Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 04, 1921, Night Extra, Page 27, Image 27

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mMit& pufeid hwmtmiiK6Mvm.K1 r pipat, yerawBEis m
. Jf- it r s
nJr ' ii if . ,
grtressvaag- and Whitehill May Net Play Against Lafayette
r (
'imyd&Un WM Probably Start Instead of Whitehill and
Grcenalvalt for Ertressvaag Dcm Will Start' at
Center Coaches Heartened After Scrimmage Drill
n..i nrlresf-vnnc, l'eniiylvnnln'B
Mfllnnt left mil. miiy uet Mart iigulnst
ifTCttc tomorrow afternoon en
Pnrtklin F'l(l nfi-erdlng te one of llie
nX ami Ule leni-liw. Krtlc, wlie
Sited n bang-op riuiic iigniiin rittw
Creh nnd who win removed lute In the
,,me ' limping tincl bndly bruised from
ff?fi '..,, In Hii! I Unburn h oentoxt.
J? I. inn lu Irnlncil linivn linn
uA Irul'cd from Iirml te feet.
He i and UiH f'rnve bore the brunt of
u terrific intcrfercMCe of Winner's
Qtls Inst Hntiiruny, iiiiii were instru
mental In mere thnn once Htepiilni; the
Irilliant Davles nnd the equally brilliant
Andersen and Hellcran In their dnshes
ireund the wIiiK.
"niii. ilm Tliirlinniilli nnrl Portion
fjmes in '"' offing, nnd both of them rc
iirdcd ilu aM ,I,,R'M Hl1,M,t iih the
Miroeq gnmc, the I'enn coiicIieh nrc in
fllned te se I'rtressvmig rather than
(nJ him In tomorrow afternoon nnil
Hrdilm bndlv used up iignin. He will
Jtfk Siitlicilmid'x thifhy elcxen, but
jt i net thought likely tiiat he will
lUrftiic tente'-t.
CtwiiaaU Impreics
Qrccnnnalt. the former Yerk High
o.i,nel lad. who Is Miewinc a return
(Ji the form th couches saw in Hashes
.U In the bcusen. Is the rhelep for
the pest In case Krtle docs net piny.
Grcenattnll is a tall. lanky lad nnd an
iccurate catcher of forward passes. The
Miches, priiii'ipally Iz?y Lcven. have
Irth drilling him long nnd hard the
Itit'wcck, and are about convinced that
le has nrried. Ycterdny he showed
iftranu M di'icii'm- cnu jiiny iiiiii urew
warm praise from the eeaehlng stuff and
llj 'teammates.
treenail alt is the ideal end. lie
'itindt ever lir feet and teelghs in the
tdgliborlteod of l!5 pounds. Hist
'H hi) fept and showing a natural
fiitlall agility and fight he should
male great iclngman before he
hates the I nivcrsity. lie has an
Ufr year te plan '""' nctt year
i)('uM he a fit i mining mate for Bill
Cm re.
Anether chance in the l'enn llne-un
trill probably take place in the baeklleld.
JiilD-HMienui. who sinncu hip I'itt
contest last week, has been nimble te
engage In u scrimmage drill this week
because or a imuij unison niieiihkt and
i tern knee. Th eeaidies may send
Hm in the giiun' after the kcceimI half
ret under way. but hardly at thestart.
VM Vegelln, the former Central High
:hoel itnr, whose grout defensive play
b 'In the scrtmiunge drills durlne the
It wrck has earned him a chance te
tart the gumu. will probably be btu-
Oencu at one of the liultbuck jtebts,
Ihose Stib-Haclis
'Jee I'lbcn, another former Crimson
jrd fJeld Mar, and Witlmcr, both of
whom have been plajlng brilliantly in
(crlmm.'igc drills during the lut two
eeks, may get a chanee te bhew their
prowess against the Maroen. AVittmer
ts been tearing the Lafajette line te
tlredx. while lllben's, defensive work has
b?en the superlative kind.
