'.. w.t ' fc CHARLES WOULDN'T FIGHT OWN PEOPLE Says He Ordered Retreat When Hertliy Forces Offered Resistance STILL HOPES FOR CROWN The fnllmriuj rapiirtaht cihlr d pateh from Ttnmthy Thnmpten " re printed fren today Public c"1 Budapest, Ot. 2," f delated! 1 bad ta nt Erterhazy CVtle yesterday n'te" neon with ex-Emperor f'nanc m - OX-Empre.iH lla. nnl lican! from t lips Of the King find the member f his entourage flip full story of pis ' KUCCCftsful attempt te regain the 1 Crown of St. Stefan and Hip r , i r of the lnt hope of the IIapl"ivg ' also transmitted n n a.iirlng me-ig" from the royal couple te tliplr -lnMr in Switzerland, telling thorn tliev wl net hnve te worry "Maybe the public opinion of trerld bcllPres 1 nm rospnnsible for th drll war, but I would ivr pM " 'Imp of Hungarian bleed fr a ibeunn I thrones." wild Charlr "The reU m -of my own people n cemet'tint; i'" which T could net be prepared Snic'i the world knows 1 mad no nftpmpt te enter Budapest by force of arms: flint en the centrnry, 1 ordered m forces, who cuniP net ni a conquering "innv h n as a bodyguard of honor, nut te tire Mhen Colonel fMenburg repot ted thnt In order te proceed we should have t, ficht our wny, t orderod htm tu ull'i- rlrnw My eiip regret l for the iiy" which have been let and for the men fhA am lintlTKlee """ "'. : , . . .u.i I Against my expectation ii-iunr n",u,tn nil King nor ttip ijikph ioekou imcgire e dlsceurncPd. On tl-e oentrnrv. th "' th raet FPlf-popvied ei fie m oie trenp, "lileb Ineluilcd Count And-!is who-i frai'nefs na nro"iitiined t" i trnnipnroney : ox-l'eroicn Ml"',,,r i OrntJ!, oenoonlttis portiirbntten 'ii lr ' hid muni imnhilltT Tnd M IaUeKv rx-PrPsident of ihe N.i'le'nl Ariib' plunged into ,r ir cloein Count Vmlrnnsy l-.it itlinns The sheht. bexihh ti-ire of h, Kirs was clotlied In a ll'i'iiar in ?"nein, -uniform Zlta a; Vndr. pile find Inrk-pied In her pHin nav-blm siilc coftunie The faitidleiH fount Andr-issv, in eiled llneti, mrm complaining of ItHvins had te se for four lnjs witheir a chnnge l!ev I wiii itile te trT"r-e 'be eieht kllnniPters from Hudapesf in Titi CtiKtle, which w an bnrnonded Rt overv Tillase, and te pns snldlers nn'iijuiii; the ten and te enN'r the ca-tle sreat iron pate, sunnbrl br ofiicers and "1 dler". I u ter 1 nn net pcrndtfed te tell. The onstle is u iiPdicml -irons bold surrounded liv a mint tilled -wth wnter upon vhich wip wen nn mine I mistook the porter in sold la. r watching the cite for a ceneral Fer the first nentv minutes ,f rir stuy with the King unci his partv it w-ns almost Imponaible te ask nnv u'ip u'ip tiens, for mj impunien and mvlf were the first por-'en te penefr.Mt the conlens of guards cutting efT tc rntnl party from all tomniiinlcitien with t'e outside world (Junstien upon question was poured upon me "Why did the (revpniment resist ''" Ir. it true thnt all the persunu leal te the King arc te be "eerelv punlbed?" King Seemed I'nnerrled When wc nere eHtd it the t.n f-ible fthe -King, who Feetnetl net te Fhnre th pencral auxietv and whes0 rhl. t" concern seemed te be te dissipate the tin tin predien that he tr ed te fght Ms war te the throne and te r-g.in t'ie ,r''i by bloeiislied. made for jour corro cerro corre upondent the aheve statcnent- The r t of the King's und tjuetn's conversation wan net for publication After Charles und his onerf had withdrawn te their tnn apartments, emitl the courtly ce-e:nenlaN of the little handful of disheveled courtiers and fellow prisoners who med te main tain even in utter d' fen' the old pn eedure of ihe Hapstmrg cmirt M. Ilakevsk , M. tirurz .mil the inlie .n waiting reoeunteii the sterv of t, lnst stand of the Ilnpshurgs in their theu-Bnd-yenr kingdom The llttlu group fathered around the tea