If tr jr. H'v v ,! v W 'w -, Hi 'V,''1")-' ! - ,w- rt !- w c ". ,(i,Vih A' tfr "(! '','lJ uf UV Y t , ry V ,m ' A - 5 W, F if; " 'fi fi &VEOTS&. PTTBUO tliB3EPHnBiiHIA, PftlDAX N6yBiWM;ii IT, ft r ?' t,.,c 4 BACHELOR HUSBAND By RUDY flf. AYRES Authdr et "Richard Chatlcrteri," Etc CtpvrlaM. lift, bu W. J. tvatt d Ce. ITnKfilNS THE STORY . i nhctter and Christopher Auii SrVnhed together, 'and HtLr father died they marrltd: v)tnJllrJ.i the loved Mm and " '?' .J i, laved her: he because he SSi the learns the truth and tells rt' " Unrfl exeer lencet o'preic- :'' Irf Jarte experiences u.VMnl) for Dakers, known at W ,.rt a friend of her hUthani. I& 'r. ''?... rwjkf'b nril,r .i teetJ JJr. '"". j-". f" i;t. Thtir affairs xeme ffithfi el acUm when Chris "t'hnL n oeMrtO rp te Beet- vluriil " 9 x & , Kfjsa'i: ' Mh ,'lv the courtesies of Feather; , i(rW i increased between them at Kerttull of a party which Chris ! lit , tcith Mrs. Ueriet and Marie ' letldcntam discovers Feathers loves i.ler. no in ' " - is AND HERE VT CONTINUES HE felt very much no she had dene w morn nr wnen no nvcu u m drewnln-a terrible feeling of ' UpilMinert nnd debpnir, until th mo me " - whn the KrlD of hla strong hands itit her. Ti- v,i imvcd her llfe then. Wns he ttlnj te let her drown new In the depths i t,r own misery? Once he went nwny It would be the . ind of everythlns, sue Knew, no weum mi Imck nnr mere, nnd for the ,i.t t her llfe she would have te go en frrinf te make the best of things, trying , Sha knew that the .llence had 1 lasted 'At. iAn time eiurw ttowvie wnu litttlf: '"There ere some peeple com- She looked up then with fiery ores. iitv.1I Ten hnvm't senc yet, she ll,l ffl.ntly. "Ever se many things nay happen before you de. - The day had been n failure, and the 'drite home was a silent oue. Marie sat teride Chris as she bad done before, tad her eyes were very bright as she joeked steadily ohead of her down the , read. it nq like loekine into the future, I ihe thought, as Londen drew nearer I) j(j nearer, nnu mn muj ii;up t i symbolical of the happiness that lay In J wit for her. , .,... Bbe IUHC(I te ecueve inai; rraincrn mil; euld go away. Her whole heart and soul were bent en keeping him near s'li rAn vfitr Teunc. or she would II hare eeen the Impossibility of the whole c thing as he did. Reaction was the power driving her. Hue who nau nun nun erte had nothing found herself all at once with full hands, nnd she clasped her treasure te her desperately, Chris put her down at the house nnd drove around te the garage with Fcnth ri; he wi a long time gene and when he came back he was alone. Marie peeped ever the banisters when th hnnnl hlM volce lu the hall below. I1' ind n fulrit chill touched her heart when the taw that Featliers uau net come in with him. She felt like a disap pointed child as she went back te her room. She had changed her frock te please Feathers. There was nomebedy at lattt who carfd hew ghn looked. Though he veuld have said nothing, perhaps would hardly hac glanccu her way. site wnuiu hare known thut he liked te see her leek pretty, New that he was net coming she had Iet nil interest. Her face was list lets as she crossed the lauding te go downstairs. As elie did se the deer of Chris' bed- nom opened, nnd he called te her: "i unnt you, Marie Ueieste." Mnrie hesitated. "It's nearly dinner-time: what de jeu want?" "I uant te speak te you." One of the servants was coming up stairs, nnd mere for appearance than farthing Mnrie obeyed. "Yes. ' She steed In the doorway Tilting. Chris had mnde no attempt te change for dinner, though he had been In some tine. H ntretcheil n hnnd nnttt hpr an tr she steed there and shut the