rlTV f iVj" ' . i' . '! T ', ' EVENING PUBLIC 'LEDGEEr-PHIUADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1921 IS k-? Gridiron Boeters Are Hampered in Kick-Off by Manner in Which Football Is Tied Up' ,. fc;n f. - Ha iltiU Li 4.9 w f fAV TIGER DEFEATS MEAN NOTHING IF HARVARD ; AND YALE ARE BE A TEN uBig Three" Ne Lenger Invulnerable, Ferget Early Season Reverses When Triangular Championship Cemes Up for Decision Yale Has Clean Slate By KOBKKT W. MAXWEU. Spert Hdlter Itenlnc l'ulille ldr mnE 1021 foetbn.ll Roapen begirt nt Princeton nnd Hurvnr.l en Saturday. J- All of the preliminary gmM have been pliued nml everj thing irf i-et for the championship contests. Yale tlll has te play Maryland, but this means nothing but a final prnetirc scrimmaRc before the Princeton Kfime. Every year the-e colleges get together and try te settle the triangular champlenRhlp. They have their own little Icnrue, mind their own business and never claim thev arc the best In the wetld. Ne title is nt MiiUe it is Just a series of three games te we whether IIarard Is better than Princeton or Ynle, or Yale and Princeton are better than Harvard, lint s the big motif of the November battles. Years nge these colleges reigned supreme In the football uerliJ. Tiny had such geed teams that it was unusual when a smaller college even scored en them. In fact, no gume was taken serieuslj In these dajs until tlie Hlg Three" get together. That's hew the linine originated, nnd it has stuck ever since.. Seme claim the title is net deserved, that re three teams eheuld be grouped as the ver best and ignore such Institutions as Penn btate Iltts burgh, Cernell. Penn and Dartmouth ; but the name has been handed down through tradition, and tradition is an Important part of football. Times have changed, the "Nig Three" no longer nre Invulnerable nnd they meet with reverses the same ns any ether teams. The smaller games cannot be called practice scrimmages, nn.l some arc ju-t a hard, if net birder, than the final conflicts. Harvard has been trimmed by Centre this year nnd Princeton fell before the Navy nnd Chicago. Yale, with a fairly easy schedule, has breezed through with a clean slate one of the few In the hat. Hut evervtblng is forgotten when the se-cnlled "big' games nre plnyed. The past i- obliterate. nnd only the present is thought of. Princeton men regret the two defeats this jenr, but will be perfectly satisfied it Harvard nnd Tale arc beaten. Then the season will be considered n success. And the sume gees at Yale nn.l Harvard. , , In lill! Princeton was badly beaten by West Mrginin, but came b.icu With a 10-te-10 tie with Harvnrd nnd n 13-te-fl Uetery ever Yule. These two games made up for the mistaken of the pust. S LOXG cm foetbnll in played the -Tl It I tin Three. Theji are in a class through irurt of consistent play. Kickers in a Slump ONE of the insiest things In foetbnll is kicking the ball en the kickoff, but this jenr It -e"m that Initial boet.rs are falling below the usual standard. Instead of sending the bnll down the field as in the pn-t. ninny short kicks are made, and we have seen many terrible foezles in some of the games. In the past the kickoff man could place the ball nn spt down the field nnd his teammates knew what te expect. New even the kicker doesn't knew where the ball is going. lie pulls buck his leg, takes a mighty swipe nnd leaves the rest te luck. This is due. te n grent extent, te the manner in which the Imll is teed up nt the btnrt of the game. Seme of the tees ere nltnest n feet high. The ball is placed en the tee with the point toward the kleker. He 1ms te connect fairly or a hum kick results. Nobedj knows why these tees nre ufc.1 unless It Is force of habit. And they an: getting higher every year. In the olden dnys the ball was placed en the ground, with a small mound of enrth behind it te prevent if from fnlllng. The kicker could kick it te