table in a hand Fome room, through th" windows of which one looked across lake-, and hil's of the finest estute in Hungary, heliexed nt nn rufe that the eeni- of the !,. few days hae endid ail hopes of re storation. Ne Place te Sleep I received word in lludapest Wed- nesdny night thnt the King was com - cem - ing," snid OrTtz, "and en Thursday I proceeded te est Hungary Nene ,t uh knew what course cm nts unij,.i tnl;e, but all worn Legitimists .md ebeve.l the King's nil Late Thursday night the King and Queen complete,! t.ieir Ten mile air ride from Lin erne and arrned at Dcnesfalwi. when, fount Aadruss was attending tne chnstining of I s (trandchild. Count and t'euntfss An drassy had no idea the Kliu was ,u -riving and failed te rece,rnln their Wajpsties, who greeted them from tiPifn-m Clirden. 1 thought tin ijucen wjst, tfce new cook interjected ( eunt An- ilrn.ss . smiling iln "Rakivsk and 1 ' em n "! M I In "fitui session. M- hnmlr. Orat, "reached Denesfib.i en T' i - i la.i .s sid te huve explained 1 ,s duy and that night we 'am,, with t' e ' ('urges ii.at Amtn an ni d Priiish oh eh Klnt? te Oeilenlmri; Colonel IKff i cers 1 ad te e -epii I mi frenj eblui.H'ig burg had uet expeeni lniu se wmn ,,i had no place for hi.u te s!..i . ., t1. Majesties spi nt the nlglii Kitting n steels in the barracks Colonel (Men burg's Heeps immediately tun1, the oath of allegiance te the King in ,m n i prtssie teieuienial The preseiv e of the King in fiedejiburg became known late Friday afternoon and amid frond frend ly demonstrations we started for Ilida pest en .Saturday iu ruing at J e i le'k, the King mid Queen having pained the night in a railn ad couch " Ijeaned Zlta a Nlghtgnnn "T had te lend fhi Queen m i x'i" x'i" ffew ii." inti i ri tit, d th. eunti ss l.ster. har.v, ( oleiK i Ostcnb irg s tnuice' mill ladv in-waiting te tin Queen who e a passionate yung uemau ninl w i,e alone iu the entire company coestantlv made bltt' r ri m.ires ubeut tne dibvaltv of the (levernuietit te its legal King "We readied Kuab Mituiday after noon without any dtthi ulties," contin centin Uel (Iratz "At every station troops came out swearing their aUegiunce nnd creeling their Mujestles w.tli (lowers. At Itanb we rneeKed our first telegram from Hegent Ileiihv utilising lis net te proceed farther. The Queen paiticulnr ly was noxious te go en none of us believing the telegram meant military action All of us had every n toen te think the contrary The tracks at Ko Ke morn were tern up by lieveinment or dcrs, out were rietlv n paired and troops supposedly nnfriendli took the oath of allegiaine te the Kin,' late Saturday night we airiwd at Tor Ter Tor regyr, where the hospital train hearing their Majesties halted while Colonel OdtcnbtirR took the first train with troops ahead, having received word that the way was clear. We had four trams with troops, two ahead and two bo be hted th King's. "Our flrst knewIed60 of Admiral 'Hertby nfcrlng armed resistance cauie OFF TO LEGION KfjrWi iw ml s mi KHMffiiwira:i;3iE ' UKHHKITiT GPf&i&xStwElimr' , lts?Pt&L frsi Jkia&YK&ZXZUBi. I.af'JSSBl ( oleiiol I ml r.nler I'nspj, in bis new f.UI niPireat. is sbeun lallilin: en tnirt(.in Licieti alTnlis lth ( olenrl . .1. ( nnlisfnn Just licfnrc (lip I'lilluli'lplilj b licit Ien te IIt LpcIipii coinrntten at Kansas City Irfl en Its .pnijl train. Miss .Ic.im'ttP V Moero. Male mm i rt.ir.v of the l.cRlen, jtNu as in thp party uitli the ennI or puns. Their Mi Mi frstieM were shorked. but calm, nvait tne for '''tenburu's report c-l.inel ist rib iic ritiirned te Terbacv en Sundiv nt midniclit and re- ' . per'.'l (hi tae Kini! s mi n ucrc m't te cun tire lit lliidnoer-. .,lPt.r fren Hudnpet. but en ,, p ;it had I eld i roti'e.ititis t" kl'e tnoteiM ' nS,( j,r ,, mrMf j,nd n Kmc said n01 ,,n, ),, ,., iimii i nl lb'syibis, the samp :' i 'r 1 t lit the ,ivi rn- lei for an arn i-'i e '1 In- 'i.i t u net at'aek. I ' i tU n e u people' '' DELEGATES TO WATERWAYS CONVENTION APPOINTED Many Citizens of Seuth Jersey In List Marred by Trenten Mayer Trenten. c -' About .10 dele gates have been appointed In Mayer Kredeiek W Pennelh. i-hairinan of the N-w d'ise HiM'i-s and llnrlvirs rengres. te represint th ir betl at the fourteenth 11 en in I co-nei lien of tin At- inntic necprr ua' rw us ""''""""' ",eiir of the highest r,sn s nut paid fr be held in SiiMinuali. t.e . N.nembc .,lnlpI-i u,..,,, ..,. ..i,,,,. ..m ,,p. ,i. V" ,- i i i, i r.,., r- IM-ort N K.elvandK .1 DaMs. of PInlM.ielpI .,. are anens: th" dele- -nte- 'I i,e delegates from isuuth Jersey are as fellows. Atlantic i it v War-en Somers. il liiiiu II 'liiir n Hepii sentnlhe Isaac Hnelmriic,i. 1i iel li Adams. II W. ('erk'an Siimnel " li. .leiin II. l.ivey, Vni or T lb ml I'.dwiird A. MM-m. Charli-s .1 1 ifrti ,!icdi W. Siilue, Allen K W' Me. Ki'iei'v Marvel. ,T I! Tl'unpsen. Mute Senater ( hurles I. White. Mater ndunrd Unibi. t nmden -Fermer I'nlte,! States s.in s.in aterliaMd Ma nl. Ilepresen'atne 1'ru-i-em I". I'attersen. IIen- .f Shermiii, Charles S Uoxer. IMwiird .T. Kellcher. Ceorge I. ltenibr. Levi Tannin. Fr. d W iie-ik". rhnrles H. drear. Merris T Neei Iter. William II. Menree Jehn Prentice, Alfi'd I.. Sayers.Themns .1 Itradbn. I.. P.. Sliaw. Hurry It IPniphrcA T IMwnrd He!!ir'iead. William t'e'es. .1 M II. etc William Cnpers,.n Charies .1 Harper Jeseph H Fer-vthe. Ci.ar'es M. Cum A V. Atkins Wniren Wibtr. Prederieli I'msi. Heb. it lncIfeh Heninn..uS. Mn'.epev, Prnui. S Van Hurt. I.. 'mini W. HirV. Philip WI'.en Cirtln Hiekennch. St.itc Senater Jeseph P. Walhvirth. I" Merse Archer, er er Majer Jeseph Newrey nrd Hurry H. Humphreys. sin(,n Jespib K Wnd'lingten. r.oerge W Ares. Jr. Itebert II. !'..' her. i..,.rii It ( nrnenter .le'in ( I'lien Te'in t l ' ' s i '- . . . .... . Km ,r,i r Dunn ( ' lord, I'huries . .. .,' .!. Tf 1 . .1...M II MI'elKll. " U ltn ll. i i -urn, V l'.it.ervnn P iwe ' H Smith lv . Vnnne., an. H . hard Wa.l.lingten Hich- nrd are J P.. W lev. ( hnrles 1. l.. ., ocean Citv W S. ett Hind: P.ndge. ten .1. Ward Hh 'inrdseti . Mount Hellv Geerge D Worrell Jesnih W. Pwnn, Sinie Senalef Ilium i.nrii n wane; nuillneten. Walter s, Mnrter. (ieerge Allisen. Care May. Frederi'd: .1 Melvin Peter SI. .elds: Somers' Point. ( 'mrlea J f'eilins, flleucesti-r Citv. II F Pteker: Flo'epie, former State Prison Keeper R'.dnrd P Hughes illaldrn illaldrn Heights H ! Strt-er; U oed tu.rv, (toersc i' nnewe;n EX-SERVICE MAN QUIZZED Discharged Marine Cerps Captain Appears Before Senate Investigators Washington. ' -, Hazanl-ms n, , is ,,-i the lii llll in little tretlf, m'wiic'i ip i'ninie.1 t 1 a p-'i t ic1 - ,ti i wi-ere'ii'rd ,-terdav l Edm ind 'h.i:. '" .'.i.n ( !'" An no Tes, n cat ' !'' in tu Marine i en.-', i.'iii. in.il Mih-t mniitteein ng 1 s i () ,rt miirtl il and (IN- vestiz i i ' srg. i idem te it i In in, ter whii li ivory before the , was ' It' I ' h' eurt-martlul in', irv Slated for N. Y "Dry" Director Washington. i " i P.v P i App'in'i',ent of H.ilph A I -n of "ew Serk, i- Ped-ral Pnnib . .u Iinoer fei il- si'a'e of '(u i'eik prehalilv wiM be niinle t" i, ' gh Int. rnul Hevenii" rtii'lals u ' II" ueu'd siifceeil Judge Hareld L Hart, nl e resignrsl n-centh We've kepi a place for you. and her, tee, at dinner Sunday night. You'll come because you like the best of geed things te eat, served in a style that adds te their deliciousness. Just read this menu: Dinner De Luxe ' atel re (i ster-i ( ' i-n I'enrl ni 'ens Ciearn of A .