Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 09, 1921, Night Extra, Image 1

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Uuentnj ffiubltc Wtbtt
Itnln Uils.aflcrnben nml tenight: fair
nml telilcr tomorrow; easterly winds
MilflliiR e nm thwc.it Thursday.
n:Mi'i;u,it hi: at kacii mu it
p-TTJH j jn H2 i 1 i 2 I : I t l r.
U ,;hi u )-u ia i.t r.t I I i i
nntertd ns Sccend-ClnM Matter nV the reiliifllcr nt rhlladeliLila Pa.
Vmler the-Act of March a, 187n
Published Dally Kxcpt ftumlay. fsulnf rllitlmi Prien il a Year by Mali
Cepyrlnht 11)21. by I'ubllr t.edRcr Company
Kendrick Leads Ticket by 217,771 en Complete Count; Ames Scott Is Elected by Vares
, v ,v I ...
Every Republican Candidate
Gees Inte Office by
Huge Totals
A listless election which fell short
ly mere than 70,000 of the vote
polled last year by Harding 'seated
Hie hand-picked candidates of the
Combine in five county offices yqs
tcrday without any of them know
ing; they had been in a scrap.
The Republican plurality ran from
200,000 te 217,771, a striking con
trast te the county election of
November, 1917, when the orpani erpani orpani
utien squeezed through in a finish
.that left it victorious but badly
Receiver of Taxes Kendrick was
elected for his third term, polling
1 higher vote than any of his col
leagues en the ticket, 241,285, ac
cording te complete returns. In
1917, Kendrick get 114,000 votes,
only 4000 mere than Themas F.
iArmstreng, then the fusion candi
date for Receiver of Taxes.
. Renshaw Shatters Vare Slate
Even the contest for the election
of eleven majority and six minority
party magistrates was a hand-picked
affair with one conspicuous excep
tion, This was the election of Mag Mag
lilrate Benjamin II. Renshaw, a
Voters' League candidate, who was
given a minority place.
The sixteen ether places in the
se-called miner judiciary went cither
te men known as out-and-out fol
lowers of the Combine, or te fol
lowers of the Democratic city ma
'chine which worked hand in glove
with the Republican organization.
The 250.000 or mere wouien voters in
Philadelphia failed te turn out and
elect Miss Katherina K. Fester, Voters'
League eaniliJate, ami ether famlniiie
Uplrants for the eftiec of magistrate.
But the Vare machine elected its entire
naaittcrlnl slate, including Amus M.
Kcett, Negro haloenkcepcr.
The willingness of. inen of the xeters
te flreenl tin. uwnltw nf flu, v:,.i I.....
Dtlmarv. when elm f'nmhln.. ,v,.li !.
nominations, was exemplitled in the ' 1""1 f Mutater-; were permitted te
tote polled by Vivian Frauk'tiable and I 'J J "" K,,1U''.; "hl011 ll0,,ls ny n,101,t
Kdwiu Wolf ''" prrcens. There was a wild M-ram-
Mr. (inble, in September was tlic'b'" te Kvt '" ,1,""1 nt, ,r!1,st n ll,",,,ri''1
'Voters' League eandidate for the He-I l"rs"ns ,W'1V dlsnppelnted.
tubllcun nonilnntlen for Heglster of I'rlseucr Well (iuarded
1. k;i.C".,7ill,y ,l0 iV?l "'! "'" "kPl;i Veung's great s. . and strength, his
f.,.,5S.Vr,'lJ,,),it,en nmltllnrk'r"0,n"lcc!.les)enire eharae.er and the many at-
VI lUUl II1III-1-,
Mr. Wolf was the Voters' League
.candidate last September for the City
'Controller nomination. He .was the
nominee of the Prohibition Tarty for
that office 011 the ballet jesterday.
' Women Failed te Conic Out
A lllc iinitest Lull, tii'nhit llin riili.
. Wing tni-tn-s of the Combine' was cx-
pctted te del cleu. I'Nieclulh nmiiuir the
Meindi Mill-is, Heme independents
looked for Huh nrete.st te show itse'f in
big vote for Cable and Wolf. Put
Mr. finble tcceived only 1152S etes
Jhllc Mr Wolf, a former president of
' Ileard of Lducatien. received only
The highest vote polled by nn can
JWate ether than the Republicans was
Mt of Jutlge Fugeue C. llennlwell,
lemecrntic caiididate for Justice of the
Mate Supreme Cciurt.
Iiennlwell reapeil a total of 50,817
etea, the icsiilt of his nggre.siw cam
I! against Justice Willluiii I. Schaf
r, the Itepubllenn camliilatc for the
III I tui.i.it ....... . . ,j..t... fr. .....
jLW., -"in--.ri.r iviei. enuiier
fTOle wiis LMI.1KI
Trainer HelMd Iteunlwell
! tl , "'"'.''wnitle vote did net roll up
i,,,i n c" 1 t",ul m'ided, hewcNci. An
,'J',,; ' ""' ''iii'iis hhewfd that
In 11 1. Il'"'1"'1' threw nunieieus votes
' , '"' ' K-'ntl uninee.
enuittcil fiirrinl live of the forty
Six , ,w',,l' Third, the Fourth, the
1.-V1T th,P. "lii-t.-iMith and the Four
HI,, ',,. l 'J1', "fveral wh-m past, the
InJ n, "nl ll1111 1)'','l, ""-' ' if'iiMln-
.unn;;i',!0,'ut!1' w""' '" ' it
'Wed Inte the Democratic column at
alni.i .l.""u,ral,-v ''h'Hluii and has ic
'lyneii il,,.,,. hn .(,,
lilin" "'"' l,'l'"l)llran suppeit. Ilou Ileu
eH Nete the Democratic liigh-
'MrilT'S 'li'1 '"" "I'l"-"""!' 'l" vote
Wedheieliis, jearby Cen. the Deme.
lel.lV'vl"!."''""' f"1- I'lesideul. Cox ic
Witi'1 '"'"""'I'll cstcr.Iii.