Dtrn will again start at renter. The
former Suit Lake City High Sdioel boy
ill earned the pivot position, nccerdint:
te tevcnil of the coaches, Imciiiii' of
Us asffrchelvcncs and sure pasaing. lie
cm te-i.s a spiral back with greater
reecd than any center at l'enn since
Cud Wrn. He is aNi it clever tin
COVfrcr of eaem.v pla, in which he Iiiim
proved of invaluable nld te the ether
V The remainder of the team will be
flic some as started against tha
Panthers last Satuiday. ilex lVcej;
Kill call the suinals, l'es Miller teilt
'le of our of the. halves and Ilamtr
, at fullback. In the line in addition
in these ulieady mentioned iciJ be
Cochrane and Tliurman, guards,
and Sutherland and Gcnthncr,
Fer the first Thursday since the sea
son started u scrlmmugc drill was held
j esterday afternoon. It was net n weak
affair, either, work starting at !l : I ft nnd
continuing until ft :.'!(), when HeUman
sent the players te the showers.
The drill started off with n regular
sciiinmage, the varsity kicking off te the
scrubs, who failed te dent the varMly
line nnd punted. The varsity backs,
Maher, Wlttmer, Miller and lllben,
stai tc.d a bombardment of the scrubs
that eventually earned two touchdewn''.
As en Wedncsda.v. Wlttmcr wbb again
the star. He made several feed gains
through (Jie Hue nnd finally shot off
tackle for one touchdown from the
scrubs' 0-yard line, l'es Miller made
the ether sxerc en n 'JO-jard run around
the end.
The Famous llueli
After that diill was concluded the
nerubs were given the bnll en the vai
slty HO-yard line nnd told te take It
ever. Thirt) -live times they hit the
varsity defences and as many times the
line held us firm as the rock of Cilhvnl
tar. During the time they spent but
tering the veterans' line the Meruit
came within - .Minis of scoring sev
eral times, eul.v te be thrown back for
The 'scrubs if-ed the Iafactte plas
constant!, but nil the pet pln.vs of the
nasteninu proved fruitless efforts
against the stubborn defense of the
!ig Ocnthiier. the big lad from
Ilroeklvi was the stur. Time after
time the big fellow broke through the
'Ine and nailed the runner almost be bo be
lere he had started. The exhortations,
of the sophomore tackle te his team
mates surprl-ed the coaches and gave
them their first laste of real talk in
the linn. Sutherland. Tliurman. Crave
and the remainder of the line turned
In n meritorious half hour's work.
After their failure against the regu
lars the seconds were placed in line
nnd baekfield and the scrubs succeeded
!n scoring four limes from the 120-jard
line, tin co times en fervvurd passes an
once en ti line buck. Priestly, tin
led-topped star of McNainara's back-
lield was the in-inclpal ground-gainer.
lie scored once en a forward pn'-s and I
assisted in the ether three -rerci miiUi I
by O'ltellly. Hamilton and Kairchild.
This afternoon the eenrhei prow
be nethliid murr erciting than a stiff
signal drill, a fervaul itilng drill
and starting' en the kick-off, one of
the lagged parts of the J'cd and
lllne plait tint leaten. yumcreus
penalties have i exulted frei.i off eff
sldcj en the hick -off.
Cress-Country Itacc Off
The cress-country race scheduled for
tomorrow morning ever the C'ebbV
Creek course was called off bv I.afa.v -ete
without any reason, llobcrtsen'.s
men were all set for the race, but word
from Kasteu prevented their showing
their wares. The freshmen harriers
left this morning with the freshmen
football team for Mercersburg, where
they meet the academy be.vs tomorrow.
"We expect te beat Mercersburg for
the third time in the last ten jears,"
said Keogh, before lcitvlng this morn
ing. The undefeated cedings agree
with their couch, .laipiisch, the regu
lar tackle who Is suffering from a leg
injury, did net have with the team.
Tonight the soccer team leaves for
Syracuse, where they meet the Or.mge
eleven tomorrow afternoon. I.nst Sat
urday the seei'crites, defeated Harvard,
and ine hopeful of trouncing the New
Yorkers tomorrow.
Out of Game
,rf if' ,.
r- '.. ,..;
Eft .p&fjff. J
l'enn State leader, :ie may he out
of tbo-guuie for the rest of the sea
son en iiceiiut of threat trouble
Many Reasons Given Why They
De Net Turn, Out for Foot
ball, Says Official
Catholic High Out for Revenge
en West Catholic for
Previous Defeats
West Catholic and Catholic High will
meet en the gridiron 'tomorrow after
noon In their third annual game. The
contest will take place at Cehlll Field,
and is booked te Rtnit at 2 :.''). This
Ih the big game of the season for thcie
two lnstltiit letirt, and from present In
dications the tussle premises te be the
best of nil.
