.!W5 EV&mtel- PUBLIC lmtiPnihAT)Ll?lA, WEDNESDAY, HOVEMBlSR 1$21 e.,.M J. BACHELOR HUSBAND By RUDY M. AY RES Auther of "Richard Chatlerten," Etc. Ccivrleht. tttt. bu W, J, watt 4 Ce. rrrTftimiNS THE STORY vTlllf '" . fi.j.iii.- I'U.J. rhrlcr ana unrniepti l?"r. ..- mlied together, ana Wl'tr father died they married: WuYJte the loved him and lX loved her: he became he W3aic 'he money the arrange- Pknuaht him. On their honey ?' Vlearn the truth and tejl !tILa his friend expected. A Qftttri threm herself in hi, "?'.' Hi Marie experience a grew- '' i.tilnn ter Dakert, Known at K&JVfricnd of her husband. C" '"""' home i :adrsd it Chris' moretenc, but at her ',?. it that the ack Mr. $8 1 Mirer te tn-av him. Chris fflftiU&wter Ml with hi l""'fl-fiiiii. leaving her dlt- litM LUIH""" . 'w w? Aim fc""" ",0 .? hr.r hurt vr.t..rA (ihrit. Jhcu nave a r J en spend nil Die tlme walking jeund Mil round." Mrs. Heriet looked at Chris, lour wlfn In i un.tl ' n.. 1.11 Mm. "I nm surprised that you linvc I'et made her Inte mere of n spertH. woman." .i-V.W0U.m!1.nv? "Pnk'n. '" "he rat tied en. "Did they tell you hew ther " ,JV1M l,rtwn llfr(' ten days ojie? vhy, thnt Mrs. Uwle. wns Mr. pake' wife ! W? had such n lnugh ever It, didn't we?" alie appealed te her sinter. 1 Mnf'e '""I fluMied crimson. She IGelced nripcnllngly neres nt her hus land, and wn stunned bv the leek of milter In his even nn.ter with her. she knew With n despcrnte effort she pulled herself together. 1 wennerir people thought any of "..iii.ii . n.ifi iriiivi'd n0ii wmi in (he E, 6 VV marred only by meet Tm. ll' riot at an inn. Marie a "IS trips te the country and ftmX en the Thame with the & 2 but tilcnt Feather disturb 1!. Lnt Madge, who rebuke Chrt tScctiVhl wife. Constraint 'mU the relation between Marie tti Ohri when ne cvemuanv vemen l. He i peevlih at her cool ceol coel mki'iiwrd hi gift and attempt uornnee affair for her pleasure I Mi At' ecn), cspecwuy ncr ureiine. met he been tUvited, also Marie icUl thum, Dorethy Helier, an tifietr type of gtrl. AND HEUB IT CONTINUES OU can ke If you will premise te come with me en Sunday. Etc looked up. 'Why arc you se anxious for my Biny all at ence?" l frowned. 'lt leeks se se rotten, our never tl tesether. Feathers Is nlwaya get Dtily digs In nt me nbeut It, and It a'j ss i' there Is any real reason j 1 have always been goeu iricnun, .Ma ll Celeste, until lately." Belt was net that he wanted lier. Jt nt Just that Feathers had commented n the fct that they were no seldom :0Mther, and che knew hew Chrln hated file thought of Feathers with n little Kirtache. It seemed an eternity hIiice Klie'had seen him or felt tlie strenc Klup of his hand, and nultc suddenly he maije un her mind. 'Very wen, J win come, rl.rli hrlrhtened lmmedlatelr. WH.'W . .- . ...l .- .. .. "Thank you, Marie ueieitie. i snan 1 (11 Feathers; it will be n pleasant sur iriie for him." Thcre was a little neef In his voice, but Marie took no etlce, as she went en arranging the offers with hands that were net tilte Die did net expect te enjoy hen.elf iraccempanylnR Chris. Hlie hnt"d (re. Heriet. and hhe knew she would Hetj'eut of crerythlin; and iiuwanted, tmt-atid she knew this had been the Bdetereilning factor she would see leathers. 