Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 02, 1921, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 7, Image 7

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Orgnn Plays at 9. 11 and 5:15
Chimes t Noen
Stere Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5:30
The People Buy Willingly Where They Knew They May Buy Safely
Twe Little White and Gray
Pigeons New en the
Window Sill
seem te be bringing us a message of thanks
for timely words in yesterday's first
advertisement for November.
We like te speak freely and without
presumption te the thousands who believe in
and like the simpler life of sterekeeping
without flourish of trumpets, net puffing
ourselves nor making comparisons of prices
with war figures three years back, often far
beyond actual values.
De you remember David Harum's horse,
that he intended te auction off that day? He
had his hostler at the water trough put a
high price en the horse that he might say
that he had a bigger price "offered him
before he left home that morning."
This IS Indeed a Different Kind of
Stere, as you knew,
and it always shall be
TT.vvrv rlilV IS PmiSl.llv fTOnfl te COmC tO US.
We can and will make geed for sure
(barring a few sometimes sleepy people here
and there).
We are pleased with the slogan our
customers have made for us:
"We come te you and feel sure of getting
goods of true quality at
November S, 1021.
New ike Fashionable Brown
Frecks for Women Priced
Frem $50 te $150
Tiicetines, Peirrt twills and duvelyn chiefly, in the finest
shades of brown we could i'.nd, and made up in the loveliest nov
elty styles no two dresses n'ike. Here is a cloth frock with
Wtical lines of line handwork, there a piinccs or polonaise nil air,
or again the low; waistline appears with the bodice slightly
Meused abec its Fash. Occasionally a dies' is embroidered
a'mest a'l eer with geld thread. 13raid decoiatien in citical
linrj appears en ether dresses; one veiy odd one rus bands com
pose 1 of tiny cire'e.. of cloth ditched around their edges with
geld thread. "The sleeves it's hardl. necessary te sa are fas
cinitinjr Hum's, often of the new bell bhape.
Pi ices of these fine diessen aie veiy moderate cempaied
with hat they would hac been a year :tfe ?ri0 te $150.
(rirnt l'loer)
A Cape Costume Made te
Measure for $65
A smartly tailored one-piece dress with a long
cloak te match will be made te measure by the Custom
Tailoring Bureau for $65. The material is an all-wool
heather mixture in light or dark colorings.
Tailored suits in correct coat and skirt models
are made te measure of imported or domestic tweeds
and hemespuns for $65 ; and of tricetines and Peiret
twills for $85.
Nurses' uniforms, capes and graduation dresses
made te measure at very reasonable prices.
(Siuintl 1
Women's and Children's Geed
Gloves at Very Lew Prices
Geed K'ee-i, every one of them, pi iced te low only because
of specially advantageous purchae.f.
Fer Weman
I'tae Ticiich kid r1ecs at 2.'le. 'J we clasp, everscam sewn,
in black, white, beaver and blown.
Heavier Hunch kid gloves at 2.30. Twe clasp, pique sewn,
in the same colors as above.
Kine J'lcnch &uede glove at .S2.7." an exceptionally low
piice. Tv.e elasp, pique &uwn, in black, beaver, taupe, light gray
and biev n.
Fine white lanib.-kin slip-en k'le( in five-button length at
?2.05. Pique sewn.
Fer Children
One-clasp capeskin gloves, in toleis, at the ery special price
of Cia pair. 1 year te 14 year sizes.
Heys' fleece-lined capeskin gauntlets, black, brown or tan, nt
5l.2e a pan.
(MiiIii 1 lunr)
French Beaded Overbleuses
Special at $15
Just such blouses as women expect te pay about
double this price for.
They are in crepe de chine or Georgette crepe,
embroidered front and back with geld or silver beads,
and they are in the favorite suit colors navy, brown,
menawk or black. Seme have round, ethers V necks.
Letitia Corsets
, Comfortable riding corsets in a pretty pink pink
jetted material have skirts short in front, longer in
eack and wide elastic gores ever the hips, $8.50.
., topless corsets of pink figured batiste are suit
able for average figures, $8.50.
Inn imedel I-'01' tall women has a low full bust and
JvTei.s rt. neavily boned, double hose supporters in
ent, $12.50.
in A f eurtn style has girdle top and elastic inserts
"s long and well-boned skirt, $12.
(Thlril Ifloer) "1
V )
the proper price.
Seme Beautiful New Coats for
Yeung Women Have Just
Come In $135 te $235
They are belivias and duvctyns of finest quality, in black and
street colors, with lich dark browns predominating.
Beaver, pquirrel and wolf are the furs most used for their
trimming. The greatest number have beautiful beaver cellars.
Linings and every ether detail are luxurious.
The styles are strikingly different. Seme arc bleii3ed, some
stinight, some long waisted, sonic short w aisled, some with the
quite new and much smaller fur cellars, some with evcrcapes,
some with wide deep-falling sleeves that are the most conspicuous
detail of the entire garment.
