7 f, c- llftf I Aim. JM . 10 '; 77T '" . . it'' 4 V WKATHi Fair $nFiyMtMU?tO:is Wanamaker's VANAMAKER'S Stere Opens at 9 WANAMAKER'S Stere Closes at 5:30 vniMivy Aieviii ,-j U '-fl i? fx i! KC A. Mi 4b Tomorrow the Great Yearly Sale of Yeung Women s tine Dresses and Winter Topcoats "" 2260 Garments at Savings of What De YGii Think of the Times? Is a Question I am personally asked and by letter or telegram a dozen times a day. The answer' is that the times are slowly t bettering, but the biggest help must come from the TJnJted States Government in taking off taxes by stamps and otherwise. j The Secretaries of the Cabinet are the heads of the administration of the Government s business and they should set the example of cutting down expenses; by lengthening the hours te de the work with less people, if the way Is net clear td reduce war wages and te keep all people employed for short hours. Merchandise will be cheaper when work- 1 people produce mere every day. Probably net any ei us jusi new are aemg our Dest. some people in all cities are waiting patiently, smothering their, wants, and keeping their money for lower prices. jfamafe , ISigned ; tfevtmbcr i, JS21. P ; S. We have never liked te put all 1 Philadelphia into a position before the world that our people are unable te pay cash for give-away presents, but be assured we will be liberal and obliging te all who desire us se te be. Fur Cellars and Scarfs A geed many women like a neck fur which serves as a cellar te a ejeth coat, and at the same time is separate from it. Fer tomorrow the Far Salen has n geed many pieces suitable for that purpose. Fer initance, there arc some beautiful and massive shawl cellars of skunk -perhaps half a dozen styles between $30 and $90, which are very rich snd delightful. Then there are glossy black lynx cellars at $35 te $90. Beaver cellars curved, straight and muffler styles $05 te $105. Other furs in such ce'lar shanes are natural squirrel, mole, opossum, Hudsen seal (dyed muBkrnt) and raccoon. (Second Fleer) New Hats of Duvetyn and Velvet at $10 If any one has net her Winter hat, te-morrow will be a geed day te cheese it. Among the many new hats thronging into the salons are some pretty ones of duvetyn and velvet, especially prepared for the woman who wants a geed-looking hat at $10 and thereabouts. The dnvetynF are small shapes and many colors; and the velvets are large ind feather trimmed. Beth are unusual values. In the children's salons many of the prettiest lintn have been marked te lower prices. Here is a large collection of admirable school and dress hats for young people of every age. (Second Fleer) 400 Trimmed Hats of Fine Felt, Special at $2 Seft, jaunty little hats of fine felt. Most of them are worth far mere than $2 with no trimming at all. Black, brown, navy blue, lesna, caster and sand color. Trimmed with quills, wings, pheasant tails snd ether fancies.. Ready tomorrow morning. , (West .Mile) Women's Practical "Everyday Frecks Three groups of dresses which are particularly Interesting, fcelh en account of their usefulness and their inexpensivencss. These at $10 include dresses of jersey and tricetinc, the latter leevelees. These at $15 form a very interesting miscellany, Including models carried out in flannel, in jersey, in jersey with leather trimmings and in crepe de chine; and the three-piece cestume consisting of the fashionable cape and dress. " Theso at $25 are tricetine in navy, brown and black, and in eight different medels, some with circular skirts and some beaded. This is a particularly Interesting group, the present price meaning a saving of something like $15. (Flrnt Fleer) Women's Fur-Trimmed Coats at $47.50, $57.50 and $60 . Very decidedly "specials" and 6uch geed values that we think ""y arc the prcttiesjt fur-trimmed coats at these prices we have had r a long time past. All three styles were made up te our order by a manufacturer1 no doesn't knew hew te make anything but the finest coats, hence the Mautiful silky finished belivin cloths in two of the styles and the wcel ent all-wool velour in the ether. n, ,no ,ene at $47.30 has a large round cape cellar of dyed ceney fur. 