!W "SfflHK's r jn Jf- . ' .1 ' i'-Y V ('. A i , 1! Hi' 1. BVENtN'G- PUBLIC LEDGER-IJHIIJADELPHIA, FEIDAY, NOVEMBEK 1021 r' jifsi r rv I' m m i" I, I fl :' -1 e CLOSE-UPS ej By UKNKV ?y Means, the Auther Should Uave Credit F LROM Leunder'kllialrli-1.. of 170JI t&jh : lour I'emmrntH n 'I'miiiw tolee the fntimeiit.i of Hn averime Inucrttv the nrodiii-er, the cameraman ami the Jnnller. "There In. teurier. In m.t rstlmatt'.it cue man or -aetriMM who IS entitled te fall credit nnd trhiih" tinni (."leuld iinie.tr. .That w fie author -the i n' or (ellewea whose briif ih aiifl liurd -snrl. efieu under t'l" nn.it t.'.il'i? eiMidltlntiH, produce the erlfciital ii'iiterliil of the tale. Vew. 'ou. a.i u writer de je;i twt think this li only jmt?" And I answer te that "Yeu beteh'r .-wet life I da." I'm llrmly oemin-ed that the day tfl reming v. hen flic gcnulin' L-rei-n author will be the one bis wmtrelllrj fafter in tie snivel of tue ins ll'ti're. I l"'ll"' e tlmt tudn.v tl'C slump in popular re-p-vi ter tl.e movies l djie te tue h,iti), -t.iinded ami bid" bound methods of a let of people 'ie t'u'il, me'C et truditli'ti and m-e.iMH teobnle of priidui'llen, than the de of tii'Ij d ainutl" nr 1 ' mean -intere-t male.-'al. , Kenc'vear and a li.i'f age a "luull group e' M.e.-n eriti't--' ri t teRetl i-r nlth tils very Idea In U"n- hhI formed the S-rccli pjtcrw" llui'.d, e Meli wi. 1 1 made u hrRP'-h of tt uthn'- i.uriic. It U reall lendrrl'iil I'en thai gjilil I a.i grown and n'lat It i.w lu'.-oie-plbhed te bring I'-tv d"l t'"' niitl'i- a-i ine pfr-en te whetp met i.f t c i,r.,1U , hheuld te. It lisii bfi.i-L,l fern.t et entrn'i and prb-e.i paid and g. rie.-all; th'1 i .12. .lt ., 4 U .. . ... ..I... .. ..U.r.. II.IIH .. ...In ..ie il.iu t1i. I'.illlin.lt!.)!! I 'T I ii . "ieu "iv It 1 le nteri ted In Isiien-in? t'.it t.ie llps'-t nen a:td -unum am. iip Dhotedramutlnti iw. bi-'ins t the Hal'.:. Tl urcinltatle". .-as fei.s'it a de-en bitter bultlea iWt.i le tile prtduecra and rtlt, it. fa '.'ri u iu hi f 1 rcceffiutiuit. iiml no e 1 u.i ... lumparrd tv thr elu ilaij ichiu T NOTJOKD Uat tKJitl. in lue I i. tl- the Guild an Intp-rtlns a"!'" ttiture" hi h. I'm aui.- you V'M sajj: 'Ti-it et a 1. e li limine t ." t- nletere. a '.icl l. devolepe.1 ait a-. r!tm,m t.-.i .In) i inm.'. Ir i. t'.". w"i"""' ..... ."I ....... (,. ..-.-. channel uf ne.vs prenti iieii. t' i'p.'ihile of tnten.atlerial uudrtnnd.:is. "IWiirilral'j 't ha 1 mii-rsnm irwue i'Iiiu'r... Photenipli; . llR',tui?. labor.ite.'v v or' . prej .lien are all fa- advi.need be;enl present standi. rdc. Vtreleii hu t"n itlli.i f-r t.ie fi.i-. i-. l.n of ..r.-ei.t c enH. an aWiitfM Mint made pe ib'.c by le.eluttv nary n ctnu'l-i l'i p.uit.iRrapli.. . "111l the j-reen draina': l-'umlr.. pregre'.'.el . It lian a d.ft'eiei'. ai.d.'eni". an K.id:n (. ruur.iteJ b' Tbrevicb bin urt tn" h"rcen rite.1 Ia t.uib'..t fiat nudl' nc" .hrt tollew vbat etT e -i 1 a 1 ;, i i- .-I tl e -.ci ;,.' th It never giu te ii uramntl' pn ep; nil. lie I,a 1 lprewd In art I. l.t- -alin ' II" 11. t na'.'i.l It" intert and . phiiorteph.. . i a'ln i' i.ml the li.."n ic. of fhili.attuli "T ru'y tin re 'n ' 1 ne uiubr tl ..n ter It. ' eia.'tlns aiiiln.'". initial and 1.11 ipai.iij'. ttf .ou--, it aetlne Itnelf uputi the t 11, iu li .pi-.