Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 04, 1921, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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    ,x .- -w vW w.-s , - njijyjj ..-jje -y- wrswj' VTA,
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by the Jitf:n-8lnv Government, says n
newspaper dispatch from Belgrade.
The tllMirmnment of Hungary should,
the note rtcclnrcs, be piaecii turner tnc
control of n commission annotated by
Jilge-81ala, CVoehe-Slovakia and Ru
mrtnln. Tlic moblllxntien of .Tuire-Blav
troops continues, tlte dispatch states.
Berne, Rwilicrlnnd, Ner. 4. (By A.
P.) Meft of the members of former
rtnperar Charles' household have left
Switzerland for Luxemburg and the
ether "111 fellow shortly. The only
one who will remain Is the former Dow Dew
ORcr Areliidnchcm Merie Thercse. who
in storms with the children of the ex ex
Kmperer and ex-Hmpress et Ilcrtcn-
Frenchman Escapes Ordeal by Or
derlng Bank te Pay In Full
Slmnclul, Nev. -1 (By A. P.)
The French Censul at tinnnnfu. fac
ing the nlternntive of halinr a mob
Introduced the measure It) the Ass-cmbly i of anxry native depositors "snlt In his
ycsieiuay. anu it was expected me no- i jace, one niter ti etner or ei ordering
batoiweuld last for at lenat two days. the Tutmnfu branch of the limine In
Finn) action upon It, however, was jdustrlelle de Chine, which had rlec(i Its
token tijdaj. -'doers, te pay them in full, chose the
,, . f .. ... . ,. v u I In Jr retl-ie, according te advices re-
Vienna, Nev. 4. (By A. I'.T Tuei UHXf, iirt..
Ilapftburg dethronement net In Hun- 10 Yunnnnfu rreneh of the Itantjue
ri i:ucnnmi ny we iiuiiriiui i"y'" lnailitrlcllc de thine smpcniled liifl
te no inadequate iron tne viewpoint
Budapest Assembly Adepts Bill
pehrenlng Fermer Mon Men
5 arch Charles
; t;
X fly the Associated Press
Budapest, Nev. 4. 1'ermcr Hmpeier
Cfcftrjes was dt threned and the Haps Haps
bere'dtnasty wntpiisted fre.n Hungary
by a 'Ml adopted by the Hungarian Na
tional Assembl today.
v;punt steian isctmen. tnc I'rcmier.
Benar Law te Expected te In
fluence Unionists te Ac
cept Agreement
of Alistrln iiml thn l.ltlle lntenfe na
tien, tih it tni'id etpreislj te etrlude
ex-Klnc Chirles nnd b r.tVr Hups
burgfi Wern the elected Kinship. There
fore lt Is declared neither (Vee!io-S!e-yaklti
nor Jupe-Slavia will demebilixe.
Tms tlelgtaile (levcrnment Is reperfd
te b'e preparing another note te the
Allies reiterating the demand for the
cemplctb disarmament of Ilunpnry, with
a representative of .Juue-Hliivln head
ing n; commlsilen of control. The note
bIre will nsk the rejmburseinent of the
Jjiltie, iinten' ler iw expenses in moei
nes, olerc wltn ether branelies
throiiRheut I'hinn, upon neelpt of word
irmi 1'ariK tlint the institution was in
At iinnr.nfii, aererdinK te th1 nd
vlc( h, the depositors descended en the
bank July 'J." in un ancr. mob, mis
treated the elfinlals, insulted the Treneh
Censul, and finnll forced repayment of
thcr deposits.
"It new Is 10 o'clock In the cen!ns."
the leader of the mob is quoted no
reniflrKliirf te the Trench Censul : "if
we are net paid In half an hour we
Mil mm in jour nice one 'ifter tile
llxlnjr, ind will nsert that the Venice j oilier, and then we will pa- a uslt te
Bircdmcnt for the adiustment of the irnrmulinw"
Ilnrgentniid dispute is unacceptable, as -- - -
centrirejiins tne treaty el Trianon.
