' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1921 21 I I Twenty Years Age Belew is a list of municipal bends which we owned and offered for sale during the year 1901:, CHICAGO 204 Dearborn Street (Marquette Building NEW YORK . 31 Kama Stmt (Notional Bank ofCemmtrtt BUTg.) BOSTOH (fj MOk Street (Equiublt BUTg.) We own NSW YORK, 1901 and offer, subject te prier sale and advance in price, the following bends; AMOUK1 hamb or secuim tATK MATUMNO tM rucc AND INIBKSSt NRT mtTOI 30,000 aoe,ooo 50,000 156,000 300,000 123,000 200,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 100,000 Stite of New Yerk, Registered State of Messachusetta City of Bosten, Massachusetts. Reentered Detroit, MicbJkan, Schoef Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Scheel Bttffate, Hew Yerk, RegtatetedJ Chicago, Illineifl Newark, Naw Jersey, Water City of New Yerk, Registered State of Louisiana, Coupon Ctnf TnnaMJ. RutrlfitftrtMl 533I000 City of Anegheny, fcnnsrtvaria,, Registered 4?,oeo Blackhawk County, Iowa- Court Heuse 30,oea Seuth Bend, Indiana toex)oo Waukesha County, Wiswnrin, Asylum ee Reck Island, Illiae s, Scheel District KeS Cutton7lewa,Ind. Scheel District Refunding ,eC Colerado Springs, Colerado, ,il?Ut , aajoeo St Jeseph, Missouri, Sched District Soeo Sprfagfleld.IUlneis, Refunding ,5,000 PeoriaTlllineis, Park District 15 000 Danvflle, Illinois, Refunding Scheel s6,oeo Luna, Ohie, Refunding 300,000 Lee County, Iowa, Refunding 06,000 JeffersenvuTe, Indiana 35000 Sanitary District of Chicago a coo Gallatin County, Illinois, Refunding 33,000 CeuncU Bluffs, Iowa, Refunding S0.00O County of Cascade, Mentana lISoe City of Norfolk, Virginia, Imp. Refunding ... H..hji! TenniRSAf. Refundinc itsloeo City of Memphis, Tenn., Sinking Fund. Park 100.000 Rbane County. Tennessee, Funding Bexar County. Tesas. Court Heuse SPECIAL CIRCULARS ON REQUEST 100,000 30,000 xx Years 58 Years 30 Years 23 Years x te se Years 19 Years 14 Years ax Years 37 Years 13 Years it Years 3 te 35 Years 5 te 20 Years 5 te ae Years xe Years xe Years 4 te ax Years 5 Years xe Years 20 Years 9 te xe Years 20 Years 30 Years 8 te xe Years 34 te se Years x te xe Years 24 Years a Years 7 te 10 Years 14 te 15 Years ae Years 28 Years 17 Years xa te 39 Years 20 Years 33 Years X04 X04K xegtf 109 Various 106H xxej xe6tf XCQ Various Various Various x6X leatf Various xe3 X03J4 104 J X05H I02J-4 X02M Various X03K Various xex 103.14 Various Various X05K 104 X03K 'Various 101K xes The remarkable change in price aiU interest return en similar representative issues in the twenty years intervening may be seen from the list of municipal bends we new offer te yield from 5fe te G$. In some instances these are isbued by the same municipalities whose bends we offered twenty years age. We shall be pleased te send circulars describing our present offerings in detail. Wc suggebt you ask for List F-ll. ms9 Ferbes & Company Pine Strcet, Cerner William, New Yerk VVidener Building, Philadelphia Harris, Ferbes 4 Company Incorporated bbtiea Harris Trnst nd Stones Bank Bend Department Chicago Are Oil Stocks A Til 1X7? r y Crude oil has risen 45 since September first. Gasoline prices have turned and tend upward. Are ei! stocks a buy new or will they go stiii lower before uic lung swing upwardr Mseifs Repot fa Speculative Bulletin .1 REPORT ON REQUEST I'ejiIcb of .S)i'culailt UulMiti "t. aMUI.ihie fei illbtribut.0.1 te iiiUiesltil lnvciiteis Kr.itlu tew out the Meme-new Li J0"' crelan-when tie morning's mall. Mtrtly A,h for Ballttin i n,-....iir Tt . . vv,D'Dsens statistical Organization Wcllesley Hills, 82. Mam. (Suburb of Boiten) ntUrmt Ortanualtmrlu CMaruttr ' tn iA nurli " M111111111 Clip Off Here mi J Aftrxx- Fer Your " wiVlJ Secrctarv nnd hard hen you dictate 34 Ml Get this hand-book ler traders. It tells : The Hew and Why of many things you should knew about stock market trans actions, Market Terms and their definitions, Trading Fractions, Commission Rates, Deposit Require ments, etc. Ask for 'iv-; btucKs hich ill. .Mention interest jeu. 5 I III! 8' b'$'"'CdIOH?'WMlen.Vellesley i rJihiT1 ns fe' ewn: please tend 3 ev iii bi'WpZmtarSi 5 Jjl III .4 i. , 111 - I AOlJW-! S 1 -A" W ' " I II Kjt-aMjut le-l.