,r ,wr "v- c , tiVft:NIN& PUBLIC -LBDR-PHiriADLPHiA, ' VtfET3!NE$lAY, ydVEtaffEff 2, 1021 USED JUJTOMODIIjES HELP WANTEfa PEIAIiB USED AUTOMOBILES HELP WANTED MALE 1 USED AUTOMOBILES . .. i i tm M t a.I t:tM .pPJ -."'-' 25'" A ! 1 "- . APARTMENTS ataiw'mw. m' yjhSI- Church 10 A. M. Int Hely Crem ' pe" .0chVufut St.. Phlla.. P. Inter- j a.. ";ri Hill cemetery. Sn.ffiHHtMI. JO. JULIA C. w f KARA .Oct. '"-S. Cellins). Ifs of lata Relative Ctfl"!.A. inviua te funsral, Tfcurs., Jnd P'?ilJ MiiJenc. U!I1 Pine t. h:3 Hei- Church 10 T"V int. Jimy .v0",',--", SfBflSINOnK-At hi r residence, 4228 & x. l, luzi, merris, Aiesiinger, M"fcr. TmiI i fne Wctman). Relatives ' fi.?. ar nvHcd te attend funeral inl .fwid'.?.! 2 l" M.. at the residence K'ylclJX'&f Jehn Whipple, 132.1 E. ' h,.i,!n nvV. Int. private, North Cedar KlfwS" WlM.'. may call Wed., aft.r 8 ?.&-- Entered Inte rest. Oct. 31. JU- "". of th -te Jamei'i.. .mej, yA.Al'. and friends Invited, te, funeral '"VVrl. 11 A. M from her late, real Rivr 495 s; Bin t, Int. Plkeland Cem. Chester Ce. . -, ivnnmv M en of MUut . Ur"Xr"Ainii Muwhv (nee . Qlllea), inre vjiucdw. Helflthfs find ""..' V months and 2 weK. IPU '".;. -. (.inarn . ifivllml tO wtMi.a a J', m Wn! '"",' rMldenre BbOS Wakefield it. 5w2..iwn Int. at Hely Bepuicnre era, NMMANk.-0t. 31 MARrn., vvlf of wfcSSTK. Neumann inee Walker) Ilela v"" -5,1 friends alae Bt. Themas' II V. M I'U.nw and i-ini of Sacred Heart, are 3?M"n.in funtral. Thuri... 0 A. M.. inX.r into residence, 1032 Mifflin at. hop IT man'ef "QUlern fchureh of Bt. Theme, '. '"h" maw. Church of Ht. Menica'., ft A M.prVel.elJV Int. Hely Cress cem. ViSrks'reNE. Nev. l. mat. lmii.y IMCT. widow of Hlchard n. Plhkstenc.ajred ftT Re a Ives and friends are Invlt-d te at tend WfQi .""'"'-r':' - &, M-;. J7i -? moo Iirchwoed nve, Int. private. SMt. MART JANC ,-lfe of Albert K. Heeiie (nee Donevan), nalatlvea 4 friend "are Invited te attend funara . Thuri.. 8 A. M. late realdence. le24 .. iiwen M Solemn requiem man t the i!hiil Of the Hely Name 0 A M. Int. NVTeINHAHDT.-ev. 1. LELA K.. daugh tw Df savlla A. and the liljlf" f, nelnnardt. Kuncral asrvlces, 120 Ilroekllne Jifre". llroekllne. Del. Ce.. ra.. Friday, a l&llilSfailS!?- Suddenly. Oct. 30 MEArilJ HlCHAhDSON. M. U.. huaband of fi. Ida nichardaen (nee Luckhardt . uged 48. Klatlvti and frlende. aUe 15. Copnee S iSill Lediie. Ne. 00.-.. V. and A. M.: S la. County .Medical Seciety: Antl-Cobden 'lnb T and all ethJr becIH of which he rtii a memlier. are invited te attend funeral Services? Krl.. 2 1'. M.. residence. 1PD8 N. Bread at. Int. private. Ilemalna may be V!''- L,?H9tVsfAnY C. widow of Frederick schlmpaa. Ilelatlvci I and ttlentn and OS. Relative and frlenda are Invited fejttenl funeral eervlcee. thura.. 2 P. M.. it her late residence. 4IB4 N. Darlen at. IM Mt. Poace Cem. Friends may call Wed. "sCIIWniTZKR. Oct. 30, HENRY A., huv bind of ilrearet Schwcltier und eon of Vary and the late -Aunm aenweuxer. accu "B nelatlei and friends are Invited te at ta funeral Wed.. 3 I'. f.. from hla lata rtiMenee, 3100 Old YerK reaa. ini. ,-Morm-woed Cem. Remains may be lewed Tuea. 'TBEITZ. Oct, 31. MAQDAI.INE. v.ife of Wilbur Cliu'j Peltz, Kiintives nr.a irienis art mlteJ 'e nt'.end funeral. Thttra,, 8:.10 A M.. from tbe apartment of Hareld II. Velutin. 10th t. and Oormnnteun na. illlh mass St. Hduard'a Church 10 A. M. Int. private. SOUNOKR Nev. 1. JACOH SOUSOKn, ated 70. Relatives nnd frlenda Invited te funrrat servicei). Krl., 1 P. XI., at residence, "111 N. rth et. Int. private. TATE On Nev. 1, 1021. JAMES, huaband of Gertrude p. Tate. Relatives nnd frlenda art Invited te the nervlce en Friday after noon at two o'clock lit hie late rcaldence, 4!I) Walnut t Inlerment prlvnte. THOMPKON -Oct. 31. 1!I21. SARAH JANE, widow of Krnncle M. Thompson, nir'd 77. RelatUet and friends are ln Itcil te at tend funeral eervlcee, Frl., 10:30 A. St.. nt tht reildence of her son-in-law. Dr. David JI. Cockroft. 718 W. Alleheny ave Int. Klchbore Cem. Friends may call Thura., 1 te in P. il TILTON. Suddenly. Oct. 30. it Atlantic City. N. J.. SAJdUEI, UIII.AVD. hushinj rf Mvri Keelcr Tllten und son of Slary Ellzsbeth and the late Snmuel W. Tlltin. fcetMcfs and int. prlxnte. TOTTEN. At Ocean City. N. J.. Oct. 30. JENNIE SI., wife of Pctr C. Totten. Rela tives and frlenda nre Invited te services, Wtd., 2 P. SI., at late residence, 840 2l at.. Ocean City. Int. Seaside Cem.. Pnlerme.N.J. TRESTRAIh. Oct. 31. CHRISTOPHER. belered husband of Rrldcel Treatrnll, need 72, Relatives and friends, also cmplejes el Ilalduln locomotive Werk", are InMted t attnd funeral, Thura., 8:X0 A. SI., late tnlilcr.ee S20 Dolaware a.. Norwood. Itlcii mass St. eabriers cnurcn ie A si Int. New Cathedral TWEED OCt. 31. 1021. JOHN A., bus- Und of Hannah Tweed. Funeral srvlces Wed., 10 A. SI . late residence, urenlech, N. J, Int Turnersvllle. N. J. Friends mar call Tues.. after 7 P. M. LOST AND FOuND DEPOSIT HOOK Lest, deposit lwiel Ne. 201,0(1.1 wl'h Western Savlnss Kund So ciety. 100) Walnut st; reward. Call Loin Lein Urd R050 RANUUAU Ixist a black leather handha.?. Mer.dny ev nlns, between -EM and 32(1 nn Walnut, riward Preston 0104. PIN- Lest. platinum lett either diamond face, bar bat pin, void biclc, twisted nt euch end. aboie lfill nnd Oxford sts.. In front et, or Inside et tl ha Academy of Music. J-Tiaay, October !8, Reward If returned te J, E. Cnldwrell A Ce, TOIIAl'CO POUCH Lest, -Wednesday, Oct. J6, In or near P. H. R Station, leather t t licce tnuch; Initials "T. E N.", ruward. IJ H3B, .rieVT Offlre WALLET Itisck ullet. near 4 th and Green st-.. cuntulnln IcrKO sum of ferelen neney In bills, nigral rsw.trl nnj no ciu,sk ciu,sk t'eni usked it returntd. Phene Wyemlns (800. PERSONALS l'WILL NOT be responsible for any debts unless rentracted by myself. JOHN J. ClIMREL, Ja.. 3140 O Ht. HELP WANTED-EMALB A NIJMHER OP POSITIUNS ARE OPEN Jet alert, well-bred home iflrls. irnes 1 te .3 yerirs, who ure Interested In and would Wreiute a ceed. steady position; irecd op ep Krtunlly for advancement llureau if E'mpleyment WANAMAKPR'S , f'LEHK Ulrls, IH te 23 vears of Hue as foaresso-s, clerks and s:cnc:i lyplsti will IS et.ipleed during lh coining !