'y,nt $B7.60 has a long pointed shawl cellar of raccen, and the $60 t has a cellar of dyed ceney and embroidered panels. The luttcr ia wool velour. All are entirely silk lined and also interlined. (FIrit Fleer) Geld -Mounted Handbags for $3.50! bav amiest te0' Beed te be true, but it iu true. These bags Jti.e. ne.rs ' 14-kt. geld and are square envelope shapes of block Polished pin seal. in. ,'a DaKS of black long-grain seal and black and navy moire kve "!,..dJ,nty flat shapes with single-strap wrist handle. These "ye gilt flexible clips en the edges, "eth extraordinary values. (Main Fleer) A New Buckled Walking Shee for Women ttirff? tyk patent leather, with three straps, each fattening in the eX eith .u Bmalt Gilt buckle. Rounded tee, military heel and wcltc 1 fWfcj rriced $12. Jteuvi'V1 lether pumps or dancing slippers for girls, with nearly SHI. i ,est and low bd ecl, are $5.50 for utecB HVi te 2, and JW ies 2 te 7. Kil rie.r Frem 20 te 50 Per Cent First, and before everything, every dress and every coat in this Sale is of regular high-grade Wanamaker quality, up te the famous standard of our Yeung Women's Fashion Stere. The materials are geed, trie making is superior, the fash ions are beyond criticism. As te prices,. there is net a garment in the collection that is net marked at least 20 per cent below this season's most moderate figures, many at 33V3 below, and numbers at a clear saving of-50 per cent. Judge for yourself if it will be worth while te be en hand early tomorrow! . There Are 1Q75 Egresses at $8.50 te $35 A Few of the Dresses At $20 A dark blue tricetinc street dress with cellar, rovers and trimming of cherry red duve tyn and ball buttons of cherry-nnd-blue from cellar te hem. A straight-line dress of fine checked velveteen in bluc-and-black. A brewji silk crepe frock with moire ribbon loop trim ming. At $28 A gown of black silk crepe with sleeves and panel linings of emerald chiffon and garnl garnl ture of gray fur. A seutache-braided coat dress of dark blue tricetinc with metal girdle. A black Canten crepe frock, the wide sleeves and side pan els of henna crepe almost cov ered with black silk braiding. A black velvet brocade and crepe gown with black jet girdle. A dark blue Peiret twill dress with self-loop trimming, the little red duvetyn waist coat matched by a red link girdle. A black Canten crepe gown with little shoulder cope of deep chenille fringe and fringe garniture. At $36 A draped afternoon gown of dark blue Can,ten crepe with long Cheruit sleeves entirely of silk fringe and girdle orna ments in jadc-and-ceral effect. A dark blue Georgette din ner dress with sunburst sapphire-blue beading. A straight-line gown of heavy blue Russian crepe, faced with emerald chiffon and elaborately beaded all ever in blue and green. An evening dress of fuchsia chiffon eversilvcr, girdled with velvet fuchsias. (Hccend Fleer) Women's Sports Skirts Specials at $9.75 The new striped effect, which may or may net be plaids, but the pleating makes them appear as fancy stripes. They are a fine all-wool pru nella, pleated all around and stitched closely ever the hips. Such skirts usually sell in our own stock for twice as much and mere. (Flrat Fleer) Yeung Felks' Warm Knitted Sweaters They start with cozy little sweaters of white, pink or blue wool for year-old babies, and in crease in size and variety te in in clude almost every kind of sweater wem by young folks up te 16 years. There are tan, brown, peacock, cardinal, navy and heather mixtures, of light weight or heavy wool, with every variety of cellar. And the prices are $3.25 te $11.50. Knitted caps and toques are 75c te $2. Knitted leggings, $1 te $2.75. Mittens, 05c te $1. (Third Fleer) Geed Warm AllWoel Blankets, $10, $12 and $15 a Pair White with pink or blue bor ders, gray with pink or blue bor ders and red with b'ack borders. Single-bed Blze 60x80, weight i lbs., $10 a pair. Deuble size 72x82, weight E lbs., $12 a pair. We also have the gray in extra large size 