I! .1 Ivi? ' Vu if 1 i V -' . mm JJL i it NIG&T EXTRA Kjlr teMlfh Ritit Sa'tyrtan cooler Saturday afternoon or iilgfjtt fresh southwest te west Minds. Tr-MrEOATUIlK AT KAC1I HtHIK 10 in us i i ib i a I 4 I a r7e"2 ifi4 r:i ir.:i i i ( I fi I. till M 1 t I ROW V6L. VIII. NO. 45 EnUr.a a. WI;;r.tAPe.W;,t PhlMsbw.. P.. -- --.. y, lOIV PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1921 Published Pally Except Sunday. Snbterlptien Pr1a 10 a Tur hy Mall. C'ipxriBht, 11121. by Public I5r Company PRICE TWO CENTS BANDITS GET 000 PAYROLL 1 HI ST. Bank Runners Held Up at Doer it it....l KiSf l Of ROQSOVOII vuriu:u minu by Armed Men BULLET-RIDDLED CAR FOUND LATER BY POLICE 5het3 Fall te Halt Robbers as Stelen Machlne Dart3 Away After Theft fl $20,000 CHECKS IS FOUND Chauffeur Frem Whom Touring Car Was Taken Is Held for Inquiry BULLET-RIDDLED BANDIT CAR Cern Exchange Bank Offers ' Big Rcivards for Bandits Charles S. Calwcll, presdent of fie Cern Exchange National Hank. tjsucd tlie following statement: 'Twe of eui messengers were licM up by six men while delivering idOOO te ene of our customers. Our men were fu'ly armed, but had no dunce te UBO their revolvers until after tie bandits automobile started my, when they fired at the ma rine, and I understand there are lone bullet holes In the machine. v "Tift bank Is fully Insured nnd lri'net lese any money as a result of the robbery, but for the general irwd of the community a reward of $00 will be paid for the arrc.it and conviction of any one of the six men inij f500O for tbe arrest and con "fiction of the crowd." BBr. . t'HHr;' ,,i w,v, . v W iiiKBBBSHS.,',dMEBBUMHIiBBBBBBBBBBB.f -V . f Bbf ( -F BWBWBWBWjMBiitf "BjPjJBTPBrBrBrBrBTBM 0WTbX9bKbv "IbiLbBbh btbtH9Bbh flifllBHiHHH "' yJBBBPflNBTBTBTBTH fv iv jfl 3B ivila IWHIMHMHMIilV " IH MM AND CLERGY ON SLUMMING TRIP TOW CRIME Moere Resents Leng-Distance Criticism Ask3 for More "Christian Charity" TOLERANCE URGED ABOUT SUNDAY LAW VIOLATIONS riiepliotecraiili ftlmns rear of the stolen uar used l payroll bandits today, tlie arreiy points te spots mIictc bullets struck. Tlie hand is that of a dclccthe drawing out a bullet which may preve clue. JeMiph Tombenc, a chauTeur, from whom the car was stolen, Is being held by the iwlice WOMAN U IDE Fire bandits, In a ?7000 stolen limou limeu j&ileld up tm-e Cern Exchange Na IBanb runners at 0:40 o'clock tbi raernlng en Naudaln street near Tiven jrtnt, robbed them of ."J5020.12 and i certified check for $23,066, nnd made tietr escape with buUeU riddling their tit as (hey fled. ' 'TKbink runners ure Henry Disher, 218 Christian street, and Charles Kra OfT "100 Elgin avenue, Iladden leisbts, They are trusted empleyes of hnt ttanding. Hbe robbery t,oek place in front of the Roosevelt Worsted Mills, of which Fred Qaftlner ia president. Th'e mills nre at 2023 Naudain street, near Twenty frit and Lembard. Stelen Chech Recovered The runnere were taking the $5920.12 cnli' te tbe mill, as they have done trery'Jriday morning for months. It itft ths mill's weekly payroll. The certlfled check was the property of the Uirdwick & Magee Company. The cbk t?as recevered, with u brief case Menglng te Kramer. 'Tl) Cern Exchange Nntlenal Bank, llch )s at Berqnd and Chestnut streets, h offered a reward of. $5000 for the rrt and conviction of the robbers, tei $2500 reward for the arrest and ttavictlen of any ene of them. Although He bank is insured and will meet no Imi, the reward was offered, according te a ttateraent made by Charles S. Cal !!, the president, "for the general IWd of the community. The robbery was ene of tbe most '"Idly executed of a long scries of at tempts te etcal pnyrells in the last year. The itnse wus set for It when the MMlts stele the meter car which thej MM te make their getaway. At 8:20 i 3Sf tl118 mer'nR Jeseph Tombenc, J' p Kimball Btrect, n chauffeur for U Quaker City Taxlcab Company, was Mat te take his place at the Bcllcvue. ctrjtferd ttand nbcn a call came te ?t .i B! (2?UBlne ,0 Apartment A-U, .ills?.'0"1 Apartments, Seventetnth m Mifflin street. The roan who called w the cab epcclilcd that It mutt be an ijfleed car. w preve In Closed Car JPk00' driving one of the seuil Wite cars used by the taxi company, S7 nt t0 the apartment house. Tlu- tvvi ,cnt UP t0 tllt entrance and u. ii?n thn bcl1 limtl's 'n'1 the de 2J, Apartment A-B." He found Wef lettered. AVhile he was search- Je heard the rear of his meter. . lOQDAn run Aiit tt.t i ai L- tlk.