the right or left corner or down the middle, as he desired. There were few fluke kicks, nnd it might be n geed plan te return te the old stle. It is meic effective. Last Saturday Killinger, of Penn State, scored a touchdown from tin kickoff, nnd this is getting te be an unusual occurrence. Last yenr enlv seven Wtrc made In the I'nited States, and this included Dnvies' run in the Pitt Penn game. The reason for this is the failure of the runner te take full advantage of the opportunity te get away quickly. Instead, he usually latches the ball, leeks around and starts te dodge, whether anybody is near him or net. Geerge Breeke, of Penn. used te tench his men te cntch the ball and rtart running immediately. Ne mntter hew many tacklers were approaching. It was possible te gnln five or ten mere ynrds by running strnight down the field, nnd occasionally an opening would be found which would nllew n long run or a touchdown. Charley Ialey, of West Point, liked te run down the middle of the field, and used te get away frequently for a score. A straight line is the shortest distance between two points, nnd foetbnll plnyers should observe this axiom. While speaking of kick and things like that, let us take up the goal from touchdown. Last jenr. when the Ilules Committee allowed the bnll te be placed at any spot in front of the goal pesis after a touchdown, there was n big howl that the kick was a "bet up" nn.l an body could put the bnll emt the bar. There also was some talk of abolishing it. However, kicking n goal after touchdown is just as hard ns ever. Neer must a man kick from n difficult angle, but the mental hazard Is just the same. Last Saturday Centre missed nn easy goal. Swarthmore missed one and lest the game and you enn find dozens of enses where clean misses were made. m TtJITII a point needed te u'iu or rn the srere and rlr-ren men rushing UDOn.him from the nenl line, the ktrkcr has a let tn think about when he beets the ball. Stein Best W, rilliN Ail American honors are handed out this rf.tr It will be difficult te overlook Herb Stein, of Pittsburgh, for the job ns center. Stein is without doubt net only the Iipm in the Knsr. but the best in the ceuntrv. II in a finished player, both en the attack and defense, and is responsible In n great measure for the success of the Panthers this yenr. On the offense he passes accurately, gets Inte the interference or bewN his opponent ever, ns the ense mny lx but he is n renl star en the defense. Against Syracuse he tackled nt either end, busted up line plays nnd wns very annoying en forward passes. It was the wime against Penn, nnd many he' lieved he played according te signals. The real truth is that Stein can sire up a play quicker than any man wn have seen this yenr. He leeks ever the formation, shifts te either side before the ball is passed and usually guessua right. Pittsburgh did net make much f a showing In the early game. There was a let of fumbling, the offense was ragged and it looked as if Warner would hiive n bad car. At that time Stein was being used nt end nnd the nw center wns nor pnssmg the Imll properly. Against Svraeu.se nnd Penn Stein wns back in his old position and the team improved 100 per cent. CTEIX at renter and Uavies, Heintt, Andersen and Hellrrnn in the - lackfield given Pitt a quintet that it hard te equal. XXTKHT VIItGINIA Is net getting nleng erv well this year despite " change ip couches. The material is snid t.. be very geed, but victories an. utiut regiswrcu. miius fur Pitt and I .-.ugh haw trimmed the Motin Metin tainecrs and liueknell held them te a screles- no. The ro.