-r -tragus FrreisiMi Strained (.ml MaeriVi ' retlstiKle nt rr,ib M,iit Lr uUldnalSA .Mlneit ( ipen ,i la Kinii llrnisfd ir '.In ,f Ik. f Muhroetn S-iiuc Petate t'h i an I 'it I'' s i Ktuvi J'otate s Mlr'li I in ' rrmil H I'" .1 I'' "i I etttj , ni u T ii no i . iti a i M m i i ff(.. se,ifM.'i nn 1 . I ir ( 1 SI. 75 per cover Jmtiei- renui yJriiiiGP'i at EVENING PUBLIC CONVENTION f Y. BIDDERS GET CITY B $12,659,800 Municipal Lean Taken at $103,399, Giving $430,000 Premium FIFTY BUYERS MADE BIDS i no i municipal preiiv-ts (.in new go forward, with the dotatien of the latn-f rU lean All fe'tr us te the sueeeHS of Ihe s-12.tM!l,sOl lenn nui'hfHl jesicrdav wlun the rn'lre nmeunt was nwnrdeil te a New Y rk sndliiite for 1ft", I1'1) I1'1 "" l'i''i"dlnle premium of meie t,(n srifHM)l, ,M ,,, ,,,, ,,, The Micerkfl lihlder wis a FMidicate ..,..,, flf ,i. v.,.,0,,,i c,tv Pem- iPiinj. N'ew Yerk: Harris, lnrbe : t'e . New " erk : P.inkers' Tniht t'ein- puny, .new erl;. ami Montgomery . Ce. Ine . and (irnhnm. Pnretis A. Ce . Phil.idelphn Pift bids were re ceived in all. Mirjlnj: from SlflO te the entire nmeunt. The total amount of nil the bids was mere than Sid HOO.ilOI) or meie than three times the total of the issue The bends nre tax free and heir interest nt the rate of ."'i per rent. Twe ether Philadelphia firms also bid for the entire amount They were I Harrison. Smith & Ce. with n bid of 10" .-, and a sjndicate composed e lMllen. Hc.id i. Ce. in with Kulin. Lveb . t'e . who bid P"2 712. euncilman Uevelln was one of the bidders for the lean. He soughtte (btam Sr.KilO of the bends for lOo.eO. but the aU-or-nene" prevision In the I ,d of tit ew Yerk syndii ate pre cluded the awurdmi of -iny of the bend- f n iu ether than the syndicate seeking te r.e. no the entire issue for the comparatively high figure. The entire list of the bidders fel lows Amount St. SO') ; oeo 10 000 1 i oeo n eiin I "0" 1 3U0 R'd I'ur 101 2t, in:1" i'n 10J let I.oenhaM F'.'i r 11 Mr ' .r 'i I 1 S Ouurr .' 1 rutr ana ...V Hut- IJ( resit ' e vvr A nm I IinvvT ,... r, ,f U J-wnss H. Ini1 j !; ' jahnuJ Jr , f, ral, ur, c 1 L"urk n 000 1 une 'On (iie leu (HI I 100 oeo iO 0"0 100 f,n ii rn M mm a. oeo lerV j'nr 1' 13 1 I .. in J.I 1'ai 1 i l"l 3095 I en 1(1 ,ms2 ' '! I Bar r Perter s i, i- Il r r.nt kr I'.f i ' r u Na'li "Hi llltliJ I ii i- .ti i r-rel 1 . i ' 11 enipmt . I ... i -. nt' .! ul n irlil ' '.nt i-n rn l'a Him M SuSer H II Ii re. I ii a- H I.ewar- II ir- ci A - e - f s i' irl r ir s-. Ilurne I I. HlltiMisl'in A ( e i . It. I1K h Jl 1 U 'I i t'l tr Oi'i Jin 1 1-100 te r.ne i 10 Oil) loe ft in 10 i"l) .1 Dim en i e 10,000 inn een 10O OliO i; n-ii sne (Mil (10 I S SS5.000 l'i'J & In 1") t in in tr in 1') i i in T. r 1 . 7312 'i . S 10.' 5S I , , , l."l. 1 ' O H i riser Wnlth A. '"" J I".' men tresau'-i-( -: i -iveatth T 1 . Trust Ce l-.-n ft i u. Jul i w'l cure . ' " 'i t ll T'U"' ' " H rn e i,r 'Skin ' ni "' n it -relal Tmi"t ' I ri i lr i War k in v. 'I Um W miner 1 W. st End Trust n - i':. i 'nnn-vt nth T t li t Trim' f 1 r I T't 'I met I . n WeO r i t - fV vk,1 & mr cs 1' ar m S. ' I'.i 't Lst t' I .le li A T - i.. ' i ' f PI I n !. Ku Ultrk ni I 1 ruat i Th ' anil Tl'' anrt Tr i' ' ( , rvn ur'. r-i.t ( e V i fi t '' e T .rr' -i V Ik ie in Nt mal i H I'e Ilsr r Kerlies A l e I ,r- Tr let '"') Y Mot.lrfeinerv a 1 O"0 10 000 '."0 I i r.n no" H uO i ,t ii ni 7" ' el -; ft ie . ' no -, "en -". DO' I ' 1 no. In i r i) , 1 1 oei) no oee leO 000 i'i l l l in ' in inn v..'-, inn A tn in ' ni I no uj 101 Pir and if . 