-.J T, . ""' '" ""10 10 ICO tain V, 11,cul ',,R (,ew" tlu' t"-'. two Sdi?nlt,,,c ,,ln"-'d his "nklf. he Z. Tipo'iee' he P"t 1" tlie nin. t UV ,li '" Clir W away, SLd ?"ntwntU street. It fe en int MKnn. e wV". and three wetnen get In. It continued te Siiv. T k""e nml Hirncd wctt. uiik one 't'epliened te the police. He IW.i ,m!'b(vr of bis car'wns 100,001 PinXr of,fart- tI,t5 number Is 18.001 IM ilk.? .POl,CO ll,lT0 llt'1'1 l'" (' 1nie "'mat he does net knew the bauditw. Lay III Walt fur Messengers brfeyJ ,nen ihen vc,u t "c neish tktTn , ' ,0, Hoeievi.lt MU'.h and lay Pulin, .i "" for "" bank mcssciiKcrM, yhntj en r T,.i.'!7..'7Trrr:'s-.: "' nj-aMI tUIUllll JSII1TO SENDS SON FOR AID Fires Four Shots, Three Enter ing Her Bedy Waves Docter Away MOTIVE NOT LEARNED hrshing Calls Watsen ' , Charges "Chitrdg'ebtis" 'hvllle, Ten,,.. Nev." i.(By b". lJ 'r General PMsMng- declared tM R. . .thnt charR, bi-eiiKht In w. ?..' bv ss"'a,f"' Tem Watsen tens .A n,y(,t f"tr'i8Peu mid mi ?" ceusntiens thm. ,..,i.i .w.ii.i.. f'fie0.'B'ml ub80lutcy ltljeut Mrs. Sarah Qulgley, thirty-five vcari, old, of 2921 West Lehigh avenue, ehet herself three times with her husband's revolver this morning, then called her six-year-old eon Jehn and sent him te u neighbor's heufc for aid. The woman died it halt hour later. She was cotiscleuh when Dr. Edward J. Dennelly. e'OOO Wen Lehigh nvcuue, arrived, but wnird him awaj. She left no note, and did net tell these about her why she had shot hertclf. It Is believed the woman tired thn theta when temporarily deranged. Her husband, Samuel Qulgley, an ice uud coal dealer. left the house nt quarter past Mx. He raid that hi wife, though she had been 111 for a long time, hccuied cheerful when he left the house. Ne ene fraw Mrs. Quiglcy tire the shots. Evldcnt'y r-he Etoed in fpint of the mirror, and after sheeting hcr-clf walked te the bed, where phc lay when her eon entered the room. She fired four shots three taking effect en her. The fourth entered the fleer. "Come here, Jehn." ihe called te the slx-jcar-eld hey. The chlhi wine Inte the room, and in spite of his fear and horror. 'obeyed h'r request that 'he run te get Mrs. Rebecca Parker, a neighbor, nt 200."i Wet Lehigh nenue. Mru. Parker sent for thu phjOcian nnd an other uelghber notified the police. The patrol of the Twenty-tecend street and Hunting Park uenue station was bent te the house, but the weiiinu was tee weak te be rcmoed te the imspltnl. She died shertlj after tlie doctor atrhed. FRIEND OF MAYOR FINED FOR TRAFFIC VIOLATION Was Arrested Boen After Chat With Moerft Jeseph D. Ooedfrleiid, 201S North Sixty-second street, arrested yestcnln for violating the parking on'.Inunce jut a f,ev mlnutts after he had been talking te Mayer Merc about tl attic problems, was lined $10 and ce'tn by Magistrate Carsen today. Goedfriciul was staml'iiK be!irle his car at Thirteenth and Pilbcrt streets yesterday when the Majer greeted him. Tlu'v talked a few minutes the Mayer telling his friend In- wu." getting a close up low en parking coiiditlens. As the Majer walked mvaj, a mounted pelieeman arrested (Joedfilcnd for lelntlng the narkliiK regulniiepti. Orders' regulating Hie parking of au tomobiles ill the central section of the city, It Is understood, will be issued soe'ii by Stiplrintendent Mills Tlie dis trict covered by the new- orders will extend from Uace te Pine streets and Seventh te Sixteenth streets. 'TWAS TIME TO QUIT Be Policeman's Horae Tossed Rider and Trotted Heme A police horse was te anxious te reach Its cozy italt enrly this morning that' It threw Its rider, tossed aside an Ptlnj patre'mnn who grabbed the bridle, and then galloped te the stables at Pale thorp and Tiegn streets. Mounted Patrolman UicharJ Mneney lUameuntcd nt the cnll box at Second nml P.ntlrr streets at 12:30 A. M. Mounted Patrolman William Wolf was pieparing te dismount, when his herre buhed. Wolf was thrown te the street, but HOME ROBBED IN SUMMER; LOSS JUST DISCOVERED! Seuth Eighteenth Street Family Finds $3500 In Goods Arc Gene U . II. Denncr, 315 Seuth Eight eenth street, reported te the police to day that cilverware, fure, clothing and ether articles, valued nt $3300, were taken from his home while he was away for the, summer. The Donners returned rcccutly and discovered the less only today. Mrs. Denncr said she found no trace of any one having forced an entrance te the home and she believed the thief either had a key or picked the lock. 22 DIG FURIOUSLY TO SAVE COMPANION BURIED IN SAND Man Who Fell Tuesday May Be Allvci Under Timbers Wanairue, N. J., Nev. 1. There are only 200 men in the world in the trade of William Graham, of Buffalo, and tweuty-twe of them are fighting mud te rescue him from thirty feet of sand beneath which he