-L- fU Jenes & Baker Members N'eti Yerk Curb MurJa-t , Direct' Prlvnt'eWlr? 9 '"'' Lhkife Upitm fhitadelphis rlmburrh Detroit Dilii.-ierc Lleelir PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener UuildinR Telechenej 5el1 " " Lcutt 4730 Kcyitene - RuceJSbl BALTIMORE OFFICE 433 Equitable Building TeJcphenei St. Paul 8151 Upswing of the Oil Stocks Hew far will it carry? Ws have just prepared a review of the oil outleolc especially as it pertains te earnings of the mere active listed oil stocks such as Sinclair Middle States Cosden & Ce. Inland Oil Oklahoma Pred. &Ref. and Pacific Oil If you are interested in oil stocks this pamphlet will be helpful. Ask for copy of PL-76. Sent gratis. &RRLEsli.LflRK5DN gniUBaHMSBiBiaiHBnEaEtJ Knew Your &b Securities j Keep Careful Data en Every Investment 3 j We have prepared a 3 booklet, tastefully bound f te IE? H H 1 M a I Ki leather, for your cenve - ence. It fits easily in the iecket, and contains a systematized arrangement ter recording your held- ings. g A table of incomes from various stocks listed in the u Q hank will Hnrve .. i-nln. w ! h able reference. K ri- j i ta -l uuwn a memor memer I g andum new te call or write for Abk this booklet for L-2. today. Hulletin Mr. ZffSKTO. MiveW u."l".l- J""". ' our """"mil ,', s i IflllllllllllllHMlHI.Illtlll.lllwniM? " " ' " I ' III. . L II I liU. Ju , . -.. ,l, P.B. &W. 1st 4s, 1943 L. V. Gen. 4s, 2003 Arthur C. Richards Drexel IiuildiiiK I "I 1l.'ll II , 1 & Ce. l McGLINN & CO. ;S Members N. Y. Stock Exchange Widener Bldfr., Philadelphia Ptila. Cleclric 6r'r Net.. 1322 Lukeni Steel 8't 1940 Metropolitan Edisen Ce 5'i 1922 Heriltsy Chocelite 7'j'i 1930 66 BROADWAY NEWYORK , TELi BOWUHG GRZZH 4020-23 , ' 1 i ' S P. K. GUTHRIE & CO. H n n ai us HVMvKlt- VM1 I'ttOKLKS Mtnbcrj of I'MUidelpkia titec': 1413 Se. Penn Sqture, Philadelpbia snrn soe Kryitent Hace J)j if i rreni xntucc K-gr u K a , a SB a m HI ta n u Hi n pi H smiassicnBaBBinaDQaBiiQiaQSHS The First National Bank of Hosten Capital, Surplus and Profits $37,500,000 KARDOS & BUEKE 1121 Walnut St., Phila. New lerl. riiltHSu liUHtOII 1'ttti.liurili Hultlniore Anuounce that en this dn;' MR. JAY ,. GREINWALD has been admitted te CJt'neral Partnership 'H Ute firm. Xuvrmber I, t 'tl NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS LIVE8TOCK QUOTATIONS Plilriiirn. Vai 4 I'ATTT.rn W.e H0e hfd. (loe J and elioice betf tir SAI.KS IN 11000 n rtepv !l 4 75 (inndt'n Mthn Wn rein 1.... 103 M :.... 101 2.... 103; 1.... 103H 2.... 103 S.... 101 4 "anmllan N "t 2.... 10i l0 ins IOS'1 ier.'A 10. 105'; 105 'A C'unnJIan !) fls 0.. I.. 3.. 1 7.! 1 . r... 1. 1. 3. 1. '11 1 2 30.' in. 20. 1R. 10. 13. Cni e 88 8B It SO RO he; KOH se 70'4 70 i! 70'4 Chlle Cep'r 7s 1 07't l.liielc On M-iC ! l 13 43 1 42 'Kv fit rjtrKin ' ret B ... 102U 10 ... 103 10... 102i City Dernn H 3 .. 105 K .... lO.ntl 1. .. ieny 0.,.. IDS 2.... 10VS h.... ions 7.... 105Vi 5.... 10.1S "tty Eerd'i H 1 84 Ctr Clirta'n S n.... ie:j 103 1.... 108 4 10.... 103 "Ity of (.'oi-eri. hncen E 4 82 1.... lOtH np Oe't 1 RR'l 1 85't an Oevc'l 21 1 8S,i 1 85 'IP Odib1! 4 1 00 1 O't 3 00"j 1 Jkilcium )i in tu; 10 e 1 04 5 04 Hele m 7 1.. n.. 3.. 1.. 10.. 1.. 1.. 4.. 101 101 101 102 ion; 101 101 101 C Ilete'm rrt 4.... 102Vi 1.... 101U i.... 10m 1.... 101 1.... 101 V4 a.... 101 '4 5.... 101H 2.... 101 V, ..... let 'i ;inilem lcn- mark et 8i 1.. 1.. OR.. 1.. 1.. a.. 2.. 104 104 m HHU 10JU 104 W in'4j 104H 104H 1044 UMVj lOUi l Ncr yray ct 8 n.. 7.. A.. 1.. 1 (I. H. 2. 1 0 i i l 10. IfitS1 20 10! 3. 1 ei . ' n 4.. It.. &.. 13.. n.. i.. 3.. r... r... 4.. 1.. 1.. 0.. n.. 7.. l . r... 3.. 2 I.'. 11.. 3.. 5.. 2.. 2. . ll" 2.. 1.. 