v ' ". v?rw iwwit - rrr t-vvr-wj, tttv. s s ' EVENING PUBLIC ' LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, feAlTTRDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1921 MARSHAL FOCH GREETED IN WASHINGTON r. r:s will press Fer 'Unknown Soldier' sjVs,vn'.sTs s.ssF'yj. m m,''-i'- iw""1 ,..,,. '.'' wm'M'M'W-Mn .wil ..idm-Jmiiw uk w y. 1 L' I II 1 I I1 Hi III F 1 I 1 I "Ml f MIJ Anether Succumbs in AttempteJ ,"' Rescue of Worker p0. ' "i liceman Succeeds ? Aliens Whose Conviction Ha3 Caused Bemb Plots in Eu- repe Leam Fate Today Erstwhile Tiega Dump Beauti fied, but Electric Lights Shew Up Nooks Executives te Lese Ne Time in Appealing te Federal Laber Beard COURT STRONGLY GUARDED ALL SEATS ARE ANCHORED! STRIKE IN TEXAS IS ENDED OVERCOME BYli IN SEWER; SW HEAR COMMUNISTS HEW PARK B ENCH """"- " " -WWW11 NEW A MOTION BANS SPOONiNGS FOR NEW WAGE CUT ftmMmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmMMmMmwmBm Ily tlie Assee'ated Preis Defllvtin. Mans, O.-t 'J'.)- mntUti for a new trlnl fur Nneelu S-icce mid liartolemco Vnn.ctti, convicted of mur der In the first degree for the killing of n pnvmnstcr and his guatd nt Sonth Bralntrce In April. lU'JO was heard in the Norfolk County Superior Court to day, Police gunrd. mounted en horses, en motercj about Insld unife An ilntv T)in llee guarded the entrances te the uul .1 lng with instructions te srnreh nil spec tator for weapons. Knit aim vver' held In reserve. The caw. which has been the sub ject of bomb speaking ntnl mn-c'nng demonstration-, by radical in the capi tal, of Fun-no nml Smth Atmrlc-i CAmr ii?nln before .Ili'iHe vv i ter Thayer, who presided ever the Inn trial at Whieli the 'f.-ii lants wire i.mn.i guilty. Sentence of the men hn it"t eten Imposed, pending iWterminatiii of today's motion for n retrial, and pend ing action also en exception te rulim: and evidence wlnrh counsel for the defense have been given until Decern ber 1 te prepare. Vnnzettl, who 1 under sentence of ten xcars in Stnte Prison far purtiei potion in a held-up in Fast Undue ,.-. ".;- . -..,.,, i i., water in uccemecr. iu'. n ""- te the county jail here from Hest. under heavy guard Niece 1ms no n , hehl at the jail since Ue trial. The transfer of the prisoners from the jail te the rf en feet, the men hnnilciifteil te emu ether and te ethers en either id'-. j and preceded. Hanked and followed by i !,. n;.. -Ph..,-,. ns no .li-nnn- Btratien during the walk. In the court- . .. ... - i ...i .....- room lie PriM.i.. ', -"-' ,'-;. . eiiua win Uliu uiru un.tmt ' ...... trlnl Marquis A. Ferrnnte, Itnlian Censul at Hosten. and Vice Censul Silvie Vitale appeared as spectators shortly i before the opening of tne nearing. ,r. Ferrante said he would make no state ment. Bosten, Oct. 20. (Hy A. P.I lit tra guard. were en dutj teda at sev eral public building here. Offlcinls in each lnstame explained that tiie were taking precautionary .teps because of rumors of possible demonstrations I. radlcn's. The rumors, of an intangi- VI. . tiiinn ii'itfA inul tn Kil 11I II Hi t O1 1 llZ 1114 L li 1 1 n Mini i' 'i sv' - v - 'i with the Saeee-Vanzettl case. An augmented guard, posted scleral days age at the State Heuse, was continued en dut . Sergeanr-ut-Arms Almbnli said the extra tone was placed , atter receipt ei rumors. Aged Man Routs Twe Armed Bandits Continued from I'airr On and ran te the store. McCarthy bwung off his here a few seconds before the ether bluecoats get there. The trapped bandits turned and tried te batter their way out of the store, but police blackjacks, swung at their beags, took all the tight out of them. A call had been sent te the Fifteenth and Locust streets .-tntum After first rushing te Eighteenth nud Wa'nut Streets bj mistake, the patrol lead of policemen reached the jcwelrj tore ils a huge crowd formed Miss L'ewden dropped behind a coun ter ns the shots were tired. Slip remained there until the would-be robbers wer I.I.... ... .., ,l, ,w,.,... 1 .,l..l, 1, ...I,fl i, . . .,.. ...,, them te Cltv Hall. I taftiii ,ut i" .ii.- i'i.i,...! niir ii ijiviiii. The Negro contended he did net knew, Cetter. He said lie IikiI gene into the I store te buy a run: ' i "his girl" ami I thnt he was "flabb. ,asted" when the armed bandit appeared. "Tough Lucli" Says Haiidil Cetter, though bloet.- was p'etting at the back of Ins head and trlekl.ng even his cloth.-, remained cool during the! ride te City Hull. He asked for a cigu- Cle.s and nfoel. were tlitewn " '''V' ,",r '..., tl, V, ',. the courthouse m nntiiliers nn-t " "' " "'" '"r" , '""""- e the building a I" nvv guard of '"'''"" ".' l "''"'"" """ ' " '""" rmed and ununif TMi-M effle-m ttsti '"'-' i"" neiinnB mi cuen .... i..,.