was buried Tuesday nftcruoen at Wanaquc, where construc tion of the dam for Northern New Jersey's new water supply began last December. Majer James It. Ilorten originated the sheet steel spiling method of doing such work, and with it raised the wreck of the Maine from the bottom of Havana harbor. It is very hazardous. Majer Ilorten is directing the rcscue work here. Graham walked te the edge of the excavation twentj fet wide, which had reached n depth of fifty-two feet, just hh n hand slip snntched away the edges. His hand was caught by imethei: woik weik mnii. but he dropped. All the few men in his perilous craft are pnls and n score risked their lives te jump in te dig him out. Hepe for finding Graham alive rest'i largelj en the fall with him of timbers, which may hae formed u reef for it subterranean shelter. Compressed air in being forced into metal pipes driven through the sand near what is his prison or tomb. Ills battle is being fought by the only men Hnd pessihlj the eulj apparatus per fectly equipped te de all for Lis recue that expert workmanship and perfect tools may accomplish. CITY BUSSES Wl. FEED FRANKFORD L F0CH IN INDIANAPOLIS Plan Must Be Devised te Meet Demands of Population North of Allegheny Avenue Balfour Typifies English . Tradition of By -gene Days Arms Parley Delegate Is Man of Caste SucH as Britons Leve te Fellow Withal a Superior Being " By CLINTON W. GILRKIIT ."Uff Orretnant r?nlnr Tnblle Lnlcer Ceeutlffht, till, tu rubHe Ltdetr Company Washington, Nev. 4. Lloyd Geerge, being absent at first, the Washington conference will stnrt off with Arthur James Balfour in eharge of the British delegation. It probably will conclude with Mr. Balfour us the chief of the Britons, since Lloyd Geerge, nt most, is likely only te pay us u flying visit. Mr. Balfour is thus n lending figure. Te pass from Llejil Geerge te Bal four Is like stepping from the future into the past. I suppose there will be ten British Premiers te come, of the Llevd Georee tvne. te ene of the Bal four sort. The two men measure the This is thP sixth of a series of articles in which Mr. Gilbert dis cusses the leading peramalitiee in the coming arms conference. JAPAN'S PREMIER i FATALLY STABBED IN TOKIO STATION Dolegatos te Arms Parley Told of Attack by Assoc!- ated Press r Encllsh. And Mr. Balfour has genial superiority. His geniality Is net of the heart. Ills superiority is or. tnai kind which wns once se necessary te leadership In England. Its necessity was of the kind which, when the war icasure the breke out. made a man with a title, or change that has taken place in England, at least a younger son, requisite as the a change that In journalism Is mean- , commander of a company. British tired by the difference between Jehn j troops would fellow a man of caste Delanc and Lord Nerthcllffc, a change i anywhere. They wouldn't one who had thnt makes Balfour's t-eusln, JUru , net "bleed." Hebert Cecil, nhile one of the mest1 My Impressions of Mr. Balfour ae a admirable of English public men, one person arc mainly derived from seeing of the least effrcthe. him at u conference for the American Balfour belongs te the old tradition. , press, when he was at the head of the British delegation here during the war; at a slinjlar conference In Londen, while President Wilsen wai there, and nt several meetings of the same sort in Paris during the Peace Conference. Net even an American correspondent gets nearer than that te a British Foreign Minister. A tour of the most congested nreas of the city was sprtins by Mayer Moere today ns a climax te n meeting In City Hall, nt which a delegation of min isters protested against lawlessness here. The Mayer proposed what he termed "a slumming tour" after he had pleaded for "mere Christian charity nnd toler ance" In dealing with Sunday law vio lations, which were nmeng the matters embodied In the complaint of the clergymen. The trln nnlllimil lir it Mnrnr rnv. Jered the neighborhoods surrounding pe lice stations at Second and Christian streets, Third nnd Dickinsen streets. Scicnth and Carpenter streets and Eeurth street and Snyder avenue. Gets PlrsMiand Vlew The proposal was another instance of the Mayer's plan of "getting In touch with uctual conditions," u plan which led him ufoet about the central section j'cstprdny te observe parking violations. At ene point, when the Jtev. Dr. Samuel Zane Batten referred te viola tions here of the prohibition law, the Mayer resented what he apparently construed ns a tendency te held him re sponsible for till law violations. "That's the trouble," he said. "Why dep't you go wbere the