8eMi,.'i "' ,,"l"l"'" Kei all the etcs
?,,'. .".'"' ""'I ""'' l''mler.s forecast
'lli. .V ." "I'litlU of the elector,.
OfnUV '" " Innesty en tin
"I njajnnh i,de
uieie a 1 ,. b.
Deul ,,,11.000
,v"r, iniMi (llll
veiiicii. In
micij , .,M. 1,1,1,,,,,,, ruiiiMii nrti
1 iY. . ' ,''
m vi...
iiAiiv (;niu(ii; ou
tk'tn c. !.r .'!"y,,,," fe ni iiouer ir.
& n,.Ad r u',, evlU1"" tuJ"y
Twe-Minute Summary
of Election in City
W. Ki-cchmd Kcndrirh.. It.. .241285
William M. .Moere. D 2.T1I 1
Kfiiilrlrk's plurality .217771
William I-'. Campbell, It.. .2'J8K!)H
lelin W. Craham. Jr., I... I'-.VJII
Vivian T. Cable. Pre., 0... tl.VJS
Campbell's plurality lOeO."
Themas I Watsen. It..
Jessie I,. Collet. L)
Wnti.en's plurality
Will It. Hartley, It,
Nicholas Albrecht, I)....
IMwIn Wolf. I'm
Hartley's plurality
,2:i 1 12 1
. :i2s."0
. 2'.is:i:i
. 10521
Samuel P. Kefaii, It., 1're. .2:H)9."
Hebcrt .1. Sterrctt, I) IIOll."
Fvan I!, Lewis. C, A (5887
Hetun's plurality 200310
Jehn K. WaMi, It., I) 2 44 420
Jehn II. Mnurcr, 1're S17S
Hebcrt S. Shaw. C r.OOS
Walsh's plurality 2302-18
William I. SrlmlTcr, It 21I1H4
Kugene O. Honnlvvell, D fill?
Schnfl'cr's plurality ICUKIT
les 1500 tit
Ne 111221
Are First of Sex te Pass en
Capital Murder Case in
New Jersey
Prospective Jurer Says
Yeung Stele His Aute
ITewn-il (i. Toeno, of Cullliig
weed, prominent Camden merchant,
called for jury duty t.ley in .the
murder trial of Cuilferd Yeung, n
excused quickly, when he an
nounced :
"Your honor." he said. "I nm
prejudiced against this prisoner. T
firmly believe be stele my automo
bile and then, fhet at inc."
' Cuilferd Yeung, confessed s'ayer of
Harry Cnrwoed, Camden jitney driver.
1 went en trial In Cnmdcn Courthouse
tiiday with the first three women te hear
a murder case In New Jersey sitting en
1 the jury.
1 The trial began In Criminal Court,
1 before Supieme Court Justice Katren
Ibach, at 10:.".0 o'clock. Several hundred
i curious persons steed In a long line for
mere than an hour waiting ler court te
It was raining and a chill wind blew,
but the creud hung en. A few minutes
' nfler TO e elneU the iloers were epene
.... 1 T ... 1, ,..
t. iiiiiin in iiui num.- i. " .,'. i. 11 i"
etrnerdiuur. jnoi-niitlens being taken.
'The county .in il is en the top fleer of
the courthouse buildings. . sergeant
of police, eight patrolmen and three
constables weie detailed te take him
te the courtroom. Court efheers -iiiil
they had ncer known m henj a guard
te be sent for a prisoner. ,
When Yeung was shunted into the
' cipiiitroem It was ihumgh a long double
line et ceusuiHies, ne 1001; 111s sem
and the. time most powerful and alert
members of the Sheriff's for c of depu
ties, all ariicd, wen- stationed ncarbj.
Prosecutor Wolerteii has heard
through Yeung's fellow prisoners that
('(ilillniiril en I'tiec I'.lclll. Column One
State Takes Steps te Prevent Pol
lution by Sewage
PnttsUllr. Pa.. Nev. ! Dtliinlc
steps ler the pieteclinn et ihe bend
waters of Hie Schu.xlMH ltlver against
polliitien eic tnKei b, tne State
Ileard of Health beie ted.ij . Pottsville
City Ceuiuil agieelng te the suggest n
of ihe l.eni il for an imiiicdlatc nniitni-y
survey of this city. pi,ellmiu...ry te ;hc
ircclien of a sewage disposal plant
The fact thai Philadelphia till uses
pint of Ihe Schuylkill vv ill r fei dunes
He purposes and that nlhw imvus down
lie S'-lip.vlklll Valle.v ale .illegelliei ije
I endent upon It for water, is leading
the Stale te lake a. -live slip te step
miming the sewage et tool icgien towns
into the stream. A dozen towns in
this I'eiuitj will have te provide ills.
liesal plants, nml ll st te this city
nlnuc will probably be SI ,110(1,0(111.