(ff. l.vii nn. mere win i-mingc a winner scmi-i i mn s rette nnd said It was "tuiuh luck" th.it he had been caught. Jehnsen, the Negro, Inter was taken te Hahnemann Hospital It was planned te mnke an X ray of his head injuries. It is believed pesfib e that a bullet from Cettei"s pistol may bine struck him. Ilcfere his removal te the hospital a search of Jehnsen's clothing die.npd a private d. tecnve s l.a.1,-". Seveni" diamond rings were found m tlie cut: of bis trousers. Mr. Simen und hi s,,ri Sel live nt 183(1 North Fifte.-nth s.rcet. .la Simen lives at ji'. .N.etii .r.n. str. t MINES TO CLOSE ONE DAY Memery of Jehn Mitchell te Be Honored at Scranton Today Scranton, Oct -. All m.:ies :n t ,e anthraciti legion are i-lest-l t.idav as a tnbute te the i iem..rv of .li.'.n Mitchell, firmer president of the min ers' union. The day Is ntw'tud as "Mitchell D.n" bv Mi. mal min era. In this eitv servi.es will he li.-ld at the crave of the dead uul 'ii leader Who was buried in the Cathedral 'Viii- I ettry here Vesicplay a movement was also liiunehe.l t. 1'iive t'n . laut.ti fichoel Heard name a public s. !i .l in honor of Mr. Mitchell. The latter' widow hns given her consent te the arrangement. It was said t dnv. The (Scheel Heard is ixpecied te take no tion Mendio night j Reef Burns Frem Defective Flue ' Fire did S'-On worth "' I " iuge te the ' reef of the two and one hi." st"i' home f Alexander Ilai.ki." .. .'t'.U 1 Memphis street, lust before midnight last night. It was caused by a defective Ib.e lloxe De Yen Like These as Name for 1026 Fair? "American World's Fair" i of fered bv H K. Feather. .'11117 Syd n bam street, as i name for the sesul centennial te be held here in 102(1. "The World Progress Fair" is Bnt in by Said K De Jurdie, t!2."i Boardwalk, Atlantic City. "OurGrent Amerlmn Fair" cornea from T. Edward Hujler, 71.r) Seuth Tlfty-ninth street. "Hilly Penn's World Progres Pregres Progres Expesition" is suggested by Curtis W Ilenrj. Herlin, N. J. Many upt and catchy titles nre being sent in te the Evenim, I'm IJO hr.VUKli daily in response te its request for a mere popular name for the BesiUl-centennlal. .Can you think of one? If se, MBd It in. ' .t The city, while givlns resident of one pnrt of Philadelphia something they hnvc w-nnted for n long time, ulne de livered ri Imdy blew te spoeners. ' Worse (till, it xvns neeempnnlcd by nn nnneuneement thnt the same blew ' will he followed by similar ones ns quickly ns condition permit. The much desired sift Is the lm- lifiMnmnnf nf ! fnumMi! inl.l,i1.. ut Inte a breathing space and a thing of uenury. i The attack en the spoeners Is the Installation of k new type of bench. p'aei'd direeflv in the best .lighted parts of the park, and se anchored thnt even I the met ndrent lever can never hope te move it te one of the hadi d spots se taverame te tne development of love jeiing dream Designer Didn't Have a Heart The new bench is from n design pre pared h ii draughtsman In the landscape gnrdner'-. efli 'e. llurenit of City Prop erty. The upright portions are of se'id concrete and are burled two and a half feet The seat and back are of wooden slat painted green. This combination of green and con crete gray is te be the color scheme ' 01 roe enure i in uu-i em viii imni ,,, according te nn announcement ,nv As fnn )1H new pnri,H nrp bulIl enM ,mirevt,i th B,.I1Prlll sflenlc , , , ,, thpfl(, bcnchc, ,, alI equipment se thnt It will liar- I n eni.e with the green lawnn and cement ' k 'l.hh ; rh,incin f .i,0 nlet te a naru , lh'' r hang R et '', J1'0,. " ,.'1"'' " ""'ul""fc " ' v -""."- '. ' ' eighth ince Ward have been fighting for -nice the latter part ei me niaiiKcn biirc Administration. The ti'et. whic bllre Administration. The i.'et. which has a frontage of 1I0 feet en Ontario -trmt nml 1.riO feet en Twentieth street. was acquired just before the Hlankcn- burg Administration went out of power, j Per political rens.il nothing was done. Total Cost Only S22.30O is bounded en the east by Tt is bounded en the east by the n..ndinir and long has been an eyesore, and as it nears eomp'etien Tiega com muter' faces light up. Perhaps the youthful element frowned a bit nt the benches, but The let was leveled and graded. . concrete steps were put in from Ontario - ' - - " 1 I ! and Twentieth streets, the brick pave- ment en both streets has ueen cnants te concrete te match the wa Iks in Ma ,, ark. curbs have enlnstallWl.hiac lawns pium, m.. ...i. ......D lireUUO a Circu.lir fcru" H'"V . ., , , There """ ZZr si le eMh'park0 amlX ."bVen "i ed ' et tne pars. "'u' L ' - " ,. , by the city for . 1,.'. ,h will be trnpreied a id will brii g : the operation up te the lde of th ra Jlreni A contract hn be, n , ward .for this """r:rJSll worn en mi- jru.r.. -- ' . ment will cot :22,r.0O. U.eTpT SENIORS ELECT Balloting Held en All Class Officers Except President , rjnti.ife of thii plectlen of officers for the senior clas of the I'niversity of Peunsvlvaniu were unneunced today us J1I,"V;- William C. Crave, of Springfield, Mass., lec president; W. Kenneth l....n .. UnlTnln spcrnfnrv . I'ntll j?""