w1" WTl $- ' ' 'fiJm11 '" Vl " "" ''"" " EVENING PUBLIC, LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1921 m V Band Plays at 9; Organ at" 11 WEATHER Unsettled L. WANAMAKER'S ami ij Chime nt Noen Stere Opens at 9 WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S Stere Closes at 5 Always Striving te Procure Better Goods at Lewer Prices "itfflT'"'' Only a Vety Few of Us Have Dene the best we could at the things we have in Jtand. There are these, still young, who have gat down satisfied with themselves or become "grouchy," saying te themselves and perhaps te ethers: "Oh, well, what's the use? We can never get any farther en." This passes judgment te their emplqyers and te everybody that they have finished learning and will net try any mere. All such are the real old people, whatever be their years. They have lived their lives when they cease te learn or make efforts te learn. "Every man thinks his own geese arc PWUUD. Signed Odder SO, 1021. yM jfamMfa Exquisite Furs for the Weman Who Wears Gray Fer her there is the lovely vcl rcty gray Scntch moleskin, the silvery pray Siberian squirrel, the chinchilla-like gray of Australian opossum, or the soft, becoming gray of the dyed white fox, which varies from light platinum gray te deep slate and taupe colors. The recent inaccessibility of Russia has helped te elevate the mi irrav Siberian sciuirrcl into the ranks of aristocratic fuis. Never ha-j this .silvery fur been worked up mere beautifully than this year. Fer a luxurious coat of T !..1 ..mi nmlf nilf n.4 pray seuurei pu nmj yj 5,m.h ns S800. A little threat scurf, made of just thi-ee Siberian squirrel skins and a tail, is from $15 upward. In Scotch moleskin, the choice ranges from a smart cellar at $-15, te a handsome coat-wrap at $725, with extraordinary variety of coat, cape, wrap, ceatee and stele effect between. Fer an unusually beautiful scarf of gray-dyed fox one njiy pay from $70 upward. The garments in which two of these gray fuis arc used together, as squirrel and moleskin, are ex tremely effective and beautiful. (Second 1'Ioer) Londen Sends New Country and Outing Hats A very definite item in the mil linery outfit of the well-dressed woman is the hat or hats especially designed for country and outing wear. They are soft and easy wear ing. In their general contour and simplicity they are part and parcel of that whole realm of informal apparel known as "speits" attire. Monday we present a unique, collection of such hats, designed by Londen milliners and by our own, for town and country in formal wear. Many of them uvc especially intended te accompany the cape suit or knockabout suit of tweed and homespun. Others are meant for the links. Still ethers arc as pretty skating hata and cap3 as could be found. Many novel hat and scarf sets of English checked wool and ethor materials are among them and many surprisingly pretty inno vations in exclusive Rcdleaf mil linery from Londen. Prices begin at $18. (fircend y3Y riner) New Silver Mesh Bags With Braided Handles Thev nre sterlintr silver and in the long, narrow shapes that se aany women are carrying new. e .. i ii ... i. ti fnnl lil-n .;i!r n i'nn touch. There is nuite a variety in the styles of the frames, nil of them are narrow and very sraceim in sitape. une or tne new mis i mnsm-u " e.. . the meah at the sides and tiny silver balls. $32 te 558 are the prices. All . it a 1 llL 1... ,J iii.Aifwl rmriit -f fl tit Ad uwer sterling sliver mesu nag3 wim Hiiuu-raainvuu iu' "",um and chain handles are $21 te $58 and a special one, six inches across, U fOU, (Main Fleer) New Embroidered Serges Have Smaller Prices If anything, they are used mere than ever this Winter in handsome tailored street gowns which are worn with coats. Notwithstanding the lower prices, these goods are of the same line all-wool hcrge, midnight blue in color, and are beauti fully embroidered in black and paprika colored silk in a variety of designs. They are $4, $4.50 and $5 a yard and the plain serge te mutch is here also. (first Fleer) New Overbleuses in the Fashionable Black 111 Heme Kncn.i llwur .11'. na I'niigen'ntlvn us .111V OHO Could II sk fOf, pitheut a particle of trimming, unless it be fageting or tucks, and the -'mm is uiacK jrtpe cle (.nine. MOIT' flftilll linnimmi. limr ev tC Villll'l.' cntlll fV PVPfin A( cllinC "ill 8 bridirnnlnfr niinli of ti.tiitn m .rnnm net pnlliir nllfl nuffa. ... "e of the prettiest of these blouses is of black Georgette crepe Itn a brninl fiwuit .,.,! J.r.i, v. !.,.. I ..n..nl nf lilm.lr cnfiii Pirn lirnirt ttlms the round neck and three-quarter slceuT. This is $13.50. The -v40 ure .