trouble origi nates and step this knocking of the Mayer, who is bound te administer the law as he finds it." The delegation, including about twenty-fne clcrgjmcn of various de nominations, assemh'ed in the MnverV reception room en tbe second Heer of City Hull. The Mayer greeted his callers cordially. Assistant Director of Public Safety Tempest steed at the city Executive's elbow. In opening his address, the Majer said: "The Majer welcomes jeu gentlemen Id this conference te dlscus-i the sub ject of law enforcement which was re cently raised by Dr. Batten. He wrote te the Mayer same time age stating that nt the Baptist ministers' meeting, a resolution bad been passed by them j "Real Stuff" Assured for Sick North raurcniK me oencc ana courts wun U' as Haynes Approves Warrant for "Docter" PRIME MINISTER LONG POWER IN NATIVE LAND net perfectly ; he is the old tradition run tbln, lacking the heartiness, bleed nnd vitality uf the past, but with the distinction, the evidences of caste. Mr. Balfour's illusions are micro scopic. Ills disillusions well, no one in America, net even Henry Adams, when he was alive, has hud any se vast. Cervantes wns wrenc in impljlnc that n departing order has illusions. It lias none, it disappears because n uas none. Perfect Horrer of Prrssmen The first confercnee, here In Wash ington, wns an ordeal for Mr. Balfour. IVerccW. t'nen His 'Tailed Way" IIe sl'rank with positive horror from nmU! ipen m i eiimi ay SeClng the pressmeu. "Pressmen" is The Londen Natien, writing of Mr. n,. i."!it,t, ,.,.! r... i. i . Balfour's visit te this country remarks , y;hwh wrlteH te as j ( , 1...A 1... HBAAiiitrld inn hle FiilAl 111) wr . .. ... . . . wouldn't no It. He ceuldn t de it? Ah. 'faded war. condescends but he wus told, the relations between England und the united States are se that he nreceeds uneii his across the Atlantic. II tewnrd a faded world. Here in Washington his first visit dur success sen erlty, especially superiority from the i Continued en Taae TwojtT-feur. felumn One i . i In ,.-. 1,1 ,n important. They de things differently in ring the var was a great personal v,iiiiri"tnn Prm the Priiiint u eccu. which is why, doubtless, he is ' (V. T tl pUc W he did it again. Washington likes super!- ; tllP ',ress' At last " lld' SCHLITZ AND PIELS 'MARRIED 24 HOURS, GET BEER PERMITS HUSBAND, J10 GONE failure te iieoure an adequate enforce- ' ment of the law and calling attention te J u growing dlbrcgurd of the law. "These resolutions carried nut u word J mrrv tn wiv. lint rliil nrj.KP YJ.tv A MAYOR CONSIDERING DEAIlul'UC!f' 'N'1'0' Prohibition enforce' been in orhce two jenrs und had hoped Applications MORE DRY FUNDS SOUGHT "HE 6th St. Weman Gets Who Went After Fried Oysters I, HYPNOTIZED HER" By GEOKGK NOX McCAIN sct ""nc encouragement, but se fai ; Will the city operate its own meter- ' r'"" "l C,lc0,,r I 'T .s.r.liA.l ..'v Ta...iA. Bnll.- 1 .. I that If Violence and banditrv ceuld'b. ! U"' '"" ' n, ;l'PUentiens from brewers grange sterr today an. nt- j ter permits te mnnutucturn nuu svi! the Municipal ( eurt te In wan net hurt. Mooney. en rrtmjft fe ,VppI ne aV u ed u e,r Presidi the runaway and K.lnl the bride. The ,",( "P" t ,nv b j.prcpntutlves F nnima- sidu-stepped, ihiewlng Mooney. Titcd, of New Yerk. wlm was cut and brulfcd lew ir.lnuU's later t runaway Iniltvd bt'ern the stable and whinnied until a hostler leek him in. UN" jeu tlilnV. of wiltlnr, thmlc of WIHTINO. .Wir. French Marshal Feted All Day Hoeslcr Capital Indianapolis. Jud., Nev. I. (By A. p , 'rhi3 is Veeh Daj In Iudiunnpells. Frem the lime et his arrival at 0 A. M. until his departure at midnight, the famous Trench soldier was te be fetpd br admiring Hoeslers. Fermer soldiers and representatives from all ever the State nre participating In the entertainment. The geucralls geucralls slir.e while here, will have us his es cort the famous Hlack Ilorse Troop of the Culver Military Aeademj. DR. WILEY IN HOSPITAL Feed Expert Will Undergo Opera tion for Cataract Today Cincliuiiti, O.. Nev. 4. Dr. Hur vcy W. W'llej, Washington, noted ch'rmist und pure feed expert, is te undergo an operation for the rcnuival of a cataract from one of his eyes at u Cincinnati hospital tedaj. lie arrived in Cincinnati yesteiday and went im mediately te the hospital for an ex aminatien. Tlie surgeon refusal te discuss the operation ether than ta say that Dr. Wiley WOlllil 00 cenuueu in inc iiu.