-. :i'.ir., love . tracedicj. lint it d na. ds . tt' '... -lei tluuttl. T.ie e'd til k- ti" liriRi held It In unni'tue and s'f. e It tl blj 1 "r- -rei'ii mum; In 110 'eiii'j- .' nuther imn-t ). -i if t ai iv... 1. )t l standard nut be titular, t. greater pi'i'iiniury r-'a.i! went of the art. b.it m iv "or an he'.r icl.l. ifj p'0(a cHiciciit'i1 tsp rpcrt attth piimj ike etf.-nal tn-inii t' ut ilrj ,, a tl r ere i.e MOi-r. thru la-iat's- c.11! tf n et.a 1 iiic'.jrf ti'I. eh'" I', .let.' ieiiiff a feed bui'mct rrcn Iij'hh- j im Irr -?ird that mch'iiI, pI.i'iitJ and itcative avtlsltica 1.. ni ' tn-i'rd ..'Tfl ate';'. T'.r d.iica a the heistene ichich aipyerti t' c 'cu a.-ppli' tt." Answers te Questions by Mevie Ians CABEK.N Sjl-.U r.reame;' -ie-. tleture wi'l be "The I'n-inteiii ("..i.c" Brt Ltell ' i'i play op.w.-ilie he-. isLi uea born In Sydiej, Vuiriiii . S .c has dark bru n hair and eyed. CI-MUK--William rrnun-. tun teturned from Europe, thU being flrat vacation in twenty -fr.e year-, de net Wnew the title of IiIj nut rur. I.!.' EDITH It U true t'wt ta."-i I' t. b a ret,al of "I'r. Jekyll and M '. rijde" bui Je1 n I lurry n."i e II1 i. . plu th" li 'e -e e. Je.ii Marr. .i.w.i-'-latest pi'-tuu !a "Tii" Iilu" E- e:- ." Colleen Metie yk.jj opie.t' lil.a i. tlila picture. JACK Yeu are i..iUkei abuu C0I0112I William Ctxlj . Hi died seu.e yean age. .lane and Kathc.-lm Lee arc in vaudeville. Tnt'DEAI' Mars Ai.derM n pl-i.- onpeKltc Charlci Ilay in " Ules te tJe." The tat boy Tve Aliu- ie Lincei: Jateadmau. 5 ft BETTY The ca-t of ' Ta Lup c k A STUDIO-BUILT FAIRYLAND n nr,, , . . - .. .... i, I I " " J4 1 facrpii"' '"' ' ' h - JpStyT?T5lM!MM appearance year-i age In "The (Viwber IllIL, 31 I UUJ Id A S)l;l LI , t'LALL U B VPV - jt JTrmt Jrr A iH mM B R H EH!Lr"'V.li ,jiJM CT- l rnHKV -:r-'l 'h Thie.,' a fam'.u'i eld-tluie f l DiRrr m T' . f M m 01 "Pi '? r ' j3SL ' fB ':Wm&' BfeaBJJMhjJl'HBPJflSltBWl' PL1 t'e ica, preb'em was hisieiuug v M V' ,viii BPIB wl lff' HHKflHPr'.HIHyHib. l lJ the er 'Ibe speeial "stlekum" , W J .'i' f . .. .- " vlWPiB IH f HnlB'wHEBMQttc'' l'evl' r thH l'a,t !h a;)I;1'"1 l,) tl,,"l i. V x 4l'v't'v -te-J Hi mil? HBK, .,iHE9HB 'JKm& ('PPl'" eyeUsh with u nat.-h. liien ' ; , dT'H. ZmBL -- ,.Mm BSB' , PHHK9F' Jk9lm for ten minute. Aftsr rhln the eye Is , 'A i "f&'l ' ,'jP-' , ,, ' WaKk ' Wi Hiiw i'5' ..'eed until the end of the day's work I K ' 'l WAj' '',-'4 ' tBfe" 1 Hf , JPjdW m'ni.te thie,ig. the u-e or uiwnhei tfmMmt'' ,3, ,$,,,'& .x&r$K "!? Bl B Hv I" ., . ; P"-M preM'rlptien. T' is partie.ilat ft iig ,,', - f A'riWO 1 MiWW'KL. 1 -V lue aauve pietun. hew.i wan iin ,.ig. i.,e i,.i.,i, . ,. I'uid t u.t be uaed, as 'niter 1.. of no 'M,r;Kk i "' lJm$8m '; '"lHS',BB I Kt lJ.. "" .un,.V",r' .V'V "'"1 t:;me.'.i, '. Meu .e-ltae veuiU'r-and ei ivnll. ,C1.-iwMMaMmBM!Jy SttS ' s . v ------- "-.. iv 1 . - .. . ' (in im uiir, 1 in ijli I'i'i 111 .... . cuiuuiirr. i'tiir nnu rn . i'Pii ei ut r .1 t... .. i ei... i , i 1 1 i l uh- i t "i i '-' - .w ---.- .,J .tiyt, rt .)-aMt'?tr..Jaia& x-i- n,; I the; Klyln D,agb,u yl0, tbe LrlUw ,n tll(5 Ucksr0Uud, uu built in UQ ; '' ?uU whl c S "blgb-ligh ling'' ' vVUb V' - "' fjj "hp 'fjLa x'f D' ?" 0t beler :, pain "gives &WS'i?. vant Hir -t, jwc) with the bridge und water aa a background ' Socket. r , 'l.Ih1,., 'c. a ; 1 '-. a K . dlOJll ' J , , i rl&ik. n eJhtaaaL--- . 1- . Y .yAix , -iilik a le the MOVIE GAME M. NTCIA Mount Ttien Ureet, huim u letter. W..e'e Yeti 'fiunlv' en tie n-reeii w geed- verj seen Hint'1 fun uliM von iay -nt out tlie Iiurteii It Inn v j:i 'all of t.e Important e.icj the luti w (.' e ou. 