili'timi of it in his Ui;ht te ulu buck te the llht. Ir 1- tin cfrnul ilriinin of the t ifi;li' hi'i'ii'i'ii poed mul evil in tin' In art et n man. (he dniiiiu of u.tiiii'Uc rrilciniitlen. "The" liwer he hat sunk, he mere 'IOM W "The I'iiiIi hi' .ri'n lu Tin- Mini mfi- nl .1 l.mnui pi l' WS Tin in mi Itnlii'ils l'liiiini'i Viiinr. Mini. i' Iti'lliuuv mul 1,'h.mI iliiKhc nw liiilnih'il in i 1m ia t i.'f "Hall the Weinan." .Mnr. la .Mum u n'.i'iil in ihlrn Thi:i3 ' nn 1 'illl mnn '.In' i ml ni fi'in nun' run. m V'ln S nihil. " S.n Ik th.' I.. 1'inl!' ii,'liahi ihi vi I- ii.ii Anl hnen llll ..ii : . . . III'. J'lsi 'ii -ii-." U' .1 ... VII " ' II . ' . Iiiin nii'iin th it hi a, in h'.i iilthj i.e. I v nt ni. nil') inr inriinei- niieii' " c iiI'mi's ,ii, runl i-ai (li)"frin a hu i h up In think n m f'i , 1 livn I" I'1" I U" f i'i ' ip. net ,i I, il I', I- I lit 1 i h u I lfl't thi- i luh. 1 nii's'ht ijtli if mi sili in ii nrwii in thi' "iill. ninl 'iii.i.i I lli, it n nit ninrr imnili ! "eiililu'l llllW lllllt II' flllT nn.'. hut I ust fell tee 'isthi-'- te k inn ilie etli'i lenin mill jm i iniiii mi. AH nt nin no h'u't se1 inr,! te miiilcr l Kii'iit 'I"iil 1 .iliueM " !Iipi1 I'll r; n 1 1 1 1 1 1 'h l'l'ii-i". All I llli'll lle'lll !'t tl f n llf r ' nl nf th- rr''e". I i m 3I.1 s.'lit nf 1 11:1111 inihliiin; hli- v.n lln'ei'i'i t ' 1 r 1 r , m i tliHt wail 'il fur tl.i' c'l'viuer. Up miiiih 'trnWiit ie nril hip. loek'nnj nl tin1 ioo ieo ioe pip vhii Pn' i 1 111 jf in 'he i'iuiiis 01 rltlur "-iih" uf the I111M. Ii in I n leriip. ! ml in' hnif In : 111 10 fun 1 i, , Ol 'tllP l-i'.''.t of I 'lit I I'm fin i' ' "hli-1 i,i home 1 I v hi' .H IH" llnl I'I I I'll' OHM' lllll I u 'i lii 1 1 linn I. I 'tii'l i'ii 11 11 th 1 11 I "nli a mi mi him --nn I fiu'ii il iiri's'l m in 1. ii- 1.10s I l,ii' 1 1 mi I'm 1 N Ii nl 'je u r' ''it. I hi 'I i' in t 1 h ' I th" mini I leu '1- ami he Ua. I n p ' Te lie I'eiitiuiicil Tomorrow i H O IIIJ, I u 1215 Chestnut Street Half Price Sale New Millinery H fc! I a 10TI! 1 i, Regular 5.00 Trimmed Hats for Regular 7.50 Trimmed Hats for Regular I 0.00 Trimmed Hats for Regular 12.50 Trimmed Hats for Regular 1 5.00 Trimmed Hats for Regular 18.50 Trimmed Hats for 2.50 3.75 5.00 6.25 7.50 9.25 is , APOLLO g DOROTHY DALTON H In "IIKHIM1 M.KS ARCADIA tf" T. itf fc.fc.iri f st.ll1l'SftN. In "Bunty Pullsthe Strings" 3 aster iZurMrsa H , ETHEL CLAYTON l""lii:uNI)" 1'iiiiM-ir'r.iM . km 1 1' nlti: g) CAL, 1 11V1UIC i. a km - -r m rr gi Elsie Fergusen in "Footlights" 3 ' l"ui I1- "i'.'i' """ "ii y vs"'' inCWM"''"! MI WKUIIl'li VM. DtlMN M'i '" "i'Y h BETTY COMPSON in -r tiiu ;;m i' iih- heki ii- bluebTrd ' A s',:"ul;,ll,n' " ELSIE FERGUSON Pi I In "MmTI.KJIITs" I BROADWAY ""-"v ir,. h ! NORMA TALMADGE jt in "Tiir, ii'T,,L.imJ,L"'1 5,capitelm"?.s,''-t:, ,. ; ' EUGENE O'BRIEN fi '" "ls ' " ' X'"T" ''Jl''.'' B COLONIAL u. V 'ii'nT,",, ',.v"m 3 ' CONSTANCE TALMADGE IS' in "lls.''j.'''s lJJi'" , "DARBY THEATRE MJT'H T In 9 ' "THE LURE OF YOUTH" ? ' EMPRESS " n. ?.n, J! M n'" B lllllsll VI 1 Nhll N s "Beb Hampton of Placer" lh & l,i jn Ae M K IjM . IKARLTON I MKSI M I' Ahe'p HltiiAii II 11 111 A M In II I'. l M , l.lrlt ( ST In 'SNOW BLIND" L"hierh Pninrp u r"'Ji"''i"'"" L-1U101I 1 Uiatt. LchlKii A'l.Uf LOUISE GLAUM . 