-ipuai for approximately two weeks. POST ASKED FOR WALDO Fermer New Yerk Police Head May Be Sent te Philippines Washington, Nev. 4. (By A. P. Appointment of Ilhinelander Walde, former Pollce Commissioner of New New Yerk, as Vice Governer General of the resilient Ish I'hc President is understood te have Indicated that Mr. Walde was promi premi nentij under consideration for the place, although no appointment would be made until Governer General Aoed had signified his preference. bu3 lines te feed traffic te the Frank ford "L"? There is only ene cress-town P. It. T. line te meet the demand? of the population north of Allegheny avenue. This is the newest nnglc te the transit problem as it rein ten te the new ele vated. Mayer Moere' ts giving the subject consideration. Nothing will be done by him, though, until after full consultation with the Transit Deportment, and no recommendation te Council until after the matter Is thoroughly weighed. It is n foregone conclusion new thut the 1'rnnkferd "L" will be put in operation next summer. The structure is virtually completed. There nre a few stations te furnish, and transforming stations te be equipped. The third rail is new being put n ami the inspection and ether building nt the northern terminus arc being bult. The question of power for the opera epera V,u' 7 trains Is te be settled with the Philadelphia Llectrlc Cempanv in the meantime. It asks $200,000 "for con nections. All of these things are hut the finish ing touches te the huge six-mile struc ture of cement und steel, which can. according te the engineers, be finished se thut trains will be lu operation by midsummer of 1922. xuv irame wm lm,cf operating . !,.,, uul mu net carrj interest In the cltj p Investment and additional profit U tlie city, or te the P. H T should It decide te operate tbe read. What Can Be Done te Increase Traffic An Interesting question arises: What can the city de te increuse the traffic en tbe 1 ranlferd "L" te meet its fixed charges? The subject, n3 I aid above, ie being terieusly considered, although Majer Moero has net openly expressed bis views upon it. Business must be attracted te the Trankferd "L" from a radius of half e mlle te a mile from its stations. There must, be feeder lines of surface reads. Frem thu start of operations tbe traffic that will be attracted te the clo cle vatcd from the sections of the cltv south pf Allegheny nvcnue will be 'largely local and will ceme from the radius et u walking distance. Bejend Allegheny avenue the elevated will be a time-saving convenience. It is the least thickly populated portion of the territory tributary te it. Surface lines In centers of population, ISj Hie AsMiclatcd'Prcss Washington, Nev. !. Prohibition OinmVletier Hajnes uppreied today Mr". Anna Minlugcr, thirty-five, of 20el North Sixth street, cagic inteihju r.ctcctiic Bureau nt City Hall with n and then left for stepped we would de it. but called tentieii te the fact thnt this creun ukirei' unjustly upon the Majer the liolntiem of the law." Finds "r'riltcV' Indifferent The Mayer then said that frequently the bed'es which criticize are indifferent. "Law," he added, "won't end crime nnd neither will the policeman's chili, but the police mnj detect crime. We are net given credit for the suppression of crime and these charges nre some times brought by persons who wi-h te hit somebody. Seme time age we asked for 500 additional pelicement, but they were refused by thee who held the purse string. Onlj recently we asked get a warrant beer for medical purposes under the for a liii-bnnd tlie lmd wed twenty-four new 'IVift..iirv l ..point inn. ' UOUrh before. The applications were from Jeseph L,,'"1 f . " 's "r; -Mr- Mmnger Mates jesterdaj. saying thn Sd.i.r. ,.r MiiuiNir- ind p i I 0''1 f '?. !,p'PPt,,r1''- 'J1''' Ja a ni'' th will net feel Iiersclf heuiitl by Selling of Milwaukc . and Ilel1tl,1.hiitirM1. Mie le-t Ii.t husband, a cislens of the Washington e Brethers, el New Yuri1, and officials said the permits for iJiein te engage In the medical beer business, would be for warded at once. Other applications from brewers for permits, eflielals said, would be acted se'dier, during the Influent, eniric; Mie br.s hud trouble in getting along, and recentlj advertised in the news papers for work an a companion or housekeeper. .ur. .hiuiuk't saui ner an wns an By tlie Asseclatrtl Press Teklo, Ne. 4. Premier Ilara ra fatally stubbed In the breaFt today at the railroad station in Teklo. " Washington, Nev. 4. (By A. P.) Official ndvicea from Teklo announcing that Premier Ilnrn, of Japan, had been stabbed fatally were received nt the State Department today seen nftcr press dispatches brought the news of the assassination te the United States. Jnpancbe Embassy eilielnls nnd mem bers of