In their two previous engagements
the boys from lirend nnd Vine utrccts
hnve bein unfortunate, a their young
rivals from Chestnut street have de
feated them en both occasions, the first
time M-0 nnd lest .venr 1.1-7. Due te
thin situation. Catholic High Is surely
out for revenge, nnd West Catholic is
equally anxious te win. for n victory
will keep It, In the rnce for the Catholic
League championship, while a defeat
will practically eliminate the West Phil
iidrlphiaiis. The Wet Catholic lads thus far have
proved themselves a better scoring nin
ehlne than their rivals. Catholic High
is keyed up te u liijli pitch of exocc execc
tnney ; it Is its first league game, and
they are nil full of fight, which Is half
of the battle.
West Catholic will filter the fray
minus n star plucr, Jehn MoCennghy,
'eft end, who broke his wrist In the
Wenennli game, and will be out for the
est of the season. However, I each
Statistics of West Catholic
and Catholic High Teams
Am WrUlit HfUlit
Illnkd. Irft rnil 1 70 0.(11
(lllilln. Irft inrkle ... . H 12'! M?
IleiiKlirrt)-. Irft gourd ... 18 103 B.M
Vfrtr. rrnlrr 1 IHO H.02
llrrkfiT, rUhl cimrd .... IH 1J n.M
lliikr, rlelil tiirkle 17 170 O.Wi
NfVlllr, rlisht rnil 19 1 IJ ft.07
'unnlnlniin, uiiiirtrrltnrk. If) 140 n,07
MiiMIii, Irft hnirh.irk 10 inn ft. II
lUfi-lln. rlKlit h.ilfhutk.. 10 100 n.OK
McDonnell, fullbnrk IH 103 0.00
Averages 17 100 fi.le
Ace Wrlieht ll!clit
Cefffr. left cm! 18 I.1U J.07
Sclimld. Iff) Inrkle HI 100 .1.08
rnmwiy, Icrt icunrit 18 1(10 rt.le
llnrrnii, rnlrr 10 H -1.07
llulni.il, rUht ximrd ... 17 '.'III ,1.10
Hreit. riclit incklp..; , . . IH 11.1 fl.es
Scnnlnn, rlnlit end 10 100 .1.11
Tnrler, ciiuirlcrbiwk . ... li! ISO 11.00
hmllh, lcft.liHlfh.ick . ... 1M 110 .1.00
McNnlly, Hitht linlfltuck 10 till (1,10
Illmlns, fullbRck . . 17 IQi n.ll
Atcrneet . ... 10 (V-G 135 S-C S.08
Has Net Settled Question of
Whether Seasheltz or Elliett
Will Start
Ka-sfen, Pa., Nev. !. D. ".lock"
Sutherland, ee.ieh of Lafjaette College
team, is still undecided as te whether
Qiilulnn is fortunate In having at least I he will start "Dutch"' Seusheltz or
four or five substitute ends, all of whom "rjee" Elliett at fullback tomorrow
are capable,
The choice for MoCenaghy'H pluce
will be between "Pud" Mellenry and
.Tim Itlnke. The former is but a shade
below MeCenaghy In playing ability.
while if Itlg Jim P.liike uses his Id)
when Lafayette meets Penn in the nil
tiual game at Philadelphia.
Hver since I'lllett broke into the La
fayette line-up because of Seasheltz's
injury during the Ttucknell game, the
imr jl ii .i jiuihc uses' ins no i,..,4,: p ., ,it , tt , i ..
pounds, and hl.s six feet three Inches te I 'LU,.i' ,,,PT.f,J ,bn,' p0N,i,i" Inf ftbT"
advantage there will be no stepping him. I J" ''V, r ' ' ,Ti i . ,1. 1
The rest of the lineup will be virtu- lll,,r;M,,ht ''" "C t,".,,W,es,I ,
ally the same us in previous games with .. ihe ,,rst "YT" m"?.1?'"' "IIM!k"r !
nit hnr I MltitiiiKfliui, c.t. ATt.llIt, .ll(t, !, I '"- . " i "in im- iivtu mn vviihik iu
signals, and IUerllnB and McDonnell as ' J'"'0"' "n: le speakers will be
helpmate.s in the baeklleld. Neville will ' i,?nv ' ", ",r,""ll;I ( il,n'ni" I'"''".
