a '" isi3SiS4eS"' l '"r-a'i8aPiW!yi'"' " t, .'fc '-vjy '' - V;r K rm r ' i . . -';;?! 1JVK!nrf w Jt-r ' t5T3 rsZT;-'" - .'?.v'"-. 1V''-' Vf'"7?"T fl ' :r 7bt7?. i T I7fljs' i', "-'., i . W JK . ,i" r ' f ' r ISVJOTITO PUBLIC I;BD(3ER-PHILADBLPHXA, FRIDAt,. OCTOBER 28, 1921 ... j - . . , . . , , , i . - .I,, ,.i, i I 15 .. ALL GOODS PURCHASED TODAY AND TOMORROW ON CHARGE PAYABLE IN DECEMBER AStifchinlime&vesfc "Loek Us Over Before Buying " ft 833-35 MARKET STREET DLAUil ISnFEn 833-35 MARKET STREET Above are three geed slogans they all mean the same thing ! "Come te Blauner's and leek us ever before buying. ' ' Here below are eleven examples of what we mean by these slogans! Our percentage of profit is lower than any ether store in town because we depend en a volume of business and net upon large percentage en individual sales. saving Meney is earning money - "leek us ever before buying" A Gigantic Offering of 7500 Brand New SUITS-CO ATS--DRESSES at the lowest prices in the city! "Loek us ever before buying" $18.00 $15.00 (16.50 $35.00 $16.50 $25.00 $39.75 $16.50 Real Suit Values $25 & $35 Downstairs Suits Than ar net hard linn thfv m Jutt urine tint tlai) whtn Ten ihenld lire mi'n aa TKmlkU. Thtrf la in elTarliw of mlU In which Teil tan aernallT mi let of menT. Thar re mada of nil wool Ytlenr. trlrntlna. ojfetl ami Jmr with cellart of if If material or fur trtramlnia. ?.'rr, tn, malar brown. Bor Ber Bor rnte and hrathar minera. DewniTalni fn ns $35 and $39.75 Third Fleer Suits Selta ii thue are wonder ful '"bflT " Madt of dut da Ulna, TOlanai, releur and all wool trlmtlnc. In atralaM line ft " medtli. with or wltVmt fnr k trlmmlnrn. Trit for cellar tr a a f atallne or biTertte. BrT ' cult la elenntfr llnfd with pliln or fnnej alia llnlna. Want aelta are onn-eMwo-of. a kind. S'aT brown, rtladear na nurrenrn nine BLATJOTrnTJ TKXBS TKOOR eC u? Mr- JUMJL J " WARM WINTER COATS -UNUSUAL VALUES! Second Fleer $25-00-$35-00-39-75 At 25.00 there are soft, thick materials of Beliilns, Bucdine? or veleurs, and the styles are most any that ou may wliih, lavish trimmed with geed beaverette cellars, some plain. All ere beautifully lined. At the ether prlees, wonderful Nermandles, Bolivian, vrieura and rlvellas. All rich with luxurious fur cellar, or equally lovely with their splendid trimmings. Among; tlm colors Sor Ser Sor rento blue, navy blue, deep brown, reindeer and ulne black. Thrt weather, the values, the need, surely seem te consulre te win for these coats delighted owners tomorrow. Downstairs Stere Werth 25.00 te 35.00 at Butunim's sxoend ri.oe We arc continuing; our great sale of coats for tomorrow coats that offer positive savings of $8.50 te $16.50 en every coat. Jtiat think of it! They are made of quality American rivells fine belivias, suedines and fine veleurs. Alse Salt's pece plush coats. Every coat fur trimmed with soft beaverette, sealine or opos sum. All coats silk lined. BLAUKIB'S SOWnOTAIBS BTOBE $15.00 r $25.00 $7.69 $7.69 Otf-trA -4ju& -VtV- JrCJlt-x. Jbfr4j-. t Sale of $ 15.00 New Dresses livery dress in the let is brand new and aie trimmed iu-t a little bit differently than ordinary dresses selling at anywhere near this price. Made of