the Japanese delegation te the nrmament and Far Eastern confercnee received the first news from the Ao Ae ciated Press ai.d were greatly depressed. The assusilnatien of Premier Ilarn comes nt a dramntlc moment when tlie Japanese delegation is tisscmbliug for the Washington conference, nnd when Japan is intensely interested in the in ternational issues in whh Premier Hunt has until new taken such un im portant part. He had been urged te head the delegation te Washington and. for some time, had the matter under consideration, hut finally decided that his services would be better employed at home during the discussions at Washington. Takashi nnra Japan's first t'om t'em t'om mener Premier nnd leader of the Seluk wal Party, was of bumble origin. Beginning life as u newMianer re. porter, Hura's attainment te the Pre miership wns rcgnrded nt the time of his secession ns proving that the timn has arrived when in Japan, ns in America, any citizen can hope te climb te the places of highest responsibility. i-renner ilnrn frequently addressed the Japanese Diet concerning the serious work ahead for Japan nt Washington, and en October 0 he expressed the view that Jnpan'B chief aim would be te put nn end te race barrier. He Inter con ferred with the American Ambassador., at Teklo, und the Premier seen after ward announced at n meeting of the Government party that Japan was wilt ing te compromise en the Shantung question with China, which hnd long ben u main subject of controversy. i SOVIET SAYS ARMS PARLEY WILL NOT BIND RUSSIA H'- " Moscow Free te Combat Enforce ment of Decisions, Declares Nete .Moscow, Nev. 4. (By A. P.) Fer- eign Minister fhitchctiu sent u netO te the Entente nations und the f'nitcd saying that Uussla y the d- Kten conference and holds herself free te take nny step ucccsary te prevent their enforcement. upon rapidly, and where there was nejswred jesterduy morning by a man evidence of prier 'iolntieii of the .iwwhe nald lie uas Dr. Bebc'rt Ilcnrj or irregularity in the preparations for i Wilsen, a chiropractor. He told her he dealing m medical beer the necejs'ary permits would be tortheeming. Before the distribution of medical r in-. 1:..... ... -..i .1 ,. :r,ri. mZ t "Vra I ' te the sfck can begin, remmhwln,,,. tuiw.".'ii w. .-.-( iiiuii,' hi ' iimil till and was superintendent of nn insane nsilum. He nlvj said he intended making ii trip te .TnolfBenvillo. ria., at once and uiuc,i ii irnteiing companion GERMAN MARK 43 CENT Dreps te New Lew Recerd With no cession of Twe Polnte New Yerk. Nei 4. (By A P. i German murk-, which hne been de clining stcadlh here, dropped (n a new low record today. Mdllng at 0.4." cents. i it .. i.! l t .1. ... . i .1 .. .. - .... 1 AT r J Miinii rviM Ii.mhh.h.I i I Ills Ufts .1 1 1 run nf I rt nnlnti rA. cars while in a drunk cnrlitinns ,,.! V"1" expianlPn. imiiu ,.uj ...... : mi .- ""-; ,'"'" . -spiBining ' :',V- . ",.."'' ,v. ' " ' .V' 7."""' w " ' -. tl- I , litiirvnli. in t ,s 1 1 l 1 iitit 1 In bandits. We were told w,. ceuhl net hne them." The Mayer called the Httontleu of the clergymen te the fact the eity is obliged under the law te issue dunce licenses. "We issue 4000 license-, cery year." he said, "and have only 4000 police men. We must have the machinery te Continued en rce Twnity.feur, Column Twe Theatre Net Educational, English Courts Decide Londen, Net. 1. (By A. P.) Theatres are held net te be educa tional institutions, under the terms of a decision handed down bj the Lord Chief Justice jesterday. The case arose when tiie auditors of the educational funds of the city ques tioned the legality of the school au thorities spending f!000 pounds In taking children te special perfor mances of Shakespearean plays. The Lord Chief Justice remarked the educational citherlties should take children te the houses of Par Mument, Westminster Abbey and the Tower of Londen, but that the law did net contemplnte attendance nt theatres ns a part of a child's ele mentary education. Continued en I'iikb Twentj-feur. relurun Tour EXCHANGE OF PRICE LISTS HELD LEGAL IN U. S. COURT Ne Law Violated In Giving of Trade Data, Judge Rules Chicago. Nev. 4. -iBj A. P.i The Government's milt fur dissolution of a trade nsboclatien Involving thirteen taiinufucturcrs of linseed oil wns dis dis reisced by Judge Geerge A. Oiirpinte- jn Federal District Court for want of equity in his decision tiled teduy. The suit by the Government wus te decide the quertlen of whetuer trade associations may he formed for the nn nose of exchanging price, lists end ether trade data and was regarded na a precedent, the ruling et which would