...",. ' "n::,nn V .;.:;: .. I I',.bl.. K.ililnr llserinn iiiiii I sui iki. v., -i .... urvr, it mi iiiiif.iii .".. ..."..m... .. ..... .1.. l--...,. ..!.. f'... Pour ..leiterl te tile Kxecutlvc Coin mittee are Themas Hradlej . tlmirmiin; Laurence Drewn, Geerge Hlilmuii and .Innn K u-ber. i'ie bulluting was held yesterday en but the etlice for president. Jehn Sheeilj wns e'ected president of the class last year. i THAMAM LEADER HERE U I nUHIMIHIN L.CHUcn ntnt Delegate te Arms Conf- te Be Entertained In This City The nrst of t!.. I r ,. ', te t!ie arms 'enfereniN- ! ' it Mam. I n tins city win nrrye n.-i- iiue uhs lire late this afternoon. lie is a.nemar Larnt'CKes, .....Acnnl nn T Ithiinn.n M V""'h. ""; ii,-.i .. s,n. Hen and will be met by n delegation ,f T.ifhiinrilnns. He w 1 go te the n ijituvitii........ .... --... .. .-. ...- i Mnver's ethce, when; tie will be wei-nn ..nmA.l tiv rinrell Sliuster. "-ecreturv t ' Mnver. who will act during th' Mr Canickes will be entertained at ' ... i ii. . I. .. 1 .l..lnl, i . l ncepT'eii .ini (HMiHr in ne: .'ii-ii'iiiu I Hetel tonight BLOND WOMEN SAYS ANTHROPOLOGIST HEREu.ZrWt:2r;.& ;S? S llnit.d States District Ceuit Judge Dr. O'Maliey Horrified at America Has !e "What, no l.es t ' i' ..omen in Aui.-ia"- Dr. .'i-'.n O'Ma'lev a Phliadelph.a anthrope'.ig!t, flung up l.i- hands with a horrific,! gesture to te .iav when he was teM Prof. Fred, rick Starr, a Chicago anthropologist, had made that verv statement. Dr. U'Malley began gravely te con- 'dcr the case of Prof Starr from an optical standpoint for he i also an eye h c. lalist - when it was -iggested Prof. Starr had said further that beauty in tarr had said further that beauty in a blonde race it next te impossible. "Dear, dear'" ejuei ated Dr. ' Ma'lev. "Hew can a man make such rld.culens statements in a classroom, t e" What else duis he na.v P of. Si irr had gene en te t-av that g d-nnture.l Auieii'sn men are dis posed te .(insider nti vn- wi.e is n, t abnormally and euraerdinaril ug v as ..villi rare beaut). Nny ' lclnr'd me pr ,f.ss,)r te his clas-'. ' tin Amen i an rate ia tee uieiigrel ever te be beau tiful. Fairness and Heauty Syneujinnus 'lt' rcaby tee painful,' commented Dr. O'.Ma.lev. with a dep H.gli, "the art about the blends, paiteiiari) Wh, fairness and heaut.v have been aliiiust sjneii) uioue tl.oriigheut the ages. Ml ihe hcienlies of lit. ratiire, from Helen of Tre.v down te Pell) anna, have been blends of pure rvpe It Is the sine Hi painting, lu s ulpture, und lu folklore. Are net the i.eautiful prill ecus all .'idevved with long geiden nair and white skins? An n t te" tiuditiena! heroes all tall and fair'' Hew many dells have fair liair and hew ninny dark? Are net the , he se ungemr. us te s.iv of dark vvenu-n god and goddesses of nearly all myth- what Prof. Starr hns, with no warrant olegy blendes? Have jeLever read aat all, said of our blends.'' XI' "JWL.',Ji . '-"3.'fijUiiir;.,' ,eslSws. :VH' '.-a3tP ,.'-Js'..' , e) ItarrU & Kwlnc The Krenrh Atnbnsjulnr. .lules ,1. Jusserand, and General Pershing were In the picture with Marshal Ferh Inst night when the allied commander-in chief arrived In Washington. Jusserand i.s tlie figure in civilian clothes, loch in the center and Pershing en the right MORE POLICE AID ORY AGENT'S PLEA Duncan Wj Ask Mayer and Cortelyou for Cleser Ce-operation CITES ATTACK ON OFFICER Majer Moere and Director Cortelyou . will revive a visit Monday from Assist t irn,lblMen i)irecter Duncan, when ,Mnlning me r(1niplcte police , "h fc, f j, , , raiil( w)1 b( liikCllshl,(1 "Vew w.-ek I bone te null nff snmn raids" said Mr. liuncan "and it r'ld W "'?UC" f"r.U'' Br'b If we could depend en complete co-op- Ttleii from pe'l.e. 1 hale no com- ,njn k C()ne(.r..ing the help the , ,, b tt,Ht.rhM areun, ,f d(.flnlt,. "-r "ere issued b the Mayer and Director. I 'I am nfrnid of further episodes like thnt of vesterdnv. when Dnnnld .1. Zim merman, one of the agents, was brutally P U tllUII U. II U lift, Hi tVUUUsisri1 """ATI I iA tnrn "rev away with a truckload of I rum he irieu ;e beize ni Becmn nii.i i0nlnr street 'Our men are armed, nnd if the-e ' attacks continue thej will use their I guns. Then e will have some killing !te reckon with, as well ns our etli. r , i troubles. "We will use all the power of the I itftnripfmi.nt tn ntinpfli,.Tiit nmt reinUr. f 1. ' ..:.' .:.:..".: " :. ..v, :;:. .m ''!,.,,.,,.,., " 1 1 1 i ii ie; miii'il in' s. J u 4 li I uiiui u uu ...itiiii.ii.iiiii. i lie agent nan nnrineu men nc saw .l. ... ..... . leading what he believed was rum en the truck thnt the machine was con- Seated. Fer