rtZ)!Ziw!!t-v!itf r-, '' -'' '"&i v pk ;: EASING PUBLIC LEDaBR-PHILADELPHIiV, WEDNESDAY, NOVBMBEB 2, 1921 V -r - A V'' 0';' is II aj mm Wr ft "1 'i-BH s Wf ttl RHI tl ft J1 Hal Lvr x: Hen ;- f HOC! f ' 1 " If I WARTIME VI WWY ID BE SOLDI Public Auction of Fairview and 'Harrinian Listed for De cember 15 1 1 A PfC ADOPTED FATHERS" SOUGHT DI IV&CVI rJU,ll jiuxyiniu Many Will Have te Quit Scheel Unless They Can Get Part- Time Werk te Help Pay Expenses , Twenty turltnt nt the University in every possible way with the of Pennsylvania till", unless thev J """'wTlmip n hm.k wIihiibi- which narl -time poll Inn" within tlie next le I kpi'ti these students miihiIImI with the "flcs will In- I'diiiiifl'iil te itlve un thi'lr I nreessnr.v text books. Mr Uitntt Id. CITY ME T HODISTS INBUILDINGBQQM stmlles and re Inte tlie bulfn"s world. TENANTS FACE EVICTIUN are looking for '.Mleiit-.'.l fathers." 1 111- Item less mi the ex- Announcement has been made that the" wartime village of Knlrvlrn. nenr "Cirhden. and Hnrrltnnn. near llriMel. -,Pa.; will (e sold nt public ntirtlen nbeut December 15. At present both tliee vlllnge are tenanted, but whether the proposed gala means n wholesale eviction of tenants could net he learned mernlnR. These two villages. represent ms an Intcatment of SIS.OOO.OOO by the tinv ernment. are enH typical of tneny mere scattered near the shipjaril" and plants of war Industries Provided tlie ale of Fnlrvlew and Harriman Is success ful, the ether villages will be put up at auction. Built during emergency as they were. Jt in believed tlie villages have caused bit; deficits in the accounts f 'lie United States Shipping Heard, and this has prompted shipping bmrd officials te place them en sale. Announcement of the propose,! s;l,. was made by Jeseph V. Powell, pres ident of the Emergency Fleet ('orp'-ra-tlen, and Chairman Kasker. "f the Shipping Heard. It vn also announced Jeseph P. Day. New Yerk auctioneer. had been commissioned te conduct the sale. At the same time the announcement was made. It was said, the villages are tenanted, but will be vacated ohertly. still thej will nt be rrnd.v for occupancy fnr possible purchasers until March. 102'J. This move te nell the village, fellows cletcly en the heeh- of n request made By Fnlrvlew residents for n reduction in rents. Officials refused, but nt the same time said there would le no evictions for being in arrears of rent despite the fact mere than one hundred families had vhat tuiii". When the request for reduction, vn made of William Towers, shippln;; beard representative, he took up the matter with Chairman l.nkcr. Later be said tlie tieverninetn had cetinitel. refused t make n 15 pe, cent reduc tlen. PENSIONERS GET $13,393 Checks Forwarded te 326 ex-Cit Empleyes Average $41 Seme Idea of the extent of the opera tion of the municipal pension fund can be gleaned from the fact that Secre tary Themas V Mnrrivin has ferwardi d !-(! clink- te as many an nuitants, ni f'.rtnei' einnliijc of the city, for the month il O t"ber The total sum distributed vvu si:i.:!fi:j.iCi. ranging in sums from )"in te Silt), the average being S-H.Cv The eldest in point of service of these annuitants is Arthur S. White man, who was en tin pa j roll of tlr Bureau of Water continuously for fifty-one ears and eight months. i fit mere i i .i ... i i.i.. .. . (ICIIM- "JO'Cl OI UIC OO. IH'IMIIH Ilia Wtlj , thteuglt." I The fraternity heues employ student I for all the extra work they can, ami met liearding lnnii's Imve students waiting en tables. Mt. Howe has- sent ti lettei-te the Inter I'luteriiitv Council. which meets lenlsrlit. asking thill the fiaternltics de nil that Is possible te assist One of the boys gus te school during 1 the dav mid erks from 10 P. M. until .'! A M. doing clerical work. These who lone piut-tlnn- positions cenMd'-i tliciiiselves iinisi feitiinntc The iiii'in iiii'in pleiiiieiit coinliiteiis which me tiew i istlng account In n Iiu'rc nit'ii -n re for dilps. Hut at'anv event tlie be went ' tin- link of in lutwecn duties Men who te college with a uei d ei eiiie seu of last j ear wen working sU'tidll.v tun! part-time work te help d"fni the e. - rcijiilii'lv , have through sheer despern penses of ItMn-!. The ceileg.