(, te lstn work Nerentber 7. aipllcants iiihv it v.ltheut i-xpe. lence, but should hae nt least - Jfara' ilah ichoel trnlnlnc or Iti erjula leni, tlii.refer call uny day durlntr thl week, pref. mbly Wednrsdry or Tliursdj. tM lei un talk evor the opportunities. -MUM. LINDA S. PATTON CURTIS PUlfLISHINU CU. , Olh and Sansom sts. COOKlNti, piuin arid de-vnstalrs work! nwedls'i Ell I prefer red, but will censldtr 1 m rs.' " l"'01!' trim ftntlen: joed v. niteas IfllHble refar -nces required 3J2 Llondrllle lesa, Cvira d Cynwyil .H3. tLTrLRS experienced en bnthliiB suits and .J'"1,!", steud work, oed pay IljuU'iilc Jleeceil I'nilerwear (M . 241.1 N Hiuvard, MIR1.H wanted ie learn tassel llnlshlnn; ii'.e'' "r, r- W- Maurer A Sens Ce . sail Wmne iivb . near IKth & Oeinm itnvrn . ItOUSKWORK Veunc wemin, lienest. neit! iiiiv i, no v .nn; plain cook. JIO. uoed reis. nej(i Dejcr st Mt Airy. MinHES Crilllll.ll lin,l..rr',,li,.la ., n A nnn lll ...',.," ".-"'. .V."." "-.'"" I' "V- ..vM. i.u-iuiinH jiecun.il. ,'nt t. nCHtnut. 0PuvV".B JlBrsen ladles' l.atlilne suftT: V.nceler i. IS 1 1 son Kewlnir machines, stuidy -ors oed p. Hyiclenlc Fleeced Under- -- .u.. aia I. JlelVHrd Ht. BALESWOMEN Can uss several iilch-Brade wemOT vvhe an slnceie in their desire te J'1'' ttvmisMve)-; Immedlote tiuccess as- KI. '".J10'!0 une CIln nuallfs Apply In rren, 1.2s Wlilrner llldg. l,TvSl?0,lAn,cn bleamshln 7wv ti..i' r-'l't "': 'ite aire, experience Pd su.irv desired. P 4 HI, Ledger ffire. r!?1i' .1H'rS, vaar" of n"BP' mit bavft'hlKh Jit"'?!1' ..CaU Bt '. Mr. Linda S Pat- itsets Publlshlrur Ce., nth und Si-usnm "AITDKSS, OSD. . With qlHiI rfi tuif-k-t 13 V. fB'tlV. Anlv tnrlsv wnw 1 4 it na2?,V?Mift" JiUnc p,ttC0' 'tween Walnut ,. ,0IAN WITH PERSONALITY t i5 frce ,0 trlvl extensively and leave- tmlSHn.0Ur work ftl18 for nlEh ellber m.SL?u" wemn, "he nre loekltiit for p-r-minerit r.nd iirefltrtlils connectiens: nil rnl' trliL ,r J'1'1 nnJ a salary und cemp.l.sluii s .kU'1, W'J ,ra,n afceplul.le npDllennts lfn? r exrne rnd enMile them te esru (VO a month en nn nvnrn. fiiiUI. n.,,1.... "eessary letl a3 )!phla. at orce. i?fti, . . 41). "rettstant. hlnh school. . Celle nrrailitnl.. .,e ,11 alsmRURcJ te-ichcr pie- rr...l .: ---." ; ,wnv- .w,v.i i,. -i," ,U.T i,0h"",n '" ejucsiieiml Held, must i..i ' c'"icentrate whel.i time and in in "nilen en u,.fU. productive wnrl., pei rnsnent wllh s-vleneld oprertunlly for sd &"1 Phene Wyoming miilU, m call 'mI1 U'rniuitiiw ave II) te I v . Yl.H Ni"7aTIE.S WANTI'I) Cfi i Wr 'J4 ""!'rant In ntarhy ..,k.suJl"l"' lieuiu cstnMlshcd (Id towns jeurs li!. i r '" "."""Id'ely iiew-i in?iiy r! JOIIIl. It in i.nuu,r,few '. branch re earnlim ,ion ?,.,.'"." .nu inierview win convince Ijri , nnn ie iir. ii. Kinssiey. wncetn mat., PhliMleivhU manr. cSlcMlUAN-Atn b . .nr.,. -tfy,;tfA'M ..-.. ..... ...a Alia. AWfiptt I Oct "It. JAMES J., husband of nv.iii'" .V'uria. v,: i an a i hit. nuiv . unn v lavftiin in luuctnii ws" - rii dence of eon, 243K N. Iltnuew i. -Mass it SI Edward'n Church 10 A. M. "..MVvKtrVlMt.-Oct. 31. 1021. ANNA. raanr Hrnntiunr nre ivauimn 1 (lenerat Civil BKRVICE examinations, Nev and utv.t many vacancies! t salary tl4OO-UR00i writ for sample teat nail linger unice, CIVIL SERVICE examinations Dee. and Jan. I many vacancies) salary IHOO-llflOOj pie test. 1 1421. I-daer Offleg write for earn UUHINE3S HERV1CB CO., 1114 Land Title, Stents, 118-120! clerks, nxurlnir, 31B-$R HELP WANTED MAZE HILLINO cij:rj: experienced man te work in omen et ledger office, In efflcn of wholesale drug- nouse. P 400, DeOKKKEPER Ilnnklq! house requires ser vices et a first-class, experienced book keeper; preferably en acquainted with brok brek eraae buslnrsst salary te start, 30 a weekl stain are and nuallflcatlens, 11 407, Ledger Office, ROYS EXPERIENCKD CREE1.ER3; ALSO MOY3 TO I.ISAllN CREELINO. APPIY HARD WICK & SIAOEE, 7TH AND LEHIUH AVE, ; CANDYStAKER Cream and hard prnedsl must h" stn-idy worker P .'a.V Id, Office, CREDIT MAN ASSISTANT In hlirh-Erade wholesale establishment; ap plications treated confidential. Apply by letter, stntlmr credentials, U 320, Ijedger orne. 1IAU1-(100I)3 SIAN wanted, drat class, fa- minnr witn continuous coeaor anu satin fnlahed (reeds, te take chance of depart ment: steady work with n Knod salary te right man: rive, reference salary expected In first letter. M 421. ledger Offlre. JANITOR, white: MO a week! Heed refer ences ena experience required, 1020 Apr ruce st. SIKN Am you sincere? De you really want te bn blB7 We want several men ever 24 sears of nuc, wha have a. ceed rersrinnttty and are thoroughly honest and ambitieus: no exp. Is necessary. 1228 Wldcncr Illdg. SIKN HAVE YOtl THE AHll.ITY. COM SIERCIAM.Y OR TKClINICAMiT. TO FIM. A REPIONSini,E I'OSITION WITH A NEW CORPORATION? YOUR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON YOUR INITIATIVE, HON RSTY AND HARD WORK. APPLY 1130 REAL EST TR Hl.DO,. II .O ft 11 A ST. PROMOTER STust have ability te sell stock In established business In feed products, whoae profits are guaranteed; present Investment, SHO.OOO: de. sire additional fall lsue. P S3H. Ledger Off. SAL.EHSI.IN Exceptional opportunity for sp.