Arthur Moen, Pullman Perter, Suc
cumbs Frem His Injuries
Chicago, Nev. II --tll.v A. P.) Ai
I bur Moen. Pullman porter en the New
OiVmiis Limited train of the Illinois
C. nii'.-il Itadiead. who was wounded in
Ihr held-up I ll"' dain bv Ixiuilii
Mm'uI.i;. ni-,'hl. die.l last night from his
iiiiH'le's, in .1 hfi-pittil 'it Chaiiip.iign.
'I'll'- ti.iln was hclil up neat Piixlen.
111., mid a mall car 'oetcd and b.h-ued.
Three railroad cnipluyctt bes-ides Moen
were wounded, but n crieu!.lJ.
William H. Quigley and Themas
J. Welden Accused of Graft
ing $33,000 and Upward
Warrants were sworn out tmlny by
Captain of Detectives S0t11W for
Tlieni'is J. AVehlen nml William II.
Quigley en the charge of conspiracy te
'Meri $r..':,(l(i) "and upwards" from the
Sengrnve Company, mnnufarturuta of
hiP npparntus.
Quigley surrendered te Director Cor Cer Cor
telyeu a short time after the warrants
were preparcii.
The warrants are (he outcome cf re
ports, which first became current- last
week, that politicians had been con
cerned in nil attempt te "graft" en the
award of contracts fbr a half million
city tire apparatus er.ler.
We Ien Is known at City Hall as nn
Administration pelitblnn. in Ihe Thirty-ninth
Ward. Qulglev Is said te have
held a city departmental job nt one
tune. i js a fire apparatus ug'iil,
with offices in the Denckla Ituilding.
lletli men heard the runiei-H that their
names had been coupled with the liie
.'ipparntus s.-andnl. and yesterday and
today were nt Cltv Hall, demanding te
knew the basis for the accusation. The.v
were at City Hall today when the war
rants were sworn out.
Harry M. Stovenen. their counsel,
said when Informed that Captain Sou
lier bad caused the warrants te be Is
sued, that his clients would accept serv
ice en his advice.
"IInc Nothing te Kcar
"I shall surrender them," Mr.
vensen said. "They have net
guilty of any wrongdoing and
nothing te fear."
Cnntain Seudcr. put in charge
of the
investigation that has been going en
since November I! by Director Cortel Certel
you, went before Magistrate Meclcarj
today and swine out the warrants.
Quigley's surrender gave a touch of
drama te the case. lie and Welden
had an appointment te sec Director Cor.
telyeu te talk ever the charges. Qulg
lev was there, but Welden was some
where else in City Haiti.
Cantnln Soulier, having sworn out
the warrants, took them te Director
The captain of detectives, with the
wairants In his hand, walked Inte Di
rector Cortcheu s elhce bv one deer
just ns Quigley came in by another.
Quigley had sensed the possibility of a
warrant. The official document in
Captain Soulier's hand, and the quick
glance the head of the Detective Ilurcail
gave him, confirmed his suspicion.
"Well, 1 guess jeu've get a wartant 1
for mv arrest, captain," lie said with
a smile. "I surrender m.vself.
Instead of lAvlnc nn Interview with
the Diiecter. lie accompanied Captain
Souder te the hitter's ellice in the De
tective Hureau. He was net locked up,
but given, a chair te await the sur
lenilcr of Welden.
Captain Shinier telephoned te Mr.
Stevenson that Quigley had surrendered,
and usked that Welden be sent for. Mr.
Stevenson said he would bring him in ns
seen as lie could be found. It wn pro pre
posed te gel Magistrate Mecleary, who
issued the warrants, te li hall for the
two men. making the cases returnable
tomorrow for a further hearing.
The allidavlt en which the warrants
were issued follews:
"I. Alfred I. Souder, being duly
sworn, de depose that en or about "o "e
tillier I.'!. PJ2I, Themas J. Welden and
William II. Quigle. wlekedl.v and ma
liciously conspired and confederated to
gether," and with divers persons un
known, te oUeit SI!"., MM and upwards
from the Seagnive Company te secure
te the ciiinp.uiv a contract with the
citj of Philadelphia, for the purchase
of "some S5UIUMMI nf tiic apparatus, by
iiirriipllv inllucnclii'i public etliclals of
the cilji sculling suneptitleiisl) and In
advance of wlvri Using for bids, si id id
eateons for the work, se that the Sea
grave Cempaii) would have advance In
formation, and l means of causing
such spcciliiatieus te be changed uml
modified, se as te enable the Seagrave
Cempanv In have the contract awarded
1,1 ll. mid b.v means of corrupt political
inlluciicc : .
"And deponent further saitU that en
or uheiit October PI. 11121, Themas .1.
Welden and William II. Quigley ma-
lirleiish ceiispiied and cenfeileraleil to
gether "and with divers persons un
known, te have awarded te the Seagrave
Ceiupnu.-. a contract by the citj fei
some S.-.'lKUMM) of lire apparatus, con cen
teniplateil te be puichnseil by the city,
by means of ceirupl political infill e.
corruptly inlliieiiciag public officials,
piecurins specifications for I he work lu
advance of public advertising and bid
ding, and oeiTupil.v having or causing
Hie specifications for said apparatus
te be changed and modified."