1.. J.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 0.. 10.. 3.. 2.. 1.. ilnnifi llxn a 0 CO Uii'n Ar c .4 Ch 7H 00 00 00 07 07 , 01 , 00 , 00 100 , 09 100 , oe 100 i 00 100 , 09 , 00 , 00 , 00 Vi loe , 00 U 100 100 100 100 100 , 00 100 , 00 S ion 100 101 100 100 01 00 100 00 00 100 100 loe 100 10ft ion 100 100 n. 6.. 1.. 4.. !.. O i!'. 3.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. .. ie"! A.. 10. R2 H'l R'1 A3 S3 R1H 83 V4 83V; 83 i R2 S3l RSil M'4 87 1; I S7 83Sl H3;, 83 K City Lyen't tlm 1 87 I "tv nie a j.I n!re S wl ' 104 2.... tOA 4.... 103 2 ., 1.... 10,Am H 0.... 105 4.. : Sweden OJ I n.. , 1 08HI 4.. 1 01 4 03' 1 03 Am T & lue'niit'd Kxt Lean 7a "I 1. 1.. 1.. 0.. 1.. 10.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 3.. 1.. 07 H 07 I 07 07 t 07 07, vi ' 07 07 07 'i t7 07 07 OH 00 n... A... 1... I... 1... 0. '. 1.. I... 4... 1... 4 .. 13... I... i in!.'! 4 . 4... I.'! 1 .. 3... 102 102 102S 102 102 H 102 '4 102 102 V 102 102 102' 10BS 102 Val 102 Hi 102 102' 102 "6, 102 102 4 102' 102". 102H 102 , 2.. . I02, "t Chlln ct "20 2 ... 00 1 Am 5 .. 8... Amn 1 3... 1 .. 6... a.!! 3. . 4... 1 .. Vlmi " 4 . 4... 0... 1... 1... 1... 10... 1 4 1 . 3 . 07 07 07 07 07 K As S2 82 K2 82 R2si T clt . 734 . 74 & T All . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 89 . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 t T ltd 102 102 102 102 102 102", 102H 102 102 102 102 1., A.. flU Tei-.W 1 r.e ! Zurlf i m'n V I' 0t 1 .... 71 5... 70 Vrmeur 4 00 s. ... 83 00H l 83 00 1 83 00 tTHUFrii 00 3 Tat4 H 78 V T ti B F Is I -h!i.i ct 1. 00 00 0'l 00 I H 1.. 1.. 1 . 1..., l.!.. 1..., I.... I.... 4..., r. . , . . . l .. l ... l "ulna 1 .. -nhan 1. . 1... 1 105 10,-. ' ie..l 10A, 101 I 103 I ie-.! 10ijf 10A l.j 105 in.-. 10'. ' nsl .. 00 , . oe , . 00 . 00 I C ." c 1.. 10. , 3.. F. , 4. 1 . 3., 4 . 10. n. . 2.. l.. 1.. 1.. 1. 1. H'J 4 .ri Hl m0 8ii 80 C" 4s 75 I. ct 3 100 10014, .- 100( 3 . 101 1. .. ieu mi ic , ioeij ie 100 A Cpjh 1 1... . ine i A Cei.rt I. 4s '01 1 .. . RO 101 2 (.0 lf'l - A. ... Ml iei . i. . . se 1"1 i V lean. I. -t 101 10 104V. 10. .. 104 tl"e Kru't 7 Ctrre d Ps'ft.Oenl retfr 8i I 2.... 111 1.... 110 C A Ohie 2 70 .. .. 70 1 (salt.) 77 5 70 CAOcv 4i 1. a., c. n.. 70 78'S RO 80 80 8014 80 "4 711 804 80 80 C'k a Ohie 5s B. 8. 10 4. IB. 1. C & 53.. 1 . Hi.. 83. . 04 cv A . F.m . 83 . 84 . 88 . 84 Chi & Alten ,1 2.. .. 10 Chi A Alt 3r 1 ... 3S C & A chur As A .... 84 Hil II & Q m Klra As 2 01 Gtne'l Hlee 0l 4 103 Ooedyeur Tlf It Rub fil O Nthn K.... 1 . 5. C II 35.. 10 21 . . 2. 1. 10. 1. 1. 10. . . 80 .. 80 Q 0i . 104 . 104 . 101 . 104 . 101 . 104 . 14 . 101 . 10J . 104 . 101 . 104 103 100 100 107 107 10T 107 107 100 ier. 107 107 It 7 105 , 105 105 HWt 103 105 105 105 105 103T4 Man f . 72 . 72 . 72 . 72 . 72 . 72 . 72 . 72 . 72 . 72 . 72'i IS.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 10.. 10.. ul 6 . n V. 1.. 3.. 1.. 1.. 2.. A.. 10.. 'lud L Man In 10 .... 42 40 ... 42 A 42 A 42 1... . 42 2 12 'II Ointrkl M 1.. 1 I0II!I1 On Chi S. Urlr 1st I 1 & a 81 l'l en 82 10 W III 21 . 51 , 1 . . . 32 Ilia On'l . 52 I 2... . . 52 4 ... . 53 I .'.... . 52! & H." I 4a ! 04 . C5 0.1 I 1 1 Chi 1.... J... 1... 1 ... 1 1 ... Chi i:n Snurd 1.... 5... 4.. . Chlcnirri Mil St Paul 4 a 1 .. . 70 Ch'.ciao Mil A M V A 4s 3 . . 5 ... 10... 14 .. OnlcaKe KtP cv 1.. . 1.. . 3 . 1 ... 3 ... 1 Chi -me Mil t SIP fd la I 3 ... 5H' 1 . . 5rt 0. . A) 7 ... .17 i 4.. . .VI ; cmciwi Jill a Htl' grn 4a 5 7R 2 78 'Can Chi Nwn 7"! 1. 2. .. 104 2 1 104l 3. Chi Uallw TICan 7fl 78 Is '52 83 la '3 0. A 17 ft si M Y 2. 15 2.1. 1(1. N Y 3. 2.. 3.. I.. I.. 1.. 1.. 8.. 12 . .V Y 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. V Y Leuis .. 81 .. 81 Vj . . . 82 .... 82 .. . 82 On en 4 . .. 74 . .. 73 .... 74 .... 74 Ont'l fls . .. 00 00 00 00 ... 00 ... 00 ... Ill ... 00 ... 00 OM'I 7s .. 104 .. 101 .. 104 .. 