- . o-eperiitc ,ilen taken nut thing which Is offered. Their caes are new in the hands of Dana Howe, head of the Chii-llan As sociation at Petin "Fathers will fretieiii!v trle te Klve th'ir sons educational ndvntitajtcs which f h lliemsi'lves iiiiscil." Mi Howe said "Surclv there uiiist bu some people in the . i t v who will pluv ailuptxl father and help these lads wllii part-tinie job." Seme of these jeung men worked this i through tin- seliiiiiiT hnlidav te earn the nietiev which is paying (or their tuition this year. Uthers are dure en scholar Erection of Four Large Build ings! at $1,650,000 Biggest Project in History WILL HELP UNEMPLOYED NEW FLOWERS SHOWN WHITE MULE IN STOCKING Displayed at November Meeting of the Florists' Club Christmas blooms ami decorative plants generally were en view nt the November n ccting of th l'lii!adelph:n F!erits' Cluli. in tlie Hetel Adelphiu. last night New cientietis shown wen the new priM'ltln pink rose from New Kugland and the Augelus white re from Ulchniend. hid., as well n a number of pompon clir.vsnntheinuun from Springfield, N. .1. On one "f the tables was featured a beautiful Mhci- trnphj nip ilenutril h the president of the club. Alfred M. Campbell, te tin winning leniu in tlr Florists' Baseball l.e.igue. The cup was iiwardcil last night te the S. S. Pctineek Cempan: team, whose prop erty if V ill llecilllle it Will tlliec times in Micces.i"ti Camden Policeman Thought Sus picious Bulge Was a Pistol Xellcing a suspicious bulge In tlie right slecking of u woman who were her skirts In the region of her knees. Po liceman Ward, of Camden, halted In r estcrda . "Hand out tli.it gun you litnc in your stocking!" said the policeman. Then he gei a surprise. The woman handed him a half pint bottle containing "while mule " At tlie police siatien tlie prisoner snid she wa Mrs. Albert Fratclier. of KM" Ktcrcit street. "New that women carry hee,:e in their stockings it mut lie getting tin ahuiblc." s,-iii Recerd' i' Stncklieuse. The pr'si'iner said that she took the Knit'"' for In r nei ves She was re-Ic-isi-d en let- prniuise net te drink un.i tne e iiUer. FIGHT ON PORT RATES HERE CHURCH BU1NS MORTGAGE Anether Attempt te Have Differen tials Being Organized Anether ntleuint is blng organized te nb'ilisli tin- inland fn igii! iliffcrenti.il iliffcrenti.il te North Atlantic pert. utnl'-r nhiili Pliiladelphia is flveied with a '"We. rate that: New Yerk and Mos'e'i. ac cording te this month's i.s.-u,. nf C.'i tnerce iitid Industry. Besttui ninr.liM" e.xpert. arc said te b'- bu -king tlie mt t A fUtl'l of S'-'.VIH.II is te b" s;,;,. si rlbeil bv lio-ten intire-t. the nug aziti" say--, te prepare t) case for sub mission te the Interstate C.umnc'ee Cemtni -ion aiming te huvc the dlf fcreutials put a-iih-. The llosten in terests are iipertetl te liave -ecuri'd the services of Kdgar K. Ci.uk. former cliainiinn of tlie Interstate Cem. in re Coinmissjen, te prepare tln-ir ca-c. "Philitilelphtu trades bodies, mi porters and expo-ters." -jim tin mag azine, "new perhaps mere tl.i.n at any r mii'. wnl be el iged te i-u-epi ,-nte in a united and nggr.'ssive nmn -nei.t te pro pre lei! tlie tetelgn lemu.eree of the peit " Moving Picture of Weman Setting Table By J. P. McEVOY Pt.'TS en tablecloth . Direevers hole and takes it off Leeks for another c.can tabic leth. Can't find one. "I knew 1 had one r'glit here." Puts firttt one en ajain. Sets a dish ever hole. Brings out kr.b'-s and fork- Must make two or three nips Discovers si" lias put two forks at 'tie place "1 wonder what thai means'' m CIIAN'fiKS them and puts plate around. Discovers one chipped. Discovers another en" chipped Anether cup without a handle. Anil one le-s cup. "There's no watching them . Jt,'ul huwl mid make with it I'lMnvrs salt i.ini pepper inc. Leeks for tlieui. 