be 'at right end. Hake and Klbllit i , s rianhrecier Hareld. Ansen Ilrucc
tackles Captain Perkery nnd D.mgh- "'V,.1 'ref. ! runcis A.March,
erty at m.ards and (Je.ver at center ' J,h ,n?,;, ,,Br,Il W1""' K 'T ,,,rt, "T"
CatheMc High will depend upon the , "''"'V 1I1,0,,K,1.( 0",'1, s"',,",'n, ,lls
speedv Vlnee MeNallv te de the L-renler I V"1 w ".' 'nmmage. the ineii were
,iii lie iti ii'i iiimmi.
i...- e ,i. r i." i "..i..ii.. i Kepi en tneir tees tin
...... ,. ..,u v.u.u um, i;!iti ill)- i .,,. ..nrt M,11P,,11 ,,P,n ,,,.. ,..llnle
the end runs and the forward parsing
Noted Heme-Run King Starts
Vaudeville Tour In "That's G(Vd"
, Mount Vernen, N. Y Nev. !.
fiabe Ruth, billed as "The King of
Swat," made his long-heralded stage
4but here in Procter'.s Theatre. He
(Ma ably biistained In his hour of
trouble by Wellington Cress and by n
tjanlst, who interfered only In the nc nc
tempaniment of n couple of tongs.
Ruth nml Cress made an ausplcieiis
Mart in their .sixteen-week tour iu u
Hutch dubbed "That's (loed" and aub aub
UUe "A Patlricul Heme ltiin."
A crowded heute was en hand and
lie applause, of evident spontaneity,
Compelled Huth te make u brief cur
tain epecek. He evcu indulged, In the
r.0UKe of the tketeh, iu a teiik-nl bong
dialogue with Crebs, entitled "Little By
Uttlc," and, decpite u cold, the slug
Itr unblauketcd a nut unpleasant bari
tone voice.
He get the je-is and jibes ever well,
tte, the chief outburst occurring when,
Iter the llabc had received u stage
Wegram from Judge. Landih and hud
beea asked by Ciebs, "I it berieuuV"
'Huth nnsvvcrcd, "Should suy it is; seventy-live
cuits collect."
Brooklyn New Said te Br. Big
League Team He Will Buy
Xe.vv Yerli. ni. !. (iisirpn M.
Cehan's name Is again linked with
baseball ns. u prospective buver of a big
league club. Cehan is in Hurepe, and
when he sailed it was intimated that
the name of the club he was te buy
would he iiuiiMiiucfd at a certain period.
That pi'iieil ciimi' and went with no
Ilroel.ljii Is said in be ihe club Cehan
is en the eve of purchasing and would
have purchased ere this had net some
thing unforeseen ari-cu te block the
deal. Se fuitlice prm dings, aie at
a stand-till pending Cehau'.s letiirn te
straighten them out. lie is expected
back before the first of the jear.
As a prospective bu.ver of a big league
club Cehan has been before the public
ut h regular iuterviil.s for considerable
Amateur Sports
"th.. ,. ... .. .. j -r
....w v.,y .ll-mrr.. t.unii'u"in ui I hi
JJfcpUitle si ir eulil lll.e In tux It iriunn
r'JU lirit- ia s limine IrainH en'rlnif r ifcim
1I luJur -in ill, Jf l Jimph, III! Maw
Wuiit AIIiIcti, ulj llUii te book names
"- .lull IHIIIIM von 5rilI-l' iiis iiuiiiii i,
tL4'1 t'l'ei'i'iuim. 'JI3 t'r l.ani utrecl.
- i(l."li 1. I-., hixend.ciriHs ti.il
S.can wi'Ulil llkn le mrnt lIuIis nf thl
ttlpir ulteruii,' fair liiilucfiiinnts II. IJ.
"JlllaiTu ?." NjiUi Klclitevntli u'.ieet.
iiu r"1"""' "liinlers, u twelve fuii"n-ypiir-li.
' " 'ul1' I '' le nfrnnari uami-.i with
r...m' "' "" "it'', liimie nr aw.iy. I'nii
v'n inH. -'" S-u'iMi iMiU'll Bliei't.