101 Chi A at 4a 2 81 2... S3 V Yk Light II Pr 4a 5 70 3 70 .1 70 3 70 Vfw Y . ft A Ilnrt'd Us 10 At V Y Hys ct 4s i . . . 20 ... 20 Tele ls 15. 150. Y 1 78V4 fit L A B I'ran Kerlta C . 01 . 03 . 04 W n . 07 . 07 . 09 . 07 07 10.. 12.. Bti.' a.. i.. n i.. St L 8 Wn 1st 2 70 St L 3 Wn 5f 1 07 1 07 1 07 1 .... 07 Ann Antonie A I'as It 4s 2 07 BAt d A 1 1 1 Kab'd A L M 10 10 10 I M 35 35 33 33 31 t. Of 43 Efb'd A 10 Sinclair C Oil Cjrp 7p 1. I.. 1.. A.. 1.. 1.... a.... e.... i.. 84 85 85 83 83 1.. 6., V Y 3. VI 5l 8.1 TelsV Ms 00'i I l'anlp) 00 2 P.J 8 00 0 00 1 (sale) 0 5 Oft. vk V. C & 71 I Hest 4 7.1 1.. .. 3 10 . II- HtMl 1 .. . 10 4 74 3 01 01 04 04 4 81 V, 83 3 31 32 N.'k A U-n Ih 2 70 3. ... 80 Verth Wast'n It'll Tel 7 fnd'a Mrl 1... . 3S 'm Met i 50l, 50 .1. .17 Mil I 4s . (!2' . 02; . (.2 . 03 I . 02 . fi2'.i 2.1.. . 'Mib'e 5 . 15 .. 0 .. 20 10 .. ICO. . 11 T m' 1. 1 ... 1.... 1 ... a'.'.'.'. l 0. 5. 11 20. .1. II 10 . 10.. .'! . 20 . Ifl.. 8 . 1.. 0.. 1J. 2 . Sn Hallway 4s 2.. .. 60U 1 60 t 60 10. ... 60 Hn Hallway As 10 85 1. ... 8.1 0 85 Stand Oil e( Calif 7a 1.... 103 Third Ave aj 1 B8 1 87 3 39 Third Avd J 12 .... 51 2 (sal) 6t Tidewater OI! Ce ct 8s 8 00 1 09 0 00 Tolode SIM Wn 4a 1 40 4 ... 40 Union I'nc rv 1 R0 Cnlen Pac frt a 78',! 3 .. . 78 i 10. . . 76 Union I'ae 4s 82 12 R'i R1 Va-C 3.... 3.... 1. . 1.... 0... 3.... 'a Rwy n.... 8.... 10.... 10.... 1.... 1.... Wnbash It tl 6 74 Wnb Om 3'4 2 .... 00 Wflstn Elee 3s Ch 7 ... 08 ... 03 .. 03 ... 03 . . t2 ... 034 Ce In . 83 . H.1 . 86 , 85 , 86 8B 3 ... Weat'n 5.... 1.... 4 n i. '.'.'. 10.... Ve n 17 . 4 . 0.1 n.i 05 05 05 ! 1. . 05 II . .. 01 I 11 06 1.. ., 01 jU Tanl: 01 1 ... t.1 I.... e.m i a.... 06 UnltM F 01' tJ'n 0a 06 10 .. 87 05,UnIte-l Drue .'.' Ce 8a HIS I 1... 0.1 I 1 03 .U Illy 05 f" 5a H.1 J .. 01. ! p.i s ! . 08 . 08 Mil 4 s . 60 .. 60 .. 60 .. 67 .. 67 . . 67 Pae ii .. 80 .. 80 .. 80 . . 80 . . 80 .. 80 . 80 . 81 .. 80 Pwr 1 1 00 f :. i 102 102 ; 102 I el A (I... 6.. 11... 1 .. 1... V.' Pa I... West Hhere 4 1 .... 73 3 71 V Union 4 10. . . 81 Wn I'riten 5 2 01 W Union 0 . 08 Impv't 1.. I 1.. 1.. 1.. 1. 101 103 103 C4 103 103 103 1(13 103 10.1'. 101 10.1 I 105 105 ir..1 10.1 103 15 05 1 1 S 05 10. 12 IN Pac:r.c n ?,u i 52, a .... 5i I 52W 1 37 ' i12;V Pa. t:'e H 4s 62 10. ... 78m 62V ' A .. 7R ' M Vurliif il 3 7R 1 . .. Rl 3 ... 73 3.. . . 4 r & V allf 5i 1. .. 81 5 0 1 ... 84, irmen s L 4s 83 r. . . m 14.... 6 (BOlr) R4l 10 .. . . rnt'l 4. 6 1 . . ) 3.1 21 ... . 1.. .3.1 lfi 1 52, C . . 12 . SS Pac O A '1 Cl'ISi 1 Memp 4s 10.. 10.. 16 . 1. 3 HI 3 C K 1. 13. t i! i., i V. C H 10.. 10.. I. 4 Ofi! U I A I L 05! 06 j 5 ' 83 I P II 73 7t 73 73 73 71 73 P 75 75 73 110 70 70 fl Is ... 1.0 . .. no C & ri Is C & Liberty Llbirty Liberty s . 1 . 1 . 1 1 K C .. 80 : . f0 r . . 00 . . RO 80 Hl- 4e , . 74 .. 74 73 lnit; 11 101 101 10 e. n 3 'u i l. il l W (12 ' (II 01' hi no i (11 I cv ct. .10 ' 68 ' 6') i 60 I "uba It Ce 5&I 2 . 0.1 i ennurlc Cen1 ct A Sa 3 . 103' 6. . 105 JU lHJjl 1 101 I D-j.i. lurk Cen C H ia ; 1 1134 1 Turn Kep'c 3e, 1 hll I 5 . . 80 I f.tnadA "i'dl I ... 03, 10 ... 1.3 I l Canada "20; 1 01 3 05 1 .. . H.1' 1 .. 05 2 .. Il3l n etiirfdi 'ai, . 03 t 03 1 .. ni'i 2 ..01 05 ' 03 Kremhl rtts i 1 rpiib et Uru uy 8 a 00 Oil t'T 10) IM 1011 100 111') I 100 of Hi.. I Ct 8a ! . 08 I . or; , 08 ' , 90 . Oil . , pi I 2... . f) ' : . .. iv, 2 . rri . - . . 00 lj "' . . . Ill) 2. ... 00 . . 00 1 .... en i J PS (ultzel Cen Snl s 5. .. 3. .. M 1 UMrtlu r-t 15S 10. . -03 flus t'ewdur Ce 7 i .1 . !i 37'4 31 .111 30 34 n.iru i.ii 'late Paule 3 3. 3. 1. 1. 0 I't l"i . . 00 . O'lH , . tn ve 4 Oille rv ,. 71 ,. 71 ,. 71 . 71 71 lll A "!.! l 3 8 3 1 'alt 1.. 1 4 . 1 10SI WiS 1. 1" . I.. II.. 1 . 5 . 10 . I.'. 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 1 li t't K i A IM 1. . Unit .1 1 1 1 il . . 73 . . . . 7 1 . .. 73 ... 71 . 74 74 X Ohie (Is . . 01 SI "4 . ''I ' tf t 04 i 06 05 0.1 05 ' 1.1 0.1 04, If. I I'l l'i i 01 II.. II 5 11.1 , in I 01 05 0 0.1 l'i 2.1. i.r IM U'20 1.. 