Llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll K ; EuentHQ $tjblfc fc&aet Philadelphia, whdetsdat, mvmatm iraa: M JH? 1 BM I : . . ...1 . .. II I I I I I I I BBM Ij K i rr -- i "ivn - --,--- i i U iimmtmm I I ' iMfli t m mirfAAiiii . .... .fr.n. . frfg'Sg-Ja nr If I lii n l-SiMAmr-'f '--''" ' lWWWiHiHHBiHWiHfcAWBlMBIHfcBiHiHHL.,.,! H fflSifc per Ml - LLE E" rIMlLIt.MtA lill IN WwLLSLA 10RM. Thrj 1 n.i gem euMn two beats en the last Jeb of the season. It was the plan te gather In the nets and then roise the seventy-feet poles. The nets had been hnuled In when th'1 f e'm hr.'kc, Jn the firs- etchimr at tlm left 1 ene of the tu-e beat"? from which the men were tern bj the raping Ee.t. The second photograph shows debrla of the oecend beat that was washed upon the bench nt Angio Angie ma Ueh beat' woie ti 1 'egrthrr a the men worked. At the right iHtncl Ilordersen Is knocking a hole- in the bottom of the beat te let the water out SEEN AT MANY OUTDOOR EVENTS. Mrs. S. J. Hollewny (left) nnd Mrs. William L. Hirst. They both nre devoted te herse racing tr w t Ma-TV- k c "','w.i,it ... -.&"-.-, . vr??!?&ss2i . .' rLr ' M',ifvi!K a i ion iiiMT J UK atJii HALL Twe of the players of tin- Temple. University girls' hockey team during a piactice game at the Kingrcsiing Recreation Center M R1 ING 1 OR HOC KLY FTTLP. Miss Helen Lecke, captain of Kad- . 'lfTe t ell..gj hockey team, use'? a "bike" te and from game-!. Her team te battle again t the L'ngMsh invaders this v,ck innm.tteun' EN ROl"IF 10 KANSAS cu Mar-hi. Fech smoked a pipe as he Mewed the P. R I! Horseshoe Curve, near AUnena iv mm v. W It LI I E. CROW, JK . --en of United Statei Scnatei "r'i, captain of the P. At. C. toetball team, with "Tin si""i,int)"iima'cnt recently brought from Maine en- KE'S CL D HIM DIDV 1 MUIU.. l.,ni"l Dcvww , and Rpadtng P.irngrr lirmai p'rard that m u'l i.r vci-Fi ( u h ,, i ;m,l '1untn f t 5 , J: t Pi i cr. II' lOsLPir ( U GEH, W8t -m Dtrroter 0f Werk-, t.ilV nn ninj- en 1 dit'irnl PegB SAMLLL b. 1 1 V,W, Pcnnsyl ai la'b udlte drnpral, xaa nie "v our photograph?' MIsSS BUAA' nOLDEN. Bur nrd College, masquerading i. antral Ken ueicaicu by JJroeJilyn Prep Scheel yesterday. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WIJA1 BUSY PHILADELPHIANS n iky de . I I mU. MBMUk $i M&mi mmh, BntaBMi i .bVBM Mwa Xfl j j t jyy u Sffitx g -w,1 VililililB irtTH i TTIPWTTlTnnTTrnT lu. the factory of f p Perter Company, tinware innnufuc i.rc,N 128 North Second btreet MMaiM! OVKIt M M' ODM f I J s p, .ulnarib en their wav ti. and from the Prnnvhanm n...i n i .av,nB a Jet of annoyance , cr,,siHB lHluttare uvcuue in lU tern-n, cendil Si, due te rSvi Sd illf1,M,,K i .'m,r !" "1 bhowe hew they climb ever plunks, parts of ticca and stones nt th feel "r Chestnut "trrct cUllin- icllcr('of;e-;plicSVu.,tV-DAy- J",,'1 Moffelt, tl.lr.1 ' He is ma rrie m .K A'"Va,u?. J m r'Pslnut Htret. innirtcd. lias ene child nnd lives in Yeaden, T. I i 1 -