Seuth Percy Street Man Had Big
Still In Bathroom
Meiris lieiinlT. 211!) Smith Percv
str-'t. was held nn.1 ! S."0D ball f 1 r 1
the Pcil'i-al liranl Jui.v bv Cemiuls-
sinner Mnubv led.iv, charged ilh the.
iininufiuliiri of luteMciitlng lievit.ig
Hiueff was ai'i'i'slei
last isaturiluy liy
Special AneiitH Mutt
found him at work
still lu his h.itluoem
ami Devcliu. who
ll a twelve-gallon
Gets Eighteen Months
Judge Quigley, In Quarter Sessions
Cmirl Ne. I. sentenced Jeseph Patter
son. Negro. 751 Seuth Fifth street, te
eight) months, rfl - in- pleaded guilty
te ii'jgnivalcd assault en Charlea Colo Celo Cole
man, also u Negro, et 751 Seuth Fifth
si 1 eel.
Chinese Raise Big Parley
Issue Over Consortium
Pekin Delegates Fear Extension of Interna
tional Bankers Authority, Following
Clash en German Bends
Stuff CerrfMxinilfnt limine I'nlillr l.nlci-r
f eptruif. 1021. lv i'litiic l.rilurr Cevipanv
Washington. Nev. II. The drive
which the Chinese representatives here
have started upon the consortium
raises one of the big Issues of the Arms
The Chinese consortium is an Inter
national combination of banking groups,
comprising financiers of Fngland,
Japnn, France nnd the United States,
formed te aid In the financing of
China. 1
China is afraid that the plan which
most of the delegates have in mind is
te extend the authority of the Interna
tional banking gieup te theTHuporvislen
of her finances and te strengthen the
political support behind Hie con
sortium. Seme members of the Administtutien
here favor this idea. Hut it is net clear
whether Mr. Hughes does or net. All
his public utterances Indicate a desire
for n minimum of interference in
affairs of China.
The Chinese litive started their
present publicity cniifpnign in the hope
of keeping the American delegation f.'O'ii
committing itself te the consortium pi in
and of starting agitation in the Senate
against the consortium and the com-
Hughes, Head of "Big Four,"
Explains Duties te Commit
tee of Twenty-one
Ily Hip Asseclattd l'ns
Washington. Nev. !. The In nnd
primiples of this fJevernmeal's position
In th- Armament Cenfcrcnre wer laid
before the Advisory Committee of twenty-one
today nt its first meeting.
All four of the AmeMrnn prim Ipnl
r.elegales were present, and although it
was understood that the meeting was
devoted lar-e'y te a pieiiiiiinary sur
vey of the situation, a general outline
i.fthe program en which the American
delegation has rgneil was said te have
In en submitted for suggestions. It was
Indicated that details of the naval re.
duclien plan te be proposed bv Hie
Ameilcan delegation were net gene iin.i
1 xtcnslvely.
Secretary Hughes, head ,f the dele
gation, called the meeting te order and
in a short address gave his conception
of the relations of the Advisory Com
mittee and the principal delegation dur
ing the conference.
Fermer Senater Slither! mil. design
anted rs chalrmnn of the remmitti-e. re
I lied with a pledge et fullest io-epei-a-tli.n
en behalf of the committee mem
bers. After perfedliig the committee's
ergani.atinn illseuss-iefi-i of the puipescs
and nesslbllitics of tli" confluence be-i-anie
gi neral around the laid"
Committee en Organization
A cemmillee of six. headed by Chair;
1 11 11 11 Sutherland, was appointed te diavv
up a plan for organization and te report
at another meeting te lie held at !'. P. M.
toineriow. The ether members of thu.
Organization Committee are Fiiiler Sec
retary Flutcher. of the State Depart-
nt : President Samuel (lumpers, of
(be American Federation of Laber;
Fermer Senater Willard Saulsbur.v.
(tear Admiral William !,. Hedgers and
Mr. Kleaner Franklin l-'gan.
This committee, in addition te rec
ommending a secretary and ether gen
eial officers, is expected te ill aw up a
scheme of siiliM-einmlttees te which
various subjects can be assigned for
study. It is assumed that these sub
committees will be appointed ou a plan
following roughly the series of subjects
which are en the program of the arma
ment conference.
Tomorrow's meeting will be held in
u loom pcruiniicntly assigned te the
Advisory Committee in the Navy
ltillldiug. In this room it is experlcl
that the ical work of the Advisory Com Cem
mlttie will be ib'ue as the cuiifcicnce
Ne plans were made today for tin tin
renimittee te call en President Harding,
lint it was iinlicati'i! that such a visit
probably would take place before the
conference Is calU'd te order 011 Satur
day, Indications developed today that the
I Senate, which yesterday adopted a reso
lution urging publicity for all full scs
! sinus of the armament conference, might
consider making a further expression
relative te the conference In the form et
a proposed suspension of the American
'ntlniiril nn I'lVEr l.lKht. Column lint-
Insurrection te Obtain Independence
Frem Serbia Reported
Londen. Nev. II (My A. P.) - An
insurrection lias broken out in Monte
negro for the purpose of securing Mon
tenegrin independent-' liein Serbia, 110 110
cerdlag te an Fvchange Telegraph ills,
pntih from Heme today, which cenne-ts
the insuriiH'tiini .1 It the Albanian sit
uation. A Montenegrin battalion, says the
message, has seized Ihe highly Impert,
ant 'tnitegic height of Mount Levceii.