deer. The ; It laid abruptly: 1 m going uwny tomorrow, Marie. Xm nick of Londen." He did net leek t her as he spoke, but he henrd the Quick breath she drew, and knew it as one of relief. His voice was hard ns he went en. "I aAl Ju te come with me." e. She waB hardly conscious of ming spoken the word till she saw e sudden change in his face, but he ipt himself under ndmirable control. ''Why net?" he nsked. one looked nway from hi I would rather stuy he ''But I wish you te come." oho looked up. Yeu have never wanted me te go wywhere with you before" I kneWperhaps because t was a flamnertfoel. Anyway, we won't argue. iwi i will come with me tomorrow." "Ne, Chris, I shall net." ifiSF' was n tragic silence. nears nt?" Ghris nBltcl1 agn,n ,.?!" "I"! trembled, but she answered Wte gently : "Uccause I would rather ay here with Aunt Madge." bbe saw the het bleed lenp te his i, &i?" qulte su'Uenly be bieke out '"Wind pnRMen. ,i. V "h Feathers, you mean ! Sneak lie truth nnd admit it! Yeu want te Im. here that is ii,T ''re with him nnd knock about fiVi h i .' n? yu (1'(1 when I was In , 1' !, " net such n blind feel as 'I' th j uu mini i in.. Ti. ii rli....j '? " reuuierH wne .ikimi you BO h vnn HilnV has can t i the difference In you when you're 1)"" nltn, and when you're with me? tenV V",nV elner People can't see It. Jlr.' i,0,1' lltanJ what that woman. t". i ,rleh sa'1 nt lunch today ttnn.t i" "P c",,,, contemptuously, weugh her heart wan racing and she uH w,h.ltc n" n Kl'esl. fully. " HerIt!" she echoed disdain- 111 . en '!,. vcfy cne C,S(". tee!" he raved eeinlni n,BOt t0 W' l ,cl1 yu- Yell'rc ou i awTny wi,b me tomorrow. De It .in, Wftnt my wif talked about J;, et "enndalmenRering women? but r.t '?, broke off brcuthlessly, eie, n!lA n,''itll,!r "Pke Der "Used her fic.Slldi .,l'1' ca of hep averted berhr hln) t0,,U'D ,lenrl- IIe cauBht ueLV the shoulders roughly. MN;rXnlv',VemC,MnrleCek'9tC'" aewDl'U.?" he brown eyes met hH Y"?' quietly. "CV,,r me'" 'e Bald' ni-9.btt out ,aFnln into 'resh anger. kaeliS d U B,Vl down tl10 room, hardly bi?i.n. hls Wlndness, Imted her mere ttevid C0Uld htainl tll(,ru ee u"- "You'll tow V V, '" wuii - r. tny wiin l' me tomor temor tomer 'I Insist Lfflli'p'pUedf.0rtUnnt,,ly,, b" Sald liate me ns much ns that? I knew . i WV1 ,,rceted you M well ns I might have done I ktiew I'm n scHIbIi iAp7?ut J0U kncw that when you married me you're always known It," "" .ffnvc n miic weary sigh. , "What doss It matter?'7 V Cemplnlnlng : you've nlwnvs been frn. i- ? wnni ! be frcc? you're my , ' .. Me1rl Cclest. for Ged's sake in .Si pM. UP hcr ,ianti "Oh, Chris plense." -iItJihur.t JnPresslbly te hear him F.!cndin?it, hph .who had never done ?1VC ,A Mn' ,n hl Hfe and yet 'I don't care! I don't care nt all!" wie wns saying ever and ever again in her heart. He took her hand. Can't we start again? I'll de my very best I awear I wiU. I knew you're tee geed for me you al ways have been. I don't deserve that you should ere r have married me, but It a net tpe late, Marie (Vlrstc. Come nway with me, and I'll show you that I can treat you decently when I like." Seme ene knocked nt the deer. Please, sir. Miss Chester sent me te say that dinner was ready half an hour age." Marie drew her hand nway quickly The interruption wns very welcome. in.?'