answer some one swung en him with a blackjack from behind. He wns surrounded, and, although he fought with his own jack, wns beaten back and llnalh forced te take refuge in a garage .iiri). i te is cover.. i with .a gun whil. .he men tuilshed lead-,., lng the mick and drme away. CHILD HURT IN EXPLOSION Leg Is Fractured When He Dreps Match Inte A cohe Barrel Oine Malastine, f.iur vears old. of Wm K-rshnvv street. teceled a frne- tured leg .vesterdav when he dropped he i ngim-u mm m imin i iticoiiei . , , , , , , , m- u . n.i ... ..s muici s ueme and the liquid cTple.iert. The fail er. Nat'e Malastine, heard the blast and found the child Iving in- juied in trie are i ne oey was taken .. .1 .. W. ... Phi I fill 1,1 ii i llnminr.,iit1... ') ii. ...j. .....-.- ..y..1.u1.ii..iui I Hospital PRETTIEST, Chirapn Professer's Statement Fair - Haired Beauties -'rv with a shett. beadv-yed here an' 1 Ml' fair hai" d vi'liiinV "Wlat does a wei, .in ,!e when she want- t make her- !. beautiful? Ih'( s but what elsnV Sh" blenches her kin and her hair, doesn't she? "New. from nn anthropological staink-.nit a'l this Is lie.-H'is,. the Nordic and !tie ra.Ts, which give iss respec tively the b'.m 1 and ruddv blund t.vpes, are the deii leant ni"' and therefore the a'Hilred races Tells of Racial Marriage, 'Vla' Prof. Slnrr snu iheut niKed no ml marriages meiigrelizliig the race is a' '. tli"r writer Has ' e ! ri-'i" l Me.,, lei The offspring of such mar riages rev. rt te one nice or tl,, etinr, sue in . few unimportant h lrsievr. Istics 'ike the t'lgmentali'Mi of the eves "I iiad i patient the etlier dav. n veung '.nl' whose name I cmnet te'l von. f . ., I--.. 1, it let i - en I ' her Ml S,'luart7, wh!''h Is n prettv ger c.ulv s,'iit 'M.-- Seliwart.. I said 'your fan., r !. . r I. a n a Htmiiii, but veiir mother Is an Irishwoman from Cinnaught.' And s, she was. marriages mengrelizlng the Te kiiv that thc-c can he no beauti- ful gills In Anieri. a lxcnu-e we are a mixture of European races is te sav that there have been no beautiful girN among the European race. "I will uv this The blend women wdie seem te hurt the aesthetic sensl. blhties of P'.f Starr will .llsappctu after awhile lu tin 'eurse of n eeu de of g. : .itlens 111. ei 1 'annul survive be'.,, il. feri) ff'li ,,M'ille and nn m Minnesota tliev will have n hnr,' time of it Then of cn,rn the race will ,e diirl. .Medlterii.n. m. ISut legend and tradition te the .mitral), I would net ''TkWSr'' -vxwWsxiaiMvsmtm Marshal Leves His Pipe, as Reporters Soen Learn Washington, Oct. 20 (By A. P.) Mnrlpil Fech, who is known as nn inveterate pipe smoker, be fore bearding the steamship Paris for his trip te America made sure that a sufficient amount of his fa vorite French tobacco was en benrd. One of his militiiT.v aid has it in fharge. twenty-five pounds of it. Soen after he was taken off the Paris at New Yerk nnd had ex changed official courtesies with the member of the reception committee en the tug Vigilant, he went inside the pilot house, lighted his small briar pipe and seemed perfectly nt home. He emptied It us lie ap proached Knttcry Park and put it back Inte his pocket. Twe hours later when comfortably established in his special train for the run te Wnshinzten the pipe was out again. After dinner he followed the cnmple of his guest. nnd smoked a cigar, but this finished, the pipe again came into view, only te dis appear when the train pulled into the Union Station. Dr. Paul Andre, his personal phy sician, was right when he said, "The Marshal loves his pipe." H I UHII I 10 UN T r'ULIUh CPnecn riv nimuirnr SCORED BY BUSINESS MAN Simen Faber Says Safety Director Refused te Art nn rft ru,, , UM,fl t0 Act en Graft Charge Atlanllc City. Oct. SO. Charges that the Atlantic City Police Department is - . i i. . . . .... uuii aun disorganized" me ... i IlldUC in a letter written by Simen LMIMT. rfal RLlllfA n.nv. n.,.l wnfnmnw T.. 1. i . -'- ." " '"'"""' ,0 'he City Commissioners, Mr. Faber complains that William rutllbm MrrLtw ut iubllc 8lfl.t , ".. .ji i.. "'t'lvw te give him satisfaction when he complained that the Oetcctivc Uu- r,.a Wils j,, n.,rt ,.mpesed of "graft- ,. , creeks.. aH(J teught hearing , ,. uuu ufc"v u "-"'"E "i ins ciiHrges. J he director. Mr. I-abcr says, called I M,.war,i representing that organlr.n erganlr.n a meeting te hear complaints of husi- ' tien. Other stewards nre Herace 11. nes.s men, but refused te let their tte- negrnpher take a record of the pre- ceedmgs, nnd insisted that nnv ihurges should la brought by Individuals. "Seme of the heads of the depart- ment are i.ntit and should be rephe ed." vivh Mr. Faber. "By allowing (lis . nnnesi ami unlit men te remain m tne i - ...... .. ... . neieetivu and I'ellce ueparimeni, j ou are net ulaving fair with the lar: number of honest and efficient men in , the dcparti it." NAMES SPECIAL MASTER Judge Halght te Take Testimony In Jersey Fare Litigation AJ"-' 'II iMHlclfCl IO .IflHMO 'UDI ' I -110 ile .mas Ii. Halght, of Jersey l tv, as pici.il master, te take tcsiimti,v m the litigation of the Public S.rvice Itu I way Company te prevent the State Public 'Ftilitv Heard and the Atternej Jeiieral from lnterferlnc vvltll the im- I position of a ten-cent fare. I The company's counsel presrntnl nn eider of r. I'erencc te Judge Kell i.ib te- I lav. senilmg tlm entiO te u specinl mas ter for the hearing of the tr-thaeny and the Judge inserted ex -Judge Haigl.t's name in the order. 