FffvF'T' , ,- , i. , a ' is "if1 N . ' 'V. If, I V? '." '-? netting public Bfeftget "i PHILADELPHIA', THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1921 "-1 , . fffl $50,000 structure built alone Boathouse Rew lis ' jJHt, w 1PP?5$A ''' WlfBKmSwilMfT3m TAKING PART IN IR18H CONFERENCE. Twe British Ministers arriving at Ne. 10 Down, i fltjr Mi JBP-v v JPTvJu V'' fflPggBp ing street, for parley. Sir Gorden Hcwart (left), Atterney General, and Winsten Churchill, Raff' THE LATE DR. J. WILLIAM WHITE HONORED. A tablet in his memory WITH HER PARISIAN TOY. Miss Marjerie Reths- A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS. We surmise THEY'RE FROM GEORGIA. Miss. Grace Goldsmith 'ZW ' ' U3 ijfjft was unveiled at the Penn Beat Heuse. Mrs. J. W. White, Mrs. S. S. White, child, New 1erk, arrives from Europe, carrying a "cat" that Secretary of War Weeks is planning for the (left) and Miss Katherine Dickey, of Atlanta rooters '-'. 'WW 7 jnifj Jr., and S. S. White, 3d, with Miss Sara A. Brown, attended the ceremonies called Mineuche en her left arm internanen Anns Conference program I'nJerwoeJi undemnei for the Georgia Tech football team cntrai Xcnii-inie "& W " sK ' SAW FIRST CAR ON FRANKFORU ! Haul.', id people -tru m,t ilu- en'.j eiu- who took a mh interest in the running of a trellcj car e cr thu "I" track" Tin -. fills, miplevrd at a Unlaw an- a r R. fa"ti r mw thn Mart HKLPING THE SESQUI-C ENTENX1AL FAIR. Alba B. Jehnsen (right), chair- n-an of the Executive Committee, in Mayer's offices, yesterday. At the left is William II Wilsen, president of the Real Estate Beard, with batch of pledges HAVE A PENCIL? The sulphur-crested cockatoo is FAIR ATHLETE. Miss Grace Me tak.ng a pencil from vest pocket of C Emersen Brown, Nnmarn wen javelin threw at a New superintendent of the Zoe Yerk college field day central ., wi. if 1' OUR CITY'S W DO J T" "1 1 jf ' $M0M 1 "BUSY PHILAPELPHIANS 1 B: 1 Hl Amu'u250 ,Nert!1 fifty-eighth street, operating an electric machine READY FOR THE ARMS CONFERENCE. Lord and Lady MISS A K leiK'Sfiv pr,, A ., , , R h'T , f L j, ' uv, en uuurciay at Woodbury, N. J. Mr. Kremer is a member of the Union LcnffUl