60 were her prettiest txerlc en Hun day, and turned n deaf ear te Miss CtiMterVlamcntntlenx that It would he ruined. I ','Tfle reads arc se dusty wear HOtmctMnf that can't be spoiled, my dear mi- "I'll take n clenk," Mane said. 8he was cohm'Ieus of n little feeling let nervousness as she drove away with Chris. ! "1 m felng te pick Feathers up at his rooms." he paid. "lie's cot rooms in Albany etreet. you knew." "lea. he tern me." Her heart was heating fast as they rev up at the house, nnd she kept or eves steadily befern lir n Chris Mt the car and rang the doorbell vle- ! It was encned br Feathers blmiclf. mtlij te sUrt and with his golf bag uenf ever his shoulder. "Ten minutes Inte, you miserable Milliter," he begnn, then htepped, and il face seemed te tighten ns he looked itMIe. "Hew de you de. Mrs. I.nw eaa?" He went forward and shook anda with her formally. "This is a Waiant aurprisc," he snld quietly. l ell. flnn't n'tlliln lmn nf trt " Chris struck In bluntly. He took his MM .again beside hi wife and drove en. Marie felt Hrnined nnd nnrveiiH. Hhe W te think of something te sny. one (new 11 would lie tlie mpst nilturnl Majln the world for her te turn and PMk te Feathers, but she could net wee nerseif te meet his eyes. .1.1 1 1 r' miKiiiive, t.nris suiu l faint sarcasm, looking down nt her. "I Ilanced ever IiIh xlinnlilnr ne Penth. I. 1..1 v s "ne as inlet as this when you w her out, FeathersV" etamtrs laughed, nnd made henu' eVAIlVft nnau'A lfA -!...! ... .A lMnl. M. ..,'--"'" u ini inn 111 iuiiiv 111 ie, but his eyes turned te ner ngnln "Win. It seemed a lifetime sine w7 had met. urn! it dilii Mm witi, mi. ft'Kn,ble n'euy te sec her Fitting ffla friend's side as once she had sat tit ' 1M ,0 knew tllttt he belonged te wriirreeeabl). It had cost him a tremendous efTert eep away from her. Chris had indeed ' te the heiihe a lezen times slnee uriturn. but he had nlwnys ninnnged ml J'L i?ell,S- w''nt was the iim-V ...?. ' ""' "ttle ,l0l'r "f life There "V. nothing mere te bone for. 1,, ' Jjerlf" n out In the rend leek- te a m when u"' ,,rcw "I' "t the vL 1 ralnt shadow crossed her face i,h'e:SKS:..th0Uh Bhewus ion . 1 i i"-ni;iiy niiiciiuni 'Ware looking, Chris!" 'i.-' loeKing, VW walked land for en with her te the inn, Ver. i;I,,en,cl,t M,,,'ie nn' Feathers iwsfiiin My' hut evcn ordinary con cen con "Wlen seemed diflieult. :a,eny lifn Mane's coat slinne.l tteeV,, " an nnd they both stoered M ..T.r.."' hat for an Jithtant their Mda ..'.nmI Kl,p brnke t. ns if till) laeilM' .f?r".,C(1 witl'eut her will or C &, "' 'S niC t0 M0 y0U a01"' toeftf Hft,hcrH,! e flubliwl te the ... ' 01 IS rOUZh linlr nn l,e n,,,f..,-..,l 'urajrj - - - "' 1 All OKA . I . . lad ,...' r ,v.Vry Uln". "trn. I.nwless I .1 ' "tl. Villi lnfi n deftpernte attempt te ffii her"ubJect' CI,ris ,oek wc- Mir b't "'"', looked at hltn resent lain A"0'"?'