1 Int ltW 1J HI V .' HH if) J 0 ,5 non W e in .1 Of e i nun ' 1 Jr,( (lriit.il l'tren- Ar Ce. . r. r-i P n s Tnist ( r I'i la.. e: - nni) '"1 i i - i As a special favor, Walter I. Oppenheim will lead the music from 6 te 8:30 o'clock. Let (he head icnitcr knew thr hour ieu'll be here. ( all I.ecuhI MOO. fhimlee. OND SSUE ua mm LEDGBK PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, L TRIES PLEADING Slackers' Mether Turns Sensi tive and Sends "Thinkers of City" Appeal SHIFTS BLAME FOR PLIGHT The "pneket nerve" of the family of firover llerirdell. fuelthe Mncker. H ! far mero Fensllie than waR IlerRdell, the draft dodger, te the patriotic iippeul thnt brought thousands of men Inte the I nrmv during the war. Tbis was fdiewn today with the cir culation of a printed suieeu-pnpn pamphlet, ostensibly written by Mrs Pmmn C. Herpdell. innther of thp fugi tive slneker. new hiding abroad, and of Irwin lterpdell, new in it l'cdernl prison I 1VM OV'O.111. IIIU llltll, The document was called "Might vs. Uiulit. nn Annpal for Pair Play." The 1 manner In which the Alien Property I Custodian pehed the ctnle of 1'ieyr llergdell apparently led airs, norpueii te fear Philadelphia Ih about te ne PruRsianized. Whether you nre favorably disposed toward me or net, whether eti itiilme te justice for me or net, I ask each of eii, the thlnkerH of the city te whom this Ir sent," conclude the appeal sipned bv Mm. Herpdell, "te picture the conditions under which your children and our wards will Hve tomorrow If Might H Hipbt today." isefitw te Blame Ncwupaperd It would seem from a reading of the phainplet that Mrs. lterpdell blnineR the newm'.ipers for her Fen'fl draft dedplng, u violation of the law that reiilted In nn nrmv court-martial, nn ecape from army guards and u cotiRrcRSlennl ln ln estigatien. "Hcause years npn when mv hus band died I oheso te live a simple, plain life," the phainplet continues, "doing some of my own work with my own hands rather than aspiring through m wealth te a widely thnt would hne been as distasteful te me ns I de It (pos- mI1 n mispunt for 'l te it ). me iipwh p.tp'ers watched my every move and pub lished ns 'newB laceueus iiu aceuunm thoieef. "Put 1 nsk you, the clergy and pro fessional men te whom copies of this appeal liaxe been sent, you, the thinkers of the community, whether or net the person who prefers te live In the plane, te whl'h nil coiuUUenR point n con forming linpplncsH, is net te be loin lein inended rather than condemned and riilleitteit . "I nnself laughed then nt Heme of the iiliKiird 'news' ill the full security thnt all flie.se who really knew me knew rally knew me knew arts, the pet hollers d reporters. Little the were false report of some half-starve dnl I realize what mv silence meant, until new it hnH developed into n tragedv that has wrecked three lives." She Claims "Perspcullen" A fair presumption seems (e be that (Jn.ver Itergdell tied from the drnfl and reamed nlxtut the country in disguise lieiailsK the newspapers had printed fads about his speed mania which hnd made him a target for police of numer ous communities. The appeal lUtribufed te Mrs. P.org P.erg P.org dell gees en te l elate that because of these "persivutbtis" she is sued for damages even if her deg barks and that if n lnuer charges her SlO.UOO ter pre- tessienai servkes. the courts upheld the ( l.i im. In tin pamphlet is n detailed list purporting te show the property of trever Herpdell which Mrs. ISergdell turned ever te thu Alien Preperty Cus todian The tetnl nlue of this property in placed ut S74!l,SS'.t.72 and includes n SHHl Liberty bend und n S-"0 I ibcrr. bend, bought, apparently, at a time when ethers, far from the millienniie class, were buying all Liberty bends they could allot d. In a list showing expenditures by Mrs. Bergdoll Is an item of .flifKM). which, it is said, was given te (Jrover P.ergdell "while he was confined at (iev -erimr's Island." At the time wIipii thp $11000 was given te the imprisoned slacker the Coiein Ceiein Coiein inent was paying his benrd nnd lodging, nnd Mrs. I Serf dell nnd ethers were bringing feed, clothing, books and deli riicleB te linn. f Jives List of Lawyer Pecs The list of expenditures also discloses that $l'J,fi00 was paid In counsel fees te D Clarenee Gibboney, new dead: SsOi) te Thoodero Lane Bean, . 