-pa.eu te a.eU. (Tlilr. l'luer) Sheer Silk Stockings Special at $2 Fine full-fashioned blnck silk stockings for women. iheV IllO nfi-l..n,l r..... ..l,..,l ..,1 .Q Im.l ei.-nnrril In Kl'll thrill fW UimOst lll'inn 41, l . ! U..1. ...! 1. it... 1..... Un..rlllnr ...-( M'rt .Mill U,t''n ?- passing the aaving en te the customer. New the Fashionable Brown Frecks for Women Priced Frem $50 t6 $150 Trlcetines, Peiret twills and duvctyns chiefly, in the finest shades of brown we could find, and made up in the loveliest novelty styles no two dresses alike. Here is a coat dress with cire binding; here a cloth frock with vertical lines of fine hand work, there a princess or polonaise affair, or again the lepg waist line appears with the bodice slightly bloused above its sash. Occasionally a dress is embroidered almost all ever with geld thread. Braid decoration in vertical lines appears en ether dresses; one very odd one has bands composed of tiny circles of cloth stitched around their edges with geld thread. The sleeves it's hardly nccessury te say are fascinating, often of the new bell shape. Prices of these fine dresses are very moderate compared with what they would have been a year age $50 te $150. Nearly All Handsome Coats Cheese One of Three Furs These furs are beaver, wolf and squirrel. All three of them arc becoming very scarce and consequently higher in price. Women, however, will find these furs used in the most lavish way en ninny of the newest and loveliest coats and wraps in the Ceat Salens. Bread facing.3, sometimes nearly three yards long, of beaver or squirrel, arc found in some of these coats in addition te cuffs. Beth natural and black wolf appears in huge pointed cellars and enormous cuffs. They are very luxurious garments, and, with such a quantity of fur that they can withstand the eeldest Wintry blasts. Fine belivias, silk-ancl-woel duvctyns and black panne velvet arc the materials. In many cases they have no duplicates se there are dozens of styles. Prices are $185 te .f375. (I'lrst l'loer) This Is a Velvet Winter and Here Is the Velvet Tn every lovely color you could name or wiah te wear shades of yellow, orange, tangerine, 'nastur tium, silver gray, orchid, Jade or myrlle green; all the exquisite fuchsMa and violet shades, from palest mauve te deepest purple; coral, geranium, sunset, American beauty and paler roses; henna and all the beautiful new browns; peacock, sapphire, navy, midnight and all the darkest blues; black, of teurse, and white. It is a soft, shimmering velvet of the chiffon variety, nearly all silk, 41 inches" wide, and very yiasenably priced for its quality at $8 a yard. (l'lrst Fleer) Women's Fine Kid Gloves Just Frem France It is certainly a plcasure te have for our customers these fine, satisfying, faultless-fitting French kid gloves at prices se much lower than any one has been able te get them for some years. They are the heaviest weight French kidskin for Winter wear, yet delightfully soft and flexible. This new shipment, just from Grenoble, includes black, white, tan, brown and gray, all with wide contrasting embroidery and contrasting hems. They are two clasp, pique sewn, and priced at $3.25 a pair. (l'lrnt Fleer) Exquisite Handbags Frem England All leather handbags and different from any ether hand bags in Philadelphia. The leathers are wonderfully fine .hand-bearded and velvet calfskin and ecrasse, that highly glazed and beautifully colored product. Styles arc distinctive and in clude purses, vanity bags, 'ker chief bags, shopping bags and traveling handbags with port folios in them. Prices $8.50 te $35. (Muln Fleer) Parisienne Corsets Certainly then never were mere beautiful corset materials than appear this season in these famous cersets. Te mention two or three One of pink silk brecbe with low girdle ten, long skirt, and fine lace trimming, finished with ribbon bowknetj, $32. One lovely topless model of pink brechc has an embroidered bam! of clastic and a bow knot of ribbon flowers, $25. Anether of fancy pin silk'batistc is also 'topless with an elastic insert. These are very lignt and comfortable for evening wear $3" Alse a model very lightly boned, with scalloped satin trimming, and a satin band te cover the front steel, $28. (Tlilrd Fleer) Women's New Riding Puttees Frem England We have just, received from England, where they were made expressly for our customers, a full assortment of women's and children's riding puttees, in dull black or tan calfskin. They are moderately priced at $9.50 a pair. Riding beets of tan