. m? S P'ee! Aunt Madge will think it se strange." "in n moment, Marie. Will you con with me tomorrow? We'll go where ye Hke j I'll de anything In the world yc wmn "." She shook her head. Tin'0? knwi I can't decide new. I'll think It ever." J) When will you tell me?" I den t knew: tomorrow ves, to morrow morning." She inade the terms of escape from him and went te her room and steed for n moment with her hands hard pressed ever her eyes. The storm hnd come se suddenly. She wondered whnt had been responsible for it. Had Sirs. Herlet said nnythlng mere or could It hnve been Feathers himself? Sho.ceuld hardly force herself te go down te dinner, as she was shaken te the depths of her soul. Chris tulked ceaselessly during din ner. He drank n geed deal of wine, nnd his fnce grew flushed nnd his eyes cxciteu. "You're net going out ngnin, surely?" Miss Chester inked him when nftcrwnrd he enmc te the drnwing-roem for n moment in his overcent. "I nm just for n stroll : it's se het Indoors." He looked nt Mnrie. "Will you come?" he nsked jerkily. "I'd rnther net; I'm tired I think I'll stay with Aunt Mndge." nut'ns seen ns he hnd gene she went up te her room nnd sat down in the darkness. A lifrtlme seemed te have been crowded into this one day. She felt thnt she hail nged years since they started out In the morning. Feathers loved lier! The knowledse steed out like n beacon light in the dnrkness. Rhe knew whnt her life would be with him hnpplness nnd content ment, nnd she did se long for happi ness. He was a geed man, nnd a strong mnn ; nil her empty heart seemed te tri'tch out te him In passionate grati tude nnd longing. Hut she wns merrlcd She felt for her wedding ,ring in the darkncsn and held it fast. She had mnrrlcd the man she loved, believing thnt he loved her. Well, he did net ! She wns his wife In nnme only : Would there be nny great harm If she Knapped the frail tie between them? She sat there for n long, long time, tortured with doubts and Indecision. Whnt ought she te de? Miss ChcNtcr came up presently te say geed-night. She knew quit well that there hnd been some trouble be tween Chris nnd Marie, but she aslted no questions. "Sleep well, dearie." she said as she went away, and Marie smiled bitterly Hew could nny one sleep well, tern ns Bhe wns by such mlscrable Indecision? Did she love Feathers? She could net be sure. Thnt she loved him ns a dear Mend she knew; thnt phe wns always happy with him she nlse knew; but there wns none of the remance and wender In It that had thrilled her when Chris asked her te marry him. She wrung her hands in the dnrkness. "I don't knew eh. I don't knew!" Chris cared nothing for her. His out burst this evenlng had been pnrtly nngcr and partly outraged pride. His wns a deg-ln-the-manger nffectlen; he did net want her himself, and yet he would allow nobody else te have her. She get up presently nnd unlocked the deer between their rooms, groping along the wall for the switch. She looked round her husband's room with unhappy eyci, and something of the old tenderness llewed back Inte her heart. .... , . ui.n iirwi lnvpd him for se long, her life nnd'his were se irrevocably bound up together. Hew could hiie taue tins step that would sever the tie once and for nil? , She wnndercd round the room aim- Issly, picking up littn- tilings or ins, looking nt them, nnu putting mem down ngnin, nnu nil the time tue same unanswerable questions were going en In her mind. If ehe stayed with him whnt wnj there for her In the future? She could only see mera disillusionment nnu tears nnd sorrow, and If she went, with Featliers Mnrie laugneu nreKeniy, the tears running uewn ner cuecKH. Hew could she go with Feathers when he hnd net nsked her? And suddenly she remembered ths leek in his eyes ns he snid geed-night te her nn hour or two nge. She had tried te bellove that it wns net fnrcwell nnd renuncintlen that she hnd rend in them, but she hnd known that it wus. He wns stronger thnn she his heart might ache, but he would net dishonor his friend. He would walk nway with n smile en his