1.. 54 , " ''Ualt i. Ohie .1 10s lflsu IDS'; 10k !0 -t nr.t J2J 'S . 110 . tins . im . en mi !!'.' . 110 , en . 1'0-- l.rll P'U 4 2 . . C4 Chlcauu L'n!e.i S ct 0s Kelly Hrrlnfd Tire 8s 11.... 101 10.. . 103 10.... 102 10 . 102 A'salellill 81 M Of, 8i: 81 : .is l?9.l'sr.l l...n- Car Sr 1. . 07 3 07 Pan a Petr"m I Liberty 2 01 6.. .. yjj a It II 4f ,1 ... 83 H c;i 4a 1... . '3 . 80 H It Id ' 2 ... Sl. 2. ... R, 10 S3 3 81 7... R2 10 .... R2 17... . 6J 3... . (.2 H2 82 4 n.is ' 15 0.1 1, S'n Ilfll T Sal 1 V .. S0 4 S'n Pad 6'' M( 10 1 70 IU 3 1 TO 2 (1 7S 1 I .... 7 '1 5 ... 78 2 1 78 U H 3 .... 77. 5 te i 8 .... 70 ,UM 2 7 ' 5 0. . . 70 ' 25 H .... 70 2 ... 70 iv.. 7i'", r. .., S n Pacific 4s, 5 . , 4 . . 74 . .1 .. , 1 .... 71 I J . s T.1 I 1. . ' 5 . . 73 I 1 . I S'n Tae cv ts Utah p tlPulWiatha'e ft ... 00 I ' . ... env, ' l.. ... cej 4.. n a i i. 3 . 02 1 i; S Itubbr 5i , 1 ar,Wh 4. L 1. 1. . . . . n'ij . ... 80 M V Rubber 7s 1 . . ... 100 3... ..1 e;, 6... 101 3 . lfclV,. 4 .. Hub 7s Wilsen . .. 101 , 5... ... 101l 3... 3 Uleel 1 104 1114 S K'4 104 101 i: 4s 38 68 llsuii '.'e iv 01 I .;i s 03, 5 (a) e.v-j'Ws . . 01' 1. 05 2 111 3 . 0.1 1. 83 '.V C 05. DIv 1. 06 A L 5s . SS . 8SS . 88 . 8 . P8 Oi 1st . R . 01 ... 01 01 . . 1(1 cm.' i 4i Hu'r A D A T 4ii ... 73 2 30 HlKh L. v V M 31-is HIMJS 0'J.r2 U'2.04 1.M 4n ... U2.WJ 02. T4 JUMii: i-h'ib.. f).'.;ift m.er, ).' 2n 2d 4V.s.. n:.04 D2.S" na.iu Llbertv Sd -HLs. . n.'.HS or,. tilt or. :ui Liberty 4th VC. !).'. 21 f?,.10 JW.24 Vie Netc 3 s. .. flfl.C2 H'.l ."') 5l!).fi2 Vic Notes 4is... Wi.titl OO.eS !)!) (i'l I nn1 rtllnl.n ltf atasrn aaM -;urllns atronir.te lOe hither; top yanrllmrf, 5 (ij.wi Miii(iii, iei4 t'eunnai ion ixuu-peurta " aliiara. si 111.30; bulk Iwef ateera, alie ateck, bulla and f rteera, cnlvea weak. 1IUIJH 111.4(11 cnolce. 1550.peuntl ilk Imef vleera. atid ateck. b ateadyi atockera and feeders dull, -Reeelpta. 18,000 head. Fnlrlr ae- tive. alrady with yesterday'a nvrransi urae-, in r, HUKi;P Ilecelpta. 113.000 head. top "V7.7." (.mil light llftiits around. Ml buiK r (teaey nusiiy vniia.ve t'eui IT n.-.w7 T. ..I..- HHKl:i' Unrein,. Il.l.flllil hm1. Kllllnf T c.aasea. lAj23c lower: feeders ateadyi na. ,, live lambs te peckers, early, mostly f8.76 M 8.86: elty butihera. 40. IVtatem limbi. 3 mostly ferilerm four leads feeder lainba, ft earlj. aleady at $7.75. j Kmt Iltiffnli, N. Y Nev. 2 - CATTLW-s J Ricelpts, 27.1 bend 8Ieiv, lower. (Jalee. " ncWpts. 200 hfmU Hteady. 513. f IIOOH Ilseelntn. 120 liead. Hteady. ax- eept I'ltsa 2.1c lower, lltnvy, 8( mixed, 8.23 fr8.60 vurkers lluht de. and iiiK, H.50 w reushs (1 BOflfl 76, staifK. J40. , Hlim.i' ANli I.AM1I.S - Hecelpt. 2800) ,, liud. Lambs. Qe hlaher Lambs. 14 ff 0.10! eurllnica la.AOUi; 60, wethera. 6.2."-3.60i ewct. H?4.50i mlxeii alieep, 4.7BJ3. " riiubunrh,. Nev. 2 HCKJS HeeHpU, Ir-i.O head. Lewer Heavlea 8.158.25l t iivy jurLcrn is 508 oe, Ilrht yerkarn and plira, 18 05111.75. SHi:i;P A.VU LA.MIIH Hecelpla. 400 head. Steady. Tep she.ri. $3 25, top lamtw, $0. CALVLS Hccelpta, 00 head Staadr. Tep, $12 Kt St. Iiuls, HI , .Vev. a. CATTI.K . Itee pte, ,.(m head Natlw atnra elewi Western Heady bulk. Westerns, 15, 30 W5. 76) i ether cln about tady, medium te loeif d rows. f 73 4 60- t.inners jrelind $27B" bulla. $.1 7AM 4 23. alekerii and feeders. H 251" .125 K' "l le choice llrbt veal calves. ' bull: Inc uillnir top. 11011.f,O. I HiHiist Hrrl.is. 12,0110 he.nl Tnlrly ac. live, nenrrully stcadi Tep. (tR.1.1 paid for mlxe-l llcbts mil i.?s buteher top 37 00 luik. IlKbta nn.l mnllum v rlnhts, $7 75JJ7.R3; -. L r'n n',iu iitvcKfr Funn aiesiiy. H.I.,II7S nam Dbrn ricllvx. mi in Ifl K, heavy piir slew, rtruun'l $8, duality midlum te KOCKl. MII-KP Hereipts l.'OO head Market slew, no enr'y irntltur 1,1 Idlnir lower en lit inmbi with no choice und little Keed quality hi-rn. OILS I OUR FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW i DISCUSSES RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND FUTURE OUTLOOK I OF ALL PROMINENT OIL STOCKS Write for P L-72J E. L. WITTRIEYER & GO. Incorporated Investment Securities 42 Broadway New Yerk i I Philadelphia Markets i 10 10. 