Vast forest fires, alleged te have been
t.tnrlcd by the Seibs, nre riigiug near
milinciit of this country te it. The lln
Killing lean is likely te be threshed eutJ
en the Heur of the Senate within tin
next few days, unless the Chinese ver
sion of what has happened with respect
te il Is effectively disposed of mean
while. And then the foreign delegates
will concentrate their attention even
mere upon the Senate than thev de new,
which is net a little.
China's Side of Story
As nlread.v intimated, in this corre
spondence, the Chinese contention is
that all of China's present financial
troubles' spring from the determination
of the consortium under American
leadership te use ils exclusive control
of credit for China te compel China te
pay certain bends paid te Cermaii in
terests for the construction of the I In
Kuaug Hallway.
The exact tints are net available
here. What is put forth by the Chinese
is put fertlf for lirepagauda purpe- -s.
it is denied by Themas W. I.ameiit,
speaking for Morgan ami the leaders of
the American group in the consortium.
Without a public investigation, in
which both sides arc called upon te
produce proofs, it is Impossible te
Centlnurd en I'ncr i:iEhl. Column 1'eur
Disgusted With Them, She
Says, Arriving in Court
.Mis. Kmma C. Pcrgdell. mother of
the notorious ' u-fcer. lirever llergdell.
went Inte the I'nitcd States Court alone
this meining, the first te enter the
room, i-i'.idy te light her case befoi befei
Judge Dbkiiisen.
Mrs. Itergibd
.his. ncrijueii sat iiiene in tne Dig
loom. She was ,lies-ed in a black hat
trimmed with n Idack-nnd-white pliuci ,
n black caped coat trimmed v ith blm I;
brecade, white cotton gloves, ami were
a green In ouch pii..
Ilcside lier small black handbag. Mi ..
Hergdell carried a tan sati liel coii'nln ceii'nln
ing the papN't-s with which she will mak-'
her light this meinin". As she snt
gioemily walling the opening of ceuit
she was appri-.ichei) b.v a greii, of
i.ivv paper men. She bristled a little at
first, but tears came into her eyes alter
she had encu started talking ti'thcm.
"1 think lhisl, per-icutiun, net
prosecution,' she said, "and I sic no
riaseu whv they should have made me
suffir as they liave. I did net advise
my bins what te de."
After sht had controlled herself a
little the voice went en in a monotone
of broken Fr.glish :
"Thev can't take mv home away from
me because I hnve the papers here te
pieve that it ia mine. I intciuMe plead
my evv n case.
"I think it Is an outrage in make a
sick woman leave her led In come here
end hiar this tiling threshed ever again
nnd te leave my peer mother m heine.
who Is ill in bed. I was very ill hist
night and se was mv mother. My nerves
are shattered. I ci rtamly hope that th's
thing will he. cleared up for geed and all
Mis. Iiei-gdell let! her home this
morning ,11 s::ie e'i lock lu a lahal
te go te the Federal Huihling. Net only
was she the fiisl person le enter the
court -room, but she was also one of the
first persons te conic into the building.
The eviction of Mrs llcrgilnll and
her mother from the Wyuiu field avenue
mansion lias been postponed bv Majer
Vincent A. Carrell, atlm-nev for the
Allen Properlv Custodian, until a phys
ician is appointed te cMiiuine Mrs.
Iti'i-gdell's mother te see if her condition
is erltinl enough' te pievent her 1, -mevul.
The duel or will be a member
of the American Lignm, Maj-u- Can oil
Breeding Over Separation Thought
te Have Prompted Suicide i
Following a week's imu nlinli from
his wife, Percy Itohiiisen, 'JL'Js, Seiilli
Nineteenth street, shot himelt Ihieimh
th hem l
kitchen if hi, heine
this morning. Diath
at l:ir.
I'lu shot was l.iiiiil by
in bin . Hariy ellbcr'g.
r )) I en the sc mil He, n
Hobinsen lifeless.
his hiothi'i--vihe
lie fellllll
Ills wife. Fliiibeth. ha- ben living
at 11122 Jacksen strict for n,,, ns7
week. Hohliiseu. who had been a clerk'
and railway biakeuinii. !i i I brcn .m, ,,t I
work for ii mouth, ami It was this, it '
is thought, that led te the separation. !
The Hobinseiis liad tin childrc.i.
Mrs. Hobinsen was oveicenie will, I
grief when told of the suicide. Rebin-
seu left a note mldrcsseil te her. !,, I,
itidI l
"Dear Mum I have get te end it
and I hid you all geed-by, and may (ieij
bless ami keen you. Mnv Hi. i'.,..i,
what I nm about te de ami what I nuve
has animated ler all ,1m , pc.y of no ,,..,,,, ,0 p y ' , jJi lZ .'"
hi'i- slacker ion. new a fugitive. .-she 000 ns a veluntar en it -ll. 1 ' J J 1 "
nnneunced that she intended te fight her as he knew-'we d ,M ' ? "M ni Zi
own case, as she wa-. "disgusted with -ash ou hand te pv or 11 Is f P - ...
all lawyers.' niug expense-. Including rent
1 wrs ciii-ii 10 snow i p miev., (.... 1.... ... 1 .. '""-
Mendenhall Charges $92,000
Was Taken Out te Stave
Off Anether Crash
Facing a fight situation with his own
cenipan.v. Percv M. ('handler demanded
and received a 8112.011(1 payment from
the already tottering firm of Chandler
Pres. & Ce., with the alternative of
bankruptcy for both concerns. Knrl
Mendenhnll declared tedav at a meeting
of creditors of Chan Her Pres. & Ce.