1 tisi exers i ream. Fills pin her and makes Willi it. "If a iii.in only realized steps a wen. nn must tuk M iS for bread p!nte trip te linker. table Fleisehmann Memerial Congregation Is New Free Frem Debt Fleisehmann Memerial Rnptist. Church. Ninth mid I.uzcnie sheets, cel ebrated its freedom from debt last night w lien tlie chinch meitgage vna burned. Tlie pastor, tin- Rev. 1. T. Krusp. teuclieil tile iniitcli te tlie mortgage and turned into tisln s tlie lnt obl.galieii of the church. Tile cxerc.se- were at tended by n large audience. Paster Krusi' made an address m wliicli lie teid of tl tusk te wiip-li the tuetnbers of tl Iitirch liad devoted tliemselv te wij lit (lie debt, nm I'Mil-i -sed th" nep.. (hut tlie future we ild bring cv n a gr'Miter achiiMinent. BABY BUFFALO BORN AT ZOO Th" Litest arrival lit the oeicgj -al (i.irdcn is :i baby buffalo. Tin in v. -comer was bem yesterday affrnoeu and iniikes the second buffalo (dlf Idiii iti tlie '.mt this year. Contracts Out for Camden Schools Cimlni'ts were awnrded by tlie Cam tlen Heard of I'dip titien yestcrda-. fei the erection of a seine! building at North I'raimr Ili'i te .lehn llei.iuii for SP.Ml.750, and an lo'dit'eii te the Whit tier Scheel te tin William Linker Cem. puny for Siili.iHie. Statistical n pet's h'w a b'g ni'-i-eas ii ;itt iid.iui'i- or the s, iioels Aiprnval of plans for four large buildings te be erected by Philadel phia Methodists al nn estimated cost of S1.(!.-(),en() opens the biggest build ing boom In their hliery and will provide work for humhcdi of uneiij- I'leyil- .. , , i Bishop .Iivseph P. I'erry declared vesterdnv t lint the erection et these buildings constituted the greatest achievement by Methodists' Mnt-e he 'lecanif resident Bishop in Philadel phia. .... Werk will begin en the following buildings almost immediately: A five-sterv addition te the Metho Methe dit Ilpiscepa'l Hospital, at Bread and Ritner streets. The cost will be MOll.OltO. An infirmary for the Methodist Kpis Kpis cepal Old Felks' Heme, en Belmont avenue at the cdje of Fairmount Park. costing S50n.(l()0. Mere Stories for Wesley Building The erection of eight additional ste.-ies en tlie Wcileji Building. Seventeenth and Arch streets, making a combined (hurch and held building fourteen stories high. That high-eluss hotel will be known ns t lie Hetel Wilmet and will be one of the most pretentious structures of its kind en tlie Parkway. The cost of building the hotel atop the present church building will be $000,000. V handsome new deueenchx home nt Si.Uh it nd Vine streets that will cot S15ii.0tli). The Cenernl Beard of the Weman's Heme Missionary heelety will contribute ."feO.OOll te this enterprise iitid !?1IH.(I00 lias been raised in a rapid-lire campaign the hist week. Herace W. Cnter. architect, has pre pared plans for the addition te tlie Met ieillt Kpiseepal Hospital which will emhudv tlie must up-te-tlute features of modern hospital construction. '1 lie lui'ding will stand at tlie Ritner street i nd of the illy block occupied by tlie Methodist Fpi-iepal Hospital slid will lie ceiiucctrd with tlie administration building by a corridor. Tlie hospital property extends from Wolf te Ritner t-treet and from Bread te Thirteenth. At tlie present time there ere eight or nine buildings in tlie plant, witli an estimated nlue of inert' than SI, (11)11 -(Mill. The institution nl-e carries .'llilll. (KM) endowment. .Justice Alexander Simpsen, .li'.. is tlie president and the Rev. Itr. Charles M. Boswell tiunncial secretary. te; Private Reems in Hospital Tlie new hospital will be of re-enforced concrete, with brick veneer ami limestone tiiiiiniliigs. exn tiding i'J.'! fret along I'.toad street and !M feet en Rit ner strcftt. It will be Hreproef through out and will lentuin 11)7 private rooms, of which twenty will lie provided with private baths. Ilii" iip-te-dnte feature will be the substitution of tolered lamps for bells. The patient who wishes te call a nurse ptessc. a button, which Illuminates a lamp outside the deer of tlie room and anetln i- lump en llie nurse's desk. If l he niir-e tails te respond the illumi nated lamp eutsid" the deer notifies her eiipeiiei" that sin. is neglecting her duties. A children's ward containing fifty '. e beds v ;i occupy the first lloer. trip i.i table hew many t-ay any tiling tney and tin n what can ju-t toil l an 1 if yu up and se. Pl'TS sugar bowl en tahl Discovers l is empty Bringh it hack and leeks for -near Can't find it. Puts down sugar bowl and l""ks for cream pitcher. It Is empty . Leeks for cram Finds sugar. We Buy Geld SILVER, PLATtSUM. DIAMONDS JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS Pawn HeUf's fnr dta-nei- Mushl Titn out nm.n shop PennSmelting Ce. S00 ril.HKRT ST lt. 1141a. T iiiiK -Lj Uiseriveis sn't and prpni-t shakers. Puts them en tab'' . Picks ein- up and shake- i te r wh.cli it i. I'linl- it uipt Takes it ein te till -t rinds .