'M e Chl 1. C N Y 10S . 10R . 10h . 103 V I I . 04 (14 lit :,'.' S4 Ih 'i'.O S'l Cln Chl & St La 0s 3 .. . 04 2 .... 04 4 04 1 04 1. ... 01 Cel Induit'l 5 10 ... 72 I Cole A S 4 15. I 3. 10. ' 1. 7. K County 10 ie: 102 102 10.. Pinna H It , . SO IW.'LAT Iteeefpti,. 5R.601 buV els ,".r bet qu'et nt lui dfc.Ine Car lets .n -xi irt elevator Ne. 2 red winter J1.07ifl 1.'. Ne -' reJ "Int.- uarllcky. $1 OHrl en ether t-rtrts quote' at th fellow tnc -eheduV of djiciiiinti Mixd Thdt fie undr red wl.mr. Ne. .1 wh-at, St under Ne. 2 Ne. I wheit J: undr Ne ?. Nr. 5 l.i'. 11,. under Ne " ..i?1'''' CMirdInB tn iuiSlty C(il-ri.pi.btf i2-.ii uhL .. cj.i,, u, IIOLHI i 1, ri, eule- l-ar ...ti, . (.-a,,,-! n.,; .,'. ,..,.. "''"."". N '. 'if-i - . .. .xj. i.-ai i ri. i - ..,. ' i .'.. (, .1... 5 .. HO'. h 0. ft P Cj ' I02L. "enna Hd ila 1 12 102 1 0 ' S I 102 I B 1 I 15 . 1.. 3.. 1J C N Y Cl'd 07 , 1 .. 100 .!,, s- . . 5 . . . Oil '..' i Shere Mi ? 4s '29 1 .. . R 6... . RS 2 r.8 I '-ake Shero M1 S Is '31 , 1 R1 3. 1 I t. :i in "4 li i' I IM 0 I ' l I 1, 01 10 Oil 3. 1 10. IH 0M ll 01 'i IM 04 0.1 . . 01 . . 01 01 04 . 1.1 .... nei, "4 . . . M U4 01 O Pit 3 . . 85 hr, O 1 1. 15 A W Va I li ... (.0 1 . . . . Ill) 1.. . l!tl I)Jl' i Ohie tf i) . f eua .1 10. 1 ... 1. . I.. 1 1.. 6.. 1 . 10. Del S 5. Dei 1 DM I r'i li i Den 103' 01 101 103 103 uce) 10.1 103 I. IS, 1 '". I'M', l'l'J 101 '.j te-1 im". 101 101 103 U ,0 H'l 101 71'l 4. . S7 . 1 ... M.1 Rn t.aik I'phI -in I'pe-ij, il. n .10 ' 1 7l 1 . 2- i- ' L Vu ui 4',js ",., ii a i; if 1 . . M'., . ilO 16.. SJ I'er.i Marqt 4i ' A Mers 7s 2 . illi 2.... 10S ,1'ere MarQl 51 1 . 10S'.' r, it. . .-.- . :-, n 101 I. unit J, '3T' !,, . H4, 103 1. .. 00 Pitts C Chl A 101 '.euis A Nashi dt L u 5s 103 I Mone la I 1 ... 87 103 I t. . 72 Rc'i IVd A 103lllan K 4s t & L'a tu 3 .... 50 j : 1 3il Pitt Cln ('nl A Mt St Rallnavi .St L U 3s inn I ran 1st i 2 7 1 I 112 lueheU ( .r Ieih ... t . i. i". I3i 13 c. Ne 3 i lilte ' M ir'iet 41 1 . 5'-n,e) l'(H.Ue) 3( -.!) 3. .. V 3 .. 1 . 8. . . 21.'."..' Ril'Itun.i P. H0 2 .. 87 I 3. . ft OK '-.' ITS Hcrelp'.s. "4.UI1 Vj ( , , e.mMJ1-'11--R,e,,r',,' In0 hhly and '.'.US . chHHK-ec cuwatluna "aVf" $. ".'-".Jtt f0'4n2.1 de. de. -.ea. L" 15 !Mi vrintr itralatit J3 71V7 d Ji.2.17r.n enrt.iir ft-Ms c.eur A'e1'3!'"' J""50 d ,her' ml . nJfr.V,.ii:."i..."i" "Jr.".. ..".".'' '" Euu- filtrh n Weaterr. S.7.1 harl fchert pit.'nt J5 SMr3 71. t-eient. J7 li! J'J 'd !i 5'i Hj e 1 nl .ulel JJ4 T'i nl- mu' ' . i n el ir..e 2.'&2V. p'.cn'c fluiuldtrs. i i. l- sill led li'j t,c. brek(aM bat. n. i l'J.1 ion l'M 10.1 in., n i pnevisn.vciin(. . nuet.tiiriH Ji,e.' li , t drlei. r.jc, b e'. f in .. und uli--rl .1 jSr . ... r. e P rjr luoe ;.! , VOi.-, J01.".'3e i,e. .In. e'iti. letiel benele.f i. p ' . ii-r,.e ieji.. I b!ll6B In ilci.!e. ,oee. ' 2.1c n r,' i Ui'tatleiiH .-oil l-pai-lj-d ctem.er." ?,, ? Ira ilrait ir.flirt.. ... ii .,.'". ,,c- J 111 e..." I ".,."' iT -u-.il- enoei,, ' ti.'. .'"! ti- te ih.ire ft ?.;, i.oei ?inu frnn eui- 1.1 Al tt' f ,.,0 ' . l M..u , lr.,.u V ... i.iic Western ifra ' ' , r It, '. 1 irt . ' ' '" -''k r R e .f f.ii e - 75 7! . fj.r . , ii,,,,,.,' .k- ii t iic ten I -II 'il , ".nt" :7'. I.- Pi it. ill : rl.i- 'J!' 1 frun , V - - r ' CHKEhr. Pirn b.Jt d-iran! him wu.ntleir Nw Viih, vilni, 'fi-sh. 2lfiJ2y. Ler shorn .-.""