10 253 te Henry Scott; S'-'eO te Mirwi. k il Mitch' 11 Company, and $772.") ie Harry Weinberger, the New lerk lawyer who unsuccessfully defended the slai ker at the court martini. The detailed list of expenditures also shows Mrs llergdell en April 17 of this y.ar sent $10 uss te Grevor llergdell in German?. An expense item of SlOt'O also was listed ns given te James U. Hemig "in tinner's behalf." The llnan ei.il information made no n i rence te the "pet of pebl" which t .e slacker daimed was burled by him. A weniuu who described her"'f sim ply ns ' a inker" at the Ilergdn'l home, Piftv-secend strpet and Wjnnptild nve- ?WALL PAPERS ', :?t an 1 fiim in Jrrri li niftn 'h r 1 flpsfeapn ft K ir' irftr J n pi -i MM' ni" uwMt'Mi af JlP' -ih'm finis'iei. for paper t Kinpy if -i pa'ir'rT i i ' r . xi naive deimHt fin ts'ieit for ruper i A. L. DIAMEN T & CO. $ loll Vtelnut Mrisft fVttVVVSSVSVVViSyVVVVeVVVS.VVVVS? tWe Buy Geld . I SILVER. PLATINi'M. DIAM0SDS I JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS I pn ' ,ai for dlnrnen l 1 ijht I tiii: ei i) (lei.n timi PennSmeBtingCe. 'ii.ii r""" I'lI.lll.HT r lt. 1BS7.I i Cufictira Seap The Safety Razor Shavind Seap CottcrxrftSeoifcTMw.ttioi3tiaff. CTerrbf r Ue ; ssMaMWMsawMMHIaaWHWMsMaH 1886-Oppeiite Independence Hall-1921 Hamilton-Beach Vacuum-Sweeper Tlic Machine "That Picks Up Threads" Give It a Trial Walker & Kepler 531 Chestnut St. arc IS BERGDOL Helps in Plays 'mtmxm&fztL. '.-! MKS. II. C. SIIKI'I'Kltn Win will appear In "The Dear Im parted," ene of (Ite shell bes (e be shown by llie Tlirce Arts Players en next Thurwlay crcniiie at the New Century Drawing Heom nue, paid today aln. Ttergdell was net there, but she would return this eve ning. Mm. Itergdell has been netilipd by the Allen Property Custodian te leave that house by November 1. PREMIER BRIAND EMBARKS ON TRIP TOjJNITED STATES French Statesman In Jovial Meed nt Arms Parley Preapect Paris, Oct. 20. (Hy A P.) Pre mier Hrlatul and the ether members of the Trench delegation te the Washing ton CenfPience en Armaments and Par Eastern Prebleinn started en their jour ney te Americ.i today. Tim parly left Paris for Havre nt 11 :." o'clock thii morning, laklnp the regular beat ttnln. Ambassador Iler riek, with the staff of the American Embassy, wan nl the railway station te Fay geed-by. Virtually the pntlrp dipleninlle corps, the various Cabinet Ministers and many Senators and members of the Chamber of Deputies crowded around M. Itriand's car and wished him gedspeed. The Premier, In ehnttlng about the prospects of thp International gathering, unnoiired In n vrv entimi"tlc mood. The liner Infnyettc. en which the dpIegHtlen has taken pasage. will sail late this afternoon for New Yerk. Vlpfnri.i. I!. ('.. Oct 20 fljy A. P.1 The stenmer. Knshlina Mnru, with Prlnen Telnigawn nnd ether Japanese delegntcs te the Armament Cenfeienee ,,,.,, Wll(t fogbeuu , T. , en miIps fro Lxh(,r ,,,. t.nt awv aboard, was foglieuiKl ett wllt Mire m i aim 1 inttcry. cher last night. If the fog lifts the Htcamir will reach Me- terla today. ATTACKED BY PARTY OF 5 GIRLS AND UJ MEN; ROBBED Youth Says They Get Ceat and $20. Rolled Him Down Steps While Hellis Murrill. twenty-one yenis old. Negro, of 7-15 Seuth Six teenth street, was walking across the Walnut street bridge early this morning. he was attacked b a pally of live girls nnd ten ieiing men, according te tne story he fold police, and lobbed of his overcoat, watch and