.'"' In his face w ethtsl hard ,,1 or '""r hparl. fr there wn'i "3 Waw ,,u cycH-nmi im."eJ? '.'.nt "nppy. ny mere tlinn 1 Jli sat Lv!.u',,.lt,' n'"1 wei.deriil why. 1 erlet V, ,1 1 ' "m nt lu,,p"i nni Mrs. ik ."" MlUl hpr ukter. -i. .1' ...1.1. "" tOni...i ','"' "" in" wiinip ill 'id Ft JfhfSl'i.1 ,l Mnrl?'N ,,0l,1 "ded, "Thlii 7. ' ""' upieu nt 111st. 1 m afri,i it my '"terestl Mrs !?i 'i ?'- I-nwU-wi." i,.. Heriet laughed. ll"i..J':lW'CK.S Ollltllf tr. l.nr. "Wers? nL'10"',! j'" t,n,-'u '"'. Mr 1 "tir?1'0.. really euirht te nlnv." ed a 1, 1? I'J Bl'euld never be any Wi miC , Jer,AWrca. "I never THE GUMPS- mtereitliig tr you, te cetland was h( wlfe?" et,n .i.i ! ,.Ic,l.f,t wreninerl with laughter. Hint's the first time I've rven seen ou hit hack," ic cried, dapping her Immu. "ieu dear, delightful ihlld." Feathers puMied bnck his chair nnd rose. 1 "A"0 S'F ,MiBe te wnste all the day here? he asked. "I thought the mnln obleet was te plnv golf." Mrs. Heriet followed Mm with nine rlty. nnd her sister glanced at Mnrlc. .i. V h.1v nr.?, J01" ,K0,nK in '"?" "he risked. "ou 11 tlnd It very tiring walk ing round with us. I'm afraid: the sun is se het. "I should like t reme," Marie said. ou would like me te, wouldn't you. Chris?" "M' ,'"enr child, plense yeuinclf. and you will please me." He tried te mnke his velep plelisnnt, but te Marie, who knew him se well, there was 1111 underlying current of angry bitterness. Was he jealous because of that re murk about Fenthern, she wondered, nnd laughed at herself. Chris had never been jealous of any one or anything in his life. "I fthnll come then," she said, nnd walked out of the room. But before they hnd get half-wnv round the course she was tired out. nnd had te admit It. There were hardlv tiny trees for shelter, nnd the sun blazed down relentlessly en the dry grnss. Mr. Heriet and ChrlH were plnving together and n little ahead, and Mnrle said te Feathers: "I'm going te Ptay here and rest. Ilense go en, nnd I will walk bnck te tlie clubhouse directly." mey were passing n llttlp ereun of trees. "It will be cool In the shnde here." she ndded. Mrs. Heriet's Muter called te them. ' New then, you two! What are you waiting for?" "You'd better have my coat te sit en." Feathers f.ald. "Yes. I knew It'f het, but there nre henvy dews nt night inn! the grnss may be dnmp, nnd you don't want te tnke any risks." He had been playing without his cent, and he hnnded It In her before he went en te join his p.irtner. Mnrle sat down in tlie shnde. Her heud ached and she wns glad of tin rest. She let Fathers' cent lie en her lap listlessly. Wbnt did it mntter if she caught cold or net? Certainly no body cared what became of her. The ethers had gene en ever n rise in the ground and out of sight before Ciirl Ciirl neticed that Marie wns nut with them He called out te Feathers, "Where Is Mnrle?" "She wan tired she Is going hii'-k te the clubhouse when shi- has rested." Mrs. Heriet laughed as she walked en by Chris' side. "Air. Dakcrs is very devoted," she said softly. "Devoted!" Chris echoed the word blnnkly. "Devoted te what?" he asked. Hhe