-clnlty nalesman te scure territorial rights In Western New Yeik and Pennsyl vania en very successful line, established ever 23 y?ars: large ex'.enslens nearlnK com pletion will Inrreare nvnllabln output; straight commission with full co-ercrallon from cempanv: preposition un exttnstvc one and wa deslre a, man with nut'imehlle: South ern territory iva'lable in wlnier months. Ad dress Fountain Pens, Ilux C32. Westerly, R. I. . SAI,i:SSIAN COTTON OOODS Salesman having acquaintance with the Philadelphia clothing manufacturing nnd tailors' trlmmlnir trades te sell a represen tative line of cotton ceeds for a large New Yerk cenverter: Mate references, cxporlence and expectations SI 43.1, Ledger Office. SALES.MEN Responsible heuse wants 3 men, capable of producing resullB. selling a Pennsylvania Publ'c Utility, 8 per cent preferred, with share of common as bonus. Theso who can produre call et Suite 000. 029 Chestnut at. SALESMAN TO SELL ACCOUNTING SERVICES: ONE WITH KNOWLEDOB OF ACCOUNTINO PREP.: GOOD COSIMIS SION. WITH SIODERATE DRAWINO AC COUNT, STATE QUALIFICATION AND P I IQNE NUSIHER. P 401. LEDGER OFF.. yALESSIEN Phonograph salesmen wanted: willing workers, you have an unusual op portunity te participate In a big drltn. lr n.anent position for right man. Apply Colum bia Orophephono Ce.. 40 N. 0th St. See Sir. Furnartlleff. between 0 nnd 10 A. SI. SALESSLVN WANTED first class, for New Jersey, give reference; must lie a producer and knew New Jersey terr t0rlHAjnuIe nROOSt WORKS Hamburg, Pe. SALES.MEN Slen who are desirous of es tablishing themseUeH permanently In th" nut', mobile Industry are offered the oppor tunity te qualify fur such a connection; pr pr vIeiib s.les oiperlcnce unnecessary. P UOu. I-eiluer Ofilie. SALES.MEN WANTED. sr.VEILVL HIQH-GRADE PAINT SAL ESSIE N 1IY OLD-ESTARLISHEIJ HOUSE IO COMPLETE OUR PHILDEL PHIA flROANIZATION. SUCCESSFUL PAST SELLING EXPERIENCE NECES SARY: QUALIFICATION COSI.MI9SIUN JIASI8. CALL ON SALES SIANAGER. r.OO STOCK EXCHANGE III.DO DETWEEN 0 A. SI. AND I P. SI FOR APPOINTMENT. SALESMEN 1II01I.CEASS MEN. HKTWEEN 2.1 AND Rf,; EARNEST AMJilTIOL'S. HARD-WORKINO. WHO WOULD APPRECIATE A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR A LAROE SUCCESS AT HEI.LINO. IlIOH SCHOOL EDUCA TION OR 11ETTER. CALL. PHONE OR WRITE KOR APPOINTMENT. PERRY A COLLINS. SALES AGENTS. UAI.TON ADDINO CALCULATINH MACHINE, 123 S. 4TH ST. PHONE LOMBARD 1137 SALESMEN Wanted. B hlKh-Krade seiurlty siilemen. by a mmrufacttirlnir corporation that has been In business 3.1 yours; working full capacity with orders en books te keep them eelnif 0 months, te sell smnll amount of treasurv stock, corporation has earned and paid Its dividends covering period of many years. Call between 4 nnd ,1 o'clock, S27 Welnhtmnn HulldinK. Commission. SALESMEN wanted, city or out of town, experience net necessary. Apply between 0 and 10 A. M.. nt plant of Victer Radiator Corporation. 1 hlte Herse plke and Park re., West Colllmtsneod. N. J , take Hadden ItelKlils nu- commission SALESMEN Wnnt clean-cut yeunff men ever 20 jears of ii?e; these having previ eus sellinK expcriencn preierrca. Apply l, tween I'-n . .i. .-;; ., -u, j r. I3u- thannn supply ,. i.m ciiestnut hi SALESitEN WANTED Experienced men who can command business In plz Iren, P.uer sp.ir and sell maniranese nre. Apply by letter, with rofrence. V .122. Ledger Office. SALESMEN We are ilelnir the publicity work ter a larsre corporation nnd reriulre the services of a few hiRh-claes salesmen; men without provirus experience nre earn I nu ll 00 wtekly; commission basis. Press Syndicate Roem 02M, Land Title Hldg. W -V rCJIiL KKR fnmllUr with SaIis .ind American move ments; nvjst heve own tools. Arid Employ ment Ihiraau. fourth flerr. UIMIUR. HROTHERS STOCK SALESMAN A resort whom there Is no Eighteenth anitiidnieut nor Velstead Act. where there, Is a catlne equaled only bv Mnnle Carle's, wheie liuntlriK. flthlnir. swIinmliiK. helf. etc., can b" enJe)ed everv day In the venr, we nre tlunnrlmc the tin tin pievement of thU resort. It l Just what the Ann rlcnn people want, thoreforc experlereed stuck salesman ran earn UU? money; liberal commission, VanUese. Ce., 1327 Land Title Uld.. YOl'NU MAN about IS jears Knod oppor tunity fur one who ts ii'nliltlnus and willing te work hlmself up; state nxe, education eni.crlem.0 If any. etc Apply P 404, Ldt,-cr Offee VOl'Nil 51EN wanted for Inspectors nnd test ers en electrical and mechanical appara tus; no previous experience nccesinry. stnrt Ina rate, 3(1 cents wr Iveur and up. ilepend Iiik en education and f-perlence. Write, elv InK rku. education and previous experlenca, 11 8211. ledger Office. OrmtTHl WE WANT A CERTAIN TOUNO MAN Theio Is nu such thing as hard times In the Accounting profession. If jeu have the proper knouledee of Ac countancy seu can obtain a Oood Oeod Ooed Paylnc Position, but you wl need Hpeclal Tralnln. new mere than ever te qualify. There Is no cxcu for jeu remaining In a iwslllen where there Is no opportunity for advance ment. I-t ua train jeu and help veii spiuis a suitable position, just as vra have trained many ether who are new Head Accountants, Executives or Uuslness Men. We have trained mere men holding the C. P. A. drirrre then any slmllnr Institution. Study during fcpaie tlme under direct su. pervlslen of largest staff of Certi fied Public Aueiinlanls. TOR DE 1 II,KU INI'ORMATION. I ALL. PHONE OR WRITE "c3 1NTEJINATIONAI. ACCOUNTANTH SOCI'Tt 25 B09-OU WIPENBll HUILD1NH. Phene lieevjit 3410, (lenrrni , - YOUNO SIKN WANTED, Would 17 a day Interest yoUf.s'eurlnK orders for a nubllshinir house established Oil yearst We are Just starting a campaign entirely new. Sten who make noed are In line for rapid advancement te office manager In nearby cities. Apply B te 10 and 2 te 4 P. M. 122B Lincoln Tlldg. , 11US1NEH.4 SERVICE CO., 1111 Land Title. OHESHri r Dyestuf s (vegctahls). CHEAT. HUPT