This was one of the sensational dec
larations made b.v Air. Mendenhall. In
the Chamber of Commerce auditorium,
twelfth and Walnut streets, as he
chnrged that Mr. Chandler Indued te
drag down Inte bankruptcy tl
Chandler Pres ec Ce., which
July 25 for .? 1,000.0(11).
he firm of
h failed
Air. ( handler, formerly a member of
he firm new- bankrupt, and head of
1 Handler &(,,.. I,,r.., ,,., pjetured as
he masters voice." who. it was nl-
leged, once told Mendenhnll and K. S.
Vit' !l.",',,l"'r '"ember. Ibat thev could
de Ids bidding in a certain Instance or
retire from the firm.
Defended Ily Nephew
Heightening the interest of the state,
incuts made b.v Mr. Mendenhnll was the
declaration at the same meeting hv
I' red P. ('handler. Jr., that he believes
an investigation will show- P,,rcv M
( handler, his uncle, ,ines net ewe am
money te the bankrupt brokerage house.
After d scussinga mass of deals, stock
sales and financing operations. Mr.
.Mendenhall spoke of tl. American shin
and 1 enimerc. Corporation which was
rermed In the summer of Ijllfl bv Percv
11., "im"''r n,ld his associates
When the stock market struck the
low n grade in lilin 1, 11. .!., .. .. '"?
stock values and evnrtur, I. c T.u v for
en te obtain frnuli n..:i..i" n
. , ,, .. 'I'll,,!, .ll,
ilenhall sahl.
Percv M. Chnndler. Mr. Mendenhnll
Co0ferVr?,oo,(on Ch"r "'"""
," fnr T;!,-;000 nsn voluntary i-nntrlhu-
Hen toward the refinancing of Chandler
v ) e., inc.
"Percy M. Chandler knew we wire in
no posit,,,,, f , p (pK X!)e 0() .. M
Mendenhnll continued. "He knew that
we mill sold our customers' Merk-s- ,'
IrjII.Sf te keep nH.,,,1? ,,t H1, ,,,, I'
simieil an ailditiennl bunh 11 of Sin.oen
u "t-.-u 11. me .Miierlcan siiin .m,l 1
Saw l'a Hurt's Ahead
"Mr. Chandler snid. however, that ir
was a question f ,!. salvation of both
firms, for If Chandler .. I,,,.. ,.elll(
down with them, but if we could
some way raNe ,l,js ,,., it ,,,,, ,
' 11" II I1II1IIIII Willi III I Mil..
nn- illinium nun we I'ughl find
nii-iii s in icia iituiat iiL' en.- 1, 11.1 r
continuing in hu-iness.
ces ami
"Healizing that there was nothing te
de ether than pay this jsii'J 000 u
finally; agreed te de . although' the
American Ship and Commerce people ,
the best of mv knowledge, never j,,,,,
I iii"L " "in- in pay mis .v.iL'.ll'Ui ,,,..
The !I2.(HHI payment. Mr. Mcnden
I hall said, was s ,ade t Iu 1 ii weuhl
I net appeal the book.. 'I'l,,, C() ,ku,
wecklv payment te the Am. man Shi,,
I and folium ne Corporation was ,, ,.,.
, pieiuise iiri-augeiiient he.-ause. lie sa(
Pci'V M. Chauil'ei had transfericd
1 In the corpernii 11 1 f Chatiiiler Pres kv
j Ce. neil's aggregaiing !s2s7.HOU.
I Mr. Mt'iiilciihiill further ci.iiuei
niuiniirii nn I'imc kirIu. I eIiiiiiii Tun
The (Uki-cc of doctor or Inwt, will b- cunfuTtd upon Mnrebnl
Fech by the Univei-"ity of F.-nnsylvania wluu lie vibits laic; iu.t
Tuesday. Thu c-eiomcnit-e will prebablv tnUe place m hule
IHudeurv; JInlJ, under tite inibpices, 0f the American Legien.
WASmMOTGM, Ms.v. U. T.-.u Umili.,u ',
peiil i.i I'll', i.ils ei iln. Giumbci ei C.j.iii'i'ii
W.Tshlu.in tei'.ny pn pai.itery te piein )',!.
bt. Ljuu. and Chitagu. the pinu-ip.il dutul.titm
iu th L'juntiy. The :uliea can-", i-j ut'-.ti'l
tin :.ai.-ii..l Coffee Cenvcu'uu
n Hospital After Rew
Over I
Weman's Picture
.Meyer Hoilell. !KII Pun
OV amensiiirr
avenue, is iu the
with a wound iu hi
Meiiimiisi ii :. i
'IB ! sole 'a' I
ing a free-for-all light in the
l1m, ,)f
---' I.
I. Solemon. Seventh street near Shuiik.
own, in, m an, i n iiuaill .Vlll line ,, ,,, 1 I
UnvU tt.ill, el si... .....i. ..... .1
et Seventh sir,..,,1
',.,. stienit. ,.-,. ,,, ,-,.;,.. ,.i i.f ,.. i
, ..... t H'xu uimir ,ii !";
istratc lial.er tins nieruiug ami held iu
.-s.iiiu nan ter iiirtm-r iiearing Iridav,
when it is expected that Itedell will suf
ficiently recover te tell his story.
It in alleged that the light' started
ercr the picture of a woman,
The Winners and Losers
in Magistrate's Fight
Diigan. It IHKH8
llanlgaii. It I7HKII
(l'('euii')r. It 17,-,i:'.i)
FKgeral)!. It I7tm7
Heatim. It I7!'.08t
Ceward. It l(l!)l)2!)