'j.. li in,' .'i'O n re l!( I in m rt.Mii'f r a r..!' . ttai i" ,)'.' n dui " anil dr p utitluinui t lu' luii.h.y uiii " e" 'ir "ArK .ent.lin"; " n;iee u a'teselin'" d". iruu. a' erjan of ,.en of the The vrtter -i" peopled with n -dri;-, mit - :r)pi..d t p.lntiii'; pr. T e t vot.en t 10 publi.' (.it.fKt i-duoatien.il ter.'e. the un'.e r ital'y. t. Im.-' nl ''.lanfed. j it a t"'C ;.l 't.ii'f. 'an-." rlieulu l.ni't"'! api i'..1 ''" i'd t v '.. 1 'ii J.1-.' la ! 11 l.ueJ 't- .1 . jveii'Mit . lL tili ' 'It"" . , llHtC. IV "'li ' 1 im ati"-lin' '. t aa'.ter e: t.11. era .iti- Cerinerl, It iti1 terinerl.. e tt. Only tin ill. .r lu. ti.-n if Mrlj U i.mler pre . r-. '1 .1 , UK. 11.1 1. e r v..r.: ' . 1 an ' u.n-.'il ei liii auulen -e. 1 1. i..,l:irmii'.ii'i belter. Ai-a 'at of t e . t 1, 1 .l.i.i natu.H.l; in' uii'i ti. ..10:" tane tii'j t I" c:.p 'n.:i ! Ces!. "i.-i lc:tc -cd tjpctr.i'c-, u ' te cclc'c.-c'c viiii.i-pii,,i1 pied-i 'ii e 'I and i" ma t c i.ii'fff.i.afipii. the t din'i'j and tlr jj! etudif utiit a'eut lit.'" i eh-i.i M.alge Ue.l.n.. Nllaj "e.. . UeImi-, Tallj Mj IL. iii-th. i- '.u'.l a-iJ (jENEV.V Wl'l U.ifr' and "yl a 'he ey -!ld down mid reieajing the inus Hreamer biad tne ca..t i.. "Ueubliug clca lur interpret..tivj a.-e. f"- Itomee." Ella l.ee i ae oppeJl'.' i e c Ji.ei lle't in 'Afte- the Sl'O- ." A.DY Cer.Htanee Talmide" mil j.'Ht f.riisbed "Heed ter Nothing." Her i.est jiiit'ire vtil be " Ttie Dl.-un-ee." K-iiiietli Utrlan .111 p'a, epixi It hi. . Cl'M'VA - Lillian HUi -nncici ioret.iy m one ' icti.re. Tier 'ate t pliture '.i "Tl.e T'v'e O.-paau". MAHY IL Who is n.e r.Hitieii-picture aetre-s -a he rises r.t o'cle-! every morning and i" an uc uc eempli.'l ed cornet plajcrV New therr Is a question which lias me t-tumped. I ear you arc getting me In en one of thesi guessing contests, and, fran'aly, I hate theii. Ne, I de net ltnev her name. Wuen you dH.wer it seu may tell e. It ih hope whr docs net puy t'..it blooming cornet at 7 ill the ieiiiing Daily Mevie Magazine CLARECE BURTON IVAWSTOBE "ME A, EST J 'ILL Alps" "T U'ANT a dlfTe-ent Mm of vil lain." naid (V.-i' II. 1 Mllle. pliture ti al.r. te ('areme I'.urten c!:ara.'tr r."ter. "t want a tnun te n.eiin-loel.lri- tli.it nie ip hi diTu'ra H' t.tiew en slglit tli.it tminlrrlnc people in their beds Is enl a mild dWerulen te him." he -emlt of tbi e-iler apttearcd In "lVei'a raradle." And vbat u 1 1 -lain! Here wiw a "eantma'' m an oil te" en thr Mexlenn benl.'r. Amid nil the eXi,ltrmnt tlie.'e enfrpfl u burly fie lire in the i'bhp ud felt hat of t. '.uiiuere, u!niHter iitiM snneri d"ep in .-Ml I'.vc. one lone eyn Blinting with vtieeiitrated di!te. The ether -eeliet nas apparently empty -u arjtnt hpner 'nfeiv 115 ...any deadly en.'eunter.t of .. 'in iial natuf. in greatm j l"rI..allen f.und Itj beRinulii ,own analj.iii of hb probleni. "An absolutely new t-ert of 'lienj' . had te be '"reafd." hf tld. "Scar 'ni.l b"i'n iimmI liuiulrcd 1 of tlwi. te I e.iij I arliy mukn tl " t'u. ImN it 1 O .'lara'U'-rUatien. Ne- wiim ib't'enn l, pe.vHiblv. l)n.-li.gj;pd and out I riii"J lllaliiH ar" nltm no i-vnimieii a.' th'1 waie.i et thr dm. ' "I ueut ever the lift of a I tb" .''.ar 'ii'-ter MifHTiPs' I bad ever fpi-n 01 I played for the last twenty .li. jr.n-. , .11 .1 finally deeided en a one-eyed In I tcrpretatien. ' l"i:u-:ieter r.cteri h'ic t.ied t'u I bcter.'