-erd is far from being ImprcssUe. fenrlgl.1, ion. 1rj J'ue.i.' ,,,jrr t,mWt Beets and Saddle The Kancecas Stable bids fair te cap ture another purse te.luv in the r.unst Park handicap ut Plmlice, in which Thunderclap nn.l Knobble are tin- tep resentntives. Knobble wen Imn.iiU jp. tertlny in the slop, mid either he or Thunderclap app. ars geed enough te mke the race tedii. tjticereek and Slrip. r Kim appear te be the .hlcf .out. ml is" Bungnbuck showed a geed performance in the mud en the opening iit at Plm Plm lieo, and may be close up teda.. The Mount Washington s'teepleehase will furnish a bright number for these who hnve a leaning toward the timber toppers. Ie Mursetiin appears best In this event, with Infidel II and I.n Qyprln as contenders. Horses well placed in ether races are; fflrst race, Misdeal. Zenettn Hyper bole; third. Krtilt Cuke. Arm (Je On. Butler cntiw . fifth. Majer Parke, Bribed Veter. Thlmb'e ; nixtli. Oil Man. Jtny Jay, Butler entrv: seienth. Cumml Clt Helle Partner, Attorney Muir. Scraps About Scrappers Joe Marks. Seuth Philadelphia boxer, it about te branch nut as n match maker, He is buck Kast after an In vasion of the Southwest, where he made r jTeat Impression in three bouts, win ning the lightweight . hnmpieiHiip of that part of the count r .1 the I ta r - ten part of the month Mark- again "will leave for Dallas Tex tins tune te become Interested in a club Minks left' today for AtlnnMc fin f-.r s. v -ral days' recreation, ami then h,. wi'l H0 te New Yerk, where lie will nuii.,. Ml eaert te tdju Johnny Dundee for a Pfh ,t Pallas. If Joe succeeds in MiiK- the Scotch Wep's Jehn Han- - -."J J----T -rV aw H ...V.l.UK UE tt,TW3U UuBdce the Pr?t week llvi Thrcr icill he known as the by thctmtlvc. ami earned the mm Center the nri- in Hecember. "The people in 'Iptun nre strong fur boxing." s,ijs Marks, ".md turn out in big numbers te see n Leut ; but they hn net been getting lirst-cluss talent, nnd I have been autherised te blgn up a number of stars for matches In Dallas. " IluMiy lljrrrlt s uns'eup te r .. 'irnm a ail rsrt...1 n f. ,, rUhl hll,'.'k ,'L , i, ' ' ""'" ''" lr nm Mi nt I . V ,""'," il-Mllt I t bLTf n li'd i. i f r mi. iimii. "luiipii i. ui. riA I rin i.i,! iit',1 .nJp Ja.U I'.iln.pr hi snr h t u.. r , , a. i.mitr uwnt 'ii, i. .n.li ,l,iut H. . I'a.m. r ih.i. I , dfraj,l t .., ... ,"'," 5?" lktl ' "'"'Xl- lai rfu,J a be it" wltn him. Th.it an n.... jw HiaH.M,n "J lelimi) Mcalr M.,,,,,.1 x...., ir " .1 ":r ". -'"! W'"l wania i i,V.n- . . enij two duj trHlriliia fei thi'r hn h.trt Mine '" "imii aieprinK into U.e i r n u uhiltm- fur 'ranll lirlit y h ..' .. a iifciitiiiM. wilful, pn' t n J li h ir ...... .. n- tt ii,,r' 'f,e:taL asutr.kt t lie, I'lrtUKune n l.ir LIIiIjj. Inr-al v,e.0 .,l , Oil WaltfH ut Atlami, i'iij trr..'., fi,rmr i inanaieei- Car, itirrmt , Ijar any eiu at 135 )ui la for i,i Ilel.br JlrCami hfcs been In ri-i. t tei, , ,Jh:, J.V.1" .a.ee.. ?'"?" .11 "tl ,"'t,' Vacancy in Financial Cage League ball League, which Is open te any bank or trust company in Philadelphia, Further In formation can be iflrurii from n nr f. - ..eetiry an trnjrr, Wlerl Htn't merruw nlfM at thu Cambria Ateiann v. 1 ' tak- en luumt- Srulllnaii In the nem .AmJ t.. he Temmy r.older,.Je M;fIlbe ' n", Pnllma Chhrity Cress vs Teniir. I .? ,1, Vurn Ilurns v j. IVnklln and II y Iielnti v vi nn, Murilatt i y . Jee Kerniin 1 -re,. Ami'! sr. V ni. ' , v"''" "' " '" "...lie lis f,r , Ir' . i' ". ' , " , ' "' "" ' ' -'' , , ,.' , , ' ' " " '1 1- K l. U PENN UNDERGRADS GOLF TOURNEY Gelf Chiefs Plan Tilting at Over brook te Provide Recruits for 1922 Team WILL PLAY TWO WEEKS Ily SANDY McNIHMCK The l'tiiversity of Pennsylvania golf team plans te step out this ear. That Is, there isn't much te the tenm n fnr except n nucleus, ns they say. but plans nre tinder way te make this year's tenm nn nll-stnr enst, nnd te mnke the llnksmen of ether Institutions of lenrn Ing show something in the chnmplon chnmplen ships. All of which Introduces the fact that n grand and glorious tournament will be stnrted for Penn miner classmen within n day or .se. The links fete will ! be put en at Overbroek nnd Is open te every student ut the I'nlvcrsity except the freshmen. The mntch piny will ex tend cetneniently ever two weeks. At the end of that time it is cxnected' te have enough enmlidntcs in prospect for a dozen teams. Old I'.nn has been staggering along in fast company for these past few years new with neer n chnncc nt cither the individual or team Intercollegiate cham pionship. 