-.: 'Inule IiiIhIs fr-sr. 1.1 K POl-LTltY - J,u.V Meedy's Weekly Review The issue of October 27th ful!. dibcusai-s the financial situation ns wp!I as the petroleum intlutr. The outLek for equipment stocks and an analysis! of the feieign exchange mar ket is also covered. Interested inveiters may obtain copy while supply lastb, upon rpe.utt for cir- ular "j. 200, accompanied bj 2c for pcetage. MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE JIIIIN MOODY. President 1124 Real Eilatc Trmt Bide.. Phila. N'sw; Y r.i I'.oa'.en Chlr-e r.':' iiieder- iii . (JeNc't r It l.s I "ell, Um. I lain i r Mi'lll BUI I'll li mill i in i ui,i,n, , Foreign Cern Exchange rafts at iNat. ban ki HEHOERSOH & LOEB Membern New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchange 1410 Chestnut St. C. S. PATTON & CO. UII X CUKSTNl'T HTS. bAlNKiiKb hucressiirs le KAII.Ktt A NTI'.VtlNRnV nnnils "I'd Ntncka beiiEht and said Mmpfr Phlln KtnrU Ksehungj. Pitts., Ft. Wayne & Chicago Preferred MORLEY, WOOD & CO. U;i3 Chestnut Street M'ir.brrs S', 1,4 I'hlln, hterli i:rhs. il inn Hi l.ii) I liii , inin, IIMH.I 1IIOI, 1 mi', I HW',1 l'"V4, mm, I l'Hl't : . H'0', l . . lOft'i 1.1 .. 1U1I l, " 'I lruim .if '"in r, rrts Oil 4 1 in 4 I', 3. 1 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE I.IIIK.IITY M1ITUAII'NIIIIANC1 CO. ebanet Leiuat UUIU Tr. 2U-'.'2 de. lOtU Ht. WIEONER.ROGKEY &c6i I Certified Public Accountants 1 Drcxcl Buildins, PhUadelphm INVESTMENT SECURITIES Samuel IWcCreery & Ce. itenbtrs I'hUa. fiecfc Fxchanat Franklin Panic Building if r, i. 40 Id. a r 3 I' I'll ' ' I'liV U'Mll mi',! im I'd 'i Pii', nic. (Inn trunk ei 3.. . 101 in I . -'I. 4 1. 11 I l 1 HM. I nit. ii.-, ' . ii."i'. , . . . im , :.. Pi1. .' ... ni. i . . !,;., fi-.v, K (In iirl: I'd ll'dT '- 'U.n ."! ' It. i H1N 'iL' (i fij H2S l2 n.', ns1. n v t''."k H2'!, u 3 4s . . K4 h4', . . M .. S41, . . . s:. r-4'4 . . . S4 ', . .. 841, . S3 ' fel 4n ',1 7'1 .' . . en. t . f"! . . li! l no MfT Vetr in S- 1 lil I Hul :i 87 & Hud f.l S2'. It'll Ti. 1' in-, i, n ci tii . . ii'miM e.i r.i'. - . !'. O .i t . - . . ;.m. 4 . Inn J) It il f.-' 1 . 7.". i & i: (J 4'j C 71 twt I-'ill .-. "li H ''I H I'l'i, U-t l.MI Ci il' 1 . . tl 1 . . IH. Dm Tud i 4i. Mini sip V . ',tl. Sli. M alt Ik D Ch Ncmeur. Pnfl'r 7Si '.' 101 1 .. 101 H 1 . mis rt . . lua .1 .. ifti. 1 ll'I'-B .". . . IM'j mi "in h mi i"i :'i'. 4 W lllcll L." .!'-. MM J. Or A 1 . 7S M'.l nt p . n I M1 M 9 rtle l.r d rlt la .'. . . 7 ) l . . . 7m St l, I Mt 4 illy Oi I 0J t i i Mt i. a RAti di. 4a I rnlr te ke .,' r eh iii"4 i'2' it J3 . far.rv. r.., "m'1., ,'..".?' "" J.egnern r?i'K mouth R.ka .:, ff .'il, . ,Vnn. .iij4- ;;,Hn :.,".'".. """ .uni. i'." " P .'In :ri, 7- 1 .-,, , ,,r- V Ml K 'M 1 L'I- ir., k,. L'I 'I '4 W- . . "il .1'. (I t,i. w, .. ,. h irn sii'v i'3, ' ,klunl. p, chlr I... !,. n i II U , ' U T ! -. I I'll '5. Iln '.r.c'A II" cc 37 J., herri. 1 rIThi,l M rhn h'l ' A Jit 1 rfl 111, I 111 Marginal Trading Tiier are, ve doubt, many who Ueslru te trade in the Sfin-k Market 'in :t manr'.t al Impln, but are ero- .'.Ueil frj'ii diln,; ki by a liiclt of kiie' !(;,. ,,f ;.,is m?l.ie(l i,f trfullnir IV.i iie fully ru hlinply covered hi, ;uhv u, ,,ur si e. i,il Letter I-0 Si i t ;rt en n list St 1 I" 1 . t . t 5 . i. .1,- I f I 1 . 01', M MP Ik S I'l M (Hei rfl 1 I. A i 'tell Volt.pht.rie I uf Pa 7u ,' 1 . . lOil", i ' l"u'd I' Href! r,a '.111 l.iii (. : . nvi . 103 i:ji ii -,g 10 H .. 104 V, 103 1) 10 tilt. I . 1 . 3(Bi ' t"n On im 1. 8'. ', ItmnUa I' H 1 lur i... . ni i ii': i . in. Dtlrih llM'v . n'.'vi i c. i ' n ), i. ... 8n4 1 .... 81 n'l of Un i-n 1 ... SIS tl I.outher .In 1! . mi a- Cinfl Vic I hi UrsslI 8 j . v7l, mt'cti urt t jiitv .. 00 On e.' an An ::: g5 ?:::v..V M5t 14 1 1. 1 n l l 1.. ie . 1 M nf 1 . l.i 1 M Ii (. 10 .4 lul'. ni'. 2 1014 (' "1 I lltl. 'IH Me Iv 1 U 1-' I I i i (ii .n I'llO V,f 1 l.r no Il IH' IdlS 10l". , Pill J, . 0 I Hi T ni :n 40 T I. in f.ll ilit'4 1 10 11. ".i.iin mm, f,... c 'n n-x uutclitrv r. u.fl ..iri .. v . ,: .: " .ii"-. ae vm- SMrSjJ "pj tfV;:, '...-'""JlfS irv-n-.pei nc. i ." . "' . 'J. 'w y!ec,- I"" " ! 3 V ler i ?h f :. U)J . 23'7;"i-. c, -,.hi,7. V ''" J k -nl-. ! ,. ,. ...'.'". .-.. '.' .S'un-, rehru a rhb kei ..Hlfrl. , ii- vrn '.iKli'ntf ISfTj -i N ,,'r !.N';' ".''J. ' ',' I '' and rBp , ,, tfiri.i VI (?.'