The whele group is delightful, and very reasonably priced
for their quality at $135 te S235. Sizes 14 te 20.
(Scieiiil 1 loer)
Women's First Leather Coats
of the Season
They come from the
best maker of these
coats in this country
and, a wonderfully geed
piece of news, the prices
are far less than they
have been for years past.
Fer example plain
leather coats are $35 for
short length and $50 for
the long.
Suede leather coats,
(I Irst
This Dainjy Colonial
Slifpsr Is English
And as pretty a piece of
fine shoemaking as one
would wish te see.
The bread tongue and
wide buckle make even a
small feet leek smaller;
and the medium vamp
and tee and low French
heel contribute te the
dainty effect.
In black patent
leather, dull black calf
skin or tan calfskin.
Priced $16.
(Ural l'loer)
Odd Lengths of Laces
Lengths measuring
from two or three yards
te enough for a whole
dress. There are satin
finished radium flounc fleunc
ings in Spanish effects,
18 te 36 inches wide and
priced at $1.50 te $2.75 a
yard; all-evers of the
same lace at $1 te $2 a
yard ; and odd lengths of
novelty edgings a n d
bands at 40c te $6.75 a
Celers in the let arc
brown, navy, taupe, ecru,
henna, white and black.
(Meat Aisle)
Women's Silk
for $1
They are the kind that have
a wide selvage seam in the leg
and if first giade they would
be deuble thin price. In a
geed, heny-weight silk, with
cotton tops and soles, nnd in
black, white nnd coleis.
We sold about 12,000 pair of
these stockings last month and
this let of 5GS0 pair will go
(West Aisle)
long lengths, $75.
Shiny leather coats,
$35, short lengths.
All come in the three
col'ers of natural
leather, Cordovan and
black and all are lined
throughout. They are
about the best kind of
coats for- metering,
sports wear and bad
Elgin Wrist
for Women
If theie is one thing a watch
doc-, diblike meie than any
thing else it is te be constantly
moved about, te be carried
fiist in one position, then in
another nnd te be subject te
All this a woman's wrist
watch is called upon te stand
and it takes the best kind of a
wntch 1e de it successfully.
The Elgin is such a watch. It
h one of the finest American
watches made, every tiny part
being perfected with the great
est caic.
Having had long experience
with thoec watches we knew
just hew geed they are and, in
consequence, there is this large
assortment te cheese from.
All have libben bracelets.
1 1 kt. green geld eases,
made te our own order in oc
tagon, cushion, tenneau, long
actagen, long hexagon and long
tenneau shapes. They aic
hand cngia-.ed with sterling
silver dials and enameled
numerals 5110 te Sile.
Plain geld cases, $1)2 te $35.
Fancy geld cases, 556 te $SG.
Plain geld-filled cases, $18
te $11.
Sterling silver cases, S23 te
(Miiln l'loer)
Children's Undermuslins
for Less
We have reduced some
hundreds of little Phil
i p p i n e undermuslins
straight out of stock,
H and - embroidered
shirtwaists in three
styles, some closing in
front, some in back, sizes
14, 16 and 18, $2.75.
Pink and blue batiste
dresses in sizes two te
six years, price $3.
Combination drawers
and waists, one te four
years, price $2.
P r i n c ess petticoats,
hand scalloped, two te
six years, $1.50.
(Tilr Tloer)
New Fiction
"The Career of David
Neble," by Frances Parkin
son Keyes, $1.75.
"The Wolves of Ged and
Other Fey Stories," by Alger
non Blackwood, $2. By an ac
knowledged master of the
realm of the weird and awe
some. "The Hcrapath Property,"
by J. S. Fletcher, $2. A mys
tery story.
"The Black Diamond," by
Francis Brett Yeung, $2.
"Pnrtncrs of Chance," by
Henry Herbert Knibbs, $1.73.
An Arizona tale.
"Remance te the Rescue," by
Denis Mackail, $1.90. The
scene is laid in theatrical Lon Len Lon
eon. (.Main fleer)
A New Set-Out of Encrusted
Geld Glassware
Rich, brilliant and or
namental any ware
that is all these things
must be interesting.
Here is a ware that
has the richness of geld,
the brilliance of crystal
and the ornamental
quality inseparable
from such a combina
tion. Ne wonder it is popu
lar, especially with gift
buyers. (fourth
Madeira Embroidered Linens
Se Geed and Gift-Like
Every woman w h e
loves dainty things
knows hew te appre
ciate Madeira hand-embroidered
These n e w arrivals
are very geed examples
of Madeira hand - em
broidery and hand-scalloping.
They come in several
appealing designs and
are priced as low as such
Geld Mounted Handbags
of Fine Leather
Dull and bright pin and many sizes. All flat
seals are the leathers
used in these new bags,
which have flexible
mountings of 14 kt. geld.
There are shopping,
dress and ether shapes
Seme Worth Werth
of Demestic Rugs
Think of a seamless
velvet rug in Oriental
designs and colors at
$52.50 for 9x12 ft. size !