(ileiin. It 1115788
ilell.iiu), it ie.i:i:m
Keberts. It I115()l:t
Perrl, It 15:1077
Scott, It . -..1:10778
.Magiier, 1) 811008
Heldirr. I) K!)7ll
Tetighlll. I) 801) t7
.Scullln. I) 72J80
Itelishaw. D.. Pi1".. C 71(170
D0111, I) 02180
Price. A.. V. I .r.2t:i)7
llurns.l 400SJ1
Carsen, Pre.. V. L .'SS014
Fester, Pre., V. L .'I'JUO
Snvder. D HOI -IS
Kline. I) ''''" W
Celdsmlth, W :2l!!)S
Darby, D ".I07
I tuber, W 2(i(l2'5
Hnck. I) 25S50
Mcltcvnelils. ('., V. L 2I5MI
Mennhan, V. L PJsl"
Continuance Granted When Father
and Brether of Attorney Die
Fer the second time a death in the
family of David I. Sciinlmi. an at
torney, has interrupted trial of a will
mutest brought b.v Themas Mclllene,
heir at law of Hi'siua A. Hartley, bis
aunt, against his cousins, William .1.
and Frances II. (Ihiscett.
Anneuiiceineiit was ninde today be
fore Judge Stnake that Mr. Scanlon's
father had died and he wished a con
tinuance until Monday, which wns
granted. When the contest was under
hearing en 11 pievieus occasion. Mr.
Scnnlen's brother died.
ltcgina A. Hartley lhed at lllli
North Twentieth street, nnd her estate,
which amounted te about S12.000, was
left te nephews and nieces, but she cut
off McClone.
Miss Emma Alker Elected Tax Col
lector by 2000 Majority
Norristown. Pa.. Nev. ! A record
vote of the v, mien jives Norristown it -
first woman tax collector. She is M'.ss
l-itnmn Aliter, n sister of CJeerge Alkei ,
who died n few days bcfeic the pri
iiiniy election after serving two terms
as tax collector. Miss Alker's major
ity was mere than 2000. She wns alto
a fa 'ter in tin- def','it of Flgin Le-i-
hardt. (he regular Itepttbllcau cnndl- j
dnie for Iiurgi'ss, bv a majority of 1
mine than 1000. I
James Petter, a Phili:di'lrfiin clothing j
salesman, will be the next Purges. He -was
elected ou the regular Democrat h
ticket. Seme years age lie was de-1
fouled l.y Samuel Ueberts. Kepubli
can. I
In Coiishehocken (ie.it-gc 'de Haven.
Hepublicun, wiib elected Ilurgess by a !
uajeilty I1' six. The Ucpnbliiansi
swepi ine ceiiuiy vvnn ;i maieritv Wlilcli
may icmli Kl.l'OO.
PACCpn WnRTHI PCC nucri1
. r.wwt.f w.i 1 1 . ui-uu uuuuu
'.,.,,,, , w ,
I win apene rear in jail ter Getting
$889 by Fraud
Harry M. P.erlni, of Newark. N. J
was sentenced te one vim- in the Ceuntv
Prison b.v Judge Quigley in Quarter
Session,. Court. City Hall, today after
pleading guilty te giving a fraudulent
check and te ebtanlng merchandise
under false pretences.
A cording te the testimony. P.erlni
was iii the mail order business in New
ark, N. .1. Last March lie lame te this
city nnd puichnseil lifty-niue revolvers
.mil twelve puller whistles from IMvvard
K. Try en ,v. ",,. When the mercliaiiillsc
was delivered te him at the Hcllcvuc Hcllcvuc
Stiatferd he gave u fraiiduleiit check
for SS.S.JI in pay mein.
lie eflcrcd no defeiis,. ,, ,P ,.mr"c
.oilier tliau lie 1 1 a I orders te i
business and did net have the
te pay for the meielinnilii
Ill Ills
-efti'i- Mi. 'ion. oc.ii ec.ii
uf 1-nntjy,. viuj tvvi
.. tn New OrUnn.s.
:; r-'intjjji avci.i";i
'In aiiuunl muetiutr
iu N-.w YeiL.
mother's Effert te Save
Proved Futile
ltnrtis e i,t- .),,. .....i... ,.. i. .
" i-iiwn- ueuy i-aust'i
,""1' "' "" Mur, li, Ne,,,, thice
years eiu. i.-t,-.. Wliitniau avenue. Cam-i
.... it . k. .. . .
n dec-
, ... .
. . '.'. ' "" "UI"L '"-st '"'KUt.
Mrs. Hni Ili v..:,.. ,i,
. . - - i
I niellier, was liuitied en tin. !,...!
ins whjl,. trying te beat out the llames
Ihe ililhl died In the West .Icisey
Homeopathic Hospital :
OilnU nt virltlnr,
YmiTtNCl. Advl
Organization Throws 55,000
Vetes te Democrats and Beat3
Women Candidates
The Vare Combine, entitled under thu
Inw te only pirn n of the seventeen
magistrates elected yesterday, gobbled
up a total of sKtern.
An analysis of the returns shows that
this wns t lip result of an old-fashioned
bipartisan ileal between the Combine
nnd the Democratic machine organiza
tion. The deal destroyed nil Winner of real
minority i-eprnfrrntatien In the election
of the magistrates.