S20. Murrill said he attempted te walk pist tin; party at the west end of the blidge, when they all grabbed him After going through his ped.ets. he said they rollel him down tin iron steps te the stiect low I. Later police nriested l'dwiiril lIiggitiH, uf Tiienlv -stb street and Gray's Ferry rend, who thev be lli n te have been a member of the partv. He was held in .flltMj bail for n further hearing. SHIP WORK FOR CHESTER Contract Signed for Converting the Franklin Causes Jey (hestcr. Pa.. Oct 2!l -Announce, ment was made ypsteerday at the Mer ihnnt Shipbuilding Corporation that a eentt.i't has been signed prnvidliig for the loiiversien of the S. S. Franklin. The oentrnet means an additional two months' work, and though (lie figures no net high in comparison with war time (entrncts, the news of the addi tional work caused expressions of renl jev yesterday The conversion of the Franklin in cludes the ((instruction of n second deck, nn undertaking requiring the use of many tens of .steel. KinilMM IfsAv 1D,1 t ' FAUCETS i . I'll! June IS, I ill 4 "Ne Splash in Sink" "Positive Shut Off" Ntme "SAVILL" On Faucet ' A ik v ur t u I r ' Themas Savill's Sens, Mfr. 1310-17-11 W-illure SI.. I'lilla. i Meney in the Bank Alum it young mnn iiheh IiU slur! in life tn Inn -ing riienej in the bank" when Ills eppnrtiinlty limp. Vnnr iippnrl unity inBj rmnr nt nny time. If you iire net prrimreil te arrept it, open n aa. Ihkh licrnunt nt mice. In lime of opportunity or trouble nite'a brat frirml itnil one wlilrll can ntiTiiiM lie retleil upon li it anting"), m tn unt. Let us explain Tirn REAL ESTATE TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILAUKLPHI 523 Chestnut Street 45 S. Bread Street Oldeit Till Insurance Company in th World m. Vi-'-twa f fAnJi Kgty I OCTOBER 29, 1921 Harding and British Premier Dominate Centlnfifil from fni Otw will be eulsltle, In the Whlle Heuse, but accessible. The Secretary of Slain has no defi nite authority ever his delegntlen. Mr. Ledgo rcpresenls the majority In the Henntn Btid if he ewes nlleglanee te nn j body outside the Senate It Is te the President. Mr. ITndervoed. though of the minority, Is the President's man. Heet Selected Karly Mr Reet was pelppted by the Presi dent for the first work of tills kind te be done at thp time It wai decided te prefer Mr. Hughes te him ns Secretary of State. This Is net snld te suggest that the American delegation will he discordant, but merely te indicate the linporlnnce of llie President In the back ground. The President hai net only te held the delegation together. He has te held the Senate with him, se thnt foreign delegates may feel this tJitie thnt when they dent with the American repre SPtilallvps thev nre dealing net merely with the nxeeutlve, but with the whole American Government, lie, even mere than Mr. Ledge and Mr. Underwood, is the connecting link In American Insti tutions. It keeps him In the confer ence whet her he will or no. .Mr. Harding will net he dominant In this conference because of any per sonal quality. Ills place assures him his iinnertinre. It was Inevitable nt Paris that the three lending figures should he Wilsen, Clemeiiceau and Lloyd Genrpe. They represented the lending nations. Greater men than they wen, iircspnt. General Smuts xvas, prebabh. Genernl Iletlni may also have been. '.Mr. Wilsen said A'enlzeles was abler Ihan his leading rivals, but all three represented smnll nations. Personal qualities made Clemrneesii the most Important figure at Paris, with Lloyd Geerge second. Personal gifts Indicate that Lloyd Geerge will take the chief role here, though perhaps some .Tapanese will be the surprise of the gathering. DEBATE ON JOINING TOWNS Colllng8weod-Camden Union De cided Net Detrimental te Fermer