Paris dispatches teJaj quote, a
Belgrade inebHagc as declaring a
note einbedj lnc most of the de
m.inda here sneeitieil lms nlrend
been sent te the Entente nations. 1
Itflies been understood here tlnt eth ieRular and ren. re effl.ers v
Prcin'ier- nc.hlen, of Uunsary. intended 'r'1 .uni'7 "i-nr-Adnilrnl Iliiif'i It(
te rslftn when the Dethronement Act mnr ln tllt,ltler;"?, .,lce.t "'I'1 ,,li'1'
vras parsed
Parlsi Nev. !. -i Ilv A P De
mnds ter the eTccutlnp m the Trianon
Treaty between Ilungar anu the Alliee,
Indemnification for the cost of calling
JupeS!av soldiers te ihe colors and
complete- diariiinm'nit of Huncarv nre
aa.il in a note te the Entente nation:)
Grand Fleet Reunion for Se.itty
Wn.sliinjrten, Nev. 4, (I! A. P.)
A Rrand lleet reunion dinner will be
Riven in honor of Admiral lieatt en
Neicmber tl In Anier'cnn naal nffii ers
who Hcrvcd'with him in the Weild Wa".
q'la'lmns, will join in honoring
rm"r remminder.
Hy the Associated Press
lyinden. Nev. I. A. Henar Law. one
of the most prominent memben of the
I'nlenlst Party, and fermrr On eminent
leader In the Heuse of Commens, con
ferred with Prime Minister Lloyd
OeerRO Inst night, and is taking ft hnnd
ln the effort te reach a hcttlement of the
Irish question.
The D.illv Mail said today that Ilennr
Law would. If neccsary, bring inde
pendent Influence te bear upon the ex
treme VnienlKts with the view te
achieving n eemp etc agreement.
The outlook for n sutcessful con
tinuance of the Irish negotiations was
resnrded somewhat improved here teda
because "f recent suggestions regardlni;
I'Utpr'i iinssllile share in the settle
ment an! the presnrct that Sir .limes
Craig the 1 Ister Pr"iiiler, would take
part in the discussions.
The fart that fitter mcmberH of the
Heuse (f Commens have said nothing
hostile In reference te the latest pro pre pro
eoMils as reaarded ns n Reed omen.
but there was no definite Indication ns
te the attitude that Sir James would
The llntlsh (?ecniment is endeavor
ing te find n method te transfer te the
I'Nti'r (le eminent powers which would
enable it le function without delay, it
wis averted by the Dally Mall today
TM- might be effected bx nn ordrr-in-Ceunell,
which wen'd obviate the neres
sit of waiting for Parliament te pass a
special bill.
Frrr-nl Ca'j Dispatch Ctwvrieht. lOtt
Londen, Nev 4 Great Hrltnln and
leu are guaranteed egg
satisfaction in Asce
Big, Meaty, Selected
r sJV8r?
f - Hi Ii
At all our Stores g c-5 K
J vmmm 1 Jd .If
Jk Beiurti,a kj, hj cn ( ynTHlBr
5 $ ff iiml j J$mQW y'siftend rioer
U, U Itrpjlrlni: f JtSgP Opp.
WWIWIilill I I'iMi 1 1 1 lll'l'll 1 1 V i" lili'ij'iT'luilllllI'L'iiJjJ - . Waniumker
Vi'"T if Moderate Pricing of il
n vetit Shoes mill j mm , . dfW) Sf S 3-n - --. j - Hi ft
Sbft m ii afilf i umps & I
Mr for Winter Wear ! Ill
mill Anethtr And, a jjlm
Mill instance of 71 mT fBtS Dalsirvcr
" Mil DaUimcr fPMmll complete It
;, mill price! range I Ijli
i t III The "Avenue" M
) ' mill Baby Leather Heel "PrmilPniflp" llli
Patent. Hrewn or Black Kid ,, l, ff
mill Bua?e Trimmed Cuban Heel lIH
i Mill Tan or lilacl. Calf llm
"Main Street" $
Manniih Heel lllm
Tan or Ulack Calf lllm
lllm ''
4 aecked Heather (tl 1 C X .r x w Y
fJXeLO four fioere unth Seating uavaettu for 6(k
i i j i i i i , i iv ii n i v i j
r ... . , - . ifi ifi tf ruui . if Ttii
Fur Coats
aps, Scarfs, Chokers, etc., at
aviegs of 20
fV UR ew factory at 200 West 28th Street
7 New Yerk City and our second fleer
location enable us by thus eliminating
the middle-man und expensive rental te save
you at least 207e en prices about town- Step
in at this wonderful shop see the finest grades
of furs at literally unheard of prices.
Examples of our super values
Hudten Seal Coats
40" lunc with nhunV. XyratiT ir
tquirrcl cllur Mm! cud.
Near Seal CeaU $125.
Bay Seal CeaU 76.