. "j ;t 1" ; b; . I it u' ihr.' n i.i is.-iua-I tuuati-i; . tar.t d tn.. i ter fac.al r. pre-aieu. I tnen, hui te tinii mimp. ul.'.i g -heii eji .fi(-t. I'nfer- al' e jpertmilt.. My preblm. le.ll s or hehllti '..-, i Mali "a., a r-ally aard t.t iu rack. If I used nol'edlon cr glue, tie j ordinary hitl'Stan -es fe fastening skin or h..i- in i.vil.e-up. I -ieuld clthc ,.-t , ,- JP out .. ,mlke n p CIJll.jj mri . 1 or t i '"le 11 rait I 1, t I t aj t" g.t. ' 1 Iig I "je ev. (!,. uc 1 ''.;' u.ii.n 't 1 "Y .n''i !..n us ability .-ii'.'-r erdir. iry ciicui.i.stjnees. "I tool; ,.-i nc ill, t triend into con prominent 1 ""ultatlen, and ntttr -e-..e tceV:s of e- lit-riineiiL i-veni'u u iu'-hum 111.11 inn the fastening Fatlstaeteril. photo pheto phote praph"d w-ith the urepi-r sere eye effect, ifii v.tHbed off vlth the utmeit eci-e. The entire prece-.w ree.uireil something i-er three hours cee ibiy." Te t,e Mr. I.iirten en tie ttret t : veuid take hi'ii for u prosperous bus'.-r.cr--H man. AVell-f're-i-ed. wcl -gremne 1. l.lnd te hh friend', bis family and b!1 deg, I'i'.rter le .. 'egulpr American In 1 very v -jy, "l.e leeks ,.'iil is a gecd. ii.telllgent. la' -nbld'.i 1 ekber. In hi.s dre-'sl'i.; r'n tl.e tii-t r,.ee is t. il'iu tiie 1 leth''.-, for the pait. And fa. .e are vertb a stnTy In themsel-e . Tii- aqnere i-.it i1 of Ijither and R'-n-ii" lelj Meilccn It .'.is pureluihcii in 1 ( iiihuahua, Melee. and made Its tin: a ipearance year-i ag" In "The (Vcvbev and li Thie., ' a famuri .Jd-t!t!ie 1 .e'.edraii . jl HHQHMHBBailH '""rfe if) y'- 1 Tif'ill BWBBf "",M' ""rf,A: My8yillBBBBMSHM -: I .1 . --- .. .. .. I I HI ! I II Mllll II ll . Ami wi ' 'fcfcfrg "" MMMMM "j .Mara. tm-.hMWBm&i jh.;:' .Wttmfm ,e98sefl u. i.h mmimm. - vm--r---jm. smmmmm igel Barrie Is et Related le the Auther ej "The Little Minister" O'VE he started werl. as the "bra i " in Hetty Coinp"en'i picture, "Tne Little Minister, " dlrc'ted by I'enrbyu Staulawp, Mgel liarrle has been dub- M either "Hlr Nigel" nr ".sir .lamea" by Kb fellow plajen. I! it, lie observes, he's relate,! mitiier te t' " ancient knight mad" laniuus In t'nuan Tlejle nor te the noted diamiill t iitul ninellst, "When Charles I'ruhu an brought me eier te America (or (he tirst time,' jays Ikinle. "eddi.v enough. I was ailed upon te plav in Sir James M. Ilarne's 'Half an Heur.' I'rehman wat worried about the similarity of names. " 'They'll think you're his Ben or hOinetliing.' lie said. "I reminded him that llarrie had no son, but an; way he induced me tm puiarlly te hjiell my name Mtarry.' uewever, 1 vc wnee aitcrea t tic -ipcllln; te the original "My granuiainer auu great g-antl t. tiier were both in the military son. ii" in t'reat Hrltain. In my iircNent role of a Hrltlsb captain, I made up 1 specially as te my hair -te leek heuic- vbat like my great-grandfather. . t.i&Z.l Tin. old lrMiiz about (lie world cm example, when ludgd Bellamy blurted work nt tbe Lusky ttudle in California bhe found ber ceuuin, Tem l'ejrwan, directing there HE WANTS TO BE THE "MEANEST VILLAIN" j hhv ; -- jmmm .. i THE) MA) YET REBUILD WORLD 1 MO) IE STUDIO A I" I IK il ve full et wneke and lieclli' iliiiii'ing girl-; . hug" Afiicuii leldt aud. a lleer .set tl 'im nl ; A iligiullid old ihigli.ib manor heuc,. And all nl these f-etn bad te be ceti- 'trueted in forty "ight heiirK by the teehiii.