raised her eyes and lowered them ngnin immediately. "Te our wife, I mean," she bald. "Te my wife!" She gave n little nffeeted laugh. "My denr Chris, don't pretend ( be surprised when every ene down at the hotel noticed It. even en your honeymoon, Why. Mrs. Lister ever asked me which of you wns her hus band you or Mr. Dnkers. Se silly of her,, of course, but It shows hew people notice tilings. Yeu knew I always think thnt when a man dislikes women, ns Mr. Dakcrs has always professed te de, in the long run he is bound te be badly caught." Chris turned en her furiously. "I think j 011 forget you arc speaking of my wife," he said. She flushed scarlet. "My dear boy, I mennt nothing against her. I knew ns well ns you de that there Is nothing in It. en her side at nil. I only meant thnt Mr. Dnkers." "Dnkers is my friend. I would rather net discuss him, If you bnve no ob jection." Hhe saw thnt she had gene tee fnr, nnd relapsed into silence. They both played badly for the remainder of the game, and lest the mntcli. They were rather a silent pnrty ns tliev walked bnck te the clubhouse. Feathers looked round quickly. "Mrs. Lawless is net here." he said te Chris. Chris threw his clubs into a corner. "Ne; I'll go and find her," he said, and walked out again Inte the sun shine. OIIAITEK XVI llctler fnr both Hint tin word should t Fcttfr.l"trim heart. If 0110 must ba broken Mnrle sat lest in thought for n long time nftcr the ethers hnd gene en. It wns very peaceful out there en the links, and today there was hardly anybody about. , . She wondered why it wns tlmt, no mntter hew linrd she tried, she always seemed te tlnd herself left nlone nnd out of everything. Did the fnult lie In her own tempera ment, or wan It merely thnt she was net phvslcally strong enough te enter Inte tilings ns ether women did? She knew that she wns totally (in sulted te be Chris! wife, and, knowing It. wondered whv it wns she had ever loved him se much : why things se erten seemed te happen like thnt In life, with out nny apparent tensen. In spite of the subtle change in her feelings toward her husband, she never for n moment blnuied him. It was Fate one could net avoid these things, nnd she found herself wondering If Feathers would have been kinder and less selfish hnd he found himself In slmllnr circumstances. i,.. lnnW1.1l ilnwn nt his reiiuh tween coat lying across her lnp. It was well worn nnd very shabby, much mere shabby than any coat of her husband s. She smoothed the rough fabric with gentle lingers. It wns odd hew blind women were, she thought; odd thnt an ugly fnee should se repel them that they never troubled te leek beyond It and discover that It Is possible for 11 heart of geld te He hidden behind blunt features und an ungiilnly figure. She had made the same mistake her self. Hhe hnd adored her husband s handsome face nnd proved te her bitter cost that alone it wns unsatisfying and offered nothing in exchange for all her leve. CONTINUED TOMORROW -A Duck Going Seuth fs.WdCT.