affect tbe standing of 3000 ether such associations throughout the ceuntrj. Suit was brought as a part of the tJei . crnment's anti-trust prosecutions. "Logic which assumes that because there is an opportunity te tix prices therefore prices nre fixed, s centrnrj te the genius and logic of our law," i-nld Jud're Carpenter. "The question itneheil in tills case j whether there ts anything inherently wrnne In an ncrcement. between nrn. ducers in certain "line te furnish each ether their prices and net te make anj sule deviating from the price list with out immediately uetifjlng all the ethers. "A merchant cannot compete with nnetUer merchant unliss he knows what he has te compete against. The day Is past whi'li the buslneta men of the community meet at neon In the Hinge blacksmith shop or in the cccnlng nt the grocery and discuss price-. "The Gecrnmeni cannot serieuslj contend that it is the dutj of eterj merchant te guard against his com", potiter finding out what he ts charging. It would be uu Impossibility." ROB CASHIER OF $4150 Bandits' Threw Red Pepper Inte His Eyes and Steal Funds Detroit. Nev. 4. (By A. P.V-Six bandits this forenoon held up ICniest McCarthy, cashipr for thn Gorden-Pogel Baking Cempapj , threw red pepper into his eyes and escaped with JMtfiO thn enshier was taking te n downtown bank. As ene of the bandits tossed the pep, per Inte McCarthy's face, his compan ions covered Themas llus.,0, driver of the pay car, with double -barreled shot- suns. druggists inusi euinin no- p, rums 'e " "" whim, um; arrangement u enable them te prescribe end sell it. proper en and tin "doctor" told Ikt h,. Annlirnrinnx for I hoc ncruilts. he would murrj her nt once te avoid um nrifleil. urn ninrle te slat,, il.rccier.s ari.l criticism. She 0ld detectives he imi.'r issued theni "have hj puet.ztsl her,-' as she went te In connection with prescriptions for beer. Ilajncs added, a point jet te be decided Is whether a physician N limited te the 100 prescriptions rr three month" as is new the rule or whether under the new regulation- he is entitled Congress will be asked ter'Mn.riOO,- ! thp ci'ple went te the office of Magis 000 ler the enforcement of prou-bitien i tra"' ("-elis. Xl Arch street, am .,..,.. .i ... . .: ..-l .. : were married. of S'J.olMl.tleOovor the nppropiTitien for! )U1' ,ll,,'v '"l(1 r"'"rne.l te her home ASKS PARDON FOR SOLDIERS the i urn nt j ear. Ilajiu.-. im making ""d ariee ie ieiikeplni.s fr tee F!or-, this uiiiMMiucctiieut ted.ij. sn.i -i.e li-l1'1" ""ip, Mrs. Mlnninger said her bus-, Clemency Requested for Men erease 1 redd he sought te. n.ib.u. i morel O""'1 "ekei. for the lean of mmi. j te, .,,,, w, oenipl.-t..iindeftio..nr,.ntor.eim.urof th.- 0M il'1'1 '": '"'" -'. , ..j ter-, for I Charged With Killing Brit- prohibition laws through uilup,e.! f-.i-ei:, '!"'r supvr. She let him take u SIO' ish Officer und fjcilitleit. hl1'. and he l.ae net 1. vn seen ,-iuce, i .isiingleii. N... 1. -iP.v A. P ' - - ' ''IP Ka-vs- ,, , Pimleii tei li(. American se'dier STUDENT SAYS SOLDIER HE ,iV""Ci ?; Iln,inj:"11;- or VVllr-m. Is churge.I In ....uri.murtiul with ,r,rr UIUUL.IVI OniO dULUIkn IIU the lean! wlfoe the nl nrn., .In.r. .1... ,' i' ........ .!..., I ..:.., ., r- In T-n . i . . t. -.-.--. m. , , uv . -imiu -in.-m .'. in i-iiriii. i lie FAIR TRIALi JL,,'llS,tur bureau c. uld de nothing for British Arm:, in Germany Uu ,-,)r, ner, nun sue -m6 aaviisci te go te the i has !,. u iivnintiiended hj sVenfarv the Marriage License Bureau without much mere conversation he did net een consider it pccullur. she said, -hrn he gave his address te the marnuge license clerk, naming her street and number ns his rcldene.. Immediately after the liecn.-e was 's-ue.l ind jesterdaj s Iov . Weakness of German exchange in Londen accounted for the latest drop here. Ionden, Nev. 4 (By A. P. '--German marks today suffered the severest s'unip thej have yet experienced in the Londen exchange market, being quoted during the neon hour at ft.V) te the pound terling. after opening at S7.i. The market was at u less te account for the depreciation bc.veud the inllu etices already known te be nt work and the fact that -riling orders were heavy. SAW HANGED HAD Municipal Court and rant. ueur out it wnr- Penn Youth Asserts He Misunder stood Watsen's Charge riie Amtrlcan soldier whr-i i .cutien AAfJT WAR DFRT AnillQTCn in France was witnessed bj J. Dnubj ' VH,,M YVHn UC-J AUJUbltD Cenwell. oOeS, Spruce street, a Fuller- n ,,, . " sitj of Peiitisjlviiuiii Mudeut, hid been trmat1 commerce Chamber Asks sentenced com '.ok- The iiicn, .lame. A O'lir.il, lt,lx () oungbleod. Geerge 'angilder Larl .T. Hrvan and Jim B. KichnnlMui, arei-eri "ng life sentence- In the Federal penl tciitiurj at Leavenworth. Kan J he S.