'nptaln .Timmic Knlk and Malinger Geerge Kilev this sensen lime put the Jiead.s together nnd the tcet down They have decided in favor of n chnncc. They have decided te get up .1 geed tram, te win some matches and go after n title or se. Hence the "remtl tour nament." Freshmen Later A big entry list Is expected nmeng the upper clansmen. I.ntcr en a slmilnr tournament will be held for the fresh men. Captnln Knlk hails from Indinnnpelis, nnd played Ne. ,'t en the tenm last venr. 1 his season he will lead off for the Hed and Hlue, provided no one better heists n tietter tirasi,. ever the horizon ns the I . result of the teurnnment. ; llesl.les the lender, Al Hresetl. Itiley I OFFERED $15,000 PURSE nml Keliuid Addis nre tin- ether vet erans. Addis pl.iy a fuir game nt I Huntingdon ni'e. though he bus net the same perfection as his better known brother, L. M. Jr. H. S. Shertrldge is expected te be en expert confrere nnd G. W. Stevens, finalist nt l,u I.u this jenr. is new nt Penn. Se Is jeung Hrassiuger. of Phil Phil taent. In order te prepare the tenm for prepare the team for competition In the spring, the etuclnl, ?,,''" tc(a,m I)lai! te "". " t,'; m.in tenm in action against the teams of smile of the Iecnl count rv club-i. Pine iilan.s these, uhkh d"serve I enn .-. best support. .rrr iiniiinru en nia nrt tit! whin nri llie-nn "HTH ekl. .-itid mnrc hn ter- r.irs ir. h row. In fact .Ihsi- l tl ge.f-r wlii. niRil.) the n.matur i)..iinptnrklii e .New U.inu.hlri fameun. ViiieJj had et heatd 01 It teterc, or ntm-f Utilch Irrlnn out th.i fort Hint It'i lxn HBuied an A a.-vm-) ar i.p.in. tb- unw winch '"I"" betwicn ntry in the 1rrt Lis ch.nn pinrmnlp and the miu.il winning nt th nutinnal by a cafalik plftju. Uullfenl nrt cemmtt'l in 1 : 1 1 en in lull. There' nrn. thins of ih.. H.iine blstery bad. of enkk hans cHertj Ily the same token. Hebby Jr.ncs h ej d bn the winner when tl.e n.itleml Is held in l'lne .iuet In 1DJ3 All of which kuunds reasenabu. If- W. A. Itebbln Is wrttt'ii rlesi n as the w nner of lie- third su. en at RnxbnreUKh erier beinc four down und !1'.. te play It was said te be a comeUir-k when they tell r w h atarrid tlftetn leura uge ut Wilte ni.irah. Saw p. comely jr.unu lady In th Orand entral Station New Yerk, attired In Knleuerbeckurs Te tnak it unanimous, a Kul' was draped ever the shoulder. The news In that nobody rubberi d at all, flrne Paraen came down nut of the wi'.ds ' Tltusllle J'a . and trimmed .leek ltutch ltutch Iren. Ilrltlah open klme. In the r 11 A. rh' mpietinhlpj". New Saramn i,nn in ne. up b) a I'lttsburph club at a line 1 1 IX". t lenr into eunp Par; !! htepped out and n a caild liv,l.r "nj- celter who re.n h-"s the semifinal rrunl in r.lther the I.r tlIi nr Amr.rlr.in tatienal. ' mid Kraiuis Ouimct r.iently 'must hue all the fhets and be n real no fer I urtherniere, It seunif cneuKh. h rhn'i.d urely win the erntmplenshlp some day." Tem Armour has adnpted a reittlnc crutch suqh a Is used by Clil k l:an; Walt till hn ii ta home with It. Cecil ICllrli expects te eenie ba. k te com pel" for the American tl m nxt .ar Ale H l said Ml"s Joce Withered will t pres eit vhlch might b ca !d "gueique In In Mts'en " HAS STRONGUNE-UP Immaculate Conception Leeks Like One of Coming Quintets The Immnciilnte Conception basket-! ball tenm leeks te he one of the most iremi-iru of thl ritj's cage .pilntets this -ensen. 