Exp. In paints ft varnishes. StANAOER Expert: languages denlnid. SALEflSIEN Tires, office systems, ASSISTANT AUDITORS Salary te 4.r,0(i income rax nureaut nest positions unner Civil flervlce,. write for Interesting booklet. jiex inz, wasningtnn, i 1. C1VIU SERVICE examinations Nev. and Dec: many vacancies, salary J140O-1COO: wrue mr enmnin ieiw. I nrf, i,"'i, wu;p, CIVIL SERVICE examinations Dec. and Jnn.i many vacancies: salary $1400-11800; wrlte for sample tests. P 1422, Led. Office SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ADVERTISER8I WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFCTl te n competent advertising woman, experi enced both as writer nnd executive. In pro ducing ntit-otthe-common ideas, copy, nnd RESULTS7 Exceptional success In putting across a dignified, unusual or difficult preposition. FnmUHr with methods of promotion through printed matter and as completely nt home In form-letter campaigns as was lir'er Rabbit In n. brler-rntch. REQUIREMENTS: Interesting work; con nection with a hlgh-grade concern; and, of course, n reul salary Agency work net wanted. Rex R 402 Ledger Office. WO.MAN Wanted, motherly New England woman of geed family would llke the care of one or two children the ear round In home, situated In delightful Uranhv H'lls, ovefleoklira Connecticut Valley: references furnished. Sirs. William Papple, Clranby. Slsss. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT-EXECUTIVE Open for temporary or permanent engage nent: 13 jears' cxporlence In corporation und publle accounting, credits, collections and office management Phene llelmnnt 2578 J. UOOKKEEPER, 1ft ears' experience. U mnlnver dlecenttnued business: best ret fV; med. salnrv te stnrt. II 318, Ledger Office, ItUTLER lMily Uislres te Becure position for him; renaen closing the heuse: butler, vnlAt nr cook, first class: Jnuahesn: henest: poed worker; references. Mrs. 11. W. Leigh.. Spring Lake, N. .T. CHAUFFEUR Exp., reliable Jap. wishes position; usaiui; raierpnces, . aua n. ism CREDIT MAN Thoroughly experienced In credit extension and collections, aise laminar wun enice detail operations and sales work. Was cred it and operating manager for one uf the lantest tire mahufacturers for n porled of 10 vesrs. Fer the past 2 years creuit manager and assistant sales manager ter iinetner large tire company. Is desirous of a con nection of this kind In any of the above ca pacities. Can fumljli credentials and refer ences. P 403 Ledger office. JAPANESE wants iesltlun irem-ral house work In small family: beat referem-e. lse, '.103 Pine at. SIAN. 3S. desires position of trunt nnd re- spensllilllty. well educated; refcienccs. n 314. Ledger Offlre. BALEBSIAN Sweaters, bathlnit suits, knit goods. New Yerk City, geed following Job bers, retailers, wants connection wllh mill, commission basis. Milten Schwurli. 12s W. 112th Bt., New Yerlt City. STENOGRAPHER, rtraduate. 18 vf.irs of age. desires position; has hart 2fi vears business erperlence. and Is fully able te nnsumi duties wnere integrity ami trust worthiness are required. Address SI 43.' Ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES SIRS. KANE .111 S. lOtli st. Spruce 3101; situations wnnted, ceks, chambermaids. waitresses, bachelors, couples, child mine... English and French gevernsi. lady'n maid, caretaker, day workers, housework girls. SIRS. SI. SJuNALLY 233 S. nth St.- help supplied, wanted, young Irish, Polish, Swedish, Hungarian and Ger man gins. FRENCH nnd English governesses. Infant nurses, mother's helpers, assistant beuse, keepers desire positions. lib S. Bread st. Spru.-e .1-21 MRS. UIlINIvI.l'T TOM H. INth;. reliable col ored help supplied for apnrtment houses. Pheno OrcKen 3117 J. COLORED HELP furnished, all Kinds: rc- HaMe: no chnrxc Colored Preti-ctlve As. soclntlen. 031 Pine st. Phuna Ix)int).ird t!OI2. BUSINESS PERSONALS CASH FOR DIAMONDS WF PAID man J08.B0 for a let of vyi.. 1 rkis jcw(,IrJ. h,. nn,i ,n 0n,rPj 140 for elsewhere. IlrlnK veur diamonds and lewelrv te us: we minrantee a full hensst rash value. Established 180.1. THQ3. R. LEE & CO., 711' Walnut st. DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS KELLY k CO.. 032 Chestnut St. Eplte 21-22. rcci'iMl fleer, ever Chllds' Rpst. DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH. 717 SANiOM ST. ASHES, rubbish and coal remev. d from cel lars. 318 ITuttinwoed Ph. Mkt 4121. WANTED WE lll'Y lioiirheld nml office furniture. stock, flxlures ur both; uny buslnrss KREMER tS4 (Jue-n si Iximhard ,10:13 WANTETj (lenulne nnllnue Shernten sldi- in'ard cnd prlce nnd descrlplien. .Mrs. I. I, Uoynten, Marahallten, Del. ANTIQI'E furnlt'ire. nnd eh'e plclurei: rare plecss antnue. chlne, slhr, old var hlirhest prl es n-ii.l fur 1U2.1 Pinn. I.ru. (.('01. ANTIQUE chin t. f mnnds "Antlnue furnltuie neld. sliw.r, ilia. ns I'neslnut wnl.TOJrt MACHINERY AND T00L9 ' LARGE STOCK POWER PRESSES All kIms and makes. J. NUTTALL. 171S N Atht vrKCTUK'AL MOTdRH. MACHINE TOUI..-,. ELl-A i ""-j.rju EOEIJ'MENT QmI.W.AC'NERY CO. 110 f!IK ii'LI,EY. hantrers shaftlnir IkIIilk. ImR price. Moter Exchange, .T.'7 N ;id. Phi la. OLD GOLD OLD no!"1 liver, platinum, plated ware, old eld elry, teeth plates bought for cssb. J. L. Cl-rk, refiner. 907 Hansom. styie ji Est. 1HH WE HL'Y mends old cold Old Qeld silver. Shep, platinum ilia tlOd Kilbert st " STORAGE AND MOVING LONG DISTANCE" MOVING THE IH'-fT Is Till1" r"i:vi;jtT The BIG 4 TRANSFER CO., Inc. f(7th and Mjirket I'liene llirimt 1 . VICTORY STORAGE r.enfl FtMIERT. Plione Ilelment 4070 for rstlmate Plerce-Arrew vans WALLACE3 SVi.''Wf.T. QTN- thnriiye. ti icklnc innvlnn raipet clennln-. THE JOHN RHOAUd CU. 4Bli5fijNiTxmn fiQXWl STOItAOn CO MT0 I '.ANCAS. PaVkINO. LOXQ-UIHTANri: aiOVINO. DOOS AND HIRDS CANARIES Anier -bred suie shiRers. from ja. also English. M.h . I'liiiiiniun, roll ers warblers, guar. Roem 40. 