-iil mrn of I 'nl i erv.il (Mli f.ir ni... hires! under production. Architect', designer., interior mill eUorier decorators, production ninna- gern ami diiecters inimedialeh get busi v erliiug out eieiy iletnll. 'I lie puche dhe, nlii.'h will be used In "t'laj.-' Mlr.sdu Peiil's hlariing )lc tille new being made, lin-. been creeled "in (lie underworld dinh-ict of I'uiN." and ts iMinplrle iu eieiy d. tail of the life It depicts. The walls are urtcied with irnjeti t-keldies of ilani-ing girls. Prem-li crse, names and initials, while brlglit pesiers decorate ether poitiens of tbe place. ' T 'tiNTKAKT te tbe informal, un Iguified atmefipliere of the Apache ' i-er Is t li ; replica of the old Enclish niutmr Ihhim. whieh will be used in I'rls.'ilU Dean'-, plcnirc, "Wild Heney," under the direction of eslej Kugg'les. 'I heugh it is supposed te be an old mansion which bah been b. Iter days and wni"li i.s new run down because the family has lest Us 'walth, the manor house still retains that certain prcs- I tige and dignity true te type. The very brb'ks In the nulls, though some et them 1 are crushed and broken, t-ecm te nrt Mimr an air of haughtiness and caste as one approaches the beiihe. And the difference between an old ruu,-dewu es tate which never did Micltir aristocracy; I anil mi' mat Hill does but In dilapi dated because the taniilj has lest its wealth. Is vcr.i great when it comes te 1 the question of designing. And while theie two distinctly dif-tri'-nt hets are b' i'i,' erected, Hallfis rit7gn-ald, who Is directing (iludjb Walten in "Sandman," Is trying te figure out where he inn stage the big fire scene ealled for In the script. iih-.e In ,n-,i.li.,,i in 11... ...... .... ywan, dlrsctltig I P"Cv Wif sy FOREIGN MOVIES PROGRESSING VAST CHAPLIN WARNS THAT Ameriean stars and producers tnun leek te their laurela If they nr.- te l.e"'i ;iaee vitli the pregrc-.h which I- reijn molien-!ileture eeueerus are mahin; in the ilnolepiiietit of the silent d'aniatie. art. una the deelara deelara lien made by Ciiarle.i Cliapiin, just bar); from T".:rope, at u dinner in Hie iillnierr i it v, eck. Mr. t iiiiphn H'el.r rariirulaiif of Itbe pregrrsn belnp made in ill ni preduc tien in tt'Tiiian "The.i foreign preiltieerp." Mild Mr ' tiaplin, Merk er euislr. mere v than utrt Amerlenns engagr-u in tne wnm une. Tiicy ricog riceg nir 'bat we are ahead of them in teehnlqii". but they leiee tbey are abend of ii in Mery alue. "Tbey are trun; for rrnlisn- and tllbtletr In tlieli- stories. 'Hiei- Rnv ne i'itie t'M many bedroom farces ami sex n'a.iH, and 1 agree -with them, and that nie. of our stories are tee ob ieiii. tee mail -te-oider, and that tiicy lad. lie cimincing appeal of a Mery ibnt in 'nitlifiil te real life. Original htei-lei Vlitt'Ml CspCi'lallv fop t 1" MTi;ep -m1 i ee tu. only salvittieii fc the ftn"uean ' l'l-educer." i.apliii i-tatul tnnt wi.ile in Uirlin ' ' "let Tela Negri, the great European ( - . "no in 8 a.-nii-veii iaine in .Mnerica ',r hsr wmlt in siieh pictures ah "One .".'V'" 'Siit and "rassieii." I . ,s,,,1 '1 "cn n,c"'c vinieieufi, !,.,,. . in j... li.rtl.. IT .... . .1 t. niOTeri.AMs AlJiambr. l'(Vi fnl t Tlnaavnnlr As. A. Mil tjnllv ut -J. Kvita. C.le 0 BERT LYTELL i " Mi'.ssvciyjTteM marv' ALLEGHENY MtaW.I;' 'Dangerous Curve Ahead" APHI I C K-t lIKiMPeON bT1 -vt jl.lj matim:i: uailt WALLACE REID In "TOO MUCH bl'Kl.n" ARCADIA I'llEfcTNir Uel in A M te 11.18 lern I'. M. EUGENE O'BRIEN in "Tin: last neon" AQTOI? iuankun t. eniArty al,. 