'I he lat ter will begin the timing nt testi mony when all of the parties te the suit ure in readiness. I'lider a recent temporary rull'ig of the Fedtral Court the cempiim i barging an eight-cent fare, wit I fe'.r ti, kets for thirty cents and a em t transfer The 1 tllity Ileuril liu'i ai l.wed the cemianv only n seven-, ,e,t fun. Tlic case will new go te a tm.il hearing and it wns te tane tins i,-s Minenv that the sp'dal muster wus ay pointed. DEATH'lEVEALS WEDDING : Banker Found With Threat Cut Day After Marriage KvansvHIe. Intl.. Oct 20 The bed. of Miani Tnvler, flflj-feur ars old. vice president of the Insolvent l'armers' Hunk in Nevvburg, In. I., was found .tnnni ill the mi" n II'" r- I - '' - - . Yankeetown. His threat had been slashed with n razor, which ub iiinu nearhv. Corener KirekhntiH was ex pected te return a verdict of suicide. Finding of the bed) led te the dis. ceverv thnt Mr. Tnjlur had married Mls-s 'Marie Murnll. eighteen jears nhl. t I S'lkel'teWII, Jlllll-Ull.. Ill II'. nn lit son iviiinlniitlnii of tlic Nevvburg Hank's books rcieut.y showed a deficit of . I'd 11(10. It was said. A. H. liiilvcr liiilvcr sen. the cashier, disappeared when the bank was closed. ..... .""sar-Idv." ti, Jeb you urn loeklnr for max the Help Wanted columns en pais V'- . i ',., i x . ,. :t.4J Annual Meet at W. J. Clothier Estate Brings Out Crack Thoroughbreds FARMERS' ENTRIES FEATURE A large crowd of race Inters gath ered this afternoon nt the farm ei .m "d Mr. William J. Clothier, above Valley Ferge, where the eighth annual acing event of the Pickering Hunt Club was run. The races commanded : the attention of hundreds who have fel lowed the fall meets. Thoroughbred from the stables of Mr. Clothier. Ifalph R. Ptrassburgcr, R. II. U. Telund. J. 13. Ridgcvvay and il. l.i. Montgomery are entered. I'nusual Interest is displayed by the farmers In the hunt nnd the farmers' breakfast this morning was nn attrac tion. Farmers ever whose lands the ''ickering Club huntR entered twenty three horses for the farmers' race. This race is barred te thoroughbreds and will he ridden by farmers or fanners' sons. The Pickering Challenge Cup race will find Wolvcrten, 2d. Dneley and Red Wing among ethers facing the barrier and the neck-and-neek races which these horses have been run ning makes this cente't one of the most popular of the day. . Anether event is the point -te. point i fflr' i ' ier which iiiuripcii entries nave l i),,P,i made Fernbrook, of the Str.iss- hurger stable: Grcenbriar, of the Mor Mer ris stables, Cocktail, owned by Mr. Toland, and Hlcak Hcnut, owned bv Dr. II, L. II. Dick, are guarantees that the race will be a real "boss race." i ne meec is neiu unuer tne sane tlen of the Hunts Committee of the N.,.nl K.pp,,,p,,vp ,, . AtM. . ., ,, ', 1 t .1 . . (iiiu'iii. v 'mines j.. .uiuuer is rue Hare. icter (. Mather and Mr. Clothier. S. Lawrence liedine. J. (1 ! I.elper nnd James K. Tindle are j judges nt the finish. The patrol judges "e Jehn .1. Sullivan. II. II. le P.eutil- i Iler '"' '.eerge Proeks. Tlic starter is i ,, iiagen aim cieru ei tne ceurtc, It. Penn Smith. URGES MOREITY MARKETS Professer Egbert Alse Aska for Extra Feed Inspectors An appeal for municipal slaughter houses, mere city mint and milk in spectors and mere muuklpul markets where the city can regulate sanitary conditions, was made this morning by Pief. Senera Fghcrt, of tl." 1'niversltj of I'eiinsvivania Sehoe) of Ilvgienn anil Public Health, in n public le. lure nt the I'niveisit.v . In his address en "Sanitarv Condi tien of Feed and Drink in Philade'- , run," Prof. Egbert i.dd of a survey Phi'ndelphin's feed conditions that he made three years age. Hf said lie found Philadelphia was very fei'tnn-ite in av ii? its fiK.d importations arrive in the highest ronditleii. Tins was due. he Fiii.l, te its location. Hut, he added, the trouble arises after the f.Msl gets here and is handled bv the small dialers who give no thought te sauituiy l. gulatiens. lie said the eitv has only mvch mint I und sixtein mill; inspectors. Tins num ber, is nut enough, he said, becaus , their- Is a great deal of meat luilehcied