-creturj s rccoinmendatlens. If L'ntenced te d'atb after a trial b. Reduction or Cancellation for Allies i approved and made ( ffeetlve, weuhl pre- I eurt -martial. I'enwell mi'.I tedaj. I Londen, Nev . 1 , Hv A P )siten' ' il,P fl"' the ,1'"'" "f the men and Cenwell, re.i.liug et tie; clurgis et, tewnrd reaching an udjustiiicnt of w ur K"v inn tin t.i thi pref, ren..,, of returning I llnrVi.l linn ill li.inl . ,1 Im nef I i.,i .i. ...I i, . . v " l I . I I , .m .. .1.1 .. .. ....!... . .. .ch. .. ....-.-..i...- . ...,.....-. -i r,--i- uems DOtwecn allied nations arc urced1 ' " ' rKiiiii.iiiinie ami serving' diers overseas, made by vimmr l.imi resolutions scut tedav te the Chan-! ""' ,rm" 1""'r nl tUit' rllliv'meuts or of i Wutsen. of lioergi.i, sent the fmuter U'celler of the Exchequer bv the British ' "I'PU "c U? immediaiu discharge from' photograph ..f i; bunging h. w ittns..id. I Ntuinnl Committee pf the Inter ia-1 ''"' Hn"'' ( envvell said he understood the Sena- tb.nal Chamber t Commerce ' v"'- "' ' p ua'd his n-oemtnenda- ter's objection was Americai. soldiers i 'I'!10 resolutions, which were idente.ll tl0!H ""' fieuiul that the court mar had been Imngld In uniform. He did imunimeush In the ....,.i,.. "A.. " tial which tr ed und cenvl.t.d the mi.nl liut Knew, he laid, the tif.irs'nil h ' nnle.l the "lcKlr..l,lllt. ., ....,-.. charge was tiiai enlisted men had bienlln order te obtain the benefits uht'.i, :.. "hansel 111,.- degi" without n trial It wns while under tills mlnipprehoti mlnippreheti mlnipprehoti sien. the veuug cellcijlaii s.ud. lie s..i,r u photograph te W atsen, tngcther wltn n letter explaining place. the committee's opinion, would accrue If the war debts of the Allies te Great Britain were reduced or canceled en terms te be ueroel unnn." 'rim ., where i.(eUtleii l-uA mitu-c cempri,c3 leading reprrsentntives Pniir ,of tinanclal, commercial and industriall intervals. jointly hnl (.deniucd "innocent men' nn 1 sjiurdeii va.s rl.e only way in vihlch justhu could In done them. BODY FOUND IN SACK GUILTY OF EMBEZZLING Fermer President of Insurance Com pany Convicted Miubiirj, P.i.. 'e. I -i liv A P.i Jehn G, Sell, former president of tlK tlK Nerth Branch Tire Insurance Com pany, was found guiltv leday of charged of embezzlement and fraudulent con version of funds aggregating .'J7,000 bclenKinc te bis Imslness nssnciiiteH The jury returned a scaled verdict lust evening, ntter two neurs et delibera tion. General 'Charles l Clement, chief counsel for the defendant, moved un she died, was believed hj men hers e arrest et uidgment after the verdict ' the treuue te hnvn en l..i . .....? t,.,i.. -v.i i. "" lu Believe Man Murdered and Thrown Frem Aute Pittsburgh, Nev 4.-(My P.i ' The lsuly of un man agetl about thirty ;veais, and pftrth hidden in u hurlan mil:, um found en tbe bank of n small stream near Turtle Creek tednj. County detectives said there uas n piece of wire drawn iimund the victims neck. They expressed the belief that the man was killed, the body placed In the sack nnd then thrown from an uutomebiln. The vie'liii was well dressed, find when searched his clothing was found te centuin ?ll.,'lTi In rush, u draft regis- tratien curd bearing the name of Jee Adams, of Iirain, O , and a curd con- was read nml was allowed four daja in wnien te prepare argumetirs ler u pen trial. Sell had been charged with the cm bcizlemvnt of SOS.OOO, but the dlf dlf ference wns accounted for in expense-! and commissions ullewcd -1 s if K OPERA CONDUCTOR DIES Leader of Orchestra Falls Dead In Dressing Roem Housten, Te... .Nev. 4. (By P ) Giovanni Lcetti. orchestra conductor et the Dofre Grand Opera Company, fell dead lu his dressing room nt a theatre here last night sLertlv after the curtain had descended en the first net nf the eperu "Lu Ferr.a del Destloe " Nervous trouble, believed te have been cruised bv n transfimlnn nf i,i...i . . . wife, following un operation from which1 i'.l,in,"K tl,n nnnu" of Demlnlck iJepp, of of i "-: ARMISTICE DAY BILL SIGNED Waslilngten, Nev. l.-JBy A. P.) Hiu u-selutitn of Congress declaring Arinlstlce Duy, November 11, u. legel hellduy, was signed today by President ilardlng. He is expected seen te issue u proclamation Qn the subject. ducier's death. Lcetti was beru in Calabria, Italy, and had been In America ten ji'are His home wun in New Yerk i-dv, 5!h?.':ita,$,,JA"S:?S"" '" rhi . al n Jfi 1 1 if . - i v K d. f J k ;-4 S)ll; 4 Iji h- t ' "i "