1-k1 WJYS. MATIN'Fn HAII.T DOUGLAS MacLEAN III "I'ASNIM. rilKj" BAI .TIMORE ,A WcVP$$ .i'mi;-1 ui.nhrt tiimoeii's "GodJsjCeuntryand the Law" UIWV eUll vM M' no i- 1JI1.11 VIATINKI liV 1 JMI1.S liMtKMIKIU In "The Greatjmpersoiiatien" BLUEBIRDT: ) , ': 7;: t 'i BETTY COMPSON In "VT rill KNI r Till MOUIJIJ' Broadway 'r,?: sniVy- CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG injMiiitt.r. n capitol yvV"' r..; , CONSTANCE TALMADGE in "Mi-'yiiiVj HKt.i.-- COLONIAL ttl'Vk "' ,,' " M.bTit ( sr 'n "WOMAN IN HIS HOUSE" DARBY'THEA tre TOM MOORE in "iieni vei it iieksi . EMPRESS" MX,X. ''I M;V,V:K BETTY COMPSON In "M 1111". I l OI Mil Ufiltl AIRMOUNT " ' ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN In "TJHI. IIIRI,IIUIJI MIVtllKld" lAMII V imuw, i hi Vihrt el j 'flU 11.11 I 1 -MVUU. I tt Vi T" ' VI.UhTMt t M lii "BLUE BLAZES' 56TH STr'",V,,.tls;,"r1T.,T; MVIIV ItOIIIUIh tilSKIIMtr'S "IT'S A GREAT LIFE" GLOBE "wl Mi,-'v'. ',"",,", BUCK JONES '" '" "JJi-J iwi lr.RANT,",M".'A''i,. I M . .vKK Uk I I in. "NO WOMAN KNOWSvr me amaxiDS awry vt ideur Ucrtclf vf.1 Vi'r.' ThuVl . "S hr V ,Z.esm " ": rlaniled with buttercups and et a most wonderful personal itv. Yes ' ,UisirS ,,in'' '"'"'n ViV ,"" 1 "T' u'1 Europe has tome ten line artists a, d lW11" T1' i ll7,r llltf,l,.,,nre JUSt X the, re doing .,n.. icrv n bit ie us I ""K th,rr ,00,,,"S "l U "md "10 fCcl thin,. We AlIwrIcjni, ; loik,0?eh.'.:N.',K ,,.,,0 - here's JBUr cef- , k el j r'urz 'v"' ! .K -" r bri,IS k t0 yur' i. m r'? :l"lk':'-'1,rarP, f?r "H "Oli. no; I want te get it myself." I scree,, Mr. Chaplin declare, that the!,,ie,l. hunw'.ng down the room f lev nJ . Vctu'.' ia',ec, cnlln 1 tray and silver. I felt that gluing -resent stage te seriously undertake the baek into tlie ordinary little details of interpretation of any of the werka of my old life would make it easier for the Hard. He didadmit. however, that tne te face the changed couditieUB. he lias been nursiiig the idea of tome It seemed nice te etand tlicre at tlie day burlesquing Shakespeare en the ! counter und pick out n bowl of ecnaJ 5"rcc' I and some berries, and have Jennie jiqur i i " k . is MMBBBMM Mimiii 1 1 ' i '' . , . ... I .,' . HflBaJs'lk 7eti; Became A Mevie Star As Told te INEZ KLUWII What litis Alreaxlj Happened Dorethy J.aue, a nirl from a malt town, shnrcs her llppcat ambition with thousands of ether Amcrwan Olrlatliqt of becoming a moving picture star. She thinks her ennncr tins come when I'cralt. d friend of hers working in AVw Yerk, ''"'' meeting some people connected with motion pictures and asks her te visit hrr. On hrr first day in the metrop olis., the girl starts en a visit te the stvdies and gains admittance te one of them. Dorethy is given the chance te play in a mob scene, and makes the most of it. Bha meets Laicrence French, press agent fur the company, who becomes interested in her. Then comes her big chance tchen, because of her resemblance te a iccll-knewn star, she is asked te double for her. Mhett -the tells I'crsis the happy netcs, I'crsis in turn tells of a de lightful surprise for the cvcninga party planned by her motion picture friends. HOMESICK nuTunhappy ns I win tthcu I get e tbe club, it looked wonderful (e me. I ran up the walk, be tween the beds of geraniums, and calle ' le the caretukcr, who van sleeping