'iM'UtK U l.lt I HAN I.IIM ' I 1RFRTY ltJA" iu,fMiuA ' L-1JJI1 1 I MAI'IMII, liMl.y ,., l..l ;T lt ( VST In JlTheGM Frem Nowhere" OVER BROOK "" WW el:L CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG i'i y tity: n" PA1 ACF '-" "Mii.l r s'nti.i.i V'1-' '" ' M '" 'I lj I' M ELSIE FERGUSON In 'MlMi ill ()(,s" PRINirpCC?" infs iiauivI I - rM."T7T '!!. 1)1 1'tlVT III "THE RAGE OF PARIS" ! "SHAMS OF SOCIETY" CEDAR "r REGENT MAIIM I s t, ew Ii I", t M I.. 1 1 l it win pem n i, in "DANGEROUS LIES" Til M lit.It.MAN I'OU N MJNUC M-.s si I I U1P. Ut.UI I .'(I mil S T eriTI THOMAS MEIGHAN In "t'.l'I' ltl( lis" COI ISFI IM Ji"..et in. iwiitewi DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "Hi:(.(,li; jKs IN" 1 JUMBO .":', S v - r wt in i I iniiniwiw OLIVE TELL in ".m.h or rwi," I FADTR llsr lam. astir am ETHEL CLAYTON In "IIKMIM)" n ii hi itf n B R f n Regular 25.00 Trimmed Hats for 12.50 t Pattern and Medel Hats from Ravak s Renel Cunid I KUiSunQBI ,. ! i1 Bi'ti Will Purchasing Agents' Ait Absolute Saving le Vetr of eO', Order Iheende 1 1 ut a Held ami Silver Huts 'icd'iv'Sfxc Huts with Out icli, lini i'i (ioec. Fit -) mi ned Uvi vliti et,. v'iV, I'inuie 'rl eti fllid O'lic- Stnhi. Accepted li.l 'BmM.iIR, iig FAIRMOUNT ELSIE FERGUSON In "roeu.Kiiirs" A7,T V ruiAiiii -nn .inn,., m rAlNUi-'I s ,i ru '-iijsii.iii m.i.-" rwi ,"'i in "TIIE FAMILY CLOSET" RATI J r "ll I. I III llr iT S I I'JTr SOI H 31. M'TIM I 1,'vitl i i-.ru i .r i '"THE JOURNEY'S END" GLOBE" "'v' - u M OWEN MOORE hi " HMOJtt i:lll ( UN N i.( ( . GRANT '"-"-, Vl'iYx""" . v MABEL TALIAFERRO In "THI! UICII hl..i;" v II in R1ALTO ELSIE FERGUSON ln "I (Mill K.llrs RflRY "UU'-KI-T f Ul-Lii'S 7TI1 nuu I'i 1 '1 I , i- MAE MARSH I'lJl M I I.I. I IJMIi I " SAVOY '-" Mf.7sL-r siitii.t' V' . "' M H' 'i UMl, VIOLA DANA Ml I ' lll(N nSN" s-KRwnnn "" i.ii'ne,e Thes. Mcighan, Cappy "Ricks" -l-ll!-I-!ULlllL,'i!I' J' "Till. llll. J. OI.XSs, 3 AN FY i.m-t it iiitii POLA NEGRI In'IIM, MIAIII1S Mt.Hi" , STANTON "m.t 1';'"."iTH i HII.HWI IIIV's miMivii i'i'm OVER THE HILL" HH MAHiYFT "riti , i im- j HOBART BOSWORTH . . j" '"' i' in i ir i." VICTORIA i' it -t .,' " i I I'l.-TH KI' , I "OUT OF THE DUST" RIALTO WEST'C InniST '-'" N" IOC l vi STREET! PAULINE FREDERICK in "riu: mimj or thi; i mi" NIXON J-D ANU xivtui r sT! 1 1 ; ml' i.i-rii i i rn "SEE MY LAWYER" R1VOLI J. II. II A Vli m l . s ill .sTS. , Mil'lK DtLt .'Irdei'iiii mul f ii'dc-'Mf ( IIITurl ! "COLD STEEL" STRAND CI.ISJIAMeUN ."U , I ' IIS 'ill suit' MARGUERITE CLARK In "IKAUIIJ.I.II With" II I,". I' M AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M. P. T. 0. A 1RI I' M 3- '0 lit in i in ' i.i rll I I'll "THE BLOT" lliirulil I.lejU In "OU.Ii llll! U-M' Germantown Leis Weber's firn i' i NORMA TALMADGR In 'Till: blliN ON 'llll- iiiuii.i, JEFFERSON -Mis t,& CHARLES RAY In "MM II l. M PIMM.'"' Jj 3. w r a - - . . . i innr ",vlliK PARK "r1, AVl' k ' Ui'lliN'1 i. , u ' I JOHN IIOUI.KH !"-. "THE SKY PILOT" 1 6 h m J ,-' Rs' liSir fi .( $J-taU , My s '.-?&