10.0 t'hcslnut USED AUTOMOBILES ir-ni AMrM.di.l 'JO ..',ll ew luuring rHr, UV LKL-'MM-', evclhuuled. repalntud. iremi tlrf; rasV trinu. MILl.i a )VERI.VL)t Hl . ' -. HH7 I'.ilrtlcl.l tuuring. J450 fnr PAler- (iulclc s.tie e .vir, iiuniet, Muls Agency. nmi V. HreJH si N. i'nrtii.nss sea? n 7 ru'sengei, .xcellent uliiitiil UeU uiuiiiiwe (run,,. eriH?.' ii" ?'. si'Rtci: .lae I'mjISbN " UVNDAl'. L'-pass J'jr.O; balance terms. UEORUE'S passengi-r lfi'i model very iu ,''"v'' 1,0'J N re.id st l'h.me eplar !li. Atite Accessories . relili nltachment. light dillvirj, Inclesed uialet prillll ,', .v... "iiviiiiuil. Cuu llelmei't -' .- ...ni. , nr,,i, , ,1 4111- " '.' ' - Tnieks rul'll TON iiiuuuaru in.iiie cuuippej W,h 4-i uul dump "'" ii "", cius.a cub and llel.ls.ufl '"''. ;,,1 A W,tleni lUll ieH ii,.,i "e ii 1 1 .1 TTurnFSW sianuani niuKe, livi-v.r.i nip body, vertical heist, ctt and IIbIu, run lss than IM) inlles, ai isuud us new', i.l- suerlflce. Call Dlsiiiend lelfi. UU nt liEl) speed wagon -i ion, itn iiosei livers heilj . tlrit-cla LOndlllen. Dliiniimd IULmj de. Cull i .viyia -teri illliasi", splendid Ien tlresi Just evrhauled Dliimnnd inis . . condition .,.b" low prict. ran KKDEHAL clisssls.rated lata ten 6-ten Olllf no rej son. ,,i,ii ,i ten rear, niech Pirrcvt. no rejsnn. ,.ilf niter rctuseii. -jj.i v i Ins st l2lil)S Wunled AUTOU WANTEDi must be In A-l condition I open vvulng. 1T07 Vine St. A CAR FOR EVERY DAY SERVICE That's the Car Yeu Want and That's the Type of RELIABLE USED CARS YOU WILL FIND ON OUR SALESFLOORS Superior Cars for Less Meney Always Keeps Ua Busy 800 CARS TO SELECT FROM. TAKE ONE YEAR TO PAY 1920-19 HUDSON fiJR dans and Coupes; nt very low prices 1970.19 RUICrC Touring, Sedans, IViSU-iy DUlvrv reup,, nd Head- sters; excellent condition. 1 92 1 -20 ESSEX y'w ln;1Bl ea,J; new In every detail! low prices. 1920-19 CADILLAC nbselutcly A-l condition 1920-19 CLEVELAND ; and Teurlnc, In the very best condi tion, very low prices. IQlfl.lO racACRtr Touring, Mc- I '"' ' ' W V la)A XLJ t n f I ft tnrlft tind lle.idstcrs, bpAUttfulty equipped nnd vrnlnnf rHininnnil. 1921-20 OAK.LAINU Teurlrur, Sedans, michanl- and Ceupes: nicety equipped- Ulll. ...Pff.l 1920-19 Chevreletsf-i Read-- sters; absolutely perfect; low prices. 1920-19 PAIGE urrclhnrnte"unadi te new In every detail , low prices. 1920-19 SCRIPPS-BOOTH Teurlne; and Roadsters; In beautiful miichuiileal order nnd leek llke new. 1921-20 MAXWELL Ing; practically new, nicely equipped: nt low prices. . , 1921-20-19 FORDS ' Sedans. Coupe nnd Limousines, abso abse luiuly inTfeet. 1920-19 BRISCOE ZTZ'n- dltleli and geed tires; low prices. MARMflN Touring; equal te new; lVlMIm'l',l dlsc wnc0i; ttt a bar- 1920-19 OVERLANDS Tour- and roadsters. In tip-top condition, low prices. RELIABLE Automobile Ce. (I.L THAT THE NASIE IMPLIES) 249-251 N. BROAD ST. SEND FOR FREE RULI.ETIN AGENTS WANTED OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS rieci. BIG REDUCTIONS Rebuilt Vim Trucks Duy illrect from the tn;itiufac turcr who will render cetitlnmd t-'.rvlce, which means lenncr life for tlie truck. $104-00 On Delivery Including Insurance. Balance One Year te Pay Guaranteed Thore irrlily rebuilt, repainted nnd equipped with new tires, tubes und u.Mni rim. Wn have bedie In Ktoelc te suit every klnj of business. Vim Sales & Service Corporation Bread and Huntingdon Sts. Philadelphia, Pa. STUTZ Nearly all models for im mediate delivery. $750 UP Convenient Terms OTHER MAKES: 1918 4-cyl. BUICK 1921 HUDSON Landau 1920 BUICK Touring 1920 MOON Spert 1917 PAIGE 5-paadt'iu 1917 HAYNES 1918 BUICK Coup. CLARK U. HUNTLIt Mrt. Kxi'haiiBcil Cur Dtpt. STUTZ AGENCY b6'J NOIITII BUOAD ST 2-Ten Autecar Trucks $800 te $1900 Factory Branch Guarantee These tru. ks have been completely overliniilfd mm rtpnmtcii iinu ar. ready for itunicillnte service. Will demonstrate. 'lmssl vvltli complete rotary iliimi) beilv and nib, nil In tli"t chms condition Si'iuO clinpslrt with Iloilrtiliausen sic 1 clump body and cab, u rcmarkable ulue J1750 Chr-GalM will' express bodies J'JDU te Jl&UU Chassis wtllieut DeUle.i 0UU til ?I3U0 These ate ' miu i.si vny lernis See, Us or pil'uie i,utuai u-ue ur itucc 7H71. Autecar Sales and Service Company .Mil ami Mlirl.i'l His , I'ln J rvnrvPP TOURIV'I HI model, eiiulpped Lviuvji jn: 5, balance terms. OEullOES. 338 N RROAD. P'a'i'e ti'rucyaian. APPERS0N 7 p..s . laieit model, i '.ill Ivnlnr .IL't.1 VI R MrMli'llAI'L lnin liifi.AH HT HEKDRIi Ill'MNU n usid car don't fa. I te examine our line of overhauled used cara Wlllvs Oirnniil. Iil2l An Ii st CADILLAC ;;;,;- p. cm! bun.. mi'st cur in town. ncrin, e Reval Motorcar Ce.. U20 N lliead st Poplar 110.1(1, nOnnP COUPa Ut models -U0. bl. uuwu" terms. Royal Motorcar Ce.. 820 N Bread, rep. CMO. Open sv, and, Bunday, $200,000.00 TIRE SALE We Are Retiring Frem the Blemished and Second Tire Business Must Sacrifice Our Enormous Stock 50 te 75 Belew Cost an oppertunTto"fa"lifetime te buy standard guaranteed makes of tires al tremendous reductions. first come first SERVED. FISK, FIRESTONErFEDERALTPORTAGE, MA SON, GLOBE, SAVAGE, BATAVIA,. MILLER, GENERAL, SPEEDWAY, McGRAW AND OTHER MAKES. Tire Tube Tire Tube 30x3 .. $7.25 $1.25 32x4Vz. $13.25 $1.85 30x312.. 7.75 1.35 33x42..13.50 1.85 32x3K2.. 8.50 1.40 34x414.. 14.50 1.95 31x4 .. 10.75 1.50 35x412.. 15.50 2.00 32x4 .. 11.50 1.60 36x41.. 16.00 2.10 33x4 .. 12.25 1.70 35x5 .. 16.25 2.25 33x4 .. 13.00 1.80 37x5 .. 