in mi. all slaughter houses about illi cit). Sanltar.v feed lenditiniis can better be i-'guliited through cdueatieu than through law enfeiccmeut, he leii- (.lllded. CHARLES BARNARD BURIED Funeral Services for Ex-Mayer of ColllnQSWeod Are Held Funeial srviccs for ("a- es H Rariiard, vet. ran of the Civil War and former Mn.ver of Cnllingsvvned, who died t'n-re W"dn(-sdli), vveie held today at In- 'ate residence, Lees and LinvvoeJl avenues. ' VJM "III lll lUI l (IT I ,,, , Collingswood, served ( ipiain iiarnaru, as he was in t he 1 n.eii nnv, lieing a member of tin- ridladelphla I nieu League Regiment. He wa-. born in (ileiin-sti r, wln-re he was Postmaster fiem l.ssi te lVs",, be fore moving te C.dlingsvvoe.l Stock Trading Steps for Beatty Nevv Yerk, t)i i 'JH Adiiina' Hnitiv First Sen Lord of the Hellish .,.' mlrnltv. ilhiied the fleer of the New i iirk Stock lAehnnge vi.lirdav Trad mg vvas almost suspended for a few- moments wntle the members cheered I'ln- "C xvaii nmclnlly vvelceined by the ISxcbango'e Qevcmlnr Committee. PICKERING EVENTS LURE RACE LOVERS Hy the Asserlatd Press Chicago, Oct. 20. Hnl'read heads said last night the Natien's carriers would go right ahead with their plans te seek new wage cuts through Hail Hail read T.nber Heard henrlngs, despite an nouncement from the unions that their action In calling off the strike scheduled .for October HO had been influenced by I the beard's announcement pny reduc tion petitions for nny class would net be considered until working conditions .for that class had been settled. I "The cnlllng off of the strike- will I have no effect en the plans announced by the carriers October M te seek ini- n,n,linn uili.n rnillict IlinS SO tlltt TllteS could be reduced." said Samuel M. lei lei ten, president of the Chicnge Great Western and chairman of the Assecl atlen of Western ltnllread Executives. "I don't knew hew bmtf undo- t' beard's ruling. It will tnkc te reach n decision en any pay cut petition, ". these petitions undoubtedly will be pre sented within a very short time. It wlll.be up te the heard te decide when action should be taken. "I want it made plain, however, that we will seek these reductions in accordance with the lnw, posting notices of cuts, then discussing them with the empleyes, nnd. If no agreement is renched, appealing te the beard te set tie the dls"iite." , ' The strike of 000 trnlnmcn of the International nnd Great Northern, oper ating lu Texas, has been called off by the gcnernl chairman of the read, ac cording te a telegram received here last night by W. O. T,ee. chief of the Breth erhoed of Railrend Trainmen. Cedt messnges officially calling off the gen eral walkout nt all ether points went "'The Chiefs of the "nig Five" left Chicago for their homes yesterday after noon and evening The Laber Heard continued work en Its decls en en Wed nesday's hearing and probably will ren der it today. FUNERAL FOR WAR HERO Military Services Held for Geerge Dougherty Veterans Attend Military funeral services were held today iu the Sacred Heart I hurch. Third und Heed streets, for Oeerge i Dougherty, of 1400 Hen tl. street, whose ueuy nrnv.-.i n... .. ken Thursday. The services were at tended bv n delegation of c erans et Foreign Wars, headed by Lieutenant Galloway and representatives of the American Legien and ar Me hers. The six Philadelphia soldiers te whom the city paid Impressive tribute in Independence Square last week were supposed te have been the last whose i 'ii- ,...1.1 hn rotiirned here. Through uoue ? ...mii.i .... ";, -, ,. some misunderstanding, however, the body of Deuaherty wns net smi'i .-.. i.-.e I with the six ethers, although it had ur- I . . . 1 -I fin, .!.... . rived nt Hoboken October 5. FRAZIER BEHIND IN RETURNS Independent Leads North Dakota Governer by 27,144 Farge. N. I)., Oct. 20.-(Hy A. P.) Returns from 000 precincts from yes terdav's recall elcct'en, tabulated b.v ..ii,..iwl..nts today, gave It. A. Nestos. Independent, a lead of 27.1-1 ever Gov Gov ereor Lynn J. Frazicr, Nen;Partlsnii. The vote stoed: Nestos, SI.iOj; 1 ra- ler. G4.0el. .... Tlte figures Included incomplete re turns from all but seven of the State s llfty-three counties. The unelliciul icturns gathered by both Nen-Part lsnn nnd Independent sources, indicnted the candidates for At torney General and Commlss'ener of Agriculture and Laber were running about even Willi te neau ei uiu uuu. M0THER0F FOUR mTsSING Tailor's Wife Leaves Heme After Threatening Suicide Pelice lire conducting a city-wide search for Mrs. Sara Jacobs, who dis appeared from her lmme nt .'U Cress street, yesterday morning nftcr threat ening te commit suicide. Her husband. Leuis Jacobs, n tailor, could offer the police no suggestion as te where she might have gene. She had been ill several months, he taid, and frequently had scorned te be mentally depressed. Four children, the youngest nine months old, steed nt the window of their home jesterday, looking for the mother, e Ferm Heme and Scheel Bedy A home nnd school association was organized Inst night at the Helment S"hoel, Forty-first and Hrnwn streets. Officers elected were: President, II. J. F. Sickel ; vice president, J. Wesley Foetc. principal of the school; secre tary, Mrs. Mary A. Patten; treasurer, Mrs. Jehn A. Patehel. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES W J Ilnrterf. Jr . I' M. I'relMlel.eii .-....-... I. Mnnre. J in I.imli.ird st anil r,10s l.iictwviin.l ave llnlmfhliiirii I'a , und v..-.. - ... :----,.,,,. ,. Ml LMtur luwri i-.i; ..--.. n.. llHs-i.n IUri.erUn. 1101 1-alrm.iunt live Arspiln Ilncerl.in. 70s N UUi al. Sti von Ser.iK. .'.101 1 r.inkfer.l live. ' A mm Hcen.i'.in. "OW -J ' ' , Mvrfi- M shirt, r. hlr,iu...lmrii I'a. iinuiml IMtri-fii. 1"'.' Hi-ruce i . and iltt i,l - IllrBt L'iifl .!' kmm si Jehn W I'lire-r alis U et . and Murl- II Hern,. Ks '.'".IS i't Ni-uilsl I." n, luii. i;."03 Clever et . and Inn Meilnf a:ill N rtarutjllt ('. . William SchaniKiffel. 3".'" ,? '"' ' -"i'1 llUn II. Knnde. in N. I arson st. llsrman M (jresl. lUL- K. 4tll H alul Hadl ..uns- Il H H I th si si llareirt llr.eiill. Norrlntevvii I'a.. and Tallinn ( "U let -210 Jlevviirth si s.iiipi. I Viirlmun. -"1- H lU'i St. i.n.l He i tn,e si...inBks '-"SI S lib "I. Jelin Mdrm hnff. 42t N Oth nt . and Amu m i,i. .van sui.'.iiey it. Z.irmli N" N'l "'"' r'Wment n , and .lnrv I-,)..i. 1TL-I IMvvIn st Wallir Human .'.fl.'i h-rln 'flelil avr.. and II duU Bumlbeif '.-.3'.' N. "tltli tt Tinvl.l lletliiniin il'is Mountain st . und Marv '..mermen rt3S Unrreit nt Wi linuien Ssli lfli.7 XV IJ.iuiiiln n nnd .1.1.,' V 11 n(f lliall'll 2--'J3 V I. 'I h hi llrtwln XX Moei 27.'. N "-'.i i . uml i:i!...l)'lll ltut,er(i,n 22 t. IV2it ft l'ruiik s 'lt.,i 2.133 Hehrri i.vf . and Il.iuip' .- I. llrMin lia 1-' tWBn- nt Jarel) J Kiia-r, ConsSeheck n .i and ('untitle Hi-n-itf 2'13.'t XX' M.rpeiint et Jetiallinn J XX'rlslit 4701 Allan avv. and rmmri 1 47n Allan uve. APn-rt H 1' -'it .'-7I.'( Iliiitl,i1 si an I Mire I. t- I'llim .1303 HnilHMd hi llnrni- I S ll.rlinun, 434 Meer si nml .XInrv lial.i --in vv I'lniueriHiiu ni XI I." if, nl li"l" t: T'hIih r - " t . .'(' I.- ,'a,'.ier h. chili. Itl'ATIIS vv II. I s u, i js i (i u liwsl ..n I ,n II W-ls lt itlvi . nml (llen.ls . V i.l.liiutfiii l.,lKe N. rai V sti'l A XI Ken Hi ,.f I'l v l-.lKi .Nn 1IHI K. ,f I' ill !'in hvimi.Mu Ah-, fitiy Si 3 A M I- .i' liulie I I i mi. lid f i-i-ral h i v v n,1s le , M it his ,i r-'sl ifi - , I I is' avt XVi -I , , li a , , I Ii i." rut it van KrleniU ni.ij rail hunl,'. 7 in '. I- M XI V( i.N Xiil.i: "ii il, i "!l I'l 1 -' I'l. . S wile of ssi,.ili n McMiia.i .,1 -1 ,".i yea s it lativ-a and fr -na are 1 v i. -1 tu lie service en rue cay alter oe lL 2 cleeij at her ism rn(ine. 2211 Bt. IXTSnntnT0 "Sgh llilaF Harris & Ewlna Kalian geld medal for extreme valor which General Dlar will place en the grave of the unknown American soldier at Arlington No vember 11 by order of tlie King of Italy LUNATIC WHO KIDNAPPED NAIIU WMU KlUIWrCU CHILD HAD SERVED TIME Hemphill Only Recently Dlecharged Frem Montgomery County Jail nt i tt Lin ..,. i LMmin. viinriis iiemniiiii. cthictku ii"i' per of three-year-old Carl Carlin, .17.11 Concord nvenue, Camden, was only leccntly discharged from tne. .medi this year. Police yeilerday learned he had been employed during part of the summer en the farm of Judge William C. French, nt Pert Republic. There was a jewel robbery there nnd through Ids testimony Jehn S"ett, n Negro, was tcntcnccd te seven years in Jail. At the trial Scott denied he had been in the fnrmheuse, but said he had seen llemnhlll there. At the time Hemphill was known ns Jehn White. Hemphill wns taken te the New Jer sey Stnte Insane Asvlum tedny, from where he escaped September Ii. ON MAIL ROBBERS' TRAIL Arrest Imminent for $1,600,000 Held-Up In New Yerk v... st-.i. ri. en n. A r v The green automobile used by three bandits in last Monday's Sl.fi00.000 mail truck robbery has been identified and the net is drawing close nbeut at 'east one of the thieves Chief Postefllce Inspector Cochrane said tedny. It wns indicated an arrest might be raade be- fore night Inf6nnatlen concerning the finding of the bandits' car was w.thheld. but It was learned thnt inspectors nnd detec tives en the ense arc inclining away from the tlicerv thnt the robbers were members of n hand which committed mnil robberies In ether cities and nre leaning mere tewnrd the theory that the he'd-up was the work of local talent, aided by nn "inside" confederate. .M .,-r- r- n..rs-r...l.nr- WTARK SITE OF COURTHOUSE Tablet Dedicated te Chester County's ' First Hall of Justice West Cliestrr. Pa., Oct. 20. A two- ten' boulder nnd large bronze p'nte were dedicated this afternoon by the Chester Ceuntv Historical Society te mark the site of the first courthouse in Chester County, which wns elected in 1781. The' unveiling of the tnb'et wns per- former hy Mnster Jehn C'essnn, Jr., granusen ei ie .. ...,.., v,;, ir dm nililress of nccentance. Following the unveiling ciercises were held in Courtroom Ne. 1. ad dresses being made by Judge J. Frank Hause. of Chester County; Judge Wil liam Hroemall, of Delaware County and Judge William Hyan, of Hucks County. K"iiiury v uillHJ jail, wnvii- in; " .v.. , - -.