70x84, weight C lbs., at $15 a pair. (Sixth Fleer) Gingham Plaid Ribbon Speial, 35c a Yard Particularly nice for hair bows and in just the right width, five inches. It is a geed quality silk taffeta and comes in many and very attractive colored plaids. (Mala Fleer) including simple and correct models for morning, street, shopping and school wear; delightful afternoon and occasion gowns of beautiful materials, and fascinating dinner, dance and evening dresses. All are in 14 te 20 year sizes. The following detail gives an idea of their quality: V 400 All-Weel Jersey Dresses at $8.50 and $9.50 Dresses we regularly sell at $6 and $5 mere. Firm, all-wool jersey, in navy blue, black, brown, reindeer or henna. The $8.50 frock is a one-piece model, gathered ever the hips, with girlish Peter Pan cel'ar and cuffs of white kid, kid-piped pockets and narrow tie sash. The $9.50 dress is a two-piece model with full-pleated skirt, Russian overbleuse and white linen cellar and cuffs.' -.f i bound with ribbon and finished with little bows, and the long, narrow sash also of l-ibben. We regularly sell this at $8.50 mere. 200 Street and Afternoon Dresses at $20 200 Tricetine Dresses at $13.50 and $16.50 At $13.50 is our regular tricetine "Annette" model, ordinarily sold for double this price. It is a well-tai ered ere-piece dress of fine navy blue or b'ack tricetine, with narrow tie sash and white kid cellar and cuffs. At $16.50 is our popular "Diana" bloused model, in fine navy or brown trico trice tine, the pretty cellar and short sleeves V One, two and three of a kind, and of a quality from $5 te $15 above the sale price. They are tricetine, velveteen and Canten crepes, in b'ue, black and brown, and in charming styles. 275 Day and Evening Dresses ' at $28 and $35 Here are the most remarkable values of the sale. Beautiful and individual after noon gowns of silk crepe and satin, hand somely beaded Geergettes, fine velvets, smartly tailored tricetines and Peiret twills of very fine quality; and chiffon din ner dresses in high colors. They are all beautifully fashioned, and many duplicate our regular dresses at twice these prices. The 1085 Winter Topcoats at $20 te $195 include practical everyday coats and luxurious coats with finest fur trimmings. Unless otherwise stated, their sizes are 14 te 20. 40 Luxurious "Sample" Coats 330 Coats at $20 and $35 Belivias and all-wool heather mixtures, in brown, navy, reindeer and Sorrento blue. A dozen models. Seme of the $20 coats have beaverette cellars. These at $35 are satin lined throughout and have cellars of beaverette, wolf and a few of squirrel. 250 Coats at $48 Wonderful values here. Fine belivias, duvetyns and chinchillas in black and street colors, beautifully lined and many finished with cellars of beaver, mole, nutria and Australian opossum. 300 Fine Coats at $65 and $85 Beautiful belivias in black and Byzan tine red, navy, brown, Sorrento, rein deer, copper, rust and ether shades. Ail finely made, luxuriously lined and finished with cellars and cuffs of black or gray wolf, opossum, nutria or beaver. Fer many of them the price would ordinarily be above three figures. $95 te $195 These are the finest kind of fur-trimmed topcoats, in exquisite materials and colors, each different, each priced far below regular. 165 "Junier" Coats at $32.50 and $42.50 These at $32.50 are in sizes 6 te 14, and are splendid chinchilla coats in navy, reindeer and brown, lined and interlined and with great shawl cellars of raccoon fur. These at $42.50 are 12 te 16 year sizes, and are of soft, warm sports cloth in the natural camel's-hair color, with beautifully blended nutria fur cellars. Silk lined throughout and madfe in a raglan-shoulder belted slip-en model. 100 "Sample" Skirts at $8 Velours sergep and soft worsteds in smart checked and striped effects. All pleated. All made te sell at double and mere. ,31 te 36 inch lengths and 25 te 30 inch waistbands'. All ready at, 9 o'clock in the morning, with plenty of extra salespeople te help you. (Second Fleer) J)) Wt&sr Hnff ! m wm WpWPjl . .,., , - mV V' ,. ."