16.50 2.50 When TWO TIRES are purchased and cash accompanies order, we will give one inner tube FREE OF CHARGE. Tires Guaranteed 6000 Miles in Writing Tubes Guaranteed One Year in Writing The doers open at 8 o'clock Monday morning. Mail orders shipped C. O. D. subject te inspection. DEALER: We will close out large lets at special prices. "Tire Ce. of Philadelphia, Inc. 310 NORTH BROAD STREET Spruce 3064 Philadelphia, Pa. IF YOU DEMAND VALUE AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICE Gorsen's Used C should be your choice. We claim highest quality at lowest prices. Allew us te prove our claim te you. We invite you te inspect our cars. Such a visit te our salesrooms will con vince you of our leadership. 1000 Cars, Open and Closed COLE AERO 8 1921-20 Practical! n, w , i ,rd tins, also Sedan CADILLAC 1920-19 Te'"w. hed.in, al'elutel A-l condition. MERCER 1920-19 l """ Sp.'Mj3ter. In rxrfnt mechanical condition. HUDSON 1920-19 V"' T n urins. ltiii.fr ScOann am! Coupe, A-l con'liije.i ESSEX 1921-20 Teurlne and Road Read tier. egual tu n ever ilttull STUTZ 1919-20 TeunnB ...,i Reads ler.t. erv bean'lful and equal te new me- i i hi' ill. CHEVROLET 1921-20 Sedan, Teurintr ard Iteid3ters In tip-top sliapi' leek CLEVELAND 1920-19 ""e U adter. original point, nn clianlcally excellent. GORSON'S AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE 238-240 NORTH Aunts Uantid Ul l.tl eljj.t SPECIAL VALUES fc BARON'S AUTO EXCHANGE YOUR OWN TERMS I'll!) CADILLAC Ri.VD.STER. V S CORDS ALL AROUND ORIGINAL ''Vh-i"' MARMON 7 PV.ssENOKU. SLII1HTI.Y UMHJ. AT OKEAT AV IM1. 1H20 I'ADILl.A'' l.iri'.l.W. ."(). 7 PA.-r-L.ijER. lii;i: m:v . p.easen- Alll.E A' IM', I r.v ,we - D, Jes OPEN PLM'AV ; BARON'S, 640 NORTH BROAD STREET, IF YOU WANT A 1 ( i.vnn AX16S REPAIRED i--.l.C! mTRAUIH-' e: TJ WEI. DEI' Housings) Ti.A..VnK ' EM D M.D iube Frames Welding STRVKHITI .M.D l.ti.N', I II I. I ! REPAIR' D EI ECTH1C Ai'E V I.ES'' HA.MMEIf-'Vri rii a WE 1 CM.L FOR THEM Id.I.IM.R I ELM AMERICAN AXLE WORKS l'-'TH A."- I Mi'NTHiiMER. WE wills sainte claire ,;;;.;;, J p tout ik' an i Mu-iieie , -i aueut ;nne mll,. Il ''' fu"V la ,1tee,l Wl i.,,1,,, . , i , if ' 2)'J Mark ! hi -.pr sme idste about FRANKLIN ;,?" an, handsome job, S:itm 1 III-. I ill VletOIC-l ij In, njn s l'L '05 .!' '- " -1"' .! VVUSI'i nil' 'li n vvei.d,r"j coudliien. 1, , II, e . " .. ii'.iii'r, ftlut At!' I. Ill .S llriind DODGE N. l'f' ! 'I l'l' rins ie. $j,'vT"baT: II i .111 l. '"i ir i ,i ii,i 'I'e'l Ii." ' Sunday. UEO KD 1 III tl rius V V.it) e,,,h i! M. ' .11 fi, bill. I ine It V i HIIHH ejn s' llini.d Pi" I" i -un eje. I ,ll I! OVERLAND,;,"; terms L'"'0 jyi'bei'v " 0 l elillll. t,; 'lei r. I'ulntid. Kemi rliiiid HI21I Arch t CHALMERS;.,;,;;;, 11' I.' HH.ip 'I .'I "I Call I MR VeMt'MIAI I Hill I'.'I" ( 5T iCIIIiliHIMlllill'H'millll'iTlllTiiiJillliiill! CiiH iiwii Aute Parts USED AUTO PARTS MOTORS, REARS, GEARS, STARTERS, TIRES, MAGNETOS, AXLES, CARBURETORS SCH0BER 34th nnd Mnrket SU. .isinnn ars Medels Time Payments BUICK 1920-19 Teurins. St. Inns, C 'nlitu u .? T . .1 sters. I- nnd ilnl , perf.it cend'n COLUMBIA 192 0-1 9 " ;' absolutely perfect nnd lei.I.s like rie'vt" METZ 1920-19 M"tf' i-- 'l.ni.l...ll, rWil. ,,rU' t,lr a,Ui "'- CHANDLER 1920-19 fr'lu; r- feurl-iT nnd Speedster. . rv flue', en'.'l n PAIGE 1920-19 i-'f'-l'nv.nt. Tour- MAXWELL 1920-19 ... nnd e,l illf In be.iu Jfui cendl'l'lV "ll """ FORDS 1921-20,-19 iS fa. .. . He i 4 f - j H dans iuuifB ami Town Cars, .wry one n tmritH in. OAKLAND 1921-20-19 t". - Sedans. Ceuiks end Roadsters; V.'iuai t, ' e 1 -. prl, e PACKARD I-'mnunne; In exce lent nuclieiilc.il cimditien. BROAD STREET snj for Vrre raIi0 j.i EVLMViiS IN USED CARS" LIMOUSINES PA I.-ARD, ;i-.'is HK.u 1 1 .. r i. r,-,,. PEEni.lg IIULTERY i; HUP HAHC v: r-n. ,i Xj:v- .rmi;' li'LRAIVE VERY CUB vr AND EIGHTH: PERI- ECT ' c TVRTr'n CeVD' HON and liu'i-k.i, pr'.m J 10 i l'l pi.i: ."ii'e r NEW NEW NEW DEMOUNTABLE RIMS ANl,rI;,Y.,'r.V!!.,:lA.,V,V..I-,1,-u-a SATTLER'S " si'ruvn -; vnrii-v v BUICK ,:, W,ly;.ev,.nY,,;r''1(!,r- BUICK ,;v Clnlre i'e JO.I.I i 2" i un v "Uinni.i i Muik.i ;,t '.':"0U",,'1' - ' ' "" e nl In BUICK ;,.,1:,J,.. mt-.-i- I1i '.IH Hi; i . Xf'RI'l'E 21.1,1 'ROE CHALMERS i: :' ';'"- -r. like Rivb'. M ' I, Ine HJ i v ', " ,'' lrill. iiiii.i j lain i i.t in r it iiis-ateii I ,,'!.' "';u,r ,;:"i'"' . ' ifL il.in, "' "ln ei,ii,,. "!..-. n oil i.ia.v, in w ,,, . . , , .. , e -. ,,, "',. i tie t- c-l , r M,,,., A.i-nev tlt.lt Riend si lu"" ' Mut BUICK ue like neiv"; .,..-- l.i . .""' " N RROAD sPIU'Ci: 2130 ''" jJi H'li'E ine.jel .'I n, vv tir, ,.,.7i -" " ' 'ViJ-ia!!Lirfcr,,fl,:. STl'TZ luurliut und roadsters. all-7T1-,l..,r..u.hlv , v. rbaul.d and V tin '. "J "U J ...I. tiill.ll liH lit i n.h .,(. ... M "X Hunter Ml' U i . vjlilll ;v lliead sT ii.. rKANKLliN "u'r,!7, "H -l I ,,l !' i fe. i VV i i rke- m sur l (ii jjnte J.in l . .'n.'l.t M H. C. S. II'. 1 i Pass . "u, , ;w II 1'epln, , -, I DO I'niM v u' ut, I rl, MR M. Mil II A ; OAKLAND -i.i'wv, snappy Mttle cu r e- I' ' II line, I nnnv 1... Me nii,ir iii -1 N 0LDSM0BILE itr,in,i ini,' I, ;; 'i "i nun j "., , mil 'I boeJ i(jriijitli V I Hi2 Ar.h st i FIERCE-ARROW I ll II l-villve hi ce l.r. i i-n.i Hi i X'.'ln baliil I i ' J ''I CHANDLER,,'; l'l Mailiet t ,s., N llllte h..l ,,...,. Mutiii ,i,i f . i ... 1120 N. llre ii II 'ILUii. payme I J our low prl Pep llll.l'l. Open hull. Si,,, payments can be arranged en any'nf ,.tu elee.l ,,u. eueu W.III., .. . Willy, everlan.: Il)C , 10;n Arch st. i ir, m OVERLAND":!; i v-)!il& .li,i!7-se.fi,uH,luJr' l,3?-r i ilii N Hi, i, t. "unier Sluta Agency. ! HUDSON Tjv,rrel,. - - - i 'nM i- lui-enurii.