or black calfskin, made en the English model, with straight leg, soft bexless tee and bread low heel are $30 a pair. Women who lidu knew that Wanamakcr's has an equipment of riding footwear seldom equaled elsewhere for complete ness and correct form. (rlrttt Fleer) Gay Feather Combs for My Lady's Hair Waving ostrich or cequc feath ers, peacock plumage in brilliant greens nnd bluc3 or tiny feathers arranged in the fenn of a high back comb these are soine of the newest hair decorations. They are very fashlonable in Londen and Paris and bid fair te be se here. Frem $5 te $16. (Muln Fleer) Just Off the Steamer Paris Perfumes Many of our customers wire will have only the exquisite per fumes from Claire of Paris, will like te knew that a new importa tion of the delicious odor Orec, from this famous perfumer, is Just here. Extract and toilet water are each $8, both as daintily and uniquely bottled as ever. They are perfect for persenal use or for gifts. (Mnln Fleer) Plenty of the Much Needed Quilted Sacques and Robes. Frem Japan Luxuries which have long since come te be considered necessaries by the women who need te be comfertablo when the bitter winds( howl outside. The' sacques are $8.50, $10.75 and $18.50j nccerding te quality and style. These at $10.75 are embroidered. Robes nre $10.75, $14.50 and $32.50 for plain ones theso at the lasl price nre extremely rich and have heay self-girdles. Striped tan, blue and pink robes are $18.50. Embroidered robes., $10.50. Vests with sleeves are $3.25; without, $1.85. All these articles wil be found in the French Roem. (Third Fleer) In One of These Fine Coats Any Yeung Weman Can Face Winter Cheerfully They arc se pretty and picturesque that she can have the double satisfaction of looking like a picture, and feeling cozy and warm en the bitterest Winter day. One of silk belivia in a rich wine color has a snucj cellar of gray squirrel, and a deep pointed ever-cape, both cape and sleeves embroidered in wine and gray. It is $145. A midnight blue silk belivia with wolf cellar and cuffs has wide cape sleeves ever the close-fitting coat sleeves, combining piquancy with perfect comfort. It is $105. A blue belivia with beaver cellar has the smart bloused back worn by many of the newer coats. It is $175. Others at $225 and $285, ai-e heavily fringed as well as furred. Leng cloak-wraps of silk belivia, in black, navy or brown, cellared with squirrel or beaver fur, are $85. Everything new nnd smart and lovely in the way of young women's outer apparel will be found here at prices mere moderate than in many places. Special Monday Are Ceals at $25 A geed-looking belted model of silk-and-wool belivia, in rein deer, navy, brown or black, with yeke back, buttoned pockets, large cellar and lining throughout. Sizes 14 te 20. (Soeond Fleer) Infants' Layettes The Children's Sitern 1ms oteto thing needful or pretty for the littlest babies of all, nnd here are seme of the least expensive: Socks, 30c te 75c. Wrappers, (50c te $5. Blankets, 75c te $4.50. Flannel petticoats, $1 te $10.50. Flannelct petticoats, 50c te $1. (Third Nainsoek petticoats, machine made, 85c te $3; hand made, $1.75 te $0. Leng slips, machine made, $1 te $3; hand made, $1.75 tD $5. Bands, 50c te $1.10. Shirts run from 00c for heavy cotton te $1.25 for silk and wool. Leng coats, $7.50 te $15. Tloer) A LELATED shipment of wicker shades from Japan is here ready for use en Winter sun perches. They are in all colors and prices are 65c te $1.75. (Fenrth Fleer) We Have a Remarkable Let of Living -Roem Suits te Sell at Pre-War Prices or Less Frem one of our regular suppliers we have been fortu nate in securing a purchase of overstuffed tapestry-upholstered furniture te sell at a remarkable price. Leeking ever our records, we find that suits of this kind have net been sold for as little since 1916-17. There are about fifty in this purchase, and we have added te them a number mere suits that we have had en show in a spe cial display which we are new rearranging. These latter we have marked at a price as low as the ethers in proportion. All are overstuffed and upholstered in a geed grade of tapestry and made with spring seats and backs and full-web bottoms. The prices for individual pieces are: Davenports, $70 . Easy Armchairs, $40 , mln High-back Winged Fireside Rockers, $40 Chairs, $40 The suits from our own stocks are new marked: Davenports, $95 Easy Armchairs, $55 . Winged Fireside Rockers, $55 Armchairs, $60 Complete suits or individual pieces may be bought as desired. (Fifth Fleer) TOOK ends at $3J25 te $21 MJ will be found these