!.. . 'BH. . . rm
mnutacturers cc iSWhoicaaicre of 1 rur
l318Cheatnutll Street. JL
$30000 j
The "Strand"
Military or Cuban Heel
Tua or Bleck Celt
The welt soles and service heels
make these models ideal winter
footwear. As geed te leek upon
as they are practical te wear
and economical te buy!
Special !
Clocked Heather
'Weel Hosiery
Exceptional Value I
Four Floers with Sealing Capacity for 6K.
(Ven, Women. Mwhcs, Heys and Children
120406-08 Market Street
the Sinn Telners have arrived at n sub
stantial agreement ns te the future rev
eminent of Ireland, but it is dependent
en an agreement en Ulster. Meth eldcs
are new awaiting the arrival of Sir
Tames Craig tomorrow, when it is ex
pected that he will go Inte conference
with Prime Minister Lloyd Geerge en
the new proposals.
Ueth the Sinn Fclncrs and the Ilrlt
lh are hopeful of his acceptance, for
he has nlready declared his wish for
peace "at a fair price." The plan of
settlement calls for enlarging the power
nd democratizing the council of Ire
land se ns te make It n real Irish Par
liament. Under the present act the
members are partly elected and partly
nominated bv the Crown and the Ul
ster six counties linvc equnl representa
tion with all the rent of Ireland.
The Sinn Fein Insists, and the Prime
Minister agrees, that the council should
be democratically elected and the repre
sentation should be based en popula
tion. The Hrltish. however, are pledged
net te take from Ulster without its
consent nny of the privileges granted
tinder the act and the next step there
fore Is te tnln Ulster's consent te give
up its unfair advantage in the council.
In return for this concession the Sinn
Fein is willing te abandon Its claim
for the Independence of Ireland and te
grunt te Ulster the widest measure of
autonomy In the Irish state. If Ulster
refil'es, the Prime Minister Is said te
hnve declared that he would resign
rather than te undertake the task either
of coercing Ulster, except In case It
violated its repented pledges, or et
Vienna Teachers, However, Get
1 nnfthnnn for TWO-thlrdS of ttti
tiew Yerli, Ntev. 4. (By A. P.)
81x dollars n month Is the nvcra&e hnl
nry of University professors In Vienna,
according te Clemens Plrquct, Austrian
child ppeclnlUt, who enme te America
te deliver a scries of IccturcB nt laic
University. . , .
These professors, with many artists
and writers, subsist at n "professors
mess," he said ln en address here last
night. "They are served a geed luncli
con for twenty krenen, or about two
thirds of n cent. The mess is sup
ported by American feed drafts.
" -r ,. ;-i
coercing the rest of Ireland after Ulster
had blocked the micccsh of a fair ar
rangement. This Is n very clever politi
cal move, for there is no doubt that
Ulster would lese nil the sympathy of
the llrltlsh people and whoever was re
turned te effice would hnve mandate te
settle the Irih question without re
gard te its claims. It is believed that
Sir James Is fully aware of this state
of affairs, and is likely te be reason
Three Men Loet During Hurricane
Off Newfoundland Coast
St. Jehn's, N. V., Nev. 4. (By A.
P.) Three men were lest at sea nnd
thirteen vessels wrecked in the hurri
cane which swept the Newfoundland
Const from Friday last until Monday,
according te news which filtered
through repaired telegraph nnd tele tele tele
phone lines tnduv.
The letimH were Captain Otisguc
nnd Michael Conners, of the schooner
Clarence 11., who were washed over
board, nnd William White, of the
schooner James Stanley, who was swept
from the vessel's deck off St. Plerrp.
MacNIder Visits Hospital
St. Louts, Nev. 4 (Hy A. P.) The
first elllclal act of Hanford MncMder,
Hm new nntlennt cemnmndcr of the
American legion, was n visit yesterday
te the United Stntes Public Service
Hospital te sec disabled veterans.
Pheno "Tem" Felcy-
for Latest Records
and Columbia
ntl D.nn. rnlir Xllft
. 1406 GIRARD AVE,
down eenrts any
Columbia Grafonela
nritrrtlsf-fl en this P4f. ltnlnnw
en xtrmn te sun.
I'hen! Utns. ST03 W
Americans 8ee( Werk Abroad
Viishlngi":i, Nev. 4. (Hy A. P.) P.)