('.. oil r. VI. .,' '!) II" i.. "17 ', (" t)7'-. ,7'., U7-. T ir, 9 I , '" II 14 I 3 b- II - r ;tw.'s. i,-, wUhlllK IS 1 " Ih. i r.i .' 1 r.-: ,v i I r-l; I'l "I ri-cli ti k i ff-1.. "' llZ . ', U 1 IK, a , .. s,.,,:r,,"r '''.:.:::" -. vUr, ..... -.--it. in-r -,. q. "ml fur Inikli- - -i Tln 1 n I ii.-j- nur ''llllltll Sjvlnj Plnii fr ,,r. iIiimiii; hu-li--r ii, r Ik.,., riiirlllri .ii h month ".iiinrii' b'laN. Q e cett& Stamp MiiiiIhth (VimlM itnl terk I'-r-li nar nf Nm urli lilVCJtVf)lt Set It fit ' S SPEC IM 1ST .V ODD LOTS STOCK FXCHANGE DLDC, Ptnt. Ilrnmli. -i l.i 7 li-lnrlpil ( lil. 3.Mf li uiriK i .n 'i T''f Vh, .. i . r, f..n I.' 1'ii j mi. f,. S .' . MlM-l pi , , luix'. t- Ni i -.i'S;', s in. kl i . P i ira mr. . ir i.", ti n i " 1 IMI I I :-:. Financial Briefs ' ruciRs 4 1 " r.7', 1 . .17 I "7 V II .. . R7i 3 .... .171, 1.1 10 .VJ I r.i., umaitil i ' n Ie- tin mt 1 .. p I ' : iri' .! I. rii rt if Ju. hi hr . . I I a ii tr in, 1 Lil'i '. 17 i.fi r .'' U' H'l 1 I uri ,' r ni 'n i,t t. l'i ll'jn m: li utu li iniu i Ml "i.U l .1 Mlllllht ni . r iU -. Uui.a. ns ll,.4ii.l'is II .1 K.i'iir it II Hi 'i, l'IJut i - ' ! I ' i ii Ik " 'i"7.-i:, ( L-MU I'll.ll .I.J i. i r ii ' H I t ft Id.. I n 'ski. ) 41'. IIS'. V-' 4JS. 4 'J ' 4'JS 4J',l I'IM. J, 112 H2S r.7 1, i 1' K.in .4 Txl " 4', 3 . . 4 ' " 41 ' Mi I'm- S ;? l;r'e I; it c 1' I .. Dili, , 7. . 7j'!e ,''- "" ''II 1 . 1 I Sh'. 'Mu UK r li, H "7. 3 , i v" v "r Tf 4 1 3 . . 4.', I M 6a j i:n ni e. 4t - "a I ie. . M', i- ".'M 1 .. :.i , i 'J'Ji II . .1.1 14 1 2 . . US 14 3(-1r) f 11 ;Nvi Or Tux 2 . . .IM. Mcwlre Oi I.-l . n .' T '.fill tL. JCS lll 3 MV.V V "IH Hub'r Ce' S S ret a 1 til rji. 1 inn ll.l .rci-h 1 1 I lih'.i,300 .tliie 1-1 41 11.', l..-U! 10'J ' .tUl.l'j, , ' bVri.l.M Pcnna. Railroad 6". ICcjuipments Ceimerialiii im ritiirn should tahr advantage of Ihv oppor tunity tn buii at pruent market privvu. Information upon request. Reed A. Morgan & Ce. -1 1. I L'I r l 10 a. 1 imi. 1 im Hi 11 ODfe .v i ei" t1 3 0.-.1, -ri 3411 . . (19 'J 01 Cent' 41 31 U 11- J 41, llll-J (Mi, 14 4 14". (14 '1I" I 114 11 'j . llt'V i. I l' , I'l . t,1, 1 III', " 04 Ht I. ,s Pru- rls u . St a k Ih. I irmnli li"ii niP'iliiK ti,,, ;,, ('itrtl rtr I r , 11l.ru t ,1, i.a . '" Inullu.rxtit in li,r.vM 1 ... n.l'M' li. r.nil I...,, ,.. til ,.n.. ,-.. M ' I".!. V-.w vww.v.'u .w ,..,,UU,JU II. P;td A Seliu're aninuni" I thn' . , i -.hull., i .,.1, j, ;..,. ,ir.r: .'. "! . ,. ,1 Vtt....U. .1 ... .1... '' Ilftt 11 l,r .fr J ell Ihn fa, i ri hi, 1 1, ...i, i 11 II 111 .17 1 sn 10.. 77 77 77S 77 ; I7'"' 77 , 7H 76'.; Ne nuri ' in pi iril dlri t'v l I.Bllf,- dlni'i. in li-r inlirt urd l.elj luttf ,hla . InMl.lt.. A 'mkM.,.i i . uTWkr-u lT.aJ.1 uft i-r,JSil FTer. I 'i ll rwiir, in.v v hmb ui i ,lf. 11.1- .m r- hi'l It Ir, . ... Irti ii M'n I i, .,.. . .lllllUl.t 1 hi, iMm ,. r..,.rr... I'.-iiii-i l nut It It I 'Jiilp 0" u v 1 I'll till llll '"Hi ( Vllllll l' A I rhlkh 1 'I!" II 1 "" 4I.'H A, iiIiiii lt (l.ii A I'lcrtrli I u. (infill. 'IrMilmi (ii. of N. .1. iiirlinn ltillu Jmij ( rnlrul I'nrlliinil Hull J I iniui.,111 It, r. hamuei iv. I'JUiiin.s & Ce M. 'il II. li .. H' i, K,,!,.,,,. r.07 (III.S1MT Mltl.KT nM utiirillcii li' 1UJS (fa iwa ' I03U S'n 1033 . 1(14 1 3'a 1050 t i IM Vlif r4f-nirn nrl nf ti' Klnrl.n ndvuncid O ; te 73 4 1 whllf tn.i.i, 0 0J pr cnt f, 7'J 5,i Tlin Pi Tf- Vrrr. - I i rri. J a ai-Oi i f - ir in.i-r se ni' 'i tttflitt nrllv,. j, , . . i -.,, j uxt 'i .in. rnl.ren.is de. Unrr! M . r i. ( eini hi r. i 1'inrler r- Ip J si rr ij.itf. uiie ;.i 17.S .",' , '.:: loeBSd in ih.rr.j;. .:.':'' ' Plua nf 1333.31 vti ui iv. v. iin rri.i:iiin qunrter nml 5 (of d i nur- In tba corraatiendln guar. BONDS BSedget & Ce Real E.tete Trust Bldg., Phila. When you diu will your In come ke en'l It can. 1HE rilOVIDENT iW TaurT Cutfl'aMY or (.in. .... Peurtb mid ClMtnut hi. tteiiiber et rctterat Ucte vfepitctn, Lire : .v., .V.,,