11 1 1 I.eis is m the lie'lil of the team ni'd has i-eiiniieil a nuuib.r' Ol ImiT who h.ue plnved tegelher rm j(.iri and several uppenr due te grad uate shortly into big luigue c(iinpun The premising are I'ni nr forward nnd Meehnn nt guard, while the rest of the team, tjultin. Pit.geiald nml Hisler. ere iiNe playing tine bnll. Immaculate has nlreadj K.'ered a ictery ever Arpil-i na In the latter'e own hull, which is I n feat In itself. Immaculate Is playing horn..- games nt1 Third and P.rewn street, i,t,t contests i nie nle sought nwiij, especinllr with1 BlieJi tenuis an Til 1111101111, Pettuville. P.ii'ilsliern, est Clu-ter and I town - Wigtown. I reel Address liil'.t, Lees, ll.'iOlivt Palmyra te Meet Riverside li." r. the l. It d the l..,t op-en ter. i.r Id s.l. 1 1 n nLfl Salurilu u .. irriri'i'ls ur uiu l'.i n.ra I'liM rin. II, is iiamn iiminlseii te I ni. of Ihu hands I'.ii.l "nerjuitiri ,n .Si mli .lervy. in HUH, Ii n thete two teores r. et, thy battled te ti e-O re ml P.ilmna r.,.t h.jln In the 11 Id In llui ItUnrsMe h.id no trrmtil.' In cllnehlnt, V ! i I 'riptinhiD of Sun v. Jirsey As this c 'II virl u 1 de i I.. i,n h.imviUini ' Of 'li- net. n l.lth ' 4 H ttl.t te Ijiu p t Ir atrent" t ! ' ! What is II "A Blessing en Your Head" ? ED. PINAUD'S HAIR TONIC of coarse! SOMEBODY IS ALWAYS TAKING THE Yeu Ce Ta THe Thbatbps ame fsiexT tjnV Ym vJRtTet -Ae VcK I Als PAvU MAOLV ISJ HIM a, LCTT8R JO&T Te WATCH AMD I I tewe with The hcre ca ,p e'U Ateawen. T wait MyioeiLV fO( TVltS MAIL I h ut Awn Tmeni otea Day YaJ " AMD j0,ST ?asj-t uJat ("lUS vJecRcrARV A te- a Jw nei a Nice ""- y ,She,jU ,T '0D ) 3)03 au. h.s J sSeMKOOOV IS 5N I J NtWAVS TX.KltJ mm ridiculed ; CLAIMING TITLE Recky Refuses Encore With Tendler and Attaches Self te Lightweight Crown H I.OTIS II. .ni'IT It new leek erv mm h ns If there will he no ether Hooky ICnnsns-I.cw Tendler bout. Since thelt meeting ut the Onrden In New Yerk two weeks nge Lee P. Fljnn. the matchmaker, hns been endeavoring te bring ntent nn encore. I I.cn P. hurl tin trouble celtiner the Phil- ...iii.i ..-... ... .. -,i.,r. .id.,. K ,Vn ,.' But the Knnsn- end of the battle W Mill nn epnn Ih-ue t, .. .,,, .,., .. flnnnclal hitch t)ree,l a snag in getting the Kooky person te siuii for nnnther inei'tinz with Tell.l'.ei'. Iti,,.., iu- k-iu-LTvteil that he cunrantee Knilsui Sl.i.OUM, Willi.' tne iniiaiiei idiian would take a gamble in boxing en n ncroentai:.' lin-d. Once mere u . ' . ,, ,, .., i nothing doing wire was the nnswer ' frnm Huffnln. with the addition,"! want te meet Leenard." New the latest dope from Kansas H that he is the champion. He gives thvse reasons for attaching himself te the lightweight crewn: Decision victories ever Willie Jncksen and Lew Tendler nnd a knockout win ever Kichle Mitchell, while he contends that Ieen-. nrd has failed te accept his challenges for a championship contest. Commenting en Kansai" claim te tlie title. Chnihs P. Muthlsen, of New Yerk, writes : . "Kansas hns made n geed record in the ring nnd in due course of time pub lic opinion would compel the champion te meet the Priiffnleninn in a title bout. Hut f"r Knns.iH te declare that he is the dinmplen while Leenard is still able and net unwilling te defend it will merely subject the lluffnle boxer te rid icule. "If the Londen rules were in force today Kansas would have basis for his action, for under the bare-knuckle cede it was necessary for n title-holder te (b fetid his honors once even -it uentliH or feifdt tr n lieiia-tide rhnlleiigtr. "When the late Jehn L. Sulkvmi be- i came American chnmplen in 1S12 lie .hanged tti" custom te Mill lilinseii, jn fact, he defended his title when he pleased and completely ignored the Ulle. Several challengers claimed title because sjulini) refused te light, but the Ilosten boy Ignored them nnd held en te his title till he was defeated by Corbett in 1S02. "As a matter of fact, no boxer since Pillliuin's time bun acquired ii title be cause of l he fnllure cf the holder te de ford it. Therefore, Knnsm may as well abandon hope of getting possession of the lightweight championship except through the medium of defeatiug I.eon I.een nid In the ring." MATTY IS GRATEFUL Giants' Fermer Star Pitcher Re- celves Check for $30,000 New Yerk. Nev. ;t. - (Jhnsiv Mnlhcw sun, whu everal days nge received ii S",().0(Ml click, proceeds of il.e ".Mnttj Ti'stimeni'il" liiiseliall gnnie at the Pole 'iiniiiuN Siptimb.