S.; i!',ni' HuetlM IH'. u Hixwn- lk.liti. n-
klrhi '','"' "i" lllft' "' Inline mi I'll.lev
r; i miin in ine Hum. mr n ip in
worth I'luuliiptiu uiu lierinuntiitvn slieuhl
rl ... u u ulla ' AOjiiLtp. ia,Jl iiinii
lflll ilrn f
Prlnrc ,f lv.ne II. (. uuJ llUe I .
""m l in n i) fruin liemn ullli llltHnn-
ii:fn,f...'.,ltd,u1'1 N"- il.liur.l t.--lial-tL'
V.'! '.'" r,n' ""s't
hV, ""'ai'liilil.i VtlilllnlnilK liave nrisiill
uVm.1 ' ,temlrK sciiHen unili r tlitf inuii-
....... , j,,,,,, 4 .MUinie-1 .ticntvlll, llm
ptai uimiiF , tthi Iiuh iuniitl, ti,.ii. a
ii,,;.'':"".1'.1 "'nliur n llulr llne-mi .M''-
""Hiii, iviMiunu uml uilri.n. rurvwiriiHi Mc-
,IUger VIcD, U Wllilld IlUn ,., ,. ,-r , nu..
fsifeulu, Aiiuln it Nuttv iv, S I Jl A.
lerl'JS" ' "'"'iil'i 1' lli-a.l .uid St. Jiuum
rty"?' J U,J""'' MclKvltl. j;,:'j Wuv-
C,""0"'!! II. ('.. a f.'Urlicnnev ntrrn-
'fclmT ""i1""1 ""''' '" '""k """ !"
iS! i l" llK0 u",'l"" Milliilil. Imlii.
A f'riim ju ..I. . ,.,,,,.1.1 nun j ...... .... t.
Iilr,t, "' " I'l'uiiiii
"i.li": U . . iu'l ,lli. I, H.I..II.U
IVm. , "''.il-il.il Ih s nnuv fieui
latrctt ,l ' " luii' -'-' HI Wamiin
lKiVim""l,i" Xl '- "llmu e ir,i' fe,
m ., ... . ...... ... miu ii.j tu i, .p
Ir i" '""' '"" Uum. 1 i lM. JJ.1.
If Wy 'ud' ''n' A" A" ''." tul' Hu'"3"' OV1"'"
f wtyii .r.,.0;,,u.un.u '""" for ""' "
""""H, 3500 JJam c rnrflVM pitrrrt
-- ..'V ,
Prep's Pert Patter
fiitlinlln III3I1 erltjlniilh ' si lieilnleil In
ni'-t 'IIIiuhi'..i 1'iep cm Saturday. .N'ovember
'2 U11 iiceeunt ef NeMiinlii'i II. Aimistl',
liuv. heiiu- 11 national hull'la.. tin u.imc
Hill b- pliO'-il in that date Insti'ii'l.
"Illll" llelsttiiiiRer, WeM riulltii"' iidik
criiler lirliiKi bad; nicniericu iif hlmvv Hon Hen
Ui.'ll In IiIk balliil'ft ilayn. Tin' lltllu lilund
lb vi-iejiil le Jiiikhi II uiily uliun It tuimii
tu iikl.lns uii ull-Muuilbey lvut man.
r.ilille (inlillilatl. lmlfb.uk nnd eun nf tln
li'ii nl(itrn HII ilillllll l'lllll."'B I'll V VII, H
tmiililimt tlmt ill" lt"l i'H'1 lil.nk la k.iiiii:
In bowl eviM- 1Vnlr.1l fur 1 111 f 1 I11UI
Mllul.ihtlu IamsUu will nf the DC-iduli.
C0111I1 Mueller. Snuili'in's ii"'. bat.k"tliall
lillnr ban lilx Hiiuail in III" llem- iiliuunt
imt duj. 'llie in. llbn bKlnnii In . tt ItiK
Ilia lii"ii In lundltlmi 11 iui'kl uu I'lianlblc
uud ferinlne a kuj.1 trum-weil.liiB llvi.