-,iMiyfcg.taiftfcf. By Sidney Smith ""wwh leek m -me w . I tMcv oeih(j Seuth ? I VfKW'EH v.;CK- HOPfc !HtN fatT ki TW WW WV M NMA. OW B1M WKVS CITHUt U00t tJ FM OR HAS mCTMCtX 0 rAHC PUH THKT A UVMMl BEtNO WMTTS te tOUL w wv-frt- wrr t&tp evi ikte m uhwh V0U - t'P UWt Te 3Z AfceUWV VUHSH THCrirc. CMtCVtN6 UP AP"rt twnt -trnp- K. C-t WtrK tVCK CALL TV6 COLL- WKfXfc re HEP Htv ; HE FEU. AT WE WcTTLt OF HHDUtY- WttERE ts 0U CNWKSV 9KCW ? ME ELU feft A V00CH tVCK - A AIMT DOCK - ANP WAS HOT feM M4iX AT LILY LAKH- WW.W GKaBLLV TKAL7 Ne AVw.- tV VXt)ff0 AT VMKX Me TWOOGMT VV5 A TAVJ S (&? ViV" SWTfSr JL mm J . mm A T w WHERE CLARICE 5TT 'BfNVJL.Y wz wtrr te axmhi.e wia.f m mtROR LAKE- WHERE 1 MKHaEV. med heh?- me peve no lathe tVt nrtAKEE k- 0 NW MAY AVeV. Wfjtfc AT TUt HdUV CAV.V- SOMEBODY'S STENOG Clese That Window! CevrtiU IttU br IMWIe r-dT Cmvnr t 1 0k : . 0f 8 1 14 I 1 m-m 111 iii tj mmmm 1 ww-iM.epwawiiwpwp tf sww X tKs'ui'A.i The Yeunn Lady Acress the Way PATHETIC FIGURES Bv FONTAINE FOX UtSr r LIBRARY The young lady across the way says what disappointed her wns that Judge I.nndis decided net te piny himself in the world's series. -frlf YeiMOSffiR Wr0 PRePPtD I l Hiifi'"""1' IN frtrt of AH AUTO . WITH fUt frXQf Kigfeft Of -fHC LiUKaKY LoeKiKG HlGHTCOr trt YilHOQV SCHOOL DAYS w . 'jiff''"'"'" 1... igMI T" pfcjiw1 ,jTO9Kfcttifir k"' WMJ J, 0 A. VTI" sawiisfr.. ViM ,::r 0's 6 -.' :" A..T-r'r' jJb'h K ias r? rec .. . Sni cx Qr ' -O' aj jimrf-AkriPi V? H ms '? v. P"."- rcn- liIMM. rfff I ' k mft jT H,. m.ty Mtl Vk.Js reet frtV . 1.,5"tw.fl!.?; s-Bfl S? '" Ji &$L -r" " ToersreFvs (l mch pa-Tij of TTiA-. 1 l u t V PETEYA Stitch in Time 1! I &TE "li A PcTey SCAR ecpYeur. m (imSSmm I J11""0" majjelutuc ) ' m '7l ml?. Ki 1 I XT0 Coe iwwbr fORle rtvr ( tSmmmV1mmwmmmmmmmmmmWmmm'&TBfr K M mmmmmmuummmuwmmuuuu I mmmmmmMMmmmmmmMMMMMMMaM TT kBkaS .SkHillllllllW mfLmIJtWB rrT r'fgmgjfmmm'wmTJMmMrmc-i'7 T iTTi 1 j m- 1 irr-i- , , . mm'wmmmmimmua' WwM-8 ! tmmttmT T W aSBVtlA lv nNW rVNt- IHIUC ELSETLfAT NfXI "TljILIliL Ulit Mclp OUT ) f y w M JQiHak - A Q)r& OF ICt C1?CAM ALiO A DOllAR'sNAJOraTu OP NfMJR T?e&T IWDICESTIOW "PEHEC 1) v ' VjaWtr N y C. 4. Fetf ' I " GASOLINE ALLEY- Anything te Satisfy the Alley K52 'jD.aTc 1 1 iWi TI A I'VE LOOKCD THROUGH 2S IHE FAMtLV ALBUM FQH- l j) I A NAME THAT WOULD II -.V Fit VOU, -SreezK'.yl u 'Jar c IHE ANCESTORS SCCM TO FAVOR LOReNZO, ABIJAH AMD SeceAT&s lknimr CVidOiui'. nuirsirsy eiii"',,'v s iun iMe hbbii ....7 " V J uZ- r'.r!:. N ,,LL ,V THtS HAND V jr -. r r r immw riiii 1 : w vi jb vsib mr iii j h . . . - . a . j. Mt immmr 11 Jl j.TT It ' I ,. I I rWMTCP HCTORE OF l,l Wf I JSJ V'Br-N iJ TO GAMALIEL WlTHCWTi L. VOU ClGMT OFT TMP WAkfif.U l rdKSiY f m'trnTmrnL 1 E2L V Any LOCK --ZrAWl W Tti TUE PERSON lUMO'LL. !u tT W E&k V mtmm mAmW Z . KiLT VL. I k . . . ki . .1 A HalaB KSU2iF . pfs59 'E J W fy T0 ' evr,TS s v--TS kf ' A O V M h"H6 BlTWEew Nifci 1 ""A H i l e- I a I VALCEBMON ANP TV ' A' , ' ' hi JBDAm 1 , -. 1 By Httyward "-J' tf 1 a . vSj j3 By King - ., mm 11 seems te me, that .k I III "-l-Mil.li ' ;! JP-mAiAafe.. . v B-MiM2gMMMMMjj J T -IBrfln I .1 jjft tl ;