the front perch. "Oh, Miss Laity" Hhe erlcd. "Hack te hoeuV And Miss Syhia'a jtut gene inwij. IMd jeti tee her pcrhape t tin tlatienV" "Ne no. I didn't," I answered, wishing1 that my threat wouldn't feel se eheky. i "Well, hhe's gene away, and tbe let! r. note for you en the bulletin beard." I T .lAn.n.l in.' .lfi,.fcn ,1 1 4 1. O f.tftl J U.Uj'l'lll l"J UMIllllel. ... mi v.fc of the fctaira ti ml crossed the hall lu ith.i big bulletin beard vhere no girl I i. . ,r. .......... f... ......I. ...I. ah aivayu jeit un.'iiiiiii.-3 iur iulu uuiui There were a let of folded uetcn there tietv , nddierscd te dillcretit glrln, ntul several uetb'es. "Will MUs Hewitt phone Mr. AI5C" I ean't tell j en bl.s nnmc: in1 was one of the big theatrical manager "at 10 o'clock. He called up at S." Oh, I !;nc uhnt Hint veuld mean te Cen- Mance Hewitt a chance te get an en gagement at lust '. "Wardrobe trunk for salciu excel lent condition ; only needs new- bundle" and u bit of mending in one tra. IT let It go cheap." t read that almost u.rchanleally ; then, terawled en the bottom or the notice. an written "Heuglit by Hylvla Steams!" In blue pencil. Oh. ulint that meant le me! 1 found mv note from Sylvia at last rbut nomehew 1 didu't dare open it it would mean unhuppinesu for me, I was sure, anil I wanicu te step 11 moment Ttul reuicmuer new near ejivia been te me before I tore It open had I took off my hat, ran my ny lingers thick that threuch ln.v hair it was se it made my head ache -mid went into the dining room te sit down near a window and have breakfast. J felt aw fully weak nml shaky. It was lovely in there. At tbe far end, overlooking tbe back yard, the breakfast things were being laid out en the counter, and Jennj . one of our two maids, was filling the big, binning urns with coffee and het ehoee'iite. The ether maid had put up the card w Ith I In- list of (liMics and their prices en It eggs, bacon, bain, cereal, het muf fin", fresh fruit I knew It se well. And the little tublcd.were all in order Will IIIV11 llillllll-ll "liriuill lire.lfcliis- 1'iioieri.WM Tlic following theatres obtain tlieir pictures through the .STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stunlev Company of America. w GREAT NORTHERNDreadAL S VErw ' 1(1 PI n-n in j. (. ' r Uangereus Curve Ahead i IMPERIAL T." "V'lT fr ' ,.. . him iii,uiiLir -wiiJirtllW. lLJVlAUL.t. InJMMVIA" AITA1K" KARLTON -'fisiNiT ADeTr fuTe.vp BERT LYTELL tj ... iu ti 1 .III in limmt " TIlll' TO PVRAIIH. Lehigh Palace u rn'a,V"ir,,i..A':,1 cAlrtE. MAIVirVltKa IE1N In l'OfinliKn MMk.vki r KiUHV" LIBERTY l1'al) . i ui,l-miii"aaV" , .TOSti!,!3 "Mamma's Affair" i ii.im.ir, iiivri i in -rnr. ini.w i.v.h 0VERBRd0K:tJr,.;:"'.7:,, VI.I-hTAIt Mr III "APPEARANCES" PALACE ii II 'IAIU.I I - '111 I ! 10 A M -, 11 1-, r M WILLIAM S. lii!TIIKI.I.-tOlili HART lii!TIIKI.I.-tOlill IIU.VMl" PRINCESS 10,s ""im'i M'nie i M'l'ciu. i thr in "OUT OF THE DEPTHS" REGENT V;1 Kl I til 1 1 111 I KVMvl.lS I "COURAGE" RlAinre t.UlMVMtm v A I sCiC VI '1 I I I. I'I .. ji ItltllVRII IIVi:rilKI.MI' In " "EXPERIENCE" RUBY MA,'Mi' i'i l.l IU' Till i 1 1 i -. 1 1 i UKObl.HOOII Min, ,,i tal hi "8 13" SAVOY '-" MUIU. r hriiu.i i 1' Vf uMijIl I M.I sri i ui i "PASSION FRUIT SHERWOOD .Jl i .V ilUim.r Oeuglas MacLean in "Paibing Thru' M I L. i. ii iiiuuij I IMlljll Vllliiim 'ml. 