-.- ..... -.. m mu uesnllil sentenced te four jcars for kidnapping a a taxleab, while Jehn Skul , drh ten-year-old girl. "f the patrol, went into the sewer aft Ilia rnlenuft Kimin ntinilf f(IV S if ' alCIltllie. II WBB aided lilt D.I..I I ......... j".... 1..11 .i.nwA i.rt i.n.i niwn Ln ir:ii. i' iiiiiii. A. many years hpeni(er nw eiii p fim, ,, cuuht fire at 7 :It0 o'clock this Renre.entatlves. The presentation nd- morning nt Jnmestewn nnd Clinten dress wns made b.v Prof. Jesse Evans Greets The lire wns cttlncuished iftp a"?' .''w'i, 55 i-'&v.rflera'S Exquisite Stationery presented . in a locked chest of leather, mahogany, oak or mission, becomes a gift of distinction quite beyond the measure of its Moderate Price J. ECaldwell & Ce. Jewelry - Silver - Stationery Chestnut and Juniper Streets isesasssipsRtssm ana vi und el nud rd JJagle Shirts of Margate Madras JACOB REEDS SONS T424-E426 Qwstnut Slhreeft 'L MAN REVIVED AFTER HOUR-, Richard Valentine, a city cmplwi 2007 Federal street, was rescued a,V'' lay unconscious from gnu in J!? nt Thlrty-thlrd street and VoeS" nvenue ymtcrdny after one reen T tetnnt had falld. WCUfl at VriJcnllna is in the University it., n'til in a lerimia pnmlUinn ,mi' nllintt. 1 Nepre ,r.rl..mV. Vrn. ' """M - - --- - e-- .. .....iwi, au.-j Wnedst'i'k street, nlsn I. l 11? Spmh I'K HMIi pltal. HMIett volunteered te BJ KJ entlne but wns overcome no l1 (nunc but wns overcome as ha h. head downward in n manhole. Anlenttiin flecAn.T.I i4- '., hole about 5:80' P. M.T,telaymaaSu te malt-! repairs. He fc't himself ll-- lng consciousness from the iff-A. svi J"ijfer hei?. " Other workmen held nillett h .v feet whl'e the Negro's C.I. bJ ? at th bottom uftlT; mnnhole'feW" online. Elliett's body suddenly beI limn nnd hl TCn ,lrn,n .. . nn!' ---.-,- ..- .. u.u., ,, bcIe,,.. ' u"wn- Police of the Thlrty-secend strt" nud noed'nnd avenue Btatlnn J::N .ns .nnl ... l.- i.. . ''- ' innn Cornelius Dugan, father of Jin,! Skull was nble te withstand the ef. fee s of th j gna until he had ,mZ -Valentine te the bottom of the ra,n. hole. Be'h men then were lifted te th, street level. The patrol crew ?! first aid te the unconscious werknun en the run te the hepltnl. Oxygen was pumped slowly Inte VIJ ' entlne'; lungs. He regained conscleui. neis after physicians bad worked evm him for nn hour. JUDGE HOST TO SCOUTS r J. Willie Martin Entertalm jf "State In Schuylkill" Judge J. Willis Mnrtln, governor of te the entire Sen Scout Organization la l ni,ndeI.r.m .nMhntJ' 8ter!c .clb. .. K nniU. a uM... V i .. V , Anc, "ltt ,ln. eciiuyiKii ." whleh "jy" ?aim, beiDR the eldest secltl, cl"D In existence, vvas chnrtcred as colony by 0erge H. nud aftr tie Kevos,itleji declared Its Independence u S,tatc 'vcr Rlnce its establishment It haH bcc" operating under the Icademhlp X " . ei. '.YiJ' i X "",. "i el?" Corener. Sheriff and Council, thus in ulatlng the traditional govern ment. Seme of the most prominent cltutns of Phl'ndelphla nre citizens of thi "State in Schuylkill." Their castle is new situated en the Delawnre River, having been rcmevm from its original place n the Schuyl kill. Tlle Sn OCOIltfl lOCtnt tllClr bSBt tt IWrne-bure this morning, nnd after mnmnlng their cutter followed .luun ;Mn';'n '" i'iH,ptS'cr..,it)tntt u? uie ''' te the deck nt the "State In Schuj kill." There they will be entertained nt luncheon by the Judge and varleui Sea Scout activities will be scheduted. . This event mnrks the termination of the summer work of the Sea Scouts and the closing of their base at Helmcsbarj for the season. Truck Damaged by Flre . , truf.k of Harc & Cute h.el. F. Heban, Known as "Dage" Frank Frank Heban, known ns "Dage" Frank, wns found dead this mernlni in n rooming house en Ninth street, near Vine. His body has been taken te tu Morgue. 1 - All that is nexv and geed may be had in these excellent Shirts of Margate Madras at $4. 9$ They arc splendidly tailored, well finished and have a 6-but-ten box-plait center te the bottom of the Shirt. In a widr range of patterns. Checks with stripes, checks alone, stripe alone, single-color effects, color effects. ' Mnll..l T.-.1II..A .. $A J'