The genuine minority in the city'
electorate, according te the Inw. should
have wen sis magistrates. It wen only
one, Ilenjamin II. Henshnw. commit
ting magistrate nt City Hall by np np
peintment of Mayer Moero.
Henshnw broke the stranglehold of
the bipartisan machine with the In In
eorsement of the Mayer, the Voters'
League nnd independent Democrats.
(Jrab lTp Other Places
The five ether se-called minority
magistracies were grabbed by machine
Democrats, with the necessary backing
of Combine votes.
This deal, according te Fdvvnrd J.
Hunter. seeietnry of the Voters
League, demonstrates the necessity for
the continuance and development et the
work of that organization.
"The League will eflV-ct Its organiza
tion." Mr. Hunter said, "and continue
the battle against bi-pnrti-an cembi-
1..1UOII WIN! tile nlfu of stiii.ii,.,. nt
the root of the evil."
The figures sh,,w ,lat jf j( m(I net
been for this bi-paitisau deal two
women. Miss Katheiina K. Fester and
Miss Fdii.i M. Snyder, as well as Mag
istrate Hebcrt Carsen, would have been
among the mm, rity magistrates elected.
As it was, they w.-rc crushed by the
I I'l-partisan st. am mlbi. Miss Fester
bad the inducement if th" Vetem"
iLiague and the Ucpubiu-au Wi men's
v..' """"""" i -'Viiuu
I rilnmi i. . I I . ,11... ..!...,.. ..- .... . ,
.viis, j;. iieiisun .Mtemiis
'' M.is Snyder had tin- iui
s ciiairman.
irseniillt of
,i. Ii
.... . -,
eini'i rati
.ceil an indciii'inli'iit mr.
' ai son has
istiale dncc lii
i'i' it nm about eight
years age. ami bad
the indei-M mi.iit nf
t lie .May m- and the etei-s
"Plumped" for "Lucky -'i,."
The fact that the Van- ' 'einbine
(Inw fiem Id. 000 e 50.000 votes te
live m. n Inn-' Dcun ci'iiis Miewed under
the liitals of the icul ImliMioiel,.,,! j
vlatlii men
I In- ileal worked out
a- e 1 'eiiilnne nl.
in this win : l ,
letted votes te the e
or in this i .is, v ,,.,, (
levin Hi-ieil licani
'umbine iieininees.
all ever the , tj . I,, ,.w.,
win tli" e'i- en ni. i lern v
inujerity eleven weie c'
m. inner as fe
tli-es. The
i I'd bv nltl-
rniitics i.iiiyiii.- fr ,, .,11.01)11 1., inn nun
The u irm il rennn-i-.it i, elr. n-ceril.
ing in
about ;
the '.Igliles in n, , lectien, waf
iD.neii ir ii,, ,...,, i, ,,,, i ,,
ciats had
ili pi'inlcl en this total tlisv
wiumi nave u en
Fester ai d Sn.vi
be.iten '.i-i'v in Misses
lei and bv M.iL-isirnle
'arson. 'I li
Vare ( 'einbiii. . I, ,m.iii-
i-M.ie te Ihe icsciie with a Idei k of
."0.000 "ililneii'd" voles.
Hew Deal Was Put Tliieugh
As cimpiiii'd with (be Dciaecratic
total -'t .".ii.iiOO. Maglsti.ite Caison re
.lived a tel.il of .".s.C.l I vetes: Mis-
I i-stcr. 'i
7 is. It
7,::i0. and Miss Snvder. .'Jtl.
vvas noted ,j ebseivers r,f Hip
deal I hat
these thlci' Independi nts, for
i amplc had
ii-iiin ihiiiii te MitHI vetei"
normal Democratic inn.
mere than ihe
chine total.
I'llli. s-;ih. utheilt llie
i.i al. weuhl ha-e been i.iere than suf
ficient te In ing about th- rln tien of
illil per cent in ni.rilj lungistiatev.
The ei-ei whelming m( ,f (,,,' ijp.
puiilican erganizatii.il plur-ilitlis al'
ever I'lilladilpliia. tuiether with a re
vival of el.l-tiine in.ichiiie priictices.
li .lite
I slblc.
the mjiiiiiulatii.n e the vole pos-
Tin ninnipiiliiiiini of the magisterial
I vote by the Vni e oigani.aiien. of course,
materially cut down the total vote r.
iinliniirieii Piiicr IUuIiiitii Tijunin Out
j Outwits Crowd Waiting at Elevator
I Entrance
' S'"" ''"' '''eviltms in Hie imrtllWCrt
lllstalliitniil it new elicti 'r 1'iirn ll,.. te.
nil,,,, ei il.. .1. ......
' i "i hit are no-
'"'? !."..,l,".;""1 !".T """""'K lW
iiiiiiii t ii ;'-iiii -iu iui, iit
s.t.i. i. ,i ..." .. .. ' ' ... '.
i i , . ... s..ii ii iciiicr
rush through the crowd, ir.vinir '.MnU,.
way- In one
wa.- -tn king
'IS till' iIoein
lite ii
use te
ii "P. A man
'is cattail, and
t an ciiiiitv
car opened
1 1 , mini Nriic,I
sliel up. beaiitii:
nl". and Hid
I here were sheuU am! pretests from
no- i-iunu II II 1 1 1 Mune ed
milt tli" lone piiHsengcr
I.nmerclle, Uitg for court,
wu Judgw
V li
. '."!
ii,,. A.,
A ''i