jerseys, velum .. riencn serge, tncetine, mignonette and crepes. Ml daintily trimmed. BLADNIR'S OOWKSTADtS STORE are (789 a m Fine Dresses On The Second Fleer psrf fen viveu ri u'i ATA lOf Distinctive medal. , IT trlce.lnr,, !...; CT Of vele - Peirat TO gt pa la rrep. Pent t vin -Tm A r"l'0 Ml 'i h mil TBk. wtk JF iatln faceJ k -m a flUjTaW W W "furlMfu quailly (ilia l 1 mr aatin ai.i priori J" "" Heslianararrcn-nml 4T U r Wonderful Valne Batln faced Cantens, " h n t e n i rep, k Pelret -twills, ti 'co tine, R e 4 h a n ,i ra crepe, charrm use and velvet Extraordinary Sale of $2.50 Fine Kidskin Gloves Very flne quality kidskin In one- or two-butten: neatly embroidered backs and spear points. This is truly a re marlcuble bargain and ftern savinrs of one-third. Brown, black, tan, beaver, white, whlte-and-black and black-and-white. Fine Kid Strap Wrist Gauntlet Gloves $9 7C full six button length with flewlnc cuffs. $ t J' Brown, tan and beaver. BX.AUKS&'a MAIM XTCOOH 159 Pair , Special Offering of Fall Footwear Splendid Values 5.00 SKIRTS Continuing! Gigantic Sale of Juniors' and Girls' COATS at There In true economy here when ou can buy footwear of patent kid, vlcl kid, dull kid, and tan calf In 3-strap buckles, 2-atrap Oxfords Cuban or military henls, All thest qualities at thin moderate price. Black nnd tan -Werth 10.00, at $1 1.75 Children's Shoes.... Pr. luce and button Black calf and kid Solid leather soles and low heels Slits Mt te UVi. Dlaiuiar's Main "fleer Other Children's Shoes Sizes 8 te 11, $3.25 pr. Sizes 11V6 te 2, $3.75 pr. Sizes 2tt te 6, $4.25 pr. Prunella and woolen plaid, all pleated skirts in several styles. Splendid contrasting color combina tions. Wonderful value! I-OUKTH rX,OOK ""Bi f"BS $8.50 Great Sale of 5.00 BLOUSES $2-9 4.75 brand new merchandise and the finest ones jeu hae ever seen at the menej Made of KeerRette and crepes de chine In overbleuse tie back and leeuiai shirtwaist models All shades and sizes $8 and $10 Blouses "n v .001 Male of nileiful Rrxgr r, - t - F r DSAUMEn'S MAIM rLOOK These coats arc selling all ever town at $12 50 te $24.50 yes, we mean it! Shep around and compare! "Loek us eer befere buying" Many of the Rarments nre the original sales man's samples. They are made of all wool pole, heather mixtures, belivias, finest veleurs, all wool chevleta, poletones and chinchillas. Seme are fur trimmud. Sizes 0 te 16 years ULAUNEIVB rOUttTH rLOOB SALE OF FURS 40-inch Sealine Coats grade errat Northern skins Clie 1 ff l.aiRi irtllat and i uf fs ijJ firs I) si i J'ull model alue U- 00 50 ' i i v '' ', , It 34 Length Natural Muskrat Ceat - dm able skins furtcd .Silk lined well l 1 Ueltcd ndiJ I ill Hudsen Seal Coats & Wraps m iilr (f finest frraili Hi Umliri t-1-nl sUii Crushed tuxedo cellar Wilue J500 Jap Mink Steles l iSn in. h Tilinmeil with ta 1 uupi and brown Vnlue 51 "vO First Fleer Chokers. 2.95 te 39.50 BLAUNER'S THIRD rLOOB 115 runs 345 39 00 se ele-th -te j-rlA. Jr-Ju-. ,fuL 6.00 & 7.00 HATS $ A .25 v weiKUTia let n! nev Will trr hat- with fur brims seal me, .liulme or betucrct'e bain(; crowns uf i'k br cade, duetne, I ns m I panne elets Extrnerdmar. alue' m-AtJUER's third rz,oeu r n i Itl 1 1 $ . ..IMrt lV ;