-r .'10. diclnrcd in a litter te New Yerk ft lends that the gift hnd given him new lighting pe'.ers. Tim former pitching star has been light ing tuberculosis at Snrannc Lake. "Whenever little 'glemus' trj tn paj me a visit" wrote Mnttj. "I c'un chasi them away by thinking of my geed and true frh mis, I nm gmng te tight balder than ever te get well." y Fitzgerald and Daggert Draw Y 1 fiera.d and i tjr ruutnlH t i i i'i .s- jilprr t J un i s:)l!rrr v iieff s tuh 1 'Ut- K I b' nurli i' ut DrtKer 1 the HIJeu ii it II. rr ' d teated llerti i ui tuundi Run Your Car All Winter J.H.I.IV all the tine sunny rlan The eenut 'iiiraKe Ht'iiter lunt. your t 'li.iinf nml motei, tlieii jour ga I n'i 1 m Ueiuaene liU Mil t.v lending Insurpjice iiii;iitni-s tWflftll Htle.'etstiil year. Mu-( In- .id rtjiriaiiitcd or your ti i i i i eniblele Heady for Use $27-50 I vires 1'ri'inilil The Winter Necessity ROSE MFG. CO. 37th &. J'lll.ert his., I'lilln. I , I a ii i i i Essmss NEWS OF THE AMATEURS The WymlmfiT travellnr live, a mrlctly flrnt-clnriB team, wlahen te book Rnmcn with tenmn of the k.imn caliber, nrterlnir reanon reanen reanon able luarnntef. .1 Muyly. 2.102 North Vltth Btreet, or rhene KenHlnxten B101 W. Mehnnk A. A. would like te arraiiBe ifamee Ith seccind-rlriR nultitetn hnvlni; huPf. and efferlnp re"enb'e Inducemeiiti.. 3. Dcnja- mln. 80S Went Huntlnuden utreet. I.oeuxt Stldjtebt desire tn book gamer with thirteen te nfte"n-year-eM elevens, havlne I itreundu. IMwnrd Fltzulrnmens. S13 De De laneey street. 1'iinflel.I Junlern. a sixteen-year-old cajte Tvp. wlnhen te book icam Willi teams of I the naine caliber away from home. It, Mc- Uee. 1110 North Twenty-fourth xtrent. The y. SI. II. A.. Jr., team ha rc-ernan- i lzr,d for the cemlnK jeaeen. The team will rlay at home en Thursday, and away durltiR I the week, except Irldaj Team dcslrlnK nnni "heuld write te Paul lllrh, North i Hamlelrli street llrimilelK Center A. A. would like te nr nr anee icnmes with secend-elas aulntcts. either nt home or awtv Maurlce Abram Abram ren care of llrundel Center. Wace A. A., an 140-pound home eleven, I without n tfamn for next Sunday. Any team wivhlnp this attraction alieul.l pet In touch with C. Malls. l!42rt North I'atten slretU The Seuth I'hlla. II. C. a sltecn-to-e!ithteen-ear-eld team would Ilka te ar ranpe frames with teams of this class, hav Inc halls. James Kimnedy. 1'315 Cress street. Cambria A. C. would llke te arr.intre pames --ltri first and serend-clase nicntei'i rfferlrp ienenb;e l-idurrments Jehn Wll klns l!'no Kast Cambria street Tlie tllrard TrBelers ha eraranl.-c I a. flrst-elnss ne composed .f former schrlnBlIc and church Plaera nml dealre'-te henr from first and ecend-claas lle, offering renson rensen renson nb'e Inducements. Mari Gallagher, has North Tnenly-secend Mreet. Ut. I'eter'n C. C. will be represented en fie baeketball court thla weapon by two faet loams. The first team will be made up of i"iiin. nc .new irtiiii villi uu iiihi.m up e nrlsler Hums. SeMi'lnsr. Kan. I'Mtc Htan back, Chick Mct.aiiKhlln, and Handy Ml I The first ttame en the home fleer will be with th" Keystone Club en I'rlday nlpht Merrll Professionals will he the attrntlen en the eleventh. Any llrst-rlass teams, either in or out of town, wlshlnp pames. either ut home nr away, should address O A, Schll llnrr. flsn North I.iwrence street. The Fiftieth Club, fnniierl.i of the Ameri can Ixacue wishes 1 1 book pames with first class home nves. nfftrlnir suitable Induo' Indue' mnts I lUidenbauKh. 