days in the Boek Stere, and they include many designs in metal and polychrome. There arc animal and archi tectural designs, designs purely decorative and de signs showing portrait heads of great men from Shakespeare te Riley. (Main Fleer) lien's High Brogues of Scotch Grain Calfskin This stout leather, in stippled effect, is one of the favorites of well-dressed men, particularly young men. These new high shoes are in both black and tan, with roomy yet shapely tees, perforated tee caps, wide shanks and bread, low heels. Price, $13.50 a pair. (Mnln Fleer) Fine New Carpets and Lineleums Axminster carpet in plain and figured etfects, $3.23 and $3.35 a yard. Tapestry Brussels carpet in hall and stair patterns, $1.75 a yard. Newest designs in inlaid lin oleum, $1.50 te $3.25 square yard. Printed linoleum, 95c a square yaid. (SeTrnth Fleer) Men's Fur Cellars Are Here These are the separate fur cellars with which men can trans trans ferm an ordinary overcoat into a coat of distinction. Cellars of blended hare, nutria, beaver, blended muskrat, Hudsen seal (dyed muskrat), leopard, scaline and natural otter. All fine, selected furs. Prices range from $10 for a cellar of blended hare te $150 for one of natural otter. (Muln Fleer) Twe Ooed'Groups of Towels at 35c and 50c Each One of these lets Is made up of clean, well-made, pure linen Irish towels, huckaback weaves, with hemmed ends the most unusual towels in a long time at the price, 50c each. The ethers arc tea towels, of pure linen, witn neat red horde. a and hemmed ends, size 17x31 inches, at 35c each, and at that price they arc certainly geed. (First Fleer) Just 25 Compete Sets at One-Third Less New $5 a .Set Each set consists of one compete and two candlesticks. These are made with a composition body and finished in silver, black and polychrome. i . Ve h?,ve lewerc;1 tl,cil' Prce te $5 a set, which makc3 them one third less than they have been. (Fourth Fleer) Sewing Machine Specials Special Ne. l$32 Wannniakcr famous drop-head automatic-lift sewing machine ball-bearing, in handsome quartered oak case, complete with alf attachments, only $32. Special Ne. 2 $58 The well-known Western Electric portable electric sewing machine, sold elsewhere for u price much higher, here only $58, se long as the let last.. , ?fwinf-; ,n,"hi1ne? n)ay be Purchased en $2 initial payment and $1 weekly, if desired. (Fourth Fleer) Something New in Bleck Scrim Curtains Net only new, but exceptionally attractive. These curtains are made of line lacy blocks, with and without edges. They are tasteful looking and distinctive in themselves, and their furnishing and decorative value is very effective. Prices, ?.23 and ?3.7e a pair. In white? ivory and The much-called-for hand-drawn scrim curtains arc here also at $3 te S9 a nair These are hard te get as they are eagerly sought for. because real hand work takes time This collection will be a delight te many a hemekeeper. i iTSV0 ,hVe the. plain and ruflled rendine curtains made with medium and small dots at $3.75 and $4 a pair-se soft, fluffy and suitable for sleeping chambers And, or course, all the ether plainer scrims,. with hemstitched and lace edjrcs are shown in satisfy ne che en ;ir 85r- tn .u.75 nn,v " eaSC3 are (1'lfth Iloer) Mahogany-finished nut bowls, complete, each with cracker and six silver-plated nutpicks, for $5. Grape-fruit knives which won't Btain ami have deuble edges, 75e. Leaf rakeH are in request new that Jack Frest is loosening foliage. Weeden ones are best, $1.26. Ter people en the II. l- I), routes we have mail beNes with nanie plates and paper holders, priced $1.50. A biniple knife sharpener and Handy 'Round the Heuse one which Madum herseir can use easily is $7.50. With the Vantage apple corer, a push of the hand and it twist of the wrist, the coring of apples becomes a pleasure, 25c. A cork rcmoer which dene its work without u pull will remoe milk bottle caps and crown seals, tee, :i.'e. An unusual beef-tea pre-1 n a seamless one. price 8,,i V ni a h e g a n y - finished smoker's stand lias a glass in sort for ashes and a match (fourth loer) holder, $3.75. Safe roller skates with ball bearing steel wheels for chil dren are $2.50. Stainless steel kitchen knives for slicing have riveted coco coco bole handles, $1. Hand-forged butcher knives with eight-inch blades, 45c. St- el paring knivca that will net tainish are 40c each, Ilannlite potato peelers are n ev 25 c. Ketty points of tenderness for steuks and chops are u cJcver kitchen device coating $1. I IS ! its ifi II 1 (Mnln Fleer) A 'k 1 r ii"jiiLaal'Jtf K&Ui.l3 iiiyl