Geed low-priced rugs
for bedrooms are these
of woolen fiber, in plain
and' figured effects.
9x12 ft $20
If Yeu Are Leeking for a
Better Gelf Ball
Yeu may easily find
it among these famous
standard balls at Wana
maker's :
Radie, $12.60 a dozen ;
Mystery, $12; Red
Flash, $10.80; Blue
Flash, $9; Tap low float-
Philippine Undermuslins
for large women have
j u s t been unpacked.
Needless te say they are
richly embroidered.
Nightgowns with ki
mono sleeves, $3.85 and
$4.50. W i t h set - in
sleeves, $5.
E n v e 1 e pe chemises,
$3.50 te $6.50.
Cllilnl lloer)
Several Fine Lets of Oriental Rugs
Newly Unbaled
New Persian Saruks of fine, heavy texture, in rich, beautiful shades.
New Persian Araks, new Persian Dezarts, new Chinese rugs in carpet
Beautiful pieces, all
ing their unquestionably excellent quality.
Many people are en the leek-out for just such attractive and reliable rugs
as these new shipments have brought.
The new Chinese carpet-size pieces are priced at $295 for size 10x8 te $389
for size 13.7x10.7 ft.
Arak Rugs
12.3 x 9.4 ft
10.6x7.10 ft
12.7 x 8.7 ft
13.6 x 9.8 ft. . . .,
11.7x8.1 ft
ie.9 x 7.10 ft-
12.4 x 9 ft
11.11 x 8.5 ft
12.5 x 9.5 ft
Fruit or flower bowls,
flower vases, competes,
covered butter-ball
dishes, bonbon dishes,
cracker and cheese
dishes, handled sand
wich trays, mayonnaise
dishes, water jugs, can
dlesticks, covered honey
dish with plate, baskets
and ether useful pieces,
priced at 82 for a bon
bon dish te $20 for a
beautiful grapejuice
geed quality pieces can
Tea napkins, $9.75 a
13-piece lunch sets.
$6.75 a set.
Pillow cases, $12.75 a
Bread tray doilies,
50c each.
We will box them very
neatly for gift-givers.
bags, but with plenty of
pockets and r e e ni y
enough for all ordinary
Prices, $S te .$18.
1 loer)
- While - While News
8.3x10.6 ft. .
6x9 ft $11.50
36x72 in., $4.25
27x60 in $3
Woolen service rugs,
very heavy and durable
?nd in plain and figured
effects, S36.50 for" 9x12
ft. size.
er, 87.80.
Tap low
All but the
ire standard
Diana, a new golf
ball made especially for
women, $10.80 a dozen.
A great collection of
clubs and bags here, tee.
Only the Best Beys ' Suits and
Overcoats Are Geed Enough
we A f x ?,r; "aMs; ste-
yr z:ivra co"cctien of Nerfe,k 9U"8 ' 8
(Prrand Fleer)
of them, and priced en a
.'. .$465
12.6 x 8.10 ft
12.4 x 8.7 ft
9.10 x 8.2 ft
14.4 x 10.10
11.5 x 10.5 ft
3 x 5 ft. te 4
4 x 7 ft. te 5
(Srientli l'loer)
'" ir1 JVM iif P ft
2 mlr Ja
These Latest Overcoats Are
the Finest We Have Ever Seen
Splendid great coats that in some cases run
up te $100 because of the richness of their
materials and the superiority of their tailoring.
Every man who takes pleasure in clothing
excellence should see our collection new.
It is the best in all our sixty years.
Fall overcoats, $30 te $50.
Winter overcoats, $35 te 100.
(Tlilr.l Fleer)
Men's Redleaf Cellars for
Winter Are Here
This will be geed news te the men who, having
worn these fine Londen cellars for years, will have no
ether kind.
Made of uncommonly fine linen and in correct styles.
50c each.
(Main l'loer)
Extra-Size Handkerchiefs
for Men, $9 a Dezen
We have just opened a new case of these fine Irish
linen handkerchiefs and they are marked at a new and
much lower price.
They are a beautiful quality and are in the larger
size which se many men like. With one-quarter, one
half or one-inch hems.
(Main J-loer)
Men Who Like Fancy Shoes
will be interested in a new high shoe of dark mahogany
It is of the brogue persuasion, with a tapering tee.
Perforated tip, perforated saddle strap, perforated
circular vamp seam and per- rated lace stay. Bras3
eyelets, stitched heel seat a .. rawhide slip in sole te
keep out dampness.
Price $10 a pair.
54-Inch Weel Serge
Special, $1.50 a Yard
A really beautiful serge for $1.50 a yard. In the
fine "French" weave for dresses or pleated skirts, and
it is all-wool.
e There are just the two shades navy and mid
night blue.
(I lrt I loer)
veiy moderate scale consider
ft $750
Sarnk Rugs
x 7 ft $125 te $225
Dezart Rugs
x 8 ft $85 te $115
-ft .
?tyi J