Colllngsweod. N. L. Oct. 20. An nexation of Colllngsweod te Camden would net be detrimental te Colllngs Celllngs Colllngs weod, according te Ihe decision of judgeH in a debate Thursday night, nt a social meeting of the Colllngsweod As sembly of Artisans, en the question "Resolved, That annexation te Camden would be detrimental te the best Intei ests of Cnllingswoed." The Judges. Luther Heasner, Oeni-ge Hendpll and llpnry It. Tntcm, made the decision en pnluts. These, debating the positive side were Jehn S. P., Pardee. Geerge DeGlnlhcr ami narry A. Merkle, and thp upga tlve slde were Dr. Tdwnrd It. Rogers, Captain Augustus Clark and Charles Ii. (illSS. Philadelphlan Killed In Bethlehem William llllllpb. of 170S Swayne stieet. wns Instantly killed nt a hotel operation in ltethlehem yesterday when a swinging scaffold pan nwey, throwing him from the elphth lloer te the ground, a distance of almost 100 feet. TOT'US (lurk's lHlli fnilsr. IVIi. 11th. from rll inrK MEDITERRANEAN i:evit .ND r.t'itni'r. li viier n,ly ihir'ered rnnadian l'aclfle teiPTb stinnier EMPRESS OF FRANCE slnaa 74 Dayi, Fint Clnai, $G00 nnd up IS days In I7Kpt nnj ralrMlim. llel'li, drives fea, guldea lnduJed. btep- eira In Kurepe 12 daa In Pftrlf nnd I erslnn $1)0 frank ('. Ctnrk, Ttnifs llilllilliiir, Sw Vnrk Made by the worlds largest typewriter manufacturer. Its many refinements and improvements are described in a booklet which will be sent en request The Underwood Typewriter Ce., Inc., 100G Chestnut St., Philadelphia H jy - KJ TTTi tttt: ''' i SL&3t$VwJ ft -unJaiH;'jSE B,a , 1 B 111 e I "THE MACHINE LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK By Led Pape THIS PAUK AVK. NHWB Weather. WcrFP lusted of belter. Hxtcr! Lntest Vend News! The Hunts arc slltcly nhed this week In the big feud between the Hunts and the .lenslns, en account of Sid Hunt volln velln (caring (n sharpln Maud .lenslns new pencil wen It brenk during drawing lea sin lnst Tliersdny, and wen he passed It back te her it wasscnt hardly long cniiff for a stump. Spenrts. Puds Slmklns get a Idecr last Satiddy be wunled te be a snake charmer wen he grew up, se he went out In the back yard and dug up 2 worms te ee wat he could make them de, bring liullilnp. Perne by Skinny Martin Almest Perfeck My new Sunday shoes nre bewtlful As everybody admits both friends and fees. O T weuldeul have a single tiling ngenst them If they eny had mere room erreuntl (he tees. Slslety. Miss LercMer Mincer Is thinking of writing a book nbeut her 1x perlcnees In the country this sunimir wnre she was chased by n bull but net enwt nnd pushed in a crick hut net DVerr e a a.a.e a owners Thornten-Fuller Automobile Company Parkway, Eatt of 18tli St. Pheno, Spruce 1040 Dedge Brethers MOTOR CARS E Stetndeurct y A Ti T T? YOU WILL EVENTUALLY CARl drowned and poisoned by m T' but net ware it slibWcdf P en ,T? al"!',rtW..,AcJ!f.. AlJnlri, i iu nu. j wen OIIUH1I1H g .1111 I,,, "i iilane lessllis n week ,..i i..I"J.:'lnf niellier nre gelling dlscurrlgcd hi lM aWntaef result, and lN,d ,. gl Ceal carried up from thu. i. cents u skultle level, 4 Ccats lf See Iteddy Merfy. Avmtfcgffc Diaz te Visit Phni.... .WaMilnslnn. Oct. W.GnPr,i ?.,. U of Italy, left here yesterday fp". 0-iU ! has City te attend the American le gion convention. He will m? of Chicago and arrlve at Knn., ?,V Sundny morning, lletwecn th aA' of the convention and AiVutle. i , he will visit New Yerk. 131 Baltimore and Newport, U. I IpLU' GAS-FIRED BOILERS , for Heating anil Indailriil Purpeiei SEE OUR EXHIBIT AT Hoaitheld AppUanct ipoii,'en thU week Bread and CallewUII Sli BOOTH NO. 30 Wheeler Safety Beiler Ce 5217 GERMANT0WN AVE. Hell I'liennt IVyemlne 3jj """"i m f t ttE5: A k I V 'Mmdu., . mi,-.,4m J'r"-'- js-t. j,i m fc j.-