-. ' J. ,00 250 SeufK Philadelphia's Newest 6. t ass is: RiftiS 1 "-. ra rj i?J EtSQGB 'Ei Or; INVENTORS PROMOTERS ORGANIZERS RI'SINESS MEN . Orp.inU your company In I'ennilnniii un"i tv... .n.n.r,rtn 1 nur nlnn ift.un stOCKS H.IIU l.nn.1. ...11 ih.m (, ralnri caDltal. A mllllen- dellsr company costs 135. ""i,!,nr: Law trcre ars no multul stork tiixrs no franrhl-fl t.ixs. no nnnual reperts. All the ,t't" of corperutlons without the restrictions. c,niWthMW$ co.. Orn Mnndnv nndJThuJsdEvsnlng.7 te lgj gTj into inuepenuent "L-ai-'K-J I10O vv" will (!le you the rlBht te use mr formula for the production of a v'ry ch P and extraerdiniirlly effective "" ;t,.n,il7et te Imndln ana nanuistwi'- ; - , .j.. ,- eviTHTrvi-7 Esta hllshert f .. Kt-Krew'l'ntf Philadelphia "'""" fel.,elr,. rarnnnllim P" 'KS man Ot Cean-CUV nemeniLlltv. force a''d t-ducntlnn ns sal's elv knn".-n blB-demand auto te such n ni.n as vlll our re-iulrements we ener executive for w ttlc motive product ni-isur- ui iu mi .. "-"j owner lllwral salnrv pus coieiin--'i"" -- --, .,.. sliTn In eup iempanj. Sr-Jioe Inj'.Mment wl.i I., le.iulred II P.nfi, I.d-r Office rrrr! -.,rrmrin emperat en jrr.lnc ..w';'' .;M 111:. earnln; 1 7ew" p'ar.'le, who' ha e , iej.0 or te Irterest innrc te invsi inm n " ,"d nt and pld its dividends ,'ev-rlne a I-rled et several vears. has erderi en Its oeo ie keep Plsnt pein full .apnclty for men hj. referenie and flnnrclal statement submitted. Ii 303. Idgr Office. . SA1.ES AOENT wanted te take or ' trihutlnV iieencv fei the Eayten atr bruxh nnd ee.mment: small capital necesrary. Ihe Dayton lJuyten Air IJrush Ce. !7 Maryianu .., O. PAHTNl'.H desired in goeu-payios ",V. ' 1 and vaudeville theatre, 15(1 . we.kly lraw- l- ,..inl: a ha t interest, in""- --. "Ce.. 201 (iulred. 3tini. Motion Picture Adv. N. r.'tn in "' i)Rl"fl STORE Patent medicines "':' .'. .....-- i- in bealth: and con cen nust be i T iSSS eVulppcd harrain for quick buyer. 3U1CK UUI-l, 15C1- Land Aii.y II N. Schwartr. att. T-tle Hide y(l mi p-of. ssienal man w Uh uniiiirn'-ii- ,,,le .eferenes de1res te Invest IS '00 and s rvlre In celnc tiusln"Ss that will st.nn .nalv"fs; Klve full particulars by letter. Ad- .lies M 431. Ledger Oince, i-i Tii.nv.rK butcher business, rnea'in '-Umery'dmnU.-ar, business. feed ie:..- Hiinft N 1th tien innuir- nMn nil 2i,3 ir.ne V sink Lib rt -'tl Pa virgin timber innu; uf.ln it' Is. 10 miles. "- ,-i, .ill s l'l iHE delnir geed busmess. sellinK en iii-uunt u, ford -v e row. vRD f - ,., i. H 2.IS. I Blt'iillD-i ,-.- nt sn r OffU u:le. cau e FOR, SALE "WINTER BLANKETS Get ejr blank. t new and be ready for cold winter nishts aJiJadn?:.,,tt,.K'7--"nA t; Vpa',?; AT $2.65 TO $11.00 A PAIR WARM COMFORTS i eitin it lamb's wool filllnc Atirui-tive prl".' s BED SPREADS ! A WORLD-BEATER AT $1.25 j O'.h- rs l. Cnm.it 3 7."i each . values Crib Comforts Crib Blankets i.iu.h tl.-ews Ind.an blankets towels, etc.. i-c all maiKed at prices worth your whil. 'r.ehOiH)hyards mill ends, remnant, and full pleiU all Kinds dry goods, all at saving prlf es. W. H. SMITH & SONS 914 WALNUT ST., PHILA TYPEWRITERS RENTED VIPIRLE 3 MOS. 1(1.50 AND UP Facterv Rebuilt Typewnten "See Out New Machine, the CcRtury" American Writing Machine Ce. 02 CHESTNUT Wstnut 2M . ST. Msln 420A "C!.S ii'i T - i,i c r. "" de'mar1, Jl'" me,: 'ur r.n ireuuli',' Hudsin bHriiaii-.s. il' ' 1 -.1 3 7 N llre.id ',e ,ni dsinie -length , i it if Ml full lercth seal it fev h .mlsemely trlm- ttie I r,vtely low pi Ie s. ,i st U $1! wonderful r i vi iiluB. Mrs. Renee.v i imei M.istcv Apt. 2 lie il- ' 1 1 ' Tirii. e riRNirritE 1 -vr.e let of deelin. afcs. lies, cshinets and reiieral offlee fiiinlture. store f.xtures. We huv se.l and exehenus PATTENi Et'RVITl'RE C t (Vi -t sT 4(170 1127 ARCH ST JIACT 4202 D"Dr.b )M suits vm.ilenn w-alnut. bow-.n,! beds $ll!vS0 dlnlnir room suits. yuen Vnne 1 1 10 7,1 su.nl , r beds $' 7.1. 10 lb.nl'- .nii.n .i.nttr. se. Jd 75 0x12 Smiths x- mlnster runs J23 1" Factory fjmplr. Sales Op"" eerlm:s :-,i'"M'rn.i"i:t Tiir vT't '. i'HAWIs n.vv un i usea rer th -a'r - h ills 'i i ir ii pil' """ i.,.rv "hi r 1 x mil slice s'eres teutre , nvt-n price itrim. d de hanrie cer nih nnd Vine DO YOU USE PRINTING? I vntem.t, prepm ssvb vuu nienev HUE 'KBNHIl'di: 210 N 1th et, PlHll ''ill I'.S beush . inlil arid repal-ed U if ' 22U v - Ulrard me Phene I I it T. i ft i -..ii -, REFRIGERATORS TJ.! Rl.S. d. R AKI U'i d RANDALL 4. 1' M.H J,) M Mrpre f i esli nut ion s'Uhi: IL tvls and mikes 70 N' Feurtn CARPET CLEANING I U - tl . tfTi U 'I mizmm 1 TF, mvxlMjfl'fV 1 JniJRINESS OPPORTUNITIES I ROOMS EOB KENT PHSV within rearh of the nmniicsj !-;. --.----, one aheut the pes.ll.llltlss of ,,c''n"n'''"uyi: this nature. In addition we will Rjvc ou in siructiens. conduct-d by our Mrc!gJ?Lte te tMrh ynu this particular buincss: th-re W ineny te be made In this trade . A. sultlnrr Chemist Address P. ,? iVul .s r B liffi-r and we will mnll -"" '"" t-i.rtlrui.trs. H 'E veur ruus a',d c.irpets stiamiMvesd. tceured .lii.l P'lrifl, 'I -n.it ii r, 'v clea,,, i Prien- rieu 4SIJ The Ouhiiihi Hmillii H, a''i Ele ir i 'ariKt un, jpj , Wu.lniijr I , ii 1 ijlui suiessui St.31 te 3n:fj V -.li""l'e V ilIlltN P.leiirle Ru- Whslilrii: i'e 1,121 i arllsli t. dirt sr.d -reuse lemnved I ,. ii-sinrel lj ..rlirli ' ." .uhl iih,m H,l , en I '1 IIm i I'tmre poi ar iiumI . NATIONAL i- irp. I Ik Ci , in N I'lth Pali Ins; lllO-ll a. 11. leut.illtr unill-IR. r colors cquil new. prempi Kervlis ROOMS FOR RENT HEMER AVE 471'tl At'rs," sunnv furn reiiius in 'Ki mini private bem fine hi, . , letliivil tertchsri nursi s bus weipei, iih,,ne' . t,,.-evi e ,, -1.. . T - r.r. , i,i.r-i... , ,,.., , , ,,e,iii-. niiUlfirril tlS- pittute. all ineilern , mvciiiem-e. bMth i In .-INI 1' M .'"