Ciil'tul't f'oeinlis. ,"vinrtliiiiere f'r'p's llltle
teuiler ' neuud I" i "li" "f th I'Hal.st
jeunnittis In bilinlasltg fnnlball He 11U0 W
u irml. fclar. and can 11111 the ctnlury in
JO 1-5 Hcrendi,
VVIillniJ lli-lll. Ill "f l'"'iu flmriiT. I.i
Hiinttii'i KPcish bin Ulb'l'l Mar tlhe llrlll it
vaiil mart en nlim-t, iiiIh of tin) pliisirn
In Hi'lmlhdlli' 1 lr lea ami II Js ileublful If
any en" would be nbl !' 1 .itch I1I111,
Kliisr, bint pai's .eiitd of Atlantic cm
Hiirli'H iliven. I pbeliiu fullbaik for
swnilliuieri' run lb linn pmveu hltnself
Invalii ible te tln Main I. In. Instil lltlun no
11 llin pluni,tr. puuii'i .ind di-f nslvu plujur.
1'iiul ItrinuiN. 1'rnnkfenl HikIi'h capliiln,
1 1 .iiinlhT li.H'kluM innu wb'i In IIuth Willi
llir i.oeds. It Iimh b. hi mulnly tlireush Jletn
iiiia'h uriu'riilblilp nl ..iIIIiik I'Imvh that tli
l'lnncirii lnive l"ii .itli te keep up tlu-u-iliziy
pace tbl3 ',ir-
hlini-iiiiiKcr, llneiuan en il.Tiiinntewn Illsli'a
f llveilt'iiN. 1" a si ir In llie lnnMlnir. He can
cinaiili plaja Willi en. and In itimtli r
jrur tln.re will ! ffwJhrtitr In the iltj.
Kulpli ImreliUI. 'apiBlu of JInvirrnrd
S'lhoel'ii ei 1 i"i leaiii Ih en. nf the lit
(MI'lllflllH -of II"" Hrll'MI K.lln. In Hl-lllllllSII,
lank" !! Is 11 wimdHrful iv-h. r. nnd iuii
ilrlbble Willi lb" I" "I i" '"""
Mitilniils, ii-iilnr feiwin.l of VVi I'liiilj
limbs 'i li'iuii li 1 ib-'i mni in r
r irtinT He hi nil I In- iu,',"IiiiiUhIiiiipiiiii of
I liuiililll, and la a iluel 'nui at llie ueal.
('upliilii Jee Jrfluitt, of enl J'hllinlelplilH
IIIkIi cxi) '! te I t'lidy te atart Iho
Central Kama, Ilia Ice l rapidly leilntc ltd
puln, mid tn nnellier week. It l bellevil. Iia
will be vvulklnv around us tpry an ever.
''De j 011 knew that tt leii't ."00
students of the 1'iilversity of I'enns.vl
vanla' have had previous football ex ex
perience?" Several former Ued and
Illiie stars were discus-dug the lack of
gridiron material nt the I'niver.slt.v us
one of the reasons for the teams of the
last few- jears.
"Yes, at least that number and prob
ably mere. I de uet have the cMiet
figures te hIievv, but they are accessible
and I de net think that I am mere
thnn twenty or thirty ever or under
."00," continued a former University
star and new- connected with the ath
letic department of the T'ulvers'ity.
"When a man enters this Univers
ity." hn continued, "he signs n ques
tionnaire en which lie Is asked te state
what sports he has engaged iu before
coming te college. It is really surprising
the experience some of these men have
had. .Most of them have plajed en
high and preparatory school teams be
fore entering college, ethers have seen
action with independent teams and net
a few buve plucd en ether college
"It is an oje-epener te see what u
large list it Is and what 11 varied ex
perience some of the nien hnve had.
There is hardlv 11 ilpnrtineiit In the
I nivcrsity I hut doesn't have lis ipieta
of former gridiron plii.iers, and It seems
a slmme that the.v de net bine the
spirit te come out for their own 1'ni
vcrsllj eleven.
"Instead of slxtj-live or seventy men
reporting for football practice when the
cull is stnd every fall IV1111 should
have three and four times that number.
Wh Ihe siuiuil that should icperl
would keep several doctor-, bus and
II detail of clerks engaged getting the
diilii en thetii. Prem Hint number the
task te select the best eleven would lie
11 stiff 1 but utter 11 sjslein had been
started l'enn would have sonic mighty
line football loams
"If th.it number reported iu Ihe fnll
we could de as the Navy does divide
the sound up into teams with letters of
the alphabet, put them te work uud as
u man pievc.l his worth promote him
along the line until he iculieil the
vurslt.v sipind. Of course that would
iiienii 'hind work ter the student and
eiualb hard work for the coaches, but
it would solve the problem of having
bigger sipinds and mere capable ones.