-he is out of -n't Sends I'hi'd mi'i' te neighbor s u, bor row some. Finally puts feed en table. Makes separate triti with everything "Cem" en. everything's getting oe.d Sinks il'iw n en h.i i r wearilv. "All the s'rps a wemiin niu-' laliel t ciaiiSES Tram New- Yerk te Havana. Kmsiten. Tanama Canal. V'rne:uela, Trinidad, Barbde, Fert de France, St. Pitrrc, St. Ttiemu, MJ Jum. 'jimu .in J Bermuda. Ne p.-isi'irt rniulrftj. MEUAMiC Jan. 17 Feb. 18 March 20 Ijirscntdlmtniianictanvittamihlpwiling te Writ Indict. Over ! car' i.vreHcnve in s inter CruUej. Arr'v Crui-e Dcpt. VOVAGES from New Yerk te the Mediterranean: Madeira. Gibraltar, Algiers, Monace, Genea, Naples. Athens, Alexandria for Effv pt and the Nile. ADRIATIC (24,541 ten.) January 7 February 18 ARABIC (IT.J.-tteni) January 21 March 4 Independent Travel. Dockings te any Pert. Apply Mediterranean Dcpt. White Star Service, of the umt hljli standard which has made the Olympic internation ally famous, provides utmost luxury fur either voyage. rt'riu- leJcy far WHITE STAS -If.TME WmttoJiyfer AWnerrjMM-i or WVCTllHi lavSc.V,,lii4W& ,1Wiimiiis or Tt'rife nr tali fnr uti uett, Otld Inlti'Hl'wj lld'iklr' ".Oe(f!H7 'I'e l'e n 'III i fc'le ' A Series of I Eve Talks - By Jeseph (.'. 1'crnusnn, Jr Our evl Talk Weil., Nev. It g Someone lius said that "experience be-pets wisdom, but usually tee lute in the game te be of any value." 'assssFiJv c Issn v""f fsssatJlC !. If von "ti'.' reah.-'d mA.ILi,,,, ,, 77T",, ,,'i, , ,. , r ,, ' jiLa----.-IIII:ZL "...: .: liiiMiiiiiiilii'liiiii'iiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiaM gi - .g MAURICE SPECTOR, President 1310 Chestnut Street lit- The truth of that statement can be vouched for by nianv a one who put off Retting proper optical amtstauec until dimmed vialen forced suih action. Nearly all eye troubles can be corrected and sight brought buck te normal If tahc-n nt the beginning -nianv mere are never fully corrected because left te ke unchecked tee long. If your eyes need attention go te an oculist a physician ee Specialist at once If glasscK are necessary have them made and lit ted hy ;i pr.. ecrlpllen eptlclun rrearrlptlen Optielanv G, 8 & 10 Seuth 15th St. We De NOT Examine fc'ie Thl "Talk" from a cepj rlht All, rlihta reaervtd. An Extraordinary Sale of Dresses of the Better Type Regularly 49.50 te 79.50 DO dtftJ m mm ki it-a These Dresses of the Better Type have come as Samples from cer tain high-grade Manufacturers who regularly favor us, supplemented by selections from our own well known and well-appreciated atecks. Ever garment is a brilliant example of fine workmanship, fine quality and fine style. Dresses for Street, for Afternoon, for Sports, for Dinner, for the Dance and the Party These fashionable modes are in Tricetine and Peirct Twill, Canten Crepe, Reshanara Crepe and Crepe Rema. Dance and Party Frecks, Lace Dresses, Sports Dresses as well as Frecks for Street and Afternoon Wear. Many are simple in line and treat ment while ethers arc gorgeously trimmed with elaborate beads, silk and tinsel embroidery, monkey fur and modish metal girdles. The Event is worthy of special attention it is scarcely possible that these values will be repeated. One of our show windows is entirely devoted te the displau of these Dresses you should see it Tomorrow surely. jsssm-w-iMWfxwxwsfts :'-8SW.45WsVssW II SI II p H a Si 3 & P fiif H II & IIS M If II II V Is II 1! What a Hart Schaffner & Marx overcoat gives you The best style, long wear, all-wool quality, greatest economy, satisfaction or money back mxzwimmtewsmmmmiXMwi AOmw'AYffffffJyufii'ffiiiffimff '.-' '.V.-. . . ., . . 'f -.-...v. , . . , -ri-,.H l. 'ill. n -.... mi V J? .,v..w.v.....,....w,AW,,,,,,,, S ', Or"! Itn.Hei bkf4f Min mk HBHHHal ' '-3&aaHi saiaiaiaisssssi- V ... "V' ,,' . ii'i; . ILHHHLKliS niiiiHiiiii