( "'V !7T7- Q i -D 3 Jft u - .irlc Christmas Tey Stere Opens Tomorrow Bring the Children te See It! S The largest,, brightest, most comfortable, most interesting and safest Christmas Tey Stere in all the world. A joy te the children and a delight te their elders. Acres of toys, the most wonderful that have ever been made. (SfTrnlli Fleer) Beeks for Yenng People "Betty Barker." by Janet Themas Van Osdel, 31.50. "Favorite French Fairy Tales." $2.50. "Black-EyexJ Susan," by Ethel Calvert Philipps, $1.50. "Russian Fairy Talea," by R. Nisbet Bain, $2. Illustrated by Neel L. Nibbet. y "The Silver Bear," by Edna A. Brown, 51.50. "The Puritan Twins," by Lucy Fitch Perkins, $1.75. "Everj child," by Leuis Dedge, $u. "Lerna Deene," by R. D. Black Black mere, illustrated in color by Hareld Brett, $3.50. "The Royal Boek of Oz," by L. Frank Baum, pictures by Jehn R. Ncill, $2. "Billy Whiskers in the Meies," by Frances Trego Montgomery, $1.5 M01d-Time Stories," by Chur'ea Perrault, illustrated by W. Heath Robinson, $5. Altogether a beau tiful book. "Down the River With the Teenie Weenies," by W. M. Dona Dena hey, $2. "The Teenie Weenie Man's Mether Geese," illustrated by Wm. Denahey, $2. (Main Fleer) A tf i2!nte vitv4a&i&..l. . n ttn it V Men 's Overcoats of a Superfine Class In our Men's Clothing Stere we are showing a let of overcoats which anybody can see are of the finest kind, and yet te call them just the finest doesn't seem te de them" full justice. Te "realize it you need only feel of the goods and leek at the making. These are fabrics of superb texture, rare warmth, unsurpassed refinement of appearance. '' The making and the silk shoulder linings and the finely harfd-finished seams are all in keeping with the cloths, and that is sufficient. Ulster models, belted and unbelted, plain or raglan shoulders, all with backs in the smart-looking, fancy color effects. ' Fer coats of this superfine class the prices couldn't Z regularly be less $80 te $100. j Unlimited choice of ether geed, reliable, fashion- ably made overcoats at ?30 te $75. (Third Fleer) Men's Redleaf Londen Derbies Are Here Newest arrivals in the Men's Hat Stere are the Redleaf derby hats for this Fall and Winter. These hundseme hats are a little squarer en top than ethers, giving them a neat, trim appearance. And their black is very, ery black. Price, $S. (Main Fleer) Men'si Imported Madras Shirts for Less We have taken several groups of men's very fine madras shirts and lowered the price en nil te $3.50 each. Foremost among them are shirts of beautiful Scotch and Eng'ish madrases, with either soft or starched cuffs, as you prefer. Then there are starched cuff shirts of fine woven madras in stnpea und small check designs. An uncommon collection of shirts at $3.50. (Main Fleer) Men's Warm Winter Gloves Mecha, one clasp, fine Arabian skins, gray, $5 a pair. . Wash leather, der finish, natural color, 3 a pair. Capcskin, tan or brown, one clasp, $3.75 and $4 a pair. Fine English capeskins, one button, hand sewn, tan. $1.50 a pair. trench suede, washable, one button, gray, $5 a pair. Strap capeskins, tan or black, $3.50 a pair. Or extr r-ngnsn capesKins, nana sewn, tan, $5 (Main Fleer) pair. extra heavy These Are Handkerchiefs te a Man's Fancy , They are a smoetl nice quality pure Irish linen of geed sue and with narrow hems, and they have the long embroidered initial that men like se much. Attractively put up m gift form, six te a box, for $3 a box. which is a most unusuall moderate price. (et AUIr) Men's Underwear at a Halved Pjice Fine wool and cotton mixed shirts and drawers in gray. A geed medium weight, nice and waun, but net tee heavj, and well made. Shirts in sizes 34 te 50, drawers in sizes 30 te 50. ?1.7e a garment, which is half the regular price. (Main fleer) Men's Silk Half Hese "Seconds" at 65c B.taiSt"f1SJe!,Cd SUk BCkB that WUld be half 3 much In black and shoe colere, and all sizes. (Muln Fleer) Men's Shoes at $6.75 Which Are Built for Service They are from a noted maker of L S. Army sheea ami fm. (Main Fleer) T i- Ji .wtJJfrfV tenwfc. i . -I