"Imagine want 11 weiiiu ne, nun tue
speaker smiled, "te Hud that In the
second and I bird jear as men were
graduating ethers would be coming up
etpiipped with football knowledge, the
st.vle of plav I Vim uses and rcutlv te
step right in en the varsjty. Then we
would have Ihe tenuis. It would be a
sucei ssieu of teams that I am sure
would lese mlglilj few guinew ever 0
ttreti li of .vears.
"S'a.v for Instance that 11 fieshuiuii
lifter making his I ram icperteil for ihe
varsit) iu his soplieiuorc jear. and al
though net thought capable enough te
play varsit.v football would still be 11
mail who could iiupmve with coaching,
Allew that man part of the season en
su.v the fourth team, and later promote
him up one sipi.ul. When his junior
venrrell'd around lie would knew feet,
ball and would lie iilpable of meeting
the he-it of the vUeniiis in a light for 11
"I don't knew what i.s the matter
with this, bes. In the old ihijs we
would light te get en the Held first
and would drag along te be the last te
get under the shevvcis,, 1 have usked
mail of them why they de net plit.v
ami their assortment, of answers would
make 1111 old -tinier smile.
'"Seme have very reasonable cveuscs,
but ethers have liuixhiitilu ones, rot ret
instance, one lad told me that his girl
did net want him le pkiv. Anether said
that he hint his shoulder as 11 high
school pla.vcr and was told never le play
b.v his parents. Others Idiiiiied the
heiivv stud.v limits tlu-i earn mid ethers
iu the chemistry and engineering dc
piutuiciits say the get out of classes
tee lntc.
"(Ih, I could i;ccetint hundreds of
reasons given te me why some of these
huskies de net play. Seme day the
old spirit will reawaken and the Heed
of candidates en rriinklin Field will
make hlster.v. It may come seen nnd
It may uet, but I think a movement Is
new en fet te visit these men Individ
null dining the iciiiiilnilef of the year
in 1111 effort is have them icpert next
"1 he hundred mi 11 who can plnv
and eulv slM.v-live or sevciit.v report
ing ami less t Iiiiii lltlrt.v -live vvlien the
lir.-t of November 10II- mound, that
iu 11 nutshell is one 01 the big reasons
why 1 Vim doesn't have heller fuetbull
teams." And after healing the vet.
cruu llin lifitcncra agreed with him,
The fullback, .Tim Higglus, wll be n eTrldlrmi '
dangerous man for the Hluc nnd White, "riii ,
squad was raced tw lee the length of
forwards te sten. as he is shiftv. fust
nful knows hew te make the best use
of his weight.
Preparations have been made for u
big turnout. The Alumni of both In
stitutions are loyal in following their
teams and this game especially elvvnjs.
draws a capacity crowd.
Gazella. the dlmuiiltlve halfback.
showed that he was cntlrel.v recovered
from bis injury reeiived in the Kutgcr.s
game by outdistancing the rest en betn
occasions. The vurslty was then jiur
thieugh a strenuous signal drill lasting
niore than an hour. All the reculurs
were 011 the Held with the execution of
I Dutch Schwab, who was detained bv
lute classes. The varsity exhibited
mere life nnd light than iu nny workout
tins week.
1 .,., v.-.,. rr u .. The way in which Ttriinner rin
Last Year's Freshman Captain Outi ties, the signal drill brought smiles
of Tomorrow's Llne-Up te the face 0f Coach Sutherlariu, wi.e
New Haven. Conn., Nev. I-. Itlalr. .a unrr,l1 1,out the condition of bis
the big Yale left end, who was captain "'VttitaTil'dee'V.ehecka was ale in unl unl
ef the freshman team last jear, will be form. He took n light wors.eui m
nimble te play against Mnrjland State ' passing the ball and limbering up his
mini game 1
.... .....I... 1 : .1 ,1.. ... ..-.. ,.!..,,.... . ..
mm is own uruer 1. Lincoln uiinc uih vi uiie captain entering tile IVtin "nine
place en the varrit jestcrda.v. lie is1 '" vrri slim, though he will be 111 mil
iu the iutirmar.v.
nay against .Mankind State ' passing tne nan mid umbering up Ills
Hlnir has been plajing n n,,!kl'':1 ','1(,-'I"i "Ne f'dlovve.1 (he yur-
- ,, ... , sity through most of the signal drill
in tin scrimmages this week Thp pnjellity of the .Maroen and
lllalr out of the big games with
1'rliicctun and Ilarvatd would be 11 great
blew le Yule. He weighs ISO pounds
and is 15 feet ." inches tall. He pln.ved
nt lletchkiss before coming te Yale.