'rr,. SJ,ANLEYM;V;uArV?'1" Mill lM III Mil 1,1 ' ' "AFTERTHE SHOW" bi anion -"1 ;rr.7T ntl.HMI iiin vve.MH i; VI. "OVER THE HILL" 333 MARKET,,",".1" ;,",'"" ' l I M III I IM In " ' "WOMAN IN THE HOUSE" VICTORIA m n i r i 11 M i Ul II ,. i 'tiM i I iii its "THE INVISIBLE POWER ,RIAL'IO WES'l CI1ES1ER TOMMIX lu "A "lUuVrQHN KOtrND-UJ"1 She's Starring Note AGNES AT11ES Is ut work en "The Lane Thit Had Ne Turning," a Gilbtrt l'urkcr story. Mahlen namiltea'li ber leading man a great cup of bleatnlug coffee for ct and get het toast from the kltchee. "Have u nice time, Mise DorelijY' she asked as the set the little Mr J v' urn uenii uu iiij tH'J "Oh, wonderful," I answered, tfrlJ e. maku my voice sound enthimitiiJI Uiit I turned away bastllj JcnnlstilM sharp .'je, mid I didn't want htt um lead tlie secret that I was tryituV 1 litiislied mr brcakfnst l.f.. 1 opened Sy Ivia'fl note, but dually, wh,i I'd bad two cups et coffee Jenny fa. misled I lint I ought te bccaiiKn T lv.i ke pale tlmt sbe was rurc I wai'tinl 1 tore the emelone ncres. An7t.i. is w bat I read : Dorethy, uear huch mmt., . lnel. I t, . ,. -..yiw, 1 ie cot n 10D a resl nni,i u h'legi-ain just ten minutes age te jeii u company that's trying out a new'at sical show iu the deg fowne! I'vi i. most exploded with joy, and.ii wercn t here te tell It te, and'fn! jiiuwi-u uii nnu newn en mv tw in , e,10t,3 ti)0 ei,rngs broke Eemetbla 1 happened but J had te let etf.laj somehow, and there wae nobody boa te tell the news te. t "I've get just half an hour tin trth time, and I've called Lawrence Freud up woke him out of n. sound ulcir. .. parently and he's coming te take ei! te the train becaure I've get just tmA money te buy my ticket and net.ma car fare ever, and I don't ilnr? W,Vi any of the giria te nek them for coq( and I've simply get te go te the tlilluM 1.. .. 1...1 .. ...i.i . . ... rt.. in u mw 10 ii-ii-urnic. uesmej.un get te have somebody te talk the pal news ever with or I'll cenfids 11 tt strangu people in tlie railway station l'ficre b the bell new It must h Lawrence, se I'll step this bcmtL Wish you were home, honey; I'll lvritt you seen aa I knew where I am. Hum 01 iove. aHjVJA." I just sat still for two or three min UtCli: 1 BUimOBQ I nitiRf. hae liTcntk) . . '-. .- - . -Tl- .v--. out it ueesn't seem us if r could hm J, was se Imppy. I went upstairs then te my little row that wan 00 dainty and sweet, and cot out of my messy linen suit and Inte i: kimono. And then I went into SjtIi'i room . 'Ie He Continued Tomorrow I'HOTOPI.WH I "Hteiwufr . caumn r a TUtVKX. I fTlThc NIXON-NIRDL1NGERW LW THEATRES ti BE! MONT t:D ABOVC UVRKBt MADGE KENNEDY in "MARY, BE CAREFUL"' I CEDAR 00 I'll & CLDAR AVBMt 1 3.J anJ 5-7 J ' ELSIE FERGUSON in "FOOTLIGHTS" ! COLISEUM T$'l ?', Wp!S M.i!k IIjIii,, uu ,iim siamlliif l "THE JOURNEY'S END lUMRD ' it'M r uiik.uiw k JUIMIVJ Jullju ,ulli im b , fera ! l.Vlltl. AUA.MS 111 The Dwelling Place of Light l FAnn? 'JI--1' i '' i teiiavj Rupert Hughes "The Old Neif Hareld Lloyd in "PINCHED" f HP! IQT B-'L WO tOOl t PTJUSE" Mvv,uuiAhL 1 ae, 3S0. 1 w lUHttf CONWAY TEARLE in "THE FIGHTER" P NIXON :,2 AM) MUJ:,1,r HTS, 7 ' ' AI.I-hTAI! t IM' lu "STRAIGHT IS THE WAY RIVOLI P..I.. a r- . .... t MTfl. -risLii W" I.USI H i S! Ill , "HEARTS ARE TRUMP" " --. . .rtft SIKAND1'"1 V,"Jieaf MILDRED HARRIS CHAPpf in "Tlic Weman in His HeW( AT OTIII'K MI.MMI'.K.s OI- I HI .A I RES M.P. I.0.A Cifi iii.inii ni i-i 1 w UUA.S Yll.UJtUCU m UlVU.ll Rangereus Curye Aii r