1214 Wist Seltzer meet. Trlnnele II. C, a flfleen-to-seventeen-year-old nam will rut a fast five en the fleer Reduced te $129S vA - JOY OUT OF LIFE this season nnd would like te hear from teams of the same npc. nfferltiir reasonable puarantees, Mlchicl Iannerelln, 703 Chris tian street. Western V. C. wants n. name for this Sunday at home II. S. l.elbewjtz, &711 Chestnut street The Itlrhmiin.1 Indians, a. Hfteen-to-seven-tcen-vcnr-nld traveling team, wants tn book frames with teams of the same npe. offering reasonable Inducements. Jehn Buckley. 3033 Aramlnpe nvenue. Kensington A, A. has open dates nt home for enmes. either at home or away. Charles Lindsay, 203.1 Kast Arizona mreet Original l'flthal A. A n lecend-ctias trnvellnp tenm. went' like te bunk pames 'Ith home mains, offering fair Inducements. Nat T'etamkln Weccaeue Playfrreund. Teurth and Queen streets. Iluntlnr A, A . a flrst-elas, travellnr: eleven. Is without a frame for Saturday. Nev. .1. due ie tUr Palmyra N. J. team be lli unable te play en account of injuries. Any flrst-elass team deslrln this attraction eemmunlcntii wllh J. .1 Mlodilanewskl, Its Grape street. Mauayurk St I'nul'H wnnts sames with second or third-class teams, either home or away, W, H. Yeunif. 422 Jlerle avenue. The I'. IV. A. quintet Is open for cames nt home or away with second or third-class teams. G. E. rile. 3710 North Carlisle Itrest. The Wm. lp. IWnil team will open up Its reason next Tuesday nlfrht. playlnir the Richardson Club nt Sixtieth and Walnut streets The Head five win ploy nt home Tuesday eenlnp at Eleventh and Snjder lenu. nnd would like te traxei the rest of the week and would like te hear from Orel and second-class teams, C Stratib, 1K5(1 Daley Mreet. Fnlen It. C. a thlrtecn-flfteen-enr-eld quintet, wants paniea away. Jehn Iuwlss 1417 tlrays Kerry avenue. " ' Athleno lub, u second-class bisl.etball iravenntf team, urmres KHni'S. VV . Qulnil I3.1-3S West (Urnrd avenue. rVirty-feurth IVanl dstres basketball patnes with nil lint-class teams payinp re. , sonable Kunrnntees Jee Clrahum, 1U00 Seuth liens ill strn t Nlcetewn II. C. Illues would like te hear from all elphteen-nlneteen-vear-elil teams nt home or awny. Chester lvnns, 4.14a North ' Kluhteenlh street rj Iliirrlsliurp luiprrLiN, nn Independent has. I ketlmll team wints I'am-i away. W ! .Mcr Ilex .14 1. Harrlsburc. Pi. Seuth I'hlliwlelphlA A. A. (two teams) would like te hear from all first and second claej b.isk'iball teams with hills H. Pas I son. 021 I'erter street. ' - Chalmers New Nothing in the field either six or four can compare with Chalmers value at its newly reduced prices. The quality which gives it downright superiori superieri ties in performance, in economy, in riding and driving, clearly entitles it te be classed with cars which cost a great deal mere Get the truth about the Chalmers-about its low costs, its durability, its soundness as an investment. Ride in it, drive it, and see hew splendidly it performs. Roadster - - - . 6-Pass. Touring Cnr, 51245 1295 v,-tccs p. tt . ,u0,( WarTax t0 bt adJeJAII MeJtlt Bquiptd uiu h'xceedinuly Attractive Time I'wjuwnt Maxwell-Chalmers Sales Corporation 216 North Bread Street, Philadelphia Spruce 0461 CRIMSON COGS OILED FOR PRINCETON DRIVE Tigers Haven't Wen Frem Harvard Since 1911, But Tied Cambridge Team in 1919 and 1920 Chicago Has Proved Merit of Western Teams Ky GRANTLAND RICK Wayfarers The Inn of Earth has sheltered us Where qeldcn years havequickly sped, And if tomorrow tec must start Te find the Next Inn en ahead, It's worth a bit te understand The ghostly highway can't be wrong, Where vanished pals who wait for us Have wondered why tec stayed se long. "AS FOlt hard runners te step," " nska Columbia, "what was the matter with Weeks nnd Merley?" Net n thing. "Or Truxton Hare, of Pen it, stronger than a buffalo?" writes an other. Net a thing. "And what was wrong In thin respect with Frank But But terwerth, of Yale?" queries Colonel