His home i.s in Dallas, Tev. He has
plajed bft end 011 the varsity prac
tically the whole season.
The work of the Yale varsity jestcr
da.v consisted principally of 11 long dum
my scrimmage, followed bv 11 short
scrimmage against the scrub, in which
the first -string substitutes were tried
Famous Gelfer Sues Husband In
Pittsburgh Court
PKfsburgh. Nev. . Doretbj tamp
bell I lord, former ISritlsh, Amcrlt tin
mid (.'iiniidiiin woman golf champion,
today Hied 11 libel iu divorce In Common
Pleas Ceuit. charging her husband.
Jack V. Iltird. of Pittsburgh, with sub
jecting her te Indignities. However.
Mrs. I Turd does net sick an absolute
out in the varsity line while the icgu- , divorce, aklng the Court te allow her
lar men resteiK a separation and iiliuienj te amount net
I . n.,.,,,,,! .,,.-, I, l.,.l ..f l,- I.M.I, 1..
... ... ..I... , -,.,,,,, y, j. 1 111, -uu IIU I
.Mr. and Mrs. Ilunl wete married in
Pebruarj. IllI.'S. uud have been living
apart since Apnl '.'1 of this vear, iii'
cording le the libel. Thej have one
son. Mrs. Ilurd has the distinction of
holding mere golf titles at one time than
nil) ether woman
Three Cities Seek Title Match
Itli.i. N. V., Ne' t. Tha llftj-feurth
annual nn'tliik' of th.- ranl I'urllnK Clul,
of Aiiirrlri vll br- bold ill thli i-lt iuxt
Vtdnsiida. TI10 awiirdint; of tbfi IJei.Inn
International mae-li with Ciniiida. vvlili li In
te be cenKMxil In thli country tlila hc.i.
son Is Hiu IhikIIik; Iphuc, I'tl.-n Haran.i
I eki nnd acbcieilndy arc h 'cKlnj tlej
mrr- rp-.- ,-.-,
''.i". AI3TT-
wA .Ai uraRK"! jisas..vjrl
We Will Cut
Royal Shoes
Open With a
Buzz Saw te
Let Yeu
See and Prove They Are
100 Solid Leather
Wc hne placed a buzz t.av in our window.
Today and Saturday wc will take shoes rinlit
out of block cut them up before your eyes
anil frhew you that Ileyal Shoes arc belid
leather threuirh anil through.
Wc will take shoes bought at ether sliev
stores, costing .uerr- money, cut them up. tee,
anil show you where paper anil ether hub.sti
tutcs are used.
A sensational demonstration of Re.val qual
ity and value evidence that our .sule-utreet
economy prices are positively $lj te $1 less
than ether stores ask for SOLID Lh'ATHKR
Today and
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l.lei bi-iT for Miurs
of il'ls (u. illtj
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Sec Tliia Demonstration. Let the lluzz Shew Yeu the Truth
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15th and
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The results of two months of ceaseless effort te reduce our
stocks at the cost of every cent of profit, has been rewarded by
giving us large reserves of cash with which te make big under
price purchases. The first of these mighty price-lowering
movements starts today in earnest with a sensational offer of 2654
verceats &
At these prices you are getting them at exactly $10 te $20 less
than what they were made te sell, for, and we guarantee no
store anywhere can duplicate them for less than
30 te 45
And Fer The Stout Man, tee,
at $25
We have set aside a fine collection of
stout and extra size suits in fine worsteds
and cassimeres that we will sell, while they
last, at $25.
Old-Time Prices Back Again!
30, $35,
540, s45 & '50
Throughout our entire stock of ever
15,000 of the finer grades of garments,
you will find our prices down te bed-rock
lower than any ether in the city.
Suits and Overcoats
The equal of the
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Special $90.50
At ,$:;. 50 we present
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the best $50 preposition in
Suits ami Overcoats in this
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