lips, and nobody would ever knew whnt he suf fered. , , , , , , . If she tried te break down lis strength she was net worthy of his love, and suddenly Marie Celeste hid Uf fnrr in her linnds nnd broke Inte bitter crying, which yet brought tears of healing te her henrt. She would be worthy et him sue weum net ue u coward, t-nntchlng greedily nt the one hope of happiness offered te her; she would go en, trying te be brave, trjing te mnke the best of things. She went back te her room, leaving the deer njar se that nhe could hear when Chris cama in. He was very Inte she heard the clock strike twelve, nnd then half-past, but still he did net come J nnd then at twent) minutes pust ene she heard a tuxl drive up te the deer nnd voices en the path outside. She pulled nslde tlu blind and peered out, but It wns tee dark te distinguish anything. Then the cab drove uway, nnd she henrd the front deer opening below and the sound et steps in the hall. She crept out onto the lauding and looked ever the banisters. She could icq Chris, his hnt pushed te the back of his hend and the top of n cignr stuck jauntily into the corner of his mouth, laughing Iminedcintely, nnd sunjing a little en his heels, ns he resisted the ether man's nttempt te help him off with his coat. v -;. , , rr THE GUMPS These Eyes; These Lips; These Nese! n& sidnsmk VIE TMOrll Tie . LlGVY OH FA.9J fcWAtf . .SEATCD; AT ATASU; A -seuTAOiV pvgere. tre- IpNfcSOHC AND O0ME-BROODvNG- LOOK CLOSE DEAR. HXADSK. AW y0V) vL, EE. tt t-5 MOMC OTHEC TUM OUR MERO- WCLE J4 THE. BlLUOWNRfc- WIYA3L- WE VAMTB Te E AUOHE - AWNS ASSORT "Wte" A-U QOtETT AW WAT H S ALONE WE 0FTO TtPTOe'6 XO ' A VWUT M E. fc'frfc OP "THE WALL MS WEV6V Vm6t'S ttMfcU.V OLVE THe C0MBINA-UOK HE CifcOPE TO KMOMEMt- GRASPS UE. TReA.'SUft.e AHt QMNfrfc T vOfexH tlS TM 9CTVfce OP A. vemam - a BSAvrrtTMJL VVOMMJ- &LONt 11 Heaven ets- OU DltHr VIRVTE.TO Me TtUS VJtEK NOO OULW KKOW MOM TYUfc J SKKL HV)U6fev- ACtWHtJ W&NINQ 0U M0Ht5. vjJOKAW- NV,T N NPWVOA Tret AMA eh that v vwee vwetmn or NOKAU LVUC. NOV)- we Pecc.vsv h THese Eses- Twe avet HtJz eee Oleheep nvtm veuer awp tut-exjus 1 I L n I ALU FOi T0MV6W-T- MwWl11 M ( " w m t-i btrtX iLBIl llNIVrv.n tvw Ejvu(5 A ssv rT mil "a Awt BLUG.Qeixjft- X mmm SOMEBODY'S STENOG-? ? ? ? ; : : : j cv.riM. 8i. t.y ruwie it r.n,,.n By Hauward y jfira-sN -a - i( Mzl C Ye WW?7 f x m QJ' s A-E.H-M COTIAfUgD TOORRQ WiM The Yeung Lady Acress the Way The Terrible-Tempered Mr. Dang and the Armful of Kindling -; fly Fontaine Pet SCHOOL DAYS ' -;' " Z?tf DWIG WSm says she wonders hew the best cel- Jrr V f '' JW Hfi luAslSSA W W) Mm lege halfback's salary compares , "Jfit:- " T" 0fSS. - " I HM.. "' ' J$y Ul0v 7b fAAKE ifPtfll PETEY-Ne Duch Soup : i i : : ; : M fZZ.tmli0i f ,.,..' II Z: ZZr , bc.a. vetght m - wasut it mke op -- e lc v- f-, T OX ( ZZZ 1 f MV dear FEUOW VJHAT ( HOW STUPID. MM ST3t X WW. 'Kodcugem Te ask g J WeVw 1FTHEN1?e. Cr. ;S; Ikl IriG. VORLO Wia.oeeo UWclePETeVM fill IM IZisWl ( T)UCKHoeT1mcZ Jm LE CAPEFUtL V DOCKS THE Y 0 v V .cT DeCO ' WOW VetJVE ' sc m GASOLINE ALLEY It Always Is, Said the Adjuster : T : ' . . fc I " i ii M J By King 4jjJ OOSH, WALT' 5OME8O0v5 WHAT ANNBODVp WANT Te N ft THE mSuPANCe"- v Uu Sk nvrTZIT 1 IfH . COPPED MV SPARE TlREl ) STEAL IT FOR. , BEYOND MP - IT APJU5T6R HEAR. )( YGS. TAKEN A f WHAT WHO LrLHe MU TJf'T' - ' ' Vvnn unn &. -rIOB RIGHT OFF V wps IT' -uv IHM HW? mMM W V 3 - Wft AN OUP FABR,C 1HAT " S-feuBNV THe back J xr UeueR. been en J 9 my 0) Q I 5l tONe 8000 miles. 1 must call I A v S JhG WHEEL t iH w WT Jl 1 T Vjjf insurance- Compaq l J & 0 Sffl 1 III. ., "". " -l Willi I10L CTCH. Hint hew j'qu feel about It? Ten CONTINUED TOMOflltOW