W. Ij. llnnna. Net a thing. Next! A Hattlc of Nete AFTKIt nn intermission of twenty live years, Princeton nnd Harvard became involved again in 11)11 and Princeton wen. The Tiger hnsn't been fed upon vic tory since. The last decision went te Harvnrd by a .'1-0 margin in 101(1, and when hostilities were resumed in 11)10 and then en through 10UO the two en gagements ended In n draw. There is every indication this coming contest will provide another exciting afternoon, despite the two pullifi thrusts Princeton suffered from the Navy and Chicago. Tlie Tiger, even with I.eurle nnd Gar rity nreund, doesn't leek ns robust us he looked n jcar nge. when he nlse had Murray, fcchecrer. Legctidre and Cnlln han. Hut with Leurle and Onrrlty in in terpelnted, the Tiger will be quite an other tenm when Harvard bteps en Nnssnu rield. Harvard has also known n stormy season, but her fogs seem te be adjusted and the best nvnilnble tip out points te one of the most exciting matinees of November's big campaign. Predictions will mean very little in this test, where the break of the game will play the decisive role. Annilicr Why ""1IIICAGO has proved that utreng J Western foetbnll teams arc en n par with the Kast. Ohie Htnte. Wiscon sin, lewn and Notre Dame are ns strong nn Chicago. That being se, w hy should Kastern teams each jenr be given any where from two-thirds te three-fourths of the All-Americnn glory?" writes Westerner. lint are they? Tiist j ear the universities repreented in Walter Camp's selection were Illi nois, Wisconsin, Ohie Stnte. Notre Dame, Pittsburgh. Penn Slate. Georgia Tech. Princeton. Ynle nn.l Itnrvnrd -Princeton having the only double entries in Keel; mid Leurie. The time when the Kast is casually awarded eight or nine places hns pnseil by. The 'Fnr West. In Muller nml ethers, hnd talent worth plncing, ns well ns the Middle West nnd the Kiut. Tint .1.000, 000 square miles is quite a plot te cover. Tnrhlce), for Kxample PICKING nn nll-stnr team this year will be a tougher job thnn ever. Take the tackles nlnne. McGuire. of Reduced Prices in Effect New Snort Cnr . . u.ie - 7-Pa.s. Teurine Cnr. mm cVJle Princeton lnnU,i i.... than Keck, rated the best tackle in ths East. e And then there is Inte, 0f Y.u. Mulligan, of the Army: King V Helies, of the Navy ; two or three m at Pittsburgh nnd Lafayette a,,,t or five mere through the Middle W.J of exceptional quality. l The bprcad glows thicker and thlcV.e every year. "" Repealers PROM last jear's All-Amcrlcan, as picked by Walter Camp, Stein' Pittsburgh, with Leurle and Keck Princeton, are among the few vivers. ur" GIpp Is dead, and most of the ether, are through. Rtcln has the s great.,! rlmiiee te held his own apartment among the elect. Pitt's amazing centii is one of the greatest defensive rn.n football has ever known, with a rant? equal te that of the Northwest Mount,? Keck Is still a star, but he will n,M a brilliant finish te displace five "r lr ethers new frolicking In the spotlight The same applies te Leurie, who through nn early sensen Injury hii been out of it the greater part of the year. v As there are new a cluster nt ... iK iquorterbacks around, including Remnr iget Chicage: O'Hearn, of Ynle: Holle, il ran. of Pitt; Huell. of Harvard: Kl. linger, et I'cnn Htntc, and McMlllia of Centre. Lourle's grip en the top runr is new extremely loose. CorvrieM. 191 1. All tight reserved Brennan Awarded Declalen I'rerldence. It. I Nev. 3 -Hill Ilrennan of New Yerk, .wns plven the decision evm Han Uew.l of Ilosten. In iv twelve-reunS heavyweight Hght nt Marlevllle The finest tobacces: mild Ha vana nnd shade-grown wrap pers; the best workmanship, nnd a delightful, satisfying blend "Made Just Right'' luw riimiritr 10 St'zci "One Standard of Quality" 10c te 3 for $1.00 l. r.lsemttn & dens. .VIfrs.-PIMla. " - 51995 2295 Chicago, hi XmWr& YiiYl!7tMIWwk f it) I Br iW T : Ss.. .Hiiifek . BBBBBBBBBBBHBBMiiBMMa f1