Abnermnl economic condlt.ens a, the
TT..Ia.I Uliiln.. rt,l llm Hllmtml fltlt flf
uiuii'u uiuiva linn ..,. .,....... - --
Commerce Department van informed tal
day by Censul B. M. I.nwten, nt'Ssn
Paule, Hrftzll. American Consuls
iimfriii Jt.i.i&iiiui consuls
, hcAlcelnred, nre receiving many
of Inquiry ns te conditions froej
IS IrtilA. '
employment have Influenced mnny per-1 ,,' :,rtl,,inni' ' fi1(, ...nin
sons te seek opportunities abroad, the" standpoint of the worker.
Start a QenuiiiePearlNecklaceforYeur
Little Qirl
$Smm 'V
ifr iWMWmmWlkW Q Pearls i 1 5.00
3 Poerls 3300
S Peerls $7.50
0 Pearls 51000 K.
10 Poerls $2000
12 Poerls $25jOO
The Add--PeaMNecklee censUti of group of sertulnt Orient! pearls
strung en a llk cord, nertel ln a fine sold neck chain, ae that addi
tional pearls of any number may be added en birthdays. Christmas
and ether special occatlens until the necklace is computed.
S. KIND & SONS, 1110 Chestnut St.
faia Grafonela
Was $140
New $100
Yeu Save 40
Small First Payment Easy Monthly Terms
Yeu can get this reduced price
at any Columbia store listed here.
The Grafonela will be delivered te
your home for a small first pay
ment. Yeu can pay the balance
en easy monthly terms. Thi3
model and the ethers mentioned
below are all standard, up-te-date
Grafonelas with many exclusive
Columbia improvements.
Compare the modern Grafonela
at today's prices with any ether
phonograph we'll leave the rest
te you. Yeu can get today a
Columbia Grafonela with all mod
ern improvements for less money
than you would pay for an old
fashioned unimproved phonograph.
When you pay your geed money
for a phonograph, get a modern
Cunningham Piane Ce., 11th & Chest
nut Sts.
Harry Fcdulle. 804 Walnut St.
B. Futernik, 140 N. 8th St.
H. C. Kahn & Sen, 11th & Filbert Sts
Lit Ilrethcrs, 8th and Market Sts.
JeBcph Merris, C N. 13th St.
Penn Furniture Ce., 615 Market St
iN. Snellenburg & Ce., 12th & Mark-n
Straw bridge & Clothier, 8th & Market
Stern & Ce.. 712 Market St.
Widencr's, 1109 Chestnut St.
Jacob Hnllcn, 2141 N. Ftent St.
Harry II. Bcddew, 1536 Oxford Ave.
Frankford. "'
Hnrry S. Uensteck, 2G22 Kensington
Brideiburg Music Stere, 2C03 Orthe.
dex St.
Edward II. Burr, 2148 Frankford Ae
Davics Phonegrah Ce., S. W. Cor. 6tfi
uuu i erit eis.
Diamond Furniture Ce, 2107 Germantown
Sel. Feinstcin, 5551 N. 5th St.
Frankford Music Heuse, 4G1G Frankford Aw
Girard Music Shep, 607 W. GIrard Ave
L. L. Geedman. 327 W. Girard Ave.
Jacobs, Inc., 1501 Germantown Ave
S. Jacobs & Sen, 820 Columbia AveC
T. M. Kenncy, 3231 Kensington Ave
Jes. Krygler, 3132 Richmond St.
Z. Kitty, 101 W. Girard Ave.
A. Laux Muclc Shep, 3239 N Frent St
Myers F. Hall, 2G2S Germantown Ave '
R. J. McClelland, 3152 Frankford Ave
C J. Oldewurtle, 2023 Germantown Ave.
Herman Prepper. 2900 Richmond St.
I. 8. ReiM, 919 W. Girard Ave.
Abraham Saltzman, 210 Fnlrmeunt Ave.
Jehn Schneider, 2828 N. 5th St.
Shjerzer Piane Ce., 539 N. 8th St.
narry Slrkln, 318 N. 2d St.
Aaren Slepak, 1028 N. 2d St.
Starr & Mose, 3631 Germantown Ave.
Strand Music Shep, 1114 Girard Ave.
Other Medels at these Reduced Prices
$275 Columbia Grafonela NOW .$175
$225 M " M $150
$165 " " " $140
$150 " " " $125
$125 " " " $ 85
$ 75 " " " $ 60
$ 50 " " $ 45
$ 32.50 " M " $ 30
Any Dealer Listed Here Will Give Yeu
These Prices and Easy Terms
PHILADELPHIA (Northeast Continued)
Uimcraul lalking Maehinu Ce., 2bJa Ger
mantown Ave.