-ii i.Tuui ".FuTiV'ntid a.iulile uni ; snuthein exii runnlny watr. CIP.sTM."l 'jnnil riesTu' i., K.lnclB77lni aie ei en eune, with or wltjieul bath, DlAMlV.'D l',l07""We'l fi -"n front rB0 - i.', r ie.ii ii, ie .r 'i v ,i, phene imtl.lN T"V 'MT' 1 "lieeni;, "m nsa $.', spec al alts ivtckiy lu!3 Arch, op. yulip iain'ii Q1RARD AVB 172.rvre rooms sttfh Kltclieuettai lfi "IiibIs room; all modern ise,Ur batli. ' conveniences; u. ili 17k Street Apartment Heiisd Netf readj) for eccupancj) LOCATED in ene of the most cxclusive residential sections of Philadelphia, adjoining TUttenheuse Square, 250 Seuth Seventeenth Street, ombedlcs every Ideal of what a modern apartment should be. Every room an ontnUle room Otic anil two apartment te a fleer UltniHd service a featura G.WALLACE SIMPSON 309 Medical Arts Building LOfUST ST.. 4'ilN Attractive rooms, well tur med hemw, nar 42 car A 40th st. U. I 'tftTIT KT V .I.ISf.. Thfn. mnm- bm.1 Kn.w cm Hnunil fleer, tinfurntahl, AlM.trln tlHi ' rnt rcasenaliliv WALNUT BT , .205 Comfortable, apt , Southern exposure, also 2 rooms, furn., seml-prlvate; hath, steam hiat. modern. IUTH. St.. 189 HOTEL 11URIC Ueautlfut furn. rooms spotless clean: elee. : (tails' and weekly rates, cenr, te stations) bsst accem for traveling peenls Spruce, IBS, IIANDHOMELY furnished room In Uree, modern private home; electrle llrhts; 10 minutes te City Hall. Pheno itnrlnr 0415. LOCL'ST ST., 4 H-48 Attnctlve rooms, wsll furn. med, home near 42 enr A 4flth St. L. WF.T PlIIT.AnEI.PIIIA EXCE1TIONAI.lv well furnished rooms In prlvnte home, twin bed, or etherwise: S baths, vicinity 48th and Hpruce: centlement strictly first class; references. Paring 0288. TIOflA 17TH UT N vate bath 11432 Lame ee-flr. rm, hoi-water heat, elec.. , prl rsj. BOARD WANTED TWO sinters want room and beard prlvst adult PreL family- home comforts; reas : North Phlla nnd vicinity. II 310 Led Off COUNTRY BOABDI-vTO AKRON. PA Maple Farm- Ideal locstlen: hleh olevatlen. all conveniences; electrle IlKhts. Ideal for father or mother; best of care; a real rest for any one; e.csllent water: most suitable for convalescents; quut and refined, epen for entire year. APARTMENTS BEAUTIFUL HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS IN THOROL'OHI.Y MODERN APART MENT HOUSE Just finished; never leen occupied. Im posing entrance, Ilvlnr room, bedroom, larfte kitchen and bath, nil llirht. airy. outside rooms (hnl. of the suites havlntr spacious brick-telumned perches); hard hard weed floors, shower bath, vapor hntln, continuous het-wnter service, full elec elec treo eijulpment with console nnd celling lighting fixtures; numerous base plugs in every room, telcphune connections, pri vate service stairs te each kitchen; pri vate lockers, refrigerator drained te cel lar; Janitor service, etc. TELEPHONE COL. 1001 IX'ATION 182S & 1830 N. PARK AVE. APARTMENTS 231 ! N Ilread st .' rmmii, bath 23D1 N Park ev. 0 rooms, bath. 2124 N Park ave D rooms, lath 1U03 W Erie ave 7 rooms, bath C. HARRY JOHNSON Is 20 CHESTNUT ST. Kpruie 44tid-CO - DON'T RENT until you se these modern high-class housekeeping apart ments In fireproof structure scuthenst corner 11th and Locust sts. Arthur Armstrong & Ce , en premises, or 112!) Hpruce st. THE REED N. W. COR BROAD AND REED BCITE OF 7 ROOMH SUITE OF 4 ROOMS CARSON REALTY CO. s. w COR. RROAD AND WIIAnTON Phene Oregon 0267 THE DICKINSON N. E. COR. RROAD AND DICKINSON SCITE OF C neOMS CARSON REALTY CO. 8. W. COR. RTtOAD AND WHAJITON Phene Oregon 0217. S. W. Cor. Bread & Wharten SUITD OF 7 ROOMS CARSON REALTY CO. B. W. COR. RROAD AND WIIAnTON Phene Oregon 0287 CHESTNUT AND HtTH N. E. COR. Mod ern np' unfurii. living room, bedroom. bath dining room kitchen and private hall; $121 ref. Apply Janitor. 10 te 4 P M. entrnni'430 LD'1-!"': 1.111 YilRARD AVE. Sunny and cheerful well-hented unfurnished apartment, 2 lane rooms kitchenette and bath; all modern con venient es very reasonable y'ifl YORli 111) -Six luric rooms und bath. J53 ir month I.A.M1E & MENKIN 1711 N Rresd We 1071). RROAD HT . N -112-he-end fleer front het water heat, elutrlc liuht, 2 room, and bath SPIUNO OARUEN 212.1 -Twe rooms and butti turr'ihed front n.' hmnckeenln-. ATTRACTS E 2 rni SMi at 200 Pine. bath and kitchen apt.. Locust 0U2rt. l'707 MASTER ST Seven rooms 7B, In" speitlenby iippelntinenl Ph IV.plar 1084 WIWT I'HII.ADEI.I'IIIA THE W0RTHINGT0N 37th and Sansom Streets Cerner iipHrtn,, i ts five ineins Janitor serl ail unveril.-n, es i II V.S W MILLER nnd bathi Apply 1201n7 I'nmmenwsaltii Ulrlir. 4039 BALTIMORE AVENUE Handsetneh and bath. furnished apartments, 8 rooms (IREV tIAlli.lCH II. MA'IEE lbl Ej.tste Trvist llids JOHN (ll'.IIMAMIHVX Sel VERNON Rt'AI) Compact, medsrn housekeeping apartment, ideal surround lriirs elnss tu golf .Inks and 'eiinlry cl'lbj within 2 blocks of station, 2,1 minutes te . it i enter Jaul'yr will ahew apartment at any tlm trains te Stnten Htstlun or drive out Wemen ave te "BOO north MA U RAN, DOLMAM . . N. E. cer. Ilread eni l hestnut TIO(l Klllr, AVE 1 I2H F'vs strntlv modern, aoed ytillHONSHSfi V Ilread rooms and bath; location, E. A. st VARHEIUir r PrTvaTE fain, furn id-Sour M'T 7 rentfntl. ousbet vyiiter siiraKe Ph Nrherth nl, APT 2d fleer fun, . priv fsm. ; continuous inn water, trars.ii Ph me Nnrbarth tie APARTMENTS WANTED YOC ARE INVITED ie list your vacant qr te-lie din nt upartiueitts with (lis Ulisrwoed Anhriin.ni Akhik . 1.S34 Walnut St., phene W n'riut 7oiie, n is euite tinrsisslbls te flu th re'iulremenis "f our many applicant without viiir heart) 9""r."li!J!: APARTMI.NTH wanted u.f pal nr i Ifyj h.i.H n blir ll'.l uf client waitlliu, ETJltabl Renin i'e. 21st and HUMiuehanna ave. FURNISHED APARTMENTS .'l i.im, tivitlii:s "2ne Twe reii'nis an'ii bn'h IihiIhhki lioers ulettrlc I), T v ii - 2M N yiev- i " 127 fi"l0TH HT -(Th Ueneva) I and 2.rni'. suite wllh balhi well serviced, In lh heart nf th business district. AHUMOKB APTU.i fur, r unturn., or terM 8t Jiscktr. 2 E. i.dcIh w,f. iJBp"WrVrf Z i.' .,u r , Jl $ ,,, -rts)4- ten;. Via . ,