A. II. Weir, 2205 Germantown Ave.
Wm. S. White & Sen, G701 Torresdale Ave.
Wambold Music Shep, 1509 N. Bread St.
M. M. itevurd, 4euJ cresben 6t.
Uredy Uretliern, 2710 W. Girnrd Ave
'Ihce. Connelly, 2G33 W. Girard Ave'
Falls Hardware Ce., Ridge & MidiaLe Avea.
Ferstor Bres., 4355.58 Mai,, St., Manajunk.
T. J. Feley, 140G W. Girurd Ave.
Grand Music Shep, 2313 llldge Ave
I rank Hninbach, 2615 Lehigh Ave '
Martin Knlwaic, 4203 Germantown Ave
K. & M. Talking Machine Ce., 1412 Susdue.
linnna Ave.
Merris Mcjer, 4138 Germantown Ave
Powers & Reynolds, 1927 W. Tiega St '
Ridge Music Shep, 1806 Ridge Ave
Srkrn Brethers, 2012 N. 31st St
?HI.LDEIIi,IIIA (Northwest Continued)
J. M. Tomkins. 5117 Germuntewn Ave.
II. Zacenick, 2801 N. 22d St.
Carsen's Music Shep, 1041 Seuth bt.
J. leinstein, 1423 Point Breeze Ave.
Merris Freed, 1037 8. Gth St.
Kdw. J . Garvey, 1G01 S. 2d St.
liugene Geldman, Inc., G23 Seuth St.
J. Hubermiin ei Sen, 2027 S. 13th St
Keystone Talking Machine Ce., 1701 S. 7th
A. Lupinacci, 730 S. 7th St.
ii nA,i,'rl,n,fei lG01 ChrlHtlnn St.
IV .Millcf, G04 S. 2d St.
Metropolitan ftjusic Heuse, 1G37 Passyunl
Jehn A. Moere. 20th and Federal Sts
O'Hara Muse Slere, 201 Wolf ?V '
II. J'olikeff. 2128 S 7th St. St
Red a Bres mil s. 8th St.
I). Resenfrld. 234 Seuth St
fi. RiiHce, 930 S 8h fit.
H. A. Walters, 1408 Seuth St.
J. E. Williams, 1703 Snyder Ave.
S. A. Welpert, 2017 Seuth St.
C'Lcct Music Inn, 4136 Market St.
Cunningham Piane Ce., C2d & Area
Gee. B. Duvis & Ce., 3930 Lancaster
Gee. B. Davis, 5207 Market St.
Luigi Giuliano, 404 N. 61th SL
Ernest liegeman, 4058 Lancaster Ave.
Lightbewn'a Music Shep, G221 Wood
land Ave.
M. Grass, 221 S. GOth St
M. Grass, 5637 Cheater Ave.
Mclchlerri, Jewelry & Music, 485b
Lancaster Ave.
A. Neshanian. 511 S. GOth St.
O'Halloran, The Music Man, 7 S 50th
Wideiucr's, 19 S. 52d St.
Wilmer Music Stere, 7104 Elmwood
At e.
M. S. Bannach, 1014 Kaighn Ave.
Camden Phonograph Ce., 323 Kaighn Are.
A. J. Eberhard, 2614 River Ave.
W. H. Kilng Piane Ce., 700 Broadway
Ervln J. Kruck, 1252 Kaighn Ave.
S. Lewis & Sen, 1109 Broadway
J. Marsick, 1810 Broadway
Ambler, Pu.
Gee. R. Weikle
The Spotlight MuMc Shep, 9 Cricket Ave.
Chester, Pa,
Baren Bres., 225 Market St.
B. Freeman, HO W. 3d St.
A. W. Welson, 604 Edgemont Ave.
Darby, Pa, ,
B. F. Carr, 512 Main St.
Shumnn Drug, Main & Chester Pike.
... . .. Norristown, Pa.
Bleck Bres., B. E., 15 W. Main St.
wiiTiincr, . it, 4uu Marshall Ht.
Yeungjuhns, E. J., 239 W. Main 9t.
n BfEmWBBBmwjmwRmmmBimMMWmmmJmmS
I Mili